

Posted By: dgvc63

Indicators - 12/21/13 09:59 AM

The ability to stay on subject, to answer questions directly, to NOT stoop to diversion, these qualities are lacking in general but most obvious and rampant here on the internet among its users. The further dilution of the art of conversation, written communication and communication in general is troubling. They are most certainly indicators relevant to the individual and to the human condition overall.

How he or she handles these things says much about the person in question and subsequently there's an awful lot of you people with the word "Lunch" written on your foreheads.
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Indicators - 12/21/13 10:53 PM

Don't forget the trolls too.
Posted By: dgvc63

Re: Indicators - 12/23/13 05:45 AM

I get the feeling there's lots of video games being played in between posts.
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