
Trayvon's grandfather

Posted By: stern49

Trayvon's grandfather - 07/09/13 11:23 AM

Staff Sgt. Fulton was a highly decorated United States Marine who fought in the Korean War. Fulton served in the USMC for 8 years. He's the maternal grandfather of Trayvon Martin.

Attached picture BeFunky_1014108_630031370341174_1206149899_n.jpg.jpg
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 02:11 AM

So what? My grandpa was a gangster who served time in prison. Im a CPA. Whats your point pal? His dad is a slimeball blood gangster gangbanger who had nothing to do with his life until he coudl make a cent off of it. His mom is a low life too. "I am Traevon" incorporation. Disgusting. Pure low lives.
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 02:20 AM

Whats the point of this thread exactly? Exploring the family histories of people that only became relevant because race baiting poverty pimps and their media friends completely abused the judicial process to indict some Hispanic dude? I do find the case interesting in so far as the prosecutors will be in serious, duke-lacrosse like trouble for bring worthless, frivolous cases that no objective prosecutor would EVER bring to trial.
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 02:22 AM

Exactly Nicky. Fuckin Al "not so" Sharpton and the rest of the chicago gangsters; ie the politician.
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 02:23 AM

Who gives a shit people can post whatever they want why don't you get that? He's posting about a current event what's wrong with that?
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 02:25 AM

Can I post about my maternal grandfather's lineage, too nicky? It's about as relevant
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 02:28 AM

Go ahead! You can post whatever you want.
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 02:32 AM

70 years ago in a village in Ireland......
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 02:35 AM

That doesn't make it a good idea.

Anyway, let's talk about the wonderful family trademarking trayvon's name as a marketing phrase, organizing a private trust for their own benefit, having cash in events with the poverty pimps. Dad all the sudden shows back up when money can be made- despite being a general terrible, absent father to this kid, part of the reason he was in so much trouble all the time. Dad should be indicted, at least morally.

Posted By: Camarel

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 03:57 PM

Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
70 years ago in a village in Ireland......

lol This cracked me up, and it's probably the way my grandads tale would begin lol.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 04:01 PM

Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
70 years ago in a village in Ireland......

lol This cracked me up, and it's probably the way my grandads tale would begin lol.

No- it is- Once Upon a Time.... lol
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 04:15 PM

Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
So what? My grandpa was a gangster who served time in prison. Im a CPA. Whats your point pal? His dad is a slimeball blood gangster gangbanger who had nothing to do with his life until he coudl make a cent off of it. His mom is a low life too. "I am Traevon" incorporation. Disgusting. Pure low lives.

I agree this thread is pointless. As Nicky said you can post what you want, but a thread pointing out that his Grandad should be respected doesn't mean Trayvon should. It clearly says something when you have to go to the Grandad for a character reference instead of Trayvon himself or the parents. The worst thing about this type of story is that certain people will see it on the news or whatever, and will develop the idea that Trayvon was an angel without knowing anything about him, Zimmerman or the case.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 05:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
So what? My grandpa was a gangster who served time in prison. Im a CPA. Whats your point pal? His dad is a slimeball blood gangster gangbanger who had nothing to do with his life until he coudl make a cent off of it. His mom is a low life too. "I am Traevon" incorporation. Disgusting. Pure low lives.

I agree this thread is pointless. As Nicky said you can post what you want, but a thread pointing out that his Grandad should be respected doesn't mean Trayvon should. It clearly says something when you have to go to the Grandad for a character reference instead of Trayvon himself or the parents. The worst thing about this type of story is that certain people will see it on the news or whatever, and will develop the idea that Trayvon was an angel without knowing anything about him, Zimmerman or the case.

I understand your view and I will like to say> I happen to see a number of reports and or talk shows talking about this case.
So often they show Trayvons picture as a young person with a sweet smile. Yesterday they had one of him in a football outfit and he looked no more then 12 or 13 in that picture at the most, and of cousre the view was that he was gunned down and things like that shouldn't be happening to our kids? confused
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 07:52 PM

kid was minding his own business

zimmerman appointed himself judge jury and executioner

I didn't know that USA 2012 was Apartheid era South Africa, 1980s Bensonhurst, or 1950's Deep South where it's a crime for a Black kid to be walking around a neighborhood.

The only low-lives are people who view his death as so trivial that they can't acknowledge that he was tried,found guilty and executed for crimes that he didn't commit.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 07:57 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
kid was minding his own business

zimmerman appointed himself judge jury and executioner

I didn't know that USA 2012 was Apartheid era South Africa, 1980s Bensonhurst, or 1950's Deep South where it's a crime for a Black kid to be walking around a neighborhood.

The only low-lives are people who view his death as so trivial that they can't acknowledge that he was tried,found guilty and executed for crimes that he didn't commit.

^ It's this kind of crap that I've been talking about. People using race-baiting bullshit for their own agenda. Newsflash: Trayvon didn't need to die but he's no martyr either. Zimmerman deserves involuntary manslaughter at most. Get with reality and quit whining.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 08:04 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
kid was minding his own business

zimmerman appointed himself judge jury and executioner

I didn't know that USA 2012 was Apartheid era South Africa, 1980s Bensonhurst, or 1950's Deep South where it's a crime for a Black kid to be walking around a neighborhood.

The only low-lives are people who view his death as so trivial that they can't acknowledge that he was tried,found guilty and executed for crimes that he didn't commit.

judging from this responce, its a fair bet that you haven't watched any of the trial, and like so many others, you are grasping for straws. the only thing people like you have to justify your position is the race card, and silly hypothetical scenarios with absolutely no proof to back any of it up. funny how you and nobody else here have even addressed the very visible physical injuries suffered by "the executioner". its not too hard to figure out your response if you choose to even address it though: he was scared, worried, ect. so going by that logic, if someone is following me(again, not illegal) that gives me the right to pummel them. furthermore, if he was so scared common sense would dictate that he call the police, but he was on the phone with dee dee instead, heh.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 08:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: getthesenets
kid was minding his own business

zimmerman appointed himself judge jury and executioner

I didn't know that USA 2012 was Apartheid era South Africa, 1980s Bensonhurst, or 1950's Deep South where it's a crime for a Black kid to be walking around a neighborhood.

The only low-lives are people who view his death as so trivial that they can't acknowledge that he was tried,found guilty and executed for crimes that he didn't commit.

judging from this responce, its a fair bet that you haven't watched any of the trial, and like so many others, you are grasping for straws. the only thing people like you have to justify your position is the race card, and silly hypothetical scenarios with absolutely no proof to back any of it up. funny how you and nobody else here have even addressed the very visible physical injuries suffered by "the executioner". its not too hard to figure out your response if you choose to even address it though: he was scared, worried, ect. so going by that logic, if someone is following me(again, not illegal) that gives me the right to pummel them. furthermore, if he was so scared common sense would dictate that he call the police, but he was on the phone with dee dee instead, heh.

ok....now that you've danced around the issue..tell me what CRIME he committed?

What was HE doing wrong that caused Zimmerman to follow him around and confront him?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 08:23 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
ok....now that you've danced around the issue..tell me what CRIME he committed?

how about assault?

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
What was HE doing wrong that caused Zimmerman to follow him around and confront him?

not illegal, and like has came out in the trial, there was a history of break-ins in that complex. like i said, you obviously haven't watched any of the trial so far. this trial isn't about race, or following somebody. this trial is about whether or not the shooting was self defense. so far, there has been nothing presented that indicates that was not the case. what people with your viewpoint simply don't understand is that this is not a trial on morality, or if someone could have made a better decision, the charge is murder 2.

also of note to you might be the reason that this charming young man was even at that complex. good thing it was his permanent residence and he wasn't there because he was suspended from school for the 3rd time or anything, after all that might shatter the myth of the poor 13y/o angel who was so obviously racially gunned down by such a heartless killer that the media felt the need to play around with the audio recordings to help seal the deal and keep this monster locked up so he doesn't shoot anyone else after they smashed his face.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 08:25 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
kid was minding his own business

zimmerman appointed himself judge jury and executioner

I didn't know that USA 2012 was Apartheid era South Africa, 1980s Bensonhurst, or 1950's Deep South where it's a crime for a Black kid to be walking around a neighborhood.

The only low-lives are people who view his death as so trivial that they can't acknowledge that he was tried,found guilty and executed for crimes that he didn't commit.

Your talking like Zimmerman just walked up to him, pulled out his gun and shot him because he didn't like him walking thru his turf. If that was true then give him the gas chamber or whatever they do in Fla.
I have not seen anywhere where proof states that Zimmerman stops, confronts or grabs Martin. And his clothes shows that Zimmerman was on the ground with grass/grass stains and wetness on his back.

But it looks like Matrin came back at Zimmerman and confronted him about the way he was being followed and thought he had a pushover he could confront. Things got heated and a fight broke out and the rest is history.

The pushover had a gun. Something people don't think about who is carrying and who is not. Could have been either one was carrying. That is the chance you take when you confront anyone.

Ask yourself this. If Zimmerman had a gun he could of pulled it and stopped Martin at any time, but he didn't. He called the police, who told him to stop following Martin. He didn't just shoot him in the chest and claim some story. People living there saw the fight. police saw the bruises and the blood
Spin it any way you like but this was no execution by any means. And that kind of thinking is what the problem is in this case. Lets hear the facts not trumped up misguided hype.

I am wondering why we don't hear or see more of the hispanic community on this?
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 08:27 PM

so to answer my question...he wasn't committing ANY crime when he was targeted?

instead of dancing around and bringing up tangents...just acknowledge that ...he was guilty of NO crime when HE was targeted.

Unless it's a crime for a teenager to walk around a neighborhood

Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 08:27 PM

I've followed this trial and this is my spin on it. Trayvon Martin is walking around in a neighborhood he doesn't live in with his hoodie up at night. The kid is a felon, with a history of violence and drugs. If I was Zimmerman I'd be worried too. Racial is profiling is wrong we all know that. But I gotta be honest with myself, if I was at a gas station at 1 am and a black guy in a hoodie comes up to me I'd get nervous.

That being said Zimmerman took it upon himself to play policeman, be aggressive and confrontational. Trayvon got scared and proved himself just as racist as Zimmerman with the "creepy ass cracka" remarks. None of us really know what happened except Zimmerman and Trayvon, and the latter is dead. However, judging by Zimmerman's injuries he was being brutally assaulted. What the fuck was he going to do? Not defend himself?

What pisses me off especially is that the black community is trying to play the race card, demand justice, and paint Trayvon as a fucking saint. The kid was a violent, drug addicted asshole. Did he deserve to die? No I don't think so. And I think Zimmerman is at fault partially. But no way does should he be convicted and sentenced to life. And the more I've thought about it, the more I would like to see Zimmerman go free. This is a media bullshit case anyway. I see more people within the black community raising hell about this comparing this to the damn 1950's. Complete bullshit.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 08:36 PM

racial profiling
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 08:43 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
racial profiling

what are the details surrounding this case, or is a black man being arrested enough justification for you? imo, people who pull the race card out like a credit card all the damn time are the real racists.

look at the same arguments being made by people who have no idea of the facts: black guy shot for no reason. white guy(aka hispanic)is guilty. overlook the fact that the only racist remarks were made by the trayvon. overlook any and all evidence presented so far. try and make the trial about something it isn't. don't counter any arguments presented to you.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 08:48 PM

one of the more telling aspects thats came out so far was that when zimmerman was being grilled for 5+ hours and stuck to his story, one of the detectives, in an attempt to get him to crack, told him that the whole incident had been video recorded. zimmermans response: good, thank god. hardly the response of a racist murderer!
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/10/13 11:05 PM

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I've followed this trial and this is my spin on it. Trayvon Martin is walking around in a neighborhood he doesn't live in with his hoodie up at night. The kid is a felon, with a history of violence and drugs. If I was Zimmerman I'd be worried too. Racial is profiling is wrong we all know that. But I gotta be honest with myself, if I was at a gas station at 1 am and a black guy in a hoodie comes up to me I'd get nervous.

That being said Zimmerman took it upon himself to play policeman, be aggressive and confrontational. Trayvon got scared and proved himself just as racist as Zimmerman with the "creepy ass cracka" remarks. None of us really know what happened except Zimmerman and Trayvon, and the latter is dead. However, judging by Zimmerman's injuries he was being brutally assaulted. What the fuck was he going to do? Not defend himself?

What pisses me off especially is that the black community is trying to play the race card, demand justice, and paint Trayvon as a fucking saint. The kid was a violent, drug addicted asshole. Did he deserve to die? No I don't think so. And I think Zimmerman is at fault partially. But no way does should he be convicted and sentenced to life. And the more I've thought about it, the more I would like to see Zimmerman go free. This is a media bullshit case anyway. I see more people within the black community raising hell about this comparing this to the damn 1950's. Complete bullshit.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 02:56 AM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
so to answer my question...he wasn't committing ANY crime when he was targeted?

instead of dancing around and bringing up tangents...just acknowledge that ...he was guilty of NO crime when HE was targeted.

Unless it's a crime for a teenager to walk around a neighborhood


Are you under the assumption that the FACTS make any difference to some people? They don't. They have made up their minds and nothing you say or do is going to make any difference.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 03:07 AM

Black Racism Killed Trayvon ...

Exclusive: Jesse Lee Peterson wants Americans to take stand against intimidation

By Rev. Jesse Lee Peterson

Rachel Jeantel, the troubled young woman who was speaking on the phone to Trayvon Martin just before he was killed, testified in George Zimmerman’s second-degree murder trial that Martin called Zimmerman a “creepy a– cracka” before their violent confrontation.

I’ve been warning for the past 23 years that black racism is out-of-control – it appears black racism killed Trayvon Martin, and Paula Deen’s career!

Since the shooting of Martin, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and the NAACP (along with the liberal media) have done their best to portray Martin as an innocent kid tiptoeing through the tulips who just happened to be the victim of a racist white vigilante (even though Zimmerman is half Hispanic).

Blatant hostility and racism toward whites is common among black youth. Martin’s friend Rachel Jeantel admitted that where she comes from the term “cracka” is a common term used to describe whites.

Before his death, Martin was suspended from school; he was caught with a marijuana pipe; it was reported he had burglary tools in his locker; and it was recently revealed that pictures of marijuana plants and someone suspected to be Martin holding a gun were found on his cell phone. Does this sound like a well-adjusted teenager?

Trayvon Martin was the product of a broken home. He was also a victim of the corrupt civil-right leaders who peddle racism infecting the minds of young blacks. Martin’s parents (Tracy Martin and Sybrina Fulton) stood next to race hustlers and knowingly allowed this case to be framed as a race issue. As a result, supporters have taken to Twitter, threatening to kill Zimmerman and random white people if he gets off:
•@HotTopicLys: f**k Don West. f*** George Zimmerman. I’ll kill both them n***as.
•@StayFocus_Jones: ima kill a white person in self-defense if Zimmerman go free lol on everything.
•@ZackSlaterExe: If they don’t kill Zimmerman Ima kill me a cracka.
•@BE4L_Pervis: If Zimmerman win, I’m gonna kill a white kid by mistake.

All the threats and screams of racism from these thugs, as well as Sharpton and Jackson, have nothing to do with justice for Trayvon! Just as the uproar over celebrity chef Paula Deen’s use of the word “N–-er” decades ago has nothing to do with eradicating racism.

Deen has been excoriated after she admitted she had used that word in a deposition over a case accusing her of condoning an atmosphere of sexual harassment and racism in her businesses.

Paula Deen has apologized profusely to everybody and their mama! She released statements, videos and appeared on the “Today” show begging for forgiveness from blacks.

Jesse Jackson (of all people!) has said his organization plans to investigate the matter and that he will help the embattled chef overhaul her image. She didn’t owe an apology to all black people. Jesse Jackson is not the gatekeeper to black America, and she doesn’t need him to remake her image.

Since Paula’s admission, the Food Network, Wal-Mart, Caesars Entertainment, Smithfield Foods, Sears and diabetes drug maker Novo Nordisk are no longer doing business with her. This type of overreaction by majority white-owned companies is the height of cowardice.

Just as in the Zimmerman case, it’s time for people to take a stand against all forms of racial intimidation!

By apologizing to all blacks, Deen and her former sponsors are unwittingly sending the message that just the accusation alone is enough to get whites to cave. This only encourages vultures like Jackson and Sharpton to swoop in and exploit these incidents for personal gain.

Jackson claims he’s going to investigate Deen’s past use of a racial slur. Did anyone investigate his past use of racial slurs when he used the slur “hymie” and “hymietown” respectively when referring to Jews and New York City? Or when Jackson accused Barack Obama of “talking down to black folks” by lecturing them on moral issues?

If Jackson, Sharpton and the NAACP hadn’t jumped on the Trayvon Martin case and made it into a racial matter, nobody would have heard of it. His death would have gone unnoticed, just like the more than 500 black youths that were murdered in Chicago in black-on-black violence last year.

The attention on the Zimmerman trial is not about justice for Trayvon; it’s about intimidation and dividing the American people along race.

I hear from many white people that they’ve given up on trying to help or deal with blacks. If they hire blacks, they’re afraid to correct them because they may cry racism. God forbid if they have to lay off or fire a black employee – all hell might break loose! This is putting fear in white people because they can’t win either way.

Whites have to overcome the fear of being called “racist.” Blacks have to be on the side of good and stand for what is right, regardless of race. In order to conquer these racist black leaders, we must see clearly that the uproar in the Trayvon Martin and Paula cases is NOT about justice.

Original Source: http://www.wnd.com/2013/07/black-racism-killed-trayvon-and-paula-deens-career/

© Copyright 1997-2013. All Rights Reserved. WND.com.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 03:40 AM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets

racial profiling

@five felonies...interesting choice for a username, especially in light of some of your comments in this thread

Picture is of a man who essentially got cops called on him for breaking into his OWN house. He lived in the area for years, yet neighbor called police when he returned to his home after long trip to China and had difficulty opening his front door.

Cops arrived and even though it was CLEAR that it was HIS home (photos of him and his family ALL around the house, still questioned him and crossed the line and were disrespectful to him.

He became indignant and I think had some words with the officer.

He was confused and had just finished traveling for hours..and cops come to his home and accuse of him of breaking into his OWN house.

Case drew national attention because Henry Louis Gates holds a PhD and happens to be a professor at Harvard....but neighbor calling cops on a grey haired man(HER neighbor) who lived there for YEARS.....is billshut.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 03:44 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: getthesenets
so to answer my question...he wasn't committing ANY crime when he was targeted?

instead of dancing around and bringing up tangents...just acknowledge that ...he was guilty of NO crime when HE was targeted.

Unless it's a crime for a teenager to walk around a neighborhood


Are you under the assumption that the FACTS make any difference to some people? They don't. They have made up their minds and nothing you say or do is going to make any difference.

just checking to see his whether his opinion was an informed one..but he's one of the people that he claims to despise..... a parrot whose opinion about matters is GIVEN to him by radio and tv show talking heads.

very simple to expose people who haven't formed an opinion for themselves.

Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 03:49 AM

Listen. Its sad; a young kid died. That is sad, I got a young son at home. Its horrible. But guess what? Thats not how the legal system in this country works. We are a nation of laws. Ivy is right, at best imperfect self defense ie voluntary manslaughter. AT BEST. The prosectuor overshot, all the lawyers I know that are knowledgeable about criminal law say that if the defense had chosen to say "were not defending this" they still would have won because the case doesn't meet its burden.
The man deserves an acquittal, and if my bookie took action on this sort of thing Id lay cash down on an acquittal.
Posted By: ThePolakVet

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 07:37 AM

Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
70 years ago in a village in Ireland......

lol lol lol
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 03:58 PM

Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Listen. Its sad; a young kid died. That is sad, I got a young son at home. Its horrible. But guess what? Thats not how the legal system in this country works. We are a nation of laws. Ivy is right, at best imperfect self defense ie voluntary manslaughter. AT BEST. The prosectuor overshot, all the lawyers I know that are knowledgeable about criminal law say that if the defense had chosen to say "were not defending this" they still would have won because the case doesn't meet its burden.
The man deserves an acquittal, and if my bookie took action on this sort of thing Id lay cash down on an acquittal.

you're defending Zimmerman because you're sick in the head

if u think he should be acquitted then you're on his side

let's pray that this same thing happens, I mean doesn't happen to ur son
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 08:25 PM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
let's pray that this same thing happens, I mean doesn't happen to ur son

Threatening another mans family over the internet. Wow, real tough guy you are.
Guys like you are funny, go cash your welfare check.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 08:47 PM

Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Threatening another mans family over the internet. Wow, real tough guy you are.
Guys like you are funny, go cash your welfare check.

seriously. i saw this posted earlier, but figured it would have been handled by now, guess not. comments like that are even more ironic coming from somebody who has offered up nothing more than calling others "sick in the head", and then resorts to wishing someone else's kids dead because he is unable to respond with anything of substance. axe this fool and be done with it!
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 08:56 PM

Fool implies hes human. Guys a junkie who identifies withTrayvon because his dad too had nothing to do with him and his momma raised him in a house filled with needles and crack pipes. They got a name for guys like cook county; crack babies.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 09:04 PM


so it's not okay for an asshole to pull a George Zimmerman on your son?

if you think what Zimmerman did was okay then why can't it happen to you?

you think teenager getting killed by strangers is okay unless it's your teen
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 09:09 PM

My teenager:
1) wouldn't be walking around on the street on drugs
2) wouldn't have a extensive history of fighting, attempting to gain weapons and getting suspended from school
3) wouldn't beat the living shit out of guy for merely following him.

But keep making excuses. The point remains: self-defense wasn't rebutted by the prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt. Anyone that understand the law, at least a little bit, understand this.

Youre a scumbag, cook. You sound like you were raised in a similar fashion to trayvon. Threatening to kill people online. Wonderful.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 09:15 PM

Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
My teenager:
1) wouldn't be walking around on the street on drugs
2) wouldn't have a extensive history of fighting, attempting to gain weapons and getting suspended from school
3) wouldn't beat the living shit out of guy for merely following him.

But keep making excuses. The point remains: self-defense wasn't rebutted by the prosecution beyond a reasonable doubt. Anyone that understand the law, at least a little bit, understand this.

Youre a scumbag, cook. You sound like you were raised in a similar fashion to trayvon. Threatening to kill people online. Wonderful.

I ain't threaten anybody or their family

george zimmerman has a history of fighting with the police

Trayvon Martin doesn't

george zimmermen has a history of domestic violence

Trayvon Martin doesn't

george zimmerman has been accused of child molestation

Trayvon Martin hasn't
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 09:59 PM

Trayvon Martin was a drug addict, thug, with a history of violence and felonies. The kid was an asshole, he didn't deserve to die but he was mostly at fault. George Zimmerman is no better, he was aggressive and confrontational just like trayvon. However trayvon attacked first, and the guy with the gun protecting himself won the day. And every black guy and leader wants to paint trayvon Martin as a fucking choir boy? Get out of here with that shit. African Americans still feel like their victims of profiling and hate? Whatever problems they have are their own and not white people's or Latino people's. Guys like trayvon should have spent less time tripping out and getting into fights and more time focusing on education and getting somewhere in his life.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 11:09 PM

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Trayvon Martin was a drug addict, thug, with a history of violence and felonies. The kid was an asshole, he didn't deserve to die but he was mostly at fault. George Zimmerman is no better, he was aggressive and confrontational just like trayvon. However trayvon attacked first, and the guy with the gun protecting himself won the day. And every black guy and leader wants to paint trayvon Martin as a fucking choir boy? Get out of here with that shit. African Americans still feel like their victims of profiling and hate? Whatever problems they have are their own and not white people's or Latino people's. Guys like trayvon should have spent less time tripping out and getting into fights and more time focusing on education and getting somewhere in his life.

Trayvon Martin was not a drug addict or felon. You are wrong. But the rest of your racist rant is duly noted...
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 11:30 PM

Racist? I'm not racist at all and many people who know me will tell you that. I was wrong on the felon part. However it should be noted that trayvon did have a history of violence and drug usage. Zimmerman could have handled the situation better but Martin attacked first. Zimmerman had a gun, what else was he going to do? Black leaders and the media have blown up this case completely. It's just another example of the race card being played. Come on I don't hate black people, many of my friends are black but this is ridiculous.
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 11:33 PM

Joe Shmoe. Dont let them get you to stand down by the use of the race card. There was no race mentioned in your post. The fact is, people cant handle the truth. Same people calling you racist would say that african americans are not capable of racism, especially when they vote for a guy just because he is half black. And when zimmerman gets acquitted, they are all going to cry and riot in the streets.
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 11:36 PM

It was admitted into evidence that he was using drugs at the time of his death. I will not even to go into the large amount of non-court evidence of his drug use. His fighting with school officals including a bus driver is also well-known. But continue on the campaign to make a loser kid into a hero.

Why do you guys make this case into your personal crusader? The fact is over 95 percent of gun violence against blacks come from their own community. Let's start there.
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 11:39 PM

If George Zimmerman was black would this get nearly the amount of coverage? No
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/11/13 11:44 PM

No, the media is only interested in trumped up race cases. It's not interested in the gangland, intercity black slaughter that has become a common event in this country. It is way harder to put it in a oppressed-oppressor lens, the liberal way at looking at the world.
Posted By: Logomassini

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:00 AM

Sad part about the whole thing is that certain "people" are turning this shit into a black and white deal and this Zimmerman guy is like Puerto Rican.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:10 AM

Originally Posted By: Logomassini
Sad part about the whole thing is that certain "people" are turning this shit into a black and white deal and this Zimmerman guy is like Puerto Rican.

Zimmerman's mother is Peruvian, and his father is white. Zimmerman is Hispanic.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:18 AM

Going to presume that lot of the people on this board are non-wasp whites....or ethnic whites for no other reason than the usernames chosen and comments written.

There was virulent anti-insert your family's country of origin/anti-NON protestant sentiment in this country at various times. The Americans already here viewed YOUR immigrant ancestors as less than them (and often less than human). So that when the new immigrants were victims of crimes at the hands of members of mainstream, it was often written in the press that "these people are insert stereotypes" anyway, so it's no big deal that one of them was beaten, killed.

I have to beleive that you guys are aware of these incidents and some of the famous trials involving ethnic white immigrants.

The story of the funeral home director in the Godfather, sort of scratched the surface of this issue. The assaulters were affluent wasps, victim was poor Italian girl....her life meant very little in the eyes of the system, or of society at large.....so they walked .

fictional story but there had to have been hundreds of similar real life cases where person from certain segment of society( poor or recent immigrant) was not seen as full human being and was painted with stereotype.

Listen to some of the comments you are writing out loud. "Them" "those people" they need to" "they kill each other"
Go read some of the archived articles about immigrant ethnic white victims of crimes at the hands of assimilated American whites and tell me you're not expressing sme of the same views that they expressed (about your immigrant ancestors)

Maybe you guys think that others aren't aware of American history and the struggles of immigrant groups against stereotypes and injustice, but those stories are well known.

Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:43 AM

How many more hundreds of years do they need? You make it sound like they came here last week. They have been here longer than any immigrant group in america, and many immigrants groups since then have came here and done well despite FAR worse treatment. Like the Chinese or the Jews. The Jews were outright banned or otherwise harassed in many parts of the country. In fact the blacks that come here from overseas (Africa, Jamaica, etc) have success rates that are similar to asians and whites. The problem lies specifically in that particular community.

My ancestors were treated like shit, forced to work in granite mines (even dying of the lung disease)- but they worked hard and made their way up. They cared for their kids, didn't complain and march with poverty pimps, they didn't have 12 kids with 5 women. They didn't create a underlying victimhood to blame all of their lives troubles.
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:45 AM

The thing is that what you are talking about, the immigrants getting shit on, it happened a long time ago. Jews, Irish, Polish, Italians, all got shit on when they first got here. But guess what, we all got here a long time ago and we have all evolved into higher society. African americans got to this country a long time ago too, but yet, they seem not to have made the move.
Jews, Irish, Polish, Italians didn't get an affirmative action. Yet they moved on. Blacks, they got all this stuff, and yet, they are still stuck at the lowest levels of society, and they still blame everyone else.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:55 AM

Are you deliberately missing the point?

what you guys are writing almost verbatim sounds like the sentiments expressed in the press by assimilated whites about ethnic whites/immigrants who were victims of crime at the hands of "American" whites.

I have to beleive that you guys understand my point and are deflecting and using tangents to avoid it.

"Those people" are "insert stereotype" anyway, so never mind what happened to THIS one.
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:10 AM

What you are missing is the simple point; he aint goin down for any type of murder in this case. The law is the law. Capisce?
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:10 AM


Stop giving me BS and talking in moronic, pseudo-intellectual riddles. I'm guessing you took some marxist view of history at some point and now recite talking points. Whatever.

Let's talk the case. There were polls commissioned on the week after the case happened- 80 odd percent of blacks immediately responded he was guilty, other races thought we should wait until the evidence actually comes out.

Give me your prospective on the case now that the evidence has been presented. I would love to know, using your wonderful knowledge and legal acumen, citing specific evidence and case-law, how you could find this man guilty BEYOND a reasonable doubt, while rebutting BEYOND a reasonable doubt self-defense.
Posted By: SC

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:19 AM

Originally Posted By: LittleNicky

Stop giving me BS and talking in moronic, pseudo-intellectual riddles.

Cut out the attacks like this. Stick to your arguments and their merits.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:23 AM

Originally Posted By: LittleNicky

Stop giving me BS and talking in moronic, pseudo-intellectual riddles. I'm guess you took some marxist view of history at some point and now recite talking points. Whatever.

Let's talk the case. There were polls commissioned on the week after the case happened- 80 odd percent of blacks immediately responded he was guilty, other races thought we should wait until the evidence actually comes out.

Give me your prospective on the case then. I would love to know, using your wonderful knowledge and legal acumen, citing specific evidence and case-law, how you could find this man guilty BEYOND a reasonable doubt, while rebutting BEYOND a reasonable doubt self-defense.

I'm going to let the legal process take place and wait for the verdict.

Ultimately what the jury decides is what's important. Not what you think, not what I think.

Arm chair attorneys get to debate this back and forth,and in the process a lot of misguided anger is directed towards Martin and Zimmerman,but at the end of the day...nothing matters except what the jury decides.(and the sentencing guidelines)

carry on, though
Posted By: LittleNicky

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:29 AM

First, you claim that somesort of racial stereotypes and animius is behind people that believe there is a reasonable cause to acquit Zimmerman (ie the prosecution didn't prove their case)- and now you are claiming you are a fair and balanced viewer that just wants justice.

Which is it? You can't come on here and insult people's character and integrity with hints of racism and then hide behind this garbage.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:50 AM

Originally Posted By: LittleNicky
First, you claim that somesort of racial stereotypes and animius is behind people that believe there is a reasonable cause to acquit Zimmerman (ie the prosecution didn't prove their case)- and now you are claiming you are a fair and balanced viewer that just wants justice.

Which is it? You can't come on here and insult people's character and integrity with hints of racism and then hide behind this garbage.

Show me where I said or implied the first part of what you wrote.

I simply addressed the comment about "trayvon was a lowlife" by pointing out some facts that haven't been changed or shown to be false/

that Trayvon was minding his own business(and that zimmerman appointed himself judge jury and executioner)

and that unless it's a crime to be walking the streets that Trayvon was not doing anything WRONG when he was targeted.(I asked if anyone could tell me what crime he was committing when he was being targeted/followed......got no responses that answered the question)

and that the lowlives are the ones who trivialize his death

So, again, you find where I expressed the views you're accusing me of saying....show me

After having read your posts.....and how you dodged my points about historic stereotypes of ethnic whites here....Martin seems to be the scapegoat/lighning rod for whatever feelings you have towards Black people, so the fact that he was doing nothing........was followed and confronted, and ended up DEAD means nothing to you.

Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 02:05 AM

Trayvon was doing nothing wrong. Zimmerman was being overzealous, that is until Martin decided to attack him. That's where the shit hits the fan, along with the fact he had a history of violence and drugs and that's why he's dead. It's a fucking blown up media case, it's an excuse for black leaders to cry victim once more and Zimmerman should go free. Martin is not a lightning rod nor a stereotype for all black people. He was just a stupid kid who bit off more than he could chew with Zimmerman and paid for it. He did not deserve death but that's life however unfortunate it may be
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 03:09 AM

They? Them?? What are you all talking about?? This is DISGUSTING! How about we are ALL HUMAN BEINGS?? And referring to any ethnic group as they or them is nauseating.

As for your comments about "them" getting here a long time ago, and why haven't "they" evolved like other cultural groups, when was the last time an Italian wasn't counted as a WHOLE PERSON, as blacks were not originally counted in the 13th Amendment. When was the last time a Jew wasn't allowed to eat at the counter at Woolworths?? Did the Irish have to attend separate schools? Use separate restrooms? Drink from a different water fountain??

It all is very, very recent history and don't belittle it or pretend that it was so long ago that we all live in a happy snappy ShangriLa now.

Trayvon Martin, who smoked pot like almost every other teenager in the US, was walking to the home where he was staying after a trip to the convenience store to buy some candy. He was followed and intimidated and frightened. Did he act rashly and attack George Zimmerman? Perhaps he did. However, he ended up dead and George Zimmmerman is walking around.

The racist ranting that I've read here has made me positively sick, and you should all go look in a mirror and decide how you can live with yourselves.
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 03:25 AM

I don't get why Martin is being portrayed as an innocent victim here. What about him was so innocent? The fact that he attacked Zimmerman? Zimmerman followed him yes and profiled him, however two wrongs don't make a right. The guy's injuries were pretty severe. I'm also not portraying Zimmerman as innocent either because he wasn't. But Trayvon attacked him, Zimmerman used his gun to protect himself and that's it. It's sad but now the media is taking advantage of it. However it is NOT racist to say that this was partially Trayvon's fault or that he's not an innocent kid.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:07 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

He was followed and intimidated and frightened.Yes he was so intimidated and frightened that he didn't run away, but confronted and fought this evil being for watching him and following him... See below for their size and weight, acording to the police reports

Did he act rashly and attack George Zimmerman? yes he did that there is no question Perhaps he did. However, he ended up dead and George Zimmmerman is walking around.Yes, as they say in this city- You F-ed with the wrong guy.
I never heard anyone say that staying alive wasn't the goal..

Martin is listed as six foot and weight 160 lbs while Zimmerman was five foot eight and weighted 170 lbs
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:16 AM

How is he innocent? Put yourself in his shoes for one moment. You're in an unfamiliar neighborhood, you're just a kid. You're walking home from the store and a strange man starts following you. Perhaps you hear him on the phone reporting your presence to the police. For what? For walking? He continues to stalk you and he's scaring you. And all you've done THAT NIGHT (which is all that's really relevant) is walk home after buying some candy. That's what makes him so innocent.

Interesting, however, that you concentrated on Trayvon and not one other word from my post.
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:17 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

As for your comments about "them" getting here a long time ago, and why haven't "they" evolved like other cultural groups, when was the last time an Italian wasn't counted as a WHOLE PERSON, as blacks were not originally counted in the 13th Amendment. When was the last time a Jew wasn't allowed to eat at the counter at Woolworths?? Did the Irish have to attend separate schools? Use separate restrooms? Drink from a different water fountain??

Sweetheart, you talking to the wrong white man. My people were the white mans bitch when they were chasing zebras and painting their faces. So spare me.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:21 AM

How interesting, again. I wrote three paragraphs about the treatment of blacks and all anyone responds to is Trayvon. I have to go throw up now.

Edit: And I'm not your sweetheart, so don't speak to me that way.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:32 AM

this thread is about the current criminal trial, not race. funny though, how some choose to frame a discussion when they have no legs to stand on as far as the trial is concerned. but to keep it fair since race has been brought up, where is all the outrage with regards to the insane amount of racism towards whites and threats of riots via social media if some don't get their way? strangely enough, i haven't seen any white people threatening to murder blacks and destroy property, but fuck it, its only fair right? if you will all excuse me, i also have to throw up, white guilt makes me sick!
Posted By: jace

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:37 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
How is he innocent? Put yourself in his shoes for one moment. You're in an unfamiliar neighborhood, you're just a kid. You're walking home from the store and a strange man starts following you. Perhaps you hear him on the phone reporting your presence to the police. For what? For walking? He continues to stalk you and he's scaring you. And all you've done THAT NIGHT (which is all that's really relevant) is walk home after buying some candy. That's what makes him so innocent.

Interesting, however, that you concentrated on Trayvon and not one other word from my post.

If he heard Zimmerman was calling police, why should he be afraid?
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:42 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
How interesting, again. I wrote three paragraphs about the treatment of blacks and all anyone responds to is Trayvon. I have to go throw up now.

Edit: And I'm not your sweetheart, so don't speak to me that way.

It's because you're starting in with the same politically correct, white-guilt, keepin' the black man down BS that we've had to read from Lilo and other liberal hacks on this board. I guess I shouldn't be surprised though.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:51 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
this thread is about the current criminal trial, not race. funny though, how some choose to frame a discussion when they have no legs to stand on as far as the trial is concerned. but to keep it fair since race has been brought up, where is all the outrage with regards to the insane amount of racism towards whites and threats of riots via social media if some don't get their way? strangely enough, i haven't seen any white people threatening to murder blacks and destroy property, but fuck it, its only fair right? if you will all excuse me, i also have to throw up, white guilt makes me sick!

I hear the new black panther party will be rioting in Fl. if Zimmerman is found not guilty. Why?? Just to stir up shit.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:54 AM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
I hear the new black panther party will be rioting in Fl. if Zimmerman is found not guilty. Why?? Just to stir up shit.

That's when they should bring out the fire hoses and police dogs.
Posted By: SC

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:59 AM

I'm tempted to open a laundry business here. I could make a fortune cleaning all the white sheets.

I'm sickened by what I'm reading here, but that's my own personal beliefs.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:05 AM

Originally Posted By: SC
I'm tempted to open a laundry business here. I could make a fortune cleaning all the white sheets.

I'm sickened by what I'm reading here, but that's my own personal beliefs.

I went back through the three pages in this thread, just in case I missed anything. There's nothing that is KKK-like here. But go ahead, SC, play the race card too.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:08 AM

Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
If George Zimmerman was black would this get nearly the amount of coverage? No

Nope it wouldn't. It also wouldn't get nearly the same coverage if it was a black-on-white crime, which happens by a 16-1 ratio. And you can sure as hell bet that the libs on this forum wouldn't be all up in arms if it was a black-on-white crime. The only reason they care about this is because it's the other way around. The racial component of it pisses them off more than the actual incident itself. But they'll never admit that.
Posted By: Frank_Nitti

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:18 AM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague

I went back through the three pages in this thread, just in case I missed anything. There's nothing that is KKK-like here.

Uh, your "That's when they should bring out the fire hoses and police dogs" is a direct reference to the actions of segregationist Alabama governor George Wallace during the Birmingham civil rights movement of the 1960's. I'd say that fits the definition of disgusting KKK-like quite nicely.
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:18 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
How is he innocent? Put yourself in his shoes for one moment. You're in an unfamiliar neighborhood, you're just a kid. You're walking home from the store and a strange man starts following you. Perhaps you hear him on the phone reporting your presence to the police. For what? For walking? He continues to stalk you and he's scaring you. And all you've done THAT NIGHT (which is all that's really relevant) is walk home after buying some candy. That's what makes him so innocent.

Interesting, however, that you concentrated on Trayvon and not one other word from my post.

I don't deny blacks were repressed for centuries in this country and that was wrong. There are still white trash hicks out there who spray the n-word around like the spit coming from their toothless mouths. However, today is a different world. Black people are not discriminated against to the point where they can't go into certain bathrooms, hotels, restaurants, or even water fountains.

To hell with it. I will not apologize for something I didn't do. I'm not a racist or a hateful person. But the problems black communities face across the country today are not my problem and not my fault. I am not "the oppressive white man". I'm a guy trying to make his way in the world, and I don't judge people based on skin color.

As for Trayvon are you really defending this kid? So Zimmerman tried to play cop, that was wrong, but Martin attacking him and beating up is equally as wrong. Trayvon was wrongly profiled, he probably wasn't up to anything bad. At the same time he was known for violence and drug usage (not just weed) and when he was provoked he unjustifiably struck back. Zimmerman may have been creeping on the kid but I highly doubt his intent was to kill him. Trayvon Martin was not a person that deserved death. He is certainly not the blueprint for all black people. But he was not some innocent sweet kid either. And I stand by that and the fact that this is a grade A bullshit case created by the media and other outside forces.
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:20 AM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
If George Zimmerman was black would this get nearly the amount of coverage? No

Nope it wouldn't. It also wouldn't get nearly the same coverage if it was a black-on-white crime, which happens by a 16-1 ratio. And you can sure as hell bet that the libs on this forum wouldn't be all up in arms if it was a black-on-white crime. The only reason they care about this is because it's the other way around. The racial component of it pisses them off more than the actual incident itself. But they'll never admit that.

Completely agree
Posted By: SC

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:20 AM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
I went back through the three pages in this thread, just in case I missed anything. There's nothing that is KKK-like here. But go ahead, SC, play the race card too.

Careful, little man. I might ask you for an apology for that.
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:26 AM

I wonder why this case didn't get nearly as much coverage?
Posted By: F_white

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:31 AM

Everything and everyone talking about this topic is a sick M-F
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Uh, your "That's when they should bring out the fire hoses and police dogs" is a direct reference to the actions of segregationist Alabama governor George Wallace during the Birmingham civil rights movement of the 1960's. I'd say that fits the definition of disgusting KKK-like quite nicely.

I meant every word of that. It worked then. The difference is, back then blacks actually had a good reason to be upset; though there is never a good reason to riot and burn the town down. That's what I'm talking about. The possibility of there being riots if Zimmerman is found not guilty. But, hey, there are always other options. Tear gas and rubber bullets would work just as well.

Originally Posted By: SC
Careful, little man. I might ask you for an apology for that.

Translation...is that some sort of threat?
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:35 AM

Listen. I am sorry if I offended anyone. I am not racist, and I am not going reference how I have black friends as a means to justify my comments. I believe in 100% equality, meaning everyone should be treated equally, and should not be given detrimental NOR beneficial treatment based on past harms. As a member of a distinct caucasion minority (trust me SC, the klan doesn't allow membership to people of my background) whose people have suffered GRAVE WRONGS I would not ask anyone to treat me any different just because of those past things.
I will focus my comments on the case itself. Its a crap case; does that mean a jury wont convict Zimmerman? No, history is riddled with terrible verdicts. Talk to an objective lawyer with knowledge of criminal law and who maybe even did a little work in that area and they will tell you the same thing. Take out the political BS window dressing, and what do you have left? A severely weak case.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:38 AM

Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Listen. I am sorry if I offended anyone. I am not racist, and I am not going reference how I have black friends as a means to justify my comments. I believe in 100% equality, meaning everyone should be treated equally, and should not be given detrimental NOR beneficial treatment based on past harms. As a member of a distinct caucasion minority (trust me SC, the klan doesn't allow membership to people of my background) whose people have suffered GRAVE WRONGS I would not ask anyone to treat me any different just because of those past things.
I will focus my comments on the case itself. Its a crap case; does that mean a jury wont convict Zimmerman? No, history is riddled with terrible verdicts. Talk to an objective lawyer with knowledge of criminal law and who maybe even did a little work in that area and they will tell you the same thing. Take out the political BS window dressing, and what do you have left? A severely weak case.

Your apologies will fall on deaf ears. Unless you agree with the people you're apologizing to here, including believing Treyvon to be a saint and Zimmerman to be the devil himself, you're a racist in their book.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:41 AM

Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
I wonder why this case didn't get nearly as much coverage?

For the very same reason not nearly as much coverage was done about the black guy who attacked the white woman in her home in Jersey and was caught on the baby camera. People, especially libs, don't like to admit it but black-on-white crime is so common (a 16-1 ratio) that it doesn't make news. Nobody is surprised by it. But white-on-black crime? Hoooo boy! That's when all the race-baiters with their agendas come out of the woodwork and the libs, including on this board, eat it up.
Posted By: SC

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 05:55 AM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Translation...is that some sort of threat?

Nope. But consider this a warning .... check your smug and arrogant attitude at the door before you come here. Remember, you've been warned now.
Posted By: stern49

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:19 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
kid was minding his own business

zimmerman appointed himself judge jury and executioner

I didn't know that USA 2012 was Apartheid era South Africa, 1980s Bensonhurst, or 1950's Deep South where it's a crime for a Black kid to be walking around a neighborhood.

The only low-lives are people who view his death as so trivial that they can't acknowledge that he was tried,found guilty and executed for crimes that he didn't commit.

I totally agree with you. TM was minding his own business. I hate to disappoint my fellow conservatives but Zimmerman was in the wrong. He needs to pay for the murder of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman followed him, profiled him and picked a fight with him but lost the fight and decided to shoot him. He didn't even need hospital attention because it wasn't that serious. Racism is alive and well in America but just as bad as the 50's. It's just now you have in the closet racist bastards.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
How is he innocent? Put yourself in his shoes for one moment. You're in an unfamiliar neighborhood, you're just a kid. You're walking home from the store and a strange man starts following you. Perhaps you hear him on the phone reporting your presence to the police. For what? For walking? He continues to stalk you and he's scaring you. And all you've done THAT NIGHT (which is all that's really relevant) is walk home after buying some candy. That's what makes him so innocent.

Interesting, however, that you concentrated on Trayvon and not one other word from my post.

I'm sure you think you are right on target with your thoughts SB....BUT you dance around a ton of well know facts in the case! So you reasoning starts to ready like a fairy tale of an excuse.

and I hope you feel better- all this talk of throwing up worrys me, or is it just some drama queen coming out once again?

and I love how everyone keeps talking about he was just out buying candy, yeah he had the munchies after getting high....( thats a joke people)
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:24 PM

I have to stay up later at night. Seems like there is more going on. lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:37 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

The racist ranting that I've read here has made me positively sick, and you should all go look in a mirror and decide how you can live with yourselves.

Throwing the racist card is getting real old.

I want to hear facts! if all you have is the racist crap they you have little if nothing as far as I can see.

This talk about sheets and looking in the mirror is pure crap in itself. and then when people get upset they are undertones made. But attacking people with the race card is just fine when played by some people and not ok when others defend themselves.

What happen to a level playing feild- lets play fair here folks. Because some things are starting to smell around here.

give facts not bull.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:51 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
How interesting, again. I wrote three paragraphs about the treatment of blacks and all anyone responds to is Trayvon. I have to go throw up now.

SB, really The treatment of "Blacks" years ago
(three paragraphs about the treatment of blacks and all anyone responds to is Trayvon)
can not be used as an excuse of why people do things in todays society. People must be accountable for their actions.
and keep saying someone did something this way or that way because people thought this way years ago is not a fact of why this happened today, it just becomes a poor excuse to trying to explain a bad choice in ones actions.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:56 PM

Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Listen. I am sorry if I offended anyone. I am not racist, and I am not going reference how I have black friends as a means to justify my comments. I believe in 100% equality, meaning everyone should be treated equally, and should not be given detrimental NOR beneficial treatment based on past harms. As a member of a distinct caucasion minority (trust me SC, the klan doesn't allow membership to people of my background) whose people have suffered GRAVE WRONGS I would not ask anyone to treat me any different just because of those past things.
I will focus my comments on the case itself. Its a crap case; does that mean a jury wont convict Zimmerman? No, history is riddled with terrible verdicts. Talk to an objective lawyer with knowledge of criminal law and who maybe even did a little work in that area and they will tell you the same thing. Take out the political BS window dressing, and what do you have left? A severely weak case.

I wasn't offended, I'm actually glad when people express their true feelings.

The facts on the ground are that the young man was walking from point A to point B...Zimmerman called 911 dispatcher.....was advised NOT to follow the young man......decided to disregard law enforcement's advice....followed targeted and confronted the young man, and the young man ended up dead.

Unless you view Trayvon or people who look like him as subhuman, why can't you see that the young man died because of a series of choices that Zimmerman made?

When human beings sense danger...the reaction is either fight or flight

Young teen of your particular background is walking down the street and followed by a guy in a car/truck and he feels afraid, he will either fight or run...you know, normal HUMAN responses.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 12:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
this thread is about the current criminal trial, not race. funny though, how some choose to frame a discussion when they have no legs to stand on as far as the trial is concerned. but to keep it fair since race has been brought up, where is all the outrage with regards to the insane amount of racism towards whites and threats of riots via social media if some don't get their way? strangely enough, i haven't seen any white people threatening to murder blacks and destroy property, but fuck it, its only fair right? if you will all excuse me, i also have to throw up, white guilt makes me sick!

+1 Threatening to do something if you don't get your way is so wrong.

and holy crap- is there a stomach flu going on around here- I think I better go and clean my keyboard before I catch something. lol
Posted By: Frank_Nitti

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:04 PM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
Uh, your "That's when they should bring out the fire hoses and police dogs" is a direct reference to the actions of segregationist Alabama governor George Wallace during the Birmingham civil rights movement of the 1960's. I'd say that fits the definition of disgusting KKK-like quite nicely.

I meant every word of that. It worked then. The difference is, back then blacks actually had a good reason to be upset; though there is never a good reason to riot and burn the town down. That's what I'm talking about. The possibility of there being riots if Zimmerman is found not guilty. But, hey, there are always other options. Tear gas and rubber bullets would work just as well.

What worked then and what town was burned down? The only burning that took place in Birmingham was in 1963 when the KKK bombed a black church that killed 4 little black girls. I assume the city burning you're referring to is the Watts Riots of 1965. Bull Connor's tactics in Birmingham were aimed at protestors, many of them women and children as young as 8, and they most certainly did not work, as it was an international scandal and the beginning of the end of Jim Crow South, and Civil Rights was passed a year later. You might not sound quite as ignorant if you had even a high school history education.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:09 PM

Originally Posted By: stern49
Originally Posted By: getthesenets
kid was minding his own business

zimmerman appointed himself judge jury and executioner

I didn't know that USA 2012 was Apartheid era South Africa, 1980s Bensonhurst, or 1950's Deep South where it's a crime for a Black kid to be walking around a neighborhood.

The only low-lives are people who view his death as so trivial that they can't acknowledge that he was tried,found guilty and executed for crimes that he didn't commit.

I totally agree with you. TM was minding his own business. I hate to disappoint my fellow conservatives but Zimmerman was in the wrong. He needs to pay for the murder of Trayvon Martin. Zimmerman followed him, profiled him and picked a fight with him but lost the fight and decided to shoot him. He didn't even need hospital attention because it wasn't that serious. Racism is alive and well in America but just as bad as the 50's. It's just now you have in the closet racist bastards.

I may have missed when the facts came out that it was shown for sure that the fight was started by Zimmerman? Please help me with these facts and not opinions or tales.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:23 PM

There have been so many versions it is hard to tell. I also think it is difficult to conceive of what is meant by who started the fight. I would think that Trayvon Martin landed the first blow in the physical confrontation, but that was only after he had been followed by an armed man in a car, who against all advice and training got out of the car to confront him. So does that act "start the fight?"
Posted By: stern49

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 01:37 PM

Zimmerman = Coward
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 02:39 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
There have been so many versions it is hard to tell. I also think it is difficult to conceive of what is meant by who started the fight. I would think that Trayvon Martin landed the first blow in the physical confrontation, but that was only after he had been followed by an armed man in a car, who against all advice and training got out of the car to confront him. So does that act "start the fight?"

DT I am understanding what you have posted...BUT (don't you all just hate that word ... But)
my first thought is how would Martin even know he was carrying a gun? and If he did why would you go near a man with a gun when you were unarmed.

NEXT, I did not see one thing and I may have missed it during the court facts- where it said any thing about Zimmerman ever aproached Martin or confronting him. He was told that he wasn't needed to follow him and even if he kept doing it that isn't against any law it was just advise as you posted? or a reason to be attacked. If Martin was so fearful why not avoid the person he feared enough to strike out on?

Again we go back to your statement that he had training? I must have missed that point also. What training did he have and where did he get it from that would make any difference in what he did? He wasn't employed by the housing divison or any instruction by a supervisor. I have to ask was he a part of a KNOWN Organized Group or was this just a label but on him ?

The real question which was not answer in a proven fact is WHO CONFORNTED WHO and WHO STRUCK WHO FIRST?
No maybe storys or Opinion on how it may or may not have gone down in different peoples minds. Convict a person with facts and real evidence not twisting things in the court of public opinion.

Peace to you all. cool
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 02:42 PM

Your not alone SC. For God's sake. mad Look at the title of this thread and look what it has become about, even tho we are discussing the Zimmerman trial in the crime/justice thread. All the racists coming out of the closet to say they are NOT racist.

If you don't like a thread, don't like the thought of Trayvon's grandfather being a respected Marine while being Black, then don't post here. mad

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 02:59 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
There have been so many versions it is hard to tell. I also think it is difficult to conceive of what is meant by who started the fight. I would think that Trayvon Martin landed the first blow in the physical confrontation, but that was only after he had been followed by an armed man in a car, who against all advice and training got out of the car to confront him. So does that act "start the fight?"

Training: Zimmerman had taken a number of criminology and criminal law courses in his efforts to become a cop. He denied this in one interview, but it came out in the trial that he had received training.
DT I am understanding what you have posted...BUT (don't you all just hate that word ... But)
my first thought is how would Martin even know he was carrying a gun? and If he did why would you go near a man with a gun when you were unarmed.

NEXT, I did not see one thing and I may have missed it during the court facts- where it said any thing about Zimmerman ever aproached Martin or confronting him. He was told that he wasn't needed to follow him and even if he kept doing it that isn't against any law it was just advise as you posted? or a reason to be attacked. If Martin was so fearful why not avoid the person he feared enough to strike out on?

Again we go back to your statement that he had training? I must have missed that point also. What training did he have and where did he get it from that would make any difference in what he did? He wasn't employed by the housing divison or any instruction by a supervisor. I have to ask was he a part of a KNOWN Organized Group or was this just a label but on him ?

The real question which was not answer in a proven fact is WHO CONFORNTED WHO and WHO STRUCK WHO FIRST?
No maybe storys or Opinion on how it may or may not have gone down in different peoples minds. Convict a person with facts and real evidence not twisting things in the court of public opinion.

Signed no sheets in my closet wink
Peace to you all. cool

Zimmerman had taken several classes in criminologhy and criminal law in an effort to train himself to become a cop.

Zimmerman told the 911 operator when he saw Martin "these mother F*cking punks always get away."

Zimmerman knew he was armed.

Zimmerman was in a car.

When he saw Martin approach the car Zimmerman did not drive away he got out.

Martin threw the first punch as best as I can tell.

But why does an armed man get out of his car in this situation?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 03:01 PM

Martin's grandfather was a decorated Marine? This cannot be true. I have documentation that his grandfather was born and grew up in Kenya. He is an obvious fraud. I will reveal my proof in good time.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 03:27 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Your not alone SC. For God's sake. mad Look at the title of this thread and look what it has become about, even tho we are discussing the Zimmerman trial in the crime/justice thread. All the racists coming out of the closet to say they are NOT racist.

If you don't like a thread, don't like the thought of Trayvon's grandfather being a respected Marine while being Black, then don't post here. mad


I am sorry TIS if the two threads kind of criss cross over each other. But it wouldn't be the first time threads have gone off in another direction. Maybe these should be combined as some boards do?
Very often a person posts to another persons post and not staying on the threads topic

My question is this...and I mean this in a nice way.

Why BRAND people Racists? and what makes anytime feel that even a Racist person doesn't have a right to an opinion.
So..a person make a remark or a slur and all of sudden anything else that come out of their mouth is wrong and untrue? Their veiws become null and void?

Is that how we discount other opinions now? Not with facts but branding them?

Or if I don't go to church ot worship a God I am wrong in my views? Or if you brand me Poor are my views not as accepted as the rich people?

Why accuse someones views as such, isn't that now almost a slur in it self now?

I say don't argue, correct or confront another poster if you are going to cry foul at the least little heat that pops up.
You join in to the mud hole, please don't anyone cry when their clothes get soiled!

These are the type of subjects that are in General topic that will bring this type of posts we all know that. In fact if people are telling the truth that is why they come in here for some of the action and debate!

and some people hold a gruge or have a chip on their shoulders after posting against another. If thats the case then you get what you have given and stop all the whining that comes out after. ( People not you TIS)
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 03:27 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Your not alone SC. For God's sake. mad Look at the title of this thread and look what it has become about, even tho we are discussing the Zimmerman trial in the crime/justice thread. All the racists coming out of the closet to say they are NOT racist.

If you don't like a thread, don't like the thought of Trayvon's grandfather being a respected Marine while being Black, then don't post here. mad


Excuse me but who's racist here? I haven't seen any posts that could be taken as racist at all. Do all the liberals wanna throw that card out there but is anyone going to admit that this was partially martins fault and that this kid wasn't innocent by any stretch of the imagination. You all just feel guilty when you shouldn't
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 03:31 PM

I think the racists know who they are. I'll only say if the shoe fits.........


Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 03:49 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I think the racists know who they are. I'll only say if the shoe fits.........



I certainly hope you're not calling me a racist. Just because I don't believe George Zimmerman should be guilty of murder doesn't make me a racist
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 03:50 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
There have been so many versions it is hard to tell. I also think it is difficult to conceive of what is meant by who started the fight. I would think that Trayvon Martin landed the first blow in the physical confrontation, but that was only after he had been followed by an armed man in a car, who against all advice and training got out of the car to confront him. So does that act "start the fight?"

Training: Zimmerman had taken a number of criminology and criminal law courses in his efforts to become a cop. He denied this in one interview, but it came out in the trial that he had received training.
DT I am understanding what you have posted...BUT (don't you all just hate that word ... But)
my first thought is how would Martin even know he was carrying a gun? and If he did why would you go near a man with a gun when you were unarmed.

NEXT, I did not see one thing and I may have missed it during the court facts- where it said any thing about Zimmerman ever aproached Martin or confronting him. He was told that he wasn't needed to follow him and even if he kept doing it that isn't against any law it was just advise as you posted? or a reason to be attacked. If Martin was so fearful why not avoid the person he feared enough to strike out on?

Again we go back to your statement that he had training? I must have missed that point also. What training did he have and where did he get it from that would make any difference in what he did? He wasn't employed by the housing divison or any instruction by a supervisor. I have to ask was he a part of a KNOWN Organized Group or was this just a label but on him ?

The real question which was not answer in a proven fact is WHO CONFORNTED WHO and WHO STRUCK WHO FIRST?
No maybe storys or Opinion on how it may or may not have gone down in different peoples minds. Convict a person with facts and real evidence not twisting things in the court of public opinion.

Signed no sheets in my closet wink
Peace to you all. cool

Zimmerman had taken several classes in criminologhy and criminal law in an effort to train himself to become a cop.

Zimmerman told the 911 operator when he saw Martin "these mother F*cking punks always get away."

Zimmerman knew he was armed.

Zimmerman was in a car.

When he saw Martin approach the car Zimmerman did not drive away he got out.

Martin threw the first punch as best as I can tell.

But why does an armed man get out of his car in this situation?

So how does his classes make what he did any more wrong in what had happen?

For what I know and have seen the car was no where near where all this happened...Correct me if I am wrong. Boy I must be missing a whole bunch of stuff. when did Martin ever apporach the car?

What does Zimmerman knowing that he was armmed have to do with anything. He didn't just walk up and shoot him, and then cry that he was attacked. As many of you know I often carry and am well trained that doesn't make me wrong in a conflict. Or take any rights away because I carry. Only when I use my weapon that it comes into play on what and how I used it at THAT POINT ONLY>
WHEN DID MARTIN APPROCH THE CAR_ was that recorded in the court readings? and prove to be fact or just someones opinion of what could of happened? that now become fact because someone read in somewhere?

My understand was that he left the car and started walking around, at that time Martin can out of a darken area Which Zimmerman thought was some bushes) and confronted Zimmerman? Right or am I off here? Saying something like you are going to die tonight? or something....
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 03:54 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I think the racists know who they are. I'll only say if the shoe fits.........



But do tell me what you think about what I asked about their views? Does that null and void them?
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 04:08 PM

Since when have people become so sensitive if you even say the word black! People today assume you're racist if you go against a black person (like this case). I even heard people saying you're racist if you didn't want Obama to be President! How dumb is that? Toughen up people!!!
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 07:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Frank_Nitti
What worked then and what town was burned down? The only burning that took place in Birmingham was in 1963 when the KKK bombed a black church that killed 4 little black girls. I assume the city burning you're referring to is the Watts Riots of 1965. Bull Connor's tactics in Birmingham were aimed at protestors, many of them women and children as young as 8, and they most certainly did not work, as it was an international scandal and the beginning of the end of Jim Crow South, and Civil Rights was passed a year later. You might not sound quite as ignorant if you had even a high school history education.

I wasn't referring to that specific time but black riots in general, i.e. Watts, LA, etc.

Originally Posted By: "The Italian Stallionette
I think the racists know who they are. I'll only say if the shoe fits.........

That's just it. You libs throw the racist charge out so much that it's become meaningless.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

I certainly hope you're not calling me a racist. Just because I don't believe George Zimmerman should be guilty of murder doesn't make me a racist

As annoying as it is, this is good in a way, since it shows everyone what I've been saying about all the liberal hacks on this board. It's not me just blowing smoke.
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 07:50 PM

I don't agree with some things you believe in ivy but I'm also not in total agreement with the left side of this board either. Pardon my language everyone, but what the fuck did I say that could be translated as racist? I've already had Lilo and TIS call me racist, SC says he could open a laundry store with the white sheets here. Where does it end?? I got my opinion on this thing and just because I believe George Zimmerman should not be convicted with murder does not make me racist. And to the liberals, why should you feel guilted into feeling sorry for this kid? This is 2013, not 1953, it's a hyped up media case. Zimmerman was in the wrong too, but to paint Martin as an innocent victim? No fuckin way
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 08:05 PM

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I don't agree with some things you believe in ivy but I'm also not in total agreement with the left side of this board either. Pardon my language everyone, but what the fuck did I say that could be translated as racist? I've already had Lilo and TIS call me racist, SC says he could open a laundry store with the white sheets here. Where does it end?? I got my opinion on this thing and just because I believe George Zimmerman should not be convicted with murder does not make me racist. And to the liberals, why should you feel guilted into feeling sorry for this kid? This is 2013, not 1953, it's a hyped up media case. Zimmerman was in the wrong too, but to paint Martin as an innocent victim? No fuckin way

On issues of race, the race card has always been the easy way out for liberals. They figure if they can label you a racist, even if they know it's not true, they've basically won the battle. It's both dishonest and lazy.
Posted By: Lilange

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 08:14 PM

Political correctness is a huge problem today.
Posted By: Chicago

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 08:24 PM

NEWS FLASH: In this Country, The truth is irrelevant to any major issue. All that matters is "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" which overrides all logic, facts, statistic etc.

Political Correctness has caused reversed discrimination in many, many areas in this Country. Most People can't handle the truth.

Political Correctness is the enemy and cancer of this once fine Country.
Posted By: Lilange

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 08:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Chicago
NEWS FLASH: In this Country, The truth is irrelevant to any major issue. All that matters is "POLITICAL CORRECTNESS" which overrides all logic, facts, statistic etc.

Political Correctness has caused reversed discrimination in many, many areas in this Country. Most People can't handle the truth.

Political Correctness is the enemy and cancer of this once fine Country.

That's why it's a huge problem!
Posted By: 12thStreet

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 08:50 PM

Am NOT AT ALL a conservative or a Republican but find all this PC bullshit as racism from the Left...Trayvon did not deserve to die but was no damn angel. He just decided to haul off and whale on the wrong guy. Should Zimmerman have been following him after the cops told him to back off?? NO...Is Trayvon guilty of uttering racial slurs as well???? YES...Did things escalate in a way they should not have escalated??? YES...Manslaughter MAYBE AND THATS A BIG MAYBE cuz Trayvon beat the ish out of Zimmerman. Murder One??? NEVER !!!!!!!!!! That charge wa a f*cking joke
Posted By: Chicago

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 09:02 PM

Have no fear, Political Correctness is here.
Posted By: Lilange

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 09:05 PM

Originally Posted By: 12thStreet
Am NOT AT ALL a conservative or a Republican but find all this PC bullshit as racism from the Left...Trayvon did not deserve to die but was no damn angel. He just decided to haul off and whale on the wrong guy. Should Zimmerman have been following him after the cops told him to back off?? NO...Is Trayvon guilty of uttering racial slurs as well???? YES...Did things escalate in a way they should not have escalated??? YES...Manslaughter MAYBE AND THATS A BIG MAYBE cuz Trayvon beat the ish out of Zimmerman. Murder One??? NEVER !!!!!!!!!! That charge wa a f*cking joke

100% the law is the law. Stand your ground, that trayvon gave him a beaten broke his nose
Posted By: 12thStreet

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 09:20 PM

Lilange, that's why I feel that even manslaughter is a stretch...Zimmerman was defending himself
Posted By: Lilange

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 09:25 PM

Originally Posted By: 12thStreet
Lilange, that's why I feel that even manslaughter is a stretch...Zimmerman was defending himself

12th street I couldn't agree more.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 10:06 PM

123, Nobody said that saying Zimmerman isn't a murderer is racist. I don't think he's a murderer, either. I don't think he woke up that morning and decided to hunt down a young black man. Do I think he should be held responsible for Trayvon Martin's death, though? Damn straight, I do.

However, I still would like someone to tell me what Trayvon did THAT NIGHT that was criminal and alerted Zimmerman to call the police. He was walking home from the store after buying candy. If he was high, which I don't know, how did Zimmerman know this? Did Zimmerman also know about anything Trayvon may or may not have done in the past? Just by seeing him walk down the street?

And yes, there was obviously a confrontation between the two, and it obviously became physical. However, if every fist fight ended in someone being shot, then that would be a huge problem in this country, wouldn't it? Bars and high school parking lots would be awash with dead bodies. From reading about his injuries, I don't believe that George Zimmerman's life was in imminent danger and that's what defines self-defense. Therefore, he needs to pay for what he did. Murder? No, but he deserves to go to jail.
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 10:16 PM

I gotta be honest. The fact they are still deliberating is bad for zimmy. I thought this deliberation would be a couple hours tops. Zimmy should be worried.
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 10:27 PM

Originally Posted By: stern49
Zimmerman = Coward

LOL. Right, so if you are getting you're ass handed to you and it looks like your going to get beat either to death or to the point where you are permanently damaged physically and mentally, you would just allow it to keep going? Sounds like your the coward bud.
For those of us who were raised to stand up for ourselves, ie, by a father with some balls, my friend, I dont know what we are, but we sure as fuck aint cowards.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 10:54 PM

Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Originally Posted By: stern49
Zimmerman = Coward

For those of us who were raised to stand up for ourselves, ie, by a father with some balls, my friend, I dont know what we are, but we sure as fuck aint cowards.

When confronted by danger/a stranger following him around,Trayvon Martin....could have chosen to fight or take flight.

Does him choosing to fight equate to him "standing up for himself" to you? Or does that distinction only exist for "guys like you"


He's the one who really stood up for himself

Guy with a loaded gun, deciding to confront a kid is not standing up for himself....he's picking a fight knowing that he has the advantage when it's all said and done.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 10:58 PM

I call it like I see it. There's no point in doing otherwise. It is not racist to believe that Zimmerman should be acquitted or that manslaughter is the appropriate charge, if you believe the facts indicate that. I don't think the facts do indicate that but intelligent people can disagree.

It is racist however to start on long rants about the alleged inferiority of black people or reveal evidently long held animus against black people in general and talk about a dead child as if he's subhuman, which is what some posters have done.

The constant invocation of "thug" to describe Martin and by extension his parents when it was actually Zimmerman who had a history of violence, including attacking a police officer, is revealing of how bigotry warps people's brains.

I don't respond to half the s*** in these threads because it's not worth my time. But for anyone to get their drawers in a bunch because I pointed out racist thinking is laughable. You have posters who have repeatedly insulted blacks en masse, claimed that stupid blacks are being led around by liberals, called liberals racist against whites and expressed the repeated desire to spit in the face of those they disagree with. 1/10th of that comes back in their direction and they start crying. Again, Stormfront and VDARE are different sites. You can join them and everyone will agree with you. That won't happen here.

Back to the facts of the case:

In order to believe Zimmerman's self-defense story you'd have to believe that Trayvon Martin -- a 150 lb 17 year old kid -- has about 8 arms and the strength of 10 men. Moreover, the 2 most damaging pieces of evidence to Zimmerman's self-defense story (in addition to the fact that he followed Trayvon after being told not to, of course) are that Zimmerman claims that self-defense was necessary b/c Martin did two things:
(i) Martin suffocated Zimmerman by placing his hand over Zimmerman's bloody mouth and nose; and
(ii) Martin reached for and grabbed Zimmerman's gun. In reality, Martin's hands had ZERO blood from Zimmerman on them, which means that it is literally impossible for him to have put his hands over Zimmerman's blood-covered mouth or nose.

Likewise, there was no Martin DNA on Zimmerman's gun, therefore it is literally impossible for Martin to have grabbed the gun. These are just 2 of several incontrovertible facts that tend to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman's claim of self-defense was not warranted here.
Posted By: SC

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 11:05 PM

Originally Posted By: Lilo
I don't respond to half the s*** in these threads because it's not worth my time.

Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 11:06 PM

Trayvon started the physial altercation. Prior to the physical altercation there was mere verbal altercation. Even if Zimmerman started the physical altercation (which he didnt) if the other person causes what was originally a very minor squabble to become potentially deadly, the other man is entitled to use deadly force. That is common law. Alternatively, if Trayvon started the physical altercation, if Zimmerman reasonably belived he was in danger of imminent deadly or very serious bodily harm, he was within his rights to use deadly force.
If a, he used disproportionate force, or b, it wasnt objectively reasonable to believe that his life was at stake then it results in voluntary manslaughter; ie, IMPERFECT SELF DEFENSE.
No matter what, there is no possible way you can get to 2nd degree murder.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/12/13 11:20 PM


some people have hearts full of hatred

it's fairly sadistic but I guess some peeps don't care
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 03:07 AM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I think the racists know who they are. I'll only say if the shoe fits.........



Posted By: Camarel

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 03:08 AM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty

some people have hearts full of hatred

it's fairly sadistic but I guess some peeps don't care

Posted By: Camarel

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 03:10 AM

Originally Posted By: stern49
Zimmerman = Coward

Racist ! confused
Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 03:13 AM

Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: stern49
Zimmerman = Coward

Racist ! confused

Oh BRo. you just not like, open minded enough like. you know bro? peace love and high taxes bro
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 03:25 AM

Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: stern49
Zimmerman = Coward

Racist ! confused

Oh BRo. you just not like, open minded enough like. you know bro? peace love and high taxes bro

I'm not going to lie i don't have a clue what you're rabbling about? But i have to admit i'm not just like bro, taxes/peace and love !
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 03:35 AM

Originally Posted By: Lilo
(i) Martin suffocated Zimmerman by placing his hand over Zimmerman's bloody mouth and nose; and
(ii) Martin reached for and grabbed Zimmerman's gun. In reality, Martin's hands had ZERO blood from Zimmerman on them, which means that it is literally impossible for him to have put his hands over Zimmerman's blood-covered mouth or nose.

Likewise, there was no Martin DNA on Zimmerman's gun, therefore it is literally impossible for Martin to have grabbed the gun. These are just 2 of several incontrovertible facts that tend to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman's claim of self-defense was not warranted here.

Time to bust your bubble...
How about he has his hands on his mouth before he was bloody when he first had him pulled down. Covered his mouth and zimerman start fighting back and he then fought him M M A style which could mean forarms elbows even knees ect while on top of him. This was reported by witnesses. So the order that things happened does matter because of twisting like this by lawyers?

and you don't have to touch my gun to say you were going for it. If you are reaching towards my back pocket to take my wallet to rob me that doesn't mean you ever got it before I resist and blocked you first.

and all this talk about Zimmerman following is a lame defence. Martin had a cell phone if he was in danger or feared for his life before the conflict he could of used it to call police like Zimmerman did.
Funny how everyone keeps saying that Zimmerman was hunting Martin down, but he never walked around with his weapon out hunting his so called prey now did he?
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 03:41 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: Lilo
(i) Martin suffocated Zimmerman by placing his hand over Zimmerman's bloody mouth and nose; and
(ii) Martin reached for and grabbed Zimmerman's gun. In reality, Martin's hands had ZERO blood from Zimmerman on them, which means that it is literally impossible for him to have put his hands over Zimmerman's blood-covered mouth or nose.

Likewise, there was no Martin DNA on Zimmerman's gun, therefore it is literally impossible for Martin to have grabbed the gun. These are just 2 of several incontrovertible facts that tend to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that Zimmerman's claim of self-defense was not warranted here.

Time to bust your bubble...
How about he has his hands on his mouth before he was bloody when he first had him pulled down. Covered his mouth and zimerman start fighting back and he then fought him M M A style which could mean forarms elbows even knees ect while on top of him. This was reported by witnesses. So the order that things happened does matter because of twisting like this by lawyers?

and you don't have to touch my gun to say you were going for it. If you are reaching towards my back pocket to take my wallet to rob me that doesn't mean you ever got it before I resist and blocked you first.

and all this talk about Zimmerman following is a lame defence. Martin had a cell phone if he was in danger or feared for his life before the conflict he could of used it to call police like Zimmerman did.
Funny how everyone keeps saying that Zimmerman was hunting Martin down, but he never walked around with his weapon out hunting his so called prey now did he?

Thanks Fathersson smile
Posted By: Frank_Nitti

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 05:02 AM

Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26
Originally Posted By: Camarel
Originally Posted By: stern49
Zimmerman = Coward

Racist ! confused

Oh BRo. you just not like, open minded enough like. you know bro? peace love and high taxes bro

I'm not going to lie i don't have a clue what you're rabbling about? But i have to admit i'm not just like bro, taxes/peace and love !

You are an American and favor Freedom, right? If not, why are you living in a society founded on the idea that all men are created equal and objecting to people trying to make reality conform with the ideal? A black kid who smokes a little pot, skips class and defends himself against a gun-toting white should not be flippantly labeled a menace to society, while a white who does the same thing is just status quo.

Some of us are American patriots who love their country and everyone in it, not a decaying dead zombie of a sectarian society of chauvinists that never was. I am an American, not a sad imitation of the many fanatical lost causes of history's dust bin.
Posted By: Chicago

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 06:08 AM

Nitti, You're a poet and didn't know it.
Posted By: Chicago

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 06:15 AM

Fatherssson, You're a good man. They should change the Pledge of Allegiance in 2013.

It would be way more accurate if it read:

I Pledge Allegiance, to the Flag of the Politically Correct United States of America, etc.
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 06:44 AM

Oh BRo. you just not like, open minded enough like. you know bro? peace love and high taxes bro [/quote]

I'm not going to lie i don't have a clue what you're rabbling about? But i have to admit i'm not just like bro, taxes/peace and love ! [/quote]

You are an American and favor Freedom, right? If not, why are you living in a society founded on the idea that all men are created equal and objecting to people trying to make reality conform with the ideal? A black kid who smokes a little pot, skips class and defends himself against a gun-toting white should not be flippantly labeled a menace to society, while a white who does the same thing is just status quo.

Some of us are American patriots who love their country and everyone in it, not a decaying dead zombie of a sectarian society of chauvinists that never was. I am an American, not a sad imitation of the many fanatical lost causes of history's dust bin. [/quote]

i honestly don't know if you were being sarcastic or not, but i'm Scottish not American. I also am baffled where you firstly got that i support Zimmerman and secondly that i hate the US rolleyes shhh
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Trayvon's grandfather - 07/13/13 06:49 AM

I'm not going to lie i don't have a clue what you're rabbling about? But i have to admit i'm not just like bro, taxes/peace and love ! [/quote]

You are an American and favor Freedom, right? If not, why are you living in a society founded on the idea that all men are created equal and objecting to people trying to make reality conform with the ideal? A black kid who smokes a little pot, skips class and defends himself against a gun-toting white should not be flippantly labeled a menace to society, while a white who does the same thing is just status quo.

Some of us are American patriots who love their country and everyone in it, not a decaying dead zombie of a sectarian society of chauvinists that never was. I am an American, not a sad imitation of the many fanatical lost causes of history's dust bin. [/quote]

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