
Paula Deen

Posted By: fathersson

Paula Deen - 06/27/13 11:18 PM

Did I miss a thread on this?

All her companies are letting her go. Which seems to be because of her use of the N word which she said years ago. Which she admitted under oath in a court of Law.

This seems way over blown, even though it is a business's right to do so. Years ago the so called N word was used everywhere back then, just pick up a copy of the movie "ROOTS". Is it really fair to punish someone for something said so far back?

Many of her own employees have come forward saying she is not a racist.

What are these companies so afraid. Why not wait some before some time passes? No they make it a point to let the news out there at this time.
Oh, we let her go....(like she is a leper.)
Oh my, it may cost us a sale because of what she said so many years ago.

So what do you all think..even you heartless people must have an opinion on this. You do about everything else- lol
Posted By: olivant

Re: Paula Deen - 06/27/13 11:35 PM

Supposedly she has also stated (when, I don't know) that she would like to have a wedding such as they had in the days of slavery. If true, that's an odd way to express a nostalgic desire. She also supposedly said that she wanted to name a hamburger at one of her restaurants as a Sambo burger.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Paula Deen - 06/27/13 11:39 PM

It's sad, and people act like they're in shock that an older woman from the deep south might be a little racially insensitive. 99.9% of the people that claim to have never used that word are lying.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 06/27/13 11:53 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Supposedly she has also stated (when, I don't know) that she would like to have a wedding such as they had in the days of slavery. If true, that's an odd way to express a nostalgic desire. She also supposedly said that she wanted to name a hamburger at one of her restaurants as a Sambo burger.

I found this undet Little balck sambo-
the book-A popular U.S. restaurant chain of the 1960s and 1970s, Sambo's, borrowed characters from the book (including Sambo and the tigers) for promotional purposes, although the Sambo name was originally a combination of the founders' nicknames: Sam (Sam Battistone) and Bo (Newell Bohnett).[7] Nonetheless, the controversy about the book led to accusations of racism that contributed to the 1,117-restaurant[8] chain's demise in the early 1980s.[7] Images inspired by the book (now considered by some racially insensitive) were common interior decorations in the restaurants.[9] Though portions of the original chain were renamed No Place Like Sam's to try to forestall closure,[8] all but the original restaurants in Santa Barbara, California had closed by 1983.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Paula Deen - 06/27/13 11:55 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Did I miss a thread on this?

All her companies are letting her go. Which seems to be because of her use of the N word which she said years ago. Which she admitted under oath in a court of Law.

This seems way over blown, even though it is a business's right to do so. Years ago the so called N word was used everywhere back then, just pick up a copy of the movie "ROOTS". Is it really fair to punish someone for something said so far back?

Many of her own employees have come forward saying she is not a racist.

What are these companies so afraid. Why not wait some before some time passes? No they make it a point to let the news out there at this time.
Oh, we let her go....(like she is a leper.)
Oh my, it may cost us a sale because of what she said so many years ago.

So what do you all think..even you heartless people must have an opinion on this. You do about everything else- lol

I agree. It's waaaaaay overblown. While not excusing her, how people are jumping ship like she is a leper is ridiculous. To be somebody who is known to have uttered the dreaded "N word," or be even perceived as a racist, is considered the worst thing in society today. Even more so than being a murderer, rapist, etc. This is what political correctness has brought us.
Posted By: Dellacroce

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 01:41 AM

I think pc as a whole is being way overdone, but these entertainment people just dont get it that the networks have a zero tolerence policy regarding racism of any kind, look at rob parker who is a black guy who gets fired for saying another black guy isnt black enough " not down for the cause" and "cornbread brother". People on tv really need to be aware that a precedent has been set that if u cross a certain line u will be fired. That being said i think paulas getting a pretty raw deal even al sharpton of all people said he didnt think she said anything wrong.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 02:28 AM

Whatever you say Wops.

Now now don't pull out the PC card if you were offended by that.

On a serious note, this "scandal" is stupid only because it's focusing on the N-word instead of the really not so cool things Deen talked about (or allegedly done) like paying her black employees not in cash but beer and her daydream of holding a wedding in the style of those on slavery plantations with black servants and all that. (The fuck?)

Food Network though tried to have it both ways by claiming they weren't renewing her contract not because of what she said but because of "the terrible work of her PR team." Which as bullshit goes is pretty insultingly lame.

Knowledge is power, and I'm King Kong.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 04:37 PM

I don't agree with what she said, and I don't like the use of the N word one bit. Moreover I think her show is awful, and I don't eat or approve of the sugary greasy stuff she prepares. BUT... From what I understand, she used it many years ago, and based on her idea os a "plantation party" and a "Sambo bueger," it is pretty clear she is racially insensitive. But consider she is 66 and grew up when Jim Crow was still the law. At worst she should have volunteered to take some kind of sensitivity course. The bottom line here is that she had plenty of people step up and say she was not a racist.

It is insane that a bunch of PC people have literally taken this woman's livelihood away because of some residual latent racism that bubbled to the surface a couple of times. Worse, they are now making a big deal about how she did not apologize correctly.

To put this in perspective, there is a guy on the Food Channel named Robert Irvine who does a show called Restaurant Impossible. It is a matter of public record that he bilked a woman out of more than $100,000 in Florida claiming he would start up a restaurant using his skills. When he took the money he claimed falsely he had been given some title by the Queen, that he cooked Charles and Diana's wedding cake, that he was personal chef for the Royal Family, and later the White House chef.
He had to retract all those lies, and he never paid the money back. He got something like a four month suspension from his show. In my view this is far worse conduct, and he received little punishment.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 04:56 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The bottom line here is that she had plenty of people step up and say she was not a racist.

Mel Gibson chimed in and said she could not be a racist...because he's never seen her at the meetings. wink

I don't know whether she's a racist or not, but she lost her endorsements for the simple reason that her name or brand is now poison. Her admission to past comments brought a spotlight on her present litigation, which accuses her of racism, and association with her is no longer a wise business decision for some companies.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 05:09 PM

I concur Kly. Her former business partners have made a business decision. It's as simple as that. They've calculated the loss or gain associated with continued association with her or without such association.

By the way, over in Crime & Justice I posted a question for you and DT.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 06:32 PM

Such double standard going in imo. Rap artists use the n word all the time.
Posted By: jace

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 06:43 PM

On CNN yesterday, anchorman and sometimes reporter Don Lemon, who is Black, went out and using flashcards, asked people about word Cracker and "N' word. He was doing it because of Treyvon Martin using the word Cracker to describe Zimmerman to girl friend on phone. He had people on who all said that N word was worse. I think any White people he stopped would be afraid to say opposite.
Don Lemon did a biased report to me, and then gave conclusion that Cracker was not offensive term, but "N" word was extremely offensive.
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 06:43 PM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Did I miss a thread on this?

All her companies are letting her go. Which seems to be because of her use of the N word which she said years ago. Which she admitted under oath in a court of Law.

This seems way over blown, even though it is a business's right to do so. Years ago the so called N word was used everywhere back then, just pick up a copy of the movie "ROOTS". Is it really fair to punish someone for something said so far back?

Many of her own employees have come forward saying she is not a racist.

What are these companies so afraid. Why not wait some before some time passes? No they make it a point to let the news out there at this time.
Oh, we let her go....(like she is a leper.)
Oh my, it may cost us a sale because of what she said so many years ago.

So what do you all think..even you heartless people must have an opinion on this. You do about everything else- lol

I agree. It's waaaaaay overblown. While not excusing her, how people are jumping ship like she is a leper is ridiculous. To be somebody who is known to have uttered the dreaded "N word," or be even perceived as a racist, is considered the worst thing in society today. Even more so than being a murderer, rapist, etc. This is what political correctness has brought us.

Well said. Racism is disgusting and should not be tolerated, but it's ridiculous the amount of coverage a racist incident gets in the media compared to the video you posted of the black man beating the woman in front of her young child or similar incidents, imo the latter is more common.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 07:26 PM

You have to love the URBAN dictionary: even examples

1. ni**er
A fully grown niglet
Theres one of them ni**ers

2. ni**er
A word that everyone else is afraid to define except in utter seriousness, for fear of being branded a rascist, in total ignorance of the colloquial usage of the word, its characterization in popular culture, and the populations of people it is used most by.
You shouldn't ever say the n-word, you rascist cracker asshole.

3. ni**er

a term that is racist, as long as the speaker of it is not black. Forbidden on most all of television and other forms of public entertainment, at times referenced to as the "n-word". However, "cracker", a term racist against whites, is a completely acceptable term used in any context of any national broadcast...hmm...
White man: I would like to know why "cracker" and, ahem, "ni**er" are not equally forbidden *white man is put on trial for racist slander*

What is really weird is that ni**er is not allowed by this site and is zaped, but asshole and cracker go right thru?
No wonder Achie Bunker died so young!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 07:28 PM

I concur with some of the sentiments expressed here. When does it stop? When will we white people be judged for the content of our character and not for the color (is white a color?) of our skin? When will we finally throw off the yoke of oppression that has been hung around our necks generation after generation. Cracker, Honky, Old Fay, White Devil (I kind of like this one) ... when does it end? No sooner do people stop referring to we Italians as Dagos then we find ourselves putting up with these racist rants just because we are White. Sure, I could play tennis or hockey, or compete in gymnastics, ice-skating, or clogging. But maybe I want to play professional basketball or NFL football. Why can't I? Okay, maybe I can't dribble and I have never actually made a basket. Or maybe I've never held a football or can't run more than 5 feet without getting out of breath. But shouldn't I be able to at least try? Madonne!
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 07:44 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
I concur with some of the sentiments expressed here. When does it stop? When will we white people be judged for the content of our character and not for the color (is white a color?) of our skin? When will we finally throw off the yoke of oppression that has been hung around our necks generation after generation. Cracker, Honky, Old Fay, White Devil (I kind of like this one) ... when does it end? No sooner do people stop referring to we Italians as Dagos then we find ourselves putting up with these racist rants just because we are White. Sure, I could play tennis or hockey, or compete in gymnastics, ice-skating, or clogging. But maybe I want to play professional basketball or NFL football. Why can't I? Okay, maybe I can't dribble and I have never actually made a basket. Or maybe I've never held a football or can't run more than 5 feet without getting out of breath. But shouldn't I be able to at least try? Madonne!

Where has this come from? confused Nowhere in this thread people are complaining about racism against whites. Your sarcastic rant, may have been misplaced because people are talking about this being completely unnecessary and it being such a massive story in the media.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 07:44 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
I concur with some of the sentiments expressed here. When does it stop? When will we white people be judged for the content of our character and not for the color (is white a color?) of our skin? When will we finally throw off the yoke of oppression that has been hung around our necks generation after generation. Cracker, Honky, Old Fay, White Devil (I kind of like this one) ... when does it end? No sooner do people stop referring to we Italians as Dagos then we find ourselves putting up with these racist rants just because we are White. Sure, I could play tennis or hockey, or compete in gymnastics, ice-skating, or clogging. But maybe I want to play professional basketball or NFL football. Why can't I? Okay, maybe I can't dribble and I have never actually made a basket. Or maybe I've never held a football or can't run more than 5 feet without getting out of breath. But shouldn't I be able to at least try? Madonne!

You could at least put a "RANT WARNING" line before that post! lol
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 11:21 PM

Racism Is a Tough Sell: The Real Reason Everyone Dumped Paula Deen

Posted By: Lilo

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 11:54 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
I concur with some of the sentiments expressed here. When does it stop? When will we white people be judged for the content of our character and not for the color (is white a color?) of our skin? When will we finally throw off the yoke of oppression that has been hung around our necks generation after generation. Cracker, Honky, Old Fay, White Devil (I kind of like this one) ... when does it end? No sooner do people stop referring to we Italians as Dagos then we find ourselves putting up with these racist rants just because we are White. Sure, I could play tennis or hockey, or compete in gymnastics, ice-skating, or clogging. But maybe I want to play professional basketball or NFL football. Why can't I? Okay, maybe I can't dribble and I have never actually made a basket. Or maybe I've never held a football or can't run more than 5 feet without getting out of breath. But shouldn't I be able to at least try? Madonne!

lol lol lol
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Paula Deen - 06/28/13 11:54 PM

Tu quoque arguments are logical fallacies.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Paula Deen - 06/29/13 03:56 AM

I personally find some of her admissions distasteful. However, I agree that this has been way overblown. In context, look at her background and let's not all be shocked that she thinks the way she thinks. Does this mean that it's acceptable or tolerable? No. However, I think that the people should have been allowed to decide. If enough people were angered or offended, they would change the channel and stop buying her products. If that didn't happen, then people were sensible, saw the forest for the trees, and moved on.

I actually find the actions of these companies more offensive. Why do they not trust their consumers to use common sense?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Paula Deen - 06/29/13 06:20 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
What is really weird is that ni**er is not allowed by this site and is zaped, but asshole and cracker go right thru?
No wonder Achie Bunker died so young!

Asshole is nothing, really. But, it's really weird that I wouldn't allow a discussion of a Ritz cracker (for instance) that I have to ban the entire word because .001% of the White population think it's offensive? lol
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Paula Deen - 06/29/13 06:34 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I personally find some of her admissions distasteful. However, I agree that this has been way overblown. In context, look at her background and let's not all be shocked that she thinks the way she thinks. Does this mean that it's acceptable or tolerable? No. However, I think that the people should have been allowed to decide. If enough people were angered or offended, they would change the channel and stop buying her products. If that didn't happen, then people were sensible, saw the forest for the trees, and moved on.

I actually find the actions of these companies more offensive. Why do they not trust their consumers to use common sense?

I agree with all this, Babe.

A total overreaction. Hey, I've been making fun of her saying, "Hey, y'aaaaaaaal" (4 octaves up), and her cackly laugh, for a long time. I really didn't/couldn't watch her show much simply because of her annoying voice/laugh. But I never wanted her to be gone! I'm not that immature.

And I'm certainly not that PC. Everyone here (I bet) has "said something they regretted" long ago (or even yesterday). But should that mean the end of a career and empire?! NO!

Can'd stand this b.s. anymore.....
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Paula Deen - 06/29/13 02:32 PM

First I ever heard of Paula Deen was the story of her having diabetes and that she was altering her cooking or something? I obviously don't watch cooking shows (tho maybe I should) lol

Anyway, I too agree with SB, Geoff and the others. I don't agree with her behavior but should it be a career ender? I don't think so. I'm sure we've all said/done things that we regret.

Btw, I heard that there is some kind of a Deen Cruise planned that is already booked by all her fans.

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Paula Deen - 06/29/13 03:37 PM

I think she'll make a comeback down the road. God knows Americans have forgiven celebrities for worse things.

Meanwhile, Alec Baldwin had his own little PR nightmare this week on Twitter.

Posted By: bigboy

Re: Paula Deen - 06/29/13 04:10 PM

Funny how Alec Baldwin goes on an anti gay rant and nothing is said- all is forgiven- But with Paula Deen- hang her ! what a double standard in the media and with many Americans- Shameful
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Paula Deen - 06/29/13 06:19 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
Funny how Alec Baldwin goes on an anti gay rant and nothing is said- all is forgiven- But with Paula Deen- hang her ! what a double standard in the media and with many Americans- Shameful

I agree. GLAAD giving him a pass is really sending a bad message. (TMZ called them out harshly for being "starfuckers" and they're right.)
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Paula Deen - 06/29/13 09:15 PM

There are some areas of the human condition that fall into the category of abhorrent behavior such that they are off limits. Thes e behaviors include slavery, genocide, child abuse, and other similar atrocities. The N word is associated with slavery. It was born in slavery of Africans brought to America. The use of the word is in no way on the same level of ethnic slurs such as Dago, Honky, Kraut, Mick, or Polock. Paula Deen's admission of using the N word is not the shameful act. Her reenactment of a civil war era dinner/wedding with black servants is the shameful act. That is part of history that should in no way be reenacted. Should we have a Nazi dinner with concentration camp waitresses? Should we have a U.S. Calvary cookout with Native Americans serving buffalo? Should we have a reenactment of Idi Amin celebrating the slaughter of a thousand people?

I hope Paula Deen can't sell a hot dog.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 06/29/13 11:35 PM

I guess we can figure that Marycas likes to go overboard on some things. whistle

Maybe we should have taken Paula out and given her some nice lashes and put her in the public stocks for a while?
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Paula Deen - 06/30/13 12:45 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson

I guess we can figure that Marycas likes to go overboard on some things. whistle

No, I don't think you can. tongue
Posted By: Dellacroce

Re: Paula Deen - 06/30/13 02:53 AM


Saturday night live
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Paula Deen - 06/30/13 10:06 AM

This was written in response to Schlesinger but it applies equally well to Deen and her defenders.


I don’t think she is particularly racist. I do think she is a typical human being: thinks that her group, however she defines it (Jewish, white, Conservative) is superior, but is too polite to say it out loud.

Her position that because SOME black people use that word, and SOME black people enjoy hearing it (or don’t criticize) then NO black people have the right to complain when it is used...is asinine. Just asinine.

It is disingenuous to pretend not to understand that there are context and situational meanings to actions and words. Things said within a group, or between friends or family, have ALWAYS been different when said by outsiders. I doubt there is an adult or child who doesn’t understand this. She is lying if she says she doesn’t.

Consent is the core issue here. If I have sex with a woman, with her permission, it is called “Making love.” If I don’t have her permission, it is called “rape.” Same act.

Words have both connotative and denotative meanings. To pretend not to understand this, is rather amazing.

I think what you have here is another evidence of a majority group which once had total, unequivocal power starting to feel psychological pressure as the demographics shift. Human beings want to believe that the entire world revolves around them, their families, people who worship, think, or look like them. It is fascinating to watch the dysfunction accelerate.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Paula Deen - 06/30/13 10:16 AM

It's certainly not about what she said over 20 years ago. It's about current day discrimination and use of racial slurs. This all came out in the context of a discrimination lawsuit (brought by a white woman) concerning racial and sexual harassment and a very hostile workplace. It is avoiding the issue for anyone to claim this is about pc. That's bull****.

Posted By: Lilo

Re: Paula Deen - 06/30/13 10:28 AM

As was mentioned upthread can anyone imagine that a Caucasian gentile would wish for a wedding featuring Jewish people dressed as concentration camp inmates? No. And if a person did, would anyone be rushing to defend that person claiming they were only a product of their times and so on. Also no. So why would anyone expect (most) black people to feel any differently?


I had high hopes for Paula Deen. I really did. As is the script for when high profile white folks are called out for their racism, she will soon cry, be made into a victim as someone who is "misunderstood" and "innocent," and all sins will be forgiven at the end of this "teachable moment."

Then she can go back to her fantasies of black Toms and Mammies who are happy to serve white folks like her.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 06/30/13 12:57 PM

Last night I heard something that I would like to post here. it is not word for word but the main points are here below as best as I can recount them.

Why are people so hung up on a the use of a word like the n-word. Do they really think that pressuring people not to use that word will stop people from thinking that anyway. That the hate will just go away?

Is the real truth, that it gives some black people something to bitch about and throw something up once again. Then need something to strike out against the system because many do not make out very well in the world in todays way of life. That they need an excuse for not getting ahead. and if you say it long and often enough it will be taken as a real reason for it.

So by not using or hearing the n word it will make people feel different towards others. So you can curse the hell towards people with all the F bombs and other words but the N word since it is direct towards one group is way over the top?

Why are whites or the Irish, the Jews or the Asians for example not just as offended by any of the words said against them? Are they more secure in the world or do the black community have special needs?

Why the hype that says this word is different because it represents something that happen in the past to blacks. Don't all races, cultures have things that have happen to them which is just as bad, but they don't scream and yell as much about it that their slurs keep them down.

Do we get blasted for just bringing up the point. If you do will you be labeled as a racist? Which twists it around and makes you a the bad guy? People like to say the use of that N word makes you ignorant, but why don't that say that about people using the f word or any others slurs against other groups?

Now after reading these points that were made, how many people will be mad at me for posting them up?

Or is the real reason that people just will hate anything they don't like or feel different about?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 02:28 AM

Where is it said that Jews or Asians or any other group are not "Just as offended" by ethnic slurs? They should be! Any word that has a hateful context should not be used. Period.

Ethnic slurs have a hateful context. I have never used one and I never will. I taught my children to never use them. Can I stop other people's thoughts? No, but I can certainly put a stop to their behavior in my presence. And I assure you, if they used the N word or the S word or the K word or the W word, they wouldn't be doing it for long in my presence. One of us would leave.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 02:57 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Where is it said that Jews or Asians or any other group are not "Just as offended" by ethnic slurs? They should be! Any word that has a hateful context should not be used. Period.

As probably most Italian members of this Board, I've been called a dago quite a few times. At least as an adult, I always determined how it was meant. When people get mad, they say things that they don't say when they are not mad. As an adult, I've considered ethnic insults directed at me in the context in which they were spoken. Most I've walked away from.

To tell you the truth, I've not read yet or heard all of Paula Deen's comments nor when they were made. So far, it's my understanding that she made those comments many years ago, decades ago. Is that right? I was never aware of her until she publicized her diabetes. So, I have no interest in her as a cook. As such, I say let it go.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 03:09 AM

I was not referring to Paula Deen. I agree, from what I've read (and I may not know the whole story) I think that you can't hold someone responsible for what they said decades ago. Hopefully, they have evolved. Things I did as a younger person I certainly wouldn't do now.

I was responding to FS's post on why "the N word" is so offensive. That seems to be a bit of an oxymoron, hence my response.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 03:17 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

I was responding to FS's post on why "the N word" is so offensive. That seems to be a bit of an oxymoron, hence my response.

There's no question that that word should never be used by a non-black person no matter how angry one is. The history associated with it is horrible. I also agree that it is an oxymoron for an American adult to not know how horrible is that word.

My dad used to say that they call each other that. I asked him if he would be offended if anotherItalian called him a dago. Of course they wouldn't. But if a non-Italian says it, then it's a different story.
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 03:34 AM

She apologized so everyone should just get over it.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 04:22 AM

Nicky, I agree that it may be overblown, given the information I have. But to say it's no big deal is underwhelming. It's a loathsome word with a terrible history, and that needs to remain front and center.
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 04:24 AM

It has a horrible meaning but it's just a word. It happened almost 30 years ago when that was still common to be publicly said, especially in the south. There's much worse that can be done.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 04:36 AM

I beg to differ that it was 30 years ago. She has said in 2007 that she wishes her brother's wedding be such and such. Go read it here in the link Lilo gave: http://www.blacklegalissues.com/Article_Details.aspx?artclid=7dfdbe0461

She is a racist. I echo MC's post.
Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 04:40 AM

When I saw it on the news it said 27 years ago
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 04:42 AM

Originally Posted By: NickyEyes1
When I saw it on the news it said 27 years ago

In that specific testimony maybe. But apparently she has not stopped being what she is.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 02:43 PM

Originally Posted By: Lilo
As was mentioned upthread can anyone imagine that a Caucasian gentile would wish for a wedding featuring Jewish people dressed as concentration camp inmates? No. And if a person did, would anyone be rushing to defend that person claiming they were only a product of their times and so on. Also no. So why would anyone expect (most) black people to feel any differently?


I had high hopes for Paula Deen. I really did. As is the script for when high profile white folks are called out for their racism, she will soon cry, be made into a victim as someone who is "misunderstood" and "innocent," and all sins will be forgiven at the end of this "teachable moment."

Then she can go back to her fantasies of black Toms and Mammies who are happy to serve white folks like her.

Don't hold your breath waiting for a response to that,Lilo.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 02:57 PM

Is this a joke thread?

I've watched several gangster films and docs.

Characters are killers and use profanity,slurs,etc and of course
a lot of the films are based on la cosa nostra.

I've never used or wanted to use any of the ethnic slurs directed towards Italians , nor do I feel that my RIGHTS are being infringed upon if I can't say those words (in public).

I'm not Italian American,I can't speak for that group, and regardless of how many hollywood films I watch, I'll NEVER know how real life Italians feel about those slurs.

Goodfellas doesn't represent Italians any more than (insert rapper's name) represents Black people.

We're all adults here...please get off the bullshitt, people.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 03:58 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Where is it said that Jews or Asians or any other group are not "Just as offended" by ethnic slurs? They should be! Any word that has a hateful context should not be used. Period.

Ethnic slurs have a hateful context. I have never used one and I never will. I taught my children to never use them. Can I stop other people's thoughts? No, but I can certainly put a stop to their behavior in my presence. And I assure you, if they used the N word or the S word or the K word or the W word, they wouldn't be doing it for long in my presence. One of us would leave.

Good for you SB. But when you say NEVER, my mind quickly turns to the OJ Simpson farce with Mark Furman saying the same thing. In a court of law, just like Paula was. That is when a whole bunch of people came forward making him look like a fool caught in a lie. Taught me to never say never if I could help it. lol

So no slurs, so no curse words either I take it then. I clap
you on that. What about TV shows and such. How do you handle that? My grandmother is so shocked by what she hears on the tube, videos and even in the movies that she almost refuses to watch any more.

You know my grandfather once told be and I will include slurs in here also. That curse words or insults ( and slurs) are only as good as the reaction the user gets from the people he is using them against. No reactions from people and they just don't mean crap. If it hurts the person then it did what the user wanted it to do. So next time someone says something nasty to you don't react the way they want. Don't give them what they want.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 04:24 PM


So, what you're saying is that you're out with your wife and some guy speaks in a disrespectful manner towards her or outright insults her......you don't do what he "expects you to do"....you just walk off whistling?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 05:17 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets

So, what you're saying is that you're out with your wife and some guy speaks in a disrespectful manner towards her or outright insults her......you don't do what he "expects you to do"....you just walk off whistling?

Why would you think that? You ask a question that is so general that it could be handle in oh, so many ways depending on the details.. of where we were, did I know the person or is he a stranger? Is it a social gathering or are we just walking down the street. What did he say and why did he said it. Was the person drunk, or high on drugs?

There are so many things that would change the way you would handle each case. But the one clear thing is not to let the insult keep you from thinking. Don't get blinded by the words and lead into doing something in the wrong matter which you may regret later. An insult has done no physical harm to me or my lady.
Now if you are talking and someone getting phsyical or a form of aggression you are talking a whole new ballgame my friend.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 05:39 PM

As I posted above, sometimes people say things out of temporary anger. Such statements are transitory. Others state them out of endemic animus (prejudice or racism or misogynism, etc). It is for the target of such statements to determine which they believe it is and to take offense (or a degree thereof) or not.

As a former government administrator and now a college instructor, I understand the effect that words can have on people regardless of their intent. Thus, I am always conscience of what I am stating. That includes posting here. However, sometimes I'm not as vigilant as I should be. That happens. When that does happen I do realize it, I anticipate the consequences, and I do usually take corrective action.

If Paula Deen made certain offensive statements as recently as 2007, that's different than her having made them decades ago. However, my knowledge of her statements is cursory; this is one time when it may be best to let the marketplace decide.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 06:00 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: getthesenets

So, what you're saying is that you're out with your wife and some guy speaks in a disrespectful manner towards her or outright insults her......you don't do what he "expects you to do"....you just walk off whistling?

Why would you think that? You ask a question that is so general that it could be handle in oh, so many ways depending on the details.. of where we were, did I know the person or is he a stranger? Is it a social gathering or are we just walking down the street. What did he say and why did he said it. Was the person drunk, or high on drugs?

There are so many things that would change the way you would handle each case. But the one clear thing is not to let the insult keep you from thinking. Don't get blinded by the words and lead into doing something in the wrong matter which you may regret later. An insult has done no physical harm to me or my lady.
Now if you are talking and someone getting phsyical or a form of aggression you are talking a whole new ballgame my friend.

Sounds as if you're making it up as you go along.

If the insult did "no harm" to you or your lady, then just walking away from the person(in all the scenarios) would be consistent with what you've been writing about "not letting it affect you or getting the desired response".

That's what I've read into your statements.

But among the "so many ways" that the situation could be handled depending on setting, familiarity,etc..? one of them probably involves ADDRESSING the PERSON for what was said, correct?

Why? Why would there be any scenario where you just don't walk away, remove yourself from situation and then act like it never happened? After all, just words,right?
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 06:20 PM

Paula and the next person who gets caught saying something in private that they'd rather not have heard publicly..... just be whoever you are and own the words.

I'm waiting for the statement that reads "I did say those words and that's not the first time or the last time. It's up to others to determine whether my words make me a bigot or a homophobe. It's up to any business partners of mine to determine whether or not this public airing of my private words affects our brand image. I will not be a coward or a hypocrite and deny ever saying these words or harboring ugly thoughts about other groups of people. All human beings are flawed, now some of my flaws are more visible"

Just own it.

I created a BB Word game about "The Wire" tv series a while back. One day I see an entry that is nothing more than an excuse for a person to write a slur. send the guy a pm asking him to remove it...log in later in the day, see that slur is still up.... ask him publicly now and more directly to remove it.
almost indigninantly, dude refuses to remove the slur

show was on for 5 years.....dozens of major characters...hundreds of minor characters..endlessly quotable tv series....and like a true class individual
....well, his quote is probably still up, he's on my ignore list

Was actually a mistake on my part.Person that would post what he posted is exactly who I thought he was. An apology or him removing the line, is just not consistent with who he is.

Be who you are in life, and own whatever repercussions and consequences come about.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 07:11 PM

FS, I love how you give me that pat on the back while expressing doubt at the veracity of my statement. And what does cursing have to do with ethnic slurs? Saying "f**k" or "s**t" has nothing to do with referring to a Latino as a "s**c" or an Italian as a "w*p" or any of the myriad of other hateful and horrible words that are out there.

As for what goes on in films or television, I'm not a prude. I understand that the film or show is trying to portray a character. The character isn't going to come down off the screen to do bad things. However, people in real life will. And for allowing their words to influence me in some way, they don't. That's why they are not allowed in my presence. I have heard people use those words. They are told to never utter that in my presence, and especially never, ever in my home. If they don't like it, they know where the door is.

Like I said, I can't change the way people think, but I can at least change their behavior in my presence. Hopefully, giving them pause, having them into understand that it's hate speech, nothing less, nothing more, just hate, will make them think twice before doing it again. It's only by taking a stand can you make a change.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 07:36 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: getthesenets

So, what you're saying is that you're out with your wife and some guy speaks in a disrespectful manner towards her or outright insults her......you don't do what he "expects you to do"....you just walk off whistling?

Why would you think that? You ask a question that is so general that it could be handle in oh, so many ways depending on the details.. of where we were, did I know the person or is he a stranger? Is it a social gathering or are we just walking down the street. What did he say and why did he said it. Was the person drunk, or high on drugs?

There are so many things that would change the way you would handle each case. But the one clear thing is not to let the insult keep you from thinking. Don't get blinded by the words and lead into doing something in the wrong matter which you may regret later. An insult has done no physical harm to me or my lady.
Now if you are talking and someone getting phsyical or a form of aggression you are talking a whole new ballgame my friend.

Sounds as if you're making it up as you go along.

If the insult did "no harm" to you or your lady, then just walking away from the person(in all the scenarios) would be consistent with what you've been writing about "not letting it affect you or getting the desired response".

That's what I've read into your statements.

But among the "so many ways" that the situation could be handled depending on setting, familiarity,etc..? one of them probably involves ADDRESSING the PERSON for what was said, correct?

Why? Why would there be any scenario where you just don't walk away, remove yourself from situation and then act like it never happened? After all, just words,right?

Here, let play it your way. Because you seem to be trying to make a certain point come out for your own needs. I don't ever make things up as I go along. That is not my normal nature

You didn't give me enough info to properly address which way I need to respond. Do any words harm you
Didn't you ever here the children's rhyme- Stick and stone may break my bones but names will never hurt me? a childs rhyme with a message.

If you have a tuff guy ego and you feel like you need to get your "respect" back then some people go right back at the person. If some drunk is standing on the corner or a mental health person swears and saying slurs to everyone that goes by then, Yes walk on by and chuckle if you will.

If we are at a Christmas party and a co worker has to much to drink and makes a fool of himself, sure lets keep quiet and not make something of it. Chances are he will have enough problems later from the boss or someone else.

But if we are walking somewhere or in a parking garage or lot and three punks come up and start talking shit. About my wife, her looks or my race now looking to get me upset so they can get us off balance. Mug us or rape her, Then I HAVE TO decide what their INTENT is and what aggressive action they may take. I have to let the words they throw at me not cloud my mind I have to stay clear incase I have pull my gun and possible defend our lives.

That is what you learn to do. Why, because I just might be put into a position that I have to decide if I am going to have to take someone life. and that isn't so funny now is it.
and no this isn't just tuff talk either. That you can bet on.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 07:49 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
FS, I love how you give me that pat on the back while expressing doubt at the veracity of my statement. And what does cursing have to do with ethnic slurs? Saying "f**k" or "s**t" has nothing to do with referring to a Latino as a "s**c" or an Italian as a "w*p" or any of the myriad of other hateful and horrible words that are out there.

As for what goes on in films or television, I'm not a prude. I understand that the film or show is trying to portray a character. The character isn't going to come down off the screen to do bad things. However, people in real life will. And for allowing their words to influence me in some way, they don't. That's why they are not allowed in my presence. I have heard people use those words. They are told to never utter that in my presence, and especially never, ever in my home. If they don't like it, they know where the door is.

Like I said, I can't change the way people think, but I can at least change their behavior in my presence. Hopefully, giving them pause, having them into understand that it's hate speech, nothing less, nothing more, just hate, will make them think twice before doing it again. It's only by taking a stand can you make a change.

I like the way you think of my words in only such a negative way? I was truthful and told you of my reaction whan I read that. ( I know what you will say I know you to well-) same old story I guess. I didn't say you were a prude, but why give that seal of approval to those types of actions by viewing or paying to see the very thing you will not tolerate in person. but for entertainmet it is ok? I told you about my very own family and how she feels about sitting there I wasn't trying to be smart about it.
Sure it is only a character if that the way you want to play it off...but what is it teaching our kids or other adults that that is the normal way to act and speak to people. Like rap music?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 07:57 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Paula and the next person who gets caught saying something in private that they'd rather not have heard publicly..... just be whoever you are and own the words.

I'm waiting for the statement that reads "I did say those words and that's not the first time or the last time. It's up to others to determine whether my words make me a bigot or a homophobe. It's up to any business partners of mine to determine whether or not this public airing of my private words affects our brand image. I will not be a coward or a hypocrite and deny ever saying these words or harboring ugly thoughts about other groups of people. All human beings are flawed, now some of my flaws are more visible"

Just own it.

I created a BB Word game about "The Wire" tv series a while back. One day I see an entry that is nothing more than an excuse for a person to write a slur. send the guy a pm asking him to remove it...log in later in the day, see that slur is still up.... ask him publicly now and more directly to remove it.
almost indigninantly, dude refuses to remove the slur

show was on for 5 years.....dozens of major characters...hundreds of minor characters..endlessly quotable tv series....and like a true class individual
....well, his quote is probably still up, he's on my ignore list

Was actually a mistake on my part.Person that would post what he posted is exactly who I thought he was. An apology or him removing the line, is just not consistent with who he is.

Be who you are in life, and own whatever repercussions and consequences come about.

Good points.....but what was his intent by using that slur? to get you going or just vent his feeling towards a person or event? Is it his problem or yours for letting that upset you so much? hard thing to understand at times.

Sometime you just have to let the other person be himself and you keep your own values also. Sometime you just don't get to be the judge and the jury on some of these things. It is the way the world is. Not perfect.
Posted By: Scorsese

Re: Paula Deen - 07/01/13 08:47 PM

on the topic of paula deen
wasnt there some weird stuff in her lawsuit about her brother watching porn and showing it to the workers, and then there was some other stuff about him having sex with an underage girl and paula calling the girl a piece of pussy or something.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Paula Deen - 07/02/13 04:58 AM

No, it's not only entertainment. These words have a history, albeit an ugly one. Can you imagine making a movie like "Monster's Ball" without using certain words? But the purpose of the movie was to educate about racism. Can you imagine making a movie like "Schindler's List" without the Nazi's using derogatory words about Jews?? It's not for entertainment purposes, it's about history and learning from it. Do I think they should have a gratuitous purpose? No. But they are history, and you can't change that, only hopefully learn from it.
Posted By: jace

Re: Paula Deen - 07/02/13 08:12 AM

Originally Posted By: Scorsese
on the topic of paula deen
wasnt there some weird stuff in her lawsuit about her brother watching porn and showing it to the workers, and then there was some other stuff about him having sex with an underage girl and paula calling the girl a piece of pussy or something.

That is the more disturbing aspect of case. The race part has overwhelmed it in media. She was honest on witness stand about use of N word, now I bet she wishes she had lied and said she never used it. Al Shaprton Once called someone a "fa***t" on tv, and another time called Greeks "Homos" but is not asked to apologize. Jesse Jackson once called New York City 'Hymie town" and only had to say he was sorry once. Paula Deen is just a cook, not a politician, civil rights leader news anchor, or lawmaker. Yet she is being held to a higher standard.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Paula Deen - 07/02/13 10:04 AM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Is this a joke thread?

I've watched several gangster films and docs.

Characters are killers and use profanity,slurs,etc and of course
a lot of the films are based on la cosa nostra.

I've never used or wanted to use any of the ethnic slurs directed towards Italians , nor do I feel that my RIGHTS are being infringed upon if I can't say those words (in public).

I'm not Italian American,I can't speak for that group, and regardless of how many hollywood films I watch, I'll NEVER know how real life Italians feel about those slurs.

Goodfellas doesn't represent Italians any more than (insert rapper's name) represents Black people.

We're all adults here...please get off the bullshitt, people.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 07/04/13 05:10 PM

More Americans View Blacks As Racist Than Whites, Hispanics


Americans consider blacks more likely to be racist than whites and Hispanics in this country.

Thirty-seven percent (37%) of American Adults think most black Americans are racist, according to a new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey. Just 15% consider most white Americans racist, while 18% say the same of most Hispanic Americans. (To see survey question wording, click here.)

There is a huge ideological difference on this topic. Among conservative Americans, 49% consider most blacks racist, and only 12% see most whites that way. Among liberal voters, 27% see most white Americans as racist, and 21% say the same about black Americans.

From a partisan perspective, 49% of Republicans see most black Americans as racist, along with 36% of unaffiliated adults and 29% of Democrats.

Among black Americans, 31% think most blacks are racist, while 24% consider most whites racist and 15% view most Hispanics that way.

Among white adults, 10% think most white Americans are racist; 38% believe most blacks are racist, and 17% say most Hispanics are racist.

Overall, just 30% of all Americans now rate race relations in the United States as good or excellent. Fourteen percent (14%) describe them as poor. Twenty-nine percent (29%) think race relations are getting better, while 32% believe they are getting worse. Thirty-five percent (35%) feel they are staying about the same.

These figures reflect more pessimism than was found in April when 42% gave race relations positive marks and 39% said race relations were improving. However, the April number reflected all-time highs while the current numbers are more consistent with the general attitudes of recent years.

(Want a free daily e-mail update? If it's in the news, it's in our polls). Rasmussen Reports updates are also available on Twitter or Facebook.

The survey of 1,000 Adults was conducted on July 1-2, 2013 by Rasmussen Reports. The margin of sampling error is +/- 3 percentage points with a 95% level of confidence. Field work for all Rasmussen Reports surveys is conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC. See methodology.

The U.S. Supreme Court recently killed a key portion of the Voting Rights Act as unconstitutional and sent a lawsuit challenging the University of Texas’ use of race as a factor in admissions back to the appellate court level for further review. Most Americans believe affirmative action admissions policies discriminate against whites, as the lawsuit argues, and think it’s better for colleges and universities to accept the most qualified students.

This is consistent with public resistance to all special preferences. Only 30% think it’s fair for colleges and universities to give preferences to children of large donors. Just 38% think it is fair for the children of previous students to have a special advantage in the admissions process.

Following those decisions and a big ruling on same-sex marriage, public approval of the U.S. Supreme Court has fallen to the lowest level ever recorded in more than nine years of polling.

Blacks are slightly more optimistic about the current state of race relations in American than whites and Hispanics are. But 37% of blacks and 38% of Hispanics believe those relations are getting worse, compared to 29% of whites.

Liberals are more confident than conservatives that race relations are getting better.

Forty-five percent (45%) of voters believe the U.S. justice system is fair to most Americans, but just 34% think it is fair to poor Americans. Forty-five percent (45%) consider the justice system fair to black and Hispanic Americans.

Most voters continue to believe the U.S. economy is fair to women, blacks and Hispanics but are now evenly divided when asked if it’s fair to lower-income Americans. However, they still think all four groups are treated better than the middle class.

http://m.rasmussenreports.com/public_con...s_as_racist_tha n_whites_hispanics
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Paula Deen - 07/04/13 06:18 PM

FS, maybe your post should have been a topic on its own. Paula Deen go away. Your South is done. Where have you been?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 07/04/13 10:37 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
FS, maybe your post should have been a topic on its own. Paula Deen go away. Your South is done. Where have you been?

You can not get rid of Paula that easy.

There are to many who love her no matter how many windbags come out of the woodwork.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Paula Deen - 07/05/13 09:25 PM

Embattled celebrity chef Paula Deen can now add being the target of an alleged extortion attempt to an already full plate of legal drama.

FBI officials announced Friday that they arrested Thomas Paculis, 62, in Newfield, N.Y., in connection with an extortion scheme targeting Deen. Paculis, who previously resided in Savannah and Augusta in Deen’s home state of Georgia, has been charged with attempting to extort Deen by requesting $250,000 in compensation in return for not releasing “true and damning” statements to the media made by Deen, according to a federal criminal complaint filed on June 24.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Paula Deen - 07/05/13 10:09 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Embattled celebrity chef Paula Deen can now add being the target of an alleged extortion attempt to an already full plate of legal drama.

FBI officials announced Friday that they arrested Thomas Paculis, 62, in Newfield, N.Y., in connection with an extortion scheme targeting Deen. Paculis, who previously resided in Savannah and Augusta in Deen’s home state of Georgia, has been charged with attempting to extort Deen by requesting $250,000 in compensation in return for not releasing “true and damning” statements to the media made by Deen, according to a federal criminal complaint filed on June 24.

Yes, that is how scum play the game. Extortion, if you are famous that is the first thing they try against you. He punched me, he touched me, he talked dirty to me, ect.

Almost as bad as the trip and fall people in the super markets and other stores. You have to have camera everywhere these days.
Posted By: GerryLang

Re: Paula Deen - 07/06/13 01:58 PM

This is another symptom of a people suffering from a debilitating disease. For people to get upset over a word, not an action is childish.
Posted By: carmela

Re: Paula Deen - 07/17/13 09:45 PM

Years ago I was shopping in a clothing store and a woman and her young daughter were looking at t-shirts. The girl holds one up and says, "this is a cool looking wife beater for me." The mother says, "That's not a nice phrase, honey. It's called a guinea tee." I had to laugh out loud to myself. grin
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Paula Deen - 07/18/13 01:39 PM

I remember a case that took place over 15 years ago in ROCHESTER NY. Another case of political correctness gone amuck. A female teacher was fired for using the word "Niggardly" which has absolutely nothing to do with race.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Paula Deen - 07/18/13 06:10 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
I remember a case that took place over 15 years ago in ROCHESTER NY. Another case of political correctness gone amuck. A female teacher was fired for using the word "Niggardly" which has absolutely nothing to do with race.

That has nothing to do with political correctness, but hss a lot to do with ignorasnce. I've stopped using that word, not out of political correctness, but because so many people haven't heard it, and naturally conclude that it bears racial overtones. I hope the school board members in Rochester find a dictionary.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: Paula Deen - 07/18/13 11:01 PM

paula deen was a victim of the media

whenever somebody black does something the media over blows it

so in order to not look racist they have to over blow paula deens situation
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: Paula Deen - 08/03/13 06:43 PM

Originally Posted By: carmela
Years ago I was shopping in a clothing store and a woman and her young daughter were looking at t-shirts. The girl holds one up and says, "this is a cool looking wife beater for me." The mother says, "That's not a nice phrase, honey. It's called a guinea tee." I had to laugh out loud to myself. grin

WTF? Wow....lol!

Don't dog us "Old South" folks too much now! Racism is not as bad here as people think. I think almost everyone person has said some racist comment in their past, whether it be towards blacks or other races in general. Is Deen racist? I can't say, but in this day and age if you are rich and on t.v. you better be sure you were never caught saying anything as it will ruin you!
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Paula Deen - 08/05/13 03:05 PM

Paula Deen just bought her Riley Cooper football jersey.
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