
Organ Donors

Posted By: GoldenEagle

Organ Donors - 05/19/13 06:00 AM

This is a subject that has become my new calling in life. This pat Wed. my father was given the gift of life because someone was selfless enough to donate their organs to others. My dad had pulmonary fibrosis and was going to die without a lung transplant. We got the call this past Wed. that a lung was a match for him. Organ donation rules dictate that one year must pass before the donors identity can be made known, and that is if their family is willing. Allow me to tell you what I do know about this anonymous donor. In addition to my father receiving one lung, there was a a lady at the same hospital who received the other. In addition to them receiving lungs, their was a young man at the same hospital who received the donated heart. That is three people at one hospital who were given the gift of life. There is no telling how many people at other hospitals will receive a needed organ because this one hero gave their organs to others. I beg you, if you are not already an organ donor please become one now. There is no telling how many lives you may save by giving your unneeded organs to others.

Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Organ Donors - 05/19/13 06:33 AM

I'm really glad for you and your father. This is a great cause. It also is getting so much media coverage here as well, since the other day a firefighter who saved a little girl died after giving his mask to her and his liver and kidneys was donated to three other patients. So he saved three others from beyond the grave. I too urge all those who are not organ donors to become one.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Organ Donors - 05/19/13 11:00 AM

I am leaving my organs when i go, however whoever gets my liver could find themselves in worse shape than they were before!!!

Seriously though, great cause.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Organ Donors - 05/19/13 02:18 PM

How wonderful for your family! Hope your father has a great recovery!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Organ Donors - 05/19/13 03:12 PM

Wow, that is so wonderful. You never realize how important this issue is until yourself or someone you love is in need. My best wishes to your father and your family.


Posted By: steve9999

Re: Organ Donors - 05/20/13 12:00 PM

yes u r right
Posted By: steve9999

Re: Organ Donors - 05/20/13 12:01 PM

yes i can understand
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Organ Donors - 05/20/13 02:48 PM

I've been signed as an organ donor for about 25 years now...though I'm in no hurry to donate.

I'm assuming by now every state has a system to tie iin organ donation with driver license applications.

A few decades ago there was a thought that my younger sister would need a kidney transplant in the future, so my brother and I were both keeping track of her progress as we were the suited donors. Happily she reached the point where it's unlikely she'll require a transplant.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Organ Donors - 05/20/13 02:50 PM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
I've been signed as an organ donor for about 25 years now...though I'm in no hurry to donate.

I'm assuming by now every state has a system to tie iin organ donation with driver license applications.

A few decades ago there was a thought that my younger sister would need a kidney transplant in the future, so my brother and I were both keeping track of her progress as we were the suited donors. Happily she reached the point where it's unlikely she'll require a transplant.

Kly are you a fan/friend of corbbet?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Organ Donors - 05/20/13 02:57 PM

Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Kly are you a fan/friend of corbbet?

Not particularly. He was a very effective AG, but I am against some of his political agenda.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Organ Donors - 05/20/13 03:08 PM

I have been an organ donor for many years.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Organ Donors - 05/20/13 03:17 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I have been an organ donor for many years.

What organs do you have left? lol
Posted By: GoldenEagle

Re: Organ Donors - 05/22/13 11:19 AM

Thank you so very much for the kind words and support. I wanted to get back sooner to thank you but I have been doing the hospital thing all day, every day.
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