
It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS!

Posted By: EastHarlemItal

It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 08:21 AM


I say this with much reservation, however I thought she was a good Sec of State! And I doubt the GOP can put a ticket together which will put up a decent fight!

Hillary and ? vs. Christ and Rubio?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 03:16 PM

Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal

I say this with much reservation, however I thought she was a good Sec of State! And I doubt the GOP can put a ticket together which will put up a decent fight!

Hillary and ? vs. Christ and Rubio?

CHRIST is running for President?? uhwhat lol Now THAT'S news.

Posted By: EastHarlemItal

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 03:26 PM

And you constantly complain about the new members being immature! Where do you think they learn how to behave from! Great example.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 04:04 PM

Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
And you constantly complain about the new members being immature! Where do you think they learn how to behave from! Great example.

TIS was making a joke about someone who misspelled Crist's name. And BTW your grammar isn't so hot.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 04:11 PM

And this thread is at least two and a half years too early. I'm still hungover from Election 2012, I don't want to think about this crap for at least another year or so, and ANYTHING can happen in four years.

Jesus, she's not even a remotely young woman anymore. She'll be almost 70. God forbid, what if her health scare from a few months ago relapses or something? And what if Biden decides to run anyway? Bad feelings. Possibility of a split party. Ted Kennedy-Jimmy Carter all over. Nah, it's just way too early to be predicting this stuff.

I've been a very critical Obama supporter over the years. But let's let him get through at least a year of his second term before we worry about the next President.
Posted By: EastHarlemItal

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 04:13 PM

TIS enjoys pointing out all my spelling mistakes. Yeah grammar could use some work I suppose. I neither care enough to pay attention to it, nor do I choose to correct someone else's. We all have our things we disregard or enjoy correcting others about. Me I just don't find it that important unless its a blatant disregard for even the slightest effort made.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 04:27 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
And this thread is at least two and a half years too early. I'm still hungover from Election 2012, I don't want to think about this crap for at least another year or so, and ANYTHING can happen in four years.

Jesus, she's not even a remotely young woman anymore. She'll be almost 70. God forbid, what if her health scare from a few months ago relapses or something? And what if Biden decides to run anyway? Bad feelings. Possibility of a split party. Ted Kennedy-Jimmy Carter all over. Nah, it's just way too early to be predicting this stuff.

I've been a very critical Obama supporter over the years. But let's let him get through at least a year of his second term before we worry about the next President.

Who knows, maybe Obama and Hillary had that all planned out before hand when she threw in the towel the first time they ran against each other. First Sec of State then after Obama had his shot he would give Hillary his blessing/ backing when she ran. He was really talking her up when she left office? You never know do you.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 04:30 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Who knows, maybe Obama and Hillary had that all planned out before hand when she threw in the towel the first time they ran against each other.

It's possible, but I personally doubt it. That campaign was truly nasty, and her anger at the time was genuine if you ask me. But like you say, anything's possible.
Posted By: EastHarlemItal

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 04:31 PM

I thought there was bad blood between Obama and Hillary? However in politics there ripping each other then breaking bread five minutes later. I thought she was a great Sec of State! She was tough, fair and she worked! Give her credit for that, she was everywhere getting her hands dirty! Regardless if I didn't agree in all her policies she did give it a 100%
Posted By: fathersson

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/08/13 04:37 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
And you constantly complain about the new members being immature! Where do you think they learn how to behave from! Great example.

TIS was making a joke about someone who misspelled Crist's name. And BTW your grammar isn't so hot.

HOLY SHIT, are the spelling and grammar police here again!
Damn, I have been busted so many times I keep my orange jump suit with my name and numbers hanging behind my office door!

Don't worry everyone makes mistakes around here and if they say they haven't then they lie. lol

Relax and don't think a second thought about it. Even Christ would have a tuff time running for office with this crowd around here! lol lol
Posted By: bigboy

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/29/13 07:01 PM

I wouldn't be shocked to see obama throw her under the bus now that she's served him, and endorse his wife. Benghazi isn't going to disapear much as they would like to. She has a lot of dirty laundry out there - Going as far back as Rose law firm records, WH travel office and many other lies. One thing is certain- it won't be boring
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/29/13 07:12 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
I wouldn't be shocked to see obama throw her under the bus now that she's served him, and endorse his wife. Benghazi isn't going to disapear much as they would like to. She has a lot of dirty laundry out there - Going as far back as Rose law firm records, WH travel office and many other lies. One thing is certain- it won't be boring

Not gonna happen. In 2016 people will think Benghazi is some kind of stuff you rub on a sore back. And Lindsey Graham wont be around to remind us. Well, if he is, no one will be paying attention.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 04/30/13 03:56 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: bigboy
I wouldn't be shocked to see obama throw her under the bus now that she's served him, and endorse his wife. Benghazi isn't going to disapear much as they would like to. She has a lot of dirty laundry out there - Going as far back as Rose law firm records, WH travel office and many other lies. One thing is certain- it won't be boring

Not gonna happen. In 2016 people will think Benghazi is some kind of stuff you rub on a sore back. And Lindsey Graham wont be around to remind us. Well, if he is, no one will be paying attention.

You are correct- a lot of low information voters will forget or not even know about Benghazi, however that is going to blow up. Attorneys aer already threatening suits under the whistleblower law that people are being threatened if they talk. Living here next to Ft Bragg, I talk to a lot of people knowledgeable on the subject and we haven't heard the end of Benghazi. I also think she might be too old, but who knows.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/09/13 05:31 PM

If Benghazi was going to "work," it would've been last year. And it didn't. (If you locals don't like that, then amuse yourself with the idea that Americans are sick of the Middle East.)

I think the right wing are almost committing the same mistakes they did when impeaching Clinton. They had him dead to rights on lying about that blowjob. They could've just had him Censured, humiliated in front of the world as he was. But no they had to stop him, impeach him out of office in the name of Office Morality. Then several of their members got busted for adultery. And that's when they lost their narrative, and Clinton actually became an underdog "victim." GOP won the battle, lost the war. (or won the war too initially with Election 2000, but lost the war ultimately with Gay Rights.)
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/09/13 05:34 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy

You are correct- a lot of low information voters will forget or not even know about Benghazi

Ah yes typical partisan trick practiced by both sides, call the voters stupid and ignorant when they don't vote your way. Except when they do!

I just don't think the public cares about Benghazi. Then again, they didn't either with Watergate until...
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/09/13 05:50 PM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

I just don't think the public cares about Benghazi. Then again, they didn't either with Watergate until...

I think the public cares about Benghazi to a point, but except for Fox News and a portion of the far right, more people are going to be outraged about congressional Republicans using the deaths for political gains.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/09/13 05:59 PM

It will be interesting to see who Christie's base is going to be if he runs for President. The Liberals and hard core Conservatives in my family both can't stand him, with the Conservatives disliking him more. My moderate Democrat and Republican family members like him.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/09/13 06:28 PM

Christie IMHO is the strongest possible cndidate the Reps could run. That said, I understand the far right hates him because he showed respect for Obama or some such nonsense, so it is possible that there could be a split party with some nutcase like Cruz leading a "third party" movement. If the Reps get in line behind Christie and he then picks a Midwestern or western Veep, it would be formidable, especially if Hillary does not run.

His greatest asset is what you see is what you get. He has his views, and he'll work with people who do not share them. He is a real pragmatist. I personally do not agree with him most of the time, but there's no question in my mind he is a "country first" kind of guy, and that quality is something we need nowadays.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/09/13 08:13 PM

Simply put, Christie is a leader. There are things about him I don't like, he can be a bit of a bully. However, he's learning, and I think he projected a warmth and caring for his constituents that continues to this day. He's willing to stand up for what's right, and that goes a long way.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/09/13 10:42 PM

Please not Hillary. My sister in law LOVES her, and that is reason enough for me not want her running. Besides she's too old. We need fresh blood in the Good Ole Boy-Girl politics. The Repubs have to reinvent themselves and the Dems have to stay a step ahead. In either case, we taxpaying schmucks will be stuck with some partisan asshole.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/10/13 04:15 PM


It all reminds me of Whitewater.

At its core, there really was nothing of anything there. God knows we tried to find something – and as editor of a pro-Clinton magazine, I probably went too far in proving our independence. But it is also true – as we discovered in the 1990s – that the Clintons cannot resist giving their enemies a slim reed of fact upon which to build their demonization machine. In the end, all perspective is lost altogether – and you end up impeaching a president.

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/10/13 04:24 PM

This is pure speculation, but the fact is the Democrats do not have a very deep bench of potential presidential candidates. It basically comes down to Hillary or Biden, and I think that one is a no brainer.

The Republicans have a much deeper bench, but they have the problem of the extremists. If they go through another primary season like they did in 2010 with the likes of Cruz and Paul up there with Christie, then they are going to have a hard time beating Hillary in 2016.

That said, I predict Hillary would be a one term president either by choice or by failing to get reelected. She is in a similar position to G. H. W. Bush, who was a decent president, but who was seen as serving out Reagasn's third term. In many ways Hillary will be serving Obama's third term, doing things like cementing Obamacare, continuing unfinished business of the administration, and maybe getting an initiative or two of her own on the table.

The next big race will be 2020. Whomever emergers victorious that year could well be someone no one has heard of.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/10/13 04:29 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso

The next big race will be 2020. Whomever emergers victorious that year could well be someone no one has heard of.

That is if we are all here...who knows maybe the next one will have a non american name.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/10/13 05:40 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Please not Hillary. My sister in law LOVES her, and that is reason enough for me not want her running. Besides she's too old. We need fresh blood in the Good Ole Boy-Girl politics. The Repubs have to reinvent themselves and the Dems have to stay a step ahead. In either case, we taxpaying schmucks will be stuck with some partisan asshole.

Amen to that, MC. She'll be almost 70 by 2016. If you're a hard core lefty who mocked Bob Dole back in '96 for his age, then you can't have it both ways (and for the record, I mocked Dole, too).

She'll be too old and out of touch. I'd like to see a candidate in his/her late 40's or early 50's. Besides, who wants to go back? The Clintons had their day, and it's time to move forward. But there's no doubt in my mind that she'll get the Democratic nomination if and when she decides to run. I respect what she's accomplished, but I won't vote for her because I'm over the Clintons and their sense of entitlement. And like I said, they represent the past, not the future.

If Christie gets the nomination, I'll hold my nose and vote for him. If a Tea Partier gets the nomination, I'll throw a vote away on a Ralph Nader/Ross Perot type who can't win. Because I'd no sooner vote for a Tea Partier than for Hillary.
Posted By: bigboy

Re: It's over! Hillary Clinton next POTUS! Or POS! - 05/10/13 06:54 PM

With The things which are developing today with the whistle blowers and now more threatening to come forward I'm not so sure the public will completely forget about it as has been suggested. It seems to be getting a little more serious. Her age won't help. She looks like a rag
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