
Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures??

Posted By: NickyScarfo

Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 11:44 AM

Have any of you ever been attacked, bitten, stung etc by dangerous creatures and how did it come about?? I say this because I had one of those dreaded incidents a couple of years back here in Australia which as you know is known for deadly creatures.

Check this spider out:

Now I am terrified of spiders so this was my worst nightmare, I was in bed when suddenly I got a painful nip on my toe, turned on the lights and discovered this spider under the sheets!! Its called a mouse spider and is venomous, I was severely ill for a while, nausea, sweating, vomiting hallucinating etc. Had to go to hospital for an anti-venom. Out here you always need to keep your eyes out!
Posted By: ThePolakVet

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 01:05 PM

For fuck sakes, if I go to Australia I'm taking a flamethrower with me, I'm shitless disguisted by spiders, especially if they are so big.
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 01:19 PM

I've got family out in Australia and ii imagine it's beautiful and fun but i wouldn't be able to live there very long because i'm petrified of spiders. To answer your question i've neved had an encounter with a deadly creature, the most frightening i've had was on 2 seperate occasions in Florida with 2 massive Tarantulas.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 01:21 PM

The funny thing is that if you live in the city out here you rarely see anything. I see maybe one deadly spider a year and I have never seen a snake in the city only in the country. Sharks though are a real threat, a few people taken a year in my state.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 01:47 PM

My son while he was in college fell for a girl from Tasmania. The home of the Tasmanian devil and assorted other animals that can kill you. Plus it was freaking far away from Brooklyn, and the Knicks , giants, Yankees and boars head cold cuts. :), and his father and mother.

She invited him to go there and live there with her. I saw pictures of the house it was right on the water looked pretty nice.

My son wanted to go. I wanted him to stay here. I was paranoid that he goes there and some animal would kill him. We have plenty of animals here that can kill you who walk around on two feet. But animals are different you can't deal with them.

I gave him a thousands of reasons to stay here instead of telling him no. He would not have listen to my advice any way. So I basically bought him so he would stay.

You know there are a lot of good looking women everywhere including here in Brooklyn.

I don't believe there is only one woman in the world that you can love and be happy with. There all over the place. I tell my wife that when she pisses me off.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 01:48 PM

Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
The funny thing is that if you live in the city out here you rarely see anything. I see maybe one deadly spider a year and I have never seen a snake in the city only in the country. Sharks though are a real threat, a few people taken a year in my state.

Swim in a pool who needs the beach?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 02:24 PM

austrailia is home to some of the most dangerous creatures on earth, very scary! i've seen a # of black bears in west virginia, and even been pretty close to a few of them. they all run away quickly though, and there have only been about 23 fatal attacks in north america from black bears in the last 100 years or so, but its still a hell of an adrenaline rush!

i've seen a bunch of black widows, but the danger posed by them is vastly overrated. they have very small fangs that usually aren't even capable of penetrating clothing, and they just don't inject enough venom to really be life threatening to anyone besides the old, sick or young. however, much like bee's, some people will probably have an allergic reaction which could be trouble. a bite from one of them usually amounts to nothing more than a painful inconvenience for most, although its wise to get medical attention.

i've also come across a bunch of timber rattlesnakes, again in west virginia. they are considered to be the 2nd most dangerous snake in north america, behind the eastern diamondback rattlesnake. they can reach over 5 feet in length,although the few that i saw were all under 3. they can deliver enough venom with a single bite to kill a man, but usually just scurry away. still, the snakes we have over here are minor league compared to the bush!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 06:41 PM

I was stung once by thimble jellyfish while snorkeling in Honduras, but they aren't really dangerous. I did get a horrible allergic reaction that led to several days on mega-doses of antihistamines, but that was it. We've had coyotes in our backyard, but they rarely attack humans.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 06:51 PM

About 15 years ago I was on an airboat that flipped over near Florida City, right at the edge of the Everglades. Truth be told, nothing got next me but the panic almost gave me a heart attack. The Glades are as close to the jungle as we have here in the United States.

I see gators all the time in Florida. You get used to them and you find out the dos and don'ts. Do keep a respectable distance. If you feed them you're an idiot who deserves to get your hand taken off.

Speaking of the Glades, giant snakes do not exist naturally in North America. But over the past 20 years or so people have bought things like pythons and boas on the black market from South America. When they get too big, these idiots set them free in the Glades. Today it's a real problem. Every day you read about a gator eating a snake or a snake eating a gator.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 08:00 PM

About 20 years ago, I was at a business meeting in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. I went for a run to the beach, which took me across a large open field with a stream running through it. I stopped to, uh, relieve myself. While doing so, I spotted fresh alligator tracks. I have never run so fast before or since.

Out here in the High Desert, we get coyotes and javelinas roaming the streets of our subdivision, but they aren't dangerous. I have had a tarantula or two cross my path, and found a scorpion in my bedroom, but neither bit me.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 09:20 PM

One year I forgot our wedding anniversary. I never want to face that dangerous creature again.
Posted By: SC

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 09:49 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
One year I forgot our wedding anniversary. I never want to face that dangerous creature again.

Posted By: SC

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 10:09 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
About 20 years ago, I was at a business meeting in Ponte Vedra Beach, FL. I went for a run to the beach, which took me across a large open field with a stream running through it. I stopped to, uh, relieve myself. While doing so, I spotted fresh alligator tracks. I have never run so fast before or since.

Out here in the High Desert, we get coyotes and javelinas roaming the streets of our subdivision, but they aren't dangerous. I have had a tarantula or two cross my path, and found a scorpion in my bedroom, but neither bit me.

Haven't you learned by now that it's the sunshine and warmth that bring all those creatures?

Back in Brooklyn, about 50 years ago. I was about 10 years old and went to work one day with my dad. That meant I got to separate all the nickels, dimes and quarters when my father emptied the pinball machines and jukeboxes. We were in a rough bar and my dad didn't want to count the money out in the open so he asked the bartender if there was somewhere he could go that was more private. The bartender pointed to a door and said, "Al, the light switch is on the wall". We opened the door, my dad reached for the switch and as soon as the light came on the room came alive. I mean it CAME ALIVE!!! Rats were swarming EVERYWHERE. Big fucking rats!! Dozens of them. I can't believe how quickly my dad scooped me up and slammed the door shut. To this day I am skeeved by rats.

FWIW - It was somewhere downtown Brooklyn. I remember it was close to the Williamsburg Savings Bank Bldg.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 11:17 PM

In the mountains of Kentucky they have all kinds of spiders and snakes, bears, deers, elks,coyotes, mountain lions and Lord knows what else is hiding in those mountains. But that won't stop me from getting on my 4 wheeler and having fun.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 11:17 PM

When I lived in Harlem we would go into the iron place barn after the horses left with their carts. The place were full of rats. We would shoot them. That is where I first learned to shoot. My Daddio told me Joe Valachi lived in that barn as a kid. No wonder he became a rat.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/17/13 11:59 PM

a shaved black bear lol

Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/18/13 01:19 AM

Geez that thing looks comedic lol not to mention harmless hahaha
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/18/13 05:44 AM

I'd have to say alligators as well. As older teens my friend and I would drive down to Florida and visit different parts of the state. One year we drove deep into the Everglades for a couple days. Walking through some woods we came up to a half-dozen sleeping gators, I'm guessing about 50 feet away. Backed away slowly. lol Besides that, the most dangerous creature that attacked us in the Glades were the fucking mosquitoes! We were walking on some rocks across a creek, and I looked down at my white socks and they were now black, covered with mosquitoes!

Was canoeing in upper Florida and came across a baby gator sleeping on a fallen tree over the water. We got right up to it. But then wondered where the mother was, who probably wasn't too far away, so high-tailed it out of there.

Did a lot of camping as a kid (Scouts) and older, but never ran into any bears. Would never want to, either! Even trekking through the woods (Pine Barrens) now I keep a sharp eye out.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 03/18/13 05:14 PM

I've come across many black bears in PA. They usually pick up your scent and go out of their way to avoid you. One time at a lake I was discarding some garbage in a dumpster when I saw two cubs sniffing around just a few feet from me. I immediately looked around for their momma, and found her about 20 feet away, giving me a look as if she were saying, "Hurry up, do your business and scram."
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 04/29/13 07:41 PM

In my own back yard I have encountered a copperhead and several black widow spiders. Out in the woods a cottonmouth. In Florida I encountered an alligator, At Ft Drum NY I've encountered bears a few times and in Alaska, came upon a moose out in the wild and can tell you- that was scary- They seem to stand about 10 feet tall when you are in the middle of nowhere.
Posted By: TonyBoy117

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 04/29/13 09:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
a shaved black bear lol

I saw that exact creature eating a half loaf of sessame Italian bread at the bottom of a storm drain in Grand Concourse, I shit you not this rat was closer to a cappybarra. I also saw a Bobcat in the Kensico Dam parking lot one time!
Posted By: BlackFamily

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 04/30/13 01:26 AM

Mosquitos around here in Mississippi aren't a joke.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 04/30/13 12:03 PM

Well i have documented before that i am no lover of snakes. We are lucky over here that we don't have many snakes but we do have adders which are poisonous and native to the north-east moors near to me. Now on a school trip many moons ago we were in said moor land on a field hike when somebody up front shouted "Look an adder".......

And i swear i turned and ran the 40 miles back home before the day was out!!!

That was as close as i ever got smile
Posted By: Dwalin2011

Re: Your Run-Ins with Dangerous Creatures?? - 04/30/13 07:04 PM

My grandfather once met a bear on a fishing trip. He also told me a friend of his was once gathering berries in a forest and a bear took the bag and started eating them. My grandfather's friend was so tired after having been in the forest for the whole day that he got angry his work was being ruined by the lazy animal and tried to snatch the bag from him. The bear whacked his scalp off. Good that at least he survived.

Speaking of dangerous alligators: I read there was a case when a thief chased by the police was eaten by an alligator. Instead of being grateful, they later caught the alligator and killed him. Bastards. Whose fault it was if the thief didn't read the sign where it was clearly written that there were alligators in the lake and therefore it was dangerous to swim there?
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