
Nixon Tapes

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Nixon Tapes - 12/18/12 06:59 AM

They doomed his Presidency, but now on YouTube you can listen to the seemingly endless tapes where our 37th President recorded phone calls and Oval Office discussions ranging from the historically informative to the mundane (Along with Mr. Nixon's own thoughts on minorities.) Really fascinating naked insight into a POTUS' little private world preserved for posterity.

Take this 1971 tape where he talks about an ALL IN THE FAMILY episode, complaining about women's fashions, bitching about gay people, praising the Soviets for eliminating/jailing them, and so forth.

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Nixon Tapes - 12/18/12 04:31 PM

It really wasn't the Watergate break-in that brought Nixon down. It was, as Press Secretary Ron Ziegler said, "a third-rate burglary." Nixon was brought down by all the paranoia, secrecy and bigotry that the Oval Office tapes surfaced.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Nixon Tapes - 12/21/12 11:48 PM

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