
Question for the Democrats

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Question for the Democrats - 08/22/12 10:14 PM

Of course I have to come back with a bang.

But seriously, anyone who subscribes to the Democratic emails, are you getting them sent from 20 different email addresses?

It seems everyday I get emails from at least 3-4 different email addresses each day. They never repeat themselves either, but are always "official emails" and clearly aren't spam.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 12:55 AM

I'm not registered with a party, so I am wooed by all. It makes me feel so loved.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 01:30 AM

I'm a registered Independent here in AZ. We have early voting via mail-in ballots. For some reason (and I don't know why), I got a ballot to vote in the GOP primary, not the Dem primary. I tore it up because I'm not a Republican.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 02:04 AM

I have gotten so many emails from Barack, Michelle, Biden I dont even bother opening them up anymore.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 02:15 AM

Oh yea, all you need to do is register for one (DNC, OFA) and you'll get e-mails from everyone and their brother. lol And notice the closer to the election, the more often the e-mails?

You CAN unsubscribe from the ones you don't want though. Usually at the bottom of the e-mail.

I too vote by mail which is very convenient but I kind of miss the excitement of going to the polling site.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 07:15 AM

TIS, thats just it. I unsubscribe from them each time I get them. But instead of John Smith sending me one on Monday its Jerry Johnson sending a new one on Tuesday. Its like pop ups on your computer, close 1 and you get 2 more.

SB, are we talking wooed just by political parties or.... smile lol

Turnbull, it could be because the Dem primary is only for Dems and the Republican Primary is open to all. Thats a strategy that a lot of parties do in primaries, if a primary is open to all the other party goes and votes for the "worst candidate".
Posted By: Signor Vitelli

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 08:04 AM

Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
...the Dem primary is only for Dems and the Republican Primary is open to all.

Really? I'm no rocket scientist (and I don't even play one on TV), but I never knew that. I'm a registered Democrat, but for the last several years I've been so disenchanted by all things politically partisan that I'm seriously considering re-registering as an Independent.


Thankfully, I have not been bombarded with political e-mails this time around. But, it's a curious thing: I use my personal e-mail address for 98% of all correspondence; it's also my e-mail of record on the GBB. But, any and all political crap (particularly the local stuff) comes to my business e-mail address. I hardly ever use it - how on earth did they find that address?? confused

Thankfully, when I've clicked on "unsubscribe", it's usually done just that. (Except for e-mails from one local politico, who had to resign anyway because he was convicted of corruption. Just a different means to the desired end, I guess... wink )

And DMC - it's so nice to have you back where you belong! clap

Signor V.
(The Emoticon King)
Posted By: Don Marco

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 01:06 PM

I am registered as independent and thankfully have not been receiving political emails. Still getting a lot saying someone in Nigeria needs my help getting his $10 million wired to my bank account.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 02:47 PM

I'm not sure how the party registration works, but when living in New York, I was a registered Democrat (Nixon made me do it). I moved to south Jersey 5 years ago and had to open a new email account, so maybe that severed my Democrat connection. I receive nothing from any party...THANK GOD!

I'm thinking of registering for the Green Party, but then I think of all the crap I'll get......nah. I'm TRULY Independent. Think I'll stay that way.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 03:02 PM

When you register for a PARTY/or to vote, or unless you give them your e-mail address you will only get info via regular mail. If you go to particular websites, they always ask for your e-mail and probably somewhere in small print you are agreeing to let them forward to other groups. rolleyes

Sometimes they'll ask only for zip code. I notice too, that I'll get political things specific to California, from my congress people with CA issues, etc. It's a zoo this election cycle that's for sure. MORE than usual e-mail.


Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 04:39 PM

When I registered to vote, there was no internet. I'm not sure how I got on email lists, but there I am. I didn't even register as an Independent, because that's a party affiliation. I chose to have no party affiliation at all.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 04:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
When I registered to vote, there was no internet. I'm not sure how I got on email lists, but there I am. I didn't even register as an Independent, because that's a party affiliation. I chose to have no party affiliation at all.

Yea, there wasn't internet when I registered either (back in the caveman days) lol. Don't know how they get it. Perhaps via the DMV? In many states you can register to vote at the DMV when you renew your license. No escaping it is there? Big Brother will find us no matter what. lol

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 05:04 PM

Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli
I'm a registered Democrat, but for the last several years I've been so disenchanted by all things politically partisan that I'm seriously considering re-registering as an Independent.

You just described me to a tee, Signor V.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 06:34 PM

So far I haven't received any emails from either party(HAPPY DANCE) but I do get those bothersome phone calls.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 06:36 PM

I have gotten NO political phone calls now that you mention it. EXCEPT for my school union, from time to time reminding me to vote but they have my number. So far nobody else. I do have an unlisted number so maybe that's what's helping. smile

Posted By: olivant

Re: Question for the Democrats - 08/23/12 06:53 PM

TIS, you're right about mail addresses. Even providing it to one vendor can result in its proliferation across the web.
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