
what's wrong with YouTube?

Posted By: Debra

what's wrong with YouTube? - 08/04/12 10:59 PM

what's up with youtube? why is it barely loading the vids? and why it won't load anything when I pause the vids?

it used to load the whole thing when paused, now it loads nothing or just a little bit.

are you guys having the same problem?
Posted By: SC

Re: what's wrong with YouTube? - 08/04/12 11:07 PM

I tried it.... the videos load BUT you are right about pausing them and the loading pauses as well. confused
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: what's wrong with YouTube? - 08/05/12 09:45 AM

Having so many problems with youtube atm! It annoying me to hell, on music clips sometimes the video will finish like a minute in. Not buffering problems just finish. Then often a music video will get part way in and restart itself, driving me crazy! Thought it might be my computer but its happening to friends also.
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