

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Fishing! - 07/27/12 09:34 PM

who here fishes? fresh or salt water? what species do you target? i do mostly freshwater, but i usually try to take a party boat at least once a year for either fluke or bluefish if i need a workout.

this year i've done mostly trout fishing as we have a stream close to the house, which i put my waders on and walk the river casting spinners or plain earthworms. that has been done for a couple months now though as trout are mainly active in the cooler weather. we had a great bass pond on a farm near me that i have permission to fish, although this year it has been less than steller.the problem is that the farmer somehow changed the irrigation/runnoff from some of his fields causing all the silt to run into the lake giving it that coffee with milk color.

i know the fish are still in there, but getting them to bite has been another thing entirely. its too bad because we would pull some huge bass outta there and the best part was that nobody ever fished there so the fish were't used to seeing lures very often so they would attack everything.
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