
Gun Control

Posted By: pizzaboy

Gun Control - 07/26/12 06:01 PM

Well, being that the President finally broke his silence on the matter, I figured it now deserves its own thread.

President Obama calls for more thorough background checks when purchasing firearms in wake of Aurora, Colo., movie theater massacre

Obama says an AK-47 belongs in the hands of soldiers, not criminals. Republican rival Mitt Romney says America doesn't need new gun laws


It won't satisfy Mayor Bloomberg, but President Obama called for some gun-control tweaks Wednesday, including more thorough background checks.

While he called hunting and shooting part of the nation's “cherished national heritage,” Obama added that “a lot of gun owners would agree that AK-47s belong in the hands of soldiers, not in the hands of criminals.”

"I believe the majority of gun owners would agree we should do everything possible to prevent criminals and fugitives from purchasing weapons, and we should check someone's criminal record before they can check out a gun seller," he said during a speech to a supportive audience National Urban League. "That a mentally unbalanced individual should not be able to get his hands on a gun so easily."

"These steps shouldn't be controversial," Obama added. "They should be common sense."

Obama's speech marked his first public comments calling for new gun restrictions since last week's massacre in Aurora, Colo. The deadly mass shooting during a midnight showing of "The Dark Knight Rises" prompted Bloomberg and others to demand Obama and GOP rival Mitt Romney take a tougher stand on gun control.

Romney, however, insisted on Wednesday that new laws wouldn't prevent future violence.

"Political implications, legal implications are something which will be sorted out down the road," Romney told NBC News during an interview from London, where he is beginning a three-nation international tour. "But I don't happen to believe that America needs new gun laws."

But later, he appeared to suggest that accused Aurora killer James Holmes bought his guns illegally, when in fact he bought them through legal channels.

"A lot of what this young man did was clearly against the law. But the fact that it was against the law did not prevent it from happening," Romney said. "This person shouldn't have had any kind of weapons and bombs and other devices and it was illegal for him to have many of those things already. But he had them."

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/election...8#ixzz21kjjJURB
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 07/26/12 07:18 PM

How about this? Anyone who visits a psychologist or psychiatrist has their visit(s) fed into a national database that will be maintained by the federal government. Any seller of firearms must then receive approval from the federal government to sell the firearm to the potential purchaser.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Gun Control - 07/26/12 10:14 PM

I suppose the obvious point is, we could make all the gun-control laws in the world, but that won't necessarily stop criminals from obtaining a AK-47 if they have the inclination and means to do so. They're criminals, after all, and so would likely look to circumvent the regular processes.
Posted By: Sonny_Black

Re: Gun Control - 07/26/12 10:56 PM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
I suppose the obvious point is, we could make all the gun-control laws in the world, but that won't necessarily stop criminals from obtaining a AK-47 if they have the inclination and means to do so. They're criminals, after all, and so would likely look to circumvent the regular processes.

It would do no harm making it more difficult for them to obtain those weapons. I think it could make a difference.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Gun Control - 07/26/12 11:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black

It would do no harm making it more difficult for them to obtain those weapons. I think it could make a difference.

I'd be fine with that.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 06:33 AM

What will they ban next?
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 02:19 PM

I don't know if it would make a difference to crime rates in the US, but guns are completely unnecessary unless your in the army or your a farmer. In Australia and the UK I have got by just fine without having a gun. its absolutely insane to me that some place in America you can buy high powered assault rifles etc.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 02:36 PM

Original geschrieben von: olivant
How about this? Anyone who visits a psychologist or psychiatrist has their visit(s) fed into a national database that will be maintained by the federal government. Any seller of firearms must then receive approval from the federal government to sell the firearm to the potential purchaser.

Which could keep some people from seeing a therapist.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 03:29 PM

i dont think its even an issue as to whether restricting guns would have a positive effect on crime. most people who are able to look at it objectively believe it would not. its more of a liberty issue with most americans. kinda like a "dont punish all of us for the misdeads of a few" kinda thing which translates to much more than just guns.

not everybody "needs" a gun. i live in a nice area, but i feel better knowing i have one. again, education is they key here people. nicky, i can see how you feel that way growing up in a culture without guns, but if you dont have expierience with them then its harder to explain how certain people feel about them. like ive said before this whole "assault weapons" thing drives me fucking crazy. an assault rifle is a selective fire weapon, meaning it has the ability to fire burst or full automatic fire in addition to single shot with the flip of a switch. these weapons are not readiliy available to the public.

notice all these politicians (mayor bloomburg) who just want all guns banned have thier own private security so realisticly they dont give a shit about what happens to you as they have thier own guns. the fact that this piece of shit pretty much told the police that they should all go on strike until everyone give up thier guns should tell you all you need to know about him. a good quote i heard is" i carry a gun because a cop is too heavy". everyone has a right to protect themselves and nobody can tell me any different. lots of people always use the quote "those who don't study history are doomed to repeat it" but when this comes up in regards to guns its ignored time and time again.

i know im gonna catch alot of crap for this but here goes anyways. pre ww2 in germany, what did hitler do? first, all guns had to be registered. soon after guess what happened? since the state had a list of everyone with guns it was much easier to take them and thats what was done. all guns were taken and look at the results. nobody could resist that nutjob as he consolidated his power. millions died, fact. funny how all those events took place in a time when the worlds economy was doing horrible, kinda similar to today, huh?

are we headed in the same direction? hopefully not but the point is these things are always done incrementally. you always have to be mindful of the future as you can never be sure how a law or restriction put into place today will be used by politicians down the road. there has to be a line in the sand and many see gun rights as that line. again, the overwhelming majority of gun owners are law abiding so the idea that nobody needs or can be trusted with a gun is just utter bullshit. the only arguement that anti-gun people ever have is you dont need them, they are dangerous, only the government should have them as we always act fairly and in the best interests of the people

another good quote is "you have to reason with somebody with a gun" that is very true as without protection you are basically at the mercy of whoever has them, whoever they may be.

heres a link to an article about some new proposed regulations on magazine capacity, similar to the old "assault weapons" ban. http://thehill.com/video/senate/240657-cybersecurity-bill-includes-gun-control-measure for people living in america, did we see all out bloodshed when the old assault weapons ban expired in 2004 like some of theses scumbag politicians would lead you to believe? nope, same as its always been.

one of the main points that i got from the acticle is its a prime example of how sleazy theses politicians can be. they added this new proposed legislation as an ammendment to the new cybersecurity bill? what the fuck do these two things have in common other than they both serve to further erode peoples rights. it doesnt matter what side of the fence you are on(pretty obvious about my side) the fact that these people wanna be sneaky like this and we should trust them with an issue like this boggles my mind. ok now my rant for the day is over and boy do i feel better!
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 03:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
Which could keep some people from seeing a therapist.
i'm pretty sure he was being sarcastic!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 03:56 PM

The following is a quote from Five Felonies above:

"i know im gonna catch alot of crap for this but here goes anyways. pre ww2 in germany, what did hitler do? first, all guns had to be registered. soon after guess what happened? since the state had a list of everyone with guns it was much easier to take them and thats what was done."

Yes, you are gonna catch crap from me. My God, it is so easy these days to research statements before they are posted. Why not do so? Gun ownership in Germany during the tenure of the Third Reich (get this) was actually less restrictive than during that of its predecessor, the Weimer Republic. The Weimer Republic through the Reichstag enacted laws that severely restricted gun ownership to comply with the Versailles Treaty. Under the Third Reich, the Weapons Act of 1938 (Hitler became Chancellor in 1933) applied rather anemic handgun registration requirements which were intended to deprive Jews and other non-persons of weapons, but it still did not apply to long-guns. Hunters were exempt from the restictions and the gun ownership age was lowered.

To reiterate, eschew urban myths in favor or research before you post.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:11 PM

^^^ was my point perfect, no. should i maybe have specified that it was directed towards jews more than the average citizen, yes but the point is still more than valid as bottom line it took weapons outta the hands of alot of ordinary people regardless. when you say the guns laws were less restictive they were compared to the treaty of versailles when germany basically wasn't even in control of thier own country. bottom line was that the majority of guns were left in the hands of the state, not the population but thanks for the correction as everyone who's ever posted anything has had it 100% accurate. this article expalins it better than i could...

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:24 PM

I just got back from England where I had an exptremely difficult time explainging how someone could amass the arsenal that animal in Colorado put together.

Here's an idea....instead of wringing our hands about the issue lets give real gun control and real ammo control, and clip limitations a try. All the pro gun people say it will not work, however it does work in most places where they have these controls, and it could work here.

If it doesn't, it doesn't, but lets give it a shot.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:25 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
If it doesn't, it doesn't, but lets give it a shot.

Poor choice of words whistle.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:32 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I just got back from England where I had an exptremely difficult time explainging how someone could amass the arsenal that animal in Colorado put together.

Here's an idea....instead of wringing our hands about the issue lets give real gun control and real ammo control, and clip limitations a try. All the pro gun people say it will not work, however it does work in most places where they have these controls, and it could work here.

If it doesn't, it doesn't, but lets give it a shot.
a couple of points
#1 its always much harder to repeal new laws than it is to create new ones.
#2 when the assault weapons ban was in place, which lots of people thought was reasonable, there were no significant changes for the better or worse when it came to gun crime.

heres a type of story that rarly gets a fair amount of coverage these days, a gun being used to save people instead of destroy them. there are plenty of these incidents but most people never hear about them.

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:37 PM

Here's the problem with this issue: There's no middle ground. NEITHER side wants to concede anything.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:39 PM

Again you're wrong. The 1938 Weapons Law specifically deprived only Jews and other undesirables from owning any type of weapon. The "ordinary" Germans were those not so classified. Germany's population when the WWII commenced was about 90 million; the Wermacht maxed out at 15-20 million who ever served in it.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:41 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Germany's population when the WWII commenced was about 90 million

Off topic: How many Jews lived in Germany at the beginning of the war?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:47 PM

who had the say as to who was an "undersireable" or "non-person"? seems to me that those are very loose terms that could be applied to "anyone". maybe even people who didnt share the same views as the party, at least thats how i interpreted it. perhaps im wrong on the specifics but the main point i was trying to get across is when the state has unrealistic,unrestricted power to decide who can own weapons, it spells trouble. no hard feelings though as i'm always open to learn more.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:53 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: olivant
Germany's population when the WWII commenced was about 90 million

Off topic: How many Jews lived in Germany at the beginning of the war?
about 565,000. http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en/article.php?ModuleId=10005687

also the population of germany pre ww2 was closer to 70,000,000 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/World_War_II_casualties
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:54 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: olivant
Germany's population when the WWII commenced was about 90 million

Off topic: How many Jews lived in Germany at the beginning of the war?

Actually PB, there were not that many compared to Germany's population. Some estimates are just a few hundred thousand. The oft cited 6 million who were exterminated represents the number throughout Europe and territories that the German army occupied.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 04:59 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: olivant
Germany's population when the WWII commenced was about 90 million

Off topic: How many Jews lived in Germany at the beginning of the war?

Actually PB, there were not that many compared to Germany's population. Some estimates are just a few hundred thousand. The oft cited 6 million who were exterminated represents the number throughout Europe and territories that the German army occupied.

That's what I thought. It makes it seem that much worse that the Third Reich was obsessed with getting rid of less than 1 percent of the population. Like they posed some kind of threat rolleyes.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 05:07 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
That's what I thought. It makes it seem that much worse that the Third Reich was obsessed with getting rid of less than 1 percent of the population. Like they posed some kind of threat rolleyes.

It was all incipient in with Hitler (although he had competitors who thought the same) and sustained by him. What is so alarming though is that there were so many Germans who supported him.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 06:22 PM

How did we go from gun control to Hitler?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 06:33 PM

I don't have a problem with sensible gun controls that are enacted to help assure public safety--as long as law-abiding citizens aren't arbitrarily banned from owning firearms. I also think it's a matter for states and localities to decide, as long as they're consistent with two recent Supreme Court rulings establishing the Second Amendment as applying to indivudual gun ownership. In those decisions, the High Court did not invalidate gun controls; it ruled that Washington DC and Chicago were out of line for making it impossible for law-abiding citizens to own guns.

I had to go through three months of hoops to get a permit to buy a handgun in NJ, vs. a 10-minute background here in AZ. But I got what I wanted--because I'm a law-abiding citizen. If I had problems with NJ's strict controls, I could have started a group to lobby to legislature to change the rules. But didn't have problems--I got what I wanted.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 06:35 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
How did we go from gun control to Hitler?

Well, whenever gun control is discussed, some people drag out the errant information about guns and the Third Reich which is considered by those draggers to be the ultimate and unavoidable outcome of any effort by government to control the proliferation of firearms. Of course, as has been accurately explained above, Hitler only sought to selectively control firearms as a component of his Final Solution.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 07:06 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
How did we go from gun control to Hitler?

Well, whenever gun control is discussed, some people drag out the errant information about guns and the Third Reich which is considered by those draggers to be the ultimate and unavoidable outcome of any effort by government to control the proliferation of firearms. Of course, as has been accurately explained above, Hitler only sought to selectively control firearms as a component of his Final Solution.

Unless your the ones being selectively controled?

100,000,000 gun owners did not kill anyone today

In a country with 320 million plus citizens, every once in awhile a "Wacko" appears out of that HUGE population.....and HURTS people.

THAT is unpreventable.......and the OTHER 320 million citizens should not have to be penalized from owning a Gun OR being able to protect themselves................

and I do Hold/have a CC permit for New York State just for the record!
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 07:32 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Hitler only sought to selectively control firearms as a component of his Final Solution.
so that makes it somehow more justified? he disarmed a particular group that he saw as a threat to prevent them from being able to defend themselves and then systematically rounded them up and murdered them! my point when bringing all this up was not to imply that if certain additional restrictions were imposed tomorrow we would all be doomed, but instead to show what is possible on the extreme end of the gun control issue. i don"t think something like this is likely to happen again but its just something to consider. i think its important to look at all possible scenarios no matter how extreme when a debate on restricting anything comes up.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 07/27/12 10:46 PM

I'm not sure if this belongs here or not.

Thank God for that gun carrying man.
Gun carrying man ends stabbing spree
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 07/28/12 12:31 PM

In the thirties, most of the first victims who were killed or sent to prison or concentration camps were political enemies: many social democrats and almost all communists. In 1933 the Communist Party had about 300,000 members and 6 million voters. Some of them had guns. It wouldn't help, just as it hadn't helped the Jewish community.
In terms of politics: The Nazi party took over step by step all crucial posts - the criminal police, the army, the courts of law. And if there ever had been a chance for a mass riot (armed or unarmed) it would have been immediately after January 1933 or maybe March 1933. But the political parties (conservative, leftists, communists) wouldn't co-operate. And the ordinary German wanted to be left alone.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 07/28/12 06:22 PM

I just heard a bunch of guys at the car show talking about this morning...and the best thing I heard was:

"The son of a bitches, that so badly want gun control are the same son of a bitches that just sit on their asses and never stand up to anyone except with their big mouths.
They want others to stand up for them, go fight their war, come to their aid when something happens to their sorry asses, but never put themselves in the line of fire or in the danger zone.
They have the nerve to complain about everything that others want to do that they don't even do..so FUCK THEM!"

and the crowd went wild!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 07/28/12 07:51 PM

Wow, FS, I'm so sorry. It sounds like you spent your morning with a bunch of loud-mouthed asswipes. Must have sucked.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 07/29/12 12:25 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Wow, FS, I'm so sorry. It sounds like you spent your morning with a bunch of loud-mouthed asswipes. Must have sucked.

OH. No- No....you couldn't have been more wrong. We were at a local VA Hospital this morning. Giving those there a chance to enjoy America's sports cars.

And with the help of the hospital staff and volunteers the men came down to enjoy the cars. A couple even got a chance to take a ride.

Thanks to a Police escort from our local police department. ( A local chief is a club member.) They got to enjoy some fast take offs with some burning rubber in the air. The smiles were all around... Guys enjoying the time together.

Then after snack a bunch of folks also went over to the children's hospital where all the kids got to come down from their wards (those that could get out) and with their staff's help, they came down and were all over the cars. The hospital had a whole section of a side parking lot closed for the cars

As many of you know, sport car owners have a thing about people touching their cars, at many shows they even keep people back with ropes, But not a word was said as the kids hands ran all over the polished cars. Sitting in many and holding their ears as a couple of the guys revved up their engines when asked.

A couple of the club members wives had the job of using Polaroid type cameras taking pictures of the kids sitting behind the wheel of the cars. You should have seen the kids waving the pictures trying to get them to appear faster.

Parents couldn't stop thanking everyone for their time. Saying it was great to see the kids with some smiles once again. I guess we have to thank the man above for clearing the rain away this morning.

Oh and those loud mouth ass wipes as you put it, have a 500 cars event planed tomorrow to raise money for over 20 charities and other events at some local nursing homes also.

The young man who make the comment that got you making a poor post was a young vet and his brother talking. One has just one limp left and the other set up the event for the guys stuck there for treatment and rehabilitation after spending so much time with his brother..
And sweetheart I respect their opinion a lot more then some other key board commandos on here who only claim to fame is living their life online.

Sorry if some don't just love every post posted on these boards, it is a shitty world at times I guess.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 07/31/12 02:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Sonny_Black
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
I suppose the obvious point is, we could make all the gun-control laws in the world, but that won't necessarily stop criminals from obtaining a AK-47 if they have the inclination and means to do so. They're criminals, after all, and so would likely look to circumvent the regular processes.

It would do no harm making it more difficult for them to obtain those weapons. I think it could make a difference.

Another gem in the crown:

The biggest problem with the gun debate in this country is the ignorance on behalf of a majority of the country. AK-47's are NOT legal to own in the US, unless you have $20,000 and want to deal with 6 months of rigorous background checks, get signatures from about 10 different people, and you live in either Texas or Arizona. There ARE rifles that LOOK like an AK, which are as different as can be from an AK itself. It operates as a Semi Automatic rifle, as opposed to a fully automatic, and is therefore NOT considered an Assault Rifle.

The so called "assault Weapon" ban that went into effect in the 90's governed these weapons that LOOK LIKE assault rifles, as Assault rifles are ALREADY illegal and have been for a long time! So In other words, you are legislating based upon what the gun looks like, as opposed to the facts surrounding it. Seems nonsensical to me!

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/14/13 10:44 PM

Andrew Cuomo and State legislators have reached a tentative agreement to tighten up New York State's gun laws. Specifically the by-laws regarding assault weapons and magazines.

New York Gun Control: Cuomo, Legislative Leaders Reach Tentative Deal On Assault Weapons, Magazines

By MICHAEL GORMLEY, The Huffington Post

ALBANY, N.Y. — A key New York Senate leader and the Assembly speaker said they expect the state Legislature to vote Monday to enact what would be the nation's first gun control measure following last month's Connecticut school shooting.

"I think when all is said and done, we are going to pass a comprehensive gun bill today," Sen. Jeffrey Klein told reporters Monday morning. "I'm very excited about it. I am very confident we are going to vote on a comprehensive bill that will be agreed on by the governor, the Senate and Assembly."

People familiar with closed-door negotiations told The Associated Press a tentative deal was struck over the weekend.

The tentative agreement would further restrict New York's ban on assault weapons, limit the size of magazines to seven bullets, down from the current 10, and enact more stringent background checks for sales. Other elements, pushed by Republicans, would refine a mental health law to make it easier to confine people determined to be a threat to themselves or others.

Senate Republicans also have included a further crackdown on illegal gun trafficking into New York, the people said. Most New York City gun crimes involve weapons illegally brought into the state, state and city officials say.

The people spoke on condition of anonymity because the proposal had not been discussed among rank and file legislators. They say the tentative deal will be debated behind closed doors Monday in the Senate and the Democrat-led Assembly and could be sent to the floor for a vote Monday.

A Cuomo administration official, who also spoke on condition of anonymity because the deal was not final, said there was no agreement yet.

A vote Monday would come exactly one month after a gunman killed 20 children and six adults inside Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn.

Assembly Speaker Sheldon Silver said the deal will include ways for schools to use state aid to better guard against shootings.

The vote also would require Cuomo to issue a "message of necessity" that would dispense with the three days of public review that bills are supposed to have under the state constitution. There was no immediate comment from Cuomo, who made these gun control provisions a keynote of his State of the State address on Wednesday.

"I think the message out there is clear after Newtown and to get us down this road as quickly as possible to basically eradicate assault weapons from our streets in New York as quickly as possible is something the people of our state want," Silver said. "It's an important thing to do. It is an emergency."

Silver said lawmakers continued into Monday settling the remaining issues of "how you do certain things in drafting it."

He said a registry of assault weapons will be created, grandfathering in assault weapons already in private hands. He said crimes using guns will get additional mandatory minimum sentences.

"The solution is to get those assault weapons off the street," Silver told reporters.

The closed-door meetings prompted about a dozen gun workers to travel more than two hours to Albany to protest the legislation they say could cost 300 to 700 jobs in the economically hard-hit Mohawk Valley.

"I have three small kids myself," said Jamie Rudall, a unionized worker who polishes shotgun receivers. "So I know what it means, the tragedy ... we need to look at ways to prevent that, rather than eliminate the rights of law-abiding citizens."

"We don't want to get into the gun debate," said union organizer Frank "Rusty" Brown. "We're here about jobs."

Assemblyman Marc Butler, a Republican who represents the area, decried the closed-door meetings over the politically sensitive issue in by the Senate Republicans and the Democratic majority of the Assembly as "politics at its worst."

"This is on a fast track, they are going to shove it down our throats," Butler said. "They are about to step all over the Second Amendment in secret meetings."

The bill will be the first test of the new coalition in control of the state Senate, which has long been run by Republicans opposed to gun control measures. The chamber is now in the hands of Republicans and five breakaway Democrats led by Klein, an arrangement expected to result in more progressive legislation.

Former Republican Sen. Michael Balboni said that for legislators from the more conservative upstate region of New York, gun control "has the intensity of the gay marriage issue." In 2011, three of four Republicans who crossed the aisle to vote for same-sex marriage ended up losing their jobs because of their votes.

"It was always startling to me the vast cultural divide between New York City metropolitan view on gun control and most of the upstate communities," said Balboni, who represented part of Long Island for 10 years and was a Senate leader.

"Gun advocates see these incidents as almost cyclical and that in the wake of a national shooting incident, they have seen repeated calls for control," he said Monday. "They view it as a slippery slope to the banning and confiscation of weapons. Emotions run high and there will be tremendous pressure on all upstate legislators, Republicans and Democrats, to keep their base."

Also a concern is a major gun manufacturer in upstate New York.

Remington Arms Co. makes the Bushmaster semi-automatic rifle that was used in the Connecticut shootings and again on Christmas Eve in Webster, N.Y., when two firefighters were slain responding to a fire. The two-century-old Remington factory in Ilion in central New York employs 1,000 workers in a Republican Senate district.

Republican Assemblyman Marc Butler warned last week that a more restrictive assault weapon ban could cost the factory 300 jobs.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/14/13 11:13 PM

what a fucking joke that legislation is! forget the whole "assault weapons" argument, most of us already know what side of the fence we are on that one. reduce magazine capacity down from 10 to 7? is that the new "reasonable" number? funny that they arrived on 7, seeing how almost any semi-auto rifle holds more than 7. the m-1 garand, a ww2 rifle, holds 8. most varieties of an sks, 8. basically, its a backdoor way to outlaw ALL semi-auto rifles, they count on people not knowing that. that is for all guns, including handguns, not just the "assault rifles" that destroy every living thing that moves. so is a handgun with the capacity to hold more than 7 rounds now an considered an "assault weapon"? to people unfamiliar with guns, almost every single semi-automatic handgun has a magazine with the ability to hold more than 7 rounds, so this is nothing but basically a ban of most weapons period by default.

oh, but wait, they will allow current guns to be grandfathered, funny how in that article they don't mention the option that they have been pushing for: making it illegal to transfer the weapons. guess what that means? when you die, don't even think about leaving it to a family member, the government gets it. and with no new weapons that fit this twisted criteria allowed to be privately owned, within a generation the overwhelming majority of weapons will be gone. during that transition period, they will undoubtedly cram even more restrictions down our throats. for people who say they don't want all your guns, look deeper into the effects these laws have. how long until they move onto bolt-action deer rifles, and try to classify them as sniper rifles? this makes me sick!
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/15/13 02:39 AM

Wow I feel so safe now. Let's do something about all those pitbull people like to walk with. Let's limit the size of the butcher Knife to under three inches. Let's make the Louisville slugger less then ten inches long. Less put an automatic hit the breaks when something gets within 10 feet of a car.

Let's put the guy that knocked on your door at three in the morning and asks you for a cookie away to the nut house for ever.

Posted By: NickyEyes1

Re: Gun Control - 01/15/13 03:04 AM

Look at this picture
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/15/13 10:39 AM

They should change that caption to guns make him less safe
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/15/13 05:31 PM

At this stage of the game any reform to gun laws, be it background checks, closing the gun show loophole or magazine sizes is a step in the right direction. With the House under control of the right wing crazies, something is always better than nothing.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: Gun Control - 01/15/13 05:53 PM

These are basically douche bags...


The National Rifle Association, exactly a month after the shooting at Newtown, Conn., has released a branded target shooting game deemed suitable for kids ages 4 and up.
The NRA has been highly critical of the video game industry following the elementary school shooting in Newtown that left 26 dead and sparked a national debate about guns and school safety.
"NRA: Practice Range," available free in the iTunes app store, allows players to shoot at coffin-shaped targets in indoor or outdoor settings. For $.99 extra, players can upgrade their gun to a pistol grip Mossberg or a semi-automatic sniper rifle.
According to the description on iTunes, the game is intended to instill "safe and responsible ownership through fun challenges and realistic simulations." And because it contains "no objectionable material," per iTunes' rating system, it's suitable for children as young as 4. Apple employees vet applications before they are included in the store and approve age ranges for games.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/15/13 06:56 PM

A good reason not to be a member of the NRA. I think the kid in the movie learned to shoot with video games. I learned to shoot with a 1911 we shot rats in a barn.

A month ago right after the shooting in Conn. my wife and I went to a school to see my grand daughter dance recital. They did nothing to check for weapons. They did do a moment of silence.

At the recital My time was split between watching the dancers and looking for suspicious people in the audience
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/15/13 07:03 PM

this video game argument is silly. guess what, the only video games that are deadly are the drone-themed ones played by our current administration that are used to blow apart children in northwest pakistan.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/15/13 08:06 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
A good reason not to be a member of the NRA. I think the kid in the movie learned to shoot with video games. I learned to shoot with a 1911 we shot rats in a barn.

A month ago right after the shooting in Conn. my wife and I went to a school to see my grand daughter dance recital. They did nothing to check for weapons. They did do a moment of silence.

At the recital My time was split between watching the dancers and looking for suspicious people in the audience

NRA is now an easy target or whipping boy. They have people so worked up over Gun Control that people aren't thinking straight.
Look at you, you couldn't even enjoy yourself at your grand daughter dance recital. There is a killer behind every corner!

These few nut cases have taken away your trust in your fellow man and soon your right to bear arms if we are not careful. These children being taken away from us are being used like the race card. You don't dare say anything or you look bad. Pretty soon just like the N word you will not be able to say the G word without being shunned.

The New York Governor is taking crazy and acting like always with his I am god and you will listen theme.

They can't keep the police now from lying about events and he wants the mental health department to be able to take your rights away at a drop of the hat because it will be better to error on the right side. Remember when they removed your children because some caller dropped a dime on a person. So you better not have anyone mad at you or your family.The problem is MENTAL HEALTH so it will be so hard to watch for who really should be disarmed. Will they go overboard with these rights to judgement with the "if we just save one person theme".

And now 10 shots is to much - we only want 7 shots to be legal now- Gee f'n wise that is.

Will your son /child be locked up because he enjoys those shooter games so much or if he says I would kill you when he gets mad at someone?

Oh by the way Maryxxx does not have any guns at his house and has some great stuff, one being a $2,500. guitar. lol

A local poster said- why should I be any less armed then the police. If they shoot so well then why do they need so many rounds? (lol)
and why do some people think- that people just need guns only to hunt? No one has to justify being able to protect themselves from any body or group or the government if the time comes and people feel it is necessary to do so. A prepared person is this national best defense.

When Gabby Gifford was shot, the first thing the DC crowd did was pass rules that allowed all of them to carry firearms right away without waiting- remember that. No training or waiting period at

How many of them are drunks and on drugs if you look at the facts of those on capital hill.

Beware or you all will become the new sheep.
Thanks for reading! Be safe
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/15/13 08:25 PM

Look like the President will unveil his own proposals tomorrow.

Obama weighing executive action on guns

By ERICA WERNER | Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) — Facing powerful opposition to sweeping gun regulations, President Barack Obama is weighing 19 steps he could take through executive action alone, congressional officials said. But the scope of such measures is limited.

The steps could include ordering stricter action against people who lie on gun sale background checks, seeking to ensure more complete records in the federal background check database, striking limits on federal research into gun use, ordering tougher penalties against gun trafficking, and giving schools flexibility to use grant money to improve safety.

Obama will unveil his proposals Wednesday, barely over a month since the massacre of 20 children and six adults at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., thrust the gun issue into the national spotlight after years of inaction by Obama and lawmakers.

The White House said Obama and Vice President Joe Biden will be joined at Wednesday's announcement by children who wrote the president letters after the Newtown shooting. Supportive lawmakers and advocacy groups are also expected to attend.

Obama is vowing not to back off his support for sweeping gun legislation that would require congressional backing — including banning assault weapons, limiting the capacity of ammunition magazines and instituting universal background checks — despite opposition from the influential gun lobby.

"Will all of them get through this Congress? I don't know," Obama said at a news conference Monday.

"My starting point is not to worry about the politics," he said. "My starting point is to focus on what makes sense, what works."

The president said he would unveil a comprehensive roadmap for curbing gun violence within days. His plan will be based on recommendations from Biden's gun task force and is expected to include both legislative proposals and steps Obama can implement by himself, using his presidential powers.

White House officials believe moving swiftly on gun proposals at a national level, before the shock over the Newtown shooting fades, gives Obama the best chance to get his proposals through Congress.

Officials said Obama and Biden met Monday afternoon to discuss the vice president's recommendations. Ahead of that meeting, Biden huddled with a dozen House Democrats who have formed their own gun violence task force and whose political muscle will be needed to push legislation through Congress.

Biden told those lawmakers that he and his staff had identified 19 steps Obama could take without help from Congress, according to Jenny Werwa, communications director to Rep. Jackie Speier, D-Calif., one of those present. Biden didn't indicate which of those Obama would adopt.

Rep. Bobby Scott, D-Va., another lawmaker at the meeting, said one example is working to ensure better state reporting of mental health and other records that go into the federal background check database. But Scott said there are clear limits to what Obama can do without Congress' say-so.

"It wasn't anything remarkable, it was just administering present law better," Scott said. "You can't change the law through executive order."

Among other steps, advocacy groups have been pushing Obama to order the Justice Department to crack down on those who lie on background checks; only a tiny number are now prosecuted. Such a step has support from the National Rifle Association, which has consistently argued that existing laws must be enforced before new ones are considered.

Obama also could take steps ordering federal agencies to make more data on gun crimes available and conduct more research on the issue, something Republican congressional majorities have limited through language in budget bills, advocates said.

The president's proposals are also expected to include steps for improving school safety and mental health care, as well as recommendations for addressing violence in entertainment and video games.

"You'll have a combination of gun safety, mental health and general prevention," Scott said.

Another Democratic lawmaker who met with Biden on Monday said the vice president was likely to have given Obama proposals for allowing schools flexibility in spending federal grant money so they could take steps toward safety, including hiring school resource officers, instituting mental health intervention or making repairs like putting locks on doors. Grants could also go to communities to institute programs to get guns away from people who shouldn't have them, said the lawmaker, adding these were steps the president could take without Congress.

The lawmaker spoke on condition of anonymity because the proposals hadn't been announced publicly.

But the most sweeping and contentious elements — including an assault weapons ban — will require approval from Congress. The NRA has vowed to fight any measure that would limit access to guns and ammunition, a hardline position that could sway some Republicans and conservative Democrats.

The assault weapons ban, which Obama has long supported, is expected to face the toughest road on Capitol Hill. Congress passed a 10-year ban on the high-grade, military-style weapons in 1994, but supporters didn't have the votes to renew it once it expired.

Obama will also need congressional help to limit high-capacity ammunition magazines, like the ones used by the Newtown shooter, and to require background checks for anyone seeking to purchase a gun. The Brady Campaign to Prevent Gun Violence said some 40 percent of gun sales happen with no background checks, such as at gun shows and by private sellers over the Internet or through classified ads.

Parents of the slain Connecticut children added their voices to the national dialogue Monday. Members of the newly formed group Sandy Hook Promise called for an open-minded discussion about a range of issues, including guns. And lawmakers in New York state pressed ahead with what would be the nation's first gun control measure approved since the school shootings.
Posted By: gamms

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 12:08 AM

i would like to point out that not all liberals are tree hugging,hash-pipe smoking,karma loving,pussy ass,'idealists'.i am a liberal.i am also catholic. my veiws dont match my partys.or my churches. for example, i could give a fuck about gay marriage.let them be happy. i know where i stand,i aint no 'fence jumper'.lol. people who oppose it are homo phobic clost queens or are too sheltered to be allowed to participate in society.i think abortion needs to be different regualations,but not out lawed. i agree we need to help those in need,but there is a limit.if you follow me. i am pro death penalty.i disagree with the 'insanity' plea. that kid.lanza, hes not going to die. he will plead insanity. most people think you have to be insane to do such a horrid act. i agree.i dont care if he is albert einsteen or a bumbling retard.he needs to be put down for the good of society. 'who are we to play god'?is a common theme. shit ill do it. give me the needle ill squirt it in his fucking eye.i disagree with this new law on gun control cuomo just signed.i really dont have any basis to,seeing as im a multiple felon and all of our guns are in my wifes name,but regardless,i feel it constricts the law abidinding gun owners,while is done nothing to stop the actual gun violence.seven rounds in a clip?what is that going to help? we still own the 'glock' magazines with seven teen.which is illegal now. if you are some shit head.on the corner and you already have a illegal gun,are you really going to follow this new law and only by lower capacity magazines?every one in n.y. knows to get a gun.you just drive to virginia. but shit.i dont even have to do that! i remember when i could make a phone call and get a ingram.full auto, with a suppressor, fora grand or two.and you know what?i have before! it is the same make and mdel i did a year in arthur kill for in the eighties.you think this law i going to stop some one from getting a gun of the street?take the marbles out of your fuckin head.
Posted By: gamms

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 12:12 AM

funny i played the number '619' every day for for years in the sixetys.lol. it was when my baby sister was born.lol.

i guess it will be 'post,620' now,but..lol.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 12:33 AM

No one every called me a sheep before? But in your honor I will say Baaaaaaaaa.

Posted By: Camarel

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 01:26 AM

Originally Posted By: gamms
i would like to point out that not all liberals are tree hugging,hash-pipe smoking,karma loving,pussy ass,'idealists'.i am a liberal.i am also catholic. my veiws dont match my partys.or my churches. for example, i could give a fuck about gay marriage.let them be happy. i know where i stand,i aint no 'fence jumper'.lol. people who oppose it are homo phobic clost queens or are too sheltered to be allowed to participate in society.i think abortion needs to be different regualations,but not out lawed. i agree we need to help those in need,but there is a limit.if you follow me. i am pro death penalty.i disagree with the 'insanity' plea. that kid.lanza, hes not going to die. he will plead insanity. most people think you have to be insane to do such a horrid act. i agree.i dont care if he is albert einsteen or a bumbling retard.he needs to be put down for the good of society. 'who are we to play god'?is a common theme. shit ill do it. give me the needle ill squirt it in his fucking eye.i disagree with this new law on gun control cuomo just signed.i really dont have any basis to,seeing as im a multiple felon and all of our guns are in my wifes name,but regardless,i feel it constricts the law abidinding gun owners,while is done nothing to stop the actual gun violence.seven rounds in a clip?what is that going to help? we still own the 'glock' magazines with seven teen.which is illegal now. if you are some shit head.on the corner and you already have a illegal gun,are you really going to follow this new law and only by lower capacity magazines?every one in n.y. knows to get a gun.you just drive to virginia. but shit.i dont even have to do that! i remember when i could make a phone call and get a ingram.full auto, with a suppressor, fora grand or two.and you know what?i have before! it is the same make and mdel i did a year in arthur kill for in the eighties.you think this law i going to stop some one from getting a gun of the street?take the marbles out of your fuckin head.

I don't know if you meant someone else but Ryan Lanza committed suicide http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ryan_Lanza#Investigation
Posted By: gamms

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 03:28 AM

i was using an example of some one like him.but yes.
Posted By: Camarel

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 03:44 AM

Originally Posted By: gamms
i was using an example of some one like him.but yes.

Yh sorry i thought that tbh.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 06:23 PM

WOW! Obama's twenty something executive orders and his proposal to Congress will really set the crazies hair on fire. 50-50 he'll be impeached.
Posted By: EastHarlemItal

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 06:30 PM

Is this an impeachable offense? Is it an offense? Not a fan of the guy but what do you do?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 06:33 PM

i found it pretty ironic that one of his proposals, which i agreed with, was to vigorously go after and prosecute people who make straw purchases with the intent to traffic those weapons to people who shouldn't have them. kind of a slap in the face to the american people to advocate something like that with eric with-holder sitting in the front row!
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 06:43 PM

Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Is this an impeachable offense? Is it an offense? Not a fan of the guy but what do you do?

Of course it isn't, but that wont atop the tea baggers.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 07:12 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
Is this an impeachable offense? Is it an offense? Not a fan of the guy but what do you do?

Of course it isn't, but that wont atop the tea baggers.

It means nothing. The same crazies impeached Bill Clinton for getting a blowjob. If JFK were around today, the Tea Baggers would try him as a sexual deviant. And it didn't affect Clinton's legacy, either. The people who loved him then love him now, probably even more so. Same goes for the people who hated him. He'll always be Slick Willie to his critics. I didn't even like Clinton, but talk about a waste of time and money!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 07:49 PM

Let's be clear. Impeachment is different from the Impeachment Process which has two parts: 1) impeachment by the House of Representtaives for for one or more alledged offenses as determined by the House; 2) trial in the Senate.

President Clinton was impeached for perjury and obstruction of justice.

During any session of Congress (each two years of a Congress is termed a session) there is usually at least one bill of impeachment introduced against a President. Obviously, they are quickly disposed of. The House of Representatives is the sole determinent of an impeacheable offense. Such an alledged offense can be within the meaning of the Constitution's original intent or it can be political. It can be argued that any impeachment includes a political dimension. Certainly, President Andrew Jackson's impeachment was such.
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 08:24 PM

I get where politicians are coming from with their plan to outlaw ar-15 style rifles and other "assault weapons". But I disagree with it. I own a Bushmaster AR15. When I first bought it I had two thirty round magazines. Why would I need to own such a gun? Am i in the military? No. Am i a cop? No. Am i a criminal? Not really. Am i some nut who wants to shoot up a school or a hospital? No. Hell i dont even use it for self/home defense, I have a Judge i would rather use. So why do I or thousands of other people across the nation own this kind of gun? WE WANT TO. Some people fish or hike, some like to shoot. Ive heard people at my college say things like, why cant you shoot something different? Ok lets compare our options here... My roomate has a bolt action Winchester .30-06. Holds 4 rounds. The AR15 shoots a .223 caliber round. Most people that want to outlaw hi capacity magazines and assault weapons have never owned a gun! This is what bothers me when some girl says i can target shoot all i want with a .30-06. OK.. You cant shoot 10 rounds without bruising the shit out of your shoulder! The AR15, barely kicks at all. Its a smaller round, smaller cartridge. Not as loud. Not as expensive. Another stat i saw was there were a few hudred firearm related deaths in the US since the shooting and less than one percent was with a gun that would classify as an assault weapon. Just food for thought.
Posted By: EastHarlemItal

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 08:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Skinny
I get where politicians are coming from with their plan to outlaw ar-15 style rifles and other "assault weapons". But I disagree with it. I own a Bushmaster AR15. When I first bought it I had two thirty round magazines. Why would I need to own such a gun? Am i in the military? No. Am i a cop? No. Am i a criminal? Not really. Am i some nut who wants to shoot up a school or a hospital? No. Hell i dont even use it for self/home defense, I have a Judge i would rather use. So why do I or thousands of other people across the nation own this kind of gun? WE WANT TO. Some people fish or hike, some like to shoot. Ive heard people at my college say things like, why cant you shoot something different? Ok lets compare our options here... My roomate has a bolt action Winchester .30-06. Holds 4 rounds. The AR15 shoots a .223 caliber round. Most people that want to outlaw hi capacity magazines and assault weapons have never owned a gun! This is what bothers me when some girl says i can target shoot all i want with a .30-06. OK.. You cant shoot 10 rounds without bruising the shit out of your shoulder! The AR15, barely kicks at all. Its a smaller round, smaller cartridge. Not as loud. Not as expensive. Another stat i saw was there were a few hudred firearm related deaths in the US since the shooting and less than one percent was with a gun that would classify as an assault weapon. Just food for thought.

Skinny, cant say I disagree with you, however when you send your kids to school after all this BS then. we can talk. In the end it only takes one bullet though I suppose
Posted By: EastHarlemItal

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 08:31 PM

And this current craziness reminds me of safety standards in construction, nithing gets done till after people die! So much for looking ahead.
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 08:43 PM

Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
And this current craziness reminds me of safety standards in construction, nithing gets done till after people die! So much for looking ahead.

I agree with this, these new laws are more of a response to all these recent shootings. I am in favor of limiting gun violence in anyway possible, but these laws seem short sighted to me. Although i agree, my veiws will probably change once i have kids of my own.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 08:43 PM

I'm just curious, Skinny, because that's some serious firepower. But you were able to get that thing licensed at your age? Or shouldn't I be asking? wink

I mean, you're technically not even old enough to drink (although I've always maintained that it's ridiculous that one can be in Afghanistan at 18, but not in the corner bar).
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 09:01 PM

I dont usually keep it with me in Jersey. I think im allowed to possess it but all the clips i have for it are illegal. I bought in North Florida a week after i turned 18. They did everything legally required within 20 mins right at the counter. I have never bought a gun in NJ. Everywhere in the US you have to be 21 to buy a handgun. Usually its 18 to buy/own a rifle or shotgun. In NY its 21. In NJ it varies from town to town. Honestly it is a lot of fire power. But i and the rest of my family have traditionally been gun nuts. I through out my life have owned 3 shotguns, 2 rifles, and 2 handguns. My dad owns 12 or 13. My mom has one. Like I said I like guns.

I do agree with you as to being able to drink though lol
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 09:11 PM

Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 09:16 PM


Didnt they try and outlaw 4 Lokos a while back? But it had more than just alcohol in it. A friend of mine brought me back absinthe from a HS trip to Germany.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 09:26 PM

I'm not an NRA supporter or member. But I do own guns. I'm concerned that people who don't own or like guns are going to support legislation that won't do very much to stop violence but will do a lot to expand government oversight of law abiding gun owners.

For example, Feinstein's proposed legislation would make a number of semi-automatic weapons illegal but also grandfather in others. The problem is that the grandfathered weapons would need to be registered under the NFA which is the same law we restrict automatic weapons under. Long story short, if you owned a certain semi-automatic weapon (not just a rifle) for all intents and purposes you'd be treated the same as if you owned a machine gun. I don't see much value in that.

I would support universal background checks and greater sharing of medical data when someone has been involuntarily committed or has some sort of psychosis. I also would like more prosecution of people who fail background checks and gun dealers/individuals who make illegal sales.

But past that I start getting a little uncomfortable when people say "no one needs x". I might not need or want x but someone else might.
Posted By: EastHarlemItal

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 09:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Skinny
Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
And this current craziness reminds me of safety standards in construction, nithing gets done till after people die! So much for looking ahead.

I agree with this, these new laws are more of a response to all these recent shootings. I am in favor of limiting gun violence in anyway possible, but these laws seem short sighted to me. Although i agree, my veiws will probably change once i have kids of my own.

Skinny I will be 1000% honest, i have zero idea what a AR whatever is. Ive heard but wouldnt be able to identify. No idea about guns, clips or whatever. I think growing up around a killing field they turned me off, also knowing my temper there just not something I want for myself. My one question is do most buy for protection, sport? Im tired of every gun owner being labeled a "gun nut". What if are there any percentages?
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 09:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Skinny
My roomate has a bolt action Winchester .30-06. Holds 4 rounds. The AR15 shoots a .223 caliber round. Most people that want to outlaw hi capacity magazines and assault weapons have never owned a gun! This is what bothers me when some girl says i can target shoot all i want with a .30-06. OK.. You cant shoot 10 rounds without bruising the shit out of your shoulder!

If you think firing a bolt action 30-06 is hard on your shoulder try firing one that shoots it in full-auto.

One of the most brutal machine guns ever is a Browning Automatic Rifle BAR M1918 which shoots 30-06 rounds on fullauto. It was the favorite gun of Clyde Barrow and the same model gun used to kill him and Bonnie Parker in that ambush when they were killed.

It's a real beast.

Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 09:39 PM

Its basically a civilian version of a M16/M4. It is the platform of gun used by the US military for the past 30 plus years. It is the only gun i own that is for sporting purposes. It has absolutley zero practicality. I guess i can shoot small game like foxes with it but i dont. I have a shotgun and a pistol that I would call their primary use self defence. I inhereted a pistol when my grandfather passed away, but i would never use it. Everything else i would use for hunting. I dont do as much as i used to when we moved to Jersey. But yeah i grew up around guns just used for different purposes.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 01/16/13 10:17 PM

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 03:15 AM

Originally Posted By: Lilo
I'm not an NRA supporter or member. But I do own guns.

Me, too.
But past that I start getting a little uncomfortable when people say "no one needs x". I might not need or want x but someone else might.

I don't own any long guns because I don't need them. But, if I lived in one of Arizona's many remote areas, I'd probably want a tactical shotgun and an AR-15 as defensive weapons, just in case.

My fear is that well-meaning people want to do something to stop this tragic massacres. They'll enact various controls and think the problem is "solved"--until the next massacre. The imperative is to identify the potential killers and to prevent them from getting firearms.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 12:40 PM

Has anyone actually ever seen Wayne LaPierre and Stephen King in the same room?
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 12:41 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
They'll enact various controls and think the problem is "solved"--until the next massacre. The imperative is to identify the potential killers and to prevent them from getting firearms.

This right here..
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 03:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Lilo
I'm not an NRA supporter or member. But I do own guns.

Me, too.

Me, three. I've probably discussed this with both of you before, but I have handgun licenses in both Florida and New York State. I also own a hunting rifle that I never use.

Originally Posted By: Lilo
I would support universal background checks and greater sharing of medical data when someone has been involuntarily committed or has some sort of psychosis.

I knew you were out to get me, Lilo. You broke my heart.

No, Mommy. Please don't hit me again. I'll clean up my roooooooom!!!!

Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
I think growing up around a killing field they turned me off, also knowing my temper there just not something I want for myself.

That's one of the most rational things you've ever posted, EHI. I pretty much feel the same way. The guns that I own are out of necessity. And they're legal. That's the key word right there. The universal gun haters and peaceniks fail to get their heads around the idea that some people need to own guns out of necessity wink.

Originally Posted By: Skinny
I dont do as much as i used to when we moved to Jersey. But yeah i grew up around guns just used for different purposes.

I thought you were on original Jersey Boy, Skin. Where are you originally from?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 05:10 PM

They whole point here is that no one in his right mind believes that people should not own guns for protection, hunting, target practice, or for that matter just having a gun collection. That is a constitutional right. Period. But the second amendment talks about the "militia" being "well regulated," which leaves room for regulation of clips, magazines, types of guns etc.

The real question here is whether or not there enough left of center people who understand that there is an absolute right to bear arms not going too far, and the right of center people understanding there is a problem with guns getting into the wrong hands and the constitutionality of trying to keep them out of the wrong hands coming together and squeezing out the extremes on both sides. Lets face it when the far left or far right is calling the shots the tail is wagging the dog.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 05:13 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Lets face it when the far left or far right is calling the shots the tail is wagging the dog.

clap clap
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 05:16 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
But the second amendment talks about the "militia" being "well regulated," which leaves room for regulation of clips, magazines, types of guns etc.

Justice Scalia, in the DC and Chicago cases, affirmed the Second Amendment as an individual right. But he was careful to note that it didn't pre-empt states and municipalities from enacting gun controls that didn't violate the Second Amendment.

The real question here is whether or not there enough left of center people who understand that there is an absolute right to bear arms not going too far, and the right of center people understanding there is a problem with guns getting into the wrong hands and the constitutionality of trying to keep them out of the wrong hands coming together and squeezing out the extremes on both sides. Lets face it when the far left or far right is calling the shots the tail is wagging the dog.

There is a shortage of rationality on both sides.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 05:18 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
But the second amendment talks about the "militia" being "well regulated," which leaves room for regulation of clips, magazines, types of guns etc.

Justice Scalia, in the DC and Chicago cases, affirmed the Second Amendment as an individual right. But he was careful to note that it didn't pre-empt states and municipalities from enacting gun controls that didn't violate the Second Amendment.

The real question here is whether or not there enough left of center people who understand that there is an absolute right to bear arms not going too far, and the right of center people understanding there is a problem with guns getting into the wrong hands and the constitutionality of trying to keep them out of the wrong hands coming together and squeezing out the extremes on both sides. Lets face it when the far left or far right is calling the shots the tail is wagging the dog.

There is a shortage of rationality on both sides.

It is regretful this shortage exists in areas way beyond gun control.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 05:33 PM

i agree that their is little common ground, but the lack of education on the anti-gun side really drives me crazy. everyone has a right to their opinion, but seeing as how we live in an age where information is literally at our fingertips, ignorance is no longer a valid excuse. its even worse when politicians want to eliminate something that they are unfamiliar with, here is a prime example...

Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 06:04 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
i agree that their is little common ground, but the lack of education on the anti-gun side really drives me crazy. everyone has a right to their opinion, but seeing as how we live in an age where information is literally at our fingertips, ignorance is no longer a valid excuse.

Information may be more accessible today than ever, but so is misinformation. In fact there is more misinformation and manipulation of facts on the internet than legitimate information. There is more general ignorance today than I could ever recall. There are misguided views on all sides of the gun debate. And when the issue of guns is raised, make no mistake that there are more than two perspectives.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 06:09 PM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
i agree that their is little common ground, but the lack of education on the anti-gun side really drives me crazy. everyone has a right to their opinion, but seeing as how we live in an age where information is literally at our fingertips, ignorance is no longer a valid excuse.

Information may be more accessible today than ever, but so is misinformation. In fact there is more misinformation and manipulation of facts on the internet than legitimate information. There is more general ignorance today than I could ever recall. There are misguided views on all sides of the gun debate. And when the issue of guns is raised, make no mistake that there are more than two perspectives.

Thank you for that Kly. I am sick & tired of the implication that people who don't cling to guns don't know anything. The gun lovers MUST take their blinders off and see both sides. I hate the attitude of "Nothing can ever ever be done and basically telling those of us who want to make changes to STFU. I may not be a gun expert BUT when children are blown to shit (I hear each child killed had anywhere from 5 -20 bullet holes in them)I for one won't accept that attitude. mad There is NO reason this shouldn't be talked about and changes made.

Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 06:49 PM

TIS, both you and Kly are correct. I am appalled by the profound ignorance that so many Americans have about their Nation's Constitution. However, that does not preclude them from commenting on it as if they are intimately familar with its origins, content, original intent, and interpretation. Despite the wealth of information that I've accumulated about it, I still hestitate to represent that I know very much about it.

Some of the posts above do touch on elements of the 2nd amendment's original intent, but that's only some.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 06:53 PM

Thanks Oli,

I guess for obvious reasons, this last shooting tears me apart. frown I pray for some good/honest dialog and changes. I won't hold my breath, but I still have hope.

Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 06:59 PM

I have a question about the constitution wasn't the only reason why the constitution worked was because the people here were tge framers and tge people living here were religious.

Now the left says it does not work and it does not work for them because they are not religious.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 07:05 PM

I was talking to a black man in my doctors waiting room today. The conversation got to gun control. He told me he has a gun for self protection, and we talked about how easy it was to get a gun not a legal gun.

It is a lot harder to get a gun if you do it legally.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 07:09 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
I have a question about the constitution wasn't the only reason why the constitution worked was because the people here were tge framers and tge people living here were religious.

Now the left says it does not work and it does not work for them because they are not religious.

The Constitution works the same whether individuals are religious or not.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 07:13 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
I have a question about the constitution wasn't the only reason why the constitution worked was because the people here were tge framers and tge people living here were religious.

Now the left says it does not work and it does not work for them because they are not religious.

I don't know if you are saying all the LEFT is not religious or not BUT that's simply not accurate. confused

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 07:24 PM

The constitution was an attempt to correct the deficiencies of a failed confederation of the States which was established after we won the war of independence. Consider it our Second Republic. The Constitution tried to strike a balance between federal and state power and between the concepts of pure democracy and indirect democracy (hence the House and Senate, and the Spearation of Powers. The people who conceived and wrote it understood it was an imperfect document and thus created a means by which it could be amended, hence when "original intent" was that women could not vote and that slaves counted as three fifths of a person, there was room to change that, which has happened. As for religion, at the time various states favored different religions. Maryland for example was heavily Catholic, other states were Anglican, Puritan etc., the idea of the First Amendment was to allow for the practice of any religion without interference by the government, and the purpose of the applicable portion which set forth the criteria for qualifications to hold office was specific in that it said religion could never play a role in anyone's ability to hold office. Many of the founders were not even Christians. They were deists.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 08:44 PM

Klydon and Don T: You two guys argue so convincingly, that you make me think you both could have been trial lawyers whistle smile.

Olivant: When you use big words, you remind me of Little Carmine tongue grin.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 08:46 PM

Hi Pizza Man
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 08:51 PM

Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
Hi Pizza Man

I'll pm you.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/17/13 09:28 PM

I sincerely hope that this will help with the shootings. But as long as there are evil/wicked people on this earth it will keep happening. They will just use something else besides the AK's & AR's.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 10:18 AM

[Off topic??] My browser warns me that this page contains content from world.guns.ru which is known as a provider of malware.
Did someone embed it or did it appear in the ads?
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 12:43 PM

A law bidding person who has a legal gun is not apt to use it.

But a law breaker who has an illegal gun is very apt to use it.

So the government is putting more restrictions on legal gun owners. So what's that going to do to stop gun violence.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 01:49 PM

I just learned you can not control guns.

Look up a guy named Cody Wilson I just saw him on Glenn Beck.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 03:34 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Olivant: When you use big words, you remind me of Little Carmine tongue grin.

"You're very observant: the sacred and the propane."
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 03:35 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Olivant: When you use big words, you remind me of Little Carmine tongue grin.

"You're very observant: the sacred and the propane."

lol lol

Little F'N Carmine lol lol.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 04:02 PM

Just a little bit about the Second Amendment's role in all this. Olivant, who is very well versed in constitutional law, can add as well.

It's interesting that the Heller case in 2008 marked the first time that the Supreme Court found that the Second Amendment provided an individual right to bear arms. The decision struck down D.C.'s ban on handguns and its requirement that lawful firearms in homes have a trigger lock or be disassembled. The majority's 5-4 ruling (which is an example of conservative judicial activism) was narrow in scope in that it recognized that the government has a right to regulate and restrict firearms, and that the ban of handguns was unconstitutional as that class of weapons is commonly used for self defense, which for the first time was viewed as a basis for Second Amendment protection.

It stands that the Second Amendment does not protect an individual right to possess short barreled shot guns or high capacity military assault weapons as they do not fall within the class protected by the Court. There was a case in the 1930s (Miller) that unanimously found that Congress had a right to regulate and prohibit such weapons not in common use, but that case did not recognize an individual right to bear arms outside the prefatory clause of the Amendment. In a sidenote Mr. Miller, who challenged the National Firearms Act in that case, did not live to see the decision as he had been shot to death.

An interesting thing to note is that the NRA leadership opposed Mr. Heller going forward with his suit against D.C. because they did not believe the Court would find an individual right, and would issue an unfavorable decision with precedential value.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 04:04 PM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
Olivant, who is very well versed in constitutional law, can add as well.

Yeah, but I heard he can't subtract.

Sorry for hijacking you post, Counselor. But I had to take the shot when I saw the opening. That's a great post, by the way smile.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 04:27 PM

You know Kly, I find tremendous fault with Scalia's opinion that the 2nd Amendment's prefatory clause (about the militia, etc) has no effect on the amendment's application. Madison included the phrase in his original proposal of it. In fact, the Senate reversed the order of the Amendment's two clauses to emphasize the militia aspect of it. That, in his opinion, Scalia allowed some governmental restrictions on forearms is an affront to strict construction of the Constitution. Of course, it's no surprise that Substantive Due Process is a refuge for both liberals and conservative jurists.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 04:57 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: klydon1
Olivant, who is very well versed in constitutional law, can add as well.

Yeah, but I heard he can't subtract.

Sorry for hijacking you post, Counselor. But I had to take the shot when I saw the opening. That's a great post, by the way smile.

Well played.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 05:02 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
You know Kly, I find tremendous fault with Scalia's opinion that the 2nd Amendment's prefatory clause (about the militia, etc) has no effect on the amendment's application. Madison included the phrase in his original proposal of it. In fact, the Senate reversed the order of the Amendment's two clauses to emphasize the militia aspect of it. That, in his opinion, Scalia allowed some governmental restrictions on forearms is an affront to strict construction of the Constitution. Of course, it's no surprise that Substantive Due Process is a refuge for both liberals and conservative jurists.

Finding a protected right of self defense in the Second Amendment would be a stretch for strict constructionists too as two states at the time of the convention had included rights to bear arms in their respective declarations of rights that specifically included purposes of hunting and self defense. Yet the Framers excluded that language from the Amendment.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 05:40 PM

Dems not backing President Obama's toughest gun measures

Background checks are likely to pass -- but not much else, Hill insiders say


WASHINGTON - Democrats are rallying behind President Obama's proposal for universal background checks on gun sales but even some top liberals are balking at other key safety provisions.

The president’s bid to ban military-style assault weapons is already losing steam in the Senate, Democratic aides said, even as Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-Calif.) prepares to formally offer the plan next week.

Top Senate aides said a proposal to ban high capacity ammunition magazines also faces long odds.

Mayor Bloomberg, a leading proponent of strengthening restrictions on firearms, conceded Thursday on “CBS This Morning” most of the sweeping package of proposals to reduce gun violence Obama announced a day earlier is unlikely to make it through Congress.

And House Republicans are hardly discussing gun legislation during a retreat in Williamsburg, Va., according to House aides, so the Senate will lead on the issue.

But Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) is already maneuvering to shield his caucus from a politically tough vote on guns.

Reid decided to move Obama's comprehensive package piecemeal through the Senate, allowing Democrats up for reelection in 2014 to back more popular provision, such as the background check proposal, and oppose the other measures, which are seen as unpopular.

Many of the Democratic senators up for reelection next year in gun-friendly states reacted coolly to Obama's plan.

"Before passing new laws, we need a thoughtful debate that respects responsible, law-abiding gun owners in Montana instead of one-size-fits all directives from Washington," said Sen. Max Baucus.

Sen. Mark Begich of Alaska predicted "it will be hard for any" of Obama's legislative proposals to pass. "There are some of us who just fundamentally believe in a Second Amendment right.”

Even liberal Sen. Al Franken, eyeing a 2014 race in Minnesota, stopped short of endorsing an assault weapons ban.

Lawmakers view universal background checks as easier to pass because, they argue, they do not limit rights of law-abiding gun owners.

Sen. Chuck Schumer (D—N.Y.) touted his bill to impose universal background checks in a statement — and then ignored other proposals.

Currently only licensed gun dealers must perform background checks, while other sellers — including vendors at gun shows — do not make such checks. Such sales account for 40 percent of gun purchases each year, the White House says.

That translates to roughly 4 million guns sold every year without background checks.

"The system is woefully incomplete," Vice President Biden said Thursday in a speech to the U.S. Conference of Mayors.

Biden compared a background check to swiping a credit card. "It's not an inconvenience," he said.

Democrats also believe they can advance measures to beef up mental health care, as well as a bill to make gun-trafficking illegal, which they say would cut down on straw purchases.

Both parties have also embraced vague plans to examine the role of video games on violence.


Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/dems-waiver-gun-bills-article-1.1242188#ixzz2ILky3BOe
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/18/13 08:27 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: klydon1
Olivant, who is very well versed in constitutional law, can add as well.

Yeah, but I heard he can't subtract.

Even if I cannot, I'm still light-years ahead of Throggs Neck residents who, of all things, chose to live in a place called Throggs Neck.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/19/13 06:01 AM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
[b]Dems not backing President Obama's toughest gun measures

Many of the Democratic senators up for reelection next year in gun-friendly states reacted coolly to Obama's plan.

This just tells me that ALL elected pigs don't give a rats ass about this issue. They just want to make sure that they don't hurt their chances getting reelected next year. It's all about lining their pockets even deeper. Makes me sick.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 01/19/13 07:01 AM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
[b]Dems not backing President Obama's toughest gun measures

Many of the Democratic senators up for reelection next year in gun-friendly states reacted coolly to Obama's plan.

This just tells me that ALL elected pigs don't give a rats ass about this issue. They just want to make sure that they don't hurt their chances getting reelected next year. It's all about lining their pockets even deeper. Makes me sick.

I know their all wealthy and very selfish the middle class is getting screwed right now a lot of those guys are puppets for the people they represent they have to protect their interest therefore screwing over a million people to benefit a couple thousand people and the song remains the same...
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/20/13 12:11 AM

(CNN) -- A 12-gauge shotgun loaded with bird shot accidentally discharged Saturday when the owner opened its case at a gun show at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, injuring a retired sheriff's deputy and two other people, police said.

The gun owner, a 36-year-old man from Wilmington, North Carolina, was carrying the weapon through security at the show entrance and was unfastening the case on a table, authorities said. The owner planned to sell the shotgun at the show.

The deputy suffered a slight injury to his hand and was treated and released at a local hospital, said Joel Keith, chief of police of the North Carolina State Fair. A 54-year-old woman from Benson, North Carolina, was being treated a wound to her right torso at a local hospital, and a 50-year-old man from Durham, North Carolina, was treated for an injured left hand, Keith told reporters.
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/20/13 12:54 AM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Lilo
I'm not an NRA supporter or member. But I do own guns.

Me, too.

Me, three. I've probably discussed this with both of you before, but I have handgun licenses in both Florida and New York State. I also own a hunting rifle that I never use.

Originally Posted By: Lilo
I would support universal background checks and greater sharing of medical data when someone has been involuntarily committed or has some sort of psychosis.

I knew you were out to get me, Lilo. You broke my heart.

No, Mommy. Please don't hit me again. I'll clean up my roooooooom!!!!

Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
I think growing up around a killing field they turned me off, also knowing my temper there just not something I want for myself.

That's one of the most rational things you've ever posted, EHI. I pretty much feel the same way. The guns that I own are out of necessity. And they're legal. That's the key word right there. The universal gun haters and peaceniks fail to get their heads around the idea that some people need to own guns out of necessity wink.

Originally Posted By: Skinny
I dont do as much as i used to when we moved to Jersey. But yeah i grew up around guns just used for different purposes.

I thought you were on original Jersey Boy, Skin. Where are you originally from?

Born in GA, lived in FL and NJ.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 01/20/13 01:49 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
(CNN) -- A 12-gauge shotgun loaded with bird shot accidentally discharged Saturday when the owner opened its case at a gun show at the North Carolina State Fairgrounds in Raleigh, injuring a retired sheriff's deputy and two other people, police said.

Dick Cheney moved to North Carolina? confused
Posted By: jace

Re: Gun Control - 01/21/13 08:40 AM

I am originally form area west of Kingston, New York, west of there. Almost everyone has a gun, or multiple weapons, yet we have no violence and low crime. Kingston is middle sized city, with some crime. The different lifestyles and upbringings make the difference. I am now in what is considered a nice area of New York City, yet many people here should not be armed in my opinion. People get into fights over the silliest things, like a parking spot or what they consider to be a wrong look. Obviously mentally ill people are on trains and on streets. That is root of problem. I learned gun safety as child, my whole family did. The Connecticut school shooters mother knew he had mental problems, yet let him know she had weapons. His mental illness coupled with her carelessness led to this whole problem.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/21/13 11:45 AM

On gun appreciation day or what ever it was called. There were 4 gun accidents.

I never had a gun accident and I have been firing guns since I was 12 years old.

But I was accidently wounded when I was 34 years old. I say accidently because the guy who shot me was trying to kill me. I wonder what ever happened to that guy.

I was laid up for months. I needed a walker to watch one of my sons soccer games. At the end of tge game I was too tired to walk off the field to get to my car. So I called up a car service to come on to the field and take me to my car.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/21/13 11:51 AM

Schummer thinks one day he will be president or vice president. He will be a senator forever, but nothing higher then that.
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/21/13 02:40 PM

Originally Posted By: jace
I am originally form area west of Kingston, New York, west of there. Almost everyone has a gun, or multiple weapons, yet we have no violence and low crime. Kingston is middle sized city, with some crime. The different lifestyles and upbringings make the difference. I am now in what is considered a nice area of New York City, yet many people here should not be armed in my opinion. People get into fights over the silliest things, like a parking spot or what they consider to be a wrong look. Obviously mentally ill people are on trains and on streets. That is root of problem. I learned gun safety as child, my whole family did. The Connecticut school shooters mother knew he had mental problems, yet let him know she had weapons. His mental illness coupled with her carelessness led to this whole problem.

Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 01/23/13 05:39 PM

If the problem are the mentally ill, does that mean that there are more mentally ill in the US than elsewhere?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 01/23/13 05:49 PM

The Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show, which is an exhibition that yearly brings over a hundred thousand visitors and buyers from around the eastern USA, last week banned vendors from selling assault weapons and some sport rifles. AA sizable number of gun dealers dropped from the event, and yesterday the NRA pulled out.
Posted By: SC

Re: Gun Control - 01/23/13 05:51 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
If the problem are the mentally ill, does that mean that there are more mentally ill in the US than elsewhere?

Not at all. It just shows that guns are a part of our young country's culture. Every once in a while we have to kick some Nazi's ass.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 01/23/13 06:08 PM

Here in Arizona, the "Second Amendment State," our County Sheriff said he would refuse to enforce any federally mandated gun controls that he believes are "unconstitutional." Sounds like we could get rid of the Supreme Court, their salaries, perks, etc., and leave all constitutional issue to our Sheriff.

Four AZ legislators introduced a bill that would require Arizona to ignore any new Federal gun controls, and to charge any Federal official attempting to enforce them as a Class 6 Felony offender. Any day now, someone will introduce a bill for AZ to secede from the Union.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 01/23/13 06:11 PM

Original geschrieben von: SC
Original geschrieben von: Danito
If the problem are the mentally ill, does that mean that there are more mentally ill in the US than elsewhere?

Not at all. It just shows that guns are a part of our young country's culture. Every once in a while we have to kick some Nazi's ass.

I don't understand this answer? Do you mean that the victims of gun violence are Nazis?
Posted By: SC

Re: Gun Control - 01/23/13 06:20 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
I don't understand this answer? Do you mean that the victims of gun violence are Nazis?

Not at all. I can't even imagine how you'd conclude that.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/23/13 06:55 PM

D, the information that you posted within a map is non-comparable. For one, it compares US cities homicide rates against those of nations. For another, homicide definitions among law enforcement, prosecutors, and coroners do vary among nations.
Posted By: jace

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 07:24 AM

Originally Posted By: Danito
If the problem are the mentally ill, does that mean that there are more mentally ill in the US than elsewhere?

This map uses different nations to compare to different United States cities. With so many countries in world to choose from, a person making up that map can find statistical matches for almost anything.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 09:03 AM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
The Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show, which is an exhibition that yearly brings over a hundred thousand visitors and buyers from around the eastern USA, last week banned vendors from selling assault weapons and some sport rifles. AA sizable number of gun dealers dropped from the event, and yesterday the NRA pulled out.

Last weekend they had a gun show here and they said that they had such a long line waiting to get in they opened the doors early and they closed 3 hours later cause the sold all the guns and bullets the people brought. They are having a gun show this weekend in Norfolk I'm sure it will be the same.
Posted By: SC

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 11:07 AM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Last weekend they had a gun show here and they said that they had such a long line waiting to get in they opened the doors early and they closed 3 hours later cause the sold all the guns and bullets the people brought. They are having a gun show this weekend in Norfolk I'm sure it will be the same.

Better hurry and buy some bullets. You won't be as safe if your neighbor has more than you.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 02:17 PM

Man I am scared. Like we used to say as kids "I am shaking like a leaf"

The good news is this will drive up the price of illegal guns. We should be able to find a way to make some money out of this right boys?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 02:38 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: klydon1
The Eastern Sports and Outdoor Show, which is an exhibition that yearly brings over a hundred thousand visitors and buyers from around the eastern USA, last week banned vendors from selling assault weapons and some sport rifles. AA sizable number of gun dealers dropped from the event, and yesterday the NRA pulled out.

Last weekend they had a gun show here and they said that they had such a long line waiting to get in they opened the doors early and they closed 3 hours later cause the sold all the guns and bullets the people brought. They are having a gun show this weekend in Norfolk I'm sure it will be the same.

This is happening all over the country with many venders pulling out in some shows when the event starts putting on restrictions on what can be shown or sold. They are sending a clear message.

Just wait and see what the new voting group will be in coming elections.

I just love how some people are so willing to give up other peoples rights so easy. Why millions of good citizens have to be punished because of the fear some people have after some nut cases pull sick stunts. And only those good citizen will follow the bands put on them while the real problem causers could give two shits and do what they want anyway. Bans will only give people a fake sense of security.

and when they don't work, the call will be for total bans on all guns which will only make it worst as the crime rate will soar. NYC has had bans on guns for years and that never stopped shooting or crime with a weapon.

A report states that as many as 1 in 4 homes has a weapon in their control.
They all don't scream it out loud though. Many keep it to themselves and aren't flashing their guns out in the open. But you will see many speaking with their votes come election day.

Don't you love the NYC ban on soft drinks. Get ready for more and more control by the Government! After all they know what is good for you! lol
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 03:14 PM

Get a grip FS.

The secons amendment clearly states that arms may be "well regulated." Requiring background checks and limiting magazines to ten rounds is hardly a punishment to gun owners. For that matter hollow poinjt and armour piercing bullets being banned do not punish lawful gun owners either.

With rights come responsibilities. And as for the limit on sodas in New York, I think anyone opposing it should be responsible to pay a disproportionate amount of money for the diabetes treatment of the idiots who drink those things.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 03:45 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Get a grip FS.

The secons amendment clearly states that arms may be "well regulated." Requiring background checks and limiting magazines to ten rounds is hardly a punishment to gun owners. For that matter hollow poinjt and armour piercing bullets being banned do not punish lawful gun owners either.

With rights come responsibilities. And as for the limit on sodas in New York, I think anyone opposing it should be responsible to pay a disproportionate amount of money for the diabetes treatment of the idiots who drink those things.
if you are not a gun owner, who are you to say what is punishing them? i agree with fatherson, its very sad how quickly people are willing to give up the rights of others. hollow-point ammo is much safer and more effective to use for self defense. bullets with an expanding design are much less likely to penetrate barriers and potentially injure someone on the other side. any hunting rifle is capable of firing so-called "amour piercing" rounds. real "amour piercing" bullets, meaning rounds with a hardened steel core, are already illegal to posses. as for your take on the soda ban, get real. we shouldn't have to pay for the mistakes or bad choices of others in a free society, ever hear of personal responsibility? a collectivist utopia might be better suited to people with your mindset, let me know if you find one.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 04:29 PM

Five, why do you assume I do not own a gun?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 05:29 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Get a grip FS.

The secons amendment clearly states that arms may be "well regulated." Requiring background checks and limiting magazines to ten rounds is hardly a punishment to gun owners. For that matter hollow poinjt and armour piercing bullets being banned do not punish lawful gun owners either.

With rights come responsibilities. And as for the limit on sodas in New York, I think anyone opposing it should be responsible to pay a disproportionate amount of money for the diabetes treatment of the idiots who drink those things.

Hey DT, what kind of grip should I take, they banned pistol grips on some weapons- lol

anyway, not to be rude to you,but you really should know more about what is being done then what the 2nd amendment is or isn't. If you would research what has happened here in NEW YORK State you would see what our Governor has ramroded into effect here in NY. Almost overnight without any kind of public debates or chance to talk about the items he went and enacted.

No one is talking about background checks, we have them already in NY and it is very tuff to get a new permit in most places and tuffest in NYC. All gun sales go thru a check here. And New York ALREADY had a ten round limit so that isn't what it is either, Cuomo has taken it down from 10 to seven, WHY? because he what to show he is KING and is setting him self up for a run for the white house? whistle
So most guns that would have taken a 17 round Mags in other states was taken down to 10 years ago, and now he wants to take it to seven. Most popular guns have don't even have 7 round mags for these guns. Why not 10 rounds like the FED ban was stating? or you can have a 10 round Mag but only insert 7 rounds in it? lol
You know you can tell if a person is anti gun by what he posts and what their reasons are. Even if you are a gun owner, I will guess that you don't carry it for self protection or use it much or you would understand what people are talking about here. Besides the 2nd amendment interpretation.

The gun world is blowing up with all of this because people care!

I'll will tell you this, In most cases the citizen who is a gun owner is very responsible. The people who post in the gun forums post real quality posts and stay on the subject with little or no problems among them. Take a look and see how they are handling this subject and then you would see that it isn't a small problem like non owners or anti gun people think.

And like I said they will be a new voting block in the future elections!

You are right DT "With rights come responsibilities" and people who manage them should not be effected by those that can't or won't. That is why we have laws. How about we make those work rather then heap on new ones which will YES "Punish" and restrict those millions of people that do. The nuts and criminals don't follow any of them.

I thought lawyers where around to protect the good people rights also?

and why should anyone pay for: " pay a disproportionate amount of money for the diabetes treatment of the idiots who drink those things." If I oppose being told what I should or should be allow to do?? We are free men and women still aren't we?

Oh Yeah that is the reason we should always be allowed to have firearms! To stay free!

I know there are only a few who will post because so many other on THIS board do not owner or are anti gun people,and are afraid to go against the grain on here. but some of us do and it would be nice for those that don't to at least listen to what we are posting rather then taking cheap shots on this issue.
Thank for reading and understand where it comes from.
Be safe.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 07:39 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
Man I am scared. Like we used to say as kids "I am shaking like a leaf"

The good news is this will drive up the price of illegal guns. We should be able to find a way to make some money out of this right boys?

Yup my hubby paid $700.00 for one of his AR's now they are $2000.00.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 07:51 PM

Federal and state laws do not ban pistol grips on weapons; they regulate weapons that have pistol grips as those grips are defined by statute and regulation.

New York State's S.2230 is a statute passed by the New York State Legislature and forwarded to New York State Governor Cuomo for his signature which it received.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 08:02 PM

Does it make me and others who own AR's & AK's bad people? No it doesn't. Me and my hub are very responsible with our weapons. They are locked up in gun cabinets and only taken out when we take them to the gun range or when they need to be cleaned and oiled. So what is wrong with that?

Whatever our government decides to do with this issue we will still have those evil/wicked sicko's still committing crimes. It will not stop.
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 09:27 PM

My main issues with people argueing for gun control are..

1. Yes fatherson, i agree with you, the people who usually want more gun control do not own guns themselves, or have little to no knowledge of a firearm (or bullets).

2. The suggested restrictions will only restrict law abiding gun owners. Are we really supposed to believe that every criminal in NYC with an illegal firearm that has a magazine capacity greater than 7, will just say, "better get a smaller magazine, dont want to break the law."

Just my 2 pennys
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 10:05 PM

There are certain responsibilities and controls that should go along with the ownership of weapons. You can own a car, but you can't drive drunk or speed. You can't behave in ways that will endanger others. Gun control is the same. If there are certain restrictions that are necessary for the greater good, then that's what needs to be done.
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 10:15 PM

So we should out law cigarettes? And limit the number of beer youre allowed to buy at once? Or why dont we outlaw cars? Even with out the combination of alcohol, car accidents kill more people in a month than guns do in a year? How about we only let people tan 30 minutes every week? Bc uv rays kill to dont they? How would that be done for the greater good? Your arguement makes no sense?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 10:29 PM

I don't care if you tan until you look like a raisin. However, you're not endangering anyone but yourself if you tan. You're not going to give ME skin cancer by tanning. And cigarettes have been outlawed in public places (which, as a former smoker, used to anger me), because that's what hurts the public. And we do limit the number of beers you can buy in a bar, because of the potential danger. And we have made drinking and driving illegal. So, YOU make absolutely no sense.

Should we outlaw cars? No, because responsible ownership of a car poses little danger to the public. However, recklessness does pose danger, so we have controls. I don't believe guns should be outlawed. I come from a family of hunters. However, the kinds of things I'm talking about, certain weapons and certain high-capacity clips, were designed for one thing - to kill as many humans in as short a time as possible. They were made for military use, and that's where they should stay.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/24/13 10:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Skinny
So we should out law cigarettes? And limit the number of beer youre allowed to buy at once? Or why dont we outlaw cars? Even with out the combination of alcohol, car accidents kill more people in a month than guns do in a year? How about we only let people tan 30 minutes every week? Bc uv rays kill to dont they? How would that be done for the greater good? Your arguement makes no sense?

A freind who seats on the planning board here once told me that "done for the greater good" is a term that, means we just need to screw you out of something (AND it is usally used to benift a select few,) because they have no other good reason in their arsenal or bag of tricks. lol
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 02:37 AM

Here's a list of the guns Dianne Feinstein wants banned. Just about every decent gun i can think of is listed. Whats next, BB guns? I also read she wants ammo clips to hold no more then 10 rounds but they might even push for a 7 round limit similar to what NY just passed.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 04:09 AM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Here's a list of the guns Dianne Feinstein wants banned. Just about every decent gun i can think of is listed. Whats next, BB guns? I also read she wants ammo clips to hold no more then 10 rounds but they might even push for a 7 round limit similar to what NY just passed.

Dianne Feinstein has been the wicked witch of the anti gun league for years. She goes overboard on everything she touches. The only saving grace is her bill as written is very unlikely to pass.

It just begs the question - where has all the common sense gone. confused

The best reason for MORE gun control " I don't think you need or should have -----------. rolleyes
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 04:32 AM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Here's a list of the guns Dianne Feinstein wants banned. Just about every decent gun i can think of is listed. Whats next, BB guns? I also read she wants ammo clips to hold no more then 10 rounds but they might even push for a 7 round limit similar to what NY just passed.

I agree Giancarlo. From a enthusiasts point of veiw,i would be extremely disappointed if this was passed. Lets pray it doesnt.
Posted By: jace

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 07:06 AM

No criminals will obey that law, or any other gun laws passed. Law abiding people with very right to have gun to defend self will be disarmed, criminals will still have guns. If a criminal is caught after that, it is good, but what about the honest citizen who out of fear buys certain gun on banned list? We will be making them criminals with this law. And it will be only beginning, same politicians who want these guns banned are some one who want all firearms banned.
Posted By: ThePolakVet

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 09:15 AM

There shouldn't be gun restrictions by gun type, but restrictions to the people who CAN'T own them. Those are mentally ill people and people with a criminal record.

First of all, before the gun is bought, the person needs to be checked, who is he, why he needs a gun, is he mentally stable, does he know how to handle the gun(not to shoot himself in the foot).

Once that is done, the gun's are needed a safe way to be put in. I don't know how it's in the states really, but in Latvia it's obligatory to have a safe, which is attached to the floor or wall, that no-one can carry away it. The police comes and checks it if it's right.

WHAT DOES IT CHANGE IF YOU GIVE AN IDIOT A PISTOL INSTEAD OF AN AK?! Maybe he'll shoot less people with the pistol, probably he'll have more pistols instead. It doesn't change shit if you keep giving out these guns to idiots.

And restricting those types of guns won't stop from them being on the street. USA is full of criminal organizations that will be willing to get more into the gun business. So, this will not stop criminals getting guns.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 03:36 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
And cigarettes have been outlawed in public places (which, as a former smoker, used to anger me), because that's what hurts the public. And we do limit the number of beers you can buy in a bar, because of the potential danger. And we have made drinking and driving illegal. So, YOU make absolutely no sense.

Should we outlaw cars? No, because responsible ownership of a car poses little danger to the public. However, recklessness does pose danger, so we have controls.

Yes, I think that is his point, correct me if I am wrong here. But the point being is we do not take away, limit them or refuse to market these other items because some people misuse them, like drunk drivers is a prime one. Alcohol and cars.

Maybe it is the fear factor with guns? Makes them a easy target.

But drunk drivers kill so many more then any of these gun nuts each year, whole families, with children etc. Of all ages. So we have to look at the real problem....

.... just like todays gun laws, drink and driving laws, they only work if people are willing to abide by them. Just like alcohol and cars, we shouldn't blame the item, we should put the blame on the person who did wrong.
Put reponsibility back where it belongs on the person.

That is all you can ask is fairness.

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 04:47 PM

The problem with "putting responsibility on the person" is that more often than not these mass murderers commit suicide after they have killed innocent people. There is nothing wrong with combining restrictions on gun ownership for the mentally ill, and for people who want military style weapons that are unnecessary for hunting, target practice or defense of the home.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 07:47 PM

confused if the responsibly isn't on the person, who should it be on for their own acts? you wouldn't sue someone else in a civil suit for what another person does would you?
Your right well REASONABLE restrictions and many have been in place for some time, even if not followed by some is always the right idea.

The new problem is we have gone from wanting to ban all AUTOMATIC war like weapons to banning everything that is semi automatic or anything that LOOKS like one.

People aren't killed by a pistol grip or a folding stock or a muzzle shield.

Finsteins last list had like 157 guns to be on the kill list. Come on. be real....and in NY we already only get 10 rounds and Gov King made that 7. Next it will be five then 3 then none at all. Slippery slop all the way down the hill.

The real joke is when they say we (NY people) have one year to sell or transfer all large mags out of state. If they are so bad why will they allow them to go to another state rather then NY? lol

Seems like these new rules will turn many good citizens into law breakers real soon. Because many have said they will not comply. Sucks to be put good people into this spot.

Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 09:11 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson

The new problem is we have gone from wanting to ban all AUTOMATIC war like weapons to banning everything that is semi automatic or anything that LOOKS like one.

People aren't killed by a pistol grip or a folding stock or a muzzle shield.

I agree, these guns that she wants banned are all SEMI automatic weapons. You pull the trigger and one shot is fired. They are NOT Full automatic assault weapons, they are the semi auto versions that might look like them, but do not perform like them.

Whats the difference between a semi auto Uzi and a Glock pistol. Both fire a 9mm round and are semi automatic weapons. It's just that the Uzi looks much more sinister but they perform the same. You can actually get a 30 round mag for the Glock just as you can the Uzi. Ok maybe you can get a bayonet for the Uzi and not the Glock but thats about it. You can kill just as many people with that Glock as you can the semi auto Uzi.

An AR15 might look like a M16 but again, it's a SEMI AUTO weapon, same with all the AK clones.

It seems that this is leading to a eventual ban on all semi auto guns and that the powers to be want just bolt action type weapons to be legal, the kind you have to work the bolt with each shot. At least as far as rifles go, but i'm sure they'll get around to semi auto pistols next. Don't kid yourself, i truely believe that is their ultimate goal.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 09:17 PM

for all of my fellow firearms enthusiasts, this bill has little to no chance of passing, and the gun grabbers really shot themselves in the foot with this one. instead of going for more moderate restrictions which might have had a shot at passing, that witch feinstein just went for broke. the thing you have to realize with this, is that there are plenty of democratic senators in very gun friendly states who have to respect the will of the people in their state. as much as some hate it, the firearms culture is alive and well in this country and will continue to thrive, despite all of this crazy legislation being proposed.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 09:20 PM

What it did do was raise the price of both legal and illegal guns.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 09:46 PM

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 09:54 PM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
You can actually get a 30 round mag for the Glock just as you can the Uzi.

Sportsmans Guide catalog shows a 50-round drum magazine that attaches to a Glock. I'm not kidding.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 10:33 PM

So the drum weighs more then the pistol?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 10:35 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
What it did do was raise the price of both legal and illegal guns.

And ammo is hard to find.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/25/13 10:50 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
that are unnecessary for hunting, target practice or defense of the home.

Your opinion DT. But in my home it is cuz it is a nice piece to add to our collection. Like I said we are law abiding very responsible with our weapons. So why try to take them out of my hands? I am not hurting anybody on this earth cuz my family owns weapons for target shooting, home defense, hunting.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 12:34 AM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
You can actually get a 30 round mag for the Glock just as you can the Uzi.

Sportsmans Guide catalog shows a 50-round drum magazine that attaches to a Glock. I'm not kidding.

Oh god, check that beast out. lol

Personally i'd be happy with a 15 to 30 round straight clip for the Glock, but hey if you need a 50 rounder go for it. cool wink

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 12:47 AM

photo courtesy of my friend calipso from another message board, 100 round drum for a glock 19, don't freak out anti-gunners, these things are more of a novelty as they are so heavy that they are very impractical for anything but having a little fun wink

Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 01:06 AM

God Damn! Talk about overkill. lol

Must be a bitch carrying that thing around. With 100 rounds it must of been pretty heavy. Looks just like the Beta-C drum mags for the AR15 but in 9mm instead of .223
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 01:10 AM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
God Damn! Talk about overkill. lol

Must be a bitch carrying that thing around. With 100 rounds it must of been pretty heavy.
i've shot a buddies glock 19 down in west virginia with a strait 33 round box magazine, and that thing was pretty heavy and very unwieldy, so i could only imagine something like that, like i said, very impractical for anything other than having some fun!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 01:50 AM

Fun. Yes, I'm sure that the next mass murderer who uses such a thing is just having a blast, no pun intended. Why don't you go to a place like Newtown or Columbine, walk the campus of Virginia Tech, get in Gabby Giffords face, and talk about how much fun it is to shoot these weapons?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 02:09 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Why don't you go to a place like Newtown or Columbine, walk the campus of Virginia Tech, get in Gabby Giffords face, and talk about how much fun it is to shoot these weapons?
well, because despite your best efforts to paint people who enjoy things that you deem unnecessary in a negative light, that wouldn't be very considerate.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 02:24 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Why don't you go to a place like Newtown or Columbine, walk the campus of Virginia Tech, get in Gabby Giffords face, and talk about how much fun it is to shoot these weapons?
well, because despite your best efforts to paint people who enjoy things that you deem unnecessary in a negative light, that wouldn't be very considerate.

Yes, and pictures you posted here show you to be the very epitome of tolerance for those you disagree with. Puh-leeze. Referring to a weapon that was designed for the slaughter of fellow human beings "fun" just sickens me. You can say it, you have that right, but it still turns my stomach.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 02:36 AM

believe it or not, outside of the liberal fantasyland that makes up the majority of the political discussions on this board, millions of people are able to enjoy shooting all types of weapons without falling for the textbook projection that there is something wrong with them. i don't own a magazine like that, and i have never even shot one, but i would sure like it, and i'm far from feeling sorry for myself because some aren't able to look past the fact that dangerous things are alot of fun. i will continue to enjoy things that i enjoy, and if that makes some people uncomfortable, tough.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 02:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
outside of the liberal fantasyland that makes up the majority of the political discussions on this board,

I would disagree with that, fact is the majority of the opinions expressed in the political discussions on this board is very much in line with what the majority of Americans think. Regardless if its labeled liberal or not. America is becoming more liberal, that's a fact and a good thing in my opinion. But I respect your viewpoints and opinions, we are all entitled to them.

Hope all is good on your end.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 02:43 AM

If someone pulls a gun on me and I have a gun I will USE IT!! NRA!!
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 02:46 AM

Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
If someone pulls a gun on me and I have a gun I will USE IT!! NRA!!

No doubt, I would as well.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 02:54 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
I would disagree with that, fact is the majority of the opinions expressed in the political discussions on this board is very much in line with what the majority of Americans think. Regardless if its labeled liberal or not. America is becoming more liberal, that's a fact and a good thing in my opinion. But I respect your viewpoints and opinions, we are all entitled to them.

Hope all is good on your end.
as far as the board being in line with what america thinks, maybe we can just agree to disagree on that one! you are right about america becoming more liberal, although again, we might disagree about that being a good thing or not. hope as is well with you too buddy, waiting for this winter to get done so i can get back to serious work, too much time on my hands lately.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 02:58 AM

These types of pictures are what causes the public to become anti gun people if they don't understand that this is much a
novelty peice.

As much as a dragster is not what sports car people enjoy in the automotive arena.

and I have been taught that as always you should be an ambassador to the public if the opportunity arises.

Waving a red flag in front of a bull proves nothing and accomplishes little but to piss the bull off. wink
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 02:59 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
I would disagree with that, fact is the majority of the opinions expressed in the political discussions on this board is very much in line with what the majority of Americans think. Regardless if its labeled liberal or not. America is becoming more liberal, that's a fact and a good thing in my opinion. But I respect your viewpoints and opinions, we are all entitled to them.

Hope all is good on your end.
as far as the board being in line with what america thinks, maybe we can just agree to disagree on that one! you are right about america becoming more liberal, although again, we might disagree about that being a good thing or not. hope as is well with you too buddy, waiting for this winter to get done so i can get back to serious work, too much time on my hands lately.

yeah im tired of this cold weather, luckily my office has been burning up with an out of control heater lately that we've actually had to open the window and call in some crews to check it out.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 03:05 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
America is becoming more liberal, that's a fact and a good thing in my opinion.

There are some good things. But far more bad things.

Abortion...gay marriage...women in combat...women making up the most of the workforce...a decline of religious adherence in favor of secularism...and so on...
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 03:07 AM

Please lets not get off track in this thread....
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 03:07 AM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
America is becoming more liberal, that's a fact and a good thing in my opinion.

There are some good things. But far more bad things.

Abortion...gay marriage...women in combat...women making up the most of the workforce...a decline of religious adherence in favor of secularism...and so on...

I knew you would bite at that comment lol

Good to some and not good to others. To each his own.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 03:14 AM

I believe each state should be able to choose it's own laws regarding firearms and which firearms are permitted in their state. Obviously a state such as NY would want different laws then a more firearm oriented state like Texas.

I have no problem with closing up loopholes that allow criminals to purchase guns, backround checks, tightening up the book keeping by all the FFL dealers etc. And upping the penalties on people who bring in guns from out of state, and on straw buyers who get guns for felons is more then fine with me. Feel free to lock all of them up.

It's these blanket bans that piss me off. I've been a gun owner for over 30 years and guess what, i haven't shot anyone yet. Maybe in the future, but so far not one human being has been hurt by any firearm i own.

I hate to talk ill about the deceased but in that last shooting it was the shooters mother who taught her son who she knew to be mentally ill how to shoot and gave him access to her firearms knowing the kid was mentally a basketcase.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 03:17 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
I knew you would bite at that comment lol

Good to some and not good to others. To each his own.

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter. - Isaiah 5:20
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 03:24 AM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo

I hate to talk ill about the deceased but in that last shooting it was the shooters mother who taught her son who she knew to be mentally ill how to shoot and gave him access to her firearms knowing the kid was mentally a basketcase.

This points seems to be pushed aside by the people who want to use this event to take everthing away and make everyone who owns a gun responsible for it.

Then add the little children card and the flames of anger shoot up like gas being poured on your bbQ.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 06:05 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: Giancarlo

I hate to talk ill about the deceased but in that last shooting it was the shooters mother who taught her son who she knew to be mentally ill how to shoot and gave him access to her firearms knowing the kid was mentally a basketcase.

This points seems to be pushed aside by the people who want to use this event to take everthing away and make everyone who owns a gun responsible for it.

Then add the little children card and the flames of anger shoot up like gas being poured on your bbQ.

Why should everyone read to kill a mockingbird?
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 07:57 AM

That last incident with all the children being killed was just terrible, one of the worst things that could of happened. Those kids never did anything to anyone and didn't deserve to die like that. It broke my heart to look at the pictures of all those little 6 and 7 year old kids who were killed by that asshole. I'm not an idiot, i get why people are pissed.

I just don't like the knee jerk reaction to it and using that incident to further the goals of certain politicians who have made it crystal clear over the years that their ultimate goal is to ban just about all guns. I think it's disgusting the way some of these people are using that incident to further their political agenda.
Posted By: SC

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 09:31 AM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
I just don't like the knee jerk reaction to it and using that incident to further the goals of certain politicians who have made it crystal clear over the years that their ultimate goal is to ban just about all guns. I think it's disgusting the way some of these people are using that incident to further their political agenda.

I'm not so sure it's a knee-jerk reaction anymore. Many are disgusted at the growing number of these types of massacres and are tired of hearing the same bad news over and over again.

If this was an isolated incident it would, in fact, be a disgusting way to illustrate a political agenda, but it's an ever-growing problem our country faces today.

Most here who know my political ideals will tell you that I am vehemently against curtailing our constitutional rights (I'm one of those liberals who seem to be the target of many here lately). I just don't see a viable solution to stop the gun killings without cutting back the 2nd Amendment rights somewhat.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 03:15 PM

Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
I just don't like the knee jerk reaction to it and using that incident to further the goals of certain politicians who have made it crystal clear over the years that their ultimate goal is to ban just about all guns. I think it's disgusting the way some of these people are using that incident to further their political agenda.

Many are disgusted at the growing number of these types of massacres and are tired of hearing the same bad news over and over again.

How could we not be. It was on all media outlets for weeks, some times 24 hours a day. Evey show had people on saying how bad this event was, and what else could anyone say, but this should never happen again! And it shouldn't, no one wishes for crazy people to go a rampage.

Even before all the facts were in and God did they change every five mins. Most being wrong in a rush to get facts on the air. They were screams about the problem being GUNS!

Oh my if you didn't agree they made you look like you were a monster. How could anyone disagree about the killing of little kids!

If you look at the facts, this was a WELL to do part of the country. A great section of the state. NO real crime there.
A great place to live within a jump into the big city of New York. No need to worry here in our little town. Have you noticed how many of the shooting events happen in good areas or so called safe havens? Not in the gettos or high crime areas.

A single mom, with a child which she knew had major problems made a MAJOR mistake. One which cause her and many others their lives. He was so messed up that he would kill his own MOTHER and then turn on society with a vengeance. Going into a school which any sane person would consider a safe place, to spread his vengeance on defensless little angels.

Then the news media had its major story, which will fill hours and hours of airtime. A quick rush into every little crack looking for more dirt or angle and they interviewed and gave airtime to anyone who they could find to repeat over and over again how bad this was.
When that ran low they started the gun control angle which they could fuel with this story. Putting hour and hours of anti gun people on the air. Many who knew crap about weapons, clips Vs Mags and so on and so on. Get some air time and just BLAME guns for all this. What else could it be?

Lets start going after the symbol of gun ownership that evil NRA!

The few that wanted to look at the real reason for what happen got far less airtime because it didn't fan the flames.

Lets call a spade a spade. We all dropped the ball.
Gun people, non gun people, health care people, law enforcement even friends and neighbors, everyone.

We all can put the facts together to see what is common in all these shootings. MENTAL HEALTH PERIOD!

The thing that set this kid off was he was about to be looked into for his problem and maybe committed. So he struck out against the world.

But mental health issues are tuff to control. IT COST MONEY! It makes people afraid of big brother.
You LOSE YOUR RIGHTS and maybe you will be LOCKED AWAY.
Should people with metal health issues lose their rights to own or use weapons-(even knifes) maybe, we all agree on that right about now.

People know this is so hard to regulate. It is so hard to enforce all those laws and guidlines that we AlREADY have. Oh MY, who is going to do it and how much is it going to cost and I an so afraid of those evil looking Guns. Why do people need them at all?.

Let us just take away GUNS then they can't use them to hurt anyone! What a get idea- lol

And we can all look like we are doing something to make the world a better place! blush

and of course it will not efect me..I don't want, use or need guns anyway! lol
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 04:48 PM

Sometimes you can argue with people and they simply will not listen. That changes when you argue with a gun in your hands. smile
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 05:02 PM

Talk like that is just what people love to point to as they talk about having more gun restrictions.

And if you were waving your gun about, you would be losing your permit in a heartbeat if not shot yourself. Last time I looked Brooklyn was still in New York State.

Do you know what is involed for your right to carry?
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 06:10 PM

I could learn so much from a guy like you. That was a joke I made. I guess you have no sense of humor. I did not have one either until I hit 55. Before that I did not think anything was funny. Now I can't get the smile off my face. Everything makes me laugh now even someone like you.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/26/13 07:02 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
I could learn so much from a guy like you. That was a joke I made. I guess you have no sense of humor. I did not have one either until I hit 55. Before that I did not think anything was funny. Now I can't get the smile off my face. Everything makes me laugh now even someone like you.

Thanks, since your a new member....I will take note. whistle
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/27/13 04:22 PM

Here is a quote from Assemblyman Steve Katz, “I leave my wife and three young daughters home alone for days at a time to represent my constituents here,” Katz said on the floor of the Assembly. “After what happened to the young mother in Loganville, Georgia who defended her two young children against an intruder, this bill will turn me into a criminal because you can bet that before I leave to do the people’s work, there will be more than seven bullets in the magazine of my wife’s firearm.”

Good for him. Our families are more important then some stupid laws made by people that have no clue. I am sure their families are safely protected.

Be safe!
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/27/13 04:33 PM

Do you have kids in college? Did you do anything to help keep your kids safe while they are away at school curious.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 01/27/13 08:11 PM

Let me turn the question the other way around: Do you think that the more guns there are in a country, the safer its inhabitants are?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/27/13 08:48 PM

This country has a mental health problem disguised as a gun problem and a tyranny problem disguised as a security problem.

Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/27/13 08:50 PM

Your unsafe if the guy with the gun gets the drop on you or if you have a gun out and hesitate to use it.

Most people without guns or with guns hesitate.

One of the things I taught all my kids is if you think your endanger don't hesitate.

There is a space about 2 feet from you that if you feel endangered and are unarmed don't let anyone enter. At that point in time you have to make up your mind to act and don't stop until they are on the floor then
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/27/13 10:18 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
Let me turn the question the other way around: Do you think that the more guns there are in a country, the safer its inhabitants are?

Found this which may answer just that:

Violent crime rates reported by the FBI Uniform Crime Report and the BJS NCVS have been dropping since the expiration of the old AWB. The same UCR shows modern sporting rifles and their magazines that Sen. Feinstein has wanted to ban for the past 20+ years constitute a tiny fraction of all murders. Even the National Research Council report done for the Clinton administration stated there were too few of them used in crimes to be statistically relevant. Murder rates reported by the FBI and the homicide rates reported by the NCVS have fallen to nearly half of the high for this generation and have fallen since the expiration of the '94 AWB, where the NRC stated they weren't relevant, while these firearms have become more popular with the public they can't contribute to a rising violent crime rate that is actually falling.

These rifles have been used in hunting and personal defense since the '60s. They have been used for competitions for 20+ years. Today there are more participants in official competition with them than competitive shotgun competitions. Articles on their suitability for hunting are found in every hunting publication. Ads for their hunting use date back to the late '60s. Reviews of their performance are found on hunting websites. Television programs focused on hunting have featured them specifically with respect to deer hunting and controlling destructive feral hog populations. The US Park Service and National Forrest Service contract for feral hog control services using these firearms. "Traditional" hunting rifle manufacturers like Remington have invested in tooling and added these types of rifles and offer them specifically for hunting. Any search for "AR deer hunting" or "AR hog hunting" will provide sufficient evidence these firearms are used for hunting. These days they easily meet the definition of sporting firearms.

Recently in Rochester NY a resident used an AR to protect himself and roommate against armed intruders. This occurs every year. Departments of the U.S. government issue RFPs for "personal defensive weapons" requesting bids for these rifles. These modern rifles are used effectively for personal defense by citizens and the federal government departments and agencies define them as personal defense weapons. Prohibitionists say these firearms have no use for personal defense, but the government itself says they are suitable for personal defense.

Government and university studies show that firearms are used from half a million to 2.5 million times a year to stop violent crime. http://www.saf.org/lawreviews/kleckandgertz1.htm That's a remarkable contrast to the roughly 8,000 murders committed with every type of firearm reported in the FBI UCR. This is also in contract to the sporting uses in hunting and competition noted earlier and the personal defensive definition of government RFPs. Prohibitionists that claim they're "just for killing" ignore the facts that they're used to save lives as well as in sport and recreation.

Senator Feinstein has been promoting the same agenda for 20+ years while violent crime rates drop, personal defense and sporting use of these firearms increases. Her attitudes, information and legislation are at odds with the facts, government data, and the increasing popularity of these firearms for sport, hunting, and personal defense. It is important to study the data, facts and opinions before espousing that of others.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 03:24 AM

This was on tv today. Bloomberg is surrounded by 5 body guards with guns when some guy goes right to Bloomberg and asks him if he would give up his guards with their guns to protect him. Then the body guards got the guy away from Bloomberg.

Well my friends if that guy had a weapon knife or gun Bloomberg would have been dead now. His so called body guards let him get real close to Bloomberg and talk to him before they acted. It would have been to late to save him.

Bloomberg should get ride of those bozos they were useless in this situation.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 04:20 AM

Which just goes to show you that having a gun, or even five, doesn't necessarily stop a gunman. More guns aren't the answer.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 06:23 AM

Actually better body guards are the answer. But if a guy is willing to give himself up to get someone. He could get someone.
Posted By: SC

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 06:53 AM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
Actually better body guards are the answer. But if a guy is willing to give himself up to get someone. He could get someone.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 01:41 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
This was on tv today. Bloomberg is surrounded by 5 body guards with guns when some guy goes right to Bloomberg and asks him if he would give up his guards with their guns to protect him. Then the body guards got the guy away from Bloomberg.

Well my friends if that guy had a weapon knife or gun Bloomberg would have been dead now. His so called body guards let him get real close to Bloomberg and talk to him before they acted. It would have been to late to save him.

Bloomberg should get ride of those bozos they were useless in this situation.

What did you want them to do pistol whip him for being mouthy?

Did he make a threating move, look like he was pulling something out to use as a weapon?

Last I heard you can't be a good public servant without being out in the public. Hell, The president even goes out into a group of people. Good body guards know when to strike.

This isn't Nazi Germany, or at least not yet.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 01:51 PM

Well what do you hire a body guard for if not to protect your person so you don't have to do it yourself.

He approached our mayor with one of those big sodas that bloomers wants to out law.

If I was his body guard that tells me the guy may have been a little crazy.

You don't just let anybody approach the guy your guarding you get in the way and question him first. You might even frisk him while your talking to him.

Then you tell him go away and don't come back. Then if you see them again later anywhere you man is standing. Then you act. How's that sound?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 01:53 PM

Posted by a navy seal on a firearm web site

Gun Control isn't about GUNS.....

......... it is about CONTROL.

And this gem was posted by a son of a German Jew:

I saw a movie once about a time and place in which only the military had guns. It's called "Schindler's List".
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 04:38 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Which just goes to show you that having a gun, or even five, doesn't necessarily stop a gunman. More guns aren't the answer.

I guess I missed something here. This guy wasn't a gunman?
and if he was, more then likely he would be taken down but not shot by the guards since he was in really close range.

There would be a good chance that we would have been taken down hopefully before he could have gotten a good shot off if it was shown to have a weapon or moved to use it.

Having a gun with you can not stop someone from pulling his own weapon or doing something foolish. It can stop a person or persons if need if the threat was as bad as deemed enough to warrant taking a persons life and only then.

Nothing is 100% fool proof so "necessarily" is a moot point as far as events go. All gun owner have to justify it's use, this isn't the wild west, even if people think it is. lol

More guns may not be the answer, but no guns or less guns is NOT the soultion, THAT Fact- people are sure of,
(who understand and know firearms.)

Please see my post above for more details.
It has many good points about this kind of thing.
Be Good and be safe.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 05:06 PM

Original geschrieben von: fathersson
And this gem was posted by a son of a German Jew:

I saw a movie once about a time and place in which only the military had guns. It's called "Schindler's List".

Which is the case in almost every movie about the war.
Seriously, the argument about Nazi Germany is ahistorical: When the Nazis came to power (tomorrow it's 80 years ago), there was basically almost no resistance, not even civil resistance, not even a general strike, which was low risk and the way the Kapp coup was put to its knees in 1920. No civil courage either: They started with the communists, then the Jews. No-one interfered, even when the risks were still little. Antisemitism was omnipresent.

Oh, and I saw a movie once were almost every one had a gun...
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 05:24 PM

D, I agree. The German people acceded to the Third Reich's reign of terror. Also, the limitations on civilian firearms during the 12 year reign of the Third Reich is one of history's most enduring myths.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 05:51 PM

Danito are you really a ghost?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 06:12 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
D, I agree. The German people acceded to the Third Reich's reign of terror. Also, the limitations on civilian firearms during the 12 year reign of the Third Reich is one of history's most enduring myths.

Interesting thought. The German People vs the German JEWISH people.

What part was "the limitations on civilian firearms during the 12 year reign of the Third Reich is one of history's most enduring myths."

The part where they (the Jewish people) were rounded up, having most of their belongings taken from them, forced to live in slum ghettos, then taken to concentration camps or forced labor camps, or the ones taken to the kill camps?

Which one is a enduring myth-
who had no limitations on civilian firearms?

You mean the Jews had weapons and didn't fight back during all this? Maybe they shouldn't have trusted their own government so much?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/29/13 09:04 PM

Fathersson, I enjoy reading your posts in this thread.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 07:01 AM

Original geschrieben von: fathersson
Original geschrieben von: olivant
D, I agree. The German people acceded to the Third Reich's reign of terror. Also, the limitations on civilian firearms during the 12 year reign of the Third Reich is one of history's most enduring myths.

Interesting thought. The German People vs the German JEWISH people.

What part was "the limitations on civilian firearms during the 12 year reign of the Third Reich is one of history's most enduring myths."

The part where they (the Jewish people) were rounded up, having most of their belongings taken from them, forced to live in slum ghettos, then taken to concentration camps or forced labor camps, or the ones taken to the kill camps?

Which one is a enduring myth-
who had no limitations on civilian firearms?

You mean the Jews had weapons and didn't fight back during all this? Maybe they shouldn't have trusted their own government so much?

No, there was just hardly any chance for an organised revolt. In the early years, some thought, it would remain an episode. In the 40s it was total war, total terror.
In 1933, the communists still had weapons, but they were hit immediately. Don't forget, the police was also on the side of the Nazis.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 03:30 PM

How did things get so far? What started as a thread about gun control has become wild interpretations of what the Nazis did or did not do about guns. What does this have to do with the current situation.

Bottom line here is this. There is a right to bear arms in the US that cannot be taken away unless the Second Amendment is abolished, which is not going to happpen.

It is also a fact that despite this right to bear arms, there is no individual right to have drones, atomic bombs nuclear missles, hence there already is de facto arms control. The only question therefore is how far do we go as a matter of policy.

Even if background checks, limited magazines, and the assault rifle ban all goes into effect it will not end gun violence. But as the president says, if it saves one life, its worth it.

No one is going to come and take people's guns away. Thats NRA nonsense.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 05:20 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Even if background checks, limited magazines, and the assault rifle ban all goes into effect it will not end gun violence.

No it won't. If someone wants to do you harm they will find some other means to do it.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 06:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Even if background checks, limited magazines, and the assault rifle ban all goes into effect it will not end gun violence.

No it won't. If someone wants to do you harm they will find some other means to do it.

Mig, read what I said. I said it will NOT end all gun violence. There's just a chance it will be reduced, and I repeat if it saves one life its worth it.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 06:31 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Even if background checks, limited magazines, and the assault rifle ban all goes into effect it will not end gun violence.

No it won't. If someone wants to do you harm they will find some other means to do it.

Mig, read what I said. I said it will NOT end all gun violence. There's just a chance it will be reduced, and I repeat if it saves one life its worth it.

You ARE right DT. IF even one other school slaughter (or shooting anywhere) is avoided, it would be worth it. Thing is, the gun clingers and their head honcho, NRA God, LaPierre or as I heard one person call him, Pepe la Pew, lol want to insist the violence won't end, which NOBODY is saying. It's become a talking point. That's their story and they're sticking to it. rolleyes Don't beat a dead horse.

Btw, technically Lanza's mom, who was supposedly a responsible gun owner, had she lived, should have been held accountable for her son. She KNEW his mental state and still kept her guns (whether they were locked or unlocked).

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 06:48 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
How did things get so far? What started as a thread about gun control has become wild interpretations of what the Nazis did or did not do about guns. What does this have to do with the current situation.

Bottom line here is this. There is a right to bear arms in the US that cannot be taken away unless the Second Amendment is abolished, which is not going to happpen.

It is also a fact that despite this right to bear arms, there is no individual right to have drones, atomic bombs nuclear missles, hence there already is de facto arms control. The only question therefore is how far do we go as a matter of policy.

Even if background checks, limited magazines, and the assault rifle ban all goes into effect it will not end gun violence. But as the president says, if it saves one life, its worth it.

No one is going to come and take people's guns away. Thats NRA nonsense.

I read your post twice just to make sure I read it correct.

I think all people by now understand that the 2nd amendment talks about the "right to bear arms," even thou there are many that would like to twist this to fit their own wants or needs. And without getting silly with the atomic bombs nuclear missiles kind of talk which never makes anyone's point seem real. Lets talk facts please. that are at least in the real realm of things.
We should really talk about what has been proposed or has already been enacted upon like in New York State. Which I may add was pushed thru like bandits in the night without any kind of public impute or discussion of any kind. Never mind it being put up to any type of vote or a way to express your concerns.

What good is the right to bear arms if the restrictions that are put on your arms are so tight that people feel that they have been wronged and that right has just about been taken away from them? I think people like to use the term infringed on.

I think the facts have shown (and those facts which came from places like the FBI and other Government agency's) that much of these new weapons bans are or will not effect mass shootings. Loose terms like Assault Rifles have started bans on semi auto rifles and hand guns. And if people don't understand the difference then they should learn before yelling and screaming about banning them!

People should read the real facts written by EXPERTS and not cloud the waters by repeating fears of people who know little if nothing on the subject.
Your own post :
Even if background checks, limited magazines, and the assault rifle ban all goes into effect it will not end gun violence. But as the president says, if it saves one life, its worth it.

has an opinion that most people can understand and agree upon, expect when you start adding the part about "If IT SAVES ONE LIVE' that is a term that has gotten over used and is not a good reason to start new bans or enact new laws. How many lives will be lost if these new rules on into effect, does anyone stop to think about THAT?

Your last statement: No one is going to come and take people's guns away. That's NRA nonsense. is one that may people are worried about. Here in New York, you may have seen and heard about what has leaked out of the king governor planing and it was just that. The taking of people weapons. Even if Finsteins call to ban 157 types of guns is unlikely to happen, then why waste the time to bring it out there?

Making people RE register ( and that has passed here in NY) their weapons makes this one step closer and easier to do. If not, there was real talk about special taxes on guns or fees being put on your registration of guns which would have to be done every so many of years. Another money grab, at the least. (All hand guns are already register here in NY just so people know.)

Well, I did my best to state the facts in a mature manor. Without nit picking or being rude.

Damn, like Paw use to say, the slope gets real slippery.

You know it always seems to slide down hill when it slides.

Thanks for reading,
Be safe
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 07:01 PM

We'll never know whether universal background checks and universal reductions in magazines and reduction of assault weapons across the board will reduce violence or not. Agreet that New York has very tight gun laws, and I would he intellectually dishonest if I said I approved of the way the recent laws in New York were railroaded through. The fact is no matter how much I favor a law (or oppose it) these things deserve to be heard out, debated, etc., and not rammed through any legislature.

As long as you can buy guns at shows without a background check, or slip a gun from Virginia into New York, or someplace else where the laws are restrictive, then for sure there willl be no reduction in violence. That is why we need a FEDERAL law that applies nationwide. If it doesn't reduce violence I will be the first to admit it, but I don't think it will be the case.

As for the slippery slope argument, thats just a canard the NRA uses. Sliipery slope to what? Confiscation? Thats not gonna happen.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 07:02 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Even if background checks, limited magazines, and the assault rifle ban all goes into effect it will not end gun violence.

No it won't. If someone wants to do you harm they will find some other means to do it.

Mig, read what I said. I said it will NOT end all gun violence. There's just a chance it will be reduced, and I repeat if it saves one life its worth it.

You ARE right DT. IF even one other school slaughter (or shooting anywhere) is avoided, it would be worth it. Thing is, the gun clingers and their head honcho, NRA God, LaPierre or as I heard one person call him, Pepe la Pew, lol want to insist the violence won't end, which NOBODY is saying. It's become a talking point. That's their story and they're sticking to it. rolleyes Don't beat a dead horse.

Btw, technically Lanza's mom, who was supposedly a responsible gun owner, had she lived, should have been held accountable for her son. She KNEW his mental state and still kept her guns (whether they were locked or unlocked).


Yes, TIS she made a mistake that cost her and many others their lives! I wish there were ways for us to keep people from making mistakes, but that is just not going to happen. Are we to punish others for her mistakes?

I just said (above) about the "if it saves one life" line.....if it is so true why do we allows so many other things to kill people. Or is it just a line when there are no real facts that sounds good?

Drugs, drinking and driving, and the list goes on and on..why because people aren't willing to give up booze, drugs and their cars like they are so willing to give up others right to have firearms. Sounds cold but are you willing to give any of these up to save one life?
Did anyone read the FBI report of how people are killed? Hammers kill more then any Rifles that they are banning in NY state.
Lets be fair about the facts.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 07:03 PM

yes a saved life is wonderful but what I want to know what will they want to ban next?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 07:19 PM

AS I have said in other posts, here in NY we had the rounds go down to 10 rounds years ago and that is the term pushed around on this new Federal statements being talked about.
But the king Govenor couldn't be happy with that, since we were already at that level he just enacted it to come down from 10 to 7. WHY?

most guns don't even have a 7 round mag to be used. In other states it would be 17 rounds in these same guns. This would be a standard mag when the gun was made and what it would have come with the gun if it wasn't sold here in NY or I think CA.
Fear is if he could screw us here in NY with the recent laws in which were railroaded through what keeps them from doing it again and again to 5 then 3 then just a single shot is ok? PLease don't think this is silly, we just got seven with talks about removing our guns when they were in private sessions. Of course people want and need to speak out. BEFORE it happens
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 07:35 PM

In our American society ever since there was such, we of that society have tried through laws and regulations to mitigate behaviors which may cause harm. Thus, during any US Congress (it consists of two years; each year is termed a session) over 10,000 bills will be considered of which about 5% will be passed by Congress and sent to the President. In Texas during a 140 day biennial session of the Legislature, the Legislature will consider about 6,000 bills and pass 1,000-1,600. Any bills considered or passed have their supporters and opponents. All can be viewed as restricting or affecting one's rights.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 07:54 PM

Well, New York sure as hell pulled a fast one on New Yorkers didn't they.....we got no chance for ANY type of imput at all.

Many are saying that they/NY moved to quick, and that the emotions of people hearing about the little children put gas to the flames. Maybe a waiting period and some time to let all people have a chance (with level heads) would have helped some.

Most laws do restrict.That is a given. It is to the degree that worrys people on this issue.
Posted By: SC

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 07:59 PM

Way to go, New York. The Empire State!! clap
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 08:25 PM

Look at Britain! Gun crime is down, but look at knife crime!! They even had to outlaw some KNIVES.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 08:36 PM

Originally Posted By: SC
Way to go, New York. The Empire State!! clap

The real problem is what New York starts, Other states jump on and follow. So watch out Sc NJ with Christy may not be that far behind- lol

Both (Cumo and Christy) seem to be setting themselves up for a run for the white House? The president after Sundays 60 Mins. interview seems to be giving his nod to Hillary- lol not to get off topic here...sorry
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 08:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Skinny
Look at Britain! Gun crime is down, but look at knife crime!! They even had to outlaw some KNIVES.

Has anyone seen that Video on You Tube from Australia warning Americans about Gun Control. What has happen to THEM and what they want to share to Americans. If someone could find it and post it I am sure many would learn something from it.

I have trouble posting those on this board.
And what about You Tube looking to charge people on some levels in the future. (again not to get off topic, but wanted to mention that )
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 10:34 PM

i think this is the one that you are talking about fatherson, i have actually posted it before...

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 10:35 PM

Can I carry a stick of dynamite, a hand grenade and a flame thrower under the Second Amendment?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 10:44 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Can I carry a stick of dynamite, a hand grenade and a flame thrower under the Second Amendment?
see, these are the exact kind of silly arguments that are constantly thrown towards gun owners, and then when we take the bait and respond, people are quick to jump in with terms like "gun nuts", or something similar. lets just take this board for example, i haven't seen one person on the more pro-gun side of things arguing for that, yet it doesn't stop people from using it as some sort of extreme example to paint us as crazy. what we are talking about are small arms, not those silly items you listed.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 10:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
i think this is the one that you are talking about fatherson, i have actually posted it before...

YES, that is the one I was talking about. Thanks for finding it and posting it.

Oh yeah, but it will never happen here ..RIGHT?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 11:00 PM

Good point on the name calling. Why is it cuz I am pro gun I am a gun nut or just because I disagree with Obama's agenda I am a right wing nut job?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 11:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Can I carry a stick of dynamite, a hand grenade and a flame thrower under the Second Amendment?
see, these are the exact kind of silly arguments that are constantly thrown towards gun owners, and then when we take the bait and respond, people are quick to jump in with terms like "gun nuts", or something similar. lets just take this board for example, i haven't seen one person on the more pro-gun side of things arguing for that, yet it doesn't stop people from using it as some sort of extreme example to paint us as crazy. what we are talking about are small arms, not those silly items you listed.

This is what you get from people who have no real facts about something concerning this issue.

But let them have a problem, say a home invasion or their wife gets mugged or even raped some night and then lets see fast they run for some home protection.

Or your driving down a street and a gang of people block your way and start banging on your car saying give us your money and lets see how the little lady feels about things then.

Oh it will never happen to you...now who is naive Kay.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 11:04 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Good point on the name calling. Why is it cuz I am pro gun I am a gun nut or just because I disagree with Obama's agenda I am a right wing nut job?
well, when people lack knowledge about a subject and emotion is whats fueling their opinion, its much easier to generalize as well as demonize an entire group as opposed to bringing forward facts and solid arguments.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/30/13 11:07 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Good point on the name calling. Why is it cuz I am pro gun I am a gun nut or just because I disagree with Obama's agenda I am a right wing nut job?

And they are the ones who don't read the facts in anyones posts, but still know you are wrong! lol

I have seen some great facts, statistics and quotes by good sources, not all great but many, but we still get wise cracks and no real answers back. whistle
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 01:08 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Can I carry a stick of dynamite, a hand grenade and a flame thrower under the Second Amendment?

How about a missile launcher? whistle

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 02:19 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Can I carry a stick of dynamite, a hand grenade and a flame thrower under the Second Amendment?

How about a missile launcher? whistle


Sorry I screwed up the link, but here is the story minus the pictures.
Here is the real story on one of them:

LAPD Gun Buy Back “Rocket Launchers” Are Harmless Hollow Tubes

We all saw the dastardly images; evil rocket launchers which were seized during a recent Sandy Hook induced LAPD Gun Buy Back program – being lauded around above the heads of every cop in Southern California.

LAPD Police Chief Charlie Beck was gravely tickled when he announced to a press conference of eager pro gun control journalists that “Those are weapons of war, weapons of death. These are not hunting guns. These are not target guns…they have no place in our great city.”

Well, yeah they do CHIEF, because the junk you’re parading around is available for sale at every two bit military surplus store in town! Those are AT-4 Single Use anti-tank grenade launchers. Once fired they are as harmless as a crazy straw and the disposable remains often times turn up in military enthusiast frequented establishments, much the same as deactivated grenades and other various shells and odds n ends do.

The real kicker is that one of the tubes the LAPD was parading around was just a training device which had never been loaded and could never be loaded because it’s sole intent was for display and practice purposes.

This is another classic example of “old media” – a term I’m coining here – being overly eager to jump on a story that parlays the current agenda of their President and his gun control cohorts in Washington. Or we have some really overpaid journalists reporting news which is completely unverified as to it’s validity.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 02:27 AM


or this Click here: Wait Until You Hear the Clever Way Private Gun Buyers Invaded a Gun Buyback Program in Seattle | Video | TheBlaze.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 02:35 AM

The article I posted actually was about the Seattle buyback. Apparently the guy with the Stinger Missile Launcher bought it from someone standing in line. Maybe you get it for that special someone in your life who is SO difficult to shop for!
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 02:37 AM

Can you get them on amazon?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 02:48 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
The article I posted actually was about the Seattle buyback. Apparently the guy with the Stinger Missile Launcher bought it from someone standing in line. Maybe you get it for that special someone in your life who is SO difficult to shop for!

SEATTLE - Seattle police worked with Army officials Monday to track down the history of a nonfunctional missile launcher that showed up at a weapons buyback program and determine whether it was legal or possibly stolen from the military.

A man standing outside the event Saturday bought the military weapon for $100 from another person there, according to Detective Mark Jamieson.

The single-use device is a launch tube assembly for a Stinger portable surface-to-air missile and already had been used. As a controlled military item, it is not available to civilians through any surplus or disposal program offered by the government, according to Jamieson.

Seattle police have contacted Army officials at Joint Base Lewis-McChord near Tacoma deputy chief Nick Metz said Monday.

and by the way in many states you find these same things in war surplus stores as they are harmless once they have been spent...POlice make a big deal out of them to show how great they are doing getting things off the street and oh they make such great headlines thou!
Until the real truth comes out and they look like fools.

The real sucker story was that people were dealing with the people parked around these buybacks. (which is legal there) and getting most of the good guns, paying cash for them instead of gift cards. But the police story says that the good people turned them in because they wanted them off the street...yeah these were the ones that other people did not want to buy because they were old, crap or DIDN"T WORK or were parts of a full firearm.

It so nice to read the real story from people that were really there, making post on blogs instead of media stories made up for a reason.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 02:53 AM

I read the daily apple and it didn't tell me how it is lol
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 04:02 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
The article I posted actually was about the Seattle buyback. Apparently the guy with the Stinger Missile Launcher bought it from someone standing in line. Maybe you get it for that special someone in your life who is SO difficult to shop for!

Id buy one. I would buy a lot of things that have no practical use. Like weed.
Posted By: jace

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 09:48 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: SC
Way to go, New York. The Empire State!! clap

The real problem is what New York starts, Other states jump on and follow. So watch out Sc NJ with Christy may not be that far behind- lol

Both (Cumo and Christy) seem to be setting themselves up for a run for the white House? The president after Sundays 60 Mins. interview seems to be giving his nod to Hillary- lol not to get off topic here...sorry

It is easier for Cuomo to pass gun law than to pass one that really cuts down on crime. Stricter parole supervision, better prison programs to set inmates straight, instead of sending them out worse, tougher sentencing for repeat offenders, better tracking of dangerous mentally ill, he does none of that. So he passes unfair and useless gun laws that criminals will ignore, so he can say he did something that was tough on crime. Not a single criminal will obey it, but all honest gun owners will be forced to.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 05:44 PM

I just came back from the sheriff's office where you go to get your gun's register and your license if you want to apply for one. (I was there to add another one to my carry license)

They have the best people who work there! They treat you like gold and never hassle you. They are true professionals.

We always chat while I file my paperwork and today was no different. I asked what the waiting period was for new people applying for a REG. License, The next appointment to take an application in to their office is MARCH 15 TH 2014 ! ! !
Then you may have 6-8 Months before background checks are done and a judge signs off after that.

So you could be waiting almost TWO YEARS if you start today and get your name on the list.
In New York you must register in your home county. So you just can't sneak into a smaller one out of the way some where and try and beat the system.
Damn, Thank GOD I have mine already. I wouldn't even want to try to get another CARRY License, It would takes years!

How about this for another form of Gun Control.

You can get your learner permit to drive a car at 16 and it takes you about an hour to take a small test and walk away with a learners permit...go figure!
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 01/31/13 06:00 PM

Obviously they are underfunded. No sequester!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 02/01/13 05:00 AM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Obviously they are underfunded. No sequester!

To elaborate on your post, sheriffs offices are funded by their respective counties through their respective governing bodies. Those bodies are responsible for approving or modifying county offices and departments budgets.

On the other hand, state legislatures fund their respective departments of public safety or departments of motor vehicles.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/01/13 12:28 PM

If this happened to any other department they would make sure funds (if that is the problem) were moved to make sure things rolled a lot better then that.

Remember when they opened offices on a Sunday even when they normally weren't open so they could give gay couples a chance to get married? They didn't seem to have problem paying then did they? Like people couldn't wait ONE extra day till Monday?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 07:49 PM

Get a kick out of this person, who cares enough to take the time to speak up:

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 08:01 PM

residents of ny state speaking up over unjust gun control measures...

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 08:12 PM

here are the provisions of the current bill that the democratic lawmakers tried push through at 11:00pm, just an hour before the current bill was voted on, thankfully they were all rejected.

1. Confiscation of "assault weapons"
2. Confiscation of ten round clips
3. Statewide database for ALL Guns
4. Continue to allow pistol permit holder's information to be released to the public
5. Label semiautomatic shotguns with more than 5 rounds or pistol grips as "assault weapons”
6. Limit the number of rounds in a magazine to 5 and confiscation and forfeiture of banned magazines
7. Limit possession to no more than two (2) magazines
8. Limit purchase of guns to one gun per person per month
9. Require re-licensing of all pistol permit owners
10. Require renewal of all pistol permits every five years
11. State issued pistol permits
12. Micro-stamping of all guns in New York State
13. Require licensing of all gun ammo dealers
14. Mandatory locking of guns at home
15. Fee for licensing, registering weapons
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 08:12 PM

Well, I have to admit, that skeet shooting picture of Obama was ridiculous. He's not fooling his critics by pandering to them with crap like that. This has been one of my issues with him: His lack of backbone at certain times. For once in his life can't he just say, This is who I am. Now deal with it?

I mean, who did he convert with this silly photo-op? He's not changing his position and everyone knows it.

Shameless pandering by politicians sickens me (and it should sicken anyone, no matter what side of the fence they're on).
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 08:17 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Shameless pandering by politicians sickens me (and it should sicken anyone, no matter what side of the fence they're on).
well, i guess you're not a "real" democrat then wink
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 08:27 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
well, i guess you're not a "real" democrat then wink

Et tu, FF? lol
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 09:03 PM

i thought i would go through the the gun control measures outlined by the democrats in ny and give my opinion on them...

1. Confiscation of "assault weapons"
i thought they weren't "coming for the guns"? confused

2. Confiscation of ten round clips
see above.

3. Statewide database for ALL Guns
please, someone answer how this will "prevent" anything bad from happening? it serves no other purpose than to make the logistics of confiscation easier as soon as a more progressive(restrictive) gun control law is passed.

4. Continue to allow pistol permit holder's information to be released to the public
anyone in favor of this should just pack their shit and get the fuck out of the country.

5. Label semiautomatic shotguns with more than 5 rounds or pistol grips as "assault weapons”
i thought ten rounds was the cutoff for an "assault weapon" uhwhat and again, what the hell does a pistol grip have to do with anything?

6. Limit the number of rounds in a magazine to 5 and confiscation and forfeiture of banned magazines
so 10 wasn't good enough, better make it 5, how long until 3,2,1 or nothing? as for the magazines, for people who don't know, i can't even think of any semi-auto handgun that holds less than 6 rounds, and i'm pretty knowledgeable about guns. does that mean confiscation of anything which can hold more than 5? if thats the case, this provision is nothing short of a backdoor ban on all semi-automatic handguns.

7. Limit possession to no more than two (2) magazines
again, way to punish and restrict law abiding citizens. if anybody thinks that criminals will abide by this, then i suggest you go over to england, make an appointment with a psychologist, wait the 3 months that it will take under that dreamy state run healthcare system they have over there, and get your head examined.

8. Limit purchase of guns to one gun per person per month
more pointless red tape that again, does nothing but punish the law abiding. notice a theme here?

9. Require re-licensing of all pistol permit owners
so why should people who have already waded chest high through a trench of buerocratic shit be forced to do it again? how does this make us "safer"?

10. Require renewal of all pistol permits every five years
same as above.

11. State issued pistol permits
yeah, lets put more on the plate of a state that can't manage what it already has. kinda like a 6 year old on halloween who has a stomach ache from eating too much candy the night before, but eats even more the next day somehow hoping for a different result.

12. Micro-stamping of all guns in New York State
sounds good on the surface, but seeing as how guns already have serial numbers and its a felony to deface them, how does this help prevent crime?

13. Require licensing of all gun ammo dealers
i'm assuming this is referring just to ammo sales seeing as how gun dealers are already under strict regulation. if it could be done in an efficient way free from all the bureaucracy, i would have no problem with this, but seeing as how thats hardly ever the case, seems like nothing more than more government regulation, pass.

14. Mandatory locking of guns at home
i'm far from opposed to storing firearms in a safe manner, but that all comes down to the individual and their personal circumstances. if my gun is "required" to be locked up at all times, what happens if i need it for protection, the whole point of the 2nd amendment? i know they have some of those small keycard activated quick access lockboxes for handguns, but what do i do if all i have is a shotgun? i guess just hope for the best in the event that something goes wrong. i guess when the politicians talk about "keeping us safer", they are referring to the crooks, thanks!

15. Fee for licensing, registering weapons
what can i say, of course there would have to be a way to generate money out of the whole thing, this is america after all frown
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 09:43 PM

This is what a free society is all about. smile
Posted By: Skinny

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 09:46 PM

I think i will just say some one stole my guns.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 09:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Skinny
I think i will just say some one stole my guns.
no, no, no. you lost them in a canoeing accident! wink
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 09:51 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
residents of ny state speaking up over unjust gun control measures...

From what I have been reading on many of the gun blogs is that this is what all the meeting that the state has put on have been like.

Many more show up then the room they have for the meeting, and as you can tell many are older mature men who want to know the rules, and they want to know why! AND most if not all are very unhappy!

Typical State people, read the laws but don't help you understand or confirm what, why or how things will work.

This is what you get when you are back doored in the middle of the night without any kind of imput by liars who hold office.

It is almost as bad as bid rigging by making almost nothing else fit, by the way things are writen.

The big lies: the check in in the mail!
, I will pull out before...., and they aren't coming for your guns.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 10:37 PM

Funny I lived in NYC all my life except the three yrs where I lived in Germany and Argentina waiting fo the witnesses against me to turn up death. I never had a problem getting guns in all that time.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Gun Control - 02/04/13 10:38 PM

An interesting mix. Politicians and John Q Public. The total IQ in that room may have reached 1,000.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/05/13 04:30 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
An interesting mix. Politicians and John Q Public. The total IQ in that room may have reached 1,000.

Talk about a pot shot!
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 02/05/13 06:20 PM

Mrs. Obama has a nice set of guns.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 03:46 AM

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 04:53 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Mrs. Obama has a nice set of guns.

Boobs, too.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 07:22 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Mrs. Obama has a nice set of guns.

Boobs, too.

Not to get off topic but:

1) That is no way to talk about her Secret Service Agents.

2) I didn't see them listed on the Weapons Ban list.

3) You can't always make a mt. over a molehill

4) They aren't real, they look bigger because of her bullet proof vest.

5) You can bet someone else paid for them before obama care kicked in.

6) No wonder Barry always has a smile on his face.

7) They came from Chicago, so you know she is packing.

8) You think those are 44's S & W.

9) What good are they if you can't find ammo to use them.

10) Ask Bill Clinton if they are better then Hillary's.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 07:59 PM

The hub went to buy some clips today. A 30 round clip that was $14 is now $50 so he passed on that.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 08:07 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
The hub went to buy some clips today. A 30 round clip that was $14 is now $50 so he passed on that.
were they the p-mags for the ar? if so, i've seen them going for more than that, and most people can't even find them.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 08:10 PM

Idk about p-mags or not but yes for the AR.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 08:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: Mignon
The hub went to buy some clips today. A 30 round clip that was $14 is now $50 so he passed on that.
were they the p-mags for the ar? if so, i've seen them going for more than that, and most people can't even find them.

The prices on large capacity mags has tripled in the last month and thats even if you can find them. Alot of places are completely sold out.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 08:33 PM

I know one thing, all this talk about banning so called "assault weapons" is driving the prices up through the roof. Before the last ban back in the 1990's i picked up a couple Polytech Legend Underfolders for $1,500 (for the pair). On Gun Broker a couple of them have sold within the last couple weeks for $4,000 a piece!


The ones i have are practically brand new in the original box, i shot one of them a few times and then put both of them away. At these crazy prices i think it might be time to cash out my chips and make some cash.

Cha Ching!! Thank you Mr Obama!

I've had my eye on a sweet S&W 500 so maybe i'll sell one and use part of the profit to pick it up.

It's a real cannon, shoots 500 S&W Magnum rounds. Probably take down a helicopter with that thing.

Check it out, on the left is the infamous Dirty Harry 44 magnum round and on the right is the 500 S&W Magnum.

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 08:41 PM

i shot the 500 mag before, and depending on the rounds used, its not as bad as you would think. with that said, i forgot exactly what loads i shot, but my buddies father said they were on the milder side so take that for what its worth. they are without a doubt pretty cool, but they are more of a novelty. they are however, very popular in alaska for grizzly bear defense! the short-barreled version is said to be much more brutal, a real wrist breaker wink
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 08:43 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
i shot the 500 mag before, and depending on the rounds used, its not as bad as you would think. with that said, i forgot exactly what loads i shot, but my buddies father said they were on the milder side so take that for what its worth. they are without a doubt pretty cool, but they are more of a novelty. they are however, very popular in alaska for grizzly bear defense! the short-barreled version is said to be much more brutal, a real wrist breaker wink

For a revolver they're heavy as hell too. Definitely not going to carry that thing around. Also a pretty large frame, not for someone with smaller hands.

Pretty much a novelty as you said. Something to take out in the woods or to the range every once in awhile. I haven't priced the 500 S&W Magnum rounds yet but i have a feeling they're going to be pretty expensive.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 08:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
For a revolver they're heavy as hell too. Definitely not going to carry that thing around. Also a pretty large frame, not for someone with smaller hands.

Pretty much a novelty as you said. Something to take out in the woods or to the range every once in awhile. I haven't priced the 500 S&W Magnum rounds yet but i have a feeling they're going to be pretty expensive.

yeah, as soon as i picked it up its almost a shock to the system. you could just as easily use the thing as a club in a pinch! i held it one handed with my arm outstretched, and i couldn't keep it like that for long! here is hickok45, who is a wealth of knowledge for anyone interested in learning about firearms, demonstrating one of the many practical uses for that beast lol

Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 09:03 PM

Many times as a kid i would of loved to have done that to our mower!

Here's a guy using a full auto AK on his. lol clap

Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 09:16 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Well, I have to admit, that skeet shooting picture of Obama was ridiculous. He's not fooling his critics by pandering to them with crap like that. This has been one of my issues with him: His lack of backbone at certain times. For once in his life can't he just say, This is who I am. Now deal with it?

I like some of the photoshopped photo's using that Obama skeet shooting picture.

Here's a few, i like the one he's blasting from a car on Grand Theft Auto.

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 10:07 PM

on sale right now for the low price of $19.95 lol

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 10:47 PM

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 10:51 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Mrs. Obama has a nice set of guns.

Boobs, too.

Not to get off topic but:

1) That is no way to talk about her Secret Service Agents.

2) I didn't see then listed on the Weapons Ban list.

3) You can't always make a mt. over a molehill

4) They aren't real, they look bigger because of her bullet proof vest.

5) You can bet someone else paid for them before obama care kicked in.

6) No wonder Barry always has a smile on his face.

7) They came from Chicago, so you know she is packing.

8) You think those are 44's S & W.

9) What good are they if you can't find ammo to use them.

10) Ask Bill Clinton if they are better then Hillary's.

lol lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 10:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
For a revolver they're heavy as hell too. Definitely not going to carry that thing around. Also a pretty large frame, not for someone with smaller hands.

Pretty much a novelty as you said. Something to take out in the woods or to the range every once in awhile. I haven't priced the 500 S&W Magnum rounds yet but i have a feeling they're going to be pretty expensive.

yeah, as soon as i picked it up its almost a shock to the system. you could just as easily use the thing as a club in a pinch! i held it one handed with my arm outstretched, and i couldn't keep it like that for long! here is hickok45, who is a wealth of knowledge for anyone interested in learning about firearms, demonstrating one of the many practical uses for that beast lol

This guy makes gun owners look like redneck fools.
He should lose the right to that handgun for this stunt, then posting it on there.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 11:05 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
This guy makes gun owners look like redneck fools.
He should lose the right to that handgun for this stunt, then posting it on there.

i disagree, shooting stuff under controlled circumstances is alot of fun! FS, check out the channel if you are interested, its one of the most popular firearms channels on youtube. this guy is about as smart and responsible as you can get, and he without a doubt portrays the shooting community in the best light possible. this is just one of his rare "goofy" videos that showcases his very dry sense of humor!
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 11:16 PM

What do you think of shooting rats in a horse barn when the horses are out? Is that a control condition.

How do you guys like the smith and Wesson combat master peace with the 4 inch barrel. It is a real nice gun don't you think.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 11:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: fathersson
This guy makes gun owners look like redneck fools.
He should lose the right to that handgun for this stunt, then posting it on there.

i disagree, shooting stuff under controlled circumstances is alot of fun! FS, check out the channel if you are interested, its one of the most popular firearms channels on youtube. this guy is about as smart and responsible as you can get, and he without a doubt portrays the shooting community in the best light possible. this is just one of his rare "goofy" videos that showcases his very dry sense of humor!

Fun maybe, funny, could be...but no way in hell does he without a doubt portrays the shooting community in the best light possible.

I'll take your word for it, that it is just a goofy video, just like those jackass videos. wink
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 11:36 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
What do you think of shooting rats in a horse barn when the horses are out? Is that a control condition.

How do you guys like the smith and Wesson combat master peace with the 4 inch barrel. It is a real nice gun don't you think.

Is that similar to the S&W model-19 357mag combat special? They stopped making them but they were really popular over the years. S&W have made some real good firearms, especially the ones tuned up and slightly modified at the S&W Performance center.

I had a 357 Colt Python that i wish i didn't sell. Used to really like that one. Same with a Franchi SPAS-12 Shotgun i once had but traded it in towards another gun. Can't buy those things anymore. I've had many real nice guns over the years but i usually sell or trade one to get another, that type of thing. Not trying to build up an arsenal or anything. These days i usually stick to pistols when i go to the range, and i've been looking at a nice SIG Sauer pistol i've been thinking of picking up. Had a few SIG's over the years and never had any problems with any of them.

So what guns do you guys own and like to shoot? Hunting rifles? Pistols? Bazooka's? lol wink
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/06/13 11:46 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Fun maybe, funny, could be...but no way in hell does he without a doubt portrays the shooting community in the best light possible.

I'll take your word for it, that it is just a goofy video, just like those jackass videos. wink

i guess thats where you and me might see a little differently then. to me, anybody who has fun with their guns safely is doing nothing imo to draw negative attention to the sport, or firearms in general. its quite the opposite to me, as they show that adults can be trusted to have fun with things that some see as nothing more than dangerous and un-necessary. guns, at least for me, are for self defense first and foremost, but if they just sat around all the time, thats no fun at all. i wish to hell that i lived in an area where i could just go out back and blast away at stuff, but sadly i don't, although i'm working hard to hopefully make that a possibility in the future. like i said, check out some of the other videos he posts and you will see what i'm talking about.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 12:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Fun maybe, funny, could be...but no way in hell does he without a doubt portrays the shooting community in the best light possible.

I'll take your word for it, that it is just a goofy video, just like those jackass videos. wink

i guess thats where you and me might see a little differently then. to me, anybody who has fun with their guns safely is doing nothing imo to draw negative attention to the sport, or firearms in general. its quite the opposite to me, as they show that adults can be trusted to have fun with things that some see as nothing more than dangerous and un-necessary. guns, at least for me, are for self defense first and foremost, but if they just sat around all the time, thats no fun at all. i wish to hell that i lived in an area where i could just go out back and blast away at stuff, but sadly i don't, although i'm working hard to hopefully make that a possibility in the future. like i said, check out some of the other videos he posts and you will see what i'm talking about.

Different strokes I guess....I guess it matters what you community is like. I know little about NJ, but here in Central New York we have a large one. I belong to several Gun Clubs and Ranges.
If you haven't already had the chance, look into taking some firearm instruction.
With trainers who will teach you tactical and self defense instruction along with
the do's and don't of proper etiquette evolved in having and handling your weapons.
The law and what it means and how to avoid problems. The judge that helped me get my carry permit and the instructors and trainers who taught me wouldn't think much of me if I use any of my weapons for amusements like blowing up things like lawn mowers and such.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 01:55 AM

Five Felonies if you like the S&W 500 you'll love this revolver, a Austrian Pfeifer-Zeliska 600 Nitro Express. They might have a 700 Nitro Express too but i'm not sure. They say it's 3 times more powerful than the Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum.

Check out this article on it. http://www.vincelewis.net/60magnum.html

Is ammo over .50 cal even legal for revolvers here in the usa?

Get a load of the price for the ammo this beast uses.

5 rounds of .600 Nitro Express will cost you $180 and for the .700 Nitro Express five rounds will cost you $250. LOL! Thats $50 bucks every time you pull the trigger! eek

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 02:26 AM

thats too much even for me giancarlo! besides the price, something like that can really mess up your wrist, and thats no joke! as for the price of the ammo, i guess it goes back to ying and yang. sure, its crazy expensive, but my guess is that after shooting it once, you will be unlikely to try it again! as far as the legality of rounds over .50 caliber, i think it varies from state to state but i believe that generally anything over .50cal is labeled a "destructive device", and is highly regulated by the BATF similar to full auto weapons, supressors, short barreled shotguns ect. kinda silly in a way seeing as a gun like that is more likely to do damage to the shooter rather than innocent people!

i couldn't even imagine the recoil generated by either of those two rounds, and in a revolver to boot! a few years ago when i was in new hampshire doing some work, i was given an opportunity to shoot a .505 gibbs. the round was the size of a small cigar, and the recoil was terrible, even out of a real heavy double rifle. i fired 2 shots, and had a bruised shoulder for more than a week. i know my limits, and that revolver is too much for me, but give it a go if you are a glutton for punishment panic
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 02:32 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
i know my limits, and that revolver is too much for me, but give it a go if you are a glutton for punishment panic

Not me, i'm way too cheap to spend $50 a round.

Thats something you might want to try once just to say you did, but after that no way jose.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 02:48 AM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Five Felonies if you like the S&W 500 you'll love this revolver, a Austrian Pfeifer-Zeliska 600 Nitro Express. They might have a 700 Nitro Express too but i'm not sure. They say it's 3 times more powerful than the Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum.

Check out this article on it. http://www.vincelewis.net/60magnum.html

Is ammo over .50 cal even legal for revolvers here in the usa?

Get a load of the price for the ammo this beast uses.

5 rounds of .600 Nitro Express will cost you $180 and for the .700 Nitro Express five rounds will cost you $250. LOL! Thats $50 bucks every time you pull the trigger! eek


Any way you look at it, that's a penis extender.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 02:58 AM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
Any way you look at it, that's a penis extender.

LOL lol It sure is and a very big one to boot. The John Holmes deluxe model of penis extenders. clap
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 05:27 AM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Five Felonies if you like the S&W 500 you'll love this revolver, a Austrian Pfeifer-Zeliska 600 Nitro Express. They might have a 700 Nitro Express too but i'm not sure. They say it's 3 times more powerful than the Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum.

I'll pass on that. I'm happy with our S&W 454. It will shoot 460,454,45 long colt bullets. And it don't have much of a kick.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 05:55 AM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Five Felonies if you like the S&W 500 you'll love this revolver, a Austrian Pfeifer-Zeliska 600 Nitro Express. They might have a 700 Nitro Express too but i'm not sure. They say it's 3 times more powerful than the Smith and Wesson .500 Magnum.

I'll pass on that. I'm happy with our S&W 454. It will shoot 460,454,45 long colt bullets. And it don't have much of a kick.

Thats a real nice revolver Mignon. cool

The 454 Casull is some heavy artillery. 460 S&W is too.

Do you shoot often? I used to hit the range a couple times a month but i've been slacking the past year or so.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 06:24 AM

Yea we hit the range a couple times a month depending on the weather. But with bullets getting expensive and hard to come by probably won't be to often. Giancarlo have you shot a 50 cal?
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 06:39 AM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Giancarlo have you shot a 50 cal?

I've shot a Barrett 50 cal rifle several times. I really liked it and with the right scope you can hit targets at crazy distances. The anti gun people really hate that gun and love to mention that civillians can buy it just like any other long rifle. Thats the most powerful weapon i've shot so far.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 05:16 PM

Looks like it is time to open a gun thread on here, for talk about Guns.

That would keep the Gun Control issue by itself.

Then everyone can post all the pictures and facts they want about the penis guns. lol
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 02/07/13 05:36 PM

Looks like universal registration is all but a done deal.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/08/13 02:37 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
That would keep the Gun Control issue by itself.
Then everyone can post all the pictures and facts they want about the penis guns. lol

Ok, but just two more large weapon as a phallic symbol photo's because my manhood tool is feeling extremely inadequate tonight. Last one and i'm outta here.

M65 Nuclear Cannon aka "Atomic Annie"

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/08/13 12:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Originally Posted By: fathersson
That would keep the Gun Control issue by itself.
Then everyone can post all the pictures and facts they want about the penis guns. lol

Ok, but just two more large weapon as a phallic symbol photo's because my manhood tool is feeling extremely inadequate tonight. Last one and i'm outta here.
M65 Nuclear Cannon aka "Atomic Annie"

Giancarlo, someone from the Federal Govt. wants to speak to you! They just put you on the watch list! panic
You don't have a bunker somewhere do you?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 02/09/13 04:41 AM

Pennsylvania's Attorney General today eliminated the Florida Loophole, which had previously allowed commonwealth residents, who had been denied concealed-carry permits in PA, to apply for a CCP in Florida, and then carry a concealed gun through a reciprocity agreement that had been in place since 2001. Florida permits will be honored only if the carrier has documents proving residence in Florida.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 02/09/13 04:56 AM

The hub has a non resident permit for Pennsylvania & Florida so with his Ohio resident permit he can carry in most states.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/09/13 10:02 AM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
Pennsylvania's Attorney General today eliminated the Florida Loophole, which had previously allowed commonwealth residents, who had been denied concealed-carry permits in PA, to apply for a CCP in Florida, and then carry a concealed gun through a reciprocity agreement that had been in place since 2001. Florida permits will be honored only if the carrier has documents proving residence in Florida.

I was reading about this earlier today.

I have a friend who lives down south and told me a couple years ago that he was applying for a carry permit in Delaware and i asked him why you coming up north, why don't you just get it where you live? So he told me it was easier to get approved in Delaware then the state he lives in but that the Delaware permit was good in his state. I didn't know what the hell he was talking about until today when they were talking about Florida and Pennsylvania. When he told what he was doing i was thinking it must of been something illegal but he swore it wasn't. To me why would Delaware approve someone who didn't live in the state, didn't do business in the state and only time he was there is when he would be driving through it to get to visit his family in Jersey.

Unreal you can do that kind of stuff, i really thought he was out of his mind and would get arrested but now i know he knew what he was doing. Huh, interesting you could do that legally.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/09/13 10:12 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Giancarlo, someone from the Federal Govt. wants to speak to you! They just put you on the watch list! panic
You don't have a bunker somewhere do you?

shhh shhh shhh shhh shhh

Can't talk about the bunker, that info is classified and only given out on a need to know basis. lol wink
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 02/10/13 12:48 PM

Rush for permits

Daniel Oltesvig served in the Army for 26 years, but it wasn't until the shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Conn., that he decided to apply for a concealed pistol license for himself.

"Too many crazies out there," the 61-year-old Chesterfield Township man said while waiting in line to discuss his CPL application with officials at the Macomb County Clerk's Office last month. "I want something to protect me when I travel and at my home."

Oltesvig isn't alone.

The Dec. 14 mass killing of 20 children and six adults by a gunman at the Connecticut school and the subsequent nationwide push for tighter gun laws have people lining up in metro Detroit communities and across Michigan for permits to carry a concealed handgun. Some counties reported CPL applications doubled in January, compared with the same month last year...
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 02/11/13 01:13 AM

I saw Atomic Annie when I visited the National Atomic Museum on Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. It was a fabulous museum. But, after 9/11, they moved it to a location off the base for security reasons. Don't know if it's back on the base yet.

Talk about "penis-envy": After SAC was awarded a monopoly on atomic bombs, every branch of the Service demanded their own nuclear toys. "Atomic Annie" was one of the Army's toys. That huge piece of artillery had to be hauled around by heavy trucks. Then the enemy had to stand still while the operators took aim and fired the thing. Oh, and by the way, the crew had to be sure to be very far away from the target, and check the wind, since it fired a 15-kiloton warhead. tongue
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 02:11 PM

It will be a big night for Obama.
Seems like he is setting the stage by filling the gallery tonight with gun victims.
He will trot them out like window dressing just like he does by putting kids around him when he wants to pull that card out. Yes, lets fill the place up with these people so he can sell his plan which will effect each one of us.

I am truly sorry for Gabby Gifford or any other person who has something like this happen to them, BUT, lets not turn them into gods because of what happened.

AS bad as it may sound to some- But being hurt doesn't make their opinion any Stronger/better then the rest of us. In fact many will say that their view has been tainted because of what happen to them.

Albany today,.... many people will be heading there to protest the NY State bans and controls on guns. Trying to show the Gov. their dislike for it because it was put in place in the dead of night and is over restrictive. I would bet that the Gov. will be out of town today- lol

be safe.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 02:32 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
It will be a big night for Obama.
Seems like he is setting the stage by filling the gallery tonight with gun victims.
He will trot them out like window dressing just like he does by putting kids around him when he wants to pull that card out. Yes, lets fill the place up with these people so he can sell his plan which will effect each one of us.

I am truly sorry for Gabby Gifford or any other person who has something like this happen to them, BUT, lets not turn them into gods because of what happened.

AS bad as it may sound to some- But being hurt doesn't make their opinion any Stronger/better then the rest of us. In fact many will say that their view has been tainted because of what happen to them.

Reminds me of Bill Clinton and Jim Brady. Clinton would wheel him out everytime he would push for more restrictions. And you do feel sorry for the guy because he has suffered alot but again he was shot by someone with serious mental problems. I just don't like the way these shooting victims are used by the politicians.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 02:53 PM

I don't know. IF I had a child or loved one murdered like those families and if I saw that a serious attempt was being made to control gun violence I would not hesitate to let my voice/face be heard.

Anyway gunclingers, don't fret YOU will be represented as well. One Republican congressman (forgot name) invited Ted Nugent aka Motor City Mad Man, as his guest. That's not "using" someone for political advantage (or in this case maybe political suicide)? lol I read Nugent would be taking questions as well.

Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 03:05 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Anyway gunclingers, don't fret YOU will be represented as well. One Republican congressman (forgot name) invited Ted Nugent aka Motor City Mad Man, as his guest. That's not "using" someone for political advantage (or in this case maybe political suicide)? lol I read Nugent would be taking questions as well.


LOL! "The Motor City Madman". Ted puts on a real good show, i haven't seen him recently but over the years i've been to a few of his shows. When he was younger he would dress like Tarzan and swing all over the stage. He was shooting flaming arrows at this one show. And the thing with Ted is he's a natural crazyman, no drugs and i don't even think he drinks alcohol. A natural true Wild Man!
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 03:14 PM

There was a seal that died in action. In his will he requested Ted Nugent to play at his funeral. The president put a stop to that. I am sure the googlers will doubt that story and check it out so do it. President Obama is a cock sucker. He did not even go to the seals funeral with the most confirmed kills. Double silver star winner whose funeral was in cowboy stadium. As I said Obama his a cock sucker.

Any one going to Watch Obama state of the union address. He seems to think we need more stimulus the fucking idiot
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 03:35 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I don't know. IF I had a child or loved one murdered like those families and if I saw that a serious attempt was being made to control gun violence I would not hesitate to let my voice/face be heard.

Anyway gunclingers, don't fret YOU will be represented as well. One Republican congressman (forgot name) invited Ted Nugent aka Motor City Mad Man, as his guest. That's not "using" someone for political advantage (or in this case maybe political suicide)? lol I read Nugent would be taking questions as well.


I don't see this as your side or mine.(but lets face it, I can see your side and you know my side) So I don't think having any of these people being there helps.

I sure as hell will bet that Obama will not mention Nugent in his speech as he will with the people he wants to use for his position tho. wink

and before we hear that this has been going on for years... that reason doesn't make it right.

gunclingers? Thank God for those people who are smart enough to see that their rights are not taken away.

I may point out as FACT that these so call "gunclingers" are the same people that serve in the military, law enforcement and are the ones that all the folks in this country call upon when they are afraid of the big bad evil villain. They also use their guns as many of the other people do, even when not in uniform. I think I read that 1-4 black rifles (as they are being called )are owned by people who are or have been in the military or law enforcement field. Next time you see an officer, ask him what he has or knows of his fellow officers. You may really be surprised by their answer.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 03:46 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
There was a seal that died in action. In his will he requested Ted Nugent to play at his funeral. The president put a stop to that. I am sure the googlers will doubt that story and check it out so do it. President Obama is a cock sucker. He did not even go to the seals funeral with the most confirmed kills. Double silver star winner whose funeral was in cowboy stadium. As I said Obama his a cock sucker.

Any one going to Watch Obama state of the union address. He seems to think we need more stimulus the fucking idiot

Just for the record...I don't think calling Obama those type of names makes your point any better. In fact it discounts any real value it may have.

Reason with facts not name calling. Leave the name calling to people who have little or nothing worth saying. whistle

and just so you don't think I didn't read your post: there are many people who say that is what Obama likes to do to keep popular. Give away more money to keep the masses from seeing that he hasn't taken care of the economy.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 03:55 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
there are many people who say that is what Obama likes to do to keep popular.

He sucks cock to keep popular?

Well, good enough for the Kardashians....
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 04:07 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: fathersson
there are many people who say that is what Obama likes to do to keep popular.

He sucks cock to keep popular?

Well, good enough for the Kardashians....

Heck if I care if some swing that way., what Barry or anyone else puts in their mouths is their problem. smile

But are you talking the Gay marriage issue or have you mixed up which weapons we are talking about? lol
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 04:10 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
what Barry or anyone else puts in their mouths is their problem. smile

I find what comes OUT of the average politician's mouth much more disturbing than what they put in them.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 04:11 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: fathersson
what Barry or anyone else puts in their mouths is their problem. smile

I find what comes OUT of the average politician's mouth much more disturbing than what they put in them.

Who was that Congressman WEINER? whistle and his naked pictures....
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 04:46 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Who was that Congressman WEINER? whistle and his naked pictures....

Speaking of the former Congressman:

I subscribe to a couple of French magazines to keep up with what little I have left of the French language. When the Dominique Strauss Kahn scandal broke, L'Express devoted an entire issue to "What Do the Americans Think of US?" Of course the French don't give a rat's ass about what the Americans think of them, so they centered on what they think of Americans. The lead article began, "Certainly the Americans have nothing to teach us about morality in public life." They then went through a long litany of misbehaving US politicians, ending up with Weiner, who, they wrote, "was sending over the Internet photographs of sa viritite triomphant." Isn't that a hell of a lot more elegant than "hardon"? Gotta love the French language. lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/12/13 05:22 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Who was that Congressman WEINER? whistle and his naked pictures....

Speaking of the former Congressman:

I subscribe to a couple of French magazines to keep up with what little I have left of the French language. When the Dominique Strauss Kahn scandal broke, L'Express devoted an entire issue to "What Do the Americans Think of US?" Of course the French don't give a rat's ass about what the Americans think of them, so they centered on what they think of Americans. The lead article began, "Certainly the Americans have nothing to teach us about morality in public life." They then went through a long litany of misbehaving US politicians, ending up with Weiner, who, they wrote, "was sending over the Internet photographs of sa viritite triomphant." Isn't that a hell of a lot more elegant than "hardon"? Gotta love the French language. lol

The old OSCAR MEYER himself! lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/13/13 07:40 PM

clap Lets hear it for the President clap

I have to agree with you Mr President, everyone deserves a Vote. Even here in New York, where we didn't even get a chance to voice an opinion. mad
We sure of HELL would have liked a vote before being taken to the cleaners. But you keep using smoke and mirror to get your way. Sooner or later you may get the point what is real and what is bull on this issue. The places you mention have the some of the tuffest gun laws around, and it didn't stop anything.
Remeber that poor little girl from Chicago, yYour home area. There is a NO GUN policy there. Did it save her?
Only good people follow the rules, get that only the good people follow and are hurt by these calls for new rules.

People have cut the mental health field to the bone and now you see what happens....

But most people want to see the beef, Yes,
JOBS so we can aford to pay for all this new crap you want to spend money on.
Keep telling us that the rich will pay...pass the check to them. frown How dumb do you think the people are?

Middle Class does need a chance, a chance from leadership like this! rolleyes

NY Gov say NO NEW TAXES...Yes, just fees and more fees and higher fees, but no new taxes...Doesn't mean dick what you call if it comes out of our pockets, we are paying more!

Tell the truth- the state of the union is poor for most Americans and you don't know crap about fixing it but blaming the so called other side for not giving you what you want.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 02/14/13 12:44 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
clap Lets hear it for the President clap

I have to agree with you Mr President, everyone deserves a Vote. Even here in New York, where we didn't even get a chance to voice an opinion. mad
We sure of HELL would have liked a vote before being taken to the cleaners.

I tend to be against bans but the people in NY state and NYC did get a vote. They voted for Cuomo and Bloomberg despite both politicians' stances on gun rights and in Bloomberg's case generalized hostility for the 4th Amendment. The new law (seven round max) in NY shouldn't have come as a surprise to anyone. Neither should Bloomberg's aggressive stances against the gun rights crowd or illegal guns. The people spoke and got what they wanted/deserved. NYC and state have always had restrictive gun legislation. If enough people were really bothered by it they would change the law, as we did in Michigan. Apparently that's not the case.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 02/14/13 01:13 PM

I am from NYC bloomberg is a man of many faces. What ever gets him into office that is what he is. Now it doesn't matter even he figured out he can't be elected again. In his first election public advocate green was nominated as the democrats. Bloomer is a democrates but ran as a republican. He got guiliani backing only because Giuliani hated green.

Then bloomberg bought the election.

Gov cuomo they started to talk about how great he was as a governor a week after he got elected. He did not do anything to warrant that praise except be a democrat. Maybe one other thing having a hot girlfriend.

Now let's get to Weiner. He got in because his mother is big in ny public school system. He was a speaker at some of my kids school graduations. He did not even have a law degree. Shummer got him in as a congressmen.

Then he goes before congress and he acts like he is a tough guy. He is a mamas boy in real life who likes to take pictures of himself and send them to people. He did it right after and before he gets married disrespecting his wife.

I confronted him one day just for kicks. He was in a big van not too far from where I live. Van was full of voters I talked down to him and then said I thought you were a tough guy your a mamas boy. That was a fun day at least for me.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 02/14/13 01:16 PM

Oh almost forgot did you read the dead cop that shot all those innocent people what he wrote. He agreed with Obama, cuomo and Bloomberg on gun control . He endorsed their ideas on gun control. Have you heard or read anything about what he wrote?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 02/14/13 05:23 PM

Originally Posted By: President Obama
everyone deserves a vote!

translation: we need to move fast, as we only have a limited amount of time to exploit the current tragedy to push forth our agenda. we can't ever let a good tragedy go to waste, and its a shame that chris dorner was a black democrat who supported gun control, as opposed to a white, pro gun republican, as we could have really used that to our advantage. don't worry though, as i have told sarah brady, we have so many different tricks up our sleeve that will make "fast and furious" look tame by comparison. shhh
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 02/14/13 05:51 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
Oh almost forgot did you read the dead cop that shot all those innocent people what he wrote. He agreed with Obama, cuomo and Bloomberg on gun control . He endorsed their ideas on gun control. Have you heard or read anything about what he wrote?

I read his manifesto last friday on CNN and heard parts of it read on the Mark Levin show last Thursday.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 02/16/13 10:34 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
Oh almost forgot did you read the dead cop that shot all those innocent people what he wrote. He agreed with Obama, cuomo and Bloomberg on gun control . He endorsed their ideas on gun control. Have you heard or read anything about what he wrote?

I read his manifesto last friday on CNN and heard parts of it read on the Mark Levin show last Thursday.

How can anyones manifesto be taken seriously after it starts talking about what an "awesome" guy Charlie Sheen is? He lost me right after i read that.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 02/17/13 06:54 AM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
He seems to think we need more stimulus the fucking idiot

He's right, we do. And the vast majority of economists agree as well. As a student of economics, I was bummed that the stimulus wasnt bigger. But thats another story.

Sorry to get off topic. Havent really commented in the GBB political threads in a long time.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/18/13 03:09 AM

Buxton, ME --(Ammoland.com)- Based on the recent legislation in New York, we are prohibited from selling rifles and receivers to residents of New York. We have chosen to extend that prohibition to all governmental agencies associated with or located within New York. As a result we have halted sales of rifles, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, machine guns, and silencers to New York governmental agencies. For “civilian” customers residing in New York: At your choice, we will: •Complete your order and ship to a dealer of your choice outside of NY. •Refund your payment in full. •Hold your items...

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 02/28/13 07:09 PM

Here is what many people would like to know about who has what in their state by population. Note the state where things have gone wrong have very low numbers...

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 11:18 AM

It is starting here in NEW YORK STATE

Thousands and Thousands Protest Rally in Albany over the new SAFE ACT with is Gun Control in New York!

and Lawsuits have been filed against the act!

33 counties are passing regs against the laws.

Firearm companies are saying that they will not sell to the state if they can not sell to the general public the same things. These companies are getting great praise by the gun community.

The people are coming for you King Gov. Cumo for the shaft you gave them and the message is loud and clear!

and the big joke is they have passed a rule saying it is alright for movie companies to use these very guns banned while filming here in NY state....Why for them? The MONEY $$$$ they spend big $$$ filming here.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 01:21 PM

A friend of mine once explained to me that many of the conflicts in US politics, espeically the gun ownership controversy, correlate with urban vs rural conflicts.
So, even though the whole concept of gun ownership is very strange to me, I can imagine that it makes sense to own guns as means of self defense if you have a house in the middle of nowhere and it takes the police 20 minutes or more until they arrive. On the other side, hunting in New York City seems a little absurd.
What do you think?
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 01:33 PM

I live in NYC it could take the police more then 20 minutes if you call them .

If a person gets caught with a gun in Berlin what can happen to them?

If you wanted to buy an illegal gun in Berlin how would you get one? Would you go through the Turkish community. How about getting heroin sometimes we all need our fixes.

One last question. What if I wanted to play stickball on what is left of the Berlin wall. Let's say I wanted to play opposite the old Ghestopo head quarters that I understand is still in Berlin. But the building has another function now of course.

Bu there is an active street with traffic between the wall and the building. Would the cops hassle me or could I talk or buy my way out of being arrested if I got caught.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 01:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
He seems to think we need more stimulus the fucking idiot

He's right, we do. And the vast majority of economists agree as well. As a student of economics, I was bummed that the stimulus wasnt bigger. But thats another story.

Sorry to get off topic. Havent really commented in the GBB political threads in a long time.

And where going to get the money from where china? Most of the money on the last stimulus was pissed away.

Good news today is sequestration day isn't it?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 03:14 PM

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 03:23 PM

Posted on another site, but it is an interesting read on this subject for sure:

The Statue of Liberty is kaput


The line from Saving Private Ryan seemed apt for this thread. I have read a lot over the past few months on THR and given my European perspective I just wanted to add something to the debate.

You have to do everything possible to prevent the further infringement on the iconic American right that is the right to keep and bear arms.

Firearms legislation is all about one word and that word is Control with a capital C. It removes the individual's natural right to be able to defend themselves and their families. The goal to make you completely and utterly 100% reliant upon the government. There is no question that RKBA is a true litmus test of trust between those who govern and those who elect them to office.

We are restricted here in numerous ways but broadly it is done by each generation as the technocrats in the EU think long term. Each successive generation is conditioned to accept more restrictions/more costs/more rules of law until you go from a completely free society to complete reliance upon government for anything related to firearms. They think long term.

As a European I have zero rights to use a firearm for defense. I can only use it for hunting or sporting purposes, it was not always like this within this country. The Czech Republic has carry laws but I have no doubt over the decade(s) to come they will be completely eradicated to align with broader EU standards. There is no space for the natural right of self-defense of the individual within the EU collective. Every state must be molded to comply with the desires of non-elected technocrats in Brussels. They think long term....it is all for the collective good.

I cannot even acquire an air rifle/pistol without government approval - everything is licensed/registered/approved. It did not begin that way but once they started registration it was only a question of time. Eventually registration and consequently licensing/approval became mandatory for everything. They think long term.

Financial costs.
I know people who have stopped shooting because the cost of compliance was simply too high both financially and also from all the paperwork and approvals one requires just to target shoot as a pastime.

Before I pay a single cent on acquiring a new firearm here I am looking at USD 116,11....

EUR 20
My European license must be updated.

EUR 50
This is the going rate for updating my national license and having firearms added to it.

EUR 18
I have to go to a photographer and get photos taken "professionally"...i.e. photos placed within the stationary of the photographer. My wife has all the gear to take the same photos, 5k worth of photography equipment which can get the same result....but they are not accepted.

I then have mandatory club membership on an annual basis along with renewing both licenses, both are up for renewal next year. The rising cost of compliance prohibits new shooters to join the sport and inevitably each generation has less and less knowledge/familiarity with firearms. Overall, less people have firearms. They think long term.

Also, there is no legal definition set as to the number of firearms one can own in this country but it is restricted by the head of the firearms department here to a given number. Try and imagine having the number of firearms you own restricted by the whims of a government official. Nobody can afford to take the government to court to point this out, my wife is a lawyer and she laughed at the idea.

In most European countries they banned certain types of firearms or grandfathered them. It is the same thing with a timestamp on the latter. Each successive generation has less until they wake up one day looking like the U.K. It took them less than 100 years to do it. They think long term.

The RKBA underpins liberty and so you all need to do everything possible to try and preserve your right, the RKBA for your childrens' children. You need to start thinking long term too.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 03:43 PM

FS, calm down! Nobody is going to take your guns away.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 04:09 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
FS, calm down! Nobody is going to take your guns away.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 09:30 PM

You must not be reading much on this subject.
What do you think a ban is?

Over 5000 people showed up in Albany (NY) who also feel the same way here. And those are just the ones who could make it there.

and the truth is: if you don't like what I post then move on down the road. NO one is making you read- lol
or tell you what to post- lol
Oh wait, someday they just may be doing that... lol

I am surprised that you so called lawyers aren't following this with what happened in NYS Courts.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 10:06 PM

My advice for you is get some illegal weapons that no one knows about. Then hide them away so when you need them in a,life and death situation you have them. So when they come to confiscate the weapons you both and registered legally you still have something to protect yourself and your family
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 03/01/13 10:49 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
My advice for you is get some illegal weapons that no one knows about. Then hide them away so when you need them in a,life and death situation you have them. So when they come to confiscate the weapons you both and registered legally you still have something to protect yourself and your family

There we go!
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 12:45 AM

Original geschrieben von: RichieAnimal
I live in NYC it could take the police more then 20 minutes if you call them .

If a person gets caught with a gun in Berlin what can happen to them?

If you wanted to buy an illegal gun in Berlin how would you get one? Would you go through the Turkish community. How about getting heroin sometimes we all need our fixes.

One last question. What if I wanted to play stickball on what is left of the Berlin wall. Let's say I wanted to play opposite the old Ghestopo head quarters that I understand is still in Berlin. But the building has another function now of course.

Bu there is an active street with traffic between the wall and the building. Would the cops hassle me or could I talk or buy my way out of being arrested if I got caught.

I'm not really sure what your questions have to do with what I posted, but I try to give you an answer:

1) If you're caught with a gun, it depends if you have a license. If you're involved in illegal trade with guns you can land max. 5 years behind bars. There are 60,000 registered guns in the city (3,5 million inhabitants). Those guns belong to hunters, money transporters, sport shooters. (Not counting police and other security people). Apart from that only 350 people own registered guns.

2) I don't know where I'd have to go to look for illegal guns.

3) The former headquarter of the Gestapo is a museum now. I don't know what would happen if you wanted to play stickball there. Why would somebody above the age of 14 want to do that? The museum is abou 1,000 meters away from where the Berlin wall used to be. There are very few parts left of the Berlin wall. Only this morning some of the parts (known as the East Side Gallery) had been torn down, because some investor wants to build there. Stickball? No problem. Just check out that the ball doesn't fall into the river. But what does that have to do with guns?
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 12:53 AM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
He seems to think we need more stimulus the fucking idiot

He's right, we do. And the vast majority of economists agree as well. As a student of economics, I was bummed that the stimulus wasnt bigger. But thats another story.

Sorry to get off topic. Havent really commented in the GBB political threads in a long time.

And where going to get the money from where china? Most of the money on the last stimulus was pissed away.

Good news today is sequestration day isn't it?

It wasnt pissed away, quite the contrary. Dont believe the conservative spin machine on that one. We all know they always have their facts straight. LOL

Actually it would be smart (from a business/common sense standpoint) if we continued to borrow now to make investments in infrastructure/education, etc since interest rates are at historically low levels.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 12:56 AM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
I live in NYC it could take the police more then 20 minutes if you call them .

20 minutes really? It doesn't take 15 minutes TOPS for the cops to come to my neighborhood. But then again, the BX (particularly the South near me) has a higher crime rate than other areas in the city so it makes sense for their faster response times.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 05:19 AM

I think you give nyc cops too much credit. If their was real trouble they would rather show up after the trouble ends and not get in the middle of it. If they did show up your as apt to be shot by the cops as the bad guys. Hey maybe there is not much difference between the bad guys and the cops.

Have you personally had to call up the cops yourself. If so how did it turn out?
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 05:30 AM

Originally Posted By: Danito
Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
I live in NYC it could take the police more then 20 minutes if you call them .

If a person gets caught with a gun in Berlin what can happen to them?

If you wanted to buy an illegal gun in Berlin how would you get one? Would you go through the Turkish community. How about getting heroin sometimes we all need our fixes.

One last question. What if I wanted to play stickball on what is left of the Berlin wall. Let's say I wanted to play opposite the old Ghestopo head quarters that I understand is still in Berlin. But the building has another function now of course.

Bu there is an active street with traffic between the wall and the building. Would the cops hassle me or could I talk or buy my way out of being arrested if I got caught.

I'm not really sure what your questions have to do with what I posted, but I try to give you an answer:

1) If you're caught with a gun, it depends if you have a license. If you're involved in illegal trade with guns you can land max. 5 years behind bars. There are 60,000 registered guns in the city (3,5 million inhabitants). Those guns belong to hunters, money transporters, sport shooters. (Not counting police and other security people). Apart from that only 350 people own registered guns.

2) I don't know where I'd have to go to look for illegal guns.

3) The former headquarter of the Gestapo is a museum now. I don't know what would happen if you wanted to play stickball there. Why would somebody above the age of 14 want to do that? The museum is abou 1,000 meters away from where the Berlin wall used to be. There are very few parts left of the Berlin wall. Only this morning some of the parts (known as the East Side Gallery) had been torn down, because some investor wants to build there. Stickball? No problem. Just check out that the ball doesn't fall into the river. But what does that have to do with guns?

Well I am moving to Berlin in may or so. I have a grandson there. The gun think us I can't be without a gun. So if I can't get one legally I will get one illegally. I am pretty sure I can get one in the Turkish community. I knew tge answer before I asked the question.

On stick ball I grew up playing stickball. When I first went to Berlin I wanted to play off that spot and my family was going to play against my daughter husband family. I was going to put it on YouTube and show it to my east Harlem and Brooklyn friends.

But when I got there both sides of tge family punked out. They were afraid of getting pinched if we did it on a well traveled area. I was very disappointed, but I have not given up on the idea that's why.

What about buying heroin there? smile
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 11:44 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
I live in NYC it could take the police more then 20 minutes if you call them .

20 minutes really? It doesn't take 15 minutes TOPS for the cops to come to my neighborhood. But then again, the BX (particularly the South near me) has a higher crime rate than other areas in the city so it makes sense for their faster response times.

Question?- How much of a beating could/would you and your wife or your family take in that 15 minutes TOPS wait till a cop shows up?
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 12:47 PM

Original geschrieben von: RichieAnimal
[ The gun think us I can't be without a gun. So if I can't get one legally I will get one illegally. I am pretty sure I can get one in the Turkish community. I knew tge answer before I asked the question.

What do you need a gun for in this city?
And what's that shit about heroin?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 12:52 PM

Here is a police professional telling you like it is:

Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 05:25 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal

Have you personally had to call up the cops yourself. If so how did it turn out?

NYPD has a very tough job to do no question about it. Ive been lucky to never have had to call them for anything, but you often see a bunch of them walking the beat in my neighborhood, there's always at least a good 10 of them at the local subway station doing random bag checks every other day.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 05:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
there's always at least a good 10 of them at the local subway station doing random bag checks every other day.

Random bag checks? Are they allowed to do that? With no warrant they can just search peoples bags?
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 05:31 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson

Question?- How much of a beating could/would you and your wife or your family take in that 15 minutes TOPS wait till a cop shows up?

A very subjective response to that question. There's no reason for anybody to give me or my family a beating. Growing up in the neighborhood, many of the local gangbangers know my family and know me from the area. I grew up with many of them, played on sports teams with them, went to school with them. They see me everyday in a suit and tie off to the office, in a neighborhood where such a sight is not a common occurrence. Let's just say that it is not in their interest to fuck with me given who im with, i mind my business and they mind theirs. Obcourse something can always happen to you or your family this is NYC, theres a bunch of crazies roaming the streets not to mention terrorists itching to attack us on a daily basis. You are not going to be safe 100% of the time no matter what you do.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 05:34 PM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
there's always at least a good 10 of them at the local subway station doing random bag checks every other day.

Random bag checks? Are they allowed to do that? With no warrant they can just search peoples bags?

Yes they are allowed to do that. It became even more commonplace after the London subway bombings. Coincidentally, I have only been stopped once to be checked in my life. I dont exactly fit the profile of a an individual who might bomb the subway.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 03/02/13 06:32 PM

It would be helpful to posters if they would research court rulings regarding any number of topics that emerge on this Board. Regarding the US Constitution's 4th amendment content regarding searches, federal courts have consistently ruled that random searches under certain circumstances are constitutional when they are narrowly tailored to achieve a legitimate public safety objective. There are other predicates that accrue to a constitutional search, but they vary according to the type of search conducted. Subway searches are constitutional.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 12:46 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: fathersson

Question?- How much of a beating could/would you and your wife or your family take in that 15 minutes TOPS wait till a cop shows up?

A very subjective response to that question. There's no reason for anybody to give me or my family a beating. Growing up in the neighborhood, many of the local gangbangers know my family and know me from the area. I grew up with many of them, played on sports teams with them, went to school with them. They see me everyday in a suit and tie off to the office, in a neighborhood where such a sight is not a common occurrence. Let's just say that it is not in their interest to fuck with me given who im with, i mind my business and they mind theirs. Obcourse something can always happen to you or your family this is NYC, theres a bunch of crazies roaming the streets not to mention terrorists itching to attack us on a daily basis. You are not going to be safe 100% of the time no matter what you do.

I used the term Beating, and you come back with "There's no reason for anybody to give me or my family a beating.

The same thought may have gone thru the people in the movie house or the teachera and children in Newton school. It only happens to the other guy....
Still how much could happen in that 15 minutes you are waiting for before it is reported and enough people get there to stop the problem...
Now just because it hasn't happen to you before, could it happen to just about anyone. You bet, and you could be betting you or your love ones life.

Only sheep depend on others to take care of them from the wovles out there. I would rather take my chance on myself and be ready the moment I relize there is a problem, not waiting or depending on others
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 12:53 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
It would be helpful to posters if they would research court rulings regarding any number of topics that emerge on this Board. Regarding the US Constitution's 4th amendment content regarding searches, federal courts have consistently ruled that random searches under certain circumstances are constitutional when they are narrowly tailored to achieve a legitimate public safety objective. There are other predicates that accrue to a constitutional search, but they vary according to the type of search conducted. Subway searches are constitutional.

Sorry the law clerk had the weekend off. lol
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 06:05 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: fathersson

Question?- How much of a beating could/would you and your wife or your family take in that 15 minutes TOPS wait till a cop shows up?

A very subjective response to that question. There's no reason for anybody to give me or my family a beating. Growing up in the neighborhood, many of the local gangbangers know my family and know me from the area. I grew up with many of them, played on sports teams with them, went to school with them. They see me everyday in a suit and tie off to the office, in a neighborhood where such a sight is not a common occurrence. Let's just say that it is not in their interest to fuck with me given who im with, i mind my business and they mind theirs. Obcourse something can always happen to you or your family this is NYC, theres a bunch of crazies roaming the streets not to mention terrorists itching to attack us on a daily basis. You are not going to be safe 100% of the time no matter what you do.

Only sheep depend on others to take care of them from the wovles out there. I would rather take my chance on myself and be ready the moment I relize there is a problem, not waiting or depending on others

Well it goes without saying that if something were to happen that I would do what I can do (fight, resist) during that time to protect myself while I wait for help to arrive. If you feel that by carrying a weapon such as a gun will make you safer then go ahead nobody is stopping you. Oftentimes, the people carrying those weapons for security have them used against them by the very people perpetrating the crime. Fact is that crime is near its lowest levels ever in NYC. The probability that an average person will be the victim of a crime is quite low.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 06:10 PM

This is going to be very interesting to see how the feds deal with this one in the near future. People "printing" out guns on the new 3d printers.


For people that don't know the lower reciever of a AR15 is the registered part and pretty soon you will be able to sit at home on your pc and just hit the print button and print out as many as you want. Still not great but these guys are getting better and better at making these receivers. I have no doubt that within a few more years this will be a major problem for our pals rolleyes at the BATF.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 10:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don

Well it goes without saying that if something were to happen that I would do what I can do (fight, resist) during that time to protect myself while I wait for help to arrive. If you feel that by carrying a weapon such as a gun will make you safer then go ahead nobody is stopping you. Oftentimes, the people carrying those weapons for security have them used against them by the very people perpetrating the crime. Fact is that crime is near its lowest levels ever in NYC. The probability that an average person will be the victim of a crime is quite low.

Well, In New York City, your not allowed to carry so you are shit out of luck in holding anyone off with a weapon like a handgun. Only the bad guys have them. So never mind taking a knife to a gun fight. Fists aren't going to "cut" it- whistle
and if you had any training at all - you would know that the old folk law about your gun beging used against you is just that.The phrase is used most often by someone taking a negative view on guns and their ownership. kind of like your mother telling you that you will shoot your eye out with your BB Gun- Stolen sure. if not stored correctly, taken from your hand, not likely unless you refuse to pull the triger. It is not like the movies with the super heros disarming a gang of thugs. wink

"The probability that an average person will be the victim of a crime is quite low."

Great then the laws we already had were doing fine and we didn't need all those new ones added to boot then did we- whistle
Posted By: red

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 10:38 PM

How many years in jail for carrying an illegal firearm in nyc?
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 10:40 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don

Well it goes without saying that if something were to happen that I would do what I can do (fight, resist) during that time to protect myself while I wait for help to arrive. If you feel that by carrying a weapon such as a gun will make you safer then go ahead nobody is stopping you. Oftentimes, the people carrying those weapons for security have them used against them by the very people perpetrating the crime. Fact is that crime is near its lowest levels ever in NYC. The probability that an average person will be the victim of a crime is quite low.

Well, In New York City, your not allowed to carry so you are shit out of luck in holding anyone off with a weapon like a handgun. Only the bad guys have them. So never mind taking a knife to a gun fight. Fists aren't going to "cut" it- whistle
and if you had any training at all - you would know that the old folk law about your gun beging used against you is just that.The phrase is used most often by someone taking a negative view on guns and their ownership. kind of like your mother telling you that you will shoot your eye out with your BB Gun- Stolen sure. if not stored correctly, taken from your hand, not likely unless you refuse to pull the triger. It is not like the movies with the super heros disarming a gang of thugs. wink

"The probability that an average person will be the victim of a crime is quite low."

Great then the laws we already had were doing fine and we didn't need all those new ones added to boot then did we- whistle

Violent crime- particularly those involving guns is near all-time lows in NYC. Even lower for somebody who is not involved in the criminal underworld. E.g. if your not a criminal and just a regular joe shmoe the possibility of you being the victim of crime involving a gun is quite low. Having a knife is statistically more than enough to protect yourself if you really want to against a crime.

The new gun laws being proposed are meant to prevent mass shootings with high capacity weapons and to help address people with mental health issues getting access to guns.

If you feel that you need to carry a gun to feel safe and "protect" yourself against all the criminals who might target you or your family, then go right ahead. Enjoy.
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 10:50 PM

I support the second amendment, but there's no reason for ANY American to carry and own an automatic assault rifle.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 10:50 PM

Originally Posted By: red
How many years in jail for carrying an illegal firearm in nyc?

The state of New York passed a 3.5 year mandatory minimum sentence for felony possession of an unlicensed loaded gun in 2006.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 11:00 PM

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I support the second amendment, but there's no reason for ANY American to carry and own an automatic assault rifle.

In a perfect world that would be a great dream to have.
After looking around the world today and the turmoil out there''' I am not so sure that works. Or will ever happen.
As far back are you can remember "man" has always had something.

Maybe we should go back to swords! smile
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Gun Control - 03/03/13 11:43 PM

Not swords fathersson but an attempt to curb the violence that plagues our country. Banning assault weapons is one way to do it.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/04/13 12:17 AM

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
I support the second amendment, but there's no reason for ANY American to carry and own an automatic assault rifle.

we have already been over this many times here, fully automatic weapons are exceedingly hard to get, as well as insanely expensive, often $10,000 or more for some of the lower quality(and limited # available since 1986) weapons that are for sale. you have to go through a lengthy backround check with the BATF, and regardless these weapons are banned in many states, ny and nj included, hardly the avenue a criminal would go down. to expand on that, i believe since 1934 when the sale of fully automatic weapons was highly restricted, that their have only been 2 murders committed with "legal" automatic weapons, and one of them involved a cop, surprisingly.

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Oftentimes, the people carrying those weapons for security have them used against them by the very people perpetrating the crime.

i'm sure it does happen, but rarely. like fatherson mentioned, real life is alot different than a james bond movie where a karate chop or a wrist grab will relieve someone of their weapon. also, with many of the tactical holsters available, simply grabbing at the gun isn't going to free it from the holster. have a friend put a water pistol in his pocket, stand across the room from him, and try to take it away from him before you get a wet spot on your shirt wink the bottom line is, that if you have a license to carry a concealed handgun, you should never pull it, much less even touch it, unless you are ready and willing to shoot. there is lots of great training out there to help people learn how to make that distinction.

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
The new gun laws being proposed are meant to prevent mass shootings with high capacity weapons and to help address people with mental health issues getting access to guns.

the new restrictions that were shoved through so alarmingly fast have absolutly nothing to do with preventing a mass shooting, despite what they tell you. its pure political posturing by a governer who is under some weird delusion that he has a shot to be president and that this is one of the platforms that he can spring from, as well as a mayor who believes that he should have the right to tell you how to live almost every aspect of your life. anyone who understands anything about how guns function knows that the law only sounds good on paper to people who have little to no experience with guns.

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
If you feel that you need to carry a gun to feel safe and "protect" yourself against all the criminals who might target you or your family, then go right ahead. Enjoy.

not only to people who carry protect themselves, they protect others as well. google some examples of ccw holders saving lives, there are so many results that it gets repetitive fast. one of the reason some generally hold guns in such a negative view is that they never hear about the stories of gun owner doing good, but i assure you they are out there for anyone willing to look. there are examples of people injuring others as well, but they are not nearly as widespread. people who misuse their firearms, whether ccw or otherwise, are dealt with very harshly, as they should be.

what i have found on a personal basis is people who carry a concealed weapon don't do it because they are some paranoid right wing nutjob, they do so because above all else it is their right, and its nice to know that you are prepared in the highly unlikely scenario that you need it. it has alot to do with the self sufficient attitude that many americans still posses, and i think its a great trait to have!

Originally Posted By: fatherson
Great then the laws we already had were doing fine and we didn't need all those new ones added to boot then did we- whistle

that point makes too much sense, so it should be discounted lol seriously though, all forms of violent crime have dramatically dropped nationwide, even in the last 20 years. the stats are listed by the fbi for anyone who's interested. when discussing important issues, such as gun rights in this case, the big picture always needs to be looked at, and that holds true no matter what the issue in discussion is. isolated events, no matter how sad they may be, always need to be looked at in the broader context, no matter how difficult that maybe for some who are only able to act on emotion.

Originally Posted By: 123JoeSchmo
Banning assault weapons is one way to do it.

the facts don't agree with you. look it up on the fbi's own website, "assault weapons", a term coined by the media in the first place, are used in such a small % of violent crime that even if all semi-automatic rifles were banned today, the effect that it would have would almost be too small to measure. please look this up, don't take my word for it. above all else, ask yourself this: as a criminal, would you rather commit a violent crime(assault, robbery, rape, murder) in a city such as chicago with very restrictive firearms laws, or one such as dallas where adults are trusted with dangerous things and allowed to defend themselves with deadly force. the answer seems pretty simple to me.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/04/13 01:15 AM

Some stats for thought

In the United States in 2009 there were 3 recorded intentional homicides committed with a firearm per 100,000 inhabitants; for comparison, the figure for the United Kingdom, with very restrictive firearm laws (handguns are totally prohibited, for example) was .07, about 40 times lower, and for Germany .02. Firearms are also the most common method of suicide, accounting for 53.7% of all suicides committed in the United States in 2003.

I also did some FBI digging. In 2006, the FBI reported there were 10,177 gunshot deaths, but there were 2.5 million crimes de-escalated by armed citizens, who believed they had sufficient control of the situation that they did not have to fire their weapon. Sometimes by merely displaying their weapon.

From 1994 to 2004, the Federal Assault Weapons Ban was in place.

Except for 1999, a year of five shootings (including the Columbine massacre), the assault ban period was peaceful by US standards:
Years Shootings Per year People shot/year
1982-1994 19 1.5 25.5
1995-2004 16 1.6 20.9
2005-2012 27 3.4* 54.8*
*p<0.05 compared with 1995-2004.

Since the expiration of the gun ban in 2004, the number of shootings per year has doubled, and the number of victims per year has nearly tripled. Three of the bloodiest four years shown here occurred since the expiration.

Just for the record, I support the second amendment along with some rational restrictions to its use. Personally, I plan to legally own a firearm at some point in the future.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/04/13 01:56 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Just for the record, I support the second amendment along with some rational restrictions to its use. Personally, I plan to legally own a firearm at some point in the future.

some interesting stats, thanks for sharing. i will caution however, that comparing countries with different cultures made up of vastly different ethnic groups can get tricky, as there are so many different variables to take into account, not the least of which are the ways the data is collected, as well as the definitions of different crimes, as these tend to vary alot more than you would think even in similar countries such as the US and UK.

another thing to take into account with regards to the US and UK is the rate of firearms ownership. if you have a vastly higher % of gun ownership here, then our numbers are going to be higher by default, despite adjusting for population. its not much different than saying the US has a much higher % of auto accidents/fatalities compared to say eithiopia, as we undoubtably have both more cars both in numbers and per capita.

Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/04/13 02:05 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Just for the record, I support the second amendment along with some rational restrictions to its use. Personally, I plan to legally own a firearm at some point in the future.

some interesting stats, thanks for sharing. i will caution however, that comparing countries with different cultures made up of vastly different ethnic groups can get tricky, as there are so many different variables to take into account, not the least of which are the ways the data is collected, as well as the definitions of different crimes, as these tend to vary alot more than you would think even in similar countries such as the us and uk.

another thing to take into account with regards to the us and uk is the rate of firearms ownership. if you have a vastly higher % of gun ownership here, then our numbers are going to be higher by default, despite adjusting for population. its not much different than saying the us has a much higher % of auto accidents/fatalities compared to say eithiopia, as we undoubtably have both more cars both in numbers and per capita.

Crime data along with other law enforcement data is generally collected and reported the same way in both the us and uk as they both use internationally accepted ways of data collection advocated by the united nations, ngos, and research institutions. Some interesting stats for sure in the infographics above.Hope all is well.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/04/13 03:46 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Crime data along with other law enforcement data is generally collected and reported the same way in both the us and uk as they both use internationally accepted ways of data collection advocated by the united nations, ngos, and research institutions

here's an interesting article that goes into detail about some of the fuckery with regards to crime statistic reporting in the UK.

Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/05/13 12:19 AM

thanks for sharing the article
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/05/13 08:26 PM

More then 400 people packed a meeting Monday at the Onondaga County Courthouse about the new New York Law that restricts certain types of Gun Ownership. Many waiting in line outside the courthouse in cold weather waiting to get in and be heard.

"I've Never seen so many pople in the chamber," said Ryan McMahon, Chairman of the Legistature.
Many public Officals spoke against the new laws and the problems that it is causing. The mood in the chamber was anti-goverment. Several people said most gun owners would not comply with the new law.

The County Legislature is expected to vote today on a resolution opposing the law.

Full story by Tim Knauss- The Post Standard
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 03/06/13 12:37 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
The mood in the chamber was anti-goverment. Several people said most gun owners would not comply with the new law.

Then they should go to jail. You can't pick the laws you like.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/06/13 04:43 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: fathersson
The mood in the chamber was anti-goverment. Several people said most gun owners would not comply with the new law.

Then they should go to jail. You can't pick the laws you like.

Yes, you are right in princple but I think you will find that the battle over this law is not over.

Even at the Federal level things are a changing and they aren't getting anywhere near what Cumo rammed (without an lube) passed the people without respect for the normal process which occurs in making a law.

By the way it sounds like you better start building a whole lot of cells. Get your tax money out to pay for them-

Also the county did pased the resolution joining many others counties in kicking back this law. So what does that tell you....that maybe just maybe the people will get this law changed which they feel is wrong by so many. It is a start. a slower start then most would like, but that is the way to do it I guess.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Gun Control - 03/06/13 10:22 PM

Hey, I have a simple solution. Guns should be in a similar category as automobiles. You must pass a test to use one, register a gun periodically, obtain insurance (so if you kill or maime someone you pay restitution), have your gun inspected, display a license. But the key is to have LAW ENFORCEMENT. That's where things breakdown.

This system would require accountability for manufacturers, sellers and users.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/06/13 10:39 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Hey, I have a simple solution. Guns should be in a similar category as automobiles. You must pass a test to use one, register a gun periodically, obtain insurance (so if you kill or maime someone you pay restitution), have your gun inspected, display a license. But the key is to have LAW ENFORCEMENT. That's where things breakdown.

This system would require accountability for manufacturers, sellers and users.

many states already have tests/training as mandatory, more so when ccw is concerned. as far as insurance, what does that do? if you assault/injure/kill someone, you can already be brought to civil court, so that accomplishes nothing besides adding additional costs that may prevent someone less finacially well off from being able to protect themselves.

as for registration, if your whole goal is to prevent crime, how on earth does registration stop someone from going crazy? before you come back with something along the lines of "it lets the government keep track of weapons", again, ask yourself how that would stop someone from doing something horrible, regardless of the fact that the government knows what you have. registration accomplishes nothing besides making the logistics of future confiscation easier, fact. similar to an inspection, how many massacres have happened because a gun was in poor condition? modern firearms don't just "go off" like you see in the movies, so if your goal was to eliminate shootings, it would make more sense to have weapons not in working order. wishful thinking from someone unfamiliar with firearms.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/06/13 10:42 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Hey, I have a simple solution. Guns should be in a similar category as automobiles. You must pass a test to use one, register a gun periodically, obtain insurance (so if you kill or maime someone you pay restitution), have your gun inspected, display a license. But the key is to have LAW ENFORCEMENT. That's where things breakdown.

This system would require accountability for manufacturers, sellers and users.

many states already have tests/training as mandatory, more so when ccw is concerned. as far as insurance, what does that do? if you assault/injure/kill someone, you can already be brought to civil court, so that accomplishes nothing besides adding additional costs that may prevent someone less finacially well off from being able to protect themselves.

as for registration, if your whole goal is to prevent crime, how on earth does registration stop someone from going crazy? before you come back with something along the lines of "it lets the government keep track of weapons", again, ask yourself how that would stop someone from doing something horrible, regardless of the fact that the government knows what you have. registration accomplishes nothing besides making the logistics of future confiscation easier, fact. similar to an inspection, how many massacres have happened because a gun was in poor condition? modern firearms don't just "go off" like you see in the movies, so if your goal was to eliminate shootings, it would make more sense to have weapons not in working order. wishful thinking from someone unfamiliar with firearms.

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 03/07/13 12:34 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: fathersson
The mood in the chamber was anti-goverment. Several people said most gun owners would not comply with the new law.

Then they should go to jail. You can't pick the laws you like.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/07/13 01:28 AM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: fathersson
The mood in the chamber was anti-goverment. Several people said most gun owners would not comply with the new law.

Then they should go to jail. You can't pick the laws you like.


Don't worry Mignon, maybe we can all be on the same cellbock... lol The BB unit.

Three hots and a cot and maybe we could bribe the guards for some extras! lol

I'm calling top bunk tho.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 03/07/13 05:57 AM

I want extra blankets in the BB unit.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 03/07/13 04:36 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: fathersson
The mood in the chamber was anti-goverment. Several people said most gun owners would not comply with the new law.

Then they should go to jail. You can't pick the laws you like.


So, we can simply decide which laws to obey, and which laws to disregard? Nice society you're building there. Of course, given that you didn't actually post any words, perhaps I'm misinterpreting that eye roll. Please explain if that's so.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/07/13 07:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: fathersson
The mood in the chamber was anti-goverment. Several people said most gun owners would not comply with the new law.

Then they should go to jail. You can't pick the laws you like.


So, we can simply decide which laws to obey, and which laws to disregard? Nice society you're building there. Of course, given that you didn't actually post any words, perhaps I'm misinterpreting that eye roll. Please explain if that's so.

Well, if they makes ones that are wrong, or do not allow people to have a say in them.
I don't see a problem with people not following them, If they care/want to risk the penalty.
Like speeding on the thruway, not one car is doing the speed limit, but you may be the one pulled over! What about these speed traps hey have to make $$ with fines.

A place here has 4 count them 4 signs that say 40 MPH in three blocks then around a curve they drop it to 30 MPH and ten feet after the sign behind a row of hedges sits the cop cars pulling everyone over to make money. Is that fair? but it is the law....They set you up with the first signs just to tag you. You go before the judge because you feel that you have been wronged and the judge say Quilty pay the clerk $175. ($100 fine $75. court cost). Now me I just give it to a brother mason who works things out with the system. shhh wink

Ever spit on the sidewalk? Cheat on your taxes? or even cross the street againt the light? Do you license you pets?
Lets look back at history...a place called the Boston Tea Party! wink
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 03/07/13 07:56 PM

Did I ever spit on the sidewalk? No, because I'm not an ill-mannered piece of trash.

You can disregard certain laws all you want, but you can also be subject to the punishment that goes with your actions. Sure, I've gotten a ticket at one of those speed traps near my home, but I went to court and I was found guilty and paid my fine. Was I happy about it? No, but I broke the law and had to take the punishment that the judge gave me. Do I watch my speed more carefully now? Damn straight I do.

If you disagree with the law, if you feel the process was not correct, then there are ways to protest them. Disobeying them is not an option, unless you want to go to court.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 03/07/13 09:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: fathersson
The mood in the chamber was anti-goverment. Several people said most gun owners would not comply with the new law.

Then they should go to jail. You can't pick the laws you like.


So, we can simply decide which laws to obey, and which laws to disregard? Nice society you're building there. Of course, given that you didn't actually post any words, perhaps I'm misinterpreting that eye roll. Please explain if that's so.

Should I obey some laws and disregard other ones? No but saying that don't mean I have to like them either.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/07/13 10:13 PM

any law based on an emotional, knee jerk reaction to a very isolated incident which would turn otherwise law abiding citizens into criminals isn't worth the paper it was printed on.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 03/08/13 12:42 AM

Or to further their own agenda.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/08/13 01:00 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

You can disregard certain laws all you want, but you can also be subject to the punishment that goes with your actions.

WOW, just what I said in my post..good to see that we agree on things! clap
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/08/13 01:04 AM

If you disagree with the law, if you feel the process was not correct, then there are ways to protest them...[i][/i]Yes there is..see them in Albany below!

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 03/08/13 01:15 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
If you disagree with the law, if you feel the process was not correct, then there are ways to protest them...[i][/i]Yes there is..see them in Albany below!


And that's their right - the right to assemble, something more people should take advantage of. However, I wouldn't get too excited. I read there were several thousand that showed up, but that's hardly representative of the state's population of almost 20 million.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/08/13 01:27 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: fathersson
If you disagree with the law, if you feel the process was not correct, then there are ways to protest them...[i][/i]Yes there is..see them in Albany below!


And that's their right - the right to assemble, something more people should take advantage of. However, I wouldn't get too excited. I read there were several thousand that showed up, but that's hardly representative of the state's population of almost 20 million.

Oh, so negative you are. People do have to work you know... lol

now if they revolt you may see them all out at once! lol

You should follow up on what I have posted about the local people protesting... their leglislaters in their counties...research and you will see how many have voted to do just that against the safe act!
It has happened and you will see it get bigger and bigger...watch....and they all vote too. wink
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 03/09/13 02:16 AM

Because this is really going to change someone's mind... sick
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/15/13 06:34 PM

Now don't shoot the messenger (no gun pun intended). I'm just posting this nightmare of a news story to revive this thread.

A Tennesssee father accidentally shot and killed his ten month old son yesterday:

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/15/13 06:43 PM

and to balance it out, boy grabs gun, sends suspects fleeing, stopping sexual assault. weird though, msnbc didn't run this story, guess they forgot! shhh

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/15/13 06:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
and to balance it out, boy grabs gun, sends suspects fleeing, stopping sexual assault. weird though, msnbc didn't run this story, guess they forgot! shhh


He should have shot them. Looks like it would have been a freebie.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/15/13 06:56 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
He should have shot them. Looks like it would have been a freebie.

agreed, but he was probably so high on adrenaline that he was incapable of making any quick decisions. nice to see that they caught the guys though. people can say whatever they want about texas, but the criminals generally get what's coming to them there!
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/15/13 07:22 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Now don't shoot the messenger (no gun pun intended). I'm just posting this nightmare of a news story to revive this thread.

A Tennesssee father accidentally shot and killed his ten month old son yesterday:


"you will shoot your eye out"
Every shooting is now top spot on the news...keep driving home that guns are so bad for the world!
And cruise ships are bad also---- lol

But truth being...this is as bad as a parent backing over their child in the driveway! a real heart breaker. A parents worst nightmare, one I would never wish on anyone. It is one of the tuffest services to have to do.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/15/13 07:39 PM

the story that pizzaboy posted is sad, but i can't fucking stand this "accidentally discharged" excuse that shows up almost every single time. modern firearms don't just "go off", in almost every single case the person had their finger on the trigger, but was just too embarrassed to admit it. a real simple piece of advice: keep your finger off the trigger and this kind of shit just won't happen.

certain firearms, like the 1911, may very rarely go off if dropped due to the almost free floating inertia driven firing pin, but again, that is the extreme exception and not the rule. its impossible for that to happen with any of the modern striker fired weapons, such as the many glock models which are extremely popular these days. bottom line, accidents happen all the time, and people die. the best thing that we can do is to try and learn from them.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 03/15/13 07:55 PM

And anyone whose loaded gun somehow "accidentally" ends up in the hands of a minor or who accidentally discharges a firearm in the presence of a minor, should never be allowed to own so much as a water pistol.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 03/15/13 08:13 PM

On Uzi's they have a safety you have to squeeze as you pull the trigger, it's on the back of the trigger assembly and you have to squeeze it each time you pull the trigger or it won't fire. I read they put it there so the gun wouldn't accidently fire when paratroopers hit the ground. Of course that was on the open bolt SMG's but they carried that safety over to all the semi auto's that were imported into the country back in the 1980's before they got banned.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/16/13 12:58 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
and to balance it out, boy grabs gun, sends suspects fleeing, stopping sexual assault. weird though, msnbc didn't run this story, guess they forgot! shhh


just for the record they did, i saw it on msnbc last friday
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 03/16/13 03:54 AM

And nobody has mentioned the Herkimer County, NY shooting in which four people were killed.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/16/13 01:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
And nobody has mentioned the Herkimer County, NY shooting in which four people were killed.


This happen not to far from us here. A real nut case. Again in an area where no one would ever think that a nut job would go off and kill complete strangers after burning down his own home.

BTW- did anyone also see the young man who carjacked a lady by KNIFE POINT from the mall, took her and her 10 year old daughter out to a dark road and raped the daughter and killed the mother. While he was stabbing the mother the girl got away and got to people who helped her and put the word out getting the bastard.

This happened in another good area where nothing really happens.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Gun Control - 03/17/13 12:41 AM

Last week our newspaper ran an article that on average, 87 people are killed EACH DAY by guns.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 03/17/13 09:57 PM

That figure is likely to go down because there isn't a round of ammo available anywhere anymore.
Posted By: RichieAnimal

Re: Gun Control - 03/17/13 11:26 PM

Some guy 60 years old was shot here in Brooklyn for no reason by three high kids in a bodega. I hope they lose their licences to carry smile

So which new government law will stop this shit from happening?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/18/13 03:56 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Last week our newspaper ran an article that on average, 87 people are killed EACH DAY by guns.

Any break down on how?
Is it a person taking their own life, Killed by police?, by nut case? Killed by another family member? Killed by someone defending themselves?, Does that include all the other countries and the unrest out there? Killed while hunting? Killed at war/ or conflict? by mishandling the weapon? Gang shootings?,on and on....

Now we have to look on how many people are killed each day by other means such as autos?, bad medical treatments, Ect. to get an idea of scale.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/18/13 03:58 PM

Originally Posted By: RichieAnimal
Some guy 60 years old was shot here in Brooklyn for no reason by three high kids in a bodega. I hope they lose their licences to carry smile

You really can't argue with this logic. Criminals will always get their hands on guns.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/18/13 04:07 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
That figure is likely to go down because there isn't a round of ammo available anywhere anymore.

TB are you short some?

I know the market place is running low because people are worried and are buying up as much as they can. There is lots out there being stock piled just in case there is a problem in the future with prices running higher and higher..

Reloading supplies also and of course NO ONE wants to be left short. There sure was a run on things these last few months.(save your brass so it can save your ass) Obama's way of getting the economy going they say! lol

I would send you some, but mine was all lost along with most of my guns... whistle in a boating accident on the lake! Yeah on the lake thats it! whistle
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/18/13 04:14 PM

those damn paranoid ccw holders are at it again, this nutjob actually thought that it would be a good idea to stop a vicious beating in progress. when are people gonna learn to just mind their own business? mad

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/18/13 04:17 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Yeah on the lake thats it! whistle

Yeah, that's the ticket!

Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 03/18/13 04:54 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
those damn paranoid ccw holders are at it again, this nutjob actually thought that it would be a good idea to stop a vicious beating in progress. when are people gonna learn to just mind their own business? mad


Yeah Boi!!! FF you should run take some public policy and poly sci classes and start off in local politics and maybe one day you'll rise thru the ranges and become "The Governor"
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/18/13 05:26 PM

That is my story and I am sticking with it! shhh
and that lake is so deep also...Just like Fredo...never to be seen again.

Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 09:28 AM

AWB is dead

As predicted, federal AWB is DOA and magazine capacity limits look unlikely.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 09:41 AM

If there is a protective order against you, not a conviction but just an order, should you be required to give up your guns?

Protective Orders and Gun Rights

..... Had Mr. Holten lived in one of a handful of states, the protection order would have forced him to relinquish his firearms. But that is not the case in Washington and most of the country, in large part because of the influence of the National Rifle Association and its allies.

Advocates for domestic violence victims have long called for stricter laws governing firearms and protective orders. Their argument is rooted in a grim statistic: when women die at the hand of an intimate partner, that hand is more often than not holding a gun.

In these most volatile of human dramas, they contend, the right to bear arms must give ground to the need to protect a woman’s life.

In statehouses across the country, though, the N.R.A. and other gun-rights groups have beaten back legislation mandating the surrender of firearms in domestic violence situations. They argue that gun ownership, as a fundamental constitutional right, should not be stripped away for anything less serious than a felony conviction ...
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 11:01 AM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
That figure is likely to go down because there isn't a round of ammo available anywhere anymore.

Is the Government buying it all up?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 12:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Lilo
AWB is dead

As predicted, federal AWB is DOA and magazine capacity limits look unlikely.

Now we need to override NY and it's backdoor laws.

Just like the soda size ban set by bloomberg, these are just wrong. Como really stuck it to the people of New York in the cover of night like the bully he is.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 01:53 PM

The AWB and magazine issues are dead for now, and the focus will be on background checks. What's probably behind this is that Harry Reid has about 7 or 8 Senators who are Dems from red states up for re-election in 2014. He wants to hold the Senate, and the Dems want to take the house. If this happens I think these items will be resurrected.

That said, Reid is a pitiful majority leader. He should have never bought the BS from the republicans about not changing the filibuster rule. They are holding up judges and everything else they can think of, while they whine about easter egg rolls and white house tours. We need an LBJ in the Senate.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 01:56 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: Lilo
AWB is dead

As predicted, federal AWB is DOA and magazine capacity limits look unlikely.

Now we need to override NY and it's backdoor laws.

Just like the soda size ban set by bloomberg, these are just wrong. Como really stuck it to the people of New York in the cover of night like the bully he is.

FZ why were the gun laws in NY "backdoor" laws? Did they not go through the state legislature? Did Cuomo do something backhanded?

As for Bloomberg and his big gulps and now his wanting to hide cigarettes in stores, I think he's at the end of his term, and is probably dreaming these things up at night just because he can. Overall he's been a great mayor...one of the best. After he leaves office and takes some time for himself, I do not think we have heard the last of him. He could end up in Hilary's cabinet in 2016.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 02:34 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
He could end up in Hilary's cabinet in 2016.

Or Christie's wink.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 04:26 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
He could end up in Hilary's cabinet in 2016.

Or Christie's wink.

Oh, the neverending bullshit of who wants the office. The system is so screwed up I an afraid that nothing/no person can fix this mess. No wonder people think we have reached the end or near end of America as we once knew it.

To many lies, to much bullshit + very little faith by the American people and all the others who came here.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 04:39 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso

FZ why were the gun laws in NY "backdoor" laws? Did they not go through the state legislature? Did Cuomo do something backhanded?

Come on...you know these were presented and passed (within hours) in late of night. Without any input or connection with the public. Many legislatures admitted that they never read them and were pressured into passing them by being strong armed.

DT if you lived here in NY would you of approved of this method and how the law reads? Oh, and what did you say you do down there in Fla?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 05:18 PM

All they said here was that it was passed very quickly. Nothing about coercion. I have never read the bill so I don't know what it says. I don't own a gun, so I really don't care.

As for Florida, things pass or do not pass depending on who is paying more money. Don't forget the law here is "stand your ground."

Finally, FS you know as well as I that the legislators, both State and Federal who actually read legislation are few and far between.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 05:19 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
He could end up in Hilary's cabinet in 2016.

Or Christie's wink.

How about a Clinton/Christie national unity ticket?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 05:25 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson

No wonder people think we have reached the end or near end of America as we once knew it.

Which "people" "think" this? You sound like Trump. Be specific. And while you are at it "America as we once knew it" WHEN? During Slavery? Before Women Could Vote? Before Social Security? After the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts? Before Medicare? After Roe v. Wade? Or is it since we have had a black president? I bet that sticks in your craw.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 05:41 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: fathersson

No wonder people think we have reached the end or near end of America as we once knew it.

Which "people" "think" this? You sound like Trump. Be specific. And while you are at it "America as we once knew it" WHEN? During Slavery? Before Women Could Vote? Before Social Security? After the Civil Rights and Voting Rights Acts? Before Medicare? After Roe v. Wade? Or is it since we have had a black president? I bet that sticks in your craw.

I learned a long time ago that skin color doesn't make the man!
I judge a man by what he does, or doesn't do, what he stand for or stands against or if he stands at all.

I can tell you this. I speak with a lot of people and most of them are older. (because of what we do). I hear from many many people here at the funeral home, social groups, buisness owners and such. AND THEY ARE NOT HAPPY AMERICANS!
They feel that there were better times for families, jobs and the way of life before and they all say they see or feel that things are going to getting worst and not better.

and if you really want to know about the Reagn Years seems to be what they say were good years for buisness and seeing things change for the better not heading down....More trust in our Govt
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 05:51 PM

The Reagan years? Surely you jest. Things went well cause he spent like a drinken sailor, and didn't raise taxes. He left that to Bush who got summarily thrown out of office. I wll say Reagan was one great speaker and one great motivator (and an actor btw). But here's a guy who got to office by attacking phony "welfare queens" and who began his campaign in Missippi at the site of the murder of civil rights workers. Since you, fs are color blind, you certainly took umbrage at that.

And another thing. In my life I have rarely heard an older person say things were "better" back in the day. It is not surprising people say it now. I will probably do the same when I am 80.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 09:36 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The Reagan years? Surely you jest. Things went well cause he spent like a drinken sailor, and didn't raise taxes. He left that to Bush who got summarily thrown out of office. I wll say Reagan was one great speaker and one great motivator (and an actor btw). But here's a guy who got to office by attacking phony "welfare queens" and who began his campaign in Missippi at the site of the murder of civil rights workers. Since you, fs are color blind, you certainly took umbrage at that.

And another thing. In my life I have rarely heard an older person say things were "better" back in the day. It is not surprising people say it now. I will probably do the same when I am 80.

I took the time to ask several buiness people at this afternoons round table meeting the same thing. Many said the "Reagan years" moving right into the firstfew years of the first George Bush years were the best for buisness and profits. Less regulations, larger profits and less hands in their pockets. One said he was pro business and anti union bullies.
No times are perfect but some are surely better for business owners then others.
Did you have a business open during those years? if so what field? Cut out the bull and lets talk $$+ cents
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 10:43 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The AWB and magazine issues are dead for now, and the focus will be on background checks. What's probably behind this is that Harry Reid has about 7 or 8 Senators who are Dems from red states up for re-election in 2014. He wants to hold the Senate, and the Dems want to take the house. If this happens I think these items will be resurrected.

That said, Reid is a pitiful majority leader.

Yes he is. I agree with you. Obama and the Dems will not let this die. You see what I mean it's all about them (both sides) getting re-elected.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/20/13 11:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The AWB and magazine issues are dead for now, and the focus will be on background checks. What's probably behind this is that Harry Reid has about 7 or 8 Senators who are Dems from red states up for re-election in 2014. He wants to hold the Senate, and the Dems want to take the house. If this happens I think these items will be resurrected.

That said, Reid is a pitiful majority leader.

Yes he is. I agree with you. Obama and the Dems will not let this die. You see what I mean it's all about them (both sides) getting re-elected.

Reid, Pelosi, and Bohner, three peas in a pod. Assholes all.

But by all means, keep voting them in because of their Donkey or Elephant affiliation rolleyes.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/21/13 12:12 AM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
He could end up in Hilary's cabinet in 2016.

Or Christie's wink.

I highly doubt Chris runs in 2016, but I will be sure to ask him later this month and report back to you.

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The Reagan years? Surely you jest. Things went well cause he spent like a drinken sailor, and didn't raise taxes. He left that to Bush who got summarily thrown out of office. I wll say Reagan was one great speaker and one great motivator (and an actor btw). But here's a guy who got to office by attacking phony "welfare queens" and who began his campaign in Missippi at the site of the murder of civil rights workers.

And another thing. In my life I have rarely heard an older person say things were "better" back in the day. It is not surprising people say it now. I will probably do the same when I am 80.

what you said
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/21/13 12:16 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
He could end up in Hilary's cabinet in 2016.

Or Christie's wink.

I highly doubt Chris runs in 2016, but I will be sure to ask him later this month and report back to you.

I won't vote for Hillary OR Christie, so I really don't care. But he's one guy the Dems should fear. But like I say, I don't even like him. He's too much of a blowhard, Hillary is too old, entitled and self important.

I hope 2016 is the year an Indie finally breaks through. But it won't happen.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/21/13 12:26 AM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
He could end up in Hilary's cabinet in 2016.

Or Christie's wink.

I highly doubt Chris runs in 2016, but I will be sure to ask him later this month and report back to you.

I won't vote for Hillary OR Christie, so I really don't care. But he's one guy the Dems should fear. But like I say, I don't even like him. He's too much of a blowhard, Hillary is too old, entitled and self important.

I hope 2016 is the year an Indie finally breaks through. But it won't happen.

Yep, too early to really tell who will ultimately get on the ticket(s) at this point IMO.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/21/13 02:51 AM

lets get this thread back on tract- gun control!

not politics!

thanks in advance....
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/22/13 12:38 PM

A very right on post from another source:

Tired of Hypocrisy

Where do they find these esteemed legislators who don't know the front end of a horse from the back end yet will write volumes of legislation concerning horse husbandry. It is however the voters fault that these know-nothing legislators are put into office in the first place.

Mr. Richard M. Aborn who stated “We don’t want to have to tell the mother of a young man who’s just been shot and killed that he was killed with the ninth bullet.”
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/22/13 03:29 PM

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/22/13 03:31 PM

Fuck Michael Moore. He's the best argument against evolution I've seen so far that's not named Kardashian.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 03/22/13 04:38 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Fuck Michael Moore. He's the best argument against evolution I've seen so far that's not named Kardashian.

I've never been an admirer of Moore. I am even less so now that he wants to use the pictures of the Newtown children to promote firearm legislation.

He has changed over the years. His films used to be poignant.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/22/13 04:54 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Fuck Michael Moore. He's the best argument against evolution I've seen so far that's not named Kardashian.

I've never been an admirer of Moore. I am even less so now that he wants to use the pictures of the Newtown children to promote firearm legislation.

He has changed over the years. His films used to be poignant.

Boo-hoo. General Motors layed off his Daddy, sent him around the socialist bend for life. He's a moron, and a borderline traitor.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 05:07 PM

So why is the Department of Homeland Security buying up all the Hollow Point ammo? I read they're approaching 2 billion rounds ordered this year alone. Somethings going on over there, you don't use hollow points for target practice.

All i know is their purchases have created a severe shortage and the prices of ammo is going through the roof. Is that the intention of the administration?

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 05:26 PM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
So why is the Department of Homeland Security buying up all the Hollow Tip ammo? I read they're approaching 2 billion rounds ordered this year alone. Somethings going on over there, you don't use hollow points for target practice.

All i know is their purchases have created a severe shortage and the prices of ammo is going through the roof. Is that the intention of the administration?

well, remember obama telling sara brady a while ago that they have to do things "under the radar"? who knows, and say what you want, tinfoil hat, conspiracy theorist, whatever, the FACT is that homeland security has been arming to the teeth for a while now. in the beginning, it was to "protect" us from the terrorists that were everywhere all at once, but now the focus is on "domestic terrorists". very scary stuff indeed. billions of rounds of ammo, new multi-million dollar contracts with different firearms manufactures on a monthly basis, thousands of amroured vehicles, drones coming out the ass, NDAA, TSA, internal checkpoints, patriot act extension ect. all of this shit while the current administation has been pushing hard to eliminate a certain class of weapons for its own citizens.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 05:40 PM

And nobody is talking, they're not even answering questions asked by congress. I read all she's said is that they're getting better prices by buying all this ammo in bulk. Does anyone really believe that's the real reason for these mass purchases?

If this was the Bush administration the papers would be all over it but their boy Obama gets away with doing all this crap.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 05:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
And nobody is talking, they're not even answering questions asked by congress. I read all she's said is that they're getting better prices by buying all this ammo in bulk. Does anyone really believe that's the real reason for these mass purchases?

If this was the Bush administration the papers would be all over it but their boy Obama gets away with doing all this crap.

the best that can be hoped for is to expose whichever administration in power as the hypocrits that they are. by refusing to answer questions, things look even more suspicious. according to an article posted by forbes (credible by liberal standards), at the height of the iraq war, us troops were using less than 6 million rounds a month, so the 1.6 billion and growing stash is enough for a 20+ year war shhh


i wouldn't worry too much though, after all obama loves you and he's a nobel peace prize winner to boot! sick
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 06:00 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies

i wouldn't worry too much though, after all obama loves you and he's a nobel peace prize winner to boot! sick

LOL! lol

The hell with his love, i want cheap ammo!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 06:36 PM

Megyn Kelly reports that the multi-millions rounds purchase is over 5 years.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 10:10 PM

Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 11:39 PM

This whole brouhaha was debunked last year I remember Palin bitching about it. If anybody actually read the language carefully they would see like Oli stated that it is over 5 years and the specific language states '' up to'' a certain amount.

DHS regularly fills all of its goods and services requirements at one time because it's cheaper for the agency, and that the 1.6 billion number was misleading because the language of DHS's purchase said it would need "up to" a certain amount.

One solicitation by the agency—for training centers and law enforcement personnel—was for "up to" 750 million rounds of training ammunition over the next five years.

Another five-year contract allows for the purchase of "up to" 450 million rounds of ammunition, he said, and was also for law enforcement. That contract would be used by all DHS agencies except the Coast Guard.

This is quite common to include language which gives you the right to buy up to a certain amount of a good or service on top of your regular purchase if you chose to do it even if its x number of yrs in the future. This usually locks in the bulk price discount or an inflation adjusted figure if its for the future. This is common in commercial real estate and the procurement of mass supplies, i see it in my office all the time.
Posted By: EastHarlemItal

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 11:44 PM

I could care less either way, however Senator Dapper what in the fuck does the government need hollow point bullets for? The floor is yours Senator!
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 11:48 PM

dapper, the technicalities are overshadowing a much bigger problem. what does the dhs need "up to" 1.6 billion rounds for? as has already been stated, hollowpoint rounds are never used for target practice, they are used to kill people. why would a domestic agency need anywhere close to the number of rounds they are ordering? why are they being shady and misleading when asked about the purpose? regardless of the whole gun debate, just as a cut and dry budget concern this should be looked at with extreme scrutiny!
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 03/25/13 11:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
This is common in commercial real estate and the procurement of mass supplies, i see it in my office all the time.

Fuckin yuppies overspending on Wite-Out. That's why the economy is still in the shitter! lol
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 03/26/13 12:01 AM

Originally Posted By: EastHarlemItal
I could care less either way, however Senator Dapper what in the fuck does the government need hollow point bullets for!

Thank you EastHarlemItal.

I have never worked for any DHS affiliated agency, but I know for a fact from my time on Capitol Hill that many agencies consider hollow points ammunition to be ''standard issue'' and use them for "mandatory quarterly firearms qualifications and other training sessions." I agree that a more specific useage explanation wouldnt hurt.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 03/26/13 02:19 AM

To reiterate as Dapper states above, "up to" or "not to exceed" is a common phrase that is included in contracts, purchase orders, or allocations and appropriations of funds and does secure an agreeable price for an extended period.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: Gun Control - 03/28/13 04:23 AM

I heard about this article when listening to Dennis Prager. It's by Juan Williams, an African American who most would agree is liberal.

Some stats in the article:

* Murders with guns are the No. 1 cause of death for African-American men between the ages of 15 and 34.

* In 2009, for example, the Centers for Disease Control reported that 54% of all murders committed, overwhelmingly with guns, are murders of black people. Black people are about 13% of the population.

* The Justice Department reports that between 1980 and 2008, "blacks were six times more likely than whites to be homicide victims and seven times more likely than whites to commit homicide."

* The 44,038 black children killed by guns since 1979 (when national data on the age of gun violence victims was first collected) is "nearly 13 times more" than all the black people killed by lynching in the 86-year period of 1882 to 1968.

Williams goes onto say that the big reason for these facts is the breakdown of the family in the black community.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 03/28/13 02:24 PM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
I heard about this article when listening to Dennis Prager. It's by Juan Williams, an African American who most would agree is liberal.

Some stats in the article:

* Murders with guns are the No. 1 cause of death for African-American men between the ages of 15 and 34.

* In 2009, for example, the Centers for Disease Control reported that 54% of all murders committed, overwhelmingly with guns, are murders of black people. Black people are about 13% of the population.

* The Justice Department reports that between 1980 and 2008, "blacks were six times more likely than whites to be homicide victims and seven times more likely than whites to commit homicide."

* The 44,038 black children killed by guns since 1979 (when national data on the age of gun violence victims was first collected) is "nearly 13 times more" than all the black people killed by lynching in the 86-year period of 1882 to 1968.

Williams goes onto say that the big reason for these facts is the breakdown of the family in the black community.


Same message said for the last twenty years or more...and they still don't know how to stop/change it.

One group keeps saying we are all the same and we have to treat everyone and everything the same.... and the next one keeps pointing out how we are not.....and we have to make special rules for some.......oh and by the way it is always someone elses fault for these problems.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Gun Control - 03/29/13 01:34 PM

Is the modern NRA based on the Black Panther movement?

Posted By: ThePolakVet

Re: Gun Control - 03/29/13 06:30 PM

Found this on 9gag
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 02:31 PM

CT turn to shake up its people. Make the good suffer for the nuts.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 04:54 PM

FS can you enumerate with specificity what changes you oppose, and what changes (if any) you favor?

Please address the following:

Mandatory background checks for ALL gun transactions with a ban on convicted felons and crazy people from getting guns.

Limitations on magazines.

Banning certain types of "assault" weapons. On this one even a bleeding heart liberal like myself has a problem with the myriad "definitions" floating around out there. I mean no one wants people to have nuclear weapons, tanks, rocket launchers, etc. Where do you draw the line ?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 05:12 PM

the backround check provision sounds good on the surface, but it comes down to enforcement. how do you enforce backround checks between private sellers, without knowing who has what first? this is the part lost on many. this is why people claim, and rightfully so imo, that the provision is almost worthless without a database of who has what, and when it was acquired, otherwise known as gun registration. the vast majority of people would follow the provision, so they aren't the ones that you would have to worry about anyway.

as far as the line with regards to weapons, the common theme(verified by the supreme court) is small arms that are in common use at the time, which includes the evil black rifles that so many are wishing would disappear, despite a lack of understanding about the function. as far as magazine capacity, look at it however you want, but the 30 round magazines are "standard" for the AR platform, not "high capacity".

i'm no expert, but i have a fair bit of experience with all sorts of guns. magazine capacity restrictions would have little effects on mass shootings, but they can sure place a defensive shooter at a marked disadvantage. the simple fact is that unless we are talking about single shot weapons, all of these recent events have taken place in gun free zones, where the shooters are basically free to reload as many times as they please. these events are also all planned out, and defensive shootings are usually spur of the moment where adrenaline is flowing, and people miss, alot. same with cops in those very same situations.

the other problem that i run into with people arguing for reduced capaciy mags is the claim that having to reload will give someone a chance to act. forget the fact that a magazine can be changed in a matter of seconds, even by someone unskilled. i always wonder why its generally the same people arguing to give people a chance that are generally against guns in the schools, whether they be armed teachers, or security guards. just some food for thought.

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 05:25 PM

i also thought i would add some of the many advantages of the evil black rifles as far as self defense in concerned. whether or not you agree with me, take into consideration what i have to say, and you might learn something that you were unaware of.

these rifles are often labeled "unnecessary", who needs something like that for self defense? like i stated above, defensive shooting situations are a nightmare of adrenaline and confusion, even for the highly trained. people miss alot, so the extra capacity helps to ensure that you are able to get a hit, and hopefully end the situation.

the weapons are also very light, and low recoil which can be a plus for a women, or a man for that matter, who is of smaller stature and might have serious trouble with the considerable recoil of a 12 gauge shotgun or high caliber handgun.

another plus with regards to the AR platform is the ammo it uses. the lightweight, high-velocity 5.56/.223 round it fires is generally alot safer for a home defense situation. the reason is, because of the construction of the bullet, its much more likely to fragment in drywall, greatly reducing the chances of a serious injury or death of somebody who might be in an adjacent room. the sme cannot be said for the heavy, slow moving rounds fired by alot of common handguns, or buckshot from a shotgun.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 05:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
i also thought i would add some of the many advantages of the evil black rifles as far as self defense in concerned. whether or not you agree with me, take into consideration what i have to say, and you might learn something that you were unaware of.

these rifles are often labeled "unnecessary", who needs something like that for self defense? like i stated above, defensive shooting situations are a nightmare of adrenaline and confusion, even for the highly trained. people miss alot, so the extra capacity helps to ensure that you are able to get a hit, and hopefully end the situation.

the weapons are also very light, and low recoil which can be a plus for a women, or a man for that matter, who is of smaller stature and might have serious trouble with the considerable recoil of a 12 gauge shotgun or high caliber handgun.

another plus with regards to the AR platform is the ammo it uses. the lightweight, high-velocity 5.56/.223 round it fires is generally alot safer for a home defense situation. the reason is, because of the construction of the bullet, its much more likely to fragment in drywall, greatly reducing the chances of a serious injury or death of somebody who might be in an adjacent room. the sme cannot be said for the heavy, slow moving rounds fired by alot of common handguns, or buckshot from a shotgun.

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
FS can you enumerate with specificity what changes you oppose, and what changes (if any) you favor?

Please address the following:

Mandatory background checks for ALL gun transactions with a ban on convicted felons and crazy people from getting guns.

Limitations on magazines.

Banning certain types of "assault" weapons. On this one even a bleeding heart liberal like myself has a problem with the myriad "definitions" floating around out there. I mean no one wants people to have nuclear weapons, tanks, rocket launchers, etc. Where do you draw the line ?

I thought you going to Washington this wing no??
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 05:54 PM

Well eventually all the private guns not subject to background checks will disappear by attrition. This won't happen overnight, but it is a step in the right direction. Bottom line is if someone uses an illegally obtained weapon in the commission of a crime he/she will sing like a canary when caught if there is even a hint of a reduced sentence.

I think the whole "assault weapon" issue, unfortunately, is too fuzzy to be enacted, but the background check is not.

As for the clips, I claim ignorance, however no one needs a clip of 30 rounds, let alone several of them.
Maybe there should be some kind of restriction on bullets.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 05:55 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
i also thought i would add some of the many advantages of the evil black rifles as far as self defense in concerned. whether or not you agree with me, take into consideration what i have to say, and you might learn something that you were unaware of.

these rifles are often labeled "unnecessary", who needs something like that for self defense? like i stated above, defensive shooting situations are a nightmare of adrenaline and confusion, even for the highly trained. people miss alot, so the extra capacity helps to ensure that you are able to get a hit, and hopefully end the situation.

the weapons are also very light, and low recoil which can be a plus for a women, or a man for that matter, who is of smaller stature and might have serious trouble with the considerable recoil of a 12 gauge shotgun or high caliber handgun.

another plus with regards to the AR platform is the ammo it uses. the lightweight, high-velocity 5.56/.223 round it fires is generally alot safer for a home defense situation. the reason is, because of the construction of the bullet, its much more likely to fragment in drywall, greatly reducing the chances of a serious injury or death of somebody who might be in an adjacent room. the sme cannot be said for the heavy, slow moving rounds fired by alot of common handguns, or buckshot from a shotgun.

Well said FF
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 05:57 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
FS can you enumerate with specificity what changes you oppose, and what changes (if any) you favor?

Please address the following:

Mandatory background checks for ALL gun transactions with a ban on convicted felons and crazy people from getting guns.

Limitations on magazines.

Banning certain types of "assault" weapons. On this one even a bleeding heart liberal like myself has a problem with the myriad "definitions" floating around out there. I mean no one wants people to have nuclear weapons, tanks, rocket launchers, etc. Where do you draw the line ?

As every state has it's own rules, I will tend to Talk about NY State because some jerk will pop up and say that it isn't that way around here....

1)[i]Mandatory background checks for ALL gun transactions with a ban on convicted felons and crazy people from getting guns.

For New people who are just getting their permits Sure. NY is very well above this already. They call in on every gun purchase that you make here. I think your statement is a given if you are a convicted felons or crazy person. But I shouldn't have to jump back thru hoops or see a DR. very time I want to add a gun. I should be good to go after I have been thru the process already.

2)Limitations on magazines.

Tuff call because this can be twisted in so many ways. A gun comes with a magazine with witch it is design to work with, rifle, pistol doesn't matter. It is a normal feature so that should be allowed as designed.

Fear mongers will cry about any size magazines because and you don't need this or that bullshit because some jerk has to show off some misfitted over kill magazine to look cool.

I will take the same rights as any other law enforcement officer. If he wants to protect himself or/and his family, I want the same rights.

3) Banning certain types of "assault" weapons. On this one even a bleeding heart liberal like myself has a problem with the myriad "definitions" floating around out there. I mean no one wants people to have nuclear weapons, tanks, rocket launchers, etc. Where do you draw the line ?

This is the biggest bull shit in all the text they produce. They have proven that they do not know what a REAL assault weapon IS and their use of the term LIKE is so wrong that in many cases they use it to ban almost every Rifle passed on looks alone and then they try and word it tight that they pick it apart and tighten down every point and it rules out all guns almost.

There are very few REAL ASSAULT weapons out in the public and that is the fact. Cut the crap with looks...Fact is these are GUNS and they are made to kill! Stop trying to pick them apart with terms to pan them because they look just like something.
People who start with this "nuclear weapons, tanks, rocket launchers, etc."
are just blow-hards as far as I am concern- They don't want to be real about these things, they just want to stretch things out of shape, so I just don't even answer a person who starts this crap.
The answer is: the right people should have the "rights" which he is able to handle.

Isn't it funny that the Govt will give an F-14 fighter or a nuclear turn key to a young man who may only be say 21 or so.

The sad thing is you will always get the jerk that will try to pick at every word you say or type and not get what is really being say....
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 05:59 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Well eventually all the private guns not subject to background checks will disappear by attrition. This won't happen overnight, but it is a step in the right direction. Bottom line is if someone uses an illegally obtained weapon in the commission of a crime he/she will sing like a canary when caught if there is even a hint of a reduced sentence.

I think the whole "assault weapon" issue, unfortunately, is too fuzzy to be enacted, but the background check is not.

As for the clips, I claim ignorance, however no one needs a clip of 30 rounds, let alone several of them.
Maybe there should be some kind of restriction on bullets.

Have you ever been shot at ? If so you might change your mind?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 06:06 PM

I have, as a matter of fact.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 06:12 PM

Today I listened to Monsieur Pierre on Megyn Kelly's show and he continued his mantra that background checks et al would not help and would only encumber law-abiding people. Well, weren't the shooters in Newtown, Aurora, Virginia Tech, and Columbine (just to cite a few) all law-abiding prior to the murders they carried out?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 06:16 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Well eventually all the private guns not subject to background checks will disappear by attrition. This won't happen overnight, but it is a step in the right direction. Bottom line is if someone uses an illegally obtained weapon in the commission of a crime he/she will sing like a canary when caught if there is even a hint of a reduced sentence.

I think the whole "assault weapon" issue, unfortunately, is too fuzzy to be enacted, but the background check is not.

As for the clips, I claim ignorance, however no one needs a clip of 30 rounds, let alone several of them.
Maybe there should be some kind of restriction on bullets.

let me ask you again, how is it possible to enforce backround checks on private sellers without a database of who has what? you cannot. if there is no way to enforce a law, despite how good it might seem, whats the point? again, as far as magazine capacity, who are you to judge what is necessary, particularly if you have little to no experience with guns in general? bullet control, please. these are the same tired arguments always made by people who on one hand, claim to be in support of the second amendment, while on the other hand welcoming any erosions of the rights of others simply because it doesn't effect them. its a damn good thing that we don't have a bill of needs! the states passing these laws should all be ashamed of themselves, as it has seemingly just turned into a race as to who gets the title of "toughest gun laws". add to that the blatant lack of knowledge possessed by those advocating the restrictions, and we are left with nothing more than a feel good cicle jerk.

case in point, Congresswoman Diana DeGette of colorado has recently come under fire for co-sponsoring a bill to further restrict magazine capacity in colorado, despite not knowing what they even are. this hack, when questioned, advocated the ban because after the people shoot the magazines, they will go away because they are "ammunition", and thus, over time they will disappear. regardless of your stance on guns in general, enough is enough with politicians pushing legisaltion that they either...

A: didn't even read, or

B: are totally clueless about.

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 06:22 PM

Please pay attention. No one ever said that every person would obey the law regarding private gun sales. The law will be enforced a couple of ways: 1) A majority of the people who engage in these private transactions will obey the law.
2) Those who do not, and whose weapons end up being used in crimes will find themselves in huge messes. Let's say, e.g. someone bought a weapon and the sale was registered. Then that person sold the gun to someone else but failed to report it. When Ballistics shows who owned the gun, the registered owner is going to have hell to pay to get out of being charged with the crime (let alone civil liability for injuries). One or two of those will make people think twice about disobeying the law on this issue.

You know, this registration thing is a step in the right direction. Just because it is not 100% enforceable is not a reason to keep it from passing.
By that reasoning they should abolish speed limits on hiighways. They are not 100% enforceable either.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 06:25 PM

this is an example of the pointless restictions proposed in the now dead in the water legislation by that evil witch from california. please someone advocate how this makes any sense at all!

Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 06:25 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso

You know, this registration thing is a step in the right direction. Just because it is not 100% enforceable is not a reason to keep it from passing.
By that reasoning they should abolish speed limits on hiighways. They are not 100% enforceable either.

Agreed. In fact, what laws are? Hey, let's put them all to the test ... 100% or bust.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 06:28 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
As for the clips, I claim ignorance, however no one needs a clip of 30 rounds, let alone several of them.
Maybe there should be some kind of restriction on bullets.

Mags are like Lawyers, You don't need one to YOU NEED ONE! smile

maybe a restriction on lawyers would reduce law suits! lol lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 06:36 PM

DT:You know, this registration thing is a step in the right direction. Just because it is not 100% enforceable is not a reason to keep it from passing.

In New York Stae all handguns are in fact registered.

Come on DT, I think you are just trying to play with all of us.It most be a slow day down in trafic court!
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 06:49 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
someone bought a weapon and the sale was registered. Then that person sold the gun to someone else but failed to report it. When Ballistics shows who owned the gun, the registered owner is going to have hell to pay to get out of being charged with the crime (let alone civil liability for injuries).

so, the whole point of the new regulations are to prevent crime, but in this scenario the crime wasn't prevented. am i missing something here? its common sense that no law is 100% enforceable, but if the laws put into place are unenforceable, as well as ineffective with regards to the original stated goals of the legislation, why should they even be enacted in the first place?
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 07:26 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I have, as a matter of fact.

In the war or on U.S. Turf?
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 07:27 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
this is an example of the pointless restictions proposed in the now dead in the water legislation by that evil witch from california. please someone advocate how this makes any sense at all!

FF couldn't you make a grip yourself
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 07:36 PM

Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
FF couldn't you make a grip yourself

well, i suppose you could if you really knew what you were doing, but it probably wouldn't last too long! still, the point is that making the exact same make and model illegal because of cosmetic features is silly. for what its worth, most who have shot full power loads out of a 12 gauge with a pistol grip won't be getting any christmas cards from their wrist! lol
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/04/13 08:23 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Today I listened to Monsieur Pierre on Megyn Kelly's show and he continued his mantra that background checks et al would not help and would only encumber law-abiding people. Well, weren't the shooters in Newtown, Aurora, Virginia Tech, and Columbine (just to cite a few) all law-abiding prior to the murders they carried out?

I didn't have to listen to anyone today I can simply state my opinion that shootings by people are unpredictable and no matter what laws are put in place a lot of this will not change because the examples you listed above are all kids who took there own life...except The Batman kid...
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/05/13 04:31 PM

So much for the "registration doesn't equal confiscation" argument...

A New York father has had his firearms all but confiscated after the Suffolk County Pistol License Bureau suspended his pistol license indefinitely over a perceived threat made by his 10-year-old son and two of his classmates at school.

John Mayer, of Commack, N.Y., told TheBlaze that the incident occurred on March 1. It was like any other day, the father explained. He put his son on the bus and sent him off to school.

Later that day, Mayer got a call from school officials informing him that his 10-year-old son and two other students were talking about going to a boy’s house with a water gun, “paint gun” and a BB gun. There had reportedly been a school yard pushing incident the day before involving the boys, excluding Mayer’s son, and they were seemingly talking about getting even in some way.

Mayer told TheBlaze that a teacher overheard the students talking and immediately called police and filed a report. He said the teacher told police something to the effect of, there’s a “kid with a gun, ready to go.” Mayer maintains that no serious death threats were made by the students. The Hauppauge Public School District has not returned several messages left by TheBlaze, therefore, it is not clear what they are claiming was said.

School officials then “interrogated” the boys, Mayer explained. It was later determined that the 10-year-old boys did not have access to a BB gun, paintball gun or any actual firearms.

The school’s principal later informed the father that his son would be suspended for two days for the incident. But the ordeal was far from over.

Mayer said police officers were then deployed to his home where he was advised by officers that they might have to confiscate his firearms, which he says were all properly stored and secured. “I just couldn’t believe what was happening,” he told TheBlaze.

The following Monday, Mayer got a call from the Suffolk County Pistol Licensing Bureau. He was reportedly told that his license would be suspended and police would arrive at his house the next morning to retrieve his handguns. Acting quickly on the advice of his attorney, Mayer transferred all 15 of his handguns to his friend to prevent them from being confiscated. He also transferred his long arms to a local gun store out of fear that police would attempt to confiscate them as well.

However, that hardly fixed the problem.

Mayer’s pistol license has been suspended until further notice and he says officials have informed him that the suspension could last until his son moves out of his home. His son is only 10-years-old, meaning it could be eight years or longer before his license is restored.

“All my handguns are gone,” Mayer said, letting out a sigh of exasperation.

“We’ve grown to such an absurd point now with firearms where kids can’t even be kids,” he added. He also brought up the fact that there are now students getting suspended for pointing their fingers like “firearms.”

A spokesperson with the Suffolk County Police Department told TheBlaze that the incident is still under investigation.

“The Suffolk County Police Department Pistol License Bureau is conducting a complete and thorough investigation into the matter. Based upon the investigation, his license has been suspended,” the spokesperson told TheBlaze in an email. SCPD declined to provide any additional information.

Mayer’s lawyer, New York firearms attorney James Murtha, told TheBlaze that Mayer does not have any history of mental illness or criminal behavior. He also noted that Mayer’s son does not have a history of violent behavior.

“We understand that in this day and age things can get perceived wrong,” Murtha said. “But we are talking about a child making silly comments. And now a man’s constitutional rights have been dramatically violated.”

Gun rights “mean nothing at all in New York,” Murtha lamented. “Firearms are thought to be some really evil thing here.”

In New York, he explained, a citizen can be a denied a pistol license if the pistol licensing department determines that person doesn’t have “good moral character,” an undefined term:

Eligibility requirements for the issuance of a pistol license in New York are set forth in Penal Law §400.00(1). Briefly, an applicant must (1) be twenty-one years of age; (2) of good moral character; (3) have not been convicted of a felony or serious offense; (4) state whether he has ever suffered from mental illness or been confined to an institution for mental illness; and (5) not had a pistol license revoked or who is not under a suspension or ineligibility order issued pursuant to CPL 530.14 or Fam. Ct. Act 894-a.

“A clear message has to be sent that the government can’t treat citizens this way,” he added. “Firearms are not frightening. Not a single one of my firearms has ever put on a pair of shoes, run down the street and killed somebody.”

Mayer is now pushing for New York to adopt legislation similar to Maryland’s S.B. 1058 or the “Reasonable School Discipline Act of 2013.” He says it would protect the rights of students and parents.

The legislation prohibits a principal from “suspending or expelling a student who brings to school or possesses on school property a picture of a gun, a computer image of a gun, a facsimile of a gun, or any other object that resembles a gun but serves another purpose.”

The bill also prohibits a principal from suspending or expelling a student for making a “hand shape or gesture resembling a gun.” The law does, however, reinforce a principal’s right to discipline students for performing “a direct act of violence against another student.”

Mayer first brought his story to the popular firearms website LongIslandFirearms.com, where he is a respected member, according to the site’s operator. The website is currently accepting donations to help cover Mayer’s legal fees.

Because we have not heard the police or school officials’ whole side of the story, this story may be updated. TheBlaze will continue monitoring and investigating this developing story.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/05/13 04:36 PM

^^^ that story is yet another example of a crazy overreaction. remember that 5year old girl who was suspended for bringing a hello kitty bubble gun to school as it was deemed a terroristic threat? threats should be taken seriously, but not at the expense of common sense.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/05/13 06:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
^^^ that story is yet another example of a crazy overreaction. remember that 5year old girl who was suspended for bringing a hello kitty bubble gun to school as it was deemed a terroristic threat? threats should be taken seriously, but not at the expense of common sense.


Common Sense has been dead for years! When someone says: You will not beleive this...you sure should.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/05/13 07:44 PM

Our Gov't has none that's for sure!!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 04/06/13 01:53 AM

This is the area of "you can't do anything right". People bemoaned the fact that the graphic writings and drawings of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were ignored and if only the police had investigated their homes, if only Cho's mental illness had been reported to authorities so he would have been denied his guns....Yet, when the police respond to a report about kids and guns, they are over-reacting.

Did this father have the right to keep his guns in the house with this boy? We're pretty much only hearing the father's side, so, while it's tempting to say this was a ridiculous case, we shouldn't draw conclusions without knowing more.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/06/13 05:08 PM

As usual SB has nailed the point.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 02:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
This is the area of "you can't do anything right". People bemoaned the fact that the graphic writings and drawings of Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris were ignored and if only the police had investigated their homes, if only Cho's mental illness had been reported to authorities so he would have been denied his guns....Yet, when the police respond to a report about kids and guns, they are over-reacting.

Did this father have the right to keep his guns in the house with this boy? We're pretty much only hearing the father's side, so, while it's tempting to say this was a ridiculous case, we shouldn't draw conclusions without knowing more.

Sure hind site is always 20/20, and after any tragic event People cut it apart and try to blame others why things happen, but this is not that. This is a report done by a media person. Reporting what has gone on.

We can only hope that they are doing the job correctly and getting their facts straight before they print the story. As you notice the people being called out in the piece refuse to comment any further.

Is this any different then a women reporting an abuse and since you don't have the abusers side you throw it aside so easily, but I guess people can when they don't like the viewpoint the article is pointing out.

Looks like anything can be seen from a different viewpoint can't it.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 02:51 PM

Terrible accident in Jersey. I'm not sure where to put this, though. Because the four year old shot the six year old in the head with a .22 rifle, not a handgun or an automatic. So in all fairness, this probably doesn't belong in the Gun Control thread.

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:06 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Terrible accident in Jersey. I'm not sure where to put this, though. Because the four year old shot the six year old in the head with a .22 rifle, not a handgun or an automatic. So in all fairness, this probably doesn't belong in the Gun Control thread.


Yes it does. Who are the morons that left a loaded .22 rifle out where a six year old could get his hands on it? Who was supervisiong this six year old.. or should I say not supervising him.

If proper gun control is passed, it would be illegal to permit someone who did not have a background check take posession of a weapon. I am assuming being six years old and unsupervised, disqualifies that kid from using a gun. There is an adult or two to be held accountable for this.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:09 PM

I have a question for everyone: How many people here are hunters? I do not mean someone who has gone hunting once or twice, but people who go hunting on s regular basis.

Moreover, I want to know how many people know hunters?

I am reading there are fewer than a million hunters in the U.S., so al this nonsense about protecting the "rights" of hunters applies to very few people apparently, and of course no where is there anything remotely close to banning those few people from hunting.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:11 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
There is an adult or two to be held accountable for this.

There better be mad.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:17 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Yes it does. Who are the morons that left a loaded .22 rifle out where a six year old could get his hands on it? Who was supervisiong this six year old.. or should I say not supervising him.

If proper gun control is passed, it would be illegal to permit someone who did not have a background check take posession of a weapon. I am assuming being six years old and unsupervised, disqualifies that kid from using a gun. There is an adult or two to be held accountable for this.

think about what you just wrote there for a second. do you honestly believe the kid would have stopped, and realized that he didn't have a backround check done, thus putting the weapon down? it is not only silly, but also delusional to assume that. this is a tragic accident, nothing more, nothing less. should the gun have been secured, yes. do accidents happen, yes. kids eat prescription medication and die, kids run across the street and get hit by cars and die. kids practice wrestling moves on kids and they sometimes die. lets not do what certain people here always do by politicizing this, and trying to make these claims that the reason something like this happened was because the correct laws were not in place. this was an accident, plain and simple. it could have been prevented, just like every other accident, gun related or not.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:19 PM

Later that day, Mayer got a call from school officials informing him that his 10-year-old son and two other students were talking about going to a boy’s house with a water gun, “paint gun” and a BB gun. There had reportedly been a school yard pushing incident the day before involving the boys, excluding Mayer’s son, and they were seemingly talking about getting even in some way.

Mayer told TheBlaze that a teacher overheard the students talking and immediately called police and filed a report. He said the teacher told police something to the effect of, there’s a “kid with a gun, ready to go.” Mayer maintains that no serious death threats were made by the students. The Hauppauge Public School District has not returned several messages left by TheBlaze, therefore, it is not clear what they are claiming was said.

School officials then “interrogated” the boys, Mayer explained. It was later determined that the 10-year-old boys did not have access to a BB gun, paintball gun or any actual firearms.

The school’s principal later informed the father that his son would be suspended for two days for the incident. But the ordeal was far from over.

Sounds to me like the TEACHER jumped the GUN as you say and blew this one way out of line. The school did look into it and did not find anything, but that didn't stop the fire....

You can't just use these things to take away others rights. I know years from now after this guy has gone thru hell and back and many $$ defending his rights...you will hear " it is better to error on the side of caution" I hope he sues them all! The GESTPO found his guns in proper storage but still wants to use his licence as a pawn hanging it over his head without being convicted of any laws.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:26 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I have a question for everyone: How many people here are hunters? I do not mean someone who has gone hunting once or twice, but people who go hunting on s regular basis.

Moreover, I want to know how many people know hunters?

I am reading there are fewer than a million hunters in the U.S., so al this nonsense about protecting the "rights" of hunters applies to very few people apparently, and of course no where is there anything remotely close to banning those few people from hunting.

I'm a hunter I killed my first deer with my car and a handgun though and before you any further DM another requirement im sure FS n FF agree with me instead of blackground checks everyone should read how to kill mockingbird and the daily apple to know what it is ..
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:28 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I have a question for everyone: How many people here are hunters? I do not mean someone who has gone hunting once or twice, but people who go hunting on s regular basis.

Moreover, I want to know how many people know hunters?

I am reading there are fewer than a million hunters in the U.S., so al this nonsense about protecting the "rights" of hunters applies to very few people apparently, and of course no where is there anything remotely close to banning those few people from hunting.

Of all the people out there DT I thought you were smart enough to know that gun control has NOTHING to do with JUST HUNTING.
Or is it just your nature to pick at the little bits trying to justify the big issues?

I don't have to SHOW NEED to have, own or use a gun ! PERIOD!
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:31 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I have a question for everyone: How many people here are hunters? I do not mean someone who has gone hunting once or twice, but people who go hunting on s regular basis.

Moreover, I want to know how many people know hunters?

I am reading there are fewer than a million hunters in the U.S., so al this nonsense about protecting the "rights" of hunters applies to very few people apparently, and of course no where is there anything remotely close to banning those few people from hunting.

Of all the people out there DT I thought you were smart enough to know that gun control has NOTHING to do with JUST HUNTING.
Or is it just your nature to pick at the little bits trying to justify the big issues?

I don't have to SHOW NEED to have, own or use a gun ! PERIOD!

Just because you carry a certain title doesn't make you smart, I agree with FS has he has counseled me in life with his literature to realize that I love being an American!!
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:38 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Terrible accident in Jersey. I'm not sure where to put this, though. Because the four year old shot the six year old in the head with a .22 rifle, not a handgun or an automatic. So in all fairness, this probably doesn't belong in the Gun Control thread.


Wow this is sad. cry But this kid must be a big kid to lift, and hold up a rifle at four. These are not short rifles and so light. and most are not left chambered where you could just pull the triger and the gun would go off and it's safety had to be turned off also
I wonder if he was dragging the gun and it somehow caught onto something and discharged.
The article dosen't have much info.

Just like bic lighters and all their safety switches and little kids still burn down homes each year...little hands seem to be everywhere and people should never let/leave their guards down
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:38 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
so al this nonsense about protecting the "rights" of hunters applies to very few people apparently

a very strong argument there. confused the rights of people should only be protected if...

#1: there is a big group of people, or

#2: perhaps most important to alot of folks on this site, only protect the rights that they personally believe in.

the stuff i listen to on here never seeks to shock me. we should protect the rights of all people, no matter how "fringe" you may think they are. you are a lawyer correct? do you understand the concept of a constitutional republic vs a direct democracy? our country was set up so that the majority can never take away the constitutionally protected rights of the minority, but sadly, so many are all to willing to give up whatever rights they have no stake in, all under the cover of being "progressive", absolutely sickening.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 03:41 PM

Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I have a question for everyone: How many people here are hunters? I do not mean someone who has gone hunting once or twice, but people who go hunting on s regular basis.

Moreover, I want to know how many people know hunters?

I am reading there are fewer than a million hunters in the U.S., so al this nonsense about protecting the "rights" of hunters applies to very few people apparently, and of course no where is there anything remotely close to banning those few people from hunting.

Of all the people out there DT I thought you were smart enough to know that gun control has NOTHING to do with JUST HUNTING.
Or is it just your nature to pick at the little bits trying to justify the big issues?

I don't have to SHOW NEED to have, own or use a gun ! PERIOD!

Just because you carry a certain title doesn't make you smart, I agree with FS has he has counseled me in life with his literature to realize that I love being an American!!

Huh?????????? Where do I say hunting should be banned? Where do I say that people like Fatherson don't have the right to own guns for no reason whatsoever? I am just saying there aren't that many hunters, or at least that's what I read. My point is the protection of hunters is a shibboleth (obviously some people here are going to have to look that word up. Hint: it does not come from sharia law).

Good lord, you people are really testy.

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 04:03 PM

if there was a provision added along with the backround check legislation being introduced that made it a felony to propose any further gun rights restrictions, i would be all for it. sadly, as anybody with a flake of common sense knows, the laws being proposed will just keep getting more stringent and restrictive. the good news is that everyday more and more people are waking up and realizing that even under our lord and savior, dear leader obama, the government simply can't protect and provide for all of its citizens, and self reliance is always your best bet. hopefully, the current legislation to go the way of jimmy hoffa, and disappear, much to the dismay of all those dead children pushing, anti-freedom pimps.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 04:04 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Terrible accident in Jersey. I'm not sure where to put this, though. Because the four year old shot the six year old in the head with a .22 rifle, not a handgun or an automatic. So in all fairness, this probably doesn't belong in the Gun Control thread.


Wow this is sad. cry But this kid must be a big kid to lift, and hold up a rifle at four.

I was honestly thinking the same thing.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 04:20 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso[/quote

Huh?????????? Where do I say hunting should be banned? Where do I say that people like Fatherson don't have the right to own guns for no reason whatsoever? I am just saying there aren't that many hunters, or at least that's what I read. My point is the protection of hunters is a shibboleth (obviously some people here are going to have to look that word up. Hint: it does not come from sharia law).o

Good lord, you people are really testy.

I most of missed the post of people yelling at you for wanting to ban hunting- smile I didn't like the term "nonsense" tho

But why use a term you didn't think other would understand? Admit it you once had to look it up didn't you! lol lol
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 04:21 PM

Guns don't kill people, people kill people (old bumper sticker). Basically because many humans are not capable of securing guns, operating guns, have the mental capacity for guns, are anti-social, are psychotic, pathological, irresponsible, stupid, ...same people that drive cars.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 04:28 PM

meanwhile, the same day that his event happened, around 89,999,999 peoples guns were not used by a child to shoot another child.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 04:58 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Guns don't kill people, people kill people

Exactly. That's why the Texas Legislature is considering a bill that would require that all Texas residents register themselves with the State. Such registrants will be required to, among other things, submit to a battery of tests to determine their mental and emotional capacities and stability and take a course about how to be a "people". Oh, also, such registrants will be limited to interacting with only a certain number of people per day and for only a limited amount of time.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 05:11 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Guns don't kill people, people kill people (old bumper sticker). Basically because many humans are not capable of securing guns, operating guns, have the mental capacity for guns, are anti-social, are psychotic, pathological, irresponsible, stupid, ...same people that drive cars.

Or get married! whistle
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 05:13 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Guns don't kill people, people kill people

Exactly. That's why the Texas Legislature is considering a bill that would require that all Texas residents register themselves with the State. Such registrants will be required to, among other things, submit to a battery of tests to determine their mental and emotional capacities and stability and take a course about how to be a "people". Oh, also, such registrants will be limited to interacting with only a certain number of people per day and for only a limited amount of time.

Now while doing this they round up all the illegal people I would be for this! lol lol
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 05:13 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Guns don't kill people, people kill people (old bumper sticker). Basically because many humans are not capable of securing guns, operating guns, have the mental capacity for guns, are anti-social, are psychotic, pathological, irresponsible, stupid, ...same people that drive cars.

Or get married! whistle

You need a license for that, and in many religions a background check. Not so much for guns.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 05:14 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Guns don't kill people, people kill people

Exactly. That's why the Texas Legislature is considering a bill that would require that all Texas residents register themselves with the State. Such registrants will be required to, among other things, submit to a battery of tests to determine their mental and emotional capacities and stability and take a course about how to be a "people". Oh, also, such registrants will be limited to interacting with only a certain number of people per day and for only a limited amount of time.

Now while doing this they round up all the illegal people I would be for this! lol lol

What are "illegal people?"
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 05:33 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Guns don't kill people, people kill people

Exactly. That's why the Texas Legislature is considering a bill that would require that all Texas residents register themselves with the State. Such registrants will be required to, among other things, submit to a battery of tests to determine their mental and emotional capacities and stability and take a course about how to be a "people". Oh, also, such registrants will be limited to interacting with only a certain number of people per day and for only a limited amount of time.

Now while doing this they round up all the illegal people I would be for this! lol lol

What are "illegal people?"

Don't worry, with all the people on here we could figure something that would include you in the mix! wink
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 06:23 PM

My hub goes deer hunting every year in the fall. Sometimes I go with him squirrel hunting.

That is sad about that baby shooting the other baby. Those parents need to be held accountable.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 08:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
My hub goes deer hunting every year in the fall. Sometimes I go with him squirrel hunting.

squirrel are very tasty. what we would do, is after skinning them, we would boil them in a stock pot with carrots, celery, and onion until tender. we would pick the meat off the carcass, and mix it about 50/50 with some mashed potatos that were a little bit on the firmer side. flour, egg, breadcrumb, and a trip to the deep fryer would leave us with some real nice squirrel cakes!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/09/13 09:05 PM

I bet that's good. I love squirrel. We put ours in a pressure cooker and it comes out tender and delish.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/10/13 03:36 PM

Background checks, redux: http://news.yahoo.com/blogs/ticket/senat...--election.html
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/10/13 03:38 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Hey Pizzaboy when your a slumlord like myself I usually take my 40 Cal. and bang on the tenants door to open up and if raheem don't have the rent I take his ps3 to the pawn shop
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/10/13 03:45 PM

Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Hey Pizzaboy when your a slumlord like myself I usually take my 40 Cal. and bang on the tenants door to open up and if raheem don't have the rent I take his ps3 to the pawn shop

Gotta get paid, DN. Gotta get paid.

Housing court here in New York City is a fucking joke. 90 percent of the time, activist bleeding heart judges side with deadbeat tenants for at least the first 6 to 8 months of the eviction process. These people make a living of going from rental to rental.

I had a judge once tell me at an eviction hearing that it was my own fault for not "vetting" my prospective tenant well enough. Didn't matter that he used a fugazy social security number when I ran the credit check. Then the judge gave the cocksucker another 90 days. I never got paid (but I did get even wink ).
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/10/13 04:09 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Hey Pizzaboy when your a slumlord like myself I usually take my 40 Cal. and bang on the tenants door to open up and if raheem don't have the rent I take his ps3 to the pawn shop

Gotta get paid, DN. Gotta get paid.

Housing court here in New York City is a fucking joke. 90 percent of the time, activist bleeding heart judges side with deadbeat tenants for at least the first 6 to 8 months of the eviction process. These people make a living of going from rental to rental.

I had a judge once tell me at an eviction hearing that it was my own fault for not "vetting" my prospective tenant well enough. Didn't matter that he used a fugazy social security number when I ran the credit check. Then the judge gave the cocksucker another 90 days. I never got paid (but I did get even wink ).

I hope the tenant got shot in the ass so they couldn't sit down
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 03:53 PM

Senate voted to stop the first filibuster attempt 68-31. A watered down bill is better than nothing.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 04:31 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Senate voted to stop the first filibuster attempt 68-31. A watered down bill is better than nothing.

Both sides are probably unhappy. But isn't that what they say? A good compromise leaves everyone pissed off (or something like that).
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 04:44 PM

This Board offers a huge array of opinions about a huge array of topics. Of course, guns and gay marriage seem to attract the most and the most ardent opinions.

The following is a quote from the letter which the Founding Fathers sent to the Confederation Congress in September, 1787 that accompanied their draft of what would become the US Constitution. It was composed by the five member Committee of Style, largely by Gouverneur Morris, Pennsylvania delegate:

"Individuals entering into society, must give up a share of liberty to preserve the rest. The magnitude of the sacrifice must depend as well on situation and circumstance, as on the object to be obtained. It is at all times difficult to draw with precision the line between those rights which must be surrendered, and those which may be reserved;"
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 05:06 PM

Good quote Oli! smile Hopefully people qualified to make these tough decision will ALSO keep that in mind.

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 05:10 PM

Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-Benjamin Franklin
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 05:12 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant

"Individuals entering into society, must give up a share of liberty to preserve the rest. The magnitude of the sacrifice must depend as well on situation and circumstance, as on the object to be obtained. It is at all times difficult to draw with precision the line between those rights which must be surrendered, and those which may be reserved;"

Big deal. No one is going to be happy.This is what the Govt/ person who wants to take something from you would say. I say let us not error on the side of emotions. (Time to wheel out the families of those poor children, and lets throw in some puppys too. That always gets them) There will be no Liberty without American's being allowed the freedom of owning and using all types of guns.
(Scary Assult looking LIKE ones too. Without any strings attached or hoops to jump thru PERIOD

You can not put a bubble around life. Or scrub it so clean that you will have no worrys. Like I said before. Will that car coming towards you stay on his/her side of that line? Will it?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 05:13 PM

"There once was a deputy called Fife, who carried a gun and a knife. The gun was all dusty, the knife was all rusty, 'cause he never caught a crook in his life."

---Opie Taylor
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 05:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Those who would give up essential liberty to purchase a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety.

-Benjamin Franklin

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 05:16 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
"There once was a deputy called Fife, who carried a gun and a knife. The gun was all dusty, the knife was all rusty, 'cause he never caught a crook in his life."

---Opie Taylor

GEE PA, are you sure?
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 06:44 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
"There once was a deputy called Fife, who carried a gun and a knife. The gun was all dusty, the knife was all rusty, 'cause he never caught a crook in his life."

---Opie Taylor

After a thorough investigation of this incident including spectroscopic analysis of the chalk used and remnant DNA thereupon, it was determined that Opie was not the guilty party: he had not yet learned to write.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/11/13 06:48 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
he had not yet learned to write.

I remember, Oli.

Andy: "And for another thing, he ain't learned how to right yet." lol

Best sitcom of the '60s. Nothing else came close during that decade.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 04/15/13 03:57 PM

The US Supreme Court's refusal to hear arguments and rule on a challenge to a provision of New York State's firearm possession statute is significant (possession outside the home). One reason it is so is because the Court usually abhors differing rulings by the Nation's federal circuit courts by trying to resolve them into one definitive ruling. Several circuit courts have ruled differently on gun possession outside the home.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/15/13 05:24 PM

Big blow to New York State concealed carry permit holders.

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 01:57 PM

Well all the gun nuts can rejoice. Al Queada members can still buy guns on the internet thanks to the gutless Senate.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 03:00 PM

well, common sense prevailed, and enough people where smart enough to see through all of the smoke and mirrors. case in point: all the people claiming anyone can buy a weapon online without a backround check, false. i've tried to explain this here before, but certain people would rather just listen to the same talking points as opposed to doing a bit of research on their own.

you CANNOT buy a weapon online either through a manufactuer or from a private party without going through an ffl dealer, such as is the case on gunbroker and similar websites. this process requires a backround check, and thats a fact. on top of all that, whatever firearm you choose has to be in compliance with your existing state laws. if you are still convinced that you can have a firearm shipped to your house with nothing more than a credit card, go ahead and try.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 04:35 PM

A member of al queada can buy a gun at a gun show with no background check. The cowards in the Senate and the NRA need to know one thing. Their days are numbered.

I can't wait to watch Mitch McConnell's concession speech in 2014.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 04:38 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
The US Supreme Court's refusal to hear arguments and rule on a challenge to a provision of New York State's firearm possession statute is significant (possession outside the home). One reason it is so is because the Court usually abhors differing rulings by the Nation's federal circuit courts by trying to resolve them into one definitive ruling. Several circuit courts have ruled differently on gun possession outside the home.

Oli you are right on this point in general, however I get the sense this Court wants to stay away from certain issues. My guess is they will be kicking the can down the road on the whole gay marriage thing, and probably the gun thing as well.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 04:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
well, common sense prevailed

For now, FF. But when 85-90% of the American public polled are against you, it's just a matter of time. And there's still the hurdles at the state level to consider. Cuomo has made a lot of people very unhappy here in New York.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 04:40 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
well, common sense prevailed

For now, FF. But when 85-90% of the American public polled are against you, it's just a matter of time. And there's still the hurdles at the state level to consider. Cuomo has made a lot of people very unhappy here in New York.

And the Supremes backed him up.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 04:44 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
well, common sense prevailed

For now, FF. But when 85-90% of the American public polled are against you, it's just a matter of time. And there's still the hurdles at the state level to consider. Cuomo has made a lot of people very unhappy here in New York.

And the Supremes backed him up.

Exactly. Gun laws will never be the same here in New York. Whether that affects the way other states act in the future remains to be seen.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 04:57 PM

where does this 90% come from? i realize its a poll, but how many people were questioned, and from what areas? i don't ever put much stock in these types of polls, no matter what the issue, because you can ask almost whatever question you want and get the results that you are looking for, especially if only a small fraction of the population is questioned.

as far as the "gun show loophole", again, it relies on people being ill-informed and just defaulting to whatever narrative the media presents to them. how many here have actually ever been to a gun show? judging by the info being presented, i'm guessing not many.

gun shows vary state by state, but no matter which state you attend a show in the format is pretty much the same. its not some flea market of private sellers, but rather booths set up by manufactures and retailers, who are REQUIRED to have an ffl, and a backround check is required for all sales. again, don't take my word for it, look it up. private sales can be made, but they are between private sellers, no different than any other transaction in a state where it is legal. most shows strongly discourage these sales, and i know that in some states, checks are done at a booth, and the recipient of the check is given a bacelet, verifying that he went through the check. not foolproof, but a world away from the views of some who just assume its as easy as buying a bag of dog food.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 05:04 PM

They have those shows all the time in the surrounding Phila burbs
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 05:04 PM

Five felonies, its the same poll that said Obama would beat Romney in a cake walk. You know, the one righties never believe. Its called the reality based poll.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 05:06 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
its the same poll that said Obama would beat Romney in a cake walk. You know, the one righties never believe. Its called the reality based poll.

lol lol

That may be the wittiest thing ever written by an ACLU lawyer tongue grin.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 05:12 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Five felonies, its the same poll that said Obama would beat Romney in a cake walk. You know, the one righties never believe. Its called the reality based poll.

well, considering i hate both of these guys, i guess trying to lump me into the "right wing" category does nothing for me. again, how many people were questioned, and where were they from? i won't put much stock into any poll, unless it draws from an overwhelming % of the population, not a small group. all of the gun owners i know were not in favor of any of this garbage, and for those of you who always cry about the nra, there are more than enough groups with more than enough money on the other side as well.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 05:17 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Five felonies, its the same poll that said Obama would beat Romney in a cake walk. You know, the one righties never believe. Its called the reality based poll.

well, considering i hate both of these guys

Preach, West Virginia, preach!

Fuck them all, donkeys AND elephants!
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 06:48 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Fuck them all, donkeys AND elephants!

Spoken like a liberal who eventually is going to root for bestiality. rolleyes

j/k. lol
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/18/13 10:46 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Spoken like a liberal who eventually is going to root for bestiality.

A man's gotta relax, Afs.

Did you fuck that sheep? Naaaaaaaaaaaaaaa............
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/19/13 02:59 AM

This is not over by a long shot. You can't Blame the NRA.

Charley Reese summed it up very well ~

They have no ability to coerce a senator, a congressman, or a President to do one cotton-picking thing. I don't care if they offer a politician $1 million dollars in cash. The politician has the power to accept or reject it. No matter what the lobbyist promises, it is the legislator's responsibility to determine how he votes. ~
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 04/19/13 09:54 AM

If a private party is making an online/interstate transaction he or she is supposed to route it through a FFL, who will conduct the required background check. Unsurprisingly it seems that some apparently unknown percentage of buyers/sellers are ignoring that requirement.

Online Gun Transactions
The want ads posted by the anonymous buyer on Armslist.com, a sprawling free classified ads Web site for guns, telegraphed urgency.

Feb. 20: “Got 250 cash for a good handgun something.reliable.”
Feb. 27: “I got 200 250 cashlooking for a good handgun please let me know what u got.”
Feb. 28: “Looking to buy some 9 mm ammo and not at a crazy price.”

The intentions and background of the prospective buyer were hidden, as is customary on such sites. The person posting these ads, however, left a phone number, enabling The New York Times to trace them to their source: Omar Roman-Martinez, 29, of Colorado Springs, who has a pair of felony convictions for burglary and another for motor vehicle theft, as well as a misdemeanor domestic violence conviction — all of which bar him from having guns. Yet he was so determined he even offered to trade a tablet computer or a vintage Pepsi machine for firearms.

When questioned in a telephone interview, Mr. Roman-Martinez said he ultimately decided not to buy a weapon. He also insisted that a 9-millimeter handgun he posted for sale on the Web site last month belonged to someone else.

“I’m a felon,” he said. “I can’t possess firearms.”....
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/24/13 01:34 AM

This is how silly the lawmakers are getting in their attack on guns and groups like the NRA.

Conn. senator wants Fox to pull plug on NRA race

FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) — A U.S. senator from Connecticut has sent a letter to media mogul Rupert Murdoch asking that Fox network not broadcast Saturday night's NASCAR Sprint Cup race sponsored by the National Rifle Association.

Democratic Sen. Chris Murphy wrote to the News Corp. chief that the race is taking place during Senate consideration of legislation to reduce gun violence in the wake of the elementary school shootings last December in Newtown, Conn. Murphy said the race will give national attention ``to an organization that has been the face of one side of this heated debate.''

Fox officials declined comment Thursday. The NRA 500 from Texas Motor Speedway will be broadcast as scheduled.

link to entire story:

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/24/13 01:56 AM

^^^heh! i don't even like nascar, but i'm going to leave the tv on just to thumb my nose at all of the "rational debate, reasonable restriction crowd!" get over it, you guys lost, and you will lose even bigger in 2014! kiss this silly debate goodbye on the federal level for a long time!


-todd uball of new mexico. new mexico is potentially a transition state and they are a swing state but they are also a gun friendly state. He got in on the obama bounce and hes going to have a fight in 2014.

-jeff merkley of oregon - oregon is a very gun friendly state despite being a left coast. They actually have state constitutional law that prohibits the cities from making more strict gun laws than the state does. He had a close election in 08 even with the obama bounce he only got in on a few points.

-tim johnson of south dakota is retiring - that seat will likely go GOP.

-jay rockefeller is retiring from west virginia - that will be a toss up seat.

-mary landreiu of louisiana is up - she's in a little better position then the others I have listed as she has been in the senate before 08 but she is in a gun friendly state. She will have a tough fight next year to keep her seat.

-carl levin of michigan is retiring - that will likely go GOP. The reality is Michigan is turning from a blue state to a red state with the population drain from detroit.

-al franken - no idea how that one will play out. he's up and he got in on a total squeaker in 08 with recounts and shit down to the wire.

-max baucus is retiring from montana - he himself is very popular there but its a ripe state for the GOP to come in now that he is leaving. Will be a toss up though because he himself is very popular. He voted against the gun legislation this year BTW.

-mark beigch of alaska. he came down to the wire in 08 and is up next year. He voted against the gun legislation as well hoping to keep his seat but its alaska so he could lose it anyway.

-also mark pryor of arkansas, very gun friendly state.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/24/13 02:47 AM

Hey Sen. Chris Murphy, If you don't want to watch the race then change the channel DUH!!
Posted By: tiger84

Re: Gun Control - 04/25/13 03:02 AM


Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 04/25/13 08:56 AM

Original geschrieben von: tiger84

Do you think you make your point stronger by typing in captal letters?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/25/13 02:54 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
Originally Posted By: tiger84

Do you think you make your point stronger by typing in captal letters?

No he thinks he makes his point stronger by horrid grammar.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/25/13 04:54 PM

tiger 84 is right though.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 12:25 PM

Posted By: Camarel

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 02:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito

Thanks for this, that was hilarious! Oliver is one of the few Brits that went to the US that i actually miss.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 03:04 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
tiger 84 is right though.

Yes far right whistle
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 03:23 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon
tiger 84 is right though.

Yes far right whistle

lol lol lol
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 03:46 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon
tiger 84 is right though.

Yes far right whistle

Nothing wrong with that!!
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 04:01 PM

Originally Posted By: tiger84


Mig: "Every citizen on the planet has a right to protect themselves (sic). Any government has no right to take guns awayfrom anyone."

You say this is right, but it is not. Lets take a citizen of Afghanistan, who happens to be a radical member of the Taliban, and lets say he is in a sniper's nest near a military base, and he has a gun. And lets also say a member of the U.S. Army sees him there.

According to the logic posted, the guy in the U.S. Army, who is a government employee has no right to take that gun from the Taliban guy because the Taliban guy is A "CITIZEN OF THE PLANET."
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 04:22 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: tiger84


Mig: "Every citizen on the planet has a right to protect themselves (sic). Any government has no right to take guns awayfrom anyone."

You say this is right, but it is not. Lets take a citizen of Afghanistan, who happens to be a radical member of the Taliban, and lets say he is in a sniper's nest near a military base, and he has a gun. And lets also say a member of the U.S. Army sees him there.

According to the logic posted, the guy in the U.S. Army, who is a government employee has no right to take that gun from the Taliban guy because the Taliban guy is A "CITIZEN OF THE PLANET."

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 04:26 PM



This one is for the people who like video posts so much... lol
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 05:59 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: tiger84


Mig: "Every citizen on the planet has a right to protect themselves (sic). Any government has no right to take guns awayfrom anyone."

You say this is right, but it is not. Lets take a citizen of Afghanistan, who happens to be a radical member of the Taliban, and lets say he is in a sniper's nest near a military base, and he has a gun. And lets also say a member of the U.S. Army sees him there.

According to the logic posted, the guy in the U.S. Army, who is a government employee has no right to take that gun from the Taliban guy because the Taliban guy is A "CITIZEN OF THE PLANET."

Was I talking about someone who lives in Afghanistan?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 06:20 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: tiger84


Mig: "Every citizen on the planet has a right to protect themselves (sic). Any government has no right to take guns awayfrom anyone."

You say this is right, but it is not. Lets take a citizen of Afghanistan, who happens to be a radical member of the Taliban, and lets say he is in a sniper's nest near a military base, and he has a gun. And lets also say a member of the U.S. Army sees him there.

According to the logic posted, the guy in the U.S. Army, who is a government employee has no right to take that gun from the Taliban guy because the Taliban guy is A "CITIZEN OF THE PLANET."

Was I talking about someone who lives in Afghanistan?

They knew what you were talking about...they just like to twist things up. frown
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/26/13 06:29 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Was I talking about someone who lives in Afghanistan?

of course you didn't, but you have to remember that when dealing with the whole "reasonable restriction crowd", these kinds of extreme scenarios are the norm, and they are to be expected. it was pretty clear to me what tiger was trying to say, but muddying the waters with examples like the afghanistan one is nothing more than a way to turn common sense on its head, and frame the debate in such a way to try and discredit the opinions of some based on extremely silly hypotheticals.

for the sake of a debate i will address the taliban scenario. of course a soldier has the right to stop a threat to himself, it boils down to self defense. this is the same argument that is so hard for so many to understand: a law abiding citizen should have the same rights to self defense. generally firearms are the most effective form of defense against hostile threats, which may include hostiles armed with a gun.
Posted By: tiger84

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 01:15 AM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon
tiger 84 is right though.

Yes far right whistle

Im about as far left as you can get.I support same sex marriage,pro choice the only right wing politics i support is guns and death penalty
Posted By: tiger84

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 01:23 AM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: tiger84


Mig: "Every citizen on the planet has a right to protect themselves (sic). Any government has no right to take guns awayfrom anyone."

You say this is right, but it is not. Lets take a citizen of Afghanistan, who happens to be a radical member of the Taliban, and lets say he is in a sniper's nest near a military base, and he has a gun. And lets also say a member of the U.S. Army sees him there.

According to the logic posted, the guy in the U.S. Army, who is a government employee has no right to take that gun from the Taliban guy because the Taliban guy is A "CITIZEN OF THE PLANET."

A taliban member with a gun is not a citizen but a member of the milatery.So your argument completley goes out the window.I think it will be good if a citizen of Afghanistan owns a gun because then they CAN defand themselves against the taliben.

And i dont give a fuck if a guy is a government employee he has no right to take anything from me because at the end of the day he is just a human being just like me and im not impressed by his title of soldier all i care about is protecting myself and myy family
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 04:57 AM

I don't think you need an automatic or even a semi automatic weapon to defend your home against intrusion. And in this day and age where government is armed to the teeth, good luck defending yourself against them, that ship sailed long time ago. Even in the civil war when government didn't have the new weapons they have today, the confederate states eventually lost the war. I think you should protect the first amendment, that's the only thing that's going to shield your from the government.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 10:30 AM

Originally Posted By: Danito

3rd and final part:

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 02:38 PM

It is called the bill of rights, not the bill of needs.

If some people feel that they don't need to have or use guns then so be it. It is simple..Don't

But, leave the rest of the people alone so we can.

You want your rights and so do we. We don't want our rights taken away or curtailed because of a few bad users or by someones fear of them.

And we sure don't like it when people are willing to give up OUR rights because they don't like something, but bitch and scream for what they want.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 02:46 PM

And I need a Cobra and an F-16. I don't see anything in the 2nd amendment that gives people the right to have automatic and semi automatic weapons or grenades or explosives or tanks. You can have your rifles and shotguns, as part of a well regulated militia, meaning you'd have to have training and know your responsibilities that comes with possessing guns.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 02:54 PM

the supreme court has already ruled on this, stating that the 2nd amendment gives us the rights to posses weapons "commonly in use at the time". why go the same route and bring jet fighters and tanks into this? nobody besides people who are against guns tend to throw that into the mix. people who claim that nobody needs a semi-auto are essentially saying nobody needs a firearm period. the vast majority of firearms are semi-auto, and the technology in well over 120 years old.

who needs a shotgun? who needs a weapon capable of firing multiple pellets with each pull of the trigger? who needs a rifle with a scope? no civilian needs a "sniper rifle"! if you can't shoot a deer without a scope, then you probably shouldn't be hunting in the first place! see how easy it is to throw out silly statements that have no merit?
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 03:01 PM

Automatic weapons are commonly used in gang shootings, war zones, etc. If someone honestly wants to protect themselves against home intrusions, they wouldn't want them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but anyone who wants to buy automatic guns is up to no good. Tell me a scenario that a shotgun doesn't take care of defending your property.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 03:13 PM

Afsaneh are you referring to semi-automatic weapons?
Or automatic weapons, which are indeed extremely restricted for legal civilian usage? In the US you can't own an automatic weapon made after 1986. And to own a weapon made before then is difficult and comes with a higher level of restriction, inspections and scrutiny.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 03:15 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Automatic weapons are commonly used in gang shootings, war zones, etc. If someone honestly wants to protect themselves against home intrusions, they wouldn't want them. Correct me if I'm wrong, but anyone who wants to buy automatic guns is up to no good. Tell me a scenario that a shotgun doesn't take care of defending your property.

no they are not. despite what you may see in hollywood, the majority of gang shootings are done with handguns. you can look it up through the fbi if you don't believe me. fully automatic firearms are highly regulated in the usa, and there have only been 2 murders committed with legally owned automatic weapons since they were heavily regulated in 1934, and one of those was a police officer. people enjoy shooting all kinds of guns, and until you have experience, its a stretch to say that everyone who might enjoy that is up to no good.

we have between 3-5 million ar-15s legally owned in this country, and the overwhelming majority are law abiding. i've went into this here before, but a shotgun is big and bulky, and depending on the load, has a very heavy recoil which makes it unsuitable for a women or man of smaller stature. on top of that, the majority of buckshot loads common for self defense have a much greater chance of penetrating walls and injuring family members, as opposed to the high velocity, lightweight 55-60 grain 5.56x45/.223 cartridge fired from an ar. hope this helps.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 03:17 PM

Both. Anything that leads to mass murder. And there has to be AK-47s made prior to '86, right? So how it could make any less damage?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 03:22 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Both. Anything that leads to mass murder. And there has to be AK-47s made prior to '86, right? So how it could make any less damage?

the 1986 ban prohibits the sale and importation of automatic weapons made before 1986, and the market is very limited as a result. to get your hands on one, you first need to live in a state which allows it. you need to go through an extensive backround check wit the atf, and pay a bunch of fees. then, you must find one for sale. due to the limited availability, the prices range from about $15,000-$20,000 for a fully automatic ak-47, as opposed to less than $1,000 for a semi-automatic variant. very unlikely that a criminal or someone planning to do something horrible would go through all that time and money!
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 03:30 PM

FF, fair point on shotguns. This is not an issue that I feel strongly about. And I really don't know much about guns. But I hope that people come to a compromise that would stop these mass murders.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 03:41 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Both. Anything that leads to mass murder. And there has to be AK-47s made prior to '86, right? So how it could make any less damage?

Machine guns, generally speaking, aren't what we're using to kill each other. If you want to buy one legally, which is difficult to do given restricted supply, you will need permission of local law enforcement, pass a more detailed federal background check, pay some higher taxes, and from what I understand agree to more intrusive federal checks on your usage of the gun, whether you still have it and so on, all without warrant. You also can't sell it or transfer it without their permission. The people that have the time, patience and resources to do all that aren't for the most part in either street or organized crime.

Semi-automatics are a different animal of course but given the sheer number of guns, the right to keep and bear arms and the cultural place that guns hold, I don't think there is any support for revoking the 2nd amendment, which is what it would take to outlaw the ownership of semi-automatic weapons.

There ought to be more focus across all levels of government on identifying how criminals get their guns and stopping that flow. I think that's something most people can agree with.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 04:13 PM

Thanks for the info Lilo.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 06:19 PM

Gee Five did you leave your a Cobra and and F-16 out again?

I sure hope you didn't leave your tank parked on the street again. You know how the neighbor's whine and whine about that. Then they throw it back in ours faces.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 06:26 PM

17 pages later and we still are trying to teach people the facts of this stuff. It just goes to show you that people don't read or don't litsen to what is being posted.... whistle

800,000 ar's sold last year alone to the people.
Someone feels that there is a need to own one! cool
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/27/13 09:15 PM

Yes, I have pistols, rifles, shotguns, AK's, AR's plus others in my home. Up to no good? Nope!!
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/28/13 04:30 AM

Sorry Mig, I meant no disrespect. But seriously, are you getting ready for a war? tongue

My mom's uncle was a hunter, and that was the only thing that I didn't like about him, otherwise he was the dearest and nearest relative to us. Personally I've not seen any gun other than air guns, and that includes the time that I spent in the US. I felt safe in B'ham, Alabama, and never felt I need a gun to protect myself.

While background checks and licensing might not have prevented the sort of Newtown massacres, still it bewilders me to find that people here are resisting the idea of regulating guns. I mean, you look at the cars, you have to have a license to drive, have to renew that on a regular basis with passing eye exams; then for the car you have to get a license plate and renew that each year, and that's just a car. Granted, I'm nervous enough while I'm driving these death machines that somehow brings out the maniac in me, and I really have no desire to live in a condition that make me feel another death machine is necessary.

PS: And I forgot the mandatory insurance for cars as well.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/28/13 03:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Yes, I have pistols, rifles, shotguns, AK's, AR's plus others in my home. Up to no good? Nope!!

Mignon, do you sometimes feel that non-gun owners just don't get it at all? They just can't understand what other people enjoy doing,and they come up with all kinds of reasons why we shouldn't have the enjoyment we do.
Maybe it is because so many people justify guns for protection, rather the the enjoyment shooting gives people. Socially in a goup, or at shooting event, or a competition, millions of Americans enjoy each year. Whether hunting or just for preparedness, gun knowledge is a skill all people should have.
Like I said 800,000 black rifles alone sold last year and hundred of thousand of other kinds of handguns also sold.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/28/13 04:08 PM

This thread is a misnomer, and is just the kind of misdirection the NRA wants. No one in his right mind is for "gun control" per se. The Supreme Court has ruled (wrongly IMHO but ruled nonetheless) that every citizen has the right to bear arms....BUT with certain limitations. Convicted felons, crazy people, etc. do NOT have this right. FS., Mig, you seem like reasonable people, who I assume have no criminal weapons...so by all means go out there and buy whatever you want. You can have a whole warehouse full of guns. I do not care. I do not want to control your right to have as many arms as you want to have. No one should. It is your business. Period.

The debate is not about whether or not we can control guns. We can... up to a point. The debate is over how we allow the distribution of guns, and whether or not safeguards can be put into place to help....I do not say insure...that some guns do not get into the wrong hands. If one cop is saved a year by such measures as closing the gun show loophole, who in his right mind could oppose this?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/28/13 04:12 PM

guns are a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors, a great way to blow off steam, an effective tool for self defense, and an enjoyable item for many to collect, and a great investment on top of everything. the same problems we have in the gun control debate are the same problems that have shown up in this thread. the people who don't own weapons, and have little to no experience with them, are the same people always calling for more restrictions based on nothing more than emotion, a lack of knowledge, and a biased media agenda.

where i live, its expensive and impractical to go shooting as much as i would like, but i still try to get out there and enjoy it as much as i'm able to. i've brought along some friends who aren't too fond of guns, or just never really gave them a second thought before, and they all had a great time, and really started looking at the issue in a whole different way, and this is after shooting only a few dozen rounds, sometimes less! cool
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/28/13 07:03 PM

It is always that slippery slope, first this then that. start with something that can't argue against then tighten things down to the next level. just like NY down from 10 t0 7- yeah right.....

Let us be real truthful here. We shouldn't be passing laws in the name of: to "save just one more person". It is a crap reason and way overused as far as I'm concern.

It is one of those cheap reasons someone pulls when they really don't have a good reason. Even the Govt, the Arm Services, Insurance companiess ect all know that it isn't worth the price to save just one more. Watch the New Obama Care and see what a life is really worth!

If you want to save thousands then band all Cigarettes for example. whistle
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/28/13 07:30 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Let us be real truthful here. We shouldn't be passing laws in the name of: to "save just one more person". It is a crap reason and way overused as far as I'm concern.It is one of those cheap reasons someone pulls when they really don't have a good reason.

couldn't agree more! nobody is happy when accidents happen, but the "if it only saves 1" argument is nothing more than a copout designed to play on emotions. there are so many "preventable" ways that we can save lives, so to pick and choose to further our own personal agendas is dishonest to say the least. the facts are that mass shootings are not the epidemic the media has made them out to be, they are a statistical anomaly.

we need to find a balance between safety and protecting the rights of the law abiding, and where we draw that line is the cause of the debate. in my opinion, the single biggest way to reduce gun violence nationwide would be to reevaluate our current drug laws, as its a fact that the overwhelming majority of our gun violence is a direct result of the illegal drug trade.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 04/28/13 09:58 PM

Original geschrieben von: fathersson

Let us be real truthful here. We shouldn't be passing laws in the name of: to "save just one more person". It is a crap reason and way overused as far as I'm concern.

I agreee with you on that. But don't you think that there are two sides?
Guns may be "a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors, a great way to blow off steam," and maybe even an effective way of self defense.
But there's the other side? And that's why I posted the Youtube video about the comparison to Australia? Doesn't it bother you that the US are the among the countries with the highest firearm related deaths among western civilisations?
Isn't it worth to take a look over the country's border to check out how they deal with a problem like that?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 03:46 AM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Sorry Mig, I meant no disrespect. But seriously, are you getting ready for a war? tongue

No worries Af's. Ya never know what the future holds. Nothing wrong with being prepared.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:07 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: Mignon
Yes, I have pistols, rifles, shotguns, AK's, AR's plus others in my home. Up to no good? Nope!!

Mignon, do you sometimes feel that non-gun owners just don't get it at all? They just can't understand what other people enjoy doing,and they come up with all kinds of reasons why we shouldn't have the enjoyment we do.
Maybe it is because so many people justify guns for protection, rather the the enjoyment shooting gives people. Socially in a goup, or at shooting event, or a competition, millions of Americans enjoy each year. Whether hunting or just for preparedness, gun knowledge is a skill all people should have.
Like I said 800,000 black rifles alone sold last year and hundred of thousand of other kinds of handguns also sold.

Exactly FS. We enjoy our guns as much as we love riding on our 4 wheelers. Sometimes we combine both. Such a thrill sitting/standing and pulling the trigger and shooting the hell out of a zombie target.

With all the layoffs to the police they aren't always around and I will not wait for them to show up when my home is being invaded by one or more crooks or my car.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:28 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
guns are a fantastic way to enjoy the outdoors, a great way to blow off steam, an effective tool for self defense, and an enjoyable item for many to collect, and a great investment on top of everything. the same problems we have in the gun control debate are the same problems that have shown up in this thread. the people who don't own weapons, and have little to no experience with them, are the same people always calling for more restrictions based on nothing more than emotion, a lack of knowledge, and a biased media agenda.

where i live, its expensive and impractical to go shooting as much as i would like, but i still try to get out there and enjoy it as much as i'm able to. i've brought along some friends who aren't too fond of guns, or just never really gave them a second thought before, and they all had a great time, and really started looking at the issue in a whole different way, and this is after shooting only a few dozen rounds, sometimes less! cool

It's not that I've not gone shooting. I shot a couple of times at my brother in law's house. I shot a coin roughly size of a dollar coin from the other end of the yard. 35-40 feet roughly. And I did it the first time. It just needs a steady hand, good eyesight and as Jon Stewart said, "a finger." lol So what? It was not my cup of tea. I could see people enjoying shooting, as I have interests that many don't share.

Still I want to hear why NRA does everything to prevent a database of weapons and sales. As I said, everyone still drives a car, though it's heavily regulated, and bear in mind that cars are not primarily for killing. Guns are for killing when all is said and done. So what's the problem with regulating guns?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 11:38 AM

Well it is simple....maybe you should search the NRA website and hear what they have to say.

Even tho they are the largest group on Guns and Gun rights,(voice) they are still are not the overseer for gun owners. Still many people join or donated to it to stop unwanted controls put on them. And since this all started....Miliions have joined or poured in money.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 12:10 PM

So what about you FS? I'm assuming you are against licensing, mandatory training and gun regulations as well?
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 12:30 PM

This is pretty obvious, but I think this administration and in general democrats have no chance to get any gun regulations done, no matter how bad the next massacre is going to be. With this political climate that roughly half the country thinks an apocalypse is upon them, or that their president is a Muslim socialist or that they fear the collapse of the economy, they wouldn't be willing to give any control over their guns to the government. If gun control is to happen, it might happen at a time that republicans are in power, economy is pretty strong and these massacres hit a bit closer to home for some of NRA lobbyists.

All in all, gun culture might go out of date, as it did in many other countries. You look at everything else and there's heavy regulation, be it smoking indoors to food and drugs to many environmental issues, but in the middle of this heavily regulated society, gun ownership goes rampant. It just doesn't make sense to go on like this. People would have to see this when they are more comfortable with their government, when they are not this divided to the far left and the far right.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 01:21 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
It is always that slippery slope, first this then that. start with something that can't argue against then tighten things down to the next level. just like NY down from 10 t0 7- yeah right.....

Let us be real truthful here. We shouldn't be passing laws in the name of: to "save just one more person". It is a crap reason and way overused as far as I'm concern.

It is one of those cheap reasons someone pulls when they really don't have a good reason. Even the Govt, the Arm Services, Insurance companiess ect all know that it isn't worth the price to save just one more. Watch the New Obama Care and see what a life is really worth!

If you want to save thousands then band all Cigarettes for example. whistle

You have finally shown your true, illogical colors. By your reasoning there should be no dirver's lecenses, no helmuts for motor cycles, no pilots licenses, just anarchy. FS is an anarchist!
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 01:21 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
So what about you FS? I'm assuming you are against licensing, mandatory training and gun regulations as well?
\\Exactly. He is an anarchist.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 03:54 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
This is pretty obvious, but I think this administration and in general democrats have no chance to get any gun regulations done, no matter how bad the next massacre is going to be.

Why is that? They know how Americans feel about the issue and they want to keep their job come mid terms.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:09 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: fathersson
It is always that slippery slope, first this then that. start with something that can't argue against then tighten things down to the next level. just like NY down from 10 t0 7- yeah right.....

Let us be real truthful here. We shouldn't be passing laws in the name of: to "save just one more person". It is a crap reason and way overused as far as I'm concern.

It is one of those cheap reasons someone pulls when they really don't have a good reason. Even the Govt, the Arm Services, Insurance companiess ect all know that it isn't worth the price to save just one more. Watch the New Obama Care and see what a life is really worth!

If you want to save thousands then band all Cigarettes for example. whistle

You have finally shown your true, illogical colors. By your reasoning there should be no dirver's lecenses, no helmuts for motor cycles, no pilots licenses, just anarchy. FS is an anarchist!

DT are you married?

Do you own / ride a motorcycle?

Do you own/fly a plane?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:22 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
So what about you FS? I'm assuming you are against licensing, mandatory training and gun regulations as well?

I have a CC license issued and approved by New York State which was also approved by a judge. I have taken the mandatory training and classes to obtain my license and also many hours of training (by Choice) with the local Police, State Police and ATF Departments and several special classes. I am at the range several times a month to kieep my skills up. You must have read all this in earlier posts in this thread.

What would DT logic tel you about MY thoughts?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:23 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
So what about you FS? I'm assuming you are against licensing, mandatory training and gun regulations as well?
\\Exactly. He is an anarchist.

Yes, one that goes to Mass about five times a week! cool
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:28 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
I have a CC license issued and approved by New York State which was also approved by a judge. I have taken the mandatory training and classes to obtain my license and also many hours of training (by Choice) with the local Police, State Police and ATF Departments and several special classes. I am at the range several times a month to kieep my skills up. You must have read all this in earlier posts in this thread.

What would DT logic tel you about MY thoughts?

No, I just joined the debate and have not read the whole thing yet. But this is what the state of NY requires you to do, I just asked for your own position when you said people donate money to NRA to push for reducing the current regulations as well.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:31 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
This is pretty obvious, but I think this administration and in general democrats have no chance to get any gun regulations done, no matter how bad the next massacre is going to be.

Why is that? They know how Americans feel about the issue and they want to keep their job come mid terms.

Not really, dems voted in the senate for the bill, but since 60 vote is required, the bill didn't go through. If it was up to majority of the senate that is democrats, the bill would've passed.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:39 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
I have a CC license issued and approved by New York State which was also approved by a judge. I have taken the mandatory training and classes to obtain my license and also many hours of training (by Choice) with the local Police, State Police and ATF Departments and several special classes. I am at the range several times a month to kieep my skills up. You must have read all this in earlier posts in this thread.

What would DT logic tel you about MY thoughts?

No, I just joined the debate and have not read the whole thing yet. But this is what the state of NY requires you to do, I just asked for your own position when you said people donate money to NRA to push for reducing the current regulations as well.

NO I said Still many people join or donated to it to stop unwanted controls put on them
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:41 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
NO I said Still many people join or donated to it to stop unwanted controls put on them

And what's unwanted control in your opinion?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:43 PM

The "unwanted controls" are gontrols on people, not on guns. It is the NRA which claims people kill people, not guns, hence the flawed logic. We are not talking about "gun control" we are talking about "people control."

If I don't want car insurance or a driver's license, I can still drive a car until I get caught. Sometimes people need to be controlled. This is especially true when it comes to dangerous instrumentalities.

Why is this so hard to grasp? It isn't. The NRA and its apologists are simply intellectually dishonest as well as morally bankrupt.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:49 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The "unwanted controls" are gontrols on people, not on guns. It is the NRA which claims people kill people, not guns, hence the flawed logic. We are not talking about "gun control" we are talking about "people control."

If I don't want car insurance or a driver's license, I can still drive a car until I get caught. Sometimes people need to be controlled. This is especially true when it comes to dangerous instrumentalities.

Why is this so hard to grasp? It isn't. The NRA and its apologists are simply intellectually dishonest as well as morally bankrupt.

Your Logic is twisted and often wrong- Call DR Sock down to help you. cool

DT what is it that you do for a living and lets not be twisted in the answer there....
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:55 PM

It's an odd fact that the NRA at one time was the biggest supporter of gun control laws in the country, having argued for and helped to draft federal legislation in the 1930s excluding certain firearms from public ownership. The NRA shifted its focus and has become outspoken in the 1970s and 1980s, obfuscating the Second Amendment.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 04:59 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
NO I said Still many people join or donated to it to stop unwanted controls put on them

And what's unwanted control in your opinion?

DT will try and give you logic that I am against all controls, and would want a lawless world by his twisting things.... lol
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 05:07 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
NO I said Still many people join or donated to it to stop unwanted controls put on them

And what's unwanted control in your opinion?

DT will try and give you logic that I am against all controls, and would want a lawless world by his twisting things.... lol

I asked you a question, not DT's opinion about you. If you are not comfortable to answer that, say so. But please don't include me in a passive aggressive behavior. It is frankly unbecoming.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 04/29/13 07:10 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
NO I said Still many people join or donated to it to stop unwanted controls put on them

And what's unwanted control in your opinion?

DT will try and give you logic that I am against all controls, and would want a lawless world by his twisting things.... lol

I asked you a question, not DT's opinion about you. If you are not comfortable to answer that, say so. But please don't include me in a passive aggressive behavior. It is frankly unbecoming.

I am so glad that I don't have to jump to answwer your questions...and please save the Psychology for someone else. lol
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 04:28 PM

I think that what the NRA and many gun owners don't like about the "Universal" background checks and stricter control is that we don't want the Government to create a database so that at some time in the future they could come confiscate our guns like in nazi Germany. IN THE MILIARY we were told that one reason enemies were afraid to invade USA is because of the privately held guns. I have had a CC license for 45 years both in NY and NC. I just went to renew it and had to complete a lengthy series of forms and will once again be investigated. Not long ago I bought a shotgun at the dreaded gun show and guess what? my background was checked. All they need to do is enforce the existing laws and start cracking down on thugs via stop and frisk. They are afraid of Attorneys and afraid to enforce the law because the police are handcuffed by politicians, the aclu and others. Just my opinion
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 04:39 PM

I just dread the day I open the door and the Feds are there to take my guns away. They'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands I tell you.


Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 04:43 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
Not long ago I bought a shotgun at the dreaded gun show and guess what? my background was checked.

but wait, msnbc says they don't check backrounds at gun shows, and rather than do a bit of research on my own, i just assumed that what they said was true, especially considering it plays right into my own personal agenda. are you saying that the media might not report the whole truth when it suites them? i'm both shocked and disgusted! by the way, i tried to buy a firearm on the internet the other day, and much to my dismay, i was unable to purchase one without going through an ffl dealer, which also requires a backround check. i guess they got that one wrong as well! shhh
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 04:44 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
FF, fair point on shotguns. This is not an issue that I feel strongly about. And I really don't know much about guns. But I hope that people come to a compromise that would stop these mass murders.

If you don't know much about guns, you shouldn't be in this argument. Go get educated and trained on firearms and then you will have a little credibility
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 04:59 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
I think that what the NRA and many gun owners don't like about the "Universal" background checks and stricter control is that we don't want the Government to create a database so that at some time in the future they could come confiscate our guns like in nazi Germany. IN THE MILIARY we were told that one reason enemies were afraid to invade USA is because of the privately held guns. I have had a CC license for 45 years both in NY and NC. I just went to renew it and had to complete a lengthy series of forms and will once again be investigated. Not long ago I bought a shotgun at the dreaded gun show and guess what? my background was checked. All they need to do is enforce the existing laws and start cracking down on thugs via stop and frisk. They are afraid of Attorneys and afraid to enforce the law because the police are handcuffed by politicians, the aclu and others. Just my opinion

Since the [proposed legislation makes it a felony to create a database, I guess you dont have a problem then.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 05:01 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: bigboy
Not long ago I bought a shotgun at the dreaded gun show and guess what? my background was checked.

but wait, msnbc says they don't check backrounds at gun shows, and rather than do a bit of research on my own, i just assumed that what they said was true, especially considering it plays right into my own personal agenda. are you saying that the media might not report the whole truth when it suites them? i'm both shocked and disgusted! by the way, i tried to buy a firearm on the internet the other day, and much to my dismay, i was unable to purchase one without going through an ffl dealer, which also requires a backround check. i guess they got that one wrong as well! shhh
The law is that they dont have to do checks at all gun shows. This is different than some story you have about a gun show that did check your background.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 05:23 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
This is different than some story you have about a gun show that did check your background.

laws are different from state to state, and you shouldn't just dismiss somebody's real-world experience because it bothers you. there are a few people in this thread who seem almost blind, and unwilling to learn anything that they disagree with. i've posed this question to you before, but much like anything that you disagree with, you choose to ignore it. here it is again: how many gun shows have you been to? are you familiar with the format, because it sure doesn't seem like it.

i have been to a few, and from my real-world experience, not what tv tells me, this is the general setup: its basically just a series of booths set up by both firearms manufactures and as well as distributors, like local gunshops and websites. both of these groups are required to have an ffl, and thus, are required to do a backround check on all firearms purchases. now, depending on state law, private sales may go down, and they do, but its pretty rare, and they are usually discouraged. its no different than any other private sale in a state in which those sales are already allowed. also, i've addressed the internet sales many times in this thread, but many of you still seem to be sure that you can just buy a weapon no questions asked and have it shipped to your house.

its all not even really worth arguing about for the simple fact that the legislation is dead in the water, and its unlikely to see the light of day for some time. blame it on the evil bloodthirsty nra all you want, but they speak for millions of law abiding americans, despite what some silly poll of a few thousand people might have you believe. the nra does alot of good, they are one of the biggest proponents and financial supporter of firearms safety classes that so many people seem to advocate. if you guys despise the nra so much, the simple solution is to donate some of your own money to the brady campaign or the wet dream organisation of that silly authoritarian dope from nyc, mayors against illegal(all) guns.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 05:38 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
I think that what the NRA and many gun owners don't like about the "Universal" background checks and stricter control is that we don't want the Government to create a database so that at some time in the future they could come confiscate our guns like in nazi Germany. IN THE MILIARY we were told that one reason enemies were afraid to invade USA is because of the privately held guns.

What happened in Nazi Germany?

Why did someone in the military tell you that? That doesn't make any sense. The Soviet Union was the only nation with any strategic capability to invade the United States and such an action certainly would be deterred by the US's nuclear capability. Why would even one reason that the Soviet Union declined to invade the US be because of tactical weapons in citizen hands?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 05:57 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
What happened in Nazi Germany?

the nazi's systematically disarmed an entire race of people and then wiped them out. more than likely it would have happened either way, but at the very least the jews would have been able to take some of them down with them. i'm not going to argue that that's the path that we are going down now, but the gun control argument is the best case imo for the whole "slippery slope" argument. with regards to the gun control debate, that AA saying always rings true with me, no matter what side you are on:"one is way too many, 1000 is never enough." no matter how much all forms of violent crime has fallen, 49% according to the fbi over the last 20 years, there is a certain segment of the population who will never be satisfied with the amount of restrictions, until all of the legal guns are gone.

the reasons for this are many, but a common theme seems to be a lack of education about firearms and the current restrictions already in place, and just not liking guns period. it boggles my mind why someone whouldn't want to have a means of protection independent from the police for themselves and their families these days, just in case. to each his own, but just remember that however unlikely, bad things happen to good people, and it often takes more than a sharp wit to get yourself out of the situation. thank god we still live in a country where people are allowed the common-sense right to self-defense, and i will make full use of mine, thank you!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 06:09 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: olivant
What happened in Nazi Germany?

the nazi's systematically disarmed an entire race of people and then wiped them out.

Oh, I thought your intention was to represent that Nazi Germany disarmed all Germans.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 06:15 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
oh, I thought your intention was to represent that Nazi Germany disarmed all Germans.

this seems to be a common theme with you. if somebody makes a mistake, and then owns up to it, you still love to hold it above them like some master of knowledge. despite the way some may treat you on here, you are not the master of all things, and i'm sure that you have made mistakes before. with me, my ego isn't so inflated that i'm unwilling to admit a mistake on an an anonymous message board. if i'm wrong, incorrect, or just confused about something and somebody is there to correct me, great i just learned something.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 06:51 PM

It seems to me that the argument against restrictions comes down to two things:

1. Paranoia - it's a slippery slope that will end when all the guns are taken away, plus people who want more regulations will lead us down the same road that the Nazis led the Jews.

2. Don't take away my fun - it's fun to shoot up stuff.

I would never, ever want to take away someone's right to defend themselves and their property or to hunt for food and/or pleasure. However, there are certain weapons which were developed for use by the military. Their only reason for existence is to wipe out as many human beings as possible in as short a timeframe as possible. Those weapons should not be allowed in civilian hands - be it the actual weapons or high-capacity magazines, for example.

These same arguments can be made over and over and over and over. Nobody is going to listen if their minds are made up, not on either side.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 07:15 PM

it seems to me that the argument FOR restrictions comes down to 2 things...

#1 nobody is coming for your guns, we believe in the 2nd amendment (at least the constant erosion of it). we are just proposing reasonable restrictions, one step at a time, or as much as we can push for by exploiting whatever tragedy we feel like.

#2 we don't own any guns, so the reality is we don't give a shit if all of the weapons were taken away tomorrow. we only care about the rights that are important to us, rather than having a broader understanding that all rights are important and should be protected equally.

people say they are for your rights to self defense, but then again at the same time will tell you that X, Y, or Z weapons are not needed for self defense, despite not knowing anything about the weapons in question, or your own personal set of circumstances that might make one weapon a better choice for you personally.

there is a huge segment of the population unwilling to look at the big picture: violent crime has been on a steady and substancial decline for a long time now, and the country is safer as a whole than its ever been. i shouldn't lose my rights because of a few random crazy people no matter what we are talking about. for those of you who will counter with the usual "nobody is taking away your guns/rights", here's a newflash: calling for me to not be able to posses a certain class of weapons is most certainly taking away my rights. if we follow that twisted logic, as long as i'm able to own a musket, then my 2nd amendment rights aren't being infringed apon, right? confused what certain people are unable to grasp is that, much to their dismay, there is no way to legislate away craziness!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 07:50 PM

And I find that people who bring up the 2nd Amendment often forget these three little words - "Well-regulated militia". Also, while the Supreme Court upheld that the 2nd Amendment guaranteed citizens the right to bear arms, it also said that doesn't mean they can carry any weapon they want for any reason they want. In other words, it doesn't promise that there won't be restrictions on the types of weapons the law allows.

Although I have asked this question over and over again, nobody seems to want to answer it. The US is one of the leaders in the world re: annual number of gun deaths per 100,000 people. Is it because of our gun laws or are we a more inherently violent people? Do we change the psychology of the country or the control on such weapons?

For example, in this chart, it compares the number of gun deaths in the US to those of other countries - France, Spain, Germany, Italy, India, Iceland, The Netherlands, the UK, Sweden, Austria, Australia, Portugal, Sweden, Israel, Czech Republic and several more. If you added up the number of deaths in all the other countries combined, you would not equal the number of gun deaths in the US. So, again, is it because we are a more violent or pathologically ill population, or do these countries have more restrictions? I don't know the answer, I don't even have a hypothesis, but whatever we're doing now is not working.

Gun deaths in the US vs. other countries
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 08:17 PM

some people also forget to mention these few words, "shall not be infringed". people can debate the meaning of the 2nd amendment all day long, and opposing viewpoints are going to be a constant. here it is... "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." notice the comma, a way of seperating different parts of a sentence. we can debate the well regulated part, but its pretty obvious to me that was referring to the militia. we can then debate the whole militia thing, and many are going to claim that constitutes the national guard. i don't see it that way, but whatever.

as for that chart, it would be more accurate if they included all murders. i'm not saying we still wouldn't be right near the top, but people who are so often focused on simply gun violence and murders seem to ignore other forms of violence. it also seems to conveniently leave out every single other country with a high firearms related death rate such as mexico, russia, brazil, south africa ect. they do this under the cover of "civilized western culture", but the sad fact is that the US is hardly a country that isn't severely effected by 3rd world problems common to the other countries i mentioned. crime, poverty and lack of opportunity are still at epidemic levels here, most often effecting the urban communities the most, which is suprisingly where the highest levels of gun violence occur.

our country is a diverse one born and bred on violence, and thats something that is hard to change quickly. our country is also home to the most diverse criminal groups, be it organized or street gangs. my solution to lower the gun violence is pretty simple. first, stop with all of the phony foreign aid until all of our economic and social problems over here are fixed! second, its time to re-evaluate the modern day disaster known as the war on drugs. regardless of your position on the gun debate, i don't think that there is anybody here who would argue that the illegal drugs trade is not responsible for the overwhelming majority of the gun violence, and just violence in general here.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 04/30/13 10:31 PM

One of the cynical arguments that Senate members recently invoked in ducking their responsibility to enact stronger gun controls was that the government first needed to enforce laws already on the books. The hollow, Catch-22 reality of this position has been underlined by a new inspector general’s report pointing out that a severely understaffed and under financed federal firearms agency failed to inspect nearly 60 percent of the nation’s 125,000 licensed gun dealers in the last five years.

The report did not point out that Congressional opponents, obeisant to the gun lobby’s demands, have imposed various hobbles on the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives to impede its performance. A 1986 law, for example, generally bans the bureau from making more than one unannounced inspection a year at a gun shop. Congress has made it more difficult to revoke the licenses of offending dealers, a process that can now take up to three years. Senate Republicans have repeatedly blocked White House efforts to name a new director of the bureau, and Congress has denied the agency the right to a central database to better track crime-scene weapons.

One result is that suspect gun dealers who fail to comply with such basic law as buyer background checks go undetected “for many years,” a time in which they continue to sell guns, the report noted. A particularly alarming problem is the inability to track 174,679 firearms reported missing or stolen from gun dealers’ inventories from 2004 through 2011, a lucrative channel into the black market that should be a red flag about unscrupulous dealers.

President Obama requested more federal funds to bolster the staff and efficiency of the firearms bureau. Public safety, however, has not counted for much in the face of gun lobby mendacity and Congressional timidity.


Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 05/01/13 12:10 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
some people also forget to mention these few words, "shall not be infringed". people can debate the meaning of the 2nd amendment all day long, and opposing viewpoints are going to be a constant. here it is... "A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." notice the comma, a way of seperating different parts of a sentence. we can debate the well regulated part, but its pretty obvious to me that was referring to the militia. we can then debate the whole militia thing, and many are going to claim that constitutes the national guard. i don't see it that way, but whatever.

The terms "regulated," "militia" and "firearms" carried different, but specific meanings at the time the Second Amendment was debated, worded, and reworded at the Constitutional Convention. The Amendment bears language from several of the states at the time, reflecting compromise. Some states had language in their constitutions at the time that citizens had the right to own firearms for individual defense, but the Founding Fathers decided not to include this in the Amendment though it had been considered.

Not until the 5-4 decision in Heller in 2008 was it ever considered that the Constitution protected an individual right to gun ownership. Prior to that it was the conservative jurists, who primarily opposed this concept as straying from original intent. In fact, during the Heller litigation the NRA tried to persuade the plaintiff from dropping his suit against D.C. because even though they argued for an individual right, they felt that precedent and historical interpretation of the Second Amendment would result in a bad result and make unwanted law.

But keep in mind that the Heller decision, while finding an individual right to gun ownership, does not extend to any right to own assault style weapons, which had previously been banned.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/01/13 07:37 AM

First, there's no denying that all individual rights are important. Some of us just don't have the interest to champion them all. There's enough people with such interests to do so. I don't see gun ownership having no voice here or in general for that matter in the whole country.

Second, personal freedoms are sacred until it endangers other people's right. For instance, people have the right not to get shot in the movie theater, wouldn't you agree?

Third, there's a national database for cars, all sort of licensing, mandatory insurances and the like. Has it eroded the people's right to drive? Or has it become more manageable and safer? Wouldn't you say that this resistance toward such measures is more about taking advantage of paranoia than anything else? For instance if NRA doesn't cry wolf while undermining the laws that are already in place, would gun owners pour money into their cause?

And finally, even if you have all the guns in the world, you are no match for your government. Don't go about thinking that having the right to bear arms would protect you from your government. What's protecting you from your government is first and foremost the 1st amendment.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/01/13 12:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
This is different than some story you have about a gun show that did check your background.

laws are different from state to state, and you shouldn't just dismiss somebody's real-world experience because it bothers you. there are a few people in this thread who seem almost blind, and unwilling to learn anything that they disagree with. i've posed this question to you before, but much like anything that you disagree with, you choose to ignore it. here it is again: how many gun shows have you been to? are you familiar with the format, because it sure doesn't seem like it.

i have been to a few, and from my real-world experience, not what tv tells me, this is the general setup: its basically just a series of booths set up by both firearms manufactures and as well as distributors, like local gunshops and websites. both of these groups are required to have an ffl, and thus, are required to do a backround check on all firearms purchases. now, depending on state law, private sales may go down, and they do, but its pretty rare, and they are usually discouraged. its no different than any other private sale in a state in which those sales are already allowed. also, i've addressed the internet sales many times in this thread, but many of you still seem to be sure that you can just buy a weapon no questions asked and have it shipped to your house.

its all not even really worth arguing about for the simple fact that the legislation is dead in the water, and its unlikely to see the light of day for some time. blame it on the evil bloodthirsty nra all you want, but they speak for millions of law abiding americans, despite what some silly poll of a few thousand people might have you believe. the nra does alot of good, they are one of the biggest proponents and financial supporter of firearms safety classes that so many people seem to advocate. if you guys despise the nra so much, the simple solution is to donate some of your own money to the brady campaign or the wet dream organisation of that silly authoritarian dope from nyc, mayors against illegal(all) guns.

Five, you have shown more then once that you know what you are talking about. Great job TRYING to talk about these things in a calm and factual manner.

I am afraid that you are wasting your time with some on here who know very little and are just looking to puff you with dumb statements and personal opinions which are not backed by real facts but by personal feeling.

It seems like we are going around and around on the same facts, with people who bring up the same lame points over and over again...never reading your answers. Then trying weird logic to justify their points. Picking at ever word and twisting things from white to black when someone misstates something.

Giving up millions and millions of great Gun owners rights because of as few bad apples or events.
Major experts have told the public what the real facts are on these issues, but it falls upon deaf ears and closed minds.

Facts, real facts by people who know something, not some trumped up facts. Polls that don't factor in populations and amount of gun ownsership is so misleading. Sure lets load up all the countries that have no guns allowed like the UK and small poor nations with people who don't have crap.
Means nothing unless you like what they say. Compare apples to apples would help more.

Anyway- Five great Job!
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/01/13 12:55 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: bigboy
I think that what the NRA and many gun owners don't like about the "Universal" background checks and stricter control is that we don't want the Government to create a database so that at some time in the future they could come confiscate our guns like in nazi Germany. IN THE MILIARY we were told that one reason enemies were afraid to invade USA is because of the privately held guns.

What happened in Nazi Germany?

Why did someone in the military tell you that? That doesn't make any sense. The Soviet Union was the only nation with any strategic capability to invade the United States and such an action certainly would be deterred by the US's nuclear capability. Why would even one reason that the Soviet Union declined to invade the US be because of tactical weapons in citizen hands?

I did not mean to imply that privately held guns was the sole reason the were worried about us. Naturally our missiles Etc is a deterrent, but they realized it would be tough getting ambushed by American citizens once here. Why did the military tell me this??? In the Army there are periodic intelligence briefings done to keep us up to date on the international situation and information gained from intelligence operations is shared.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/01/13 03:19 PM

Originally Posted By: klydon1

But keep in mind that the Heller decision, while finding an individual right to gun ownership, does not extend to any right to own assault style weapons, which had previously been banned.

K, you are well repected on many of your thoughts and "law" reviews,

Did it read/have the word STYLE....because as we have talked about hundreds of times before. AUTOMATIC Assult weapons are not the same as the one people are talking about now. But are mixed up by fools and talks of owning cobras and atomic bombs.

and as you well know the last ban expired and was NOT renewed because it was found to have no effect at all.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/01/13 05:18 PM

I guess all those law enforcement types who favor background checks (NOT Gun Control) don't know what they are talking about.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/01/13 05:45 PM

The argument about the 1938 gun law in Nazi Germany appears time and again in these discussions.
In fact, after 1928 gun restrictions had been loosened. So it became easier for radical militia like the SA to get their hands on guns.
In 1938 the Nazis made it easier for every citizen to purchase guns. Jews hadn't been considered citizens anymore. So you could argue that the new law made it impossible for them to initiate a revolt or something similar. But that had become very improbable. In fact, there was hardly any jewish resistance. Anyway, this is the slippery What-if-field in history.
The fact remains that the toughest gun law was in the Weimar Republic between 1918 and 1928.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/01/13 06:19 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
I guess all those law enforcement types who favor background checks (NOT Gun Control) don't know what they are talking about.

Well, lets see who they are then. Would love to put an expert name to your statement.

I see you like to keep throwing this up...We already have checks here in NEW YORK STATE and many other states, but it is thrown around like "Checks" are the big crime stopper. More like the answer if they aren't going to ban all those scary rifles....lets feel safe and do background checks.

You do understand that a background check no matter how many you do is not going to keep a gun from a crimal right?

FBI states that 9 out 0f 10 weapons used are stolen or not register to people

Excuse me- to the right people- smile
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 05/01/13 07:51 PM

Twenty years ago, in the Clinton era, Congress passed two far-reaching gun control bills--mandated Federal background check for handgun purchases, and a 10-year ban on importation and sale of so-called "assault" weapons and large-capacity magazines. The precipitating event--the Reagan and Brady shootings--occurred more than a decade earlier.

This time, with the CT horror still fresh in most people's minds, the Senate failed to pass a much less sweeping expansion of background checks--and another ban on specific weapons didn't even make it into the bill. What happened? First, Obama's no Clinton--he's close to being the most ineffectual president since Carter. Second, probably more Americans have embraced the idea that guns aren't the problem--it's the people who misuse them or shouldn't have them. So, why didn't the background check expansion pass? Probably because, over the past 20 years, far more Americans either have lost faith in their government to solve problems rationally, or are convinced that Big Brother is scheming to take away their rights.

My view: although expanded background checks would not have prevented the CT horror, they might--just might--prevent some people who shouldn't have firearms from buying them. As a law-abiding gun owner and a CCW holder, I would not have objected to submitting to a background check at a gun show.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/02/13 09:13 PM

After the defeat of the Manchin-Toomey background-check bill, and the subsequent demonization of the Senate, Senators Manchin and Toomey are reportedly back at work on bipartisan legislation addressing gun control. John R. Lott, author of the new book At the Brink, who has been researching gun policy for decades, talks about the state of the debate with National Review Online’s Kathryn Jean Lopez.

Kathryn Jean Lopez: Gabby Giffords has accused the Senate of being in the grips of the gun lobby. Is there another explanation for the defeat of the Manchin-Toomey bill?

JOHN R. LOTT: Yes, there is. The politicians were simply representing the voters in their districts.

The accusation that politicians were attempting to please the gun lobby at the expense of their constituents, which is based on the oft-repeated assertion that 80 to 90 percent of the public say they favor background checks, is simply not credible. The survey questions on which this statistic is based proved nothing more than that respondents wished to disarm criminals. The questions posed were about a hypothetical, idealized system of background checks, not about the actual legislation facing Congress.

A better survey was recently released by the Pew Research Center. It asked: “What word best describes how you feel about the Senate voting down new gun control legislation that included background checks on gun purchases?” Many voters were upset that the bill didn’t pass, but a very substantial group were relieved. Overall, 47 percent were disappointed and 39 percent were relieved. Not surprisingly, opinions varied drastically across political affiliation. Among Republicans, 51 percent were relieved and 34 percent were disappointed. Among independents, the split was 48 percent relieved and 41 disappointed. In sharp contrast, only 22 percent of Democrats were relieved, while 67 percent were disappointed.

These numbers show that Republican senators were representing their constituents’ views. The Democratic voters who supported the legislation were never going to support Republicans in any event.

Lopez: What’s wrong with the Manchin-Toomey bill?

LOTT: Senator Joe Manchin got it backwards this past weekend when he told Fox News Sunday: “If you’re a law-abiding gun owner, you’ll love this bill. If you’re a criminal, if you’ve been mentally adjudicated through a court, you probably won’t like it.” On the contrary, the current background-check system is one in which law-abiding citizens, not criminals, are delayed needlessly. Expanding background checks and adding millions more names to this system will just make this problem worse. The current system needs to be fixed before being expanded.

Unfortunately, if you believe Senator Manchin, the New York Times, Vice President Joe Biden, and Senator Harry Reid, the Senate will be voting on the Manchin-Toomey bill again before the end of the year.

The bill doesn’t live up to its lofty promises. In the days before the vote, President Obama asserted: “As many as 40 percent of all gun purchases take place without a background check.” He also claimed that “background checks have kept more than 2 million dangerous people from buying a gun.” But both stats are false.

Start with the 40 percent figure. That number (which is actually 36 percent) comes from a very small study covering purchases from 1991 to 1994. Not only are those data two decades old, but they covered sales before the federal Brady Act took effect on February 28, 1994. That act required federally licensed dealers to perform background checks.

And what is more, President Obama conveniently forgets that the researchers included transfers, not just guns sold, in this number. Most significantly, the vast majority of these transfers involved within-family inheritances and gifts. Counting only guns that were sold gives a very different perspective, with only 14 percent of sales not going through federally licensed dealers.

But even that number is much too high, as there were biases in the survey. For example, two-thirds of federally licensed dealers at the time were so-called kitchen-table dealers who sold guns out of their homes, and most buyers surveyed were probably unaware that these individuals were indeed licensed.

The survey also found that all gun-show sales went through federally licensed dealers. If Obama really trusts this survey, he should stop raging about the “gun-show loophole.”

The truth is that the databases the government uses to determine eligibility for gun purchases are rife with errors. This is the same problem we’ve experienced with the “no fly” list. Remember the five times that the late senator Ted Kennedy was “initially denied” flights because his name was on the list? His name was similar to that of someone we really did want to keep from flying. By Obama’s method of counting, that means the “no fly” list stopped five flights by terrorists.

So do background checks catch many criminals? The answer is: No. Almost everybody the system catches is a “false positive” — somebody who actually has a right to own a gun.

For gun purchases, the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives dropped over 94 percent of “initial denials” after just the first preliminary review. The annual National Instant Criminal Background Check System report explains that these cases were dropped either because the additional information showed that the wrong people had been stopped or because the covered offenses were so many decades old that the government decided not to prosecute. At least a fifth of the remaining 6 percent were still false positives.

More here

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/02/13 09:48 PM

This post in another forum says some interesting things:

A whole lot of folks don't seem to understand what a Right is. Nor do they understand the function and purpose of the Constitution and Bill of Rights.

The Constitution and Bill of Rights are essentially rules for the government defining what it cannot do. These founding documents do not grant any rights nor do they impose any rules or laws on the People. They are a set of controls on the Federal government.

A Right is not granted by the government or any human. The founders were Christian so they wrote that "our creator" grants rights. If you don't believe in God, a Right is something you have by default of your existence.

For example - you have the freedom worship as you see fit. Not because the governement allows it. The BOR simply states that the governement cannot dictate how people worship. In fact, a Right applies to all humans - not just Americans.

Same thing with freedom of speech, right to due process and the right to bear arms. The Right to bear arms is very specific about what the government can't do - it says "...shall not be infringed". That's pretty strong language compared to the other amendments.

Of course, if it's not mentioned in the Constitution it's left up to the states. Why do you suppose that is?

It is because we have the right to interstate travel. Leaving other issues up to the states keeps the control with the people. Let's say you have a certain set of beliefs and your state's population decides to pass laws that disagree with those beliefs. You can simply move to a state where the populace is like minded.

However, if the Federal government makes laws that apply to all the states, the populace would have no way to escape it. This is why state rights is so critical to freedom.

Every law pertaining to regulating guns is unconstitutional. Period.

Let me preempt the gun grabbers by disecting their inevitable arguments with regard to this fact.

1. "The BOR says a 'well regulated militia' so that means regulations and an organized government run military".

Nope. Further reading of a variety of sources from the founders including the Federalist Papers expand greatly on what that language means and the purpose of the 2nd amendment. When the BOR was written, "regulated" did not mean "controlled by government". It meant "properly trained and disciplined". The word "militia" does not refer to a government entity - in fact, it means exactly the opposite. A militia is made up of volunteer citizens working together independent of the government.

2. The Heller Decision maintains that the right to bear arms has limitations"

While the SC did rule this way, one must understand the way the SC's role has "evolved" over time. The Supreme Court was created to ensure the Constituion was upheld. However, in the last 50 years or so, we have seen the rise of a politically driven SC that "interprets" the Constitution.

Since the SC is completely in the wrong to even rule on whether or not a Right can be limited (remember, by definition, a Right is not granted by humans or governement - therefore a Right cannot be regulated, limited or otherwise abridged by any court) the use of the Heller decision to defend limits on freedom is null.

The framers were not perfect, nor were they omnipotent. They were brilliant men who came from a place of government oppression. This intimate knowledge of how governments become dictatorships was first hand knowledge. They were also very studied in the ways of history.

This is how they could, in a sense, see the future. The concepts in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights are timeless. While we have many more ways to express ourselves, our Right to free speech is the same as it always has been.

No matter if we are yelling from rooftops or broadcasting by satellite. Our right to defend ourselves from enemies foreign or domestic has no expiration stamp whether we are using rocks tied to bones or modern weaponry.

Get this straight and decisions are simple.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 05/03/13 12:26 AM

The hubby recently bought a .338 Lapua from the internet. He used one of his fav gun stores as a ffl dealer. They did a check on him just like they always do every time he buys a gun.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 05/03/13 12:46 AM

"Every law pertaining to regulating guns is unconstitutional. Period. "

Well I guess that settles that. Anyone who believes this doesn't know his or her legal and constitutional history.

Just about every right can be and has been regulated, including the right to bear arms.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 05/03/13 01:30 AM


A Libertarian Case for Expanding Gun Background Checks


LAST week, senators blocked a compromise measure that would have compelled unlicensed sellers at gun shows and online gun sellers to conduct background checks, despite polls that showed that 90 percent of the public supported the idea.

I’m a libertarian who played a role in reducing handgun restrictions in the nation’s capital. In 2008, in a landmark case I helped initiate, Heller v. District of Columbia, the Supreme Court declared for the first time that the Second Amendment protected an individual’s right to bear arms.

But the stonewalling of the background check proposal was a mistake, both politically and substantively. Following a series of tragic mass shootings, public opinion is overwhelmingly in favor of reasonable legislation restricting the ownership of guns by people who shouldn’t have them. There was also plenty in the proposal that gun-rights proponents like me could embrace.

The compromise — carefully negotiated by two moderate gun-rights supporters, Senators Joe Manchin III, Democrat of West Virginia, and Patrick J. Toomey, Republican of Pennsylvania — should be reintroduced in the Senate. I am convinced that, with some modifications, it could still be passed, because it would add reasonable protections for both gun owners and sellers.

Gun-rights advocates should use this interval to refine their priorities and support this measure, with a few modest changes. If they don’t, they will be opening themselves to accusations from President Obama and others that they are merely obstructionists, zealots who will not agree to common-sense gun legislation.

The focus on background checks should not distract gun owners from the positive provisions in the Manchin-Toomey proposal.

It would allow Americans to buy handguns from out-of-state sellers, which is not allowed currently.

It would explicitly prohibit the creation of a national gun registry, and make it a felony, punishable by up to 15 years in prison, to misuse records from the national database used for background checks.

It would affirm that unloaded guns with a lock mechanism in place can be transported across state lines.

It would immunize private gun sellers from lawsuits if a gun they have sold is used unlawfully, unless the seller knows or should have known that the buyer provided false information or was otherwise ineligible to buy a gun. Extending background checks to unlicensed sellers shouldn’t be cause for alarm. Background checks are already required for purchases from federally licensed dealers, whether at stores or gun shows, over the Internet or by mail. Moreover, gun buyers would be exempt from background checks if they had a carry permit issued within the last five years.

To my mind, the Manchin-Toomey proposal needs additional improvements to satisfy the demands of certain gun rights advocates. These changes might have helped save the proposal, which was supported by 54 senators — six votes short of the supermajority needed to overcome a filibuster.

The proposal prohibits the attorney general (as head of the Justice Department) from creating a firearms registry, but this prohibition should be broadened to cover all government agencies.

The proposal should also exempt certain rural residents who live too far from a licensed gun dealer for a background check to be practicable.

Currently, dealers can charge up to $125 for background checks. If these fees are supposed to promote public safety, the taxpayers — and not just law-abiding gun owners — should foot some of the bill. And more F.B.I. staff members to manage the database would also help expedite the process.

In the current proposal, background checks at gun shows would be given priority over checks at gun stores. The government needs to hire enough staff members to promptly conduct checks at both places.

Current law denies gun permits to anyone who uses, or is addicted to, a controlled substance. The punishment for omitting this information on a background-check form is up to 10 years in federal prison — a penalty that is too harsh for someone who has merely smoked marijuana.

In the days since the defeat of the Manchin-Toomey proposal, advocates of gun restrictions have gone on the offensive. Gun-rights supporters should not stand in the way of reasonable reform. The Manchin-Toomey proposal, with the changes I’ve suggested, would offer substantial benefits while imposing tolerable restrictions, none of which intrude on our core Second Amendment liberties. Gun-rights advocates should get behind it and push for its passage.

Robert A. Levy, chairman of the board of the Cato Institute, is the author, with William Mellor, of “The Dirty Dozen: How Twelve Supreme Court Cases Radically Expanded Government and Eroded Freedom.”
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/03/13 04:38 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
The hubby recently bought a .338 Lapua from the internet. He used one of his fav gun stores as a ffl dealer. They did a check on him just like they always do every time he buys a gun.

very cool! the .338 lapua is one of, if not the most accurate and flattest shooting cartridges in existence today! is it for hunting, or just for fun?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/03/13 04:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
The hubby recently bought a .338 Lapua from the internet. He used one of his fav gun stores as a ffl dealer. They did a check on him just like they always do every time he buys a gun.

Wow, now we know who has the $$ around here! whistle
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/03/13 06:52 PM

This came across the email today:

Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, but after a shooting, the problem is the gun!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 05/03/13 08:56 PM

I got that to and seen a pic on FB.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 04:43 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
This came across the email today:

Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, but after a shooting, the problem is the gun!

Because there's not a section in walmart to buy bombs. Because there's no national bomb association that says bombs are a 2nd amendment right and everyone is entitled to their bombs. When someone makes a bomb, they have to go through a lot of trouble to make one. It's not just that everyone who has a dispute with their mom, in the heat of the moment pick up their gun and go slaughter people. Because it takes a cold calculating sociopath to make a bomb and kill people with it. That's why.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 04:54 AM

Afs, I admire your ability to keep shouting into the wind. You're a smart cookie, and I'm not sure how you go on in a country that doesn't truly accept your thoughts and mind. Keep chugging along, my friend.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 05:21 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Afs, I admire your ability to keep shouting into the wind. You're a smart cookie, and I'm not sure how you go on in a country that doesn't truly accept your thoughts and mind. Keep chugging along, my friend.

Thanks SB! blush I think I still had it way better than many others living in the league of oppressive regimes. Granted that I hate wearing hijab, but at least I was able to get an education, get a job and have my own life.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 01:26 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
This came across the email today:

Isn't it strange that after a bombing, everyone blames the bomber, but after a shooting, the problem is the gun!

Because there's not a section in walmart to buy bombs. Because there's no national bomb association that says bombs are a 2nd amendment right and everyone is entitled to their bombs. When someone makes a bomb, they have to go through a lot of trouble to make one. It's not just that everyone who has a dispute with their mom, in the heat of the moment pick up their gun and go slaughter people. Because it takes a cold calculating sociopath to make a bomb and kill people with it. That's why.

Sure there is...just look under pressure cookers in the cook section or head over to the plumbing section if you like.

AND you don't have to fill out paperwork, go to classes or wait a long time to get a license, or Oh, and you don't have to go thru backround checks and or a waiting period to buy.

The best part is you can go on the internet without leaving your home and learn all you need to MAKE it and special groups who will cheer you on and teach you where the good spots are to place them to hurt the most people.

And even better then that....you get the United States people to allow you (and your whole screw up family) to come to this country, give you money to live and go to school while you repay them by blowing the legs off of the very people who help you live here.

One thing is the same= "it takes a cold calculating sociopath to kill people" in these events no matter what they use.

The saving grace is that the other 10 milion plus owners of pressure cookers still get to keep them with out people trying to pass laws keeping them from having or using them.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 03:04 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Sure there is...just look under pressure cookers in the cook section or head over to the plumbing section if you like.

AND you don't have to fill out paperwork, go to classes or wait a long time to get a license, or Oh, and you don't have to go thru backround checks and or a waiting period to buy.

The best part is you can go on the internet without leaving your home and learn all you need to MAKE it and special groups who will cheer you on and teach you where the good spots are to place them to hurt the most people.

And even better then that....you get the United States people to allow you (and your whole screw up family) to come to this country, give you money to live and go to school while you repay them by blowing the legs off of the very people who help you live here.

One thing is the same= "it takes a cold calculating sociopath to kill people" in these events no matter what they use.

The saving grace is that the other 10 milion plus owners of pressure cookers still get to keep them with out people trying to pass laws keeping them from having or using them.

You could twist this all you want and insult me and my family in the process, but the hard truth is, there is no bomb section at the walmart, but there is a gun section. You have to make a bomb using many bits and pieces, not just a pressure cooker that might or might not be necessary in every version. And all the gun related murders doesn't happen in cold blood, many happen because someone loses his/her head and guns are so readily available.

This from Amanpour's blog:
In 2010, 13,186 people died in terrorist attacks worldwide; in that same year, in America alone, 31,672 people lost their lives in gun-related deaths, according to numbers complied by Tom Diaz – until recently, a senior analyst at the Violence Policy Center.

More Americans killed in gun deaths than in terrorist attacks

When there's not a bomb section at the walmart, you see that the numbers radically drop. So why not make it harder for criminals to get guns? And why not hold people who have guns to the same level of responsibility that you expect of a car owner?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 03:46 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Sure there is...just look under pressure cookers in the cook section or head over to the plumbing section if you like.

AND you don't have to fill out paperwork, go to classes or wait a long time to get a license, or Oh, and you don't have to go thru backround checks and or a waiting period to buy.

The best part is you can go on the internet without leaving your home and learn all you need to MAKE it and special groups who will cheer you on and teach you where the good spots are to place them to hurt the most people.

And even better then that....you get the United States people to allow you (and your whole screw up family) to come to this country, give you money to live and go to school while you repay them by blowing the legs off of the very people who help you live here.

One thing is the same= "it takes a cold calculating sociopath to kill people" in these events no matter what they use.

The saving grace is that the other 10 milion plus owners of pressure cookers still get to keep them with out people trying to pass laws keeping them from having or using them.

You could twist this all you want and insult me and my family in the process, but the hard truth is, there is no bomb section at the walmart, but there is a gun section. You have to make a bomb using many bits and pieces, not just a pressure cooker that might or might not be necessary in every version. And all the gun related murders doesn't happen in cold blood, many happen because someone loses his/her head and guns are so readily available.

This from Amanpour's blog:
In 2010, 13,186 people died in terrorist attacks worldwide; in that same year, in America alone, 31,672 people lost their lives in gun-related deaths, according to numbers complied by Tom Diaz – until recently, a senior analyst at the Violence Policy Center.

More Americans killed in gun deaths than in terrorist attacks

When there's not a bomb section at the walmart, you see that the numbers radically drop. So why not make it harder for criminals to get guns? And why not hold people who have guns to the same level of responsibility that you expect of a car owner?

I was talking about the people who just bombed Boston, not You or your family. So no twist or insult, only to the scum that came here and did this.

and you haven't read anything others have said that had facts, you just keep talking about cars and you opinions, of hate aimmed towards other people guns.

It is the KIND of people...not the gun. The simple concept that you don't seem to get is millions of good People don't need to lost the use or rights of gun ownership because people like you think it is a quick and easy way to solve a hard problem.

It would be like saying. Do not let any more people into the U.S.A. so no other bombers can do harm here.

apples to apples- unless you want to add cars which kill more people then any gun event ever did each year. Of course terrorist attacks are events. Gun deaths numbers stated are all deaths - not just Mass Shootings.

Many of us have already adressed these facts on how many and % of people/guns out there.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 04:10 PM

people only like to use the car comparisions when it suites them, but as soon as you bring up the number of deaths caused by auto accidents, then they are two different things and shouldn't be compared! whistle does anybody with a right mind really believe that the extremely stringent "tests" that are required to operate a car really make the roads much safer? as far as the number of deaths from guns, please keep in mind that suicides make up a huge % of that number. you also have to factor in all shootings involving law enforcement.

as for the bombing, it almost seems to me to be a means of defense that people have to tragic situations, almost a form of self protection in the face of terrible things to chalk it up to just a crazy person. with guns, many seem to take the opposite stance, and insist that a new law, restriction, whatever, would have prevented it. both situations are the result of the same condition, unpredictable craziness that is sadly a part of society that can't be wiped away with the stroke of a pen.

there are also many who seem to think that stating guns are dangerous is some sort of trump card to their argument. we get it, they are dangerous, but the mind is far more. yes, they can be an easy way to kill, but you can also look at it on the flip side. generally speaking, someone planning a bombing has to go into a much greater deal of planning, which might lead to something even worse. take the recent bombing for example: we really dodged a bullet with this one. i'm no expert on bombs, nor do i or any of us have all of the details, but this could have been 10x worse if the bomb might have gone off a few seconds/minutes sooner or later.

the point is, as this example shows, that no matter what feel good controls we try to place on guns or any other dangerous things, as far as nutjobs are concerned where there is a will there is a way. technology is at everyone's fingertips, and that combined with the adaptive nature of humans for both good and bad can and will lead to horrible acts no matter what.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 04:23 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
I was talking about the people who just bombed Boston, not You or your family. So no twist or insult, only to the scum that came here and did this.

and you haven't read anything others have said that had facts, you just keep talking about cars and you opinions, of hate aimmed towards other people guns.

It is the KIND of people...not the gun. The simple concept that you don't seem to get is millions of good People don't need to lost the use or rights of gun ownership because people like you think it is a quick and easy way to solve a hard problem.

It would be like saying. Do not let any more people into the U.S.A. so no other bombers can do harm here.

apples to apples- unless you want to add cars which kill more people then any gun event ever did each year. Of course terrorist attacks are events. Gun deaths numbers stated are all deaths - not just Mass Shootings.

Many of us have already adressed these facts on how many and % of people/guns out there.

About the first part, surrrre. I'm sure you didn't enjoy throwing that, addressing "me" in that little angry rant.

And try to get this: Nobody is trying to take your guns away, not at least in this bill, that somehow was shot down even when it got 54 votes, not sure why the threshold has to be 60.

They are trying to enforce background checks. That was all that bill was trying to do. I'm not sure why it makes you so nervous to check your background. If it inconvenience you in any way, try and think about all those people who may not get killed when crooks would have a harder time getting guns. And if you're hurt that someone stepped on your civil liberties when you tried to buy a gun, worse usually happens when you try to get on a plane, but you submit to that, because you want to be safe. Not sure why when it comes to the guns, you throw caution into the wind.

30,000 gun death per year is not a few deaths. For 3000 people, you justify attacking two countries, one hardly with any ties to that crime. Yet, you don't think it is necessary to do something when 30,000 people die of gun violence each year.

And it's good that you brought up immigration. The process that you go through when you try to immigrate, is more than a simple background check. Why don't you accept the watered down level of background check for people who want to have their hands on guns? Because it still might not work in some cases, we should just sit back and let the death toll rise?
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 04:36 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
people only like to use the car comparisions when it suites them, but as soon as you bring up the number of deaths caused by auto accidents, then they are two different things and shouldn't be compared! whistle does anybody with a right mind really believe that the extremely stringent "tests" that are required to operate a car really make the roads much safer? as far as the number of deaths from guns, please keep in mind that suicides make up a huge % of that number. you also have to factor in all shootings involving law enforcement.

as for the bombing, it almost seems to me to be a means of defense that people have to tragic situations, almost a form of self protection in the face of terrible things to chalk it up to just a crazy person. with guns, many seem to take the opposite stance, and insist that a new law, restriction, whatever, would have prevented it. both situations are the result of the same condition, unpredictable craziness that is sadly a part of society that can't be wiped away with the stroke of a pen.

there are also many who seem to think that stating guns are dangerous is some sort of trump card to their argument. we get it, they are dangerous, but the mind is far more. yes, they can be an easy way to kill, but you can also look at it on the flip side. generally speaking, someone planning a bombing has to go into a much greater deal of planning, which might lead to something even worse. take the recent bombing for example: we really dodged a bullet with this one. i'm no expert on bombs, nor do i or any of us have all of the details, but this could have been 10x worse if the bomb might have gone off a few seconds/minutes sooner or later.

the point is, as this example shows, that no matter what feel good controls we try to place on guns or any other dangerous things, as far as nutjobs are concerned where there is a will there is a way. technology is at everyone's fingertips, and that combined with the adaptive nature of humans for both good and bad can and will lead to horrible acts no matter what.

Why not compare the data then? The number of deaths related to motor vehicle deaths in 2010 is 32,885. It is much lower than what it was in the 90's. Or 80s. (almost 40,000) Could it be the enforcement of seat belts? Isn't it very uncomfortable to wear one? Sure is. But it's become much safer. And bear in mind that many more people have cars compared to those that have guns. Therefore the number of deaths should be compared to the number of people using such death machines, be it cars or guns.

Feel good controls work. grin
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 04:46 PM

also, to expand on those who seem to want gun owners to be held to a high standard, the overwhelming majority are and have been held to these standards. depending on what numbers you look at, there are between 80-90 million gun owners in this country. how many millions are military veterans? how many are former or current law enforcement?

for those who want to always compare us to the uk, austrailia , or other countries with very harsh restrictions/low firearms ownerships, the comparisions are invalid from the start. putting aside the % of firearms ownership, we need to look at it another way. i think it was in 1997 that the uk outlawed the private ownership of handguns for the most part. to get an effective and honest way of measuring the effects of the restrictions, we would need to compile accurate gun crime stats over the course of more than a few years prior to the restriction. we would then need to do the same post ban, a very tall order in itself. its also worth pointing out what the general trends were with regards to crime before bans/restrictions were put into place.

we would also need to factor in other variables such as the economic situation, the amount of police on the streets, as well as the rise or fall of other violent crimes such as rape, robbery and assualt. from all of the accounts that i've read over the years, the restrictions did nothing to reduce both gun crime, and crime in general, certainly not the news most were hoping for.

just a few of the first results that popped up...



Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 04:55 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
also, to expand on those who seem to want gun owners to be held to a high standard, the overwhelming majority are and have been held to these standards.

If people are already being held to the high standards, what harm could a law bring about that tries to enforce background checks?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 04:56 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
I was talking about the people who just bombed Boston, not You or your family. So no twist or insult, only to the scum that came here and did this.

and you haven't read anything others have said that had facts, you just keep talking about cars and you opinions, of hate aimmed towards other people guns.

It is the KIND of people...not the gun. The simple concept that you don't seem to get is millions of good People don't need to lost the use or rights of gun ownership because people like you think it is a quick and easy way to solve a hard problem.

It would be like saying. Do not let any more people into the U.S.A. so no other bombers can do harm here.

apples to apples- unless you want to add cars which kill more people then any gun event ever did each year. Of course terrorist attacks are events. Gun deaths numbers stated are all deaths - not just Mass Shootings.

Many of us have already adressed these facts on how many and % of people/guns out there.

About the first part, surrrre. I'm sure you didn't enjoy throwing that, addressing "me" in that little angry rant.

And try to get this: Nobody is trying to take your guns away, not at least in this bill, that somehow was shot down even when it got 54 votes, not sure why the threshold has to be 60.

They are trying to enforce background checks. That was all that bill was trying to do. I'm not sure why it makes you so nervous to check your background. If it inconvenience you in any way, try and think about all those people who may not get killed when crooks would have a harder time getting guns. And if you're hurt that someone stepped on your civil liberties when you tried to buy a gun, worse usually happens when you try to get on a plane, but you submit to that, because you want to be safe. Not sure why when it comes to the guns, you throw caution into the wind.

30,000 gun death per year is not a few deaths. For 3000 people, you justify attacking two countries, one hardly with any ties to that crime. Yet, you don't think it is necessary to do something when 30,000 people die of gun violence each year.

And it's good that you brought up immigration. The process that you go through when you try to immigrate, is more than a simple background check. Why don't you accept the watered down level of background check for people who want to have their hands on guns? Because it still might not work in some cases, we should just sit back and let the death toll rise?

Your little rants just prove that you haven't read or understood any posts in this thread or the people making them.
You need to open your mind and go back and read older posts which will answer all your misguided rants. That is if you can read others answers that are not matching yours.
I now understand you know very little on this subject and just enjoy throwing out crap instead of understand the real problems here. Never a real answer for anything, just calls for this and that.
Your bring up the SAME things that have already been adress and answer here at least once maybe twice already. Then chessey remarks about our fears and stuff... uhwhat

oh yeah, that first part..."your sure" yeah.. Your sure about nothing! cool
You must think everything was/is about you...you must have seen yourself in my statements about the Boston bombers some how. I wonder why? No... I am joking- I really don't care! smile

blush peace to you! It is a wonderful day outside and I am off to the range!
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 05:03 PM

HI there Five- Hope all is well by you. I am off to the range since the weather is near perfect here.

I have a new 9m which I need to test out,take care
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 05:17 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Your little rants just prove that you haven't read or understood any posts in this thread or the people making them.
You need to open your mind and go back and read older posts which will answer all your misguided rants. That is if you can read others answers that are not matching yours.
I now understand you know very little on this subject and just enjoy throwing out crap instead of understand the real problems here. Never a real answer for anything, just calls for this and that.
Your bring up the SAME things that have already been adress and answer here at least once maybe twice already. Then chessey remarks about our fears and stuff... uhwhat

oh yeah, that first part..."your sure" yeah.. Your sure about nothing! cool
You must think everything was/is about you...you must have seen yourself in my statements about the Boston bombers some how. I wonder why? No... I am joking- I really don't care! smile

blush peace to you! It is a wonderful day outside and I am off to the range!

Do you wonder why really? I know your style by now, you make it about the person who debates rather than the issue at hand. You might have asked how we do it over here, as you did in the DOMA thread, but this time it doesn't suit you, so you word your argument with an added insult. If you didn't mean it toward me, why use, "you" and "your screwed up family?" Too transparent for me, I'm afraid.

As for the rest, I see no argument there. Still waiting on why you are so against a background check.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 05:21 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
HI there Five- Hope all is well by you. I am off to the range since the weather is near perfect here.

I have a new 9m which I need to test out,take care

things are also very nice here, have a good time! on a more serious note, make sure that you have a serious talk with your gun before you go out. explain to him what kind of behavior is appropriate in public, and make sure he doesn't have any crazy ideas in his head, because we all know that they have a mind of their own! wink i would also advise going to the nearest gun shop and going through a backround check right away, after all you are planning on going shooting, you might be mentally ill if that seems like a fun way to spend any of your free time. probably a good idea to get another backround check on the way home as well, who knows, something might have changed. to be fair, maybe we should just set up toll booths on the way to and from all firearms related activities, like a drive thru backround check. we can pay for these by placing a tax on all firearms related purchases. i'm not sure what i'm going to make for dinner, maybe i should look back around in the cabinet and check! lol
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 05:31 PM

I started this thread, but I don't post in it much because it gets so heated. But I DID read something noteworthy this week. It was in a magazine in a doctor's office, but I'll try to link it if I can find it later on.

Anyway, here's the stat: Over 40 percent of murders in the United States are committed with a common kitchen knife. And in Great Britain, there are more than six murders committed with a knife each week.

I'm sorry, but stats like that DO get you thinking. Violent people are going to commit acts of violence with whatever they can get their hands on. Draconian gun laws aren't the answer. Now that said, I support background checks, and I still don't know why John Q. Public needs a military type arsenal, but the anti-gun people are living in a fantasy world. It's "Pollyanna" to think that taking guns away from honest and decent people will deter criminals in any way.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 05:32 PM

Background checks would suffice once with each purchase, but I wouldn't write off a mental health scanning on a regular basis, and he seemed pretty angry about my comment of what he is afraid about the background checks, so I would stay out of his way today just to be safe. wink
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 05:40 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I started this thread, but I don't post in it much because it gets so heated. But I DID read something noteworthy this week. It was in a magazine in a doctor's office, but I'll try to link it if I can find it later on.

Anyway, here's the stat: Over 40 percent of murders in the United States are committed with a common kitchen knife. And in Great Britain, there are more than six murders committed with a knife each week.

I'm sorry, but stats like that DO get you thinking. Violent people are going to commit acts of violence with whatever they can get their hands on. Draconian gun laws aren't the answer. Now that said, I support background checks, and I still don't know why John Q. Public needs a military type arsenal, but the anti-gun people are living in a fantasy world. It's "Pollyanna" to think that taking guns away from honest and decent people will deter criminals in any way.

I wouldn't trust that magazine. Such myths are debunked by the FBI reports, gathered by snopes. Read here:

67% of murders are done with guns.

And just think about it. You can outrun a guy who tries to mass murder people with a knife. Could you say the same with a semi automatic gun? And they couldn't limit the magazine sizes in that bloody bill. frown
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 05:42 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I'm sorry, but stats like that DO get you thinking. Violent people are going to commit acts of violence with whatever they can get their hands on.

this is a line of reasoning that most people tend to dismiss totally, or just willfully ignore. i'm of the opinion that the % of all out whackjobs in society is going to remain constant regardless of what types of restrictions are put on guns or any other dangerous things. like i have stated many times, humans are very adaptive, and its up to the individual if thats a good or bad trait. if i was so inclined, i could easily go to the gas station and spend less than $10. bingo, now i have the potential capability to cause a great deal of devestation very easily and efficiently!
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 05:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I'm sorry, but stats like that DO get you thinking. Violent people are going to commit acts of violence with whatever they can get their hands on.

this is a line of reasoning that most people tend to dismiss totally, or just willfully ignore. i'm of the opinion that the % of all out whackjobs in society is going to remain constant regardless of what types of restrictions are put on guns or any other dangerous things. like i have stated many times, humans are very adaptive, and its up to the individual if thats a good or bad trait. if i was so inclined, i could easily go to the gas station and spend less than $10. bingo, now i have the potential capability to cause a great deal of devestation very easily and efficiently!

And that's the line of reasoning that's wrong. Being a whackjob might not reduce, but with guns out of his/her reach, they can cause far less carnage. And those stats are false to boot.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 06:23 PM

It's fun to post. This thread though has to take the cake for being the longest and most argumentative (perhaps) during the Board's tenure. While reading its posts I've noticed that not many of them cite academic references. Maybe doing so would be more instructive and conclusive. If you haven't already, you might try (or not) reading Madison's Bill of Rights proposal to the 1st US House; read the relevant text of the 1789 House and Senate Journals; read Akhil Amar's biography of the Constitution as well as his Bill of Rights work; read the Supreme Court's entire Heller opinion (or at least the Syllabus of it); read Max Farrand's Records of the Constitutional Convention; familiarize yourself with the concept of Original Intent; of course, read the Constitution, but read it as a person in 18th century America would read and understand it.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 11:33 PM

The car comparison is interesting. In Germany, as some of you might know, there's no speed limit on most of the "Autobahn" (highways). The ADAC prevents stricter laws.
What's the ADAC? Something like the NRA for cars.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/04/13 11:36 PM

Original geschrieben von: pizzaboy
I started this thread, but I don't post in it much because it gets so heated. But I DID read something noteworthy this week. It was in a magazine in a doctor's office, but I'll try to link it if I can find it later on.

Anyway, here's the stat: Over 40 percent of murders in the United States are committed with a common kitchen knife. And in Great Britain, there are more than six murders committed with a knife each week.

Don't you think it's easier to kill a person with a gun than with a knife?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 02:39 AM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Your little rants just prove that you haven't read or understood any posts in this thread or the people making them.
You need to open your mind and go back and read older posts which will answer all your misguided rants. That is if you can read others answers that are not matching yours.
I now understand you know very little on this subject and just enjoy throwing out crap instead of understand the real problems here. Never a real answer for anything, just calls for this and that.
Your bring up the SAME things that have already been adress and answer here at least once maybe twice already. Then chessey remarks about our fears and stuff... uhwhat

oh yeah, that first part..."your sure" yeah.. Your sure about nothing! cool
You must think everything was/is about you...you must have seen yourself in my statements about the Boston bombers some how. I wonder why? No... I am joking- I really don't care! smile

blush peace to you! It is a wonderful day outside and I am off to the range!

Do you wonder why really? I know your style by now, you make it about the person who debates rather than the issue at hand. You might have asked how we do it over here, as you did in the DOMA thread, but this time it doesn't suit you, so you word your argument with an added insult. If you didn't mean it toward me, why use, "you" and "your screwed up family?" Too transparent for me, I'm afraid.

As for the rest, I see no argument there. Still waiting on why you are so against a background check.

yada yada yada. you don't know me you don't understand what people post and you don't know crap on this subject.
I posted "I was talking about the people who just bombed Boston, not You or your family. So no twist or insult, only to the scum that came here and did this.
and you still couldn't take THAT for the truth.
You pissed and moan that I surely was talking about YOU- Damn how about that. Were you and you family here on the Govt. Dime? Then you ask again a question that was talked about in older posts... I give up you can't be real.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 04:23 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
yada yada yada. you don't know me you don't understand what people post and you don't know crap on this subject.
I posted "I was talking about the people who just bombed Boston, not You or your family. So no twist or insult, only to the scum that came here and did this.
and you still couldn't take THAT for the truth.
You pissed and moan that I surely was talking about YOU- Damn how about that. Were you and you family here on the Govt. Dime? Then you ask again a question that was talked about in older posts... I give up you can't be real.

I might not know you, but I know your cyber attitude well enough by now. It's been almost a decade that I'm here, reading your posts. You said "you could." meaning, not yet, but it can happen in the future. "Your screwed up family" though? That seems to be already screwed up. But enough about me, I in fact take any insult coming from you as a compliment.

Still have not seen a rational argument from you. You keep saying that you have answered why you are against a background check, but I fail to find your answer, except saying that anything that keeps you from your 2nd amendment right is unconstitutional, which is plain wrong. All rights can be regulated.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 04:34 AM

Originally Posted By: Danito
The car comparison is interesting. In Germany, as some of you might know, there's no speed limit on most of the "Autobahn" (highways). The ADAC prevents stricter laws.
What's the ADAC? Something like the NRA for cars.

How interesting. So that's why we call highways "Autobahn" as well. grin

The number one killer in our country is car accidents. I guess that's because neither our cars nor our autobahns are as great as german's, heck they aren't half good as german's, but people want to drive even faster and more reckless than any Germans could possibly imagine. Seat belts? "Where are we? Insane asylum?" Speed limit? "That's for pussies! You have to go at least twice as fast as the speed limit" Going zigzag? "Oh, yeah!" And that's the sort of law breaking stupid attitude that gets us killed in absence of guns. ohwell
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 01:05 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
yada yada yada. you don't know me you don't understand what people post and you don't know crap on this subject.
I posted "I was talking about the people who just bombed Boston, not You or your family. So no twist or insult, only to the scum that came here and did this.
and you still couldn't take THAT for the truth.
You pissed and moan that I surely was talking about YOU- Damn how about that. Were you and you family here on the Govt. Dime? Then you ask again a question that was talked about in older posts... I give up you can't be real.

I might not know you, but I know your cyber attitude well enough by now. It's been almost a decade that I'm here, reading your posts. You said "you could." meaning, not yet, but it can happen in the future. "Your screwed up family" though? That seems to be already screwed up. But enough about me, I in fact take any insult coming from you as a compliment.

Still have not seen a rational argument from you. You keep saying that you have answered why you are against a background check, but I fail to find your answer, except saying that anything that keeps you from your 2nd amendment right is unconstitutional, which is plain wrong. All rights can be regulated.

Oh, lol I see that you are a expert or think you are an expert now on cyber attitude also- lol lol

But you still can't or won't understand that I am talking about the Boston Bomber and their screwed up family that have been in the news!!!! whistle
I asked "was your Family Here, Did you live off our Govt?" did we the people of the UNITED STATES pay to school you when you where a student here?


If not then how could this be you or your Family??? confused confused

If this all fits you then that would be a different story all together.

The post was showing the difference between a bomber and a gun owner if you didn't understand that!

Have you read the whole thread? You would have read why people feel that backgrounds checks will not work for this problem.

BY the way I don't argue....I give real reasons and can give you a view point from a large group of gun owners who work with these guns, can you do you the same?

or are your opinions based on how you feel? Do you know how things work, say here in NEW YORK State for guns? Have you gone thru any of the process...
What it takes to have one? or are you just a look up on the internet and form your opinions from what you read?
BTW...You may think I have a mad tone, But I am really sitting here smile because I do know the truth on this subject even if there are others who disagree.
The only thing I have always asked is for people to read posts, and listen to what others say. Vs taking pot shots for the hell of it. I don't think you or others will change their opinions and I am not going to waste my time trying...I just hope to make sure that some people understand the other side.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 01:45 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Oh, lol I see that you are a expert or think you are an expert now on cyber attitude also- lol lol

But you still can't or won't understand that I am talking about the Boston Bomber and their screwed up family that have been in the news!!!! whistle
I asked "was your Family Here, Did you live off our Govt?" did we the people of the UNITED STATES pay to school you when you where a student here?


If not then how could this be you or your Family??? confused confused

If this all fits you then that would be a different story all together.

The post was showing the difference between a bomber and a gun owner if you didn't understand that!

Have you read the whole thread? You would have read why people feel that backgrounds checks will not work for this problem.

BY the way I don't argue....I give real reasons and can give you a view point from a large group of gun owners who work with these guns, can you do you the same?

or are your opinions based on how you feel? Do you know how things work, say here in NEW YORK State for guns? Have you gone thru any of the process...
What it takes to have one? or are you just a look up on the internet and form your opinions from what you read?
BTW...You may think I have a mad tone, But I am really sitting here smile because I do know the truth on this subject even if there are others who disagree.
The only thing I have always asked is for people to read posts, and listen to what others say. Vs taking pot shots for the hell of it. I don't think you or others will change their opinions and I am not going to waste my time trying...I just hope to make sure that some people understand the other side.

So if I worded an argument like this, you would be okay, right? Because I'm clearly talking about the Sandy Hook shooter. Here we go:

Since you could be a mentally challenged person who can take mommy's guns and kill that screwed up woman and then go on mass murdering of little children, background checks are of no use, because it wouldn't have stopped you, Right?

My argument was based on numbers and reasoning that there could be no harm in background checks. But I see you are trying to make a straw-man argument, in which those reasoning were based on my feelings. You keep saying you wouldn't waste time with me, but then continue with this sorry way of arguing. Again, what is so harmful about background checks?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 03:40 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Oh, lol I see that you are a expert or think you are an expert now on cyber attitude also- lol lol

But you still can't or won't understand that I am talking about the Boston Bomber and their screwed up family that have been in the news!!!! whistle
I asked "was your Family Here, Did you live off our Govt?" did we the people of the UNITED STATES pay to school you when you where a student here?


If not then how could this be you or your Family??? confused confused

If this all fits you then that would be a different story all together.

The post was showing the difference between a bomber and a gun owner if you didn't understand that!

Have you read the whole thread? You would have read why people feel that backgrounds checks will not work for this problem.

BY the way I don't argue....I give real reasons and can give you a view point from a large group of gun owners who work with these guns, can you do you the same?

or are your opinions based on how you feel? Do you know how things work, say here in NEW YORK State for guns? Have you gone thru any of the process...
What it takes to have one? or are you just a look up on the internet and form your opinions from what you read?
BTW...You may think I have a mad tone, But I am really sitting here smile because I do know the truth on this subject even if there are others who disagree.
The only thing I have always asked is for people to read posts, and listen to what others say. Vs taking pot shots for the hell of it. I don't think you or others will change their opinions and I am not going to waste my time trying...I just hope to make sure that some people understand the other side.

So if I worded an argument like this, you would be okay, right? Because I'm clearly talking about the Sandy Hook shooter. Here we go:

Since you could be a mentally challenged person who can take mommy's guns and kill that screwed up woman and then go on mass murdering of little children, background checks are of no use, because it wouldn't have stopped you, Right?

My argument was based on numbers and reasoning that there could be no harm in background checks. But I see you are trying to make a straw-man argument, in which those reasoning were based on my feelings. You keep saying you wouldn't waste time with me, but then continue with this sorry way of arguing. Again, what is so harmful about background checks?

Back from church:

Whoa, before you go off in another direction. Do you now understand that I was NOT talking about you or your family. Do you ackowledge this?

Did you go back and read about what we have already said about Background checks or are you just demanding to be heard and want people to jump to your questions? I post say: May 1st 2:19 PM why not.. Why not check that post out and others peoples thoughts.

Why do you worry so much and make so many comments about how people post vs. what their posts points are?
Why not just make your point clear instead of attacking a persons post pattern. It is quite noticable that you have had some education with your terms about the way people post. Good for you, but it doesn't help your point and comes across as an attack.

Facts, it is facts what will make your point. And I say POINT not argument because that sounds mad

Now back to your last post. Your Sandy Hook shooter would not have been stopped by a Backgrond Check, How could he. He didn't have a License, he didn't own a gun. And as pointed out before he stole his weapons. Just the way most criminals get theirs.

Backgrounds checks are done on the individual person applying for a weapon or license. Should "hard core" mental person get a license or permit- NO

He stole his mother's weapons- a major mistake made on her part for not keeping them safely away. But as I have said before she paid with her life for making those mistakes.

And I will make this statement. I don't want new laws made on someone FEELINGS. OR "if it would save on person concept."

People have to stop trying to solve these problems by taking good peoples rights away as an easy answer to a tuff problem no matter what their feeling are. And the worst happens when the ones who whine the most don't have any skin in the game so they don't care to give others rights away. It is that simple.

The real laugh are those who think we have to "GIVE" reasons to own and have guns.

Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 04:43 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Whoa, before you go off in another direction. Do you now understand that I was NOT talking about you or your family. Do you ackowledge this?

Did you go back and read about what we have already said about Background checks or are you just demanding to be heard and want people to jump to your questions? I post say: May 1st 2:19 PM why not.. Why not check that post out and others peoples thoughts.

Why do you worry so much and make so many comments about how people post vs. what their posts points are?
Why not just make your point clear instead of attacking a persons post pattern. It is quite noticable that you have had some education with your terms about the way people post. Good for you, but it doesn't help your point and comes across as an attack.

Facts, it is facts what will make your point. And I say POINT not argument because that sounds mad

Now back to your last post. Your Sandy Hook shooter would not have been stopped by a Backgrond Check, How could he. He didn't have a License, he didn't own a gun. And as pointed out before he stole his weapons. Just the way most criminals get theirs.

Backgrounds checks are done on the individual person applying for a weapon or license. Should "hard core" mental person get a license or permit- NO

He stole his mother's weapons- a major mistake made on her part for not keeping them safely away. But as I have said before she paid with her life for making those mistakes.

And I will make this statement. I don't want new laws made on someone FEELINGS. OR "if it would save on person concept."

People have to stop trying to solve these problems by taking good peoples rights away as an easy answer to a tuff problem no matter what their feeling are. And the worst happens when the ones who whine the most don't have any skin in the game so they don't care to give others rights away. It is that simple.

The real laugh are those who think we have to "GIVE" reasons to own and have guns.

You know what, forget about that. Next time I wouldn't tell you that the way you worded your argument is screwed up, I just do the same thing I did in my last post. It's not a noble thing to do, but I'm not beyond that obviously.

As for your argument, yeah, this may not stop mass murderers in many of those mass shootings. It wouldn't have stopped Sandy Hook. It wouldn't have stopped Aurora. It wouldn't have stopped Columbine. For those situations, the part of that bill concerning magazine sizes must have stayed intact, which it didn't unfortunately. That would have made a lot of difference.

However, background checks would make it harder for people with records to get guns, which would ultimately reduce the number of gun deaths. FF made it clear that many places already do background checks. So it wouldn't affect them, it would only enforce that in places that there has not been mandatory background checks. So again, why are you against that?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 05:32 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Whoa, before you go off in another direction. Do you now understand that I was NOT talking about you or your family. Do you ackowledge this?

Did you go back and read about what we have already said about Background checks or are you just demanding to be heard and want people to jump to your questions? I post say: May 1st 2:19 PM why not.. Why not check that post out and others peoples thoughts.

Why do you worry so much and make so many comments about how people post vs. what their posts points are?
Why not just make your point clear instead of attacking a persons post pattern. It is quite noticable that you have had some education with your terms about the way people post. Good for you, but it doesn't help your point and comes across as an attack.

Facts, it is facts what will make your point. And I say POINT not argument because that sounds mad

Now back to your last post. Your Sandy Hook shooter would not have been stopped by a Backgrond Check, How could he. He didn't have a License, he didn't own a gun. And as pointed out before he stole his weapons. Just the way most criminals get theirs.

Backgrounds checks are done on the individual person applying for a weapon or license. Should "hard core" mental person get a license or permit- NO

He stole his mother's weapons- a major mistake made on her part for not keeping them safely away. But as I have said before she paid with her life for making those mistakes.

And I will make this statement. I don't want new laws made on someone FEELINGS. OR "if it would save on person concept."

People have to stop trying to solve these problems by taking good peoples rights away as an easy answer to a tuff problem no matter what their feeling are. And the worst happens when the ones who whine the most don't have any skin in the game so they don't care to give others rights away. It is that simple.

The real laugh are those who think we have to "GIVE" reasons to own and have guns.

You know what, forget about that. Next time I wouldn't tell you that the way you worded your argument is screwed up, I just do the same thing I did in my last post. It's not a noble thing to do, but I'm not beyond that obviously.

As for your argument, yeah, this may not stop mass murderers in many of those mass shootings. It wouldn't have stopped Sandy Hook. It wouldn't have stopped Aurora. It wouldn't have stopped Columbine. For those situations, the part of that bill concerning magazine sizes must have stayed intact, which it didn't unfortunately. That would have made a lot of difference.

However, background checks would make it harder for people with records to get guns, which would ultimately reduce the number of gun deaths. FF made it clear that many places already do background checks. So it wouldn't affect them, it would only enforce that in places that there has not been mandatory background checks. So again, why are you against that?

I am trying to be nice to you...but the answer to my post :You know what, forget about that: doesn't tell me that you understand my point about you and your family, or about posting styles VS making the poster point count.
And what really gets to me is that you refuse to go back and look at the post where I told you the answwer is...and there is a great post by TURNBULL also right after mine with his thoughts...check it out.
No you just keep asking the same question. Please go look...thank-you in advance.

BTW- for your info -people with records do not hold permits to own guns, They lose the right when they go to jail in must cases. This may help you understand that post that you should go back and read! wink
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 05:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito

Don't you think it's easier to kill a person with a gun than with a knife?

Every household has multiple knives capable of inflicting fatal wounds. Not every household has guns. A large percentage of homicides are "crimes of passion," in which the perp reaches for the nearest available weapon.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 05:48 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
I am trying to be nice to you...but the answer to my post :You know what, forget about that: doesn't tell me that you understand my point about you and your family, or about posting styles VS making the poster point count.
And what really gets to me is that you refuse to go back and look at the post where I told you the answwer is...and there is a great post by TURNBULL also right after mine with his thoughts...check it out.
No you just keep asking the same question. Please go look...thank-you in advance.

BTW- for your info -people with records do not hold permits to own guns, They lose the right when they go to jail in must cases. This may help you understand that post that you should go back and read! wink

I already said how I felt about that message. You know, stop being nice and patronizing, I would stomach that so much better. You posted a message from May 1st, by then I had already joined the debate. If your grand argument came then, I didn't lose anything. I also had read the Turnbull's post right after he posted it. And he said that unlike you, he had no problem submitting to a background check. You on the other hand, never said why you are against background checks or what harm could it bring about. Give it time, compare numbers after a period of time. If it didn't change the number of gun related deaths, then we could agree that mandatory background checks are useless.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 05:50 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Danito

Don't you think it's easier to kill a person with a gun than with a knife?

Every household has multiple knives capable of inflicting fatal wounds. Not every household has guns. A large percentage of homicides are "crimes of passion," in which the perp reaches for the nearest available weapon.

Again, I rarely post in this thread because no one is going to budge. But that's exactly what I was trying to point out yesterday when I posted about about knife murders in the UK. My point was that angry, violent people are going to kill people with whatever is handy. That's all.

And I'm still looking for a RELIABLE stat on the percentage of murders committed with knives, or baseball bats for that matter, here in the United States.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 05:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: Danito

Don't you think it's easier to kill a person with a gun than with a knife?

Every household has multiple knives capable of inflicting fatal wounds. Not every household has guns. A large percentage of homicides are "crimes of passion," in which the perp reaches for the nearest available weapon.

And yet the percentage of knife related deaths is 13%, compared to 67% that is due to gun related deaths.

Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 05:52 PM

i just want to put it out there one last time: the only sales that do not require a backround check are private sales in states in which those sales are allowed, be it at a gun show, private residence, whatever. there is no such thing as an online purchase without a backround check. to simplify things, the real issue is whether or not to allow private sales.

i also have a huge problem with that whole "40% of guns are sold without a backround check" talking point constantly hammered down our throats by the liberal media. how to you even come up with a number like that? if a sale is private, there is no record of it, thus how would there be a way to add these numbers up? to come out with a stat like that is nothing more than an attempt to influence those who are unable to even scratch the surface of the issue, a common tactic used by politicians on both sides on numerous issues which plays right into the hands of the modern dumbed down american, a real shame!
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 06:08 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
And I'm still looking for a RELIABLE stat on the percentage of murders committed with knives, or baseball bats for that matter, here in the United States.

Provided by snopes, this is link to the tabulated FBI data:


In either of those crosstabs (victim or offender) choose the year of incident, then choose the weapon used and press the "show table" button. It gives you numbers relating to each deaths in that year.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 06:13 PM

Original geschrieben von: fathersson
because I do know the truth

This is the attitude where generally a discussion stops. If I'm not ready to change my mind, why should I enter such a discussion.
We all know that the topic here is so complex, because it includes facts and emotions. There are no simple truth. This is not two plus two.
I, for example, am pretty much convinced about my point of view on this matter. Still, I want to understand, why it is that people in the US love their guns so much that this love is stronger that they are willing to take chances.

But I heard the "I know the truth" attitude for decades. You know where? In communist East Germany. And I think Afsaneh also comes across this attitude in her everyday life...
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 06:18 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
I think Afsaneh also comes across this attitude in her everyday life...

Tell me about it. ohwell
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 06:32 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
[ I also had read the Turnbull's post right after he posted it. And he said that unlike you, he had no problem submitting to a background check. You on the other hand, never said why you are against background checks or what harm could it bring about. Give it time, compare numbers after a period of time. If it didn't change the number of gun related deaths, then we could agree that mandatory background checks are useless.

Here you remember Turnbull's post because it agrees for you but you can't seem to remeber mine before it.

TURNBULLS: My view: although expanded background checks would not have prevented the CT horror, they might--just might--prevent some people who shouldn't have firearms from buying them. As a law-abiding gun owner and a CCW holder, I would not have objected to submitting to a background check at a gun show.

For me "just might" isn't a good enough reason, just like "if it save just one life"

Originally Posted By: dontomasso

I guess all those law enforcement types who favor background checks (NOT Gun Control) don't know what they are talking about.

Well, lets see who they are then. Would love to put an expert name to your statement.

I see you like to keep throwing this up...We already have checks here in NEW YORK STATE and many other states, but it is thrown around like "Checks" are the big crime stopper. More like the answer if they aren't going to ban all those scary rifles....lets feel safe and do background checks.

You do understand that a background check no matter how many you do is not going to keep a gun from a crimal right?

FBI states that 9 out 0f 10 weapons used are stolen or not register to people

Excuse me- to the right people-

There that is why!

And let me give a few more reasons:

1)We already have gone thru checks to get a permit. license and purchase of guns already,

2)No Money for the people to handle yet another group of checks.
They already have a two year wait just to get your permts in some areas so how far back do you want people tp wait while you add more hurdles

And the most important thing to remember:
IT is not going to keep a gun from a crimal.

Now you know - for sure! wink
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:02 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
[ I also had read the Turnbull's post right after he posted it. And he said that unlike you, he had no problem submitting to a background check. You on the other hand, never said why you are against background checks or what harm could it bring about. Give it time, compare numbers after a period of time. If it didn't change the number of gun related deaths, then we could agree that mandatory background checks are useless.

Here you remember Turnbull's post because it agrees for you but you can't seem to remeber mine before it.

TURNBULLS: My view: although expanded background checks would not have prevented the CT horror, they might--just might--prevent some people who shouldn't have firearms from buying them. As a law-abiding gun owner and a CCW holder, I would not have objected to submitting to a background check at a gun show.

For me "just might" isn't a good enough reason, just like "if it save just one life"

Originally Posted By: dontomasso

I guess all those law enforcement types who favor background checks (NOT Gun Control) don't know what they are talking about.

Well, lets see who they are then. Would love to put an expert name to your statement.

I see you like to keep throwing this up...We already have checks here in NEW YORK STATE and many other states, but it is thrown around like "Checks" are the big crime stopper. More like the answer if they aren't going to ban all those scary rifles....lets feel safe and do background checks.

You do understand that a background check no matter how many you do is not going to keep a gun from a crimal right?

FBI states that 9 out 0f 10 weapons used are stolen or not register to people

Excuse me- to the right people-

There that is why!

And let me give a few more reasons:

1)We already have gone thru checks to get a permit. license and purchase of guns already,

2)No Money for the people to handle yet another group of checks.
They already have a two year wait just to get your permts in some areas so how far back do you want people tp wait while you add more hurdles

And the most important thing to remember:
IT is not going to keep a gun from a crimal.

Now you know - for sure! wink

You don't have to repost your posts after that date, I was here by then. I read them all. So what if it is not good enough for you if that would save a life? It's good enough for the rest of us who are obviously here debating in this bill's favor.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:14 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
Originally Posted By: fathersson
because I do know the truth

This is the attitude where generally a discussion stops. If I'm not ready to change my mind, why should I enter such a discussion.
We all know that the topic here is so complex, because it includes facts and emotions. There are no simple truth. This is not two plus two.
I, for example, am pretty much convinced about my point of view on this matter. Still, I want to understand, why it is that people in the US love their guns so much that this love is stronger that they are willing to take chances.

But I heard the "I know the truth" attitude for decades. You know where? In communist East Germany. And I think Afsaneh also comes across this attitude in her everyday life...

Attitude, You wory about that..... sure, we may SEEM to give it..when PEOPLE DON"T LISTEN or come back with emotions for reasons instead of facts....
....after we explain things ten times.
Lets make this clear here --- EMOTIONS shouldn't be reasons for making new laws.

You know what I see: a group of people who almost demand that gun owners explain why they should have the right to keep/own and use their guns. We should answer and explain EVERY (sometimes dumb) reason or emotion they come across with, Yet the major reason for them is- GUNS KILL PEOPLE- that is why.
AND yes, bad people do use them for bad things. We know that. BUT, that is no reasion for others to lose their rights to them or jump thru more hoops to make other peoples happy. ENFORCE the laws that we already have, which they haven't done.

You don't see people going after Govt. to enforce those laws do you....put the blame where it belongs with the criminals, chase them down, Gangs, Drug Dealers, Muggers, Home Invadors and any other person who commits crimes with a gun or other weapons. Make their sentenses so hard and long that they never see the outside instead of a revoling door.

They yelled out for a vote...showed little kids and used them as a center peice of emotion that couldn't be argued with...we deserve a vote- They got their vote they went down and they didn't like the outcome.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:18 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
[ I also had read the Turnbull's post right after he posted it. And he said that unlike you, he had no problem submitting to a background check. You on the other hand, never said why you are against background checks or what harm could it bring about. Give it time, compare numbers after a period of time. If it didn't change the number of gun related deaths, then we could agree that mandatory background checks are useless.

Here you remember Turnbull's post because it agrees for you but you can't seem to remeber mine before it.

TURNBULLS: My view: although expanded background checks would not have prevented the CT horror, they might--just might--prevent some people who shouldn't have firearms from buying them. As a law-abiding gun owner and a CCW holder, I would not have objected to submitting to a background check at a gun show.

For me "just might" isn't a good enough reason, just like "if it save just one life"

Originally Posted By: dontomasso

I guess all those law enforcement types who favor background checks (NOT Gun Control) don't know what they are talking about.

Well, lets see who they are then. Would love to put an expert name to your statement.

I see you like to keep throwing this up...We already have checks here in NEW YORK STATE and many other states, but it is thrown around like "Checks" are the big crime stopper. More like the answer if they aren't going to ban all those scary rifles....lets feel safe and do background checks.

You do understand that a background check no matter how many you do is not going to keep a gun from a crimal right?

FBI states that 9 out 0f 10 weapons used are stolen or not register to people

Excuse me- to the right people-

There that is why!

And let me give a few more reasons:

1)We already have gone thru checks to get a permit. license and purchase of guns already,

2)No Money for the people to handle yet another group of checks.
They already have a two year wait just to get your permts in some areas so how far back do you want people tp wait while you add more hurdles

And the most important thing to remember:
IT is not going to keep a gun from a crimal.

Now you know - for sure! wink

You don't have to repost your posts after that date, I was here by then. I read them all. So what if it is not good enough for you if that would save a life? It's good enough for the rest of us who are obviously here debating in this bill's favor.

Why, why, why,...just like I thought. frown

I think my last post explains that for ya. lol
to a tee lol lol
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:20 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
It's good enough for the rest of us who are obviously here in this bill's favor.

lets be honest here for a second. you, along with many others here, are in favor of any and all bills restricting guns, no matter how minor or major. you don't have a horse in the race, so in reality it doesn't matter what is proposed, as long as its restrictive you will be in favor of it. this is the reason that so many in the firearms community are fed up, enough's enough. alot of people have reached their line in the sand, and are going to stand firmly. no more restrictions, not a single one.

the truth is, no matter if this bill passed or not, there would be a certain group already working on the next bill, and the next, and so on. we have heard it from the presidents own mouth, as well as many other politicians, this is only the beginning. its never going to be good enough for some until all of the guns are gone, and anybody arguing thats not the case in living in a fantasy world.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:21 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
I think my last post explains that for ya. lol
to a tee lol lol

More than it needed to frankly. You admitted twice already that less deaths, when happen in insignificant numbers, shouldn't inconvenience you into a longer waiting period to get your gun. We all got that. rolleyes
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:24 PM

Very good post Fathersson
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
It's good enough for the rest of us who are obviously here in this bill's favor.

lets be honest here for a second. you, along with many others here, are in favor of any and all bills restricting guns, no matter how minor or major. you don't have a horse in the race, so in reality it doesn't matter what is proposed, as long as its restrictive you will be in favor of it. this is the reason that so many in the firearms community are fed up, enough's enough. alot of people have reached their line in the sand, and are going to stand firmly. no more restrictions, not a single one.

the truth is, no matter if this bill passed or not, there would be a certain group already working on the next bill, and the next, and so on. we have heard it from the presidents own mouth, as well as many other politicians, this is only the beginning. its never going to be good enough for some until all of the guns are gone, and anybody arguing thats not the case in living in a fantasy world.

A-MEN I couldn't have siad it better!

But, it will be wasted on deaf ears or return with snide remarks! But a great post....
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
It's good enough for the rest of us who are obviously here in this bill's favor.

lets be honest here for a second. you, along with many others here, are in favor of any and all bills restricting guns, no matter how minor or major. you don't have a horse in the race, so in reality it doesn't matter what is proposed, as long as its restrictive you will be in favor of it. this is the reason that so many in the firearms community are fed up, enough's enough. alot of people have reached their line in the sand, and are going to stand firmly. no more restrictions, not a single one.

the truth is, no matter if this bill passed or not, there would be a certain group already working on the next bill, and the next, and so on. we have heard it from the presidents own mouth, as well as many other politicians, this is only the beginning. its never going to be good enough for some until all of the guns are gone, and anybody arguing thats not the case in living in a fantasy world.

If you want honesty, here it is. My beloved Maher said that he thinks the 2nd amendment is bullshit. I wouldn't really go that far. I think it is not such a bad idea to be able to defend yourself and not have to wait for the police. But honestly, I'm not sure if you need an arsenal to do that. Who is going to attack my house, the mexican drug cartel? panic
Posted By: 123JoeSchmo

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:52 PM

The 2nd amendment is there for a reason. In my own opinion assault rifles should be banned as no one outside the military needs them. But aside from that I'm with fathersson. People have the right to be armed, they have a responsibility in doing so which should not to be taken lightly. At the same time I would like to see more enforcement of the laws we already have in place. I understand that Arizona has a very good system in place regarding permits and background checks.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:54 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: fathersson
I think my last post explains that for ya. lol
to a tee lol lol

More than it needed to frankly. You admitted twice already that less deaths, when happen in insignificant numbers, shouldn't inconvenience you into a longer waiting period to get your gun. We all got that. rolleyes

If that is all you got from that post ---so be it lol

Like I said Five- Deaf Ears! or as my parents say- SELECTIVE HEARING! lol lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 07:56 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
It's good enough for the rest of us who are obviously here in this bill's favor.

lets be honest here for a second. you, along with many others here, are in favor of any and all bills restricting guns, no matter how minor or major. you don't have a horse in the race, so in reality it doesn't matter what is proposed, as long as its restrictive you will be in favor of it. this is the reason that so many in the firearms community are fed up, enough's enough. alot of people have reached their line in the sand, and are going to stand firmly. no more restrictions, not a single one.

the truth is, no matter if this bill passed or not, there would be a certain group already working on the next bill, and the next, and so on. we have heard it from the presidents own mouth, as well as many other politicians, this is only the beginning. its never going to be good enough for some until all of the guns are gone, and anybody arguing thats not the case in living in a fantasy world.

If you want honesty, here it is. My beloved Maher said that he thinks the 2nd amendment is bullshit. I wouldn't really go that far. I think it is not such a bad idea to be able to defend yourself and not have to wait for the police. But honestly, I'm not sure if you need an arsenal to do that. Who is going to attack my house, the mexican drug cartel? panic

May I ask what or who is a beloved "MAHER" confused
an Iranian leader? Holy Man?
Teacher? ???
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 08:00 PM


Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 08:09 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
May I ask what or who is a beloved "MAHER" confused

From Merriam Webster:

A Maher is what you get when you breed a liberal, self-hating Catholic with a self-hating Jew, then fail to tell the kid that he's half Jewish until he's an adult (true story). You end up with a glib, Godless, self-hating douchebag who, failing at comedy, takes a turn so far to the left to make a buck, that he'd make a Kennedy blush.

Sorry, Afs. I love ya, but generally speaking I hate that guy (but I give him HUGE props for straightening out that asshole about the Boston Marathon attack clap).
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 08:13 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77

lol BILL MAHER lol You follow the ideas of BILL MAHHER in Iran?

Comeidan, political satire

As with his previous show, Politically Incorrect, Maher begins Real Time with a comic opening monologue based upon current events and other topical issues. He proceeds to a one-on-one interview with a guest, either in-studio or via satellite. Following the interview, Maher sits with three panelists, usually consisting of pundits, authors, activists and journalists, for a discussion of the week's events. In the segment "New Rules" at the end of each show, Maher delivers a humorous editorial on popular culture and American politics.

I laughed so hard just reading Bills Wikipeka page.!
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 08:13 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Who is going to attack my house, the mexican drug cartel? panic

if you live on or near the southwest border, sadly thats certainly not out of the realm of possibilty, and you can be sure that the perps will not give a shit about the latest magazine restriction or backround check requirement! i don't know what the situation is like in iran with regards to home invasions, but they are far from uncommon here in the states. what you and many others here just can't seem to understand is that placing a law abiding citizen at a marked disadvantage because of the actions of a few random crazies is not only counterproductive, but morally wrong.

put yourself in the mind of a criminal. who would you rather pray on? someone who is likely to be under-armed or unarmed altogether, or someone who you know might have the capability to defend themselves in the most efficient means possible? would you rather commit a home invasion in ny or texas? would you rather attempt an assault/rape/robbery in a state where its almost impossible for a civilian to carry a concealed weapon, or a state where the grandma leaving the bank might very well be packing heat? the answer seems pretty clear to me! wink

another valid point often overlooked in the whole debate is this: with the constant erosion of the right to bear arms, the rights to self defense also fades, not just in a literal sense but in a socially and legally accepted sense. we have seen this first hand in the uk and australia where not only have the majority of guns been outlawed, but its basically against the law to use the few that remain for self defense. people have been prosecuted and imprisoned for defending themselves, that poor farmer tony martin comes to mind, but there are more than a few cases, look into it.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 08:17 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

A Maher is what you get when you breed a liberal, self-hating Catholic with a self-hating Jew, then fail to tell the kid that he's half Jewish until he's an adult (true story). You end up with a glib, Godless, self-hating douchebag who, failing at comedy, takes a turn so far to the left to make a buck, that he'd make a Kennedy blush.

Sorry, Afs. I love ya, but generally speaking I hate that guy (but I give him HUGE props for straightening out that asshole about the Boston Marathon attack clap).

I can't help but love him. I didn't care for the movie he made, "Religulous" but his "Real Time" is one of my favorite political shows, along with "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report."
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 08:24 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

A Maher is what you get when you breed a liberal, self-hating Catholic with a self-hating Jew, then fail to tell the kid that he's half Jewish until he's an adult (true story). You end up with a glib, Godless, self-hating douchebag who, failing at comedy, takes a turn so far to the left to make a buck, that he'd make a Kennedy blush.

Sorry, Afs. I love ya, but generally speaking I hate that guy (but I give him HUGE props for straightening out that asshole about the Boston Marathon attack clap).

I can't help but love him. I didn't care for the movie he made, "Religulous" but his "Real Time" is one of my favorite political shows, along with "The Daily Show" and "The Colbert Report."

I'll admit, this "new light" explains a whole lot to me and has opened my eyes to better understand you and your thoughts on here.

How popular is he in Iran?
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 08:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Who is going to attack my house, the mexican drug cartel? panic

if you live on or near the southwest border, sadly thats certainly not out of the realm of possibilty, and you can be sure that the perps will not give a shit about the latest magazine restriction or backround check requirement! i don't know what the situation is like in iran with regards to home invasions, but they are far from uncommon here in the states. what you and many others here just can't seem to understand is that placing a law abiding citizen at a marked disadvantage because of the actions of a few random crazies is not only counterproductive, but morally wrong.

put yourself in the mind of a criminal. who would you rather pray on? someone who is likely to be under-armed or unarmed altogether, or someone who you know might have the capability to defend themselves in the most efficient means possible? would you rather commit a home invasion in ny or texas? would you rather attempt an assault/rape/robbery in a state where its almost impossible for a civilian to carry a concealed weapon, or a state where the grandma leaving the bank might very well be packing heat? the answer seems pretty clear to me! wink

another valid point often overlooked in the whole debate is this: with the constant erosion of the right to bear arms, the rights to self defense also fades, not just in a literal sense but in a socially and legally accepted sense. we have seen this first hand in the uk and australia where not only have the majority of guns been outlawed, but its basically against the law to use the few that remain for self defense. people have been prosecuted and imprisoned for defending themselves, that poor farmer tony martin comes to mind, but there are more than a few cases, look into it.

Your point about erosion of right to defend yourself in absence of guns is valid. Here, if you kill someone who is trying to rape you, or has invaded your house, it's considered murder. That's why I say it's a nice concept to have a right to defend yourself and not wait for the police. BUT, I'm talking about Iran, what isn't screwed up here? I would like to know if the same thing goes in the UK as well.

But as for home invasions in the US, you invade homes and then get what? Who keeps anything of value at their home? If someone breaks into a house is usually for rape. Drug cartel would have no interest to invade a house.

Again, I'm not in favor of abolishing the 2nd amendment, but I think gun ownership needs to be much more restricted and regulated.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 08:29 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
How popular is he in Iran?

I don't have the slightest idea.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 08:34 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
But as for home invasions in the US, you invade homes and then get what? Who keeps anything of value at their home? If someone breaks into a house is usually for rape. Drug cartel would have no interest to invade a house.

people keep all kinds of valuable things at home. cash, jewelry, coins, art, cars, kids ect. most of the low-level home invasions tend to involve drug addicts looking to steal something that they can turn into quick cash, or just the cash itself. its no surprise that somebody like this might be a bit unstable.

the modern drug cartels have evolved much more into true organzized crime, with organized being the key word. these groups have become much more diversified by looking to supplement their income with other activities, and home invasion/burgluries are a great way to make money. kidnapping for ransom has also become big business for them on both sides of the border, with phoenix arizona being a prime example of this.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 09:47 PM

If fathersson knows the truth, then why continuing the discussion with him? He believes he knows it all. Nothing will ever change his mind. That's what he calls it reason.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 10:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
If fathersson knows the truth, then why continuing the discussion with him? He believes he knows it all. Nothing will ever change his mind. That's what he calls it reason.

Normally I wouldn't even address this kind of post BUT...... whistle

Nothing smarter then that to say on the subject?

Boy, you must be looking for attention,

oh yeah.... with that kind of post.
either that or your just out to start trouble

TRY this for a reply:

Hey Danito,

take your B.B. Gun and you pot shots out to the back yard lol

You don't belong on the gun range that is for sure.!
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 11:16 PM

Original geschrieben von: fathersson

Boy, you must be looking for attention,

oh yeah.... with that kind of post.
either that or your just out to start trouble

I'm not trying to start trouble. Seriously. You're the one who said, you know "the truth". I know where I heard that before.

Antwort auf:

TRY this for a reply:

Hey Danito,

take your B.B. Gun and you pot shots out to the back yard lol

You don't belong on the gun range that is for sure.!

Whatever the B.B. Gun joke means - my English is not good enough to understand it. Sorry.

What you're saying about me and the gun range is probably true. I was on a gun range for way too much time.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/05/13 11:27 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
Originally Posted By: fathersson

Boy, you must be looking for attention,

oh yeah.... with that kind of post.
either that or your just out to start trouble

I'm not trying to start trouble. Seriously. You're the one who said, you know "the truth". I know where I heard that before.

OK, I will bite- What is this "you know "the truth".
That seems to be bothering you so much? It must be something in your country- Do explain please...
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 04:45 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
people keep all kinds of valuable things at home. cash, jewelry, coins, art, cars, kids ect. most of the low-level home invasions tend to involve drug addicts looking to steal something that they can turn into quick cash, or just the cash itself. its no surprise that somebody like this might be a bit unstable.

the modern drug cartels have evolved much more into true organzized crime, with organized being the key word. these groups have become much more diversified by looking to supplement their income with other activities, and home invasion/burgluries are a great way to make money. kidnapping for ransom has also become big business for them on both sides of the border, with phoenix arizona being a prime example of this.

Do you think it is fair to say that gun deaths are a random and rare incident, but kidnapping for instance is not? And how would you protect your kid from being kidnapped with a gun in the first place? Do you watch them 24/7 with a rifle? That's unrealistic to think that you are always at home and guns would stop burglary. Here, burglaries happen when no one is at home. I suppose that's the universal logic that someone who has decided to rob a house would wait for a moment when no one is around.

And for places like Arizona, perhaps different sets of rules might put people back in advantage.

I think this extreme left and right sides on this issue would work to your disadvantage in the long run. These shootings, has swayed the public opinion in favor of background checks, whether it has a huge impact except making waiting periods longer or not. Do you think public opinion wouldn't go any further when the next massacre happens? Why not work together and come to a compromise that actually works?
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 05:00 AM

Originally Posted By: Danito
If fathersson knows the truth, then why continuing the discussion with him? He believes he knows it all. Nothing will ever change his mind. That's what he calls it reason.

I wasn't anymore. But it seems you are now. lol

BTW, I was meaning to ask, how self defense work in Germany? What if you kill someone in the process?
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 10:18 AM

Original geschrieben von: afsaneh77

BTW, I was meaning to ask, how self defense work in Germany? What if you kill someone in the process?

It's a very complex legal matter. I'm trying to desrcibe the situation shortly. (I'm not sure about the translation of all the legal terms.) It is legal to defend yourself according to the danger of the situation. Let's say, two men want to steal my money on the street at night. One is trying to hold me the one punches me. And let's say, I know karate. I have the right to defend myself so far, that they are not able to continue their attack. This may include breaking the attackers arm. BUT it would be illegal to continue hitting them if they're already defenseless.

The means of defense have to be appropriate. Let's say, someone is sitting on my cherry tree stealing my cherries, I'd go to jail if I shoot him.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 10:24 AM

Original geschrieben von: fathersson

OK, I will bite- What is this "you know "the truth".
That seems to be bothering you so much? It must be something in your country- Do explain please...

I thought it's obvious: People who claim that they (and only they) know the truth actually aren't ready to discuss because they're not ready to change their minds.
I've seen this mind set in political and in religious fanatics. It has something to do with my country, because I grew up in East Germany where political discussion was supressed by a party who knew "the truth".
But it's not limited to my personal experience.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 10:37 AM

Originally Posted By: Danito
It's a very complex legal matter. I'm trying to desrcibe the situation shortly. (I'm not sure about the translation of all the legal terms.) It is legal to defend yourself according to the danger of the situation. Let's say, two men want to steal my money on the street at night. One is trying to hold me the one punches me. And let's say, I know karate. I have the right to defend myself so far, that they are not able to continue their attack. This may include breaking the attackers arm. BUT it would be illegal to continue hitting them if they're already defenseless.

The means of defense have to be appropriate. Let's say, someone is sitting on my cherry tree stealing my cherries, I'd go to jail if I shoot him.

So Germany has the "reasonable force" rule as UK has. Thanks.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 12:00 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
Originally Posted By: fathersson

OK, I will bite- What is this "you know "the truth".
That seems to be bothering you so much? It must be something in your country- Do explain please...

I thought it's obvious: People who claim that they (and only they) know the truth actually aren't ready to discuss because they're not ready to change their minds.
I've seen this mind set in political and in religious fanatics. It has something to do with my country, because I grew up in East Germany where political discussion was supressed by a party who knew "the truth".
But it's not limited to my personal experience.

Well it may be "obvious" to you in your mind, but it wasn't to me. I was begining to think you were a whack of some kind. thanks for explaining the mystery.

The point has been made here befrore. Most people just have emotions on this subject and form their opinion with little or no real knowledge on what is what as we have mention before...
It seems like we have many who enjoy potshots and their statements prove they don't know what they are talking about. For those with "skin in the game" feel this isn't "just a kick it around" subject with WHY WHY WHY anymore.

We all see the person with no real answers attacking post style and not coming back with facts when answers to the questions are given to them.

Isn't that alot of fun to deal with. rolleyes

So there isn't anything so far that would change gun owner minds so far. And as far as I can see, not that we aren't listening and interacting on the subject! We aren't the ones with the closed mind here, we just keep fielding the same lame concerns and whining from some people.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 02:57 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
It's fun to post. This thread though has to take the cake for being the longest and most argumentative (perhaps) during the Board's tenure. While reading its posts I've noticed that not many of them cite academic references. Maybe doing so would be more instructive and conclusive. If you haven't already, you might try (or not) reading Madison's Bill of Rights proposal to the 1st US House; read the relevant text of the 1789 House and Senate Journals; read Akhil Amar's biography of the Constitution as well as his Bill of Rights work; read the Supreme Court's entire Heller opinion (or at least the Syllabus of it); read Max Farrand's Records of the Constitutional Convention; familiarize yourself with the concept of Original Intent; of course, read the Constitution, but read it as a person in 18th century America would read and understand it.

Good points. In particular read the Stevens dissent in Heller as well as the Scalia majority opinion. Heller was the first Supreme Court decision to address the Second Amendment in considerable detail, and is fascinating not only for what it addresses, but also for what it doesn't.

A misconception about the Second Amendment, which has been frequently advanced by the NRA leadership, but has no basis in reality, is that it was inserted to protect American citizens from possible tyranny and dictatorship from its own government. This is part of what conservative Chief Justice Burger had in mind when he said that the gun lobby's preaching on Second Amendment rights is one of the biggest frauds perpetuated on the American people. Scalia even distanced himself from this fallacy.

At the time of its ratification the United States did not have, nor did they want to have a standing army. It was considered that from time to time it may be necessary to defend itself from Indians and foreign invaders, or to put down insurrections. That was the necessity of a militia. We did not need an armed citizenry to defend itself from a tyrannical or dictatorial American government as the document itself, which these brilliant men created, served the purpose.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 03:18 PM

Nice article by Lupica today. He made it a point to mention that most responsible gun owners aren't affiliated with the NRA, which was nice. I copied and pasted the article from the Daily News. But you should really click the link at the bottom to see the pictures of these little kids with guns at that rally yesterday if you want to get the full effect. It's really kinda disturbing.

Lupica: Sarah Palin's appearance at the National Rifle Association convention is perfect for phony 'patriots'

Palin, who showed up with a T-shirt that read 'Women Hunt,' certainly appealed to the mean, dumb, angry crowd she found in Houston.


Sarah Palin showed up at the NRA convention the other day, which was merely perfect. She belonged there as much as anybody in the hall just because from the start, from the time John McCain picked her out of the chorus, Palin has most appealed to mean, dumb, angry crowds exactly like the one she found in Houston.

Palin should have worn a prom dress, but on this occasion wore a T-shirt that read “Women Hunt.” In her case, that means hunting for attention.

Or relevance.

This was the day before Wayne LaPierre, the mouth breather who is the National Rifle Association’s executive vice president, got up and gave a speech of his own, one that included this line:

“How many Bostonians wished they had a gun two weeks ago?”

LaPierre is nothing more than a cheap, dangerous demagogue, constantly trying to act as if he and an association that represents an amazingly small percentage of gun owners in this country are the ones who represent the heart and soul of America, when all they are doing is fronting for the big gun companies who help fund the NRA. LaPierre isn’t a patriot, he’s a pimp.

A Daily News investigation put the spotlight on the NRA’s industry benefactors. Here are some patriots in the NRA’s so-called “Ring of Freedom” donors:

• Beretta USA Corp (listed in the $1 million to $4.9 million donation category).

• Springfield-Armory Inc. (also $1 million to $4.9 million).

• Benelli USA Corp. ($500,000 to $999,999 ).

• Sturm Ruger ($500,000 to $999,999).

So now Sarah Palin, the real cheerleader in the room in Houston, desperate to remain famous, becomes as much a face of the NRA as she has ever been. She does it by sounding as mean and dumb and angry as anybody in her audience, calling parents of children lost at Sandy Hook Elementary School “backdrops” for anti-gun rallies. And then, just because unintended self-parody is another of her specialties — like a great basketball player’s go-to move — she accuses the majority of Americans who want better gun control of exploiting tragedy.

In the process she becomes a warmup act to LaPierre politicizing the tragedy of the Boston Marathon the way he did when he called that press conference after Newtown and begged for more guns in schools, and on the street. It must have made Beretta and Springfield-Armory and all the rest of the gun companies practically moist with excitement.

“They use tragedy to . . . shame us into compromising our freedom!” LaPierre screams in Houston, and it is just more of the NRA’s great lie about how better background checks and a ban on the kind of assault rifle that Adam Lanza used to kill 26 people in an elementary school are an assault on freedom.

These are contemptible people. And if you are Sarah Palin — a woman hunting attention — and you sign on with them to hear the roar of another crowd, you are no better than they are.

The leaders of the NRA don’t speak for responsible gun owners in America, and never have. They don’t even speak to the spirit of the Second Amendment, written about a thousand years ago for single-shot muskets. They just continue to pound away at the same insane theme: Gun control is the beginning of the government coming to take their guns. As Gov. Cuomo has said, the image you get is some guy with a rifle in an attic window, watching as tanks come up his driveway.

LaPierre spoke over the weekend about “frightened citizens (of Boston) sheltered in place with no means to defend themselves.”

No, the frightened people are frightened little men like Wayne LaPierre, and the gun nuts cheering him on, all who think they become more American — and more manly — because they own guns. Not as manly as Sarah Palin, of course. But close enough.

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/national...7#ixzz2SWf48Ao9
Posted By: bigboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 05:26 PM

It could again be mentioned that you never see NRA members sticking up gas stations
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 05:39 PM

wow pizzaboy, thank you for posting that great insightful, and above all else, unbiased article! its a good thing that the author didn't resort to any name calling or very broad generalizations to help further along his quite one sided hit piece.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 05:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
wow pizzaboy, thank you for posting that great insightful, and above all else, unbiased article! its a good thing that the author didn't resort to any name calling or very broad generalizations to help further along his quite one sided hit piece.

I never said it was unbiased. Lupica is a lefty from the '60s. No doubt about that. But I liked that he was sure to point out that most responsible gun owners are NOT affiliated with the NRA.

If you didn't find the pictures of those kids posing with guns disturbing, then I don't know what to tell you. Agree to disagree and all that.

But Sarah Palin was a useless twat five years ago, and she's a useless twat today. How's that for name calling? lol
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 06:13 PM

Originally Posted By: bigboy
It could again be mentioned that you never see NRA members sticking up gas stations

Really? Never? An NRA member has never used a gun to perpetrate a crime? Can you cite a source for that? I'd like to learn more.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 06:22 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
But I liked that he was sure to point out that most responsible gun owners are NOT affiliated with the NRA.

If you didn't find those pictures of those kids posing with guns disturbing, then I don't know what to tell you. Agree to disagree and all that.

i don't understand that logic at all. are you somehow implying, or agreeing with the idea that gun owners who are affiliated with the nra are irresponsible? if thats the way you feel then perhaps you should provide some facts that back up why you think that way, besides the whole "crazy wayne" copout. the nra is the public whipping boy for the sole reason that they are the most visible, and certain folks think they have an ace up their sleave when they let us know that the gun manufactures donate money to them. no shit, they are a lobbyist organization, but the 5 million members and growing also support them financially.

i've pointed this out before, they do alot of good and are one of the main proponents of gun safety classes that are a big part of most of the liberal gun control crowds "reasonable restrictions" arguments. this isn't directed at you, but if people really dislike the nra so much, then donate money to some of the lobbyist groups with an opposing viewpoint. if you are not prepared to do that, than do the rest of us a favor and just shut the hell up! put your money where your mouth is or move on.

as far as the kids holding guns, i can't for the life of me see the problem with kids handling unloaded weapons in a controlled situation with proper supervision. if we want people to grow up knowing how to handle firearms responsibly, then they should be taught and educated at an early age. thats not even taking into consideration the whole "families sharing common interests and having a good time together" line or reasoning. with all of those death machines floating around, how many people were shot and killed there this past weekend? whistle
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 06:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Really? Never? An NRA member has never used a gun to perpetrate a crime? Can you cite a source for that? I'd like to learn more.

considering the hard-on that the liberal media has for the nra, they would certainly go out of their way to link the 2 together, yet we never seem to really hear much along those lines. remember the whole dorner situation? for some reason, the media didn't spend too much time with reagrds to his liberal beliefs and hero worshiping of obama, why was that? do you think the script might have been a bit different is he was as adamant of a tea party supporter, or god forbid, an nra member? shhh
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 06:35 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
wow pizzaboy, thank you for posting that great insightful, and above all else, unbiased article! its a good thing that the author didn't resort to any name calling or very broad generalizations to help further along his quite one sided hit piece.

I never said it was unbiased. Lupica is a lefty from the '60s. No doubt about that. But I liked that he was sure to point out that most responsible gun owners are NOT affiliated with the NRA.

If you didn't find the pictures of those kids posing with guns disturbing, then I don't know what to tell you. Agree to disagree and all that.

But Sarah Palin was a useless twat five years ago, and she's a useless twat today. How's that for name calling? lol

I could care less about what he wrote. I just laughed lol thru most of it. I nearly pissed my pants when he writes like he was breaking a big story like watergate on who was giving big bucks out.

Just like the casket companies donate to the National Funeral Directers big shows. lol

But, on a real note PIZZABOY-- did you have to go that low and use a cheap word (twice) like that about Palin?
I thought better of you my friend. frown
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 06:37 PM

Hell, remember when Michael Jackson held his so called kid over the railing that time....Boy did the press and everyone else make a stink then ....
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 06:44 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
But Sarah Palin was a useless twat five years ago, and she's a useless twat today. How's that for name calling? lol

But, on a real note PIZZABOY-- did you have to go that low and use a cheap word (twice) like that about Palin?
I thought better of you my friend. frown

You're right. I never should have used the word useless twice. Sorry.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 07:12 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: bigboy
It could again be mentioned that you never see NRA members sticking up gas stations

Really? Never? An NRA member has never used a gun to perpetrate a crime? Can you cite a source for that? I'd like to learn more.

Hell, if he was robbing gas stations, then he sure as hell doesn't have the dues money for the NRA now would he.... whistle

rimshot lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/06/13 07:16 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
But Sarah Palin was a useless twat five years ago, and she's a useless twat today. How's that for name calling? lol

But, on a real note PIZZABOY-- did you have to go that low and use a cheap word (twice) like that about Palin?
I thought better of you my friend. frown

You're right. I never should have used the word useless twice. Sorry.

lol OK funny little johnny.... lol

I have to give that one to you.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 04:31 AM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

If you didn't find the pictures of those kids posing with guns disturbing, then I don't know what to tell you. Agree to disagree and all that.

First just want to say i'm a gun guy and though not a member of the NRA i do support most (85% - 90%) of their policies.

I have to admit when i first saw those photo's of the kids i couldn't believe it. What genius thought of NRA Kids day? Especially now with all the heat from the school killings. Not too smart in my opinion.

Not sure if it matters to anyone but those weapons the kids are holding i'm almost positive are all air guns not firearms. Only one i'm not sure about is the chubby kid with the assault rifle.

On another subject, the repubs want hearings on the bullet sales to Homeland Security. They are openly accusing Obama of trying to make ammo impossible to buy. Seems like every day they are ordering more millions of rounds. More then the army orders per soldier.

I know Dapper Don said thats the typical way the gov makes purchases and he might be completely right, but there are many who say these orders are far from normal. Stay tuned, hopefully we'll soon learn whats going on.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 04:45 AM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Hell, remember when Michael Jackson held his so called kid over the railing that time....Boy did the press and everyone else make a stink then ....

Remember when someone was talking about gay marriage to a little girl on TV and you made a stink about it then. grin As I said, depends which side of the argument you are on.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 01:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
wow pizzaboy, thank you for posting that great insightful, and above all else, unbiased article! its a good thing that the author didn't resort to any name calling or very broad generalizations to help further along his quite one sided hit piece.

Don't worry Five, They didn't run this story under the news section. It was right near the Comics. lol
He was to lazy to even include how many members the NRA really had in his "article" and I use that term with a snicker.
Maybe he is looking to get a job writing for Bill Mahar on the comedy channel- lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 01:43 PM

"LaPierre isn’t a patriot, he’s a pimp."

and he never could out fight SONNY either. But it wasn't till Pizzaboys post that I now know it was Palin all along!

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 03:33 PM

The fact that Sarah Palin is still relevant to the NRA membership only confirms everything I have thought about them all along.

Wayne La Pierre is a terrorist.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 04:24 PM

here is a great article that i came across addressing some of the many gun control issues, as well as the reasons why honest discussions are difficult. now even though its on the pro-gun side, unlike the hit piece posted by pizzaboy the author of this article actually backs up his reasoning with facts and sources, not purely emotion, personal attacks, and outdated silly sterotypes. its a long read, but worth imo no matter which side of the debate you are on...

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 05:07 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
here is a great article that i came across addressing some of the many gun control issues, as well as the reasons why honest discussions are difficult. now even though its on the pro-gun side, unlike the hit piece posted by pizzaboy the author of this article actually backs up his reasoning with facts and sources, not purely emotion, personal attacks, and outdated silly sterotypes. its a long read, but worth imo no matter which side of the debate you are on...


Why do you keep addressing me on this issue? You don't agree with the article, fine. Who gives a fuck? I didn't agree with it a hundred percent either. But you're just as bad as the fucking lefties when people don't agree with you. You go right into attack mode.

Re the article you posted: He makes some nice points. But he goes on a diatribe about why gun owners don't trust anti-gun people. So let me ask you this: Where does that put me? I mean, I own guns, two handguns and a hunting rifle. I've been licensed in both New York and Florida for almost as long as you've been alive. But just because I'm willing to listen to the argument for background check proposals and I think it's silly for a guy living in Scarsdale to own a military type weapon (notice I was careful not to label it an assault weapon), you automatically throw me into the column with the peaceniks and '60s leftovers.

Well, I'm not of that mind, son. I never have been. But again, your problem is that you're no more open to an honest discussion than that idiot Senator from California. Being that I'm not "all in" on the issue, you've taken the position that "if he ain't with us a hundred percent, he's against us." But that's what I get for being a political centrist. I get it from both sides.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 05:33 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Why do you keep addressing me on this issue? You don't agree with the article, fine. Who gives a fuck? I didn't agree with it a hundred percent either. But you're just as bad as the fucking lefties when people don't agree with you. You go right into attack mode.

Re the article you posted: He makes some nice points. But he goes on a diatribe about why gun owners don't trust anti-gun people. So let me ask you this: Where does that put me? I mean, I own guns, two handguns and a hunting rifle. I've been licensed in both New York and Florida for almost as long as you've been alive. But just because I'm willing to listen to the argument for background check proposals and I think it's silly for a guy living in Scarsdale to own a military type weapon (notice I was careful not to label it an assault weapon), you automatically throw me into the column with the peaceniks and '60s leftovers.

Well, I'm not of that mind, son. I never have been. But again, your problem is that you're no more open to an honest discussion than that idiot Senator from California. Being that I'm not "all in" on the issue, you've taken the position that "if he ain't with us a hundred percent, he's against us." But that's what I get for being a political centrist. I get it from both sides.

maybe from now on i should include a smiley face everytime i'm trying to display a bit of lighthearted sarcasm and levity, i'm only busting balls by referencing you silly! wink lol whistle i'm not stupid, i'm well aware of where you stand so i thought it would be a bit funny to paint you all the way to one side, guess i was wrong! what can i say, most people have an issue or 2 where they feel strongly, mine just happens to be this, so it is what it is, similar to ivy and religon/gay marriage. wink lol smile

i'm very open to a debate or a discussion, and whether or not you agree with me, i've spent time both addressing and debating the concerns, questions, and many criticisms in this thread, only to have my contributions ignored entirely or brushed aside with some fancy legal talk. one of the main issues that i have with these debates is its just assumed that there should be a compromise right off the bat, something that can cause a great deal of disagreement from the very start. a wise man once told me that you are never going to change a mans opinions on religon, race, politics, drugs ect, so i try and keep that in mind. but hey, you started this thread, so..... cry have a good day sir! wink
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 05:38 PM

Fair enough, kid smile.

And that wise man who once told you that you are never going to change a man's opinions on religon, race, politics, drugs, etc?

You're right. He does sound very wise lol.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 06:55 PM

Come to think of it, if those guys who were sent to kill Vito Corleone had military style weapons with 30 round clips, there would be no Godfather story.
Does this make Coppola and Puzo a couple of wimp, socialist, Obama loving, commie homos?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/07/13 07:43 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
[quote=Five_Felonies]here is a great article that i came across addressing some of the many gun control issues, as well as the reasons why honest discussions are difficult. now even though its on the pro-gun side, unlike the hit piece posted by pizzaboy the author of this article actually backs up his reasoning with facts and sources, not purely emotion, personal attacks, and outdated silly sterotypes. its a long read, but worth imo no matter which side of the debate you are on...


A long read, but from what I have started it looks very well writen...I need to get back to it and read some more

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Why do you keep addressing me on this issue? You don't agree with the article, fine. Who gives a fuck? I didn't agree with it a hundred percent either.

I know why....it is that sexy pizzaboy advatar... and all that manly guns talk mixed with that Gay marraige posts and locking women up for ten yaers....YEAH the the reason! lol lol lol

By the way it is a joke for some of you who get their thongs in a twist so quickly lol or to dumb to know the difference... whistle

and if you don't find that funny...then a quote from Pizzaboys last post: "Who gives a fuck?" cool
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 05/08/13 01:15 AM

This just in: Justice Dept. reports sharp drop in gun crimes and homicides. Not what the article says about where criminals get guns:

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/08/13 02:57 PM

Evidently the number of households with guns has also dropped precititously, which is why the NRA is marketing them to children. Reminds me of Joe Camel.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/08/13 09:17 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Evidently the number of households with guns has also dropped precititously, which is why the NRA is marketing them to children. Reminds me of Joe Camel.


Didn't your daddy ever take you out and play with you?
Or did you get the "no you can't have one, because you would shoot your eye out!" lol

Weren't you from the cap gun generation? DT

A litle cowboy suit with the real looking cowboy hat along with a nice pair of six guns.

Even that kind of stuff is now taboo after the whinners started complaining enough.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/08/13 09:18 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
This just in: Justice Dept. reports sharp drop in gun crimes and homicides. Not what the article says about where criminals get guns:


This does prove several of the points we have talked about tho.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/08/13 09:23 PM

worth a watch...

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/09/13 04:19 PM

Time to close out this thread, Moderators. I think we all know where everyone stands on this issue, and I have a sneaky feeling no minds are going to be changed.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 05/09/13 04:22 PM

Sneaky? Really? I think the vitriol spewed in this thread has been the exact opposite.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/09/13 04:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Sneaky? Really? I think the vitriol spewed in this thread has been the exact opposite.

Understatement, SB. Very little evidence of minds in this thread at all.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 05/09/13 05:25 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Time to close out this thread, Moderators.

I concur. In the words of Boz Scaggs:

Posts, look what you've done to me.
Never thought I'd post again so easily
Oh, posts, you wouldn't lie to me
Leading me to feel this way
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/09/13 07:03 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Time to close out this thread, Moderators. I think we all know where everyone stands on this issue, and I have a sneaky feeling no minds are going to be changed.

That is it! lol call for it to be closed. lol

lets see it looks like all anti gun people making this call...

Not getting your way on capital hill and even in this thread so lets close it!

You don't want to post in it, then don't but never call for a thread to be closed.

It stinks....almost like censorship!
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/09/13 07:09 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Sneaky? Really? I think the vitriol spewed in this thread has been the exact opposite.

Wow I haven't seen that word since I was in Chemistry class!
Now those were the days. cool
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/09/13 07:26 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
That is it! lol call for it to be closed. lol

lets see it looks like all anti gun people making this call...

Not getting your way on capital hill and even in this thread so lets close it!

You don't want to post in it, then don't but never call for a thread to be closed.

It stinks....almost like censorship!

you pretty much nailed it! its pretty simple: if you don't want to post in a particular thread, then don't, nobody is holding a gun to your head. wink it might come as a surprise to some on here, but just because someone might vehemently disagree with you on certain topics, that doesn't translate into grounds for closing the thread!
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 12:04 AM

I still don't understand the gun obsession. I'm ready to learn. So leave the thread open.
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 12:44 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Time to close out this thread, Moderators.

I concur. In the words of Boz Scaggs:

Posts, look what you've done to me.
Never thought I'd post again so easily
Oh, posts, you wouldn't lie to me
Leading me to feel this way

Who the hell is Boz Schaggs lol
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 12:47 AM

I must say I am bit surprised this thread is 25 pages long and is still going...
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 12:59 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
I must say I am bit surprised this thread is 25 pages long and is still going...

its a high capacity thread! lol
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:05 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
I must say I am bit surprised this thread is 25 pages long and is still going...

its a high capacity thread! lol

Tons of extended clips thats for sure.

Personally, I dont care much about this issue. But I am always surprised by the number of people who consider it their hot topic issue on top of other more important (imo) issues out there. But to each their own. I am always happy to see people voice their opinions on an issue. Anything to get the average American involved in the day-to-day political discussions is always a plus in my book.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:18 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
But I am always surprised by the number of people who consider it their hot topic issue on top of other more important (imo) issues out there.

the deeper that you dig into the issue, the more that you will find that the majority of people who defend their 2nd amendment right so vigorously are more concerned with the bigger issue at stake, government intervention/regulation. that is one of the biggest issues currently facing us in my opinion. it ties into most of the other major issues currently facing us, be it economic or foreign policies.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:20 AM

Less guns = less homicides. Is that so hard to figure?
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:22 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
But I am always surprised by the number of people who consider it their hot topic issue on top of other more important (imo) issues out there.

the deeper that you dig into the issue, the more that you will find that the majority of people who defend their 2nd amendment right so vigorously are more concerned with the bigger issue at stake, government intervention/regulation. that is one of the biggest issues currently facing us in my opinion. it ties into most of the other major issues currently facing us, be it economic or foreign policies.

True, but connecting regulation of guns with foreign interventions or regulations of certain industries is a different issue(s) with its own set of pros/cons. Each should be tackled on its own accord to warrant giving it proper discourse.
Posted By: SC

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:22 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Less guns = less homicides. Is that so hard to figure?

You're gonna lose some followers if they have to do math here. whistle
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:23 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Less guns = less homicides. Is that so hard to figure?

less swimming pools, less drownings. wink
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:25 AM

By Emily Alpert May 7, 2013, 12:46 p.m.

Gun crime has plunged in the United States since its peak in the middle of the 1990s, including gun killings, assaults, robberies and other crimes, two new studies of government data show.

Yet few Americans are aware of the dramatic drop, and more than half believe gun crime has risen, according to a newly released survey by the Pew Research Center.

In less than two decades, the gun murder rate has been nearly cut in half. Other gun crimes fell even more sharply, paralleling a broader drop in violent crimes committed with or without guns. Violent crime dropped steeply during the 1990s and has fallen less dramatically since the turn of the millennium.

The number of gun killings dropped 39% between 1993 and 2011, the Bureau of Justice Statistics reported in a separate report released Tuesday. Gun crimes that weren’t fatal fell by 69%. However, guns still remain the most common murder weapon in the United States, the report noted. Between 1993 and 2011, more than two out of three murders in the U.S. were carried out with guns, the Bureau of Justice Statistics found.

The bureau also looked into non-fatal violent crimes. Few victims of such crimes -- less than 1% -- reported using a firearm to defend themselves.

Despite the remarkable drop in gun crime, only 12% of Americans surveyed said gun crime had declined compared with two decades ago, according to Pew, which surveyed more than 900 adults this spring. Twenty-six percent said it had stayed the same, and 56% thought it had increased.

Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:27 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Less guns = less homicides. Is that so hard to figure?

less swimming pools, less drownings. wink

True lol
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:28 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
True, but connecting regulation of guns with foreign interventions or regulations of certain industries is a different issue(s) with its own set of pros/cons. Each should be tackled on its own accord to warrant giving it proper discourse.

you are right to an extent. i'm not a big fan of comparing apples to oranges, but its warranted sometimes to help break through the mental block that some people have when they base their opinions on nothing more than emotion.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:32 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
True, but connecting regulation of guns with foreign interventions or regulations of certain industries is a different issue(s) with its own set of pros/cons. Each should be tackled on its own accord to warrant giving it proper discourse.

you are right to an extent. i'm not a big fan of comparing apples to oranges, but its warranted to an extent sometimes to help break through the mental block that some people have when they base their opinions on nothing more than emotion.

As a society, we would be foolish to compare these vastly different apples to oranges. Now THAT would really create the mental block that is caused when people base their opinions on emotions.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:38 AM

FS, that's because murder rates overall have dropped. Even in places like NY City, the murder rate has been dropping every single year. However, as this chart shows, by far, guns were still responsible for the most deaths overall.

Edited to Add: The source for the chart is the Bureau of Justice
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:40 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
As a society, we would be foolish to compare these vastly different apples to oranges. Now THAT would really create the mental block that is caused when people base their opinions on emotions.

like i said, i try and avoid the comparisions when i can, but if you look back through this thread, you will find both sides are guilty of this. what it boils down to me is this: guns are one of the ultimate symbols of freedom, and the regulation of them seems to go hand in hand with the regulation of our many other freedoms. i don't believe that the majority should pay for the misdeeds of the minority, nor do i believe that we should have people unfamiliar with weapons in general purposing or advocating restrictions for which they have little knowledge.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:50 AM

that chart points out a few interesting points, and actually has a reliable source for its data. first, it lets us know that crime has been going down steadily. second, it makes it pretty clear that evil black rifles are not to blame for the majority of the murders. it also seems to tie into what i've been saying all along: drug related homicides have, and will continue to make up the majority of the gun related violence that we have and will experience, as evident by the sharp drop in violence once the crack epidemic slowed way down.

i have already voiced some of my suggestions to help lesson gun related crime here. we need to really look at a way to change our war on drugs, and cut all foreign aid until our own domestic problems can be addressed. we also need to look at ways to reduce all forms of violent crime/murder, not just gun related crime. equally important, we need to be aware that no matter what laws we implement, bad people will continue to do bad things, they need to be held accountable to the absolute highest degree!
Posted By: DickNose_Moltasanti

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 01:51 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Less guns = less homicides. Is that so hard to figure?

less swimming pools, less drownings. wink

Less Cars = Les Car Accidents

Les Gold = less $$

Les Paul = Made by Gibson
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 02:13 AM

Originally Posted By: Dapper_Don
I must say I am bit surprised this thread is 25 pages long and is still going...

Like the Energizer Bunny.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 12:11 PM

Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Less guns = less homicides. Is that so hard to figure?

You're gonna lose some followers if they have to do math here. whistle

So true and the anti gun people already have a hard time understanding the true answers, please don't make them do math. smile IT is their simple problem solving that is hard for anyone to accept.

Close stores- so there is nothing for the criminals to steal! lol
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 03:56 PM

We can post on this thread until the cows come home and it is not going to make any difference. The fact of the matter is that there will be plenty of guns but in fewer and fewer hands. There will always be collectors, and there will always be people who want them for self protection, but the number of people who just go out to the range for the hell of it, and the number of people who hunt is diminishing, and I would be willing to bet that the number of people who do these things ages 30 and under is surprisingly low.

Also, regulation of weapons is going to happen. It is a question of time.

The staunch Second amendment people are going to die off, just as the racists and anti gay people will.

So listen, people...stop running around with your hair on fire. Things will work out for the better in time.

P.S. To answer FS' question. Yes as I kid I did dress up like a cowboy, and had a cap pistol or so. Also had a black cap pistol to play cops and robbers. Graduated to a bb gun and then pellett gun, then to a 22. Made Bar 2 as an NRA member when I was away at a summer camp for a couple of years. Also shot skeet and trap with shotguns and even hunted quail. Then I discovered women, got through puberty and lost all interest in having to compensate for small genetalia.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 04:18 PM

thank god i've never been shot at, otherwise i might just bring outdated and silly sterotypes to the debate like DT does, what a joke! lol typical tactics of a liberal, equate whatever group that doesn't share you beliefs with the lowest common denominator. example: 2nd amendment supporters will die off like racists, anti-gays, and other terrible groups. all gun owners must have little dicks. that really gives your position tons of credibility wink
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/10/13 04:21 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso

P.S. To answer FS' question. Yes as I kid I did dress up like a cowboy, and had a cap pistol or so. Also had a black cap pistol to play cops and robbers. Graduated to a bb gun and then pellett gun, then to a 22. Made Bar 2 as an NRA member when I was away at a summer camp for a couple of years. Also shot skeet and trap with shotguns and even hunted quail. Then I discovered women, got through puberty and lost all interest in having to compensate for small genetalia.

I now can understand you anger for all this...

It must be tuff to go around with small genetalia. It is good that you got over it and you don't let it bother you any longer!

Remember my friend it is not the size you have but rather if you know how to use it. What did the old story say: It is not the size of the ship, but the motion of the ocean, or something like that.


Oh I forgot. Thanks for the answer..and of course for being so honest! So many men would never admitt to that.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/11/13 04:51 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
the deeper that you dig into the issue, the more that you will find that the majority of people who defend their 2nd amendment right so vigorously are more concerned with the bigger issue at stake, government intervention/regulation. that is one of the biggest issues currently facing us in my opinion. it ties into most of the other major issues currently facing us, be it economic or foreign policies.

Government intervention and/or regulation is not a bad thing. Regulations are there to limit freedoms that harm others. It's one thing to live in a jungle, it's another when you choose to live in a civilized society. Remember that Texas fertilizer plant explosion? They had 1350 times more ammonium nitrate than regulations allow them to have. So that's Texas' lax regulations at work. Simply put, corporations and people just consider their own benefits, government should keep them in line to insure other people's rights and freedoms as well.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 05/11/13 05:09 AM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Less guns = less homicides. Is that so hard to figure?

less swimming pools, less drownings. wink

Of course, that's why public swimming pools have to meet specific regulations, and private pools have to be protected by fences and such. I suppose if you have a swimming pool and you let the door open and a child gets drowned in your pool, you could be liable as well.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/11/13 06:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
thank god i've never been shot at, otherwise i might just bring outdated and silly sterotypes to the debate like DT does, what a joke! lol typical tactics of a liberal, equate whatever group that doesn't share you beliefs with the lowest common denominator. example: 2nd amendment supporters will die off like racists, anti-gays, and other terrible groups. all gun owners must have little dicks. that really gives your position tons of credibility wink

If there is anything this world allows...it is to dream. Let them dream..it may just make them happy for a while.
Posted By: Dapper_Don

Re: Gun Control - 05/11/13 07:39 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
the deeper that you dig into the issue, the more that you will find that the majority of people who defend their 2nd amendment right so vigorously are more concerned with the bigger issue at stake, government intervention/regulation. that is one of the biggest issues currently facing us in my opinion. it ties into most of the other major issues currently facing us, be it economic or foreign policies.

Government intervention and/or regulation is not a bad thing. Regulations are there to limit freedoms that harm others. It's one thing to live in a jungle, it's another when you choose to live in a civilized society. Remember that Texas fertilizer plant explosion? They had 1350 times more ammonium nitrate than regulations allow them to have. So that's Texas' lax regulations at work. Simply put, corporations and people just consider their own benefits, government should keep them in line to insure other people's rights and freedoms as well.

I agree, and the example you use of the Texas explosion is a good one. There was also the financial crisis, the oil spill in the gulf, etc.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/13/13 04:40 PM

In New York State is 7 enough?

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/13/13 04:59 PM

Bang! This thread is dead.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/13/13 05:22 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Bang! This thread is dead.

Just when you thought you were out, it drags you back in! lol
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 05/13/13 05:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
the deeper that you dig into the issue, the more that you will find that the majority of people who defend their 2nd amendment right so vigorously are more concerned with the bigger issue at stake, government intervention/regulation. that is one of the biggest issues currently facing us in my opinion. it ties into most of the other major issues currently facing us, be it economic or foreign policies.

You got that right FF. You wait and see if God forbid the Dems take over again what they will do with the gun issue. They will shove there agenda up our ass just like Obama care.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/13/13 06:33 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: Five_Felonies
the deeper that you dig into the issue, the more that you will find that the majority of people who defend their 2nd amendment right so vigorously are more concerned with the bigger issue at stake, government intervention/regulation. that is one of the biggest issues currently facing us in my opinion. it ties into most of the other major issues currently facing us, be it economic or foreign policies.

You got that right FF. You wait and see if God forbid the Dems take over again what they will do with the gun issue. They will shove there agenda up our ass just like Obama care.

You wait and see what Obama Care does to this country. It will be a sad thing to see in the coming years!
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/14/13 03:22 PM

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- State police have charged a 31-year-old Hudson Valley driver with a misdemeanor after he was pulled over and found with two more bullets in his handgun magazine than allowed under New York's new gun control law.

Troopers say Gregory Dean Jr. of Hopewell Junction was stopped for an inadequate light on his license plate about 9:45 p.m. Sunday in New Lebanon.

They say their investigation showed the semi-automatic on the passenger seat was a legally possessed but its magazine contained nine rounds, not seven as required since April 15.

Troopers say Dean was charged with aggravated unlicensed driving for a suspended license and unlawful possession of the ammunition feeder, both misdemeanors.

He's due in New Lebanon town court May 23.

A telephone listing for Dean was out of service Monday.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/14/13 03:31 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon

You got that right FF. You wait and see if God forbid the Dems take over again what they will do with the gun issue. They will shove there agenda up our ass just like Obama care.

Obamacare was shoved up our ass? Get your fadcts straight...oh I am sorry you are a right winger facts mean nothing to you. But here are the facts.

1. It passed the Senate.
2. It passed the House.
3. It was sgned into law by the president.
4. It was uphelp by the United States Supreme Court.

There is this document called the Constitution. In there it says thats how we pass laws in this country. Try reading it some time before you declare this process "shoving it up our ass."
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/14/13 03:41 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon

You got that right FF. You wait and see if God forbid the Dems take over again what they will do with the gun issue. They will shove there agenda up our ass just like Obama care.

Obamacare was shoved up our ass? Get your fadcts straight...oh I am sorry you are a right winger facts mean nothing to you. But here are the facts.

1. It passed the Senate.
2. It passed the House.
3. It was sgned into law by the president.
4. It was uphelp by the United States Supreme Court.

There is this document called the Constitution. In there it says thats how we pass laws in this country. Try reading it some time before you declare this process "shoving it up our ass."

Your Right DT- 100% right...that is how they did it

but why the anger?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/14/13 03:44 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon

You got that right FF. You wait and see if God forbid the Dems take over again what they will do with the gun issue. They will shove there agenda up our ass just like Obama care.

Obamacare was shoved up our ass? Get your fadcts straight...oh I am sorry you are a right winger facts mean nothing to you. But here are the facts.

1. It passed the Senate.
2. It passed the House.
3. It was sgned into law by the president.
4. It was uphelp by the United States Supreme Court.

There is this document called the Constitution. In there it says thats how we pass laws in this country. Try reading it some time before you declare this process "shoving it up our ass."

Your Right DT- 100% right...that is how they did it

but why the anger?

I am not angry. I just tend to be sarcastic with people who misstate the facts.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/14/13 03:52 PM

My friend=- you need to use smileys more- smile
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 05/14/13 07:02 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon

You got that right FF. You wait and see if God forbid the Dems take over again what they will do with the gun issue. They will shove there agenda up our ass just like Obama care.

Obamacare was shoved up our ass? Get your fadcts straight...oh I am sorry you are a right winger facts mean nothing to you. But here are the facts.

1. It passed the Senate.
2. It passed the House.
3. It was sgned into law by the president.
4. It was uphelp by the United States Supreme Court.

There is this document called the Constitution. In there it says thats how we pass laws in this country. Try reading it some time before you declare this process "shoving it up our ass."

Your Right DT- 100% right...that is how they did it

but why the anger?

I am not angry. I just tend to be sarcastic with people who misstate the facts.

But some of us Americans didn't want it. That's why I said it was shoved up our ass. DT you need to chill. Just because they passed it don't mean ALL Americans wanted it.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/15/13 02:29 PM

Mig, you need to chill. Of course all Americans didnt want it. There is very little All Americans are for or against. Take civil rights in the '60's or minimum age in the '30's. The only thing on which there is a 90 % consensus is on gun registration, and the NRA and wingholes in congress stopped it.
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 05/15/13 02:38 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The only thing on which there is a 90 % consensus is on gun registration, and the NRA and wingholes in congress stopped it.

well, like everything else you have posted in this thread, this is incorrect. what you are referring to was the backround check provision, not registration, although you really can't have one without the other. still, i have yet to see anything other than some small biased study that even supports that whole bogus 90% claim, hell i haven't even seen the 90% study in the first place. much like any other political agenda, this talking point has just been repeated over and over again, and people are so ignorant that they just assume it as fact, well only the anti-gun crowd that is!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 05/15/13 08:51 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
and the NRA and wingholes in congress stopped it.

What's with the name calling? Just because someone don't agree with Obama and his agenda you have to call us names.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/16/13 06:44 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
and the NRA and wingholes in congress stopped it.

What's with the name calling? Just because someone don't agree with Obama and his agenda you have to call us names.

I don't agree with all of Obama's agenda, especially the trampling on the First Amendment, however I reserve the right to name call people who do not tell the truth when stating their points of view (I am not referring to you Mig... just some people in congress)
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/16/13 07:45 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: Mignon
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
and the NRA and wingholes in congress stopped it.

What's with the name calling? Just because someone don't agree with Obama and his agenda you have to call us names.

I don't agree with all of Obama's agenda, especially the trampling on the First Amendment, however I reserve the right to name call people who do not tell the truth when stating their points of view (I am not referring to you Mig... just some people in congress)

Now this is two threads in a row where your name calling has been pointed out....Maybe it is time for you to stay away from hot topics like Gun control and Gay anything! lol
( winghole?) lol
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 05/16/13 08:26 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The only thing on which there is a 90 % consensus is on gun registration...

I said in an earlier post that the reasons the Senate bill failed are ineffective leadership by Obama, and pervasive skepticism among Americans that Congress can fix anything, and/or growing distrust of government. That statistic is an example:

Sure, 90% of a few thousand people sampled told pollsters that they support expanded background checks. But even though the sample probably was statistically valid, it didn't translate into 90% of Americans willing to work to get the bill passed by forming groups, writing or personally lobbying Senators and Reps, etc. They didn't care enough. Conversely, just three days after the sequester started screwing up air travel, enough Americans rose up in protest so that funding was miraculously restored for air traffic control.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/16/13 08:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Originally Posted By: dontomasso
The only thing on which there is a 90 % consensus is on gun registration...

I said in an earlier post that the reasons the Senate bill failed are ineffective leadership by Obama, and pervasive skepticism among Americans that Congress can fix anything, and/or growing distrust of government. That statistic is an example:

Sure, 90% of a few thousand people sampled told pollsters that they support expanded background checks. But even though the sample probably was statistically valid, it didn't translate into 90% of Americans willing to work to get the bill passed by forming groups, writing or personally lobbying Senators and Reps, etc. They didn't care enough. Conversely, just three days after the sequester started screwing up air travel, enough Americans rose up in protest so that funding was miraculously restored for air traffic control.

Fun thing about those Air traffic controlers.

All they did was leave more room between planes in flight
and slow the system down and BINGO the news and everyone else was on it like a bum on a sandwich.

Tell me this why didn't they make them stay up on the standards that they should have been before sequester started. They didn't have less people in the major airports on duty.
So they had a slowdown and got their way- how nice.

Years ago Regan fired the wingholes when they went out on strike. Maybe someone should have put a boot up their a$$ and made them work the right way instead of the crap they pulled on America.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 05/16/13 09:51 PM

OF COURSE the air traffic control system could have functioned effectively under the sequester if people at all levels pulled together and operated more efficiently. But the controllers didn't want people to know that the system could do with fewer controllers--and the FAA didn't want people to know that the system could operate effectively with less money.
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 05/16/13 10:24 PM

A gun replacement website which even gun lovers might like:
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/16/13 11:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Danito
A gun replacement website which even gun lovers might like:

NAY, it just doesn't do it for me. rolleyes
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/17/13 04:25 AM

Police Chief Asks Citizens for Ammo, Gets 1,500 Round Loan Amid Strong Response

As the "Great Ammunition Shortage" continues, police departments across the country are struggling to supply their arsenals. One police chief turned to the community for help, and citizens stepped up.

In Proctor, Minnesota, police chief Walter Wobig says that his suppliers have told him he'll have to wait "months" for the 1,000 rounds he's requested.

When Wobig turned to the residents of Proctor by putting out a call for help meeting his department's ammo needs, citizens contacted his office, eager to help.

"The citizens were like, 'If you need something, we got plenty here,'" said Wobig.

One resident and a Proctor police officer loaned 1,500 rounds from their personal stockpile to the department.

The Chief says others offered to help too. "I had several other calls from other citizens that said, 'Hey, if you need more ammunition we have plenty,'" said Wobig,

The Chief says that when his ammunition order is filled, he will be repaying the citizens for their contributions.

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 05/17/13 01:55 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
OF COURSE the air traffic control system could have functioned effectively under the sequester if people at all levels pulled together and operated more efficiently. But the controllers didn't want people to know that the system could do with fewer controllers--and the FAA didn't want people to know that the system could operate effectively with less money.

That is the basic nature of bureaucracy.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 05/17/13 03:55 PM

That it!, reward them for screwing the public by doing that. They get away with it and it will get worst and worst.
Work or lose your job. Fair work for fair pay or move out and let someone else take the job. It is that simple.
No one should think that they are not replaceable and can screw public and get away with it.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 05/17/13 05:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
But the controllers didn't want people to know that the system could do with fewer controllers--and the FAA didn't want people to know that the system could operate effectively with less money.

That's true of any union, TB.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Gun Control - 05/31/13 10:41 PM

Soldier tries open carry, gets arrested.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 06/01/13 01:19 PM

Looks like California is going to want backround checks on ammo purchases too. $50 fee for the backround check. I would guess it's a 1 time thing and then you get put on the approved to buy ammo list. If your not on the approved list then you can't buy any ammo in the state.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/01/13 04:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Looks like California is going to want backround checks on ammo purchases too. $50 fee for the backround check. I would guess it's a 1 time thing and then you get put on the approved to buy ammo list. If your not on the approved list then you can't buy any ammo in the state.


Just remember what they keep telling you....You have nothing to worry about, no one wants your guns.
They have nothing on their minds that will take your rights away...
Yeah right, Just close your eyes until it is to late to change anything.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Gun Control - 06/01/13 08:52 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Mig, you need to chill. Of course all Americans didnt want it. There is very little All Americans are for or against. Take civil rights in the '60's or minimum age in the '30's. The only thing on which there is a 90 % consensus is on gun registration, and the NRA and wingholes in congress stopped it.

Well I see you believe obama when he made the 90% reference, well there is a problem as I see it when it comes to this supposed 90%. If 90% of americans supported it as you and obama claim then it would make sense that it would have passed by overwhelming numbers, as the senators who voted against it would have voted in favor of it as they would not have been worried about losing in the next election. Unless you're going to try and tell me that all the senators who voted against it would be worried by the 10% who was against it.

yeah the NRA was instrumental in getting it blocked but I'm sure all the people who contacted their respective senators urging them to vote against this which I did with both of my senators was just as instrumental. Oh wait let me guess just the 10% opopsed to it contacted their senators right.

Simple fact is background checks will never work as the people they are designed to stop will NEVER go through the proper channels in the first place.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Gun Control - 06/01/13 08:59 PM

Originally Posted By: Giancarlo
Looks like California is going to want backround checks on ammo purchases too. $50 fee for the backround check. I would guess it's a 1 time thing and then you get put on the approved to buy ammo list. If your not on the approved list then you can't buy any ammo in the state.


Why does this not surprise me?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 06/01/13 10:18 PM

Originally Posted By: The Iceman
Simple fact is background checks will never work as the people they are designed to stop will NEVER go through the proper channels in the first place.

Really? The murderers from Aurora and Viriginia Tech bought their guns through proper channels. Also, the girl who bought the guns for Klebold and Harris purchased them at a gun show. If either of them had been 18 yet, they wouldn't have needed her and would have obtained them the same way. So, what dark alley did these guys use to buy their guns?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 06/01/13 10:48 PM

lol at california! another great idea coming from a state that despite having an abundance of natural resources and amazing scenery has turned itself into one of the biggest financial disasters in america. its getting to the point where a head of lettuce has more rights there than a person!

what i've seen coming has begun to take shape, ny and california engaging in a sort of "dueling pianos" to see which state can screw over and inconvenience law abiding citizens even more while continuing with the "death by 1000 cuts" approach to the 2nd amendment favored by the authoritarian dopes in both states. that state is lost, a real shame! on the bright side i'm sure the money generated by this "fee", not tax, will be well spend. my guess, something free for non-citizens! shhh
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 06/02/13 01:37 AM

I suppose they think that this measure is going to discourage gun crime--after all, every criminal buys his ammo at guns stores, right? rolleyes

Then again, they're not going to collect a cent because there's not a round of ammo to be bought, anywhere.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 06/02/13 04:57 AM

Originally Posted By: The Iceman
Well I see you believe obama when he made the 90% reference, well there is a problem as I see it when it comes to this supposed 90%. If 90% of americans supported it as you and obama claim then it would make sense that it would have passed by overwhelming numbers, as the senators who voted against it would have voted in favor of it as they would not have been worried about losing in the next election. Unless you're going to try and tell me that all the senators who voted against it would be worried by the 10% who was against it.

yeah the NRA was instrumental in getting it blocked but I'm sure all the people who contacted their respective senators urging them to vote against this which I did with both of my senators was just as instrumental. Oh wait let me guess just the 10% opopsed to it contacted their senators right.

Beg to differ here, first of all I'm not sure why a 60 minimum vote is necessary to pass a measure in the senate, but it did get votes of more than half the senators, just not 60 out of 100. In every other democracy, half the votes would be enough.

Second of all, I think NRA is more important to these senators than their actual constituents, because you just have one vote, but NRA actually can fund their campaign or that of their opponents.

And thirdly, the approval rating for some of these senators who voted against this bill dropped significantly. So I think you might be in the wrong here.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 06/02/13 05:21 AM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77

Beg to differ here, first of all I'm not sure why a 60 minimum vote is necessary to pass a measure in the senate,

It's not ncessary. However, 60 votes is the threshhold to preclude a filibuster.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Gun Control - 06/02/13 05:40 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
It's not ncessary. However, 60 votes is the threshhold to preclude a filibuster.
So why didn't they go through a filibuster? Isn't it a good time to show the absurdity of it? Unless both sides are quite comfortable with it, which seems to be the case. ohwell
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 06/02/13 01:20 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: olivant
It's not ncessary. However, 60 votes is the threshhold to preclude a filibuster.
So why didn't they go through a filibuster? Isn't it a good time to show the absurdity of it? Unless both sides are quite comfortable with it, which seems to be the case. ohwell

Both sides are more or less confortable with it because each party knows that the majority control of the Seante changes from time to time. Tempting as it is for the present majority party to do away with the filibuster/60 vote rule, its probably not going to happen because one day it will the the minorits
y and then will get all kinds of programs they don't like rammed down their throats.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Gun Control - 06/02/13 05:54 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Originally Posted By: olivant
It's not ncessary. However, 60 votes is the threshhold to preclude a filibuster.
So why didn't they go through a filibuster? Isn't it a good time to show the absurdity of it? Unless both sides are quite comfortable with it, which seems to be the case. ohwell

Both sides are more or less confortable with it because each party knows that the majority control of the Seante changes from time to time. Tempting as it is for the present majority party to do away with the filibuster/60 vote rule, its probably not going to happen because one day it will the the minority and then will get all kinds of programs they don't like rammed down their throats.

Very well put, Counselor smile.

Translation: Partisan politics as usual wink.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Gun Control - 06/13/13 11:56 AM

A 4 year old shot and killed his father the other day. They were visiting a friend who left a loaded gun out in the open, loaded. The kid picked up the gun and shot his father - dead. The kid has to live with that. Gun control....hmmm, people control.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/13/13 12:17 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
A 4 year old shot and killed his father the other day. They were visiting a friend who left a loaded gun out in the open, loaded. The kid picked up the gun and shot his father - dead. The kid has to live with that. Gun control....hmmm, people control.

You just can't fix stupid....
Do you have a link so I can read the story?
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 06/13/13 08:07 PM

A bunch of people shot and killed in St. Louis this afternoon...reports still coming in. Too bad the people who were killed didn't have semi automatics, then there could have been a real firefight, and a few innocent bystanders could also have been killed. More blood on the hands of the NRA,their lackeys and the boneheaded gun nuts.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/13/13 09:03 PM

Like I said- You just can't fix stupid....
or what they do, or how they post it! lol
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Gun Control - 06/13/13 09:26 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
A 4 year old shot and killed his father the other day. They were visiting a friend who left a loaded gun out in the open, loaded. The kid picked up the gun and shot his father - dead. The kid has to live with that. Gun control....hmmm, people control.

You just can't fix stupid....
Do you have a link so I can read the story?


Can't fix stupid, but you can take away the things that facilitate stupid.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/13/13 09:39 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: MaryCas
A 4 year old shot and killed his father the other day. They were visiting a friend who left a loaded gun out in the open, loaded. The kid picked up the gun and shot his father - dead. The kid has to live with that. Gun control....hmmm, people control.

You just can't fix stupid....
Do you have a link so I can read the story?


Can't fix stupid, but you can take away the things that facilitate stupid.

Thanks for the link. I want to look into the story some more to see some of the real facts. Thanks again.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/21/13 01:31 AM

Connecticut gun maker moving to South Carolina, in wake of tighter state gun laws


A Connecticut gun manufacturer is moving to South Carolina after Connecticut lawmakers passed stricter gun-control laws in the aftermath of the fatal Sandy Hook School shootings.

PTR Industries will make the formal announcement next week at a ribbon-cutting to be attended by South Carolina Republican Gov. Nikki Haley, according to The Sun News of Myrtle Beach.

The company is going to Horry County, which includes Myrtle Beach, and has already approved a resolution setting out the terms of the company's move.

County Council Chairman Mark Lazarus says he's excited about the development.

Josh Fiorini, PTR's chief executive officer, says the plant will employ 140 people, many of whom will relocate from Connecticut. The move will take place over three years.

The company said it had been contacted by 41 states and selected South Carolina from six finalists.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 06/21/13 04:33 PM

Good. A shithole like South Carolina can have it.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/21/13 05:26 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Good. A shithole like South Carolina can have it.

Seems like they were good enought for 41 other states to offer them a new home.
CT loss I guess..... along with 140 housewholes, and maybe 140 houses that may be now up for sale if they follow the company.
Not to mention the trickle down effect on other business still there when they pull out from their payroll checks no longer being in town buying goods and services. smile
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 06/21/13 05:50 PM

They will find jobs, after all unlike Souoth Carolina, people in Connecticut get decent educations. whistle Moreover they dont have Hollywood Finocchio senators like Lindsay Graham lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/21/13 06:22 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
They will find jobs, after all unlike Souoth Carolina, people in Connecticut get decent educations. whistle Moreover they dont have Hollywood Finocchio senators like Lindsay Graham lol

No wonder the South wanted to leave...
DT your talking like a true CT SNOB!
Your eyes are looking awful brown there...
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 06/21/13 06:29 PM

i love south carolina, great food, great people and great natural resources! clemson is a fun, safe and exiting collage town. myrtle beach is a great time for the whole family! charleston is so rich in history that it will make your head spin! amazing fishing, both salt and freshwater throughout the state!

more on topic besides the usual silly stereotypes throw out by people who are still angry that they didn't get their way, the hypocrisy of this current administration is beyond mind blowing to anyone with any objectivity whatsoever. this administration is so full of holes that we should start referring to them as swiss cheese!

much like the "save the children rhetoric", while at the same time feeling free to suck thousands of children into vacuum cleaners each week, our bright leaders have given countless amounts of high grade military hardware to groups who have openly stated their hatred for america on top of the obvious terrorist ties. all this while they tried, and much like anything else they attempt, failed miserably at any federal gun control legislation. let me get this strait, limit gun ownership for law abiding citizens, while at the same time shipping much more powerful hardware to anti-western radicals in a hostile region? fucking brilliant, must have been the brain child of old "shoot first ask questions later", "double barrel" biden! cool

after years of painstaking research backed up by recent events, i've finally figured these guys out!

we are not coming for your guns = we are coming for your guns.

we are not listening to your phone calls =we are listening to your phone calls.

i was unaware of X, Y, or Z scandal = i knew all about them.

i respect the constitution = fucking outdated piece of paper holding me back seeing as i know whats best for everyone.


Posted By: vinnietoothpicks26

Re: Gun Control - 06/21/13 11:39 PM

Guns dont kill people, stupid mutherfuckers with guns kill people.
Mabye if everyone had guns then when some psycho wants to get cute he would get wet by someone else. Instead the liberals think that gun control actually helps the situation.
The two arent rationally related. You make it harder to get guns legally, theyll get em on the black market.

Lets use logic. You think if someone is so f'd in the head that they are willing to shoot up innocent people for no reason that illegality is going to be an impediment to acquisition?

Get a life, worry about yourself. And oh yeah, get yourself a 40 cal with some hollow points in case anybody wants to try something.
Posted By: Giancarlo

Re: Gun Control - 06/22/13 01:33 AM

Just out of curiousity lets say they passed a law banning everthing but bolt action rifles and revolvers and the cops came around to confinscate your guns, what would you do? Would you voluntarily give them up?

I think i might try to tell them mine were stolen the night before, but i'm not so sure they'll buy that story. lol
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/22/13 01:55 AM


This is astonishing.
If you Google "World wide homicide rates you can find numerous sites that verify this list. Here is one from the UN no less!

From the World Health Organization
The latest Murder Statistics for the world today: Murders per 100,000 citizens.

Honduras 91.6
El Salvador 69.2
Cote d'lvoire 56.9
Jamaica 52.2
Venezuela 45.1
Belize 41.4
US Virgin Islands 39.2
Guatemala 38.5
Saint Kits and Nevis 38.2
Zambia 38.0
Uganda 36.3
Malawi 36.0
Lesotho 35.2
Trinidad and Tobago 35.2
Colombia 33.4
South Africa 31.8
Congo 30.8
Central African Republic 29.3
Bahamas 27.4
Puerto Rico 26.2
Saint Lucia 25.2
Dominican Republic 25.0
Tanzania 24.5
Sudan 24.2
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines 22.9
Ethiopia 22.5
Guinea 22.5
Dominica 22.1
Burundi 21.7
Democratic Republic of the Congo 21.7
Panama 21.6
Brazil 21.0
Equatorial Guinea 20.7
Guinea-Bissau 20.2
Kenya 20.1
Kyrgyzstan 20.1
Cameroon 19.7
Montserrat 19.7
Greenland 19.2
Angola 19.0
Guyana 18.6
Burkina Faso 18.0
Eritrea 17.8
Namibia 17.2
Rwanda 17.1
Mexico 16.9
Chad 15.8
Ghana 15.7
Ecuador 15.2
North Korea 15.2
Benin 15.1
Sierra Leone 14.9
Mauritania 14.7
Botswana 14.5
Zimbabwe 14.3
Gabon 13.8
Nicaragua 13.6
French Guiana 13.3
Papua New Guinea 13.0
Swaziland 12.9
Bermuda 12.3
Comoros 12.2
Nigeria 12.2
Cape Verde 11.6
Grenada 11.5
Paraguay 11.5
Barbados 11.3
Togo 10.9
Gambia 10.8
Peru 10.8
Myanmar 10.2
Russia 10.2
Liberia 10.1
Costa Rica 10.0
Nauru 9.8
Bolivia 8.9
Mozambique 8.8
Kazakhstan 8.8
Senegal 8.7
Turks and Caicos Islands 8.7
Mongolia 8.7
British Virgin Islands 8.6
Cayman Islands 8.4
Seychelles 8.3
Madagascar 8.1
Indonesia 8.1
Mali 8.0
Pakistan 7.8
Moldova 7.5
Kiribati 7.3
Guadeloupe 7.0
Haiti 6.9
Timor-Leste 6.9
Anguilla 6.8
Antigua and Barbuda 6.8
Lithuania 6.6
Uruguay 5.9
Philippines 5.4
Ukraine 5.2
Estonia 5.2
Cuba 5.0
Belarus 4.9
Thailand 4.8
Suriname 4.6
Laos 4.6
Georgia 4.3
Martinique 4.2
And ...................

The United States 4.2% !!!!

ALL the countries above America have 100% gun bans.

It might be of interest to note that
SWITZERLAND (not shown on this list)
However, SWITZERLAND'S law requires that EVERYONE....

1) Own a gun
2) Maintain Marksman qualifications....regularly
3) "Carry"........a Weapon.

You never hear about this!

This AMAZING, VERY SMART, GUN POLICY, has been in effect since before Hitler's reign of terror in Europe.
Hitler never considered an attack on
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 06/22/13 10:11 AM

Original geschrieben von: fathersson
ALL the countries above America have 100% gun bans.

That's simply not true.

Interesting once more, why you compare the US with those countries, most of which are developing countries, countries which had or have civil wars, poor countries, etc. The only European countries in that list are Estonia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Belarus.

Anyway, it's true that gun availability is not the only factor that contributes to murder rates. As you wrote yesterday in the Iran thread, culture and history can be a factor.

Switzerland (as almost always) is a special case. They hardly had any wars or armed conflicts. It's true, they have perhaps the most liberal gun law (oops, "liberal" in its original meaning). However, guns are hardly ever used as means of self defense. After having served in the army you can simply take your gun home, (but not the ammo).
I don't know why, but when it comes to Hitler or Nazi-Germany, the facts are frequently distorted on this board. Hitler didn't attack Switzerland not because of gun ownership, but simply because it was strategically not worth it. The Nazis even faked the preparation of an invasion. Instead, they attacked France via Belgium. Switzerland was ready to cooperate with Germany economically, which was all Germany needed for its armament.

Oh and for historical research, there are more serious sources on the internet than youtube.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 06/22/13 12:14 PM

Nobody ever attacked Switzerland because it is so mountainous. that goes back before guns were invented.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/22/13 04:38 PM

Yes and some folks don't get the point, Or just can't seem to acknowledge it without barking back.

Just so the point doesn't get clouded over by the quips:

Places with no guns allowed have higher rates then the US. No matter what size or economic placement and a place like Switzerland with many guns have a lower rate then the US.

It doesn't take to much to figure, even if you are anti guns and have a chip on your shoulder..... rolleyes

also that youtube is just another media device so lets not discount the material, it is also listed on many places on the web. Those kind of pot shots are rather cheap, like alot of the comments from some people without real facts lately. wink
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Gun Control - 06/22/13 04:49 PM

The US cities with the highest per-capita gun crime rates are Washington DC and Chicago where, until two fairly recent Supreme Court decisions, it was impossible for law-abiding citizens to own handguns.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/22/13 04:53 PM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
The US cities with the highest per-capita gun crime rates are Washington DC and Chicago where, until two fairly recent Supreme Court decisions, it was impossible for law-abiding citizens to own handguns.

And isn't THAT a real shame. The nations Capital. frown
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 06/22/13 11:47 PM

Yet, when you compare gun-related deaths, the US has one of the highest rates per 100,000 in the world.

Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 03:07 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Yet, when you compare gun-related deaths, the US has one of the highest rates per 100,000 in the world.

Interesting- who did the chart-

Compare the one from the United Nations pole and the one above

Take Estonia for example- a big gap between the two numbers reported in each and where is Russia?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 05:32 AM

Because this tracks ALL gun-related deaths including suicides and accidents.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 10:35 AM

The U.S. citizens own 88.8 guns per 100 people. The closest country is Yemen 54.8. Statistics are fun.
Posted By: SC

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 10:48 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Statistics are fun.

87.3% of people agree with you.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 12:25 PM

100% of the people agree with you 63.5% of the time.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 12:26 PM

Just a thought for all you gun people oout there who are worried that you need your guns to protect yourself from the government.

Where did they have the tightest gun control?

How many shots were fired to cause it to fall?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 04:09 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Because this tracks ALL gun-related deaths including suicides and accidents.

Yes, but WHO put the statistics together on that chart?

And you may have hit it right on the head. Gun violence against another person is a bit different then suicides and gun accidents.

So depending on what you are looking at and the reason-the numbers could take you off track... leading to false fed opinions by many who gladly look for number to back their views.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 06:41 PM

So, what would you classify Columbine? Homicide? Suicide? They're all gun-related deaths. What about the 8 year old who accidentally shoots someone? Should that not be counted? I don't remember the source I got that chart from, but will look. In the meantime, here are numbers on homicides from the FBI. As you can see, guns account for the vast majority.

Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 08:56 PM

Fatherson, I think, I didn't just bark back. I wrote that gun availability is not the only factor that contributes to murder rates. The difference between your chart and SB's chart is that his only includes gun related deaths, not murder with poison, dogs, or spoons.
My reference to Youtube was not meant as an argument but as a question to refer to some more reliable source in general, which doesn't say anything about the specific source you referred to).
Posted By: Danito

Re: Gun Control - 06/23/13 08:57 PM

And I'm willing to agree that there are more horrifying weapons than guns:
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 06/24/13 12:42 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
So, what would you classify Columbine? Homicide? Suicide? They're all gun-related deaths. What about the 8 year old who accidentally shoots someone? Should that not be counted? I don't remember the source I got that chart from, but will look. In the meantime, here are numbers on homicides from the FBI. As you can see, guns account for the vast majority.


Did you notice that in each case figures are lower per year?

But more impotant that your FBI chart states that with all that gun CRIME that takes in for the report... rifles are only used in 323 crimes down from 453 years before in the whole country. Yet rifles are the major weapons that are called to be banned? / or limited in every major gun bill.
Just because of a few headline making killings by some nutcases.

Now we are talking hundreds of thousand of rifles out there. Only 323 times. But lets hype things to call for almost all major rifles to be banned.

It is like saying lets put down all pitbulls becase of a few bad apples as we have said time and time again.

Look at those knife figures! eek
ever notice people throw out the total figures when they use facts, not the real breakdown as shown....
I agree lets talk facts, but real ones not hyped ones as are often thrown out there.

Columbine? Homicide? Suicide? Both, two nuts were suicides after doing so many homicdes on their poor victims.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Gun Control - 06/24/13 03:47 AM

Again, these are simply the homicides, and, yes, they are declining, as ALL crime has declined year after year. Kidnappings by strangers are at an all time low, but does that mean we should encourage our little ones to talk to a stranger in the park?

These are rather frightening numbers from the CDC, which tracks deaths in the US:

EVERY DAY ON AVERAGE (all ages) Every day, 282 people in America are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, accidents, and police intervention.
Every day, 86 people die from gun violence: 32 are murdered; 51 kill themselves; 2 die accidentally; 1, intent unknown.
Every day, 196 are shot and survive: 140 shot in an assault; 10 survive a suicide attempt; 43 are shot accidentally, 2 are shot in a police intervention.
EVERY DAY ON AVERAGE (ages 0-19) Every day, 50 children and teens are shot in murders, assaults, suicides & suicide attempts, accidents, and police intervention.
Every day, 8 children and teens die from gun violence: 5 are murdered; 2 kill themselves.
Every day, 42 children and teens are shot and survive: 33 shot in an assault; 1 survives a suicide attempt; 9 are shot accidentally
Posted By: jace

Re: Gun Control - 07/01/13 11:42 PM

It's the people and culture we have here. The Swiss walk around, ride buses, hang around with guns. It's common to see rifles being carried in that country, including major cites. Do that here and it's a massacre.

I grew up around guns, many of my neighbors, in fact almost all, owned some type of firearm. No murders, almost no crime. That was upstate New York. Now I am in NYC, only 2 hours away, and it's almost impossible to get a gun permit, but every other criminal has one, and crime is out of control.

It's the people, the morals, and the overemphasis on tolerance. If someone is 20 years old and has been arrested 8 or 9 times convicted 3 or 4 times, and they stay on street, what's to be expected?
Posted By: Five_Felonies

Re: Gun Control - 07/01/13 11:58 PM

gun control, thats rich coming from our very own hypocritical, incompetent government. us parks department has 1000's of guns unaccounted for. shhh

Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 07/05/13 09:23 PM

updated 7/5/2013 12:46:16 PM ET

Gov. Jay Nixon vetoed legislation Friday that would have made it a Missouri crime for federal agents to attempt to enforce federal gun laws in the state and could have landed journalists in jail for publishing the names of gun owners.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 07/05/13 10:24 PM

How screwed up do these thing have to get? It is very simple stop all this legal bullshit. It is up to the people not the goverment to decide what we want. Last I looked the people still rule this world!

The goverment should do the job the way the people want. Not treat us like children and keep things from us because we may hurt ourselves. You can't drink a large coke or have candy ect.

People can't sanitize the world or protect everyone from everything and the Goverment shouldn't decide everything for us.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 07/20/13 03:11 PM

Govt refuses to release Zimmermans gun back to him, Thousand offer to lend him one so he is not without one with what people have said that they would do to him.

Others offer to buy him any gun he wants to make a point.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 07/20/13 03:17 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Govt refuses to release Zimmermans gun back to him,

The trial evidence has been secured by the State for examination by federal authorities.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Gun Control - 07/20/13 03:24 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Govt refuses to release Zimmermans gun back to him,

The trial evidence has been secured by the State for examination by federal authorities.

Thank-you for adding that disclamier, we wouldn't want people to think that the Govt was doing anything that they shouldn't be doing again! lol
Posted By: olivant

Re: Gun Control - 07/20/13 04:37 PM

Originally Posted By: fathersson
Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: fathersson
Govt refuses to release Zimmermans gun back to him,

The trial evidence has been secured by the State for examination by federal authorities.

Thank-you for adding that disclamier, we wouldn't want people to think that the Govt was doing anything that they shouldn't be doing again! lol

Typically, a not guilty verdict results in the release or other disposal of evidence unless a court orders it retained upon petition of litigants. If a guilty verdict, evidence is retained until appeals have been exhausted, the death of the defendant, or a court order expires.
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