
toughest military branch

Posted By: botz

toughest military branch - 05/13/12 02:16 AM

What military branch would you consider the toughest U.S. Army, U.S. Airforce, Navy especially the Navy Seals and the Marines.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: toughest military branch - 05/13/12 04:11 AM

Originally Posted By: botz
What military branch would you consider the toughest U.S. Army, U.S. Airforce, Navy especially the Navy Seals and the Marines.

Posted By: mustachepete

Re: toughest military branch - 05/13/12 05:46 AM

There's nothing cushy about life in the Women's Auxiliary Balloon Corps:

Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: toughest military branch - 05/13/12 09:07 AM

The band of brothers were hardcore..
Posted By: klydon1

Re: toughest military branch - 05/13/12 11:53 AM

My best friend served a term as the Director of the US Reserves in the Pentagon, and as such, I got to meet and know a handful of military brass from Army, Navy Air Force and Marines. They're all tough, and actually well rounded.

But they all think their own branch is distinct. The Navy guys remind the Marines that the Marine Corps is just a department of the Navy, but the marines respond, "Yes. But we're the MEN'S department."
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: toughest military branch - 05/13/12 06:21 PM

Marine Corps generally has the reputation for being the toughest. Their basic training program is much harsher than in the other branches, and they're the first-line troops in any military showdown. But the Navy probably has the highest standards for officers--especially if anything bad happens on their watch. And the Air Force lays down very strict standars for who can and can't fly, especially when they have lots of people vying for jobs. I met an Air Force captain some years ago while on vacation in Mexico. He told me was a navigator, not a pilot, because his vision was 20-20 in one eye, but 20-40 in the other. Also told me that, if he didn't make major in a year, he'd be mustered out of the Air Force with no benefits, etc. Pretty harsh.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: toughest military branch - 05/13/12 09:32 PM

Yeah, I've always heard the Marines is the toughest. A lot of military guys have told me the Air Force guys are the most pampered.
Posted By: SC

Re: toughest military branch - 05/13/12 09:44 PM

There was a girl scout troop in my old neighborhood that was pretty tough. I told one of them that I wanted to bite her cookies and she almost kicked the crap out of me.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: toughest military branch - 05/14/12 04:09 AM

Marine joke

ARMY = Aren't Real Marines Yet
Posted By: kjk

Re: toughest military branch - 05/20/12 06:24 PM

Am a US Marine shot in the head while leading troops during tet offensive battle for hue, vietnam.
Posted By: Mark

Re: toughest military branch - 05/21/12 08:51 PM

Ex-Navy cooks are pretty tough smile
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