
Marine Video in Afghanistan

Posted By: Lilo

Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 10:28 AM

Marine Video

WASHINGTON, Jan 12 (Reuters) - The U.S. Marines have identified the unit whose forces are suspected of being behind a video appearing to show them urinating on the bodies of dead Taliban in Afghanistan, a Marine officer told Reuters on Thursday.


The officer, speaking on condition of anonymity, said the Marines in question were believed to be from the 3rd Battallion, 2nd Marines, which is based out of Camp Lejeune, North Carolina.

A Veteran's response

There are no words to express my disgust at the video making the rounds today, of U.S. Marines apparently urinating on the dead bodies of the Taliban. As an Iraq War veteran who works with Iraq and Afghanistan veterans every day, I can truthfully say that the Marines in the video have undermined everything that I and those who served with me tried to do.

That's why I'm just as disgusted by right wingers like Pamela Gellar, who said, "I love these Marines" and joked, "Perhaps this is the infidel interpretation of the Islamic ritual of washing and preparing the body for burial."

Comments like these not only go against everything our military stands for, but only serve to put our troops on the ground in increased danger. It just shows that some on the right still just don't get it when it comes to our mission in Afghanistan.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 04:35 PM

It's a horrible thing, and I completely disapprove of treating the dead like that, no matter who they are. But does anyone really think this hasn't happened in other wars that we've been involved in?

If you think there wasn't a single soldier from the "Greatest Generation" that took a piss on a dead German or Asian, I'd say you're probably being naive. If there was an Internet seventy years ago, some bleeding heart would have posted a picture of an American soldier pissing on some scumbag Nazi. I guarantee it.

I hate the act they committed, but I have a very hard time hating the very people who are fighing for the country that I live in, whether I agree with the war or not (and I don't).
Posted By: olivant

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 04:43 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
It's a horrible thing, and I completely disapprove of treating the dead like that, no matter who they are. But does anyone really think this hasn't happened in other wars that we've been involved in?

If you think there wasn't a single soldier from the "Greatest Generation" that took a piss on a dead German or Asian, I'd say you're probably being naive. If there was an Internet seventy years ago, some bleeding heart would have posted a picture of an American soldier pissing on some scumbag Nazi. I guarantee it.

I hate the act they committed, but I have a very hard time hating the very people who are fighing for the country that I live in, whether I agree with the war or not (and I don't).

PB, it's the unadulterated stupidity of it. I never came close to even wanting to do anything like that.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 04:47 PM

What bothers me most is that not just somebody decided to video tape this, but that whole group knew this was being taped...and didn't seem to mind at all.

Certainly in mood and group action, they're acting on the level of frat boys making a video of themselves chugging booze or smashing mailboxes or whatever stupid benign shit that stupid people do. The sort of tapes they would probably haul out some rainy day in the future to laugh the piss out of themselves.

Which begs the question: If this tape had never leaked or gone viral, would these guys have been replaying this tape at home in the future years later? Laughing at putting that final golden shine to that dead asshole you took out?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 04:48 PM

I agree 100 percent, Oli. I'm just saying that I'd bet it happened in previous wars.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 04:58 PM

Of course we don't like to speak ill of our troops and I agree it's probably happened in the past and this by no means a first time. We can speculate that with what out troops have gone thru and what it might do to them emotionally may play into it, and yet it is still disturbing and wrong. frown

People need to realize in today's world almost anything can be filmed/photographed (obviously)more than ever before. Plus, it does little for our relationship with foreign countries and is just wrong. What IF a picture came to light of another country doing likewise to dead American soldiers? That would be devastating.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 05:55 PM

The reason we're so disgusted is that we're convinced we're "the good guys". We want to believe, somehow, that we're better.

However, war is war. It's us vs. them. The purpose of war is to destroy the enemy. You don't keep your white hat too clean when you're doing that.
Posted By: gemini_killer

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 06:07 PM

I don't find this funny ....you don't piss on the dead, it aint nice, that's somebodys loved one ..In all fairness what would they do if they were the ones left standing ... they would be the ones pissing on bodies.. they just wouldnt video it.. "war is hell" ... they look like they are having a pretty good time doing shit like that ..assholes
Posted By: SC

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 06:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
The reason we're so disgusted is that we're convinced we're "the good guys". We want to believe, somehow, that we're better.

However, war is war. It's us vs. them. The purpose of war is to destroy the enemy. You don't keep your white hat too clean when you're doing that.


Americans don't have the stomach for a war anymore. They'd rather fight by the Marquis of Queensbury Rules than the street rule of killing your enemy. You kill your enemy. Let me say that again. You KILL your enemy. You kill his family. You kill his friends. Piss on his dead body is bad? Fuck that, you stomp his guts and piss down his throat.

If you have a problem accepting that then don't send an army into another country and try to tell them how to run their own lives.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/13/12 06:36 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I agree 100 percent, Oli. I'm just saying that I'd bet it happened in previous wars.

Of course it did. I witnessed some of it. I stopped it in my unit. In fact, there were confrontations I had with guys from other units. By the way, I wasn't the only one.

But I completely disagree with SC's and SB's statement. We existed for the Nation; the Nation did not exist for us. We were in Vietnam to carry out national policy that had certain objectives and procedures. We usually did everything we could to win over the locals. We needed them and without them our job was that much tougher. American soldiers are not trasined to abuse and I for one held myself to a higher standard.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/20/12 10:55 PM

I've read comments to an article about this, and people brought up Bin Laden's body, saying that Obama shold've given Americans the chance to "do justice" to his body. Most of the commentators argued that americans had the right to violate his body, and that it would have brought some comfort to the families.

Do you guys think these soldiers are minority? I hear more and more opinions in support of this.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Marine Video in Afghanistan - 01/20/12 11:04 PM

Originally Posted By: Fame
I've read comments to an article about this, and people brought up Bin Laden's body, saying that Obama shold've given Americans the chance to "do justice" to his body. Most of the commentators argued that americans had the right to violate his body, and that it would have brought some comfort to the families.

Do you guys think these soldiers are minority? I hear more and more opinions in support of this.

Yes. There are soldiers who might be okay with it, but who would never do it. I served with many types of guys. Remember, they are drawn from the general population and you know how diverse it is.
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