
September 11th 10 Year Anniversary

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

September 11th 10 Year Anniversary - 09/11/11 03:31 PM

How is it possible that 10 years has passed?? I am watching the ceremonies and the sheer weight of the seemingly endless list of names is too much. How can the families bear it?

My brother's friend was in the FDNY and he was lost that day. His daughter read his name today. She was only in 4th or 5th grade when he died, and she is now a beautiful and poised young lady.

God bless all the loved ones and continue to watch over them.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: September 11th 10 Year Anniversary - 09/11/11 03:34 PM

I have been watching the ceremomies over here also Babe and it is still just the saddest thing to watch......

RIP frown
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: September 11th 10 Year Anniversary - 09/11/11 04:47 PM

Two grim memories of 9/11, when I lived in Summit, NJ, which is a major commuter town for the Financial District:

--I went to the local hospital to give blood. The corridors were crowded with people who had the same idea. Facilities were overwhelmed. The person in charge took my phone number and asked me to wait until the next day. Early next morning I got a call: no need for blood. The reason was tragic: so few had survived.

--Our town was an express stop on NJ Transit, which continued to run on 9/11. Our Rescue Squad positioned ambulances and volunteers at the train station, ready to treat survivors who needed help. They weren't needed: no survivors.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: September 11th 10 Year Anniversary - 09/11/11 07:05 PM

TB, I remember the stories of the abandoned cars in commuter lots, because of all the people who never came home. Just left behind, just like all the loved, forever left behind by the act of madmen.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: September 11th 10 Year Anniversary - 09/11/11 10:35 PM

None of us will never forget the shock of that horrible day. To those right in the heart of the tragedy, I especially can only imagine the horrible pain you have suffered. They say time heals all wounds but I know some wounds are pretty deep.

For those who lost someone they loved, I found this quote a while back and it's become special to me. I think it applies here as well.

"Death leaves a heartache that no one can heal. Love leaves a memory that no one can steal."

God Bless you all

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: September 11th 10 Year Anniversary - 09/12/11 01:17 AM

We had a very dignified, moving service at our courthouse plaza here this afternoon. A survivor who moved here afterward gave a very moving account of her experiences. Also Arizona's Secretary of State, Ken Bennett, sang a very nice song about Arlington Cemetary written by Sen. Orrin Hatch of Utah in memory of his brother, who was killed in WWII. Very worthwhile experience.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: September 11th 10 Year Anniversary - 09/12/11 04:16 PM

I fell in love with this commercial. I believe it captures the essence of NY perfectly.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: September 11th 10 Year Anniversary - 09/12/11 04:38 PM

Wow, that is wonderful. I'm not from NY and got the chills. smile

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: September 11th 10 Year Anniversary - 09/13/11 10:33 PM

I'm a little late joining this thread. In the past I've posted some of my experience of that day. I think Don Cardi and I were the only ones of this board in the vicinity. Over the years I've seen and heard enough of the accounts. I don't like to watch the videos; it hurts. I briefly watched a news show with the children of the victims. I couldn't watch much; I cried and shut it off.

On Sunday I attended church and sang in the choir as I usually do. For the past two years we have been singing a part of the mass called the Eucharistic Liturgy and the music we use is called "Missa Pacem", Mass of Peace. It was written specifically in rememberance of 9/11/2011.

I hope my daughter and grandchildren never have to experience another day like 9/11/2001.
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