
The Maggie Controversy

Posted By: Fame

The Maggie Controversy - 09/02/11 10:11 PM

I can't remember the last time a children's book made such headlines months before it even came out...but "Maggie Goes on a Diet" will be out in October, and right now it looks like there will be more newspeople than parents buying this book.

It's hard to judge a book you've yet to read, but from what we're told its content IS dangerous. In short, a little girl is bullied for her weight, then she goes on a diet, healthy food and exercise, and once she's thinner everyone likes her.

You have to remember the target audience, little kids who might feel pretty bad about their weight. Eating disorders will follow - and THAT will be dangerous.

Parents should provide healthy food and encourage their children to exercise, but not with a book which makes them feel bad about themselves.

What I find worse about all this, is that the bullying is not even condemned, so we're told - she's just responding to it, and all kids will get the message that bullying is right.

Like I said, it's hard to judge a book you've yet to read, but in this case it's better than taking the risk with your children. I'm sure the author means no harm, but I've got to agree with the current criticism, children should not read this.

Watch this short vid, interview with the author:

Posted By: BAM_233

Re: The Maggie Controversy - 09/03/11 12:27 AM

this is possibly the only book that should be banned in library's everywhere in this country...i enjoy freedom of speech and all, but this is can ruin lives.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: The Maggie Controversy - 09/03/11 01:48 AM

Originally Posted By: Fame
...then she goes on a diet, healthy food and exercise, and once she's thinner everyone likes her.

Eating healthier is a good thing. Exercise is a good thing. Childhood obesity is at dangerously high levels here in the US. However, the fact that people like her better because she's thinner, is a horribly dangerous message in and of itself. It teaches children that looks are all that matters and it reinforces children to be shallow and only like the kids that fit "the norm".

It's a horrible message, and this seems to be a horrible book.
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