
Most Ridiculous Song Lyrics

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Most Ridiculous Song Lyrics - 08/04/11 07:32 PM

It all started this morning when the DJ on the radio was talking about a song that contained the lyrics "I'd take a grenade for you" (I don't know the song). He commented that that was the most ridiculous line he ever heard in a song. That sparked a conversation and they had people call in with their suggestions. Among them:

"revved up like a deuce another runner in the night" (Blinded By The Light)

"You've been a naughty girl you let your knickers down." (I Am The Walrus."

Pretty much like Walrus, the entire song of "McArthur's Park". lol

Anyone care to add their two cents?

Posted By: Beth E

Re: Most Ridiculous Song Lyrics - 08/04/11 10:23 PM

How about,

"Baby baby don't get hooked on me. Cause I'll just use you then I'll set you free".

Yeah, how about I'll just knob your wiener off.
Posted By: Signor Vitelli

Re: Most Ridiculous Song Lyrics - 08/04/11 11:33 PM

So many songs....where to start? Well, I'll start by showing my age:

The first one that popped into my mind is "Coconut" by Harry Nilsson. The tune is nice, but those lyrics?? Gimme a break.

"Brand New Key" by Melanie. Same reasons as above.

"Tin Man" by America. I can remember when I was in college, with roommates and friends blasted out of their faces at parties having "serious" discussions about the "real" meaning of the lyrics. Sorta like trying to find the meaning of life: no one never has - or ever will - come up with the answer, even after the fourth case of beer.

"The Joker" by Steve Miller. Again, all the weed in the world wouldn't have made that song any more comprehensible, but we'd be damned if we stopped trying.

There are lots more, I'm certain. So, I'll probably come back to this later.

Signor V.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Most Ridiculous Song Lyrics - 08/04/11 11:54 PM

Someone left the cake out in the rain
I don't think that I can take it
'cause it took so long to bake it
and I'll never have that recipe again
Oh, nooo!

Just call a Betty Crocker hotline.
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