
Is drunk driving = murder?

Posted By: Fame

Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 02:22 AM

I'm surprised nobody mentioned here the Ebert/Dunn scandal.
Tho I'm sure you've all read about it: Ryan Dunn of "Jackass" fame died a few days ago while he was drunk driving. Another passenger in the car died as well. Tests showed he had more than twice the amount of alcohol allowed in his blood. Roger Ebert tweeted "friends don't let jackasses drink and drive" and later defended his tweet by stating that Dunn drank, drove, and 2 people died. Ebert recieved a lot of criticism until he finally said he spoke too soon. That's just in a nutshell.

Dunn was 34. He knew what drunk driving could do, and still he drank and drove. I think that Ebert, despite showing no respect for the families, was more concerned about shocking future drunk-drivers with his comments. I'm sure he thought he was doing a good thing.

As some of you know, I lost my entire family in a car accident. Because of a drunk driver. To me he's a murderer. You don't take chances on people's lives and drive while you're drunk. There is no understanding or forgiveness. And if you can't control yourself, then don't blame it on the alcohol. Dont get drunk and put yourself in that position. You put alcohol in your mouth, you should know the consequences, it's that simple. Teenagers are always forgiven for being "young and stupid", but it seems to me that people are stupid no matter their age.

All this to say, that yes Ebert should have shown more respect for the families, but at the same time I'm happy to think that maybe these comments did shock any future drunk-drivers out there and made them think again.
Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 02:38 AM

Originally Posted By: Fame
As some of you know, I lost my entire family in a car accident. Because of a drunk driver. To me he's a murderer.

I did not know that. That's a terrible thing to hear. I'm sorry for your loss and I can understand why you feel that way. I think it's a terrible crime, but to me, it isn't logical to put it in the same category as 1st degree murder. Now, I don't know how I would react if this happened to my family. I would be extremely hurt and my emotions would probably get the best of me. I don't know what I would want to happen to the drunk driver who caused such a thing. He would need to be punished, but putting him away for life does not make any sense. This person is never gonna drive again and has to live with this terrible fact till his or her heart stops.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 02:41 AM

Among the elements of murder as defined in the Texas Penal Code is one knowingly and recklessly taking a life. Thus, Texas does recognize drunk driving with that result as non-capital murder. In fact, a vehicle driven by a drunk driver is also recognized as a deadly weapon.

I support that. However, I don't support it as a capital offense since I don't completely trust our justice system to end a life based on its findings.

Basically though, I am in agreement with your take on drunk drivers. Drunk driving does not have to take place. I've never done it and I won't do it. I've never driven a vehicle after drinking even though I only have a glass of wine from time to time. As far as that Jackass goes, he will never threaten anyone's life ever again. He's where he belongs.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 02:43 AM

I don't see why Ebert would get critisized he just spoke the truth, I guess the truth is to hard for some folks to handle. Now if someone gets behind the wheel and that individual is drunk and they cause an accident that takes a life or lives then yes that individual is guilty of murder IMHO, but if no deaths occur then no the individual is not guilty of murder, just guilty of being incredibly fing stupid.
Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 03:14 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
As far as that Jackass goes, he will never threaten anyone's life ever again. He's where he belongs.

Well, it's hard to feel sorry for someone like that, but this guy's body is probably still warm. I hated that fucking show they did, but somehow I doubt this is the way he wanted to leave this world.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 10:24 AM

i personally can't stand drunk driving since its probably one of the most idiotic things anybody can do that would endanger lives. but, it is really tough for anybody to think of a punishment for this offence because a lot of things can and will factor into it.

personally i wish their was a 3 strike rule that would take somebodies licence away for life, but sadly it can take 1 strike to take somebodies life away. maybe have a breathalyzer on every car, and make it so you have to blow into it to make the car move.

and, fame i never did hear about that. i truly feel sorry for you.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 01:10 PM

Originally Posted By: The Iceman
I don't see why Ebert would get critisized he just spoke the truth, I guess the truth is to hard for some folks to handle.

Not to mention a fact not being reported: Ebert himself was an alcoholic for several years, which he's brought up in his reviews and columns. That contributes to his criticism of that whole sad situation.

If Ebert is only guilty of something, its for the timing.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 01:10 PM

Thanx guys.

When I called the guy who killed my family a "murderer", I was actually being nice. Because even murderers show regret. The only thing he regretted was that I didn't die there as well. And of course he tried to put the blame on my father. You get the picture. Sadly, the roads are filled with those kind of guys.

Of course, you can argue that there are all kinds of diffrernt drunk drivers, but at the end of the day they all committed a terrible crime. When you're risking other people, then it's far worse than stupidity. Stupidity seems like such an innocent word.

Nor will I call it "irresponsible" since people use that in such a casual manner, as in "the guy is always late for work, so irresponsible"...compared to "can you believe those guys who drink and drive...so irresponsible".

I guess people never fully understand what's at stake until they lose someone.
Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 04:49 PM

Originally Posted By: Fame
The only thing he regretted was that I didn't die there as well.

I think most people who drive under the influence and cause such a tragedy feel absolutely horrible about it. I can't imagine going on if I caused something like that. I would honestly want to die. But this guy regrets not doing more damage? I don't know what to say. I can certainly understand why you feel he is a murderer. He sounds like one. Is he a free man today?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 10:00 PM

Fame - I was not aware of your personal loss. Your candor is very much appreciated.

We have a complex legal system that is far from flawless. From our current U.S. laws, drunk driving is much less severe than murder. But from a moral perspective, they are closely integrated. But I would say that drunk driving is not the same as first degree murder.

The primary distinction is (for me) intent. Drunk driving is despicable and reckless, but does not have the premeditated intent of first-degree murder.

If I were a judge, all convicted drunk drivers who injured someone else should go to prison for a minimum 10 years. The severity of the injury would increase the term accordingly. A drunk driver who killed another person would receive a mandatory 50 yr sentence with no chance of parole. Murderers should either receive life w/out parole or the death penalty
Posted By: VinnyGorgeous

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/23/11 10:25 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
If I were a judge, all convicted drunk drivers who injured someone else should go to prison for a minimum 10 years. The severity of the injury would increase the term accordingly. A drunk driver who killed another person would receive a mandatory 50 yr sentence with no chance of parole. Murderers should either receive life w/out parole or the death penalty

Good thing you're not a judge.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/24/11 05:27 PM

In Fla. drunk driving resulting in death is manslaughter.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/24/11 07:10 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
In Fla. drunk driving resulting in death is manslaughter.

really? i thought i remember a football player only receiving a month in jail after killing somebody crossing the street.

Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/28/11 06:31 AM

I'm so sorry for what happened to your family Fame. I was not aware of that. My heart goes out to you.

I've seen a couple of alcoholics. In one particular situation, I had no idea one of my friends was alcoholic, took her to a bar in Tuscaloosa and things got out of hand for her. Thankfully I'd only drank tomato and pineapple juice and played some pool, unaware of exactly how many drinks and shots she had. (Yeah, what a wuss, why even I went to that bar in the first place? I was sad for leaving the States and realized probably that's the last time I'd see a bar.)

So anyway, we'd come with her car and I had to drive back to B'ham, at one point I had to pull over for her to puke. Fun night. ohwell

It is not always their intention to drive by themselves. If the designated driver bails out on them and the bartender doesn't keep track of things, they are not in their right mind. I'd think in case of a deadly accident, the involuntary manslaughter is more fitting, since their brain has pretty much left the building at that point and murder one, two or voluntary manslaughter still needs some sort of clarity about what one is doing. But I do think something should be done so that they could not drive for a long long time, even if that's a longer prison sentence.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 06/30/11 07:21 PM

What about the repeat offenders? There are plenty of drunk drivers who have not only done it before, but been caught before. They drive with suspended licenses in a completely irresponsible and reckless manner, with no regard for human life. If that's not murder, then I don't know what is.
Posted By: Fame

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 07/01/11 03:48 PM

Thanx guys for your kind words and support smile

Babe - I agree that's just ridiculous how these animals constantly get out of jail (if they even got there in the first place) and then continue to drink and drive...eventually some people get killed, but hey until that happens these drivers are just "stupid"... rolleyes

It's because of this attitude that this shit continues. Murder is wrong, but risking others or playing russian roulette with other people's lives seems like not a big deal.

When every monday and thursday you hear about another celebrity caught for driving under the influence, and all they get is a little warning or small penalty, maybe an article in the newspapers, and then back to life till it happens again, then why should it stop?

People do time in jail for crimes which did not endanger or hurt anyone else, while drunk drivers may get some suspension or in some extreme cases they will not be allowed to drive again, which is just as ridiculous. That will not stop people from driving. I've been driving for years now, and not even once was I asked for my driving license.

Legal system sucks, but what's worse is the forgiving attitude you see everywhere. Doesn't look like it's going to change in the future.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 07/01/11 05:36 PM

It is disgraceful. Our local assemblyman warded off charges of sexual harassment of an intern by resigning to spend more time with his family (code for "avoiding criminal charges"). He then faced DUI charges when he drove into a tree after leaving a party at a local country club. He refused to take a breathalyzer, which means that he forfeited his license for a year. By the time the blood alcohol test was administered, his alcohol level was barely over the limit. He was sentenced to jail time and community service, but he barely spent a few hours in prison (literally) and he is now a local village attorney!
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Is drunk driving = murder? - 07/02/11 05:17 AM

Originally Posted By: Fame
Murder is wrong, but risking others or playing russian roulette with other people's lives seems like not a big deal.

It is a very big deal, had there been an actual premeditated intention. There has to be a clear mind deciding that.

If you do not criminalize using influential substances themselves, this argument is futile. You say the moment you hit the bottle, you've decided to kill someone. Well, make that a crime. Drinking or using drugs should be a crime. If you can't criminalize that, charging someone under influence sounds like charging a down syndrome person with murder.

And then we all know how the Prohibition turned out. Oh, the perks of enjoying certain freedoms always comes with some costs. These stuff are criminalized here, still a friend of mine got his car totaled by a drunk driver. Drinking itself has 80 lashes here. Not sure how it went for that drunk driver though. Legal system here is 1000 times worse than what you've got over there.
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