
New edition of Huck Finn

Posted By: VitoC

New edition of Huck Finn - 01/07/11 04:38 PM

This is beyond insane:


What's next? Are they now going to come out with a new edition of Goodfellas in which Henry tells Karen: "Ya know who gets caught? African-American stickup men, that's who"?!?! Will Ray Liotta do the voiceover?

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: New edition of Huck Finn - 01/07/11 04:43 PM

This is RIDICULOUS with a Capital R.

N***** Jim was the most decent character in the entire book. He was one of the first black heroes written by a white author. His nickname was a sign of the times and displayed the ignorance of the people around him. It was light years ahead of it's time.

This is bend-over-backwards, Huffington Post/News York Times style liberalism at it's very worst. It sickens me.

Fuck it. Let's just burn all the books.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New edition of Huck Finn - 01/07/11 11:26 PM

So who's next on the chop block?

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: New edition of Huck Finn - 01/08/11 01:03 AM

"Huck Finn" is my daughter's favorite book. She is outraged by this.

The book put things into an historical perspective for children. Changing the book doesn't change the past, and people need to recognize that there was a time in our country's past when people were bought and sold like dogs and cats. They were referred to in a way that is shameful. You can't whitewash (no pun intended) the past, or a book.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: New edition of Huck Finn - 01/08/11 04:15 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
"Huck Finn" is my daughter's favorite book. She is outraged by this.

The book put things into an historical perspective for children. Changing the book doesn't change the past, and people need to recognize that there was a time in our country's past when people were bought and sold like dogs and cats. They were referred to in a way that is shameful. You can't whitewash (no pun intended) the past, or a book.

Nevermind that for its time, Huck Finn was rather progressive in the very department its currently getting the Kremlin treatment over. No not suitable for 2010, but art in itself is dated, that is part of the appeal.

How about we tackle Oliver Twist next and cut out the anti-semitism?

This reminds me of the 17th-19th centuries when Shakespeare's plays were censored, truncated, or just outright rewritten because no way "The Bard" was allowed his naughty puns. Romeo & Juliet and King Lear (among others) didn't just perform on stage with happy endings, people expected them.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: New edition of Huck Finn - 01/08/11 05:03 AM

High school kids of all races are well equipped to read Huckleberry Finn in its original form. In fact, they are better suited than those, who feel it necessary to screen reality and filter truth.

But I'm not shocked by this when there is a present serious movement in this country to eviscerate the Fourteenth Amendment.
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