
Julian Assange & Wikileaks

Posted By: Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica

Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/14/10 04:40 AM

Is there really no thread on this guy & his situation? He's not seriously regarded as criminal by most people, is he?
He's a journalist/publisher for chrissakes. & the circumstances surrounding his charged are a little odd. Apparently the sex in question was consensual, but his alleged refusal to wear a condom was not...??? Is that right?
Thats crazy. No wonder so many have stated that the charges are practically unwinnable anyway, & interestingly, most sources fail to state he was wanted only for questioning by Swedish authorities, not as a guilty suspect, which seems to be the implied inference.
Ultimately, the charges will have served their purpose if he can be held long enough to be extradited to the USA. Which is what seems to be the real motive here, right guys...?

Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/14/10 07:36 AM

It seems that Sweden sends Interpol on your ass if you accidentally tear a condom. Also the charges are so heavy, even if you turn yourself in, they won't let you out on bail, because you might go on a breaking condom spree or get on a plane and have sex with all the stewardesses without a condom; which is a serious terror threat to the world when the pilot gets excited and joins the party.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/14/10 08:15 AM

Julie made a classic mistake: You can piss off/stick it to everybody, one at a time. But not all at once.

Whether these crimes are legit or not, I do think the governments/Internet/credit card companies throwing the book...no the library...at that group only gives them legitimate positive status as outlaws. Opposite of what they intend, I assume.

Or to put it another way, consider how this shitstorm didn't fall on them after they leaked the documents on Afghanistan and Iraq, or for that matter that infamous, embarrasing classified video of U.S. military cutting down those Reuters reporters*.

No, the hammer came down after those diplomatic cable leaks. I think that probably says everything to be said on that front?

Besides the governments are going to learn quickly what Hollywood and music labels learned the hard way earlier this decade: You can try to police such digital piracy all you want, but you can't stop it. A finger in a dam's leak.

*=Which was a tragedy enough, but then claim those casualties were a result of a (fictional) battle with insurgents...classic Watergate mistake: cover-up of the crime blowback worse than the crime itself.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/14/10 06:06 PM

He might be released on a tight leash within 48 hours; I read it here:


Go Julian!

These charges are ridiculous at best.
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/14/10 08:54 PM


Dear Interpol:

As a longtime feminist activist, I have been overjoyed to discover your new commitment to engaging in global manhunts to arrest and prosecute men who behave like narcissistic jerks to women they are dating.

I see that Julian Assange is accused of having consensual sex with two women, in one case using a condom that broke. I understand, from the alleged victims' complaints to the media, that Assange is also accused of texting and tweeting in the taxi on the way to one of the women's apartments while on a date, and, disgustingly enough, 'reading stories about himself online' in the cab.

Both alleged victims are also upset that he began dating a second woman while still being in a relationship with the first. (Of course, as a feminist, I am also pleased that the alleged victims are using feminist-inspired rhetoric and law to assuage what appears to be personal injured feelings. That's what our brave suffragette foremothers intended!).

Thank you again, Interpol. I know you will now prioritize the global manhunt for 1.3 million guys I have heard similar complaints about personally in the US alone -- there is an entire fraternity at the University of Texas you need to arrest immediately. I also have firsthand information that John Smith in Providence, Rhode Island, went to a stag party -- with strippers! -- that his girlfriend wanted him to skip, and that Mark Levinson in Corvallis, Oregon, did not notice that his girlfriend got a really cute new haircut -- even though it was THREE INCHES SHORTER.

Terrorists. Go get 'em, Interpol!

Yours gratefully,

Naomi Wolf
Posted By: Lilo

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/14/10 09:31 PM

West wants censorship.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/15/10 11:02 AM

Originally Posted By: Lilo

Dear Interpol:

As a longtime feminist activist, I have been overjoyed to discover your new commitment to engaging in global manhunts to arrest and prosecute men who behave like narcissistic jerks to women they are dating.

I see that Julian Assange is accused of having consensual sex with two women, in one case using a condom that broke. I understand, from the alleged victims' complaints to the media, that Assange is also accused of texting and tweeting in the taxi on the way to one of the women's apartments while on a date, and, disgustingly enough, 'reading stories about himself online' in the cab.

Both alleged victims are also upset that he began dating a second woman while still being in a relationship with the first. (Of course, as a feminist, I am also pleased that the alleged victims are using feminist-inspired rhetoric and law to assuage what appears to be personal injured feelings. That's what our brave suffragette foremothers intended!).

Thank you again, Interpol. I know you will now prioritize the global manhunt for 1.3 million guys I have heard similar complaints about personally in the US alone -- there is an entire fraternity at the University of Texas you need to arrest immediately. I also have firsthand information that John Smith in Providence, Rhode Island, went to a stag party -- with strippers! -- that his girlfriend wanted him to skip, and that Mark Levinson in Corvallis, Oregon, did not notice that his girlfriend got a really cute new haircut -- even though it was THREE INCHES SHORTER.

Terrorists. Go get 'em, Interpol!

Yours gratefully,

Naomi Wolf

Thanks Lilo! This was priceless!
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/15/10 11:18 AM

Well, this is 5 days old, but still is worth to be linked here:

Ron Paul Defends WikiLeaks On House Floor (VIDEO)
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/15/10 02:28 PM

WikiLeaks: North Korea Wanted U.S. to Arrange an Eric Clapton Concert

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/16/10 02:01 AM

I read too, about the condom breakage and also that one of these women left town and/or couldn't be found, leaving authorities to think she may be dropping her charge. Haven't heard any more though. confused IF that is indeed their charge, I don't see where the rape charge is.

As far as other charges for printing this info, what are they? I hear traitor thrown around a lot (especially by the right) but he's NOT American so if he is a traitor it's not betraying the U.S. And then there's the whole "freedom of press" issue which I would think would be hard to overcome.

This guy evidently has a "secret" computer key (or code) ready to automatically spill even more beans IF anything happens to him??? eek How can one not laugh at the thought of how many government bigwigs (from all over)are shaking in their boots right now? Yea, I admit, this guy IS fascinating.

On the other hand the Marine that gave Assange the info, I hear today has been in Solitary confinement 23 out of 24 hours each day. Don't you need to be convicted of something before you're in solitary??? confused

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/16/10 02:54 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
On the other hand the Marine that gave Assange the info, I hear today has been in Solitary confinement 23 out of 24 hours each day. Don't you need to be convicted of something before you're in solitary??? confused


Not since 9/11.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/16/10 04:01 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I read too, about the condom breakage and also that one of these women left town and/or couldn't be found, leaving authorities to think she may be dropping her charge. Haven't heard any more though. confused IF that is indeed their charge, I don't see where the rape charge is.

TIS as I understand it, in Sweden, if two people are in the middle of the act and wht woman says "stop" and the man does not, it is considered "rape."
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/16/10 06:56 PM

Originally Posted By: dontomasso
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I read too, about the condom breakage and also that one of these women left town and/or couldn't be found, leaving authorities to think she may be dropping her charge. Haven't heard any more though. confused IF that is indeed their charge, I don't see where the rape charge is.

TIS as I understand it, in Sweden, if two people are in the middle of the act and wht woman says "stop" and the man does not, it is considered "rape."

Isn't it like that in the US as well? The absurdity is that in Sweden if the condom is torn, I think there's a penalty, but not to the effect of rape. I wonder if it depends on who bought the damn condom. crazy
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/16/10 06:58 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
On the other hand the Marine that gave Assange the info, I hear today has been in Solitary confinement 23 out of 24 hours each day. Don't you need to be convicted of something before you're in solitary??? confused


I could be wrong, but he isn't a civilian and is a member of military, so they have their own rules and he is screwed.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/17/10 01:15 AM

I agree, afs. I think he is screwed.

To me, this whole wikileaks thing has been blown way out of proportion. The guy is a reporter doing his job. He's not a hero (as a lefty loon like Michael Moore will have you believe), and he's not guilty of espionage (as a righty loon like Glen Beck will have you believe).

People spy on each other. Writing about it is inevitable. That said, I don't think this will end well for Assange. Too many powerful people are upset with him. If they ever get him to the State of Virginia (where they are trying to file espionage charges against him), he's really screwed.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/17/10 07:55 AM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Too many powerful people are upset with him. If they ever get him to the State of Virginia (where they are trying to file espionage charges against him), he's really screwed.

I just don't see this pan out. Even if the US officials, and excuse me for saying that, but if they are stupid enough to bring him there and try him and find him guilty, the matter will likely go to the supreme court and it would be an ugly stain for the supreme court to find someone, let alone a non American guilty on the first amendment rights, where there's been a not guilty verdict in the case of the Pentagon Papers.

These powerful people have to get used to the wiki leaks trend and watch it. This whole operation could go underground and go on. It isn't just Assange.

That's an ugly attitude for a country that claims to be the beacon of democracy and free speech. Apparently it is good until it comes and bites you in the ass.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/17/10 04:21 PM

And again, if Virginia/America goes all court press to get extradition for him, it only gives him more credibility.

Let Sweden have their run.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/17/10 04:23 PM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
And again, if Virginia/America goes all court press to get extradition for him, it only gives him more credibility.

Let Sweden have their run.

I agree. My only point was that the guy does not want to be brought here.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/17/10 05:04 PM

It is simply a matter of speaking truth to power. The powerful don't like the truth.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/17/10 11:44 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I agree. My only point was that the guy does not want to be brought here.

Who would their balls tazerd at Guantanamo under "enhanced interrogation"?

We don't do the "T" word.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/18/10 02:16 AM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
On the other hand the Marine that gave Assange the info, I hear today has been in Solitary confinement 23 out of 24 hours each day. Don't you need to be convicted of something before you're in solitary??? confused


If it's found that Bradley Manning(the marine in question) is in fact responsible for the leak. The Execute him ASAP that's what traitors deserve. As for Julian Assange don't even get me started on that lowlife scumbag
Posted By: Danito

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/18/10 11:26 AM

To me some questions remain unanswered or at least they get out of focus in the debate?
- What kind of structure should an organisation like Wikileaks have? How much should it depend on one person?
- What kind of documents should wikileaks publish? Are there limits?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/18/10 03:37 PM

If Manning is convicted, I am sure he will be punished, but I think execution, at this point anyway, is a bit extreme.

Assange yesterday, said never spoke with, or contacted Manning. Then how did he get the info??? Right now, to my knowledge, the only accusation against Assange is the rape charge.

Also, what IF it comes down to "freedom of press" issues? Just as one's "right to bear arms".....Good luck with prosecuting that. We'll see when all the facts come out.


Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/18/10 06:52 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
If Manning is convicted, I am sure he will be punished, but I think execution, at this point anyway, is a bit extreme.

Assange yesterday, said never spoke with, or contacted Manning. Then how did he get the info??? Right now, to my knowledge, the only accusation against Assange is the rape charge.

Also, what IF it comes down to "freedom of press" issues? Just as one's "right to bear arms".....Good luck with prosecuting that. We'll see when all the facts come out.



I believe the whole operation of sending secret documents to wikileaks is done anonymously. Actually it is their job to make sure the source's identity is not revealed and their system is set up to insure it, otherwise who in his right mind would send them any documents of that nature?

But then their credibility is not that much, since you've documents that cannot be traced. For instance, some of what they've revealed form Iran sounds quite silly. Some we already knew. Some are just rumors that can't be either proved or debunked. In one report there's actually a number of votes for each candidate. In one it is claimed they didn't even count any, which sounds more accurate, but who can prove either of these without a source?
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/19/10 03:26 AM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
If Manning is convicted, I am sure he will be punished, but I think execution, at this point anyway, is a bit extreme.


If Manning did it he betrays his country and his fellow soldiers but yet execution is a bit extreme?

Well this is one of those we agree to disagree moments ohwell
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/19/10 04:48 PM

Originally Posted By: The Iceman
Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
On the other hand the Marine that gave Assange the info, I hear today has been in Solitary confinement 23 out of 24 hours each day. Don't you need to be convicted of something before you're in solitary??? confused


If it's found that Bradley Manning(the marine in question) is in fact responsible for the leak. The Execute him ASAP that's what traitors deserve. As for Julian Assange don't even get me started on that lowlife scumbag

You're so unconscionably backwards it gives me a headache.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/19/10 07:52 PM

Hey DA! grin
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/19/10 07:55 PM

“If Manning is convicted, it will be because his individual dedication to human ethics far surpasses that of the US government.”

Read more
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/19/10 11:25 PM

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
“If Manning is convicted, it will be because his individual dedication to human ethics far surpasses that of the US government.”

Read more

I love that line.

I also loved this one:

"In a free society we are supposed to know the truth. In a society where truth becomes treason, however, we are in big trouble." - Ron Paul
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/20/10 01:11 PM

Joe Biden Labels Julian Assange a High Tech Terrorist


Has Obama actually commented on this? I would wash my hands of him if he agrees with his VP.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/20/10 06:21 PM

Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Has Obama actually commented on this?

He'd be crazy if he did, afs. In my opinion, he's having his best two weeks as President. He's finally selling himself as a centrist, so to comment on this (either way) would not be in his best interest. That's politics.

Besides, that's what he has that idiot Biden for.
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/21/10 06:30 AM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Originally Posted By: afsaneh77
Has Obama actually commented on this?

He'd be crazy if he did, afs. In my opinion, he's having his best two weeks as President. He's finally selling himself as a centrist, so to comment on this (either way) would not be in his best interest. That's politics.

Besides, that's what he has that idiot Biden for.

Well, Biden says things that even makes Obama cringe. I can never forget the way Obama looked at him when he cracked a joke about chief justice for messing the oath of presidency. lol
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/21/10 07:23 AM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
He'd be crazy if he did, afs. In my opinion, he's having his best two weeks as President. He's finally selling himself as a centrist, so to comment on this (either way) would not be in his best interest. That's politics.

Not just that, but let's use a classic example from 1970:

The aftermath, according to http://law.jrank.org :

Nixon's remarks were meant to criticize what he perceived as a tendency of the media to glorify criminals, and the White House quickly issued a statement denying any intent to prejudice the case. Nevertheless, Manson's defense, arguing that such a statement by the president made a fair trial impossible, motioned for a mistrial and demanded that the charges against him be dropped. Judge Older denied the motion.

The next day in court, Manson stood and displayed a newspaper with the headline, "Manson Guilty, Nixon Declares." Judge Older questioned the jurors about their reaction to the headline. Satisfied that they would remain impartial, he ordered the trial to resume and sentenced Atkins' attorney, Daye Shinn, to three nights in jail for leaving the newspaper within Manson's reach.


Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Besides, that's what he has that idiot Biden for.

Not everybody gets to be called a high-tech terrorist (i.e. doesn't shit in a cave) by the Vice-President on National TV.
Posted By: thenewyorkdon

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/21/10 09:15 AM

Spam Removed
Posted By: thenewyorkdon

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/21/10 09:16 AM

Spam Removed
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/21/10 03:12 PM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
He'd be crazy if he did, afs. In my opinion, he's having his best two weeks as President. He's finally selling himself as a centrist, so to comment on this (either way) would not be in his best interest. That's politics.

Not just that, but let's use a classic example from 1970:

The aftermath, according to http://law.jrank.org :

Nixon's remarks were meant to criticize what he perceived as a tendency of the media to glorify criminals, and the White House quickly issued a statement denying any intent to prejudice the case. Nevertheless, Manson's defense, arguing that such a statement by the president made a fair trial impossible, motioned for a mistrial and demanded that the charges against him be dropped. Judge Older denied the motion.

The next day in court, Manson stood and displayed a newspaper with the headline, "Manson Guilty, Nixon Declares." Judge Older questioned the jurors about their reaction to the headline. Satisfied that they would remain impartial, he ordered the trial to resume and sentenced Atkins' attorney, Daye Shinn, to three nights in jail for leaving the newspaper within Manson's reach.


Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

Besides, that's wha lol t he has that idiot Biden for.

Not everybody gets to be called a high-tech terrorist (i.e. doesn't shit in a cave) by the Vice-President on National TV.

OMG, I remember seeing that Nixon/Manson on the news. eek Quite the story. No matter how Nixon meant it though, he SHOULD have known better I would think.

As far as Biden, I actually don't mind the guy, but yea, he probably needs a muzzle from time to time. After all, words that come out of his mouth could end up being a "big F***ing deal." lol

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/22/10 07:19 AM

Oh. Hell. Yes.

Wikileaks To target Bank Of America In Next Release

Assange also confirmed that WikiLeaks was holding a vast amount of material about Bank of America which it intends to release early next year.

"We don't want the bank to suffer unless it's called for," Assange told The Times. "But if its management is operating in a responsive way there will be resignations," he said, without giving details about the material.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/22/10 05:47 PM


I am surprised to learn that Julian Assange will be interviewed today on the Dylan Ratigan show at 1:00 p.m. PDT (4:00 p.m. EST) on MSNBC eek Should be very interesting for those following this story.

Posted By: Frank_Nitti

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/23/10 12:08 AM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
Oh. Hell. Yes.

Wikileaks To target Bank Of America In Next Release

Assange also confirmed that WikiLeaks was holding a vast amount of material about Bank of America which it intends to release early next year.

"We don't want the bank to suffer unless it's called for," Assange told The Times. "But if its management is operating in a responsive way there will be resignations," he said, without giving details about the material.


LOT of investors nervous about this right now.....bank stocks are a great buy right now but they'll be much better when this all comes to light.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/23/10 04:24 AM

UN to investigate treatment of jailed leaks suspect Bradley Manning

The United Nations is investigating a complaint on behalf of Bradley Manning that he is being mistreated while held since May in US Marine Corps custody pending trial. The army private is charged with the unauthorised use and disclosure of classified information, material related to the WikiLeaks, and faces a court martial sometime in 2011.

The office of Manfred Nowak, special rapporteur on torture based in Geneva, received the complaint from a Manning supporter; his office confirmed that it was being looked into. Manning's supporters say that he is in solitary confinement for 23 hours a day; this could be construed as a form of torture. This month visitors reported that his mental and physical health was deteriorating.

The Pentagon denies the former intelligence analyst is mistreated, saying he is treated the same as other prisoners at Quantico, Virginia, is able to exercise, and has access to newspapers and visitors.

He was charged in July with leaking classified material including video posted by WikiLeaks of a 2007 US attack in Baghdad by a Apache helicopter that killed a Reuters news photographer and his driver. He is also suspected of leaking other material to the website, which is posting more than 250,000 secret state department cables. Manning has not commented on whether he is the source.

In an interview with MSNBC, Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, described Manning as a political prisoner and called on human rights organisations to investigate.

Nowak, an Austrian rights lawyer, has been involved in cases related to the Balkans, Guantánamo Bay, Iraq and China.

Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/23/10 11:50 PM

The damned UN easily one of the most worthless organizations on the planet. Poor bradley manning what do his supporters want him to have? a big screen tv, blue ray player, fridge full of beer or what ever else he wants to drink. While the government is at it they might as well as throw in a call girl once in a while. rolleyes

This idiot if found guilty betrayed his country and his fellow soldiers and people in this country actually support him that is a very scary thought.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Julian Assange & Wikileaks - 12/26/10 11:10 PM

Assange signed £1.1 million in book deals

LONDON (AFP) – WikiLeaks chief Julian Assange said in an interview published Sunday he had signed deals for his autobiography worth more than one million pounds (1.2 million euros, 1.5 million dollars).

Assange told Britain's Sunday Times newspaper that the money would help him defend himself against allegations of sexual assault made by two women in Sweden.

"I don't want to write this book, but I have to," he said. "I have already spent 200,000 pounds for legal costs and I need to defend myself and to keep WikiLeaks afloat."

The Australian said he would receive 800,000 dollars (600,000 euros) from Alfred A. Knopf, his American publisher, and a British deal with Canongate is worth 325,000 pounds (380,000 euros, 500,000 dollars).

Money from other markets and serialisation is expected to raise the total to 1.1 million pounds, he said.

The latest project of Assange's whistleblower website is the gradual release of tens of thousands of US diplomatic cables.

Since this latest project began Assange, who is on bail in Britain fighting a bid by Sweden to extradite him over the sex assault claims, has faced problems financing WikiLeaks.

Credit card companies Visa and MasterCard and the Internet payment firm PayPal have blocked donations to WikiLeaks, prompting Assange to label them "instruments of US foreign policy."

The Bank of America, the largest US bank, has also halted all transactions to WikiLeaks.

Washington has been infuriated by WikiLeaks as the site slowly releases the cache of around 250,000 secret US State Department cables. The US is believed to be considering how to indict Assange over the the huge leak.

Assange has been staying at a friend's country mansion in eastern England since his release from jail on December 16 on strict bail conditions that include reporting to police daily and wearing an electronic tag.

A court in London is due to hold a full hearing on the Swedish extradition request starting February 7.

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