

Posted By: Lovecraft

Ipad - 06/21/10 02:24 PM

Has anyone picked one up since it was released a month or two ago? Anyone planning on doing so?

My folks purchased me one as a graduation gift since I was in need of a new labtop (which I plan on using the ipad as). I think it's pretty easy to adjust too, having been a pc user my entire life.

The one problem I have with the ipad is the lack of apps being offered so far. You'd think there would be way more games and stuff to entertain!

any thoughts?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Ipad - 06/21/10 04:36 PM

I'm grateful for this thread, as I've been thinking about taking the plunge and picking one up. I've never owned an Apple or a Mac or whatever the correct terminology is. I know that Geoffy is crazy about them, and he is, after all, the Don tongue grin.

I just want something I can take to the gym with me or just out in the park or whatever. I don't need a million apps, so my question is: Is there really anything available on an iPad that I can't find on a good Netbook?

And keep in mind that I'm a 50 year old dude who's been online all of maybe 5 years. If I live another 50 years (God willing!), I'll never use half the features available on even the most basic computer smile.
Posted By: Lovecraft

Re: Ipad - 06/21/10 04:41 PM

The Ipad is probably smaller and weighs almost nothing but those are probably the only advantages aside from video and images looking really, really good on the ipad!
Posted By: SADFAS

Re: Ipad - 04/07/11 08:31 AM

Posted By: Simmelink

Re: Ipad - 06/17/11 02:34 AM

Posted By: Kasperski

Re: Ipad - 09/20/11 07:43 AM

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