
Vetted Haiti relief organizations.

Posted By: Just Lou

Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/15/10 06:42 AM

For those looking to donate to the Haiti earthquake relief efforts, watch out for scammers. Here are 3 of the most safe places to give money:

The American Red Cross
Consumers who want to donate immediately can text "HAITI" to "90999" and $10 will be automatically given to the Red Cross relief efforts.



Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/15/10 07:08 AM

I'm trusting my cousin who says:
Some will always try to profit by the misery of others. We are lucky to have known a very reputable charity that is devoted to helping Haiti at all times, not just in disasters, called "Hands Together." I am sure that they will need help long after the initial digging out from under this disaster. May I recommend donating to HT? Check its website and its references:


Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/15/10 07:09 AM

Then there's Zynga... lol wink
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/15/10 07:12 AM

Originally Posted By: J Geoff

Then there's Zynga... lol wink

...and you get a pretty drum too. rolleyes wink
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/15/10 03:35 PM

Originally Posted By: Just Lou
For those looking to donate to the Haiti earthquake relief efforts, watch out for scammers. Here are 3 of the most safe places to give money:

The American Red Cross
Consumers who want to donate immediately can text "HAITI" to "90999" and $10 will be automatically given to the Red Cross relief efforts.



I generally give to the American Red Cross, as I did yesterday. I know the money will be used wisely.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/15/10 06:35 PM

Thanks JL. I heard yesterday about so many scam artist. It's truly disgusting that these scum will want to make money off a tragedy like this. Most likely I'll go with the Red Cross, because I am most familiar with them.

Have you all been watching the news on this? How absolutely devastating. frown

Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/15/10 07:20 PM

I was watching the news more early on. Now, it seems like each news channel is going for the most shocking images more than actual news.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/15/10 08:24 PM

Doctors Without Borders is a good one also.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/16/10 04:00 PM

I've not yet turned on tv this morning to update, but as of last night it still looked grim.

I read at this point they predict at least 100,000 deaths. I am please with the U.S. response, yet hear that all the vehicles with food, water and supplies are there but can't get thru due to bad roads. frown

Yesterday, MSN reported that the stench was so bad that they had to literally use bulldozers to pick up bodies. The President of Haiti said they buried over 7,000 in a large grave. This is such a nightmare for this country. frown

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/17/10 03:46 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

I am please with the U.S. response,

So am I TIS. And the picture below only goes to show that no matter how much bickering, infighting and disaagreements we may have politically, when push comes to shove and the chips are really down, we are able to put those differences aside, ban together and help those who are in despair!

I am proud of how the different divisions of our armed services, who many times seem to get a bad rap around the world, have and continue to work to rescue and bring relief to Haiti.

United States Navy

United States 82nd Airborne
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/17/10 04:42 PM

You are right DC, and watching first responders coming from places like Los Angeles and digging through rubble to save people shows what this country does better than any other, and it is to put our political differences aside in times of real need and step up to the plate and try to fix what is wrong.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/17/10 05:37 PM

I can't imagine that anyone who lives in earthquake country, like myself, doesn't take a serious look at this situation and think "what if." frown I'm telling you, seeing the disaster there makes me really think. To think that in a matter of seconds, your whole life could be destroyed is scary as hell. frown

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/18/10 08:42 PM

They are still finding people alive. They are showing a little baby that was rescued (she'll survive thankfully) with maggots all over her. cry Considering the fact that many are getting their limbs amputated WITHOUT anything to kill the pain, I suppose that's minor. Poor people!! frown

Posted By: Partagas

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/19/10 07:47 PM

As a non-profit geek for the last 21 years (wow - I can’t believe it has been that long), I am one of the biggest proponents of the industry (yes although unique in many ways - still an industry). Yet at the same time I have always been one of the biggest critics of the industry. As a non-profit, we should be held to higher standards and we are dealing with the publics trust. Non-profits must be good -- make those great stewards of the community’s resources.

I encourage everyone to scrutinize every dollar you donate (and then, of course, give lots!)

Ask questions!!!!
1. What is the mission of the organization?
2. How will my dollar be spent?
3. How much does the organization spend on A) Mission or Program related costs B) Fundraising Costs and C) Administrative Costs
4. Ask to see the organization’s Annual report.
6. Ask to see their Form 990 – the form that all non-profits are required to complete for the IRS. This form has the above mentioned figured clearly identified.

If the organization cannot answer these questions, or at the very least guide you to someone that can – don’t give them a dime!

If an organization is spending (at least) 75-80% on Program or Mission based expenses – it is using its resources wisely. An organization needs to spend 20-25% on the necessary evils of fundraising and admin expenses.

A good resource is www.guidestar.org. This site has a profile and the From 990’s of nearly 100% of the non-profits in the U.S. You need to register to use the site; however, it is free to do so.

I am refraining from giving personal opinions on particular organizations. If interested, get in touch with me and I will be happy to share my perspective.

Another consideration to think of is what you really want your dollar to do. There are over 1 million non-profits in the U.S. (7,000 in the Kansas City Metro alone!). Many have similar missions and may duplicate services. And, there are tons or organizations with word “cancer” “diabetes” “homeless” - you name it. What do they really do? They all may be doing good stuff but is it what you want your dollar to do. For example, take “Diabetes” (or Stroke, or Homeless, Children, Cancer – you name the condition!) In Kansas City there are several non-profit organizations with “diabetes” in their name. They may or may not, all have a different mission but have that word “diabetes” in it. Some focus on research, some education and prevention, while another may focus on disparity, and yet another on advocacy. You as the donor need to find out and then spend your dollar as you desire.

Make your charitable dollar count!
Bottom line – donor beware!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 01/19/10 10:17 PM

Thanks for the info Part.
Posted By: Partagas

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 11/24/10 05:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Partagas
As a non-profit geek for the last 21 years (wow - I can’t believe it has been that long), I am one of the biggest proponents of the industry (yes although unique in many ways - still an industry). Yet at the same time I have always been one of the biggest critics of the industry. As a non-profit, we should be held to higher standards and we are dealing with the publics trust. Non-profits must be good -- make those great stewards of the community’s resources.

I encourage everyone to scrutinize every dollar you donate (and then, of course, give lots!)

Ask questions!!!!
1. What is the mission of the organization?
2. How will my dollar be spent?
3. How much does the organization spend on A) Mission or Program related costs B) Fundraising Costs and C) Administrative Costs
4. Ask to see the organization’s Annual report.
6. Ask to see their Form 990 – the form that all non-profits are required to complete for the IRS. This form has the above mentioned figured clearly identified.

If the organization cannot answer these questions, or at the very least guide you to someone that can – don’t give them a dime!

If an organization is spending (at least) 75-80% on Program or Mission based expenses – it is using its resources wisely. An organization needs to spend 20-25% on the necessary evils of fundraising and admin expenses.

A good resource is www.guidestar.org. This site has a profile and the From 990’s of nearly 100% of the non-profits in the U.S. You need to register to use the site; however, it is free to do so.

I am refraining from giving personal opinions on particular organizations. If interested, get in touch with me and I will be happy to share my perspective.

Another consideration to think of is what you really want your dollar to do. There are over 1 million non-profits in the U.S. (7,000 in the Kansas City Metro alone!). Many have similar missions and may duplicate services. And, there are tons or organizations with word “cancer” “diabetes” “homeless” - you name it. What do they really do? They all may be doing good stuff but is it what you want your dollar to do. For example, take “Diabetes” (or Stroke, or Homeless, Children, Cancer – you name the condition!) In Kansas City there are several non-profit organizations with “diabetes” in their name. They may or may not, all have a different mission but have that word “diabetes” in it. Some focus on research, some education and prevention, while another may focus on disparity, and yet another on advocacy. You as the donor need to find out and then spend your dollar as you desire.

Make your charitable dollar count!
Bottom line – donor beware!

I knew I wrote about this subject in the past on this site. With the return of the holiday season brings the return of charitable organizations with their hands and arms held wide open. Review the above an as a guidline for your personal giving policy and as always -- vet vet and vet and make the oganization prove that it is worth your hard earned dollar.
Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Holidays!
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 11/25/10 01:32 AM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
. I am please with the U.S. response,

This will sound cold and heartless but I'm not, Just once I'd love to see the United States tell other countries that you are on your own, we have our own problems to take care of.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 11/25/10 03:37 AM

Cold and heartless?? Why would you think that? Just because you prefer to condemn others, after they experienced a devastating disaster, to starvation, homelessness and disease because we have problems, too, why would you think that sounds cold and heartless?

We have more than most people in the world can dream of. The everyday things we take for granted, like electricity, warmth from the cold, running water, indoor plumbing, accessible vaccines. These are all things that the vast majority of Americans expect as their right, yet they are riches beyond the imagination of so many.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 11/25/10 05:39 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Cold and heartless?? Why would you think that? Just because you prefer to condemn others, after they experienced a devastating disaster, to starvation, homelessness and disease because we have problems, too, why would you think that sounds cold and heartless?

We have more than most people in the world can dream of. The everyday things we take for granted, like electricity, warmth from the cold, running water, indoor plumbing, accessible vaccines. These are all things that the vast majority of Americans expect as their right, yet they are riches beyond the imagination of so many.

SB haven't you ever heard of the old saying charity starts at home?
Posted By: Partagas

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 11/26/10 02:45 PM

I just ressurected this topic to hopefully help people make informed decisions during the "giving season."

I have worked in the non-profit world (and many times my organization is "negative profit" LOL) for over 20 years now (man I am old LOL).

I am the biggest proponant of charitable giving. At the same time, I am the biggest critic of the non-profit industry. I believe we (non-profit organizations) need to be held upto higher standards as we are essentially stewards of the community's resources.

Give (and give a lot) but be careful and only give to organizations that use resources wisely and use them as you desire.

Happy Holidays!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 11/26/10 09:03 PM

Originally Posted By: The Iceman
SB haven't you ever heard of the old saying charity starts at home?

Yes, and I think it's a horrible sentiment. Have you ever heard the following Proverbs??

Proverbs 14:31
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

Proverbs 19:17
He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.

Proverbs 21:13
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.

Proverbs 22:9
A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

Proverbs 28:27
He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses.

Proverbs 31:8-9
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 11/28/10 02:38 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Originally Posted By: The Iceman
SB haven't you ever heard of the old saying charity starts at home?

Yes, and I think it's a horrible sentiment. Have you ever heard the following Proverbs??

Proverbs 14:31
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.

Proverbs 19:17
He who is kind to the poor lends to the LORD, and he will reward him for what he has done.

Proverbs 21:13
If a man shuts his ears to the cry of the poor, he too will cry out and not be answered.

Proverbs 22:9
A generous man will himself be blessed, for he shares his food with the poor.

Proverbs 28:27
He who gives to the poor will lack nothing, but he who closes his eyes to them receives many curses.

Proverbs 31:8-9
Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute. Speak up and judge fairly; defend the rights of the poor and needy.

No SB I have never heard of any of those proverbs, as I have absolutely no use for religion.

I still say charity starts at home
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Vetted Haiti relief organizations. - 11/28/10 02:53 AM

And I still say that is a horrible, selfish and mean-spirited concept. I hope that you are never in the position to need help. If you are, perhaps others will feel more generous than you do.
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