
The Beatles Remastered Albums

Posted By: Irishman12

The Beatles Remastered Albums - 11/22/09 06:18 PM

I know there are some Beatle fanatics on this board like myself and I pose a question: are the remastered albums worth buying? I've done some research and some say these are the same as the 1987 remasters while other swear by them. For anyone who has bought them, what are your thoughts? Worth rebuying them again or not really?
Posted By: injektilo*

Re: The Beatles Remastered Albums - 11/22/09 10:16 PM

i own the original boxset and have *ahem* acquired the remasters to see if their worth getting. they sound a little different at times, but in the few listens i've had they were just playing in the background and i didn't really notice a great different.

i'd *like* to buy them, but to spend $300 when i've already spent $400 on the existing box set grates a little. if i can offload my copy then i'll probably do it, but more so as a collection type thing than because i desperately want the remastered versions.

i might take a listen to them today and pay a little more attention and get back to you. smile
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: The Beatles Remastered Albums - 11/22/09 10:20 PM

I've not heard the remastered albums so i cant really tell you about the quality of the sound. I have all the albums and wont be buying them again, why would i when i have them already.

Irish if you already have the albums i would advise you not to buy them again as not sure there's a great deal of difference to the originals just a little sound difference and different packaging..
Posted By: injektilo*

Re: The Beatles Remastered Albums - 11/24/09 02:07 AM

so i listened to my 6 fave beatles albums yesterday and noticed no discernible difference. however this was on the crappy speakers of my work laptop. i might do a little a:b comparison at home on a couple of songs tonight to see if i can hear anything.

oh, even the mono recordings didn't seem terribly different.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: The Beatles Remastered Albums - 11/24/09 04:10 PM

Thanks injektilo and DE NIRO. I was thinking of what DE NIRO said to not bother with them. Was just curious if there was THAT much of a difference.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: The Beatles Remastered Albums - 11/24/09 04:25 PM

I LOVE the Beatles, and have most of their work on vinyl, then tape, then CD's then the Cirque de Soliel version. I say ENOUGH Already! IMHO this newly remastered thing is a rip off.
In fact the best version of their work IMHO remains on the vinyl records, for which they were originally intended.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: The Beatles Remastered Albums - 11/25/09 06:08 AM

The difference between the old CD set and the new remasters is if you have those big complex stereo systems. You would definately tell the difference.

But for an iPod? Not really.
Posted By: injektilo*

Re: The Beatles Remastered Albums - 11/26/09 04:44 AM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
But for an iPod? Not really.

well, you're kind of right, but not completely.

if you rip your music from cd to a lossless formet and use a pair of high quality headphones, then you will certainly be in a good position to detect differences in sound recordings.

however by the same token, most people rip to lowly mp3 formats and listen on stock iPod earbuds, in which case, you are correct. wink
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: The Beatles Remastered Albums - 11/26/09 11:07 PM

So in short, you're saying audiophiles/electronics nerds will get more out of them than the rest of us.
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