
Happy Veterans' Day

Posted By: klydon1

Happy Veterans' Day - 11/11/09 04:39 PM

Thank you to all who serve and have served in the armed forces. May your sacrifices always be honored.

It was nice to see the sports networks honor the vets and active military this past weekend.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Happy Veterans' Day - 11/11/09 04:46 PM

I too want to say Happy Veteran's Day to all past and present service people. I just saw President Obama speaking at a Veteran's Day event. Very heartfelt speech.

I think we all have someone who was or is in the service, for me, my father and my ex. Happy Veteran's Day to all our vets.

Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Happy Veterans' Day - 11/12/09 01:02 AM

I agree happy Veterans day to all those who did serve and who are serving now.

I agree with TIS(horribly thought I know lol) I think we all know someone who has served or is serving. A guy where I work is serving right now, he just got shipped back to Iraq a couple weeks ago. And my dad & uncle who both served in Vietnam.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Happy Veterans' Day - 11/12/09 10:08 AM

It is called Remembrance Day over here but the same good thoughts and eternal gratitude goes to all our veterans and to our troops serving overseas right now!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Happy Veterans' Day - 11/12/09 08:31 PM

I know it's a day late, but I just saw this reporter on MSN telling of his meeting with the President yesterday. A nice story.


Posted By: olivant

Re: Happy Veterans' Day - 11/12/09 09:21 PM

Last night in class I showed the opening scene from the movie Patton. I told the class that whatever you consider America to be, there are people in the world who want to take it away from you. That's why we sometimes need warriors such as Patton. I told them a little about my service and my experiences. Most paid close attention; some didn't. Well, that's all part of our America.
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Happy Veterans' Day - 11/11/21 01:34 PM


Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Happy Veterans' Day - 12/06/21 11:46 AM

101-year-old returns to Pearl Harbor to remember those lost


When Japanese bombs began falling on Pearl Harbor, U.S. Navy Seaman 1st Class David Russell first sought refuge below deck on the USS Oklahoma.

But a split-second decision on that December morning 80 years ago changed his mind, and likely saved his life.

“They started closing that hatch. And I decided to get out of there,” Russell, now 101, said in a recent interview.

Within 12 minutes his battleship would capsize under a barrage of torpedoes. Altogether 429 sailors and Marines from the Oklahoma would perish — the greatest death toll from any ship that day other than the USS Arizona, which lost 1,177.
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Happy Veterans' Day - 12/08/21 07:34 AM

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