

Posted By: MobbingForMoney

SleepingFather! - 09/14/09 05:24 AM

I have a horrible, horrible time trying to get to sleep. If I have a few drinks, come home at 2-3 in the morning, and then drop face first in my bed, I'll be able to go to sleep no problem. But if I'm sober, it really is a horror. For me, going to bed is basically like dying every night. It's dark, quiet, and lonely frown. I'll twist and turn, thinking of all the problems in my anxiety ridden mind. If I am able to get sleep within 40 minutes, a successful night has been had.

Then again, I know people that can sleep the second they close their eyes! What takes me a xanax, 2 glasses of red wine, and a quick release session, they can do naturally!

So, I want to know what you are. Can you sleep easily, or does it take a good, long while for you to make it through the night?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/14/09 06:03 AM

Mobbing... great to see you back!

I'm exactly the same way. I need to keep myself occupied all day long to try and not think about troublesome issues -- and cannot fall asleep with a racing mind (of past/present/future issues) unless I literally pass out. ohwell

I plan on trying Lunesta -- there's a 7-night free trial at lunesta.com -- and I'm bringing the form to my Dr tomorrow as a matter of fact! I hope it works, because it's supposed to suppress that racing mind to help you sleep.
Posted By: SC

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/14/09 06:06 AM

Originally Posted By: MobbingForMoney
I have a horrible, horrible time trying to get to sleep. If I have a few drinks, come home at 2-3 in the morning, and then drop face first in my bed, I'll be able to go to sleep no problem. But if I'm sober, it really is a horror.

Don't look in the mirror when you're sober.

Seriously, it could be a number of things that are causing this problem. First, keep your bedroom SOLELY for sleeping. Do you lovemaking in other rooms. Don't lay in bed and watch tv... the bed is solely for sleeping. Keep the bedroom dark and quiet.

Don't take ANY stimulants for a few hours before you plan on sleeping. This includes caffeine, chocolate, etc.

Don't nap during the day, and if possible, get some exercise daily (even just a brisk walk).

Try some quiet time an hour before you try sleep. Read a book, listen to some soothing music, or a watch a boring movie, etc. (in a room other than your bedroom).

The old-standby of a warm glass of milk can help.

You may want to consider taking some melatonin (can be bought over the counter in any drug store/health store). 3 MG a night will help and it generally doesn't usually have a hangover effect the next morning. It's a natural sleep inducer.

Good luck.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/14/09 10:44 AM

Melatonin has been a lifesaver in our house.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/14/09 12:58 PM

Hi Mob, welcome back! smile

I've had sleeping problems ever since I can remember. Looking back now,as a school kid, I KNOW many many times I got only a few hours sleep an somehow managed to keep a good school attendance.

I'm not one who takes any sleeping pills (I have only a couple times as desperate measure, but found they do nothing). frown I concluded years ago that simply staying in bed tossing & turning does NO good. I've accepted my insomnia and get out of bed, and/or watch tv,play on computer until I feel tired. I've accepted on occasion to get by on little to no sleep.

For me, it's not every single night. I will go a couple months sleeping well, and then I'll go through a couple weeks of not sleeping more than a couple hours a night. Don't mean to be such a downer, but if you find something that works, let me know.

Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/14/09 03:02 PM

I have worked shifts for years and it has ruined my sleep patterns. I only cat nap constantly,especially when i am on nights.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/16/09 02:58 PM

Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
I have worked shifts for years and it has ruined my sleep patterns. I only cat nap constantly,especially when i am on nights.

Yogi, it sounds like you have a disrupted circadian rhythm. The body seeks to establish a natural cycle, in which it expects sleep, food and activity at regular daily intervals. It's been found that shift work prohibits this function, and people without a sound circadian rhythm are more susceptible to headaches, illness, fatigue and depression. I see more of these claims in workers compensation cases.

By the way, if you have trouble falling asleep, SC's advice is very good. I would add that you lie comfortably and think about the most pleasant moments of your life. These could involve childhood vacations, romances, sporting events, holidays, etc. It relaxes your mind, and you'll be surprised how quickly sleep comes. If you lie awake, preoccupied by worries, work or stressful events, the mind won't let you sleep.

My sleep problem is that I can never sleep through a full night. If I fall asleep at 11:30 pm, I'm usually awake at 1 am and 3 am before getting up at a quarter to six.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/16/09 03:07 PM

I used to take a few tylenol pms or whatnot a night....then I had a baby. No problems sleeping now.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/16/09 05:06 PM

I have "always" had sleep problems, ever since I can remember. I simply can't get to sleep right away almost nightly. The problem is on some nights I sleep for an hour and wake up and can't get back to sleep. :/I can be dragging my ass from not sleeping and IF I take a nap (which 9 times out of 10 I wouldn't be able to fall asleep even then), I know my body enough to know it would ruin my night's sleep. So, I simply drag all day and look forward to going to bed at 9 or even 8 sometimes.

This splurts are not daily, but rather every few months and they will last anywhere from 3 or 4 days to about a month. Then I'm ok again for a while (as far as getting 5-8 hour of sleep a night). I'm use to it now. ohwell

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/16/09 06:02 PM

When I can't sleep I pop a few ambiens, wash them down with vodka, and after going for a rid I don't remember the next day I sleep like a baby.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/17/09 03:43 PM

Klyd,my claim details are in the post. Let me know when you have won my case and we will split the winnings...er...i meant compensation grin
Posted By: klydon1

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/17/09 10:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
Klyd,my claim details are in the post. Let me know when you have won my case and we will split the winnings...er...i meant compensation grin

You got it, buddy.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/18/09 01:52 PM

Posted By: klydon1

Re: SleepingFather! - 09/18/09 03:20 PM

I fell asleep watching the NFL Network last night, which was replaying the 4th quarter of the 1988 AFC Championship game between Cleveland and Denver. I fell asleep with about 2 minutes to go. When I woke up at 2:30, it was being replayed, and I again dozed off with 2 minutes to go.
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