
My Mom & the Dr. Visit from Hell

Posted By: AppleOnYa

My Mom & the Dr. Visit from Hell - 09/01/09 11:24 PM

Took my mother to the doctor today. What a nightmare! Not her condition, but getting her there in the first place!!

Even though I had taken the day off from work and she agreed to the appointment YESTERDAY, when I got to her house she refused to go. It took me, my brother, my sister and ALL FOUR of her grandchildren to get involved before she finally got up & got in the car. By that time, everyone was either in tears or hysterics. We barely made it in time for the appointment.

And THAT was just a pre-surgery examination!! Barring lack of 'clearance' from her primary Dr. due to bad bloodwork or something, she's got a procedure scheduled for 9/24...am already dreading getting her to the hospital by 7am for admittance paperwork. I can almost guarantee she'll refuse to go. Then what?

I remember my mom going through similar stuff w/ my grandmother when we were teenagers. It was aweful to watch and my mother is acting this way at a MUCH younger age. Actually, she's been blissfully sinking into old age & feebleness for years, even from before my dad died. What a shame.

All of you out there who have aging but active parents who UNDERSTAND what's necessary for their health & well being...be grateful for for what you've got. I don't wish this on my worst enemy.

Thanks for letting me vent.

Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: My Mom & the Dr. Visit from Hell - 09/02/09 08:47 AM

You are always okay for venting here Apple you know that.
Posted By: SC

Re: My Mom & the Dr. Visit from Hell - 09/02/09 11:12 AM

Apple, I wish I had words of comfort or be able to tell you that it gets better - but I don't and it doesn't (get better). Do WHATEVER you have to in order to get your mom to her doctor!

Good luck!!
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: My Mom & the Dr. Visit from Hell - 09/02/09 03:10 PM

Vent away, Apple. You are being a good daughter, and I wish I could tell you your mom will ever appreciate this.
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