
Jackson 'Murder' Theory

Posted By: AppleOnYa

Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/12/09 02:26 PM

LaToya Jackson feels her brother was 'murdered'.

This following the statement from father Joe Jackson, that there was 'foul play' involved.

I suppose these feelings can be understood when coming from family members...but it just adds to the victimizing and enabling that surrounded Jackson for much of the past several years.


La Toya Jackson: 'They' murdered my brother, Michael Jackson


Michael Jackson's grieving sister La Toya said in an extensive interview that there were four fresh needle marks on the King of Pop's neck when he died - and that she believes her brother was murdered.

"Less than a month ago, I said I thought Michael was going to die before the London shows because he was surrounded by people who didn't have his best interests at heart," La Toya Jackson, 53, told the Daily Mail.

"I believe Michael was murdered," she said. "I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people."

Jackson's official cause of death is still being investigated. The Los Angeles Police Department has said Jackson's death could be ruled a homicide if the autopsy indicates the singer was given illicit amounts of powerful prescription drugs.

La Toya said a private autopsy revealed the needle marks. The official autopsy won't be complete for two more weeks.

She also revealed:

* Michael regularly kept up to $1 million in cash and a vast collection inside his home, none of which has been found.
* There was an intravenous drip setup beside his bed, and oxygen canisters lined up along the walls.
* Michael did not want to do the planned "This Is It" concert series in London, but he was coerced into it....

Posted By: olivant

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/12/09 03:17 PM

Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
LaToya Jackson feels her brother was 'murdered'.

"I believe Michael was murdered," she said. "I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people [that he had molested over all those years]."

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/12/09 05:32 PM

Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa

"I believe Michael was murdered," she said. "I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people."........

She also revealed:

* Michael regularly kept up to $1 million in cash and a vast collection inside his home, none of which has been found.
* There was an intravenous drip setup beside his bed, and oxygen canisters lined up along the walls.
* Michael did not want to do the planned "This Is It" concert series in London, but he was coerced into it....[/i]

Why do I have the feeling that the next card that will be dealt from this deck will be the race card?
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/12/09 05:39 PM

Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa

"I believe Michael was murdered," she said. "I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people."........

She also revealed:

* Michael regularly kept up to $1 million in cash and a vast collection inside his home, none of which has been found.
* There was an intravenous drip setup beside his bed, and oxygen canisters lined up along the walls.
* Michael did not want to do the planned "This Is It" concert series in London, but he was coerced into it....[/i]

Why do I have the feeling that the next card that will be dealt from this deck will be the race card?

i think that will be hard to get that card out
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/12/09 05:39 PM

Don Cardi, the race card has been dealt almost from the moment Jackson died...most notably through Jaime Foxx's 'tribute' comments at the BET Music Awards a few days later.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/12/09 05:41 PM

Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa
Don Cardi, the race card has been dealt almost from the moment Jackson died...most notably through Jaime Foxx's 'tribute' comments at the BET Music Awards a few days later.

Wasn't aware of that one. I guess both Foxx and Sharpton have already laid out the groundwork. ohwell
Posted By: olivant

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/12/09 06:23 PM

What race card? Wasn't Jackson white?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/12/09 09:59 PM

I wonder how easy or difficult that theroy will be to prove?
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/12/09 10:02 PM

idk...if the jewery was stolen then she may have something. with the needle marks...they should be able to tell how recent they are.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/13/09 03:19 PM

Hooooo Boy! Here we go. Whenever someone famous dies young it
seems that no one can accept the fact there wsn't some kind of conspiracy. I have no doubt Jackson died of a drug overdose, and I have no doubt that there are a number of doctor who gave him prescriptions for dangerous drugs. I also believe they should be aprehended, lose their licenses and possibly do time.
But MURDER??? Come on. He was no more murdered than Elvis. No more shot from the grassy knoll than JFK. No more murdered than Marilyn Monroe or Princes Diana.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/13/09 03:48 PM

Conspiracy my ass. LaToya has always been cuckoo for fucking Cocoa Puffs, in a family where the insanity bar is set so high, it's hard to even notice. You watch, she's gonna get a primetime seance out of this deal. Remember the Psychic Friends Network, with her and Dionne Warwick?

20 years ago this would have been called an oversose, plain and simple. Now they have to go out of their way to tell you that it was cardiac arrest brought on by something else. But the something else was still a drug overdose.

I'm not sure how they can play the race card, because Jackson surrounded himself with black advisors. A few years ago, when MJ couldn't sell a cd to save his life, he tried blaming Sony, then playing the race card against Tony Mottola. It didn't work. Mottola's black friends came out of the woodwork to defend him. Even Sharpton allegedly told Michael, Not this guy, Mike. He's done more to make sure that black entertainers don't get ripped off than any promoter in history.

His family should have given him the love he deserved as a child and throughout his lifetime, not with the alligator tears today. Today they're just a a bunch of fucking ghouls trying to capitalize on his demise. They make me sick.

Sidebar about Jamie Foxx: He didn't mind playing the singing and dancing black fool when he was coming up, did he?

Now that he made his money, he doesn't need the "white man" any more. Another fucking hypocrite. I'll approach his movies with caution (read: save my money) from now on.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/13/09 04:20 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
20 years ago this would have been called an oversose, plain and simple. Now they have to go out of their way to tell you that it was cardiac arrest brought on by something else. But the something else was still a drug overdose.

I have no idea how anyone can play the race card here. I mean did all that presure from Paul McCartney to buy his music back drive Jacko Wacko?

PB you make a good point. "cardiac arrest" means your heart stops beating. I suppose everyone dies of cardiac arrest using that definition. "Cardiac arrest brought on gun shots, or heroin, or prescription medicine."
Posted By: Tru_Bizelli

Re: Jackson 'Murder' Theory - 07/19/09 09:37 AM

Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Originally Posted By: AppleOnYa

"I believe Michael was murdered," she said. "I felt that from the start. Not just one person was involved, rather it was a conspiracy of people."........

She also revealed:

* Michael regularly kept up to $1 million in cash but he was coerced into it....[/i]

Why do I have the feeling that the next card that will be dealt from this deck will be the race card?

Because you're intelligent!!! Why the hell does every murdered star have to have an alternative theory? It's BULLSH!T!
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