
Board Games

Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Board Games - 03/16/09 05:43 AM

Do you like to play board games? If so which ones?

I just played Clue for the first time and it was pretty fun! It's one of those games that I always wanted as a kid but for some reason my parents didn't want to buy it.

My usual favorites are Chess, Stratego and Risk. Risk is probably my favorite but it's always impossible to get enough people to play, plus it can take hours to finish.

There are a ton of other great games, but I'll save them for later in case nobody else mentions them.

I'm also hoping to find some games that are new to me. I know there are a lot of games that aren't among the common games found in the stores so let's hear the rare recommendations!
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 07:15 AM

I used to love Candy Land when I was little because I thought the characters looked so cool. I still think so, actually.

My friend introduced me to Sorry a long time ago, which I liked because it was fun to get revenge on the other players.

I remember absolutely loving any games when I was little, and I always would try to get my family to play, and they'd either never want to, or they'd do so very unhappily. I'd declare it "Family Game Night," but I was the only one in the family having fun. lol

One I just was introduced to recently, by my friend who's studying to become a teacher, is Apples to Apples. Hmm...I don't guess it's really a board game, but it's tons of fun - have you heard of it, BL? Everyone gets in a circle and you take turns getting to draw a card that has a certain descriptive word on it, then the others pick one of the cards that they have, that they think you would feel matches the word you have.
It's a lot of fun to see how well you know the people you're playing with, that is, until they start choosing silly answers which make no sense...not that I'm holding a grudge over a past game...
Posted By: SC

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 08:28 AM

It's been a long time since I've played any, but like you, I loved "Risk". My brother, sister-in-law, my ex and I used to play on a regular basis and sometimes ended up throwing the dice at each other but ALWAYS having a lot of laughs.

When I was younger I loved playing "Yahtzee". I've found a place online to play it and it's still fun for a few hours on a night with nothing else to do.

The old standby of "Monopoly" is still good for a winter night, and of course the "Ouija" board is good for some laughs.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 08:54 AM

Monopoly,Scrabble,Draughts,Chess and Cluedo for us!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 10:57 AM

Monopoly?? UGH!! If you have about 122,000 hours with nothing else to do!!

My one daughter loved that game with the bubble in the middle that had the dice in it, and you went around the board with your four little plastic pieces until you brought them all home, unless someone landed on you and sent you back. What was the NAME of that???

I also loved Pictionary and Boggle. We used to play that often, as well as Life. We play Rummikub as a family, too.

Gina, I have played Apples to Apples. You're right - it is fun! Have you tried Catchphrase? That's fun, too!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 12:30 PM

I still have a few board games. My favorite is Trivia Pursuit. I never win, and usually don't get a lot of answers right, but still enjoy the challenge. confused

Yatzee is good too and so is Sorry. I agree with Monopoly. Waaay too long. Ouija Board can be fun too. smile

Posted By: klydon1

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 12:40 PM

I used to play Monopoly, Risk and Clue. The first two, as stated above, are time consuming. In Risk the strategy I remember was not to start out in China as it seemed that could always be attacked from all directions.

A simple game that I had always liked is Chutes and Ladders.

A game that our family and friends will play occasionally is Apples to Apples. Players are given seven cards that have different people, places or things on them, like sandals, the Civil War, waterfalls, Chicago, Gene Hacman, tacos,etc. A separate series of cards contain descriptive words, like courageous, moist, sensational, irrelevant, and everyone (except the judge) has to submit one of their cards that best matches the description. The judge selects what he thinks is the best match, and the person with the best match then judges the next round. It's actually a lot of laughs.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 01:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

My one daughter loved that game with the bubble in the middle that had the dice in it, and you went around the board with your four little plastic pieces until you brought them all home, unless someone landed on you and sent you back. What was the NAME of that???

You're talking about Trouble.

We try to have a family game night at least once a week. Recently we've been playing a game called Taboo which is very similar to Password. We also play Scrabble.

I still own The Godfather board game but cannot get my family to play it.

One of my favorites as a kid was Battleship. But there is one game that brings back a lot of memories for me. My dad and I spent many a night playing a game called Cadaco All Star Baseball.

Posted By: klydon1

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 01:28 PM

Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
[quote=Sicilian Babe]
My dad and I spent many a night playing a game called Cadaco All Star Baseball.

For me it was Strat-O-Matic Baseball that replicated the performance of every major league player and team. I had the 1975 and 1978 series and a friend of mine had the 1980 version, which we consolidated and had a draft and league of all-stars.

This has been replaced largely by rotisserie leagues and video games of baseball, but those old Strat-O-Matic games got pretty exciting.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 01:41 PM

I played Strat-O-Matic baseball for years, back in the 80's.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 01:43 PM

Yes Klyd, I used to play Strat-O-Matic also. As a matter of fact I still own the game and played it steadily up until a couple of years ago. Now every once in a while, if I get a chance, I'll pull it out and play a game or two.

I liked how it took into consideration the lefty, righty factor, pitcher fatigue, etc. And not in a complicated way! It definitely was one of the most accurate sports games ever made. It's still a very popular game.

Originally Posted By: Just Lou
I played Strat-O-Matic baseball for years, back in the 80's.

Lou, did you ever play Strat-O-Matic Hockey? Excellent game especially if you are a true blue hockey fan.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 02:02 PM

My brother has this horse game that he always wants us to play. I think it's called Win, Place and Show. It has an oval track, and the horses actually run around or something. Nobody ever wants to play, though. lol

DC, thanks for coming up with the name Trouble. It was driving me crazy, especially since my daughter was totally addicted for a while. I also remember playing Simon with the girls when they were younger.

Because I love Boggle so much, my husband bought me Scrabble. However, I don't have the patience for strategy, and tend to prefer games with fast rounds. blush
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 02:22 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
My brother has this horse game that he always wants us to play. I think it's called Win, Place and Show. It has an oval track, and the horses actually run around or something. Nobody ever wants to play, though. lol

OMG! I used to have that game and could not, for the life of me, remember the name of it!

Tell your brother that I will be over this weekend to play. lol

If I remember correctly there was fake money involved, odds, etc. and you could actually bet on the horses in each race. Great game!

Ok, who remembers these games :


THE LAST STRAW (I remember it as Don't Break The Camel's Back)

Posted By: klydon1

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 04:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
[quote=Sicilian Babe]

Ok, who remembers these games :


THE LAST STRAW (I remember it as Don't Break The Camel's Back)

I remember both. In fact, we bought Don't Break the Ice for our kids, and I remember playing it a few years ago.

Like the camel game, another game was Don't Spill the Beans, which is probably still out there. There was another game that involved snakes with springs that would jump up. I remember the distinctive smell of the soft, rubbery plastic heads of the different color snakes, and the bodies were covered by fabric. I think the game had an Asian Indian theme.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 05:23 PM

I tend too play the Elvis Limited Editon Monopoly ever now and then..

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 05:50 PM

Is it true that the you have to do the Jailhouse Rock when you get sent directly to jail in the game?
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 05:59 PM

Nope,but would be good if you did.. smile
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 06:44 PM

I love card games, okay fine they aren't board games.

Clue is fun, I hate Candyland and Sorry. I like Monopoly, Life.

They have started doing away with paper money in some of these games. I have a version of Life where everyone gets a plastic card and when they need to get money or pay money they swipe their card in this thing and done. Makes banking much easier, would be great for Monopoly.

I haven't even bought Risk even though I'd love it, because no one would play it with me.

I like yahtzee but I love a game called

Shut The Box

It's a very fun game and anyone from 5-500 can play it.

You roll 2 dice and lay down certain number tiles based on what you roll. For example if you roll a 12, you lay down the 9 and 3, or the 8 and 4, or the 7 and 5. If you roll a 3 you would lay down either the 1 and 2, or the 3. And so on. It's very fun, games are short and the winner is the one who has the lowest number after they have rolled and can't lay down any more tiles (say you roll a 5 but your 5, 3, and 1 are all down already). If you have a 3, 7, and 9 left your total would be 19. Whoever has the lowest total wins.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 07:05 PM

Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

Lou, did you ever play Strat-O-Matic Hockey? Excellent game especially if you are a true blue hockey fan.

No. I didn't. Only baseball. We had a full draft like fantasy baseball, and played a whole season.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Board Games - 03/16/09 07:45 PM

Originally Posted By: Just Lou
Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

Lou, did you ever play Strat-O-Matic Hockey? Excellent game especially if you are a true blue hockey fan.

No. I didn't. Only baseball. We had a full draft like fantasy baseball, and played a whole season.

I had the 1975 or 76 football version(AFC), which was a lot of fun. O.J. Simpson, Terry Bradshaw, Ken Stabler, Joe Namath. It was pretty accurate.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Board Games - 03/19/09 02:09 AM

My family plays a game called Pegs & Jokers

Or we use dominoes and play Chicken Foot
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Board Games - 03/19/09 02:35 AM

That looks kind of like the game Sorry!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Board Games - 03/19/09 02:48 AM

I guess you play it the same way.
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