
Your Pets

Posted By: Longneck

Your Pets - 01/03/09 09:38 PM

Name(s): Grey one is Charlie, Furry one is Tiger

Personality: Tiger is very indecisive and a little shy, Charlie is in your face and very active. He's always chasing after something. Tiger sleeps at the foot of the bed on my side and Charlie sleeps next to him, when he isn't climbing up on my chest.

Charlie likes to drink water out of the faucets. He loves it, begs for it. He sticks his face into the water dish to try to get the freshest water in the jug.

Tiger likes to escape our apartment and go upstairs and roll around at the top of the stairwell in our apartment building.

They both come up to me for loves and a lot of times I'll be petting Tiger and Charlie comes up and lays in front of Tiger so he can get the attention. They fight now and then but it's for fun, they clean each other's faces.

Favorite Sports Teams:

Tiger likes the Cincinnati Bengals and Charlie likes the Detroit Lions (poor guys). The Colts beat both teams this season so I had bragging rights all year.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Your Pets - 01/03/09 09:44 PM

Wow, Longneck, I think I have pretty much the exact same cat as the one on the left. We call him Jeter and he has a brother who's a lighter shade of gray with some white (we call him Mickey). They're Siamese and really use their teeth a lot when rubbing against you. Does yours do that? We also have a third cat (Rogue) who I ABSOLUTELY LOVE! I've never seen a more playful cat then her.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Your Pets - 01/03/09 09:55 PM

Charlie will rub his face against mine sometimes, Tiger uses his body.

That reminds me, some unique things about them:

Charlie: White dot on his neck, where an adam's apple would be on a person.

Tiger: Lopsided patch of color around his nose.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Your Pets - 01/03/09 10:12 PM

Originally Posted By: Longneck
Charlie: White dot on his neck, where an adam's apple would be on a person.

That reminds me of one of my cats, Gozer, who is a short haired black cat (halloween cat) but she has a little group of about 8-10 long white hairs sticking our of her upper chest/lower neck area. It's so strange because there isn't any other white on her.

I'll post pictures of my pets when I get around to finding them on my computer.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Your Pets - 01/03/09 10:50 PM

I dont have any pets but i would like a cat but thats out of the question as my g/f has a allergy to fur..
Posted By: SC

Re: Your Pets - 01/03/09 11:23 PM

OzzieBoy is the little guy that shares my apartment and life with me. He just turned 18 (that's old for a cat).

Lookup the word "companion" in a dictionary and his picture is there. He LOVES to be near me... just sitting next to me, sleeping next to me, he has to be in the same room as me. He makes coming home to a small, cramped apartment a joy. He'll usually wait for me right by the door and then I HAVE to pick him up and make a fuss over him for a few minutes. It's a nice ritual for me.

I know him like the back of my hand but yet he still confuses me at times. I'd usually classify him as a big scaredy-cat (he'll scoot away from strangers) and once a bird got in my window and he went to investigate it... I was afraid he'd kill the bird but it ended up scaring him away. Yet, the landlord's dog (a BIG dog) came upstairs a few months ago and he stood his ground while the dog went over to smell him (made me proud).

I took him to the vet this morning for an annual checkup (he doesn't like to go) but he dutifully let the vet feel all around and examine him. As soon as the exam was over he just looked up at me - I knew what he wanted - he wanted me to pick him up, which I did. He clung to me for dear life - I can't begin to tell you how good that made me feel (that he trusts me implicitly and counts on me for security).

Without further ado - here's the little man:

Posted By: Longneck

Re: Your Pets - 01/03/09 11:49 PM

Ozzieboy sounds a lot like Tiger. He's always in the same room as whoever is home.

Charlie is more independent and goes mouse hunting (he's caught 2 in about a year, we live close to some woods) I take the mouse, give him treats. So now he looks for mice whenever he can.

It's fun to watch the cats race around the apartment for no reason. We did not plan on getting another cat, he kind of just fell into our laps but I'm so glad he did. It makes me feel better about being away during the day since they both have a companion.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 02:38 AM

13 year old "Tommy the Cat". Named in honor of Les Claypool.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 03:25 AM

Here are my babies. There's Shirley the boy cockatiel in his cage, Stella the cat and my puppy Angel. My husband and daughter have asthma, so we recently had to put Shirley up for adoption. We do miss him.

Stella and Angel are terrific. We got Angel about 6 years ago, and she had severe separation anxiety. It took many months of training and some serious puppy Prozac to get her adjusted. We adopted her from a no-kill shelter. They had rescued her from a shelter in West Virginia, where she was about to be euthanized. She had been beaten, and to this day will shy away from my hand if I reach down to pet her unexpectedly.

Stella was adopted a few years ago. My children felt that my life wasn't hectic enough and that another pet was just what I needed. Actually, I love having her. She makes us laugh on a daily basis.

We also have some fish, which didn't make it into the picture.
Posted By: SC

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 03:36 AM

Originally Posted By: Longneck
Charlie is in your face


Tiger looks like he has a mustache.

JL... that's a cool lookin' cat!!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 03:38 AM

Sure, don't say anything about my pets, you big meanie.
Posted By: SC

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 03:38 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Here are my babies.

Babe's babies. They're cute.

Stella is a big girl.

(Here we go again).
Posted By: SC

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 03:40 AM

Impatient bitch.

Welcome back. smile
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 03:40 AM

Thank you. The pets missed us, for sure.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 04:09 AM

Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Longneck
Charlie is in your face


Tiger looks like he has a mustache.

JL... that's a cool lookin' cat!!

He has the longest whiskers I've ever seen.
Posted By: Just Lou

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 04:15 AM

Originally Posted By: Longneck
Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: Longneck
Charlie is in your face


Tiger looks like he has a mustache.

JL... that's a cool lookin' cat!!

He has the longest whiskers I've ever seen.

In the last couple of months my cat's whiskers are turning white. I guess it's old age. It really makes him look funny.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 09:17 AM

What wonderful pictures - I love them all!

LN, I have a "Tiger," also - when I bring out a cat toy and play with him, and he goes into the hunter/prowler mode, he gets the same "look" in his eyes that yours has.

BL, I'm looking forward to your photos - and Irish, do you have some of your cats?

SC, your vet story about OzzieBoy is so sweet...that's really adorable. The photo alone seems to show he has a great personality.

Lou, your guy Tommy looks like he's the man! The way cats can stretch out like that - I think they really know how to relax. grin

SB, I love how the bird, cat and dog all get together for a family picture! Stella's ears-backed look reminds me of Angie, who appears nervous or ticked-off anytime she's awake. lol


Tiger has so much personality - even family and friends who aren't cat lovers have trouble resisting his charm. He absolutely never fails to make me happy, always cheering me up when I'm in a bad mood. He's a big fuzzball of love, and he has to be wherever anyone else is in the house. If we're lying down anywhere, he'll jump on us and get right in our face. As you can see in the second picture, he likes to sleep in odd places - I've decided that he knows exactly what papers or books I need to use, and based on that, he decides he wants to lay on them.


While Tiger is loved by many, I'm afraid Angie gets her love only from me - my mom would gladly give her away, she often claims. lol She's always been a very nervous cat, and she meows ALL the time, so that it sounds like whining. I think she just doesn't feel comfortable around any "strangers," but when she's calm, she's very sweet. She's following in the footsteps of the wonderful cat I used to have, Molly, who was a box-lover. Angie thinks they show off her figure, but the second picture shows you the truth about her body shape. When she's getting ready to take a nap, she'll often look up at me, almost waiting - and our ritual is that I lower my face to hers and stare until she moves towards me, then we butt heads. She seems to like this...no telling why.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 01:20 PM

Here is my cat Gozer, who is way to smart for her own good. She tries to open the doors by turning the doorknob (as opposed to meowing her head off like my other cats) and ringing a bell we have hanging from the front door when she wants in. She purposely knocks stuff over and stares at me waiting for me to chase her away and she runs all frisky. Very quirky cat!

And this is my special cat, Tonka. One day when I was making a delivery to a convalescent hospital I suddenly heard a lot of loud meowing and saw this cat standing by the dumpster. I walked over and saw he was living in a cardboard box behind the dumpster with a little plate of food the nurses were giving him. The nurses said he was homeless. Even though I was making all kinds of loud noises moving boxes with my hand truck he stayed by my side and walked back and forth with me meowing for attention. He was super skinny and it was supposed to get below freezing that night so I couldn't resist taking him home and he turned out to be the coolest most loving cat ever! He loves the whole family, but when I'm home he doesn't leave my side. I love all my animals, but I don't know what I would do without Tonka!

And these are my girlfriends pets. Honey is the dog she rescued from an abusive home and is a very sweet dog. Those are my toes in the bottom of the picture as well. And Venus is her cat who is super loving but makes a ton of noise, hissing and growling, when the other cats are around. Of course my evil cat Gozer can't leave her alone.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 04:44 PM

WOW! Gozer is stunning!

Gi, Tiger looks exactly like our Sterling, who died 6 years ago. She was also a Maine Coon with that distinctive M over her eyes. Sterling was, however, a one-man cat. She hated everyone except my husband and would hiss at and bite everyone else.
Posted By: SC

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 05:01 PM

GREAT stories and pix, gina and Blibble. Thanks for posting them.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 06:53 PM

Originally Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Tiger has so much personality - even family and friends who aren't cat lovers have trouble resisting his charm. He absolutely never fails to make me happy, always cheering me up when I'm in a bad mood. He's a big fuzzball of love, and he has to be wherever anyone else is in the house. If we're lying down anywhere, he'll jump on us and get right in our face. As you can see in the second picture, he likes to sleep in odd places - I've decided that he knows exactly what papers or books I need to use, and based on that, he decides he wants to lay on them.

This is on my myspace with the caption: Tiger likes to lay on books. He absorbs the information through his fur.

He loves laying on books and newspapers, or class notes. ESPECIALLY if you're reading them.

I call him a Fur-ocious Furball!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 07:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
... we recently had to put Shirley up for adoption. We do miss him.


(Not the adoption, but the missing him/her part wink )
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your Pets - 01/04/09 10:05 PM

I know I've cursed that bird for years, but I actually do miss hearing his tweeting. It's left a bit of a void.

I don't miss the mess, though. Birds are very messy.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Your Pets - 01/05/09 06:24 AM

I only have a bonsai tree named Salami.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Your Pets - 01/06/09 02:54 PM

A black labrador called Sam.

5 cats. Randy is 12 and the BOSS. Then Tino,Tibby,Oscar and Max. I think i have pics of Oscar and Max on Facebook? They are mother and son. Tino and Tibby are siblings and are both deaf albinos!

Cats we have lost along the way are Sweep,Cotton and Ralph. Much missed frown

We also have fish. The kids have named them but i cannot recall the names!!!
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Your Pets - 01/06/09 04:46 PM

We have a three year old shih-tzu, named Coco. She is a sweet and affectionate dog. My daughter was begging for a puppy, and my wife, who never really had pets before, was hesitant. She relented and it didn't take long for Coco to steal her heart.

My son has a leopard gecko that he named Romondo. He now lives in his aquarium at my wife's school where he gets lots of attention (the gecko, that is. Not my son).

I really love cats, but my wife is allergic to them.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Your Pets - 01/06/09 04:58 PM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
I really love cats, but my wife is allergic to them.

So am I Klyd. The Col. would love to have a cat and so would I but I'd be sneezing and itching 24/7.

So here is my rabbit killing Golden Retriever Sampson
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your Pets - 01/06/09 05:24 PM

Klyd, is it true that the gecko's tail will fall off and grow back? A friend of ours has a leopard gecko (appropriately named Leo) and he swears that it's happened.

Btw, thanks to Geoff, I am completely paranoid about the proper placement of my apostrophes, lest the grammar police are lurking.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Your Pets - 01/06/09 08:20 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Klyd, is it true that the gecko's tail will fall off and grow back? A friend of ours has a leopard gecko (appropriately named Leo) and he swears that it's happened.

It hasn't happeened to ours yet, and he's 7 years old. But I have heard that the tails can grow back.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Your Pets - 01/06/09 09:58 PM

Tiger is the boss of the house and Charlie does the dirty work. Once my wife's friend brought her dog over and they cornered it and followed it around and generally intimidated it the whole time it was there. Charlie does most of it while Tiger sits back with a watchful eye like a Don Corleone.

Tiger likes to watch you cook or do home improvement type of stuff.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Your Pets - 01/08/09 05:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
WOW! Gozer is stunning!
I second that!
Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Gi, Tiger looks exactly like our Sterling, who died 6 years ago. She was also a Maine Coon with that distinctive M over her eyes. Sterling was, however, a one-man cat. She hated everyone except my husband and would hiss at and bite everyone else.
I've always been interested in Maine Coon cats since we first got Tiger. He showed up on our street as a stray with another Maine Coon, and our neighbors took them in and named them (Tiger and Simba). I played with them so much that they kept coming to our house, and I eventually got to keep them...haha It was actually very fortunate for us, because we still have Tiger, and he's probably the family's most cherished pet aside from our dog Cinnamon we had for so long. Why do you think Sterling was so attracted to your husband? Was he the first one she was introduced to, or did she just latch on to him by chance?

Originally Posted By: Longneck
Tiger likes to lay on books. He absorbs the information through his fur.
What a great way of putting it! lol
Originally Posted By: Longneck
He loves laying on books and newspapers, or class notes. ESPECIALLY if you're reading them.
Exactly! Tiger twins, they must be.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Your Pets - 01/08/09 11:53 AM

Sterling was abandoned by her mom. We kept expecting her to get socialized, but she never did. The vet told me that, quite often, denied a mother's love in those first weeks after birth, a cat will never learn to become fully domesticated, even though she was only a five or six weeks old when we got her. I referred to her thereafter as Sterling the Sociopath.

I think she recognized him as the Alpha Male, and gave him all her respect and love. She not only wanted to be left alone, but perceived me as "the competition" and often hunted me. She would lurk on the stairs, and when she saw me coming up stairs, would latch on to my bare ankle and sink her teeth in. I was also quite allergic to her, so she would rub herself all over me until I started sneezing.

She also would bite and hiss at anyone who came to the house and tried to pet her, even people like my brother who had been coming over for years. There were people she was smart enough not to mess with, like my mom and my nanny. She also knew enough never to attack the kids when they were little. And she too never attacked Shirley!!!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Your Pets - 09/07/09 04:59 AM

Here is a pic of my Son with my Sister-in-laws sugar glider. His name is Teddy.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Your Pets - 09/07/09 05:14 AM

I have never heard of a sugar glider. confused It looks like a mouse! eek Then again, I'm not knowledgeable about these things. Where in the world do you find sugar gliders?

Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Your Pets - 09/07/09 05:25 AM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Btw, thanks to Geoff, I am completely paranoid about the proper placement of my apostrophes, lest the grammar police are lurking.

Where's the De Niro "I'm Watching You" icon?? tongue wink
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Your Pets - 09/07/09 05:26 AM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
Here is a pic of my Son with my Sister-in-laws sugar glider. His name is Teddy.

Umm... never heard of it, either. Is that a pet or dinner? lol wink
Posted By: SC

Re: Your Pets - 09/07/09 05:42 AM

Originally Posted By: J Geoff
Originally Posted By: Mignon
Here is a pic of my Son with my Sister-in-laws sugar glider. His name is Teddy.

Umm... never heard of it, either. Is that a pet or dinner?

That's the wonder of them... they could be BOTH! They all start off as pets but when found under the pickup's tires, they become dinner.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Your Pets - 09/07/09 06:14 AM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
I have never heard of a sugar glider. confused It looks like a mouse! eek Then again, I'm not knowledgeable about these things. Where in the world do you find sugar gliders?

Sugar Glider
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Your Pets - 09/07/09 06:15 AM

Originally Posted By: SC
That's the wonder of them... they could be BOTH! They all start off as pets but when found under the pickup's tires, they become dinner.

Depends on the pet. whistle
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Your Pets - 09/08/09 11:35 PM

Sadly we have no pets at the moment although at one time I managed to have 8 Cats!!

My daughter is crazy about dogs but pets are no longer allowed in our building and also nobody's home for at least 10 hours a day...totally unfair to a canine.

Someday when the time is right we'll visit the local shelter and have a lucky doggie pick us out to be his/her owners!

Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: Your Pets - 09/10/09 05:37 AM

I have an almost 10 year old yorkshire terrier named Bamse. He is a sweet dog, very friendly and loving. He barks and barks at strangers, but would never in his life bite someone. The weird thing is while he's never been neutered, not once have I seen him hump anything his life! Sometimes I sit and wonder what it must be like for a dog to be so old and never experience the joys of sex. Then I remember how nice it is that he doesn't hump people or my pillows. He does like to give himself a nice licking, though. Maybe that's why he doesn't need to hump. A dog's life, indeed!
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Your Pets - 09/11/09 03:22 PM

Originally Posted By: MobbingForMoney
Sometimes I sit and wonder what it must be like for a dog to be so old and never experience the joys of sex.

This keeps me up at nights as well. wink
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Your Pets - 09/15/09 05:33 PM

The pic sucks but here I am just getting back from taking Sampson for a ride on my 4 wheeler in KY this weekend.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Your Pets - 09/15/09 05:43 PM

To show you how much I know about such things, I thought a four wheeler was a truck. blush That looks more like a tractor/lawn mower. You can drive it on regular streets? I think my nephews go four wheeling. I pictured more of a truck. Again, what the hell do I know. confused

Give me my small little compact car and I'm happy.

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Your Pets - 09/15/09 06:00 PM

Actualy it's against the law in KY to drive them on the main roads. But I took him up and down the holler where the Col's Grandmother's house is.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Your Pets - 09/15/09 06:07 PM

Originally Posted By: Mignon
The pic sucks but here I am just getting back from taking Sampson for a ride on my 4 wheeler in KY this weekend.

I can literally hear the banjo music, Miggie tongue lol.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Your Pets - 09/15/09 06:28 PM

I would love to take you guys 4 wheeling in KY. It's alot of fun.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Your Pets - 09/15/09 09:34 PM

I don't know if them City Slickers could handle it.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: Your Pets - 09/18/09 08:51 PM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble

BB my mom would go nuts for those 2 cats she just loves black cats. She currently has 2 of her own.

I have 2 cats myself one is named Garfield the younger one is named Nermal(both names come from the Garfield comic strip. Garfield is orange/yellow Nermal is multi colored. Garfield will lay on my chest while I'm watching tv in the living room. But if I'm watching tv in bed that's nermals territory. lol Plus Nermal is extremely anti-social with other people that is if it's just me she's constantly around me even when I'm in the bathroom.

My folks call Garfeild a miniature lion, cause when he lays down if you get a good angle he looks just like a male lion.
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