
Man gets shot in the ass by his dog

Posted By: Just Lou

Man gets shot in the ass by his dog - 11/24/08 03:23 AM

I guess it doesn't like hunting:

Oregon Man Shot by Dog During Hunting Trip
Sunday , November 23, 2008


Henry Marcum has nothing but kind words for the dog that shot his 23-year-old son this weekend.

Marcum says his son, Matthew, was standing in Tillamook Bay at the start of duck-hunting trip when his dog jumped into the boat, setting off a 12-gauge shotgun.

The blast blew a hole in the aluminum boat before hitting Marcum, who is recovering from injuries to his legs and buttocks at Portland's Legacy Emanuel Hospital.

Henry Marcum says he's not angry with the dog, and neither is his son.

The elder Marcum says the Labrador named Drake is a good dog and the shooting is "just one of those things."
Posted By: whisper

Re: Man gets shot in the ass by his dog - 11/24/08 03:37 AM

I was laughing even before I opened this thread.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Man gets shot in the ass by his dog - 11/24/08 01:37 PM

It's that time of year when hunters ambush deer and inadvertantly shoot each other. (I saw something move in the bushes).

Many years ago I was visiting a sick relative in the hospital. They wheeled a fellow past us on a gurney. The side of his face had visible buckshot holes. One was in the soft tissue above his eye. Lucky fellow. His partner's gun went off while they were climbing over a rock wall.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Man gets shot in the ass by his dog - 11/24/08 03:02 PM

Wow, that's scary, but funny too. One of the freak accidents I guess.

Speaking of which, this isn't a hunting story but more of an "ass" story, so I guess it kind of fits in. lol

A few years back, after a shower I was going to blow dry my hair. I had gotten my brush and hair dryer and was going down stairs. Well, I am a fast walker and in general move very quickly. So, I was quickly trotting down the steps with the dryer in my hand with the cord dangling.

I had those stupid knitted slippers (Christmas gift) on and as I was flying down the steps, lost my footing and literally bounced down several steps on my rear. The funny, and what I think amazing part is.....the last step I bounced on the cord to the hair dryer was prongs faced up and got me in the ass. lol

I told my kids later and said what if I had been knocked out or something and doctors would see to marks on my ass. Everyone would wonder what in the world are those marks on her butt??? lol

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Man gets shot in the ass by his dog - 11/24/08 03:33 PM

Maybe they should re name the dog "Cheney"
Posted By: pfaff_luhver

Re: Man gets shot in the ass by his dog - 01/19/09 07:08 PM

"A MAN GETS SHOT IN THE ASS BY HIS DOG", sounds like a joke to me.
Posted By: Lompac

Re: Man gets shot in the ass by his dog - 01/20/09 12:14 AM

Just another day in the 'ol USA!!
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