
Hurricane Ike

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Hurricane Ike - 09/13/08 08:03 PM

When I saw all the flooding in the Houston area, I was thinking of our dear friend Gina. I'm sure she returned to college by now, and I hope that she and her family are safe.

Thinking of you, Gi!!
Posted By: svsg

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/13/08 08:44 PM

It has been raining and pretty windy since morning here in Dallas.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/13/08 09:01 PM

Will it reach as far as Dallas?
Posted By: svsg

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/13/08 09:15 PM

It was projected on news to touch Dallas and go beyond, but it would be pretty weak by then.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/13/08 10:53 PM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Will it reach as far as Dallas?

It's outer rim is touching Dallas, but it's main thrust is expected to continue to the east. Some high winds and lots of rain are expected though.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/13/08 11:06 PM

Looks like I left Texas just in time. Man, I think this is the second major storm that's suppose to hit
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/13/08 11:07 PM

I certainly didn't mean to leave out our other Texas members. Forgive me! Hope that everybody weathers the storm safely!!!
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/14/08 01:03 AM

I think there are just some places in the world that people are not suppose to inhabit. Unfortunately people moved there, or developed it when there was a lull in the weather pattern and now it's too late to change. frown
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/14/08 01:07 AM

What I don't get is rescuing people who ignored evacuation orders.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/14/08 01:10 AM

I guess you could look at it that way huh? Less stupid people in the world...

I seriously don't understand why people would stay confused
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/14/08 01:11 AM

Survival of the fittest, eh? wink
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/14/08 01:26 PM

The comedian Sam Kinnison had a skit where he berated the people who were starving in Africa. Paraphrasing - why do they live there, there's no food....MOVE!

So why do people live in flood plains and earthquake areas? Hey, I have a great idea, let's build a city below sea level! We'll build a wall around us and make it like a big bath tub with the water on the outside. We'll call it - New Orleans!
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/14/08 03:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Longneck
What I don't get is rescuing people who ignored evacuation orders.

I get the same feeling when there are life and death rescue efforts for people who go into the Niagara River and end up past the warning zone and head straight for the falls...
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/16/08 11:56 PM

Had to clean up the f/b yard today due to hurricane Ike today. It came through Sunday evening. I was out of town all weekend. A tree landed on my neighbors garage roof three houses down. Messed it up big time. The power was out for 12 hours from what I was told and the kids didn't have school Monday.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/17/08 02:11 AM

I emailed Gina, but haven't heard from her. I know that the Houston area has millions without power, but here's hoping she and her family are OK.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/18/08 06:08 PM

I got an email from Gina. Her dorms were evacuated last week, so she's been home with her family. They are still without power, but she said that everyone has been so nice and cooperative, sharing food and ice. She and her family made it through safely and her dad's been running a generator on and off, so she got internet access for the first time. She's just grateful that her friends and family seem to have made it through safely, and that even if they don't have electricity, they at least have water.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/18/08 07:39 PM

Thanks, SB. It's an inconvenience for Gina, but good news nonetheless.

Stay well, Gina.
Posted By: SC

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/18/08 11:13 PM

Gina, I'm glad to hear you and your family are OK. Report in when you can.

Thanks for the update, SB.
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/19/08 02:57 AM

Hey guys!

Thanks Kly and SC for the well wishes, and thanks again to you, SB, for checking in and passing on my message here! I'm glad to hear that the other members who had Ike run through are alright.

We're on the generator right now, and the phone's been on since the afternoon, so we've got Internet for a bit!

It was overwhelming at first to imagine just about the entire city being without power, and it's still been a slow process for everyone to gradually work toward getting back to normal, but I'm just especially grateful that it wasn't any worse. We've been hearing more and more of certain areas getting their electricity back, but it might end up being a while for my family's area and for where we moved from (which is where my cousin still lives) based on what the news is saying. The same goes for my school, so I don't even know if we'll start back next week, unfortunately.

The rain was especially heavy at my cousin's house during the storm, and his family said that the water was very close to getting into their house. They flooded along with us during Tropical Storm Allison, and I was so worried they'd flood again, so I'm glad the water finally went down.

I really don't understand the thinking of some of the people on the coast who refused to evacuate. Besides their own safety, it puts others in danger when they have to worry about rescuing them. The mayor of Galveston seems absolutely worn out and defeated - I can't imagine the stress she's dealing with now. There was temporarily a system developed where people were allowed back into Galveston to check on their homes - but only on a 'look and leave' policy - but they suspended it because it apparently wasn't working out. The photos and video of the damage are heartbreaking, to see how these structures, people's homes, have been completely destroyed. One notable building you guys might have heard about on the news is the Balinese Room.

My family's been lucky, though, and I feel very thankful for it. My mom somehow convinced my grandparents to stay with us during the storm (which was good, because they didn't have water at their house until a day or two ago), and my brother left his apartment to be with us for it, as well. We've been very fortunate with cooler weather (instead of typical Texas heat!), so we keep the windows open, and Tiger hogs all the breeze. Our cell phone reception finally came back so that we can make calls indoors, and now we're just waiting out the power company.

I miss being around here and hope to get involved again once this and school settles down...until then, I hope all is well with all of you!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/19/08 03:02 AM

So glad to have you back, Gi!!!
Posted By: SC

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/19/08 03:46 AM

Welcome back, gina!

I suspect that since you had no electricity, you didn't hear the news.... Houston won the pennant.

(Let's see how long it takes for her to find out the truth).
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/19/08 04:48 AM


I am so glad that you and your family are doing ok and coping. Please check in again when you get a chance and let us know how things are going.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Hurricane Ike - 09/20/08 04:06 PM

I just read that the confirmed death toll is thought to be too low, and that it's feared that many victims may have actually been swept out to sea, with no way to confirm it.

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