

Posted By: Don Smitty

Health - 06/09/08 12:04 AM

Anyone here workout or do anything active to try and stay in shape? I try to lift weights at least 3 to 4 times a week and I do some cardio. I thought it would be nice if there was a topic that went over some of our workout routines. Lets try to help each other out with new ways to stay in shape.

Posted By: Longneck

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:13 AM

I get my workout from work. Seriously. Before I was going to the Y about 6 days a week but now I don't. I should go for the cardio though...
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:14 AM

Its great that you get a good workout at work. It saves u a lot of time haveing to go to the gym.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:27 AM

Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
Its great that you get a good workout at work. It saves u a lot of time haveing to go to the gym.

Yeah it does.

I do a lot of lifting, walking, etc. at work. I like it.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:28 AM

I do some heavy lifting every time I stand up. whistle
Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:29 AM

Longneck, I have my own exercise regime!
Know what I mean?!!!!!
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:31 AM

Originally Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss
Longneck, I have my own exercise regime!
Know what I mean?!!!!!

Masturbation doesn't count, otherwise Geoff would be like Arnold Schwarzenegger in the 70's.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:33 AM

Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:37 AM

But its fun though!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:44 AM

Weights alone help little, health-wise, though they might, if you're diet's right, help you look good a little.

You gotta work the heart, man. Breaking out into sweat during any exercise regime is a good sign. And keeping fluids (water) in your body helps, too.

Gyms are expensive; so are public swimming pools. There's no surprise why a healthy routine is, despite being a general concern, quite hard to keep up: the easiest way to do it (in terms of equipment) is the least financially feasible.

You've got to be pretty disciplined to stay healthy without gym partners, or personal trainers, or the "obligation" of going to the gym (because the membership fee you paid a few months ago really ought to give its money's worth).

It's doable, though. You don't need to spend anything to walk a few miles a day, or go running, or even some sustained dancing to music you love.

Right now I'm shadow sparring in front of a mirror, and other boxing training (without the in-ring stuff; I've not done that since my nose was broken): skipping (with ropes), bag-punching, simple routines like burpies and squats, jogging. Even star jumps help to work your heart.

Diet helps too. Today I had two lumps of mackarel with sliced cucumber and feta cheese, gulped down with water and apple juice.

There's no better feelings than exercise-induced sweating; it's not only physically healthy, but mentally, too.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Health - 06/09/08 12:48 AM

I have always been active and fall in and out of exercise routines. For the past 9 months I have gotten back into a routine and more so in the last 3 months. Mainly because I have the genetic cholesterol problem. Exercise helps to increase the HDL (good), which on me is low. I have been jogging 2-3 miles, three times a week. The days I don't jog, I ride my bike; usually 5-10 miles three days a week. Jogging hurts my knees, but aerobically I can probably handle more. At my age (58), I should do more weights. It keeps the bones strong. One of the things that starts to fail as you get older. Now if I could just cut out a few martinis....nah.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Health - 06/09/08 01:04 AM

I've been walking 2-4 miles everyday. I really enjoy walking.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Health - 06/09/08 01:09 AM

Walking's definitely underrated.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Health - 06/09/08 03:29 AM

I pump iron almost every day and job and stair climb at least three days a week. This is the time of year when I enjoy jogging the most. I eat up the Texas sun. My wife expects that I'll die jogging in the heat, but I'd rather go that way then just typing on the Board.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: Health - 06/09/08 07:12 AM

I lift and run 4 days a week. It's more about diet than anything.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Health - 06/09/08 01:29 PM

I cycle to and from work.

Thats a good work out!

I also walk the dog and spend every free moment running around after my kids so i am fit as a fiddle smile
Posted By: goombah

Re: Health - 06/09/08 03:40 PM

As some of you who read a previous thread, I just ran a marathon. So needless to say, I enjoy running for my cardio. Obviously, I'm not logging the miles I needed to train for the marathon, but I'm trying to average between 19-24 miles per week. I also lift weights at our community rec center about three times per week. Now that the weather is nice and gas prices are terrible, I'm riding my bike more and more. I also chase my two toddlers, who have endless energy. Of all the exercises, the kid chasing is the one that leaves me more tired than the rest. smile

Originally Posted By: Patrick
I lift and run 4 days a week. It's more about diet than anything.

Spoken by someone who is definitely not 30 years old. Check back when you're 33 and see if you still agree with that statement. lol
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Health - 06/09/08 04:37 PM

Smitty, there are two bedrock principles for getting in shape:

Do something (fast walking, running, bike riding) that gets your heart rate up and keeps it up for at least a half hour, and do it at least four times a week;

Keep at it religiously. Don't let anything get in the way of your daily (or four times weekly) routine. It's more important than having lunch with your friends, watching a movie, etc. Remember: you're doing it for you.

Most people agree that swimming is the best all-around exercise because it's cardio intensive, works all the large muscle groups, and isn't at all stressful on the frame or joints. Problem is: if you don't have your own pool, you'll have to swim at times and places not of your choosing. The most efficient and repeatable cardio exercise is indoor cycling: not expensive, under your own roof, you can do it day or night.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Health - 06/09/08 05:27 PM

I run about 25-30 miles per week and work out with free weights 3 times per week.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Health - 06/09/08 05:31 PM

I drive about 150-200 miles per week and work out with free spoons and pints of Ben & Jerry's.
Posted By: SC

Re: Health - 06/09/08 05:34 PM

I lift 220 pounds a few times a day.




I stand up. rolleyes
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Health - 06/09/08 05:44 PM

My elbows are in great shape. whistle
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Health - 06/09/08 05:46 PM

You guys are convincing me. Because of my work, I drive over a thousand miles a week. If I'm not driving, I'm planted in an office or sitting in some court room. When I get home, a steady exercise regiment isn't exacly on my mind. I used to do a stairmaster 90 minutes a day before I had kids, and that was the period that I felt the best.

With three active kids, I get around and am on the go, but I've realized that there's more i should do.

TB's swimming suggestion is a good one. I hopped into the pool yesterday to cool off and swam a few laps, and surprised myslf with how much I still enjoyed it. Tonight I'm going to start when the rest of the family's in bed. I'm going to swim a bunch of laps, and try to increase it each week...unless something good's on tv, in which case I'll grab a bag of chips and sit on the couch (just kidding).
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Health - 06/09/08 10:12 PM

I go for regular bike rides for cardio, but that's it. I'm not really into lifting or anything, mainly because I do not want muscle mass... I kind of think those guys that walk around with big muscles look like tools. Besides, from a Darwinian stand-point, if we were meant to look like that, we would naturally come out with muscles once puberty kicks in, but we don't. The standard pubescent boy is lean.

I'm all for staying in shape though, as long as I don't look like I wandered out of a douche-bag convention.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Health - 06/09/08 11:02 PM

Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
Besides, from a Darwinian stand-point, if we were meant to look like that, we would naturally come out with muscles once puberty kicks in, but we don't.

From a darwinian stand point, every other person is not supposed to be holding those coveted properties. The muscular guys make themselves distinct from the average pubescent boys and get the girls.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Health - 06/09/08 11:28 PM

Not necessarily. You could just as easily argue that humans mutate and adapt overtime, which they do, and if muscular-dudes were truly eons more fit for life, we would either mutate or simply die out... And it seems there are more health issues with being huge which could lead to a premature death than that of someone with an average build.

I could also tie in an argument pertaining to the handicapped, but who cares about them anyways?
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Health - 06/10/08 06:45 PM

just got back from the gym. did 45 minutes on the stair climber.
Posted By: SC

Re: Health - 06/10/08 07:59 PM

Have you lost much weight, DS??
Posted By: goombah

Re: Health - 06/10/08 08:59 PM

"Good health -- the most important thing in the world. More than success, more than money -- more than power." - words of wisdom from Hyman Roth wink
Posted By: SC

Re: Health - 06/10/08 09:08 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
"Good health -- the most important thing in the world. More than success, more than money -- more than power." - words of wisdom from Hyman Roth

It's also good to be able to take a piss without it hurting.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Health - 06/10/08 09:28 PM

Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: goombah
"Good health -- the most important thing in the world. More than success, more than money -- more than power." - words of wisdom from Hyman Roth

It's also good to be able to take a piss without it hurting.

And that's most important.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Health - 06/10/08 09:30 PM

Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
just got back from the gym. did 45 minutes on the stair climber.

I'd like to get out for a long walk but it's raining now. mad So I'm gonna make a couple Father's Day cards instead.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Health - 06/10/08 09:48 PM

Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: goombah
"Good health -- the most important thing in the world. More than success, more than money -- more than power." - words of wisdom from Hyman Roth

It's also good to be able to take a piss without it hurting.

Amen, brother! And not having to fork over $4 million just to do so... wink
Posted By: Puppeteer

Re: Health - 06/10/08 10:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
Weights alone help little, health-wise, though they might, if you're diet's right, help you look good a little.

Weight lifting alone has significant benefits. It increases bone density - Wolff's law - with obvious benefits for the middle-aged and older. From a young adult standpoint, it's a valuable preventive measure. Anyone can get osteoporosis or break their hips just by standing. Posture can be improved with weigh lifting. People overlook posture, but the body affects the mind. It's easy to feel sluggish or cranky if one has poor posture. The greatest benefits of weight lifting are strength and heart health. Heart rate and blood pressure are affected by one's effort level. If one has strong muscles, the heart doesn't have to work as hard; thus, blood pressure is kept in check. Increased strength can help in even the most mundane tasks. Increased lean mass - a benefit of resistance training - also raises one's metabolic rate.

As for weigh lifting supplementing aerobics, the American Heart Association commented on a study that showed weigh lifting is a good supplement to aerobic exercise. Even without scientific studies provided one is lifting weights around the recommended range of percentage of one's 1 Rep Maximum, I'd guess everyone can attest to their heart rate being elevated.

You gotta work the heart, man. Breaking out into sweat during any exercise regime is a good sign. And keeping fluids (water) in your body helps, too.

There's no better feelings than exercise-induced sweating; it's not only physically healthy, but mentally, too.

If one works out in an air conditioned gym or well-ventilated room, one can be in the lower end of the preferred aerobic heart rate zone of 55% to 85% and not be sweating profusely. (I'm not saying you were calling for excessive sweating, but I'm just talking in general.) I usually do aerobics at around 60% of my maximum heart rate and most days I sweat only a little, but my heart rate is elevated and I still get "runner's high." I've made progress as I've dropped my resting heart rate and am at about 12% body fat from about 22%. It's great, too, because I know I'm getting in shape without feeling exhausted. Now weight lifting is another matter; that's when I sweat. I guess I'm just saying one doesn't have to be sweating bullets in order to have a beneficial aerobic workout.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Health - 06/10/08 10:38 PM

I just got back from pumping some iron and jogging. I did about 2 miles. It's 87 degrees down her, but I too love the sweat. I have to wrap my left calf, but it seems to have come through it okay.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Health - 06/10/08 10:42 PM

I hit two buckets of golf balls this afternoon. Now, normally that's hardly a workout, but it's still 100 degrees here, so I really did get a good sweat going.

Problem is, soon as I was done, I drank half a dozen ice cold beers in the clubhouse. ohwell
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Health - 06/11/08 02:26 PM

I'd pay a million dollars just to take a piss.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Health - 06/11/08 06:35 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
I hit two buckets of golf balls this afternoon. Now, normally that's hardly a workout, but it's still 100 degrees here, so I really did get a good sweat going.

As George V. Higgins wrote in "The Digger's Game": "You can get more exercise eatin' a sandwich than playin' golf." lol
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Health - 06/11/08 06:42 PM

I walked to the store today instead of driving to get some excersise and save on gas.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Health - 06/11/08 09:41 PM

Just got back from the gym where I worked my triceps and back. Then I walked on a treadmill for 45 minutes. I feel great now. If u dont work out u should start. It makes u feel like ur full of life.

Posted By: svsg

Re: Health - 06/11/08 09:45 PM

I worked out today, focussing on my quadruceps. And tomorrow I'll work on my pentaceps.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Health - 06/12/08 12:57 AM

Anyone here do any rock climbing for fitness? i always wanted to try it. Heard it burns a lot of calories.

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Health - 06/12/08 12:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
I cycle to and from work.

Thats a good work out!

I knew a guy from the Netherlands who biked to work, but he smoked. How far is your ride? Do you bike in the rain?
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Health - 06/12/08 12:48 PM

Originally Posted By: svsg
I worked out today, focussing on my quadruceps. And tomorrow I'll work on my pentaceps.

Pentaceps? Where are they? Do we have Sextaceps?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Health - 06/12/08 01:22 PM

I ran 5 miles and did upper body weights for about an hour yesterday. I know Pizzaboy will get this reference: "I worked out with a dumbell yesterday. I feel vigorous!" wink
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Health - 06/12/08 01:24 PM

All the males on my fathers side of the family died too young through heart attacks frown

It's something that i am aware of obviously so i try to keep as healthy as possible. It may not help in the long run but of course it just might!
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Health - 06/12/08 01:24 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
I ran 5 miles and did upper body weights for about an hour yesterday. I know Pizzaboy will get this reference: "I worked out with a dumbell yesterday. I feel vigorous!" wink

Yeah, but if your wife gets an eye job and your neighbor the Assman gives her a ride from recovery, you still have a big problem. tongue lol
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Health - 06/12/08 10:26 PM

Anyone work up a sweat today?
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Health - 06/12/08 10:38 PM

Here is a great chest workout if anyone wants to try it.

1- flat bench press 4 sets, 8-10 reps
2- incline bench press 4 sets, 8-10 reps
3- cable standing flys 4 sets, 12-15 reps
4- decline press 3 sets, 10 reps.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Health - 06/12/08 10:38 PM

Yes, my decaceps are aching badly after my workout.
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Health - 06/12/08 10:50 PM

Dont woryy your just a young pup yet. Give it some time and you will get the hang of it.

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Health - 06/13/08 01:00 AM

Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
Here is a great chest workout if anyone wants to try it.

1- flat bench press 4 sets, 8-10 reps
2- incline bench press 4 sets, 8-10 reps
3- cable standing flys 4 sets, 12-15 reps
4- decline press 3 sets, 10 reps.

How about 1 rep with any Hooter waitress
2 reps with Pamela Sue Anderson
3 reps with that Lohan chick
4 reps with Dolly Parton
Posted By: svsg

Re: Health - 06/13/08 01:32 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas

How about 1 rep with any Hooter waitress
2 reps with Pamela Sue Anderson

At this point, your doctor will give you another 4 months to live, give or take two months.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Health - 06/13/08 04:44 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
How about 1 rep with any Hooter waitress
2 reps with Pamela Sue Anderson
3 reps with that Lohan chick
4 reps with Dolly Parton

I'd probably have a heart attack! (At least, die of dehydration lol ) wink
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Health - 06/13/08 02:17 PM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
I cycle to and from work.

Thats a good work out!

I knew a guy from the Netherlands who biked to work, but he smoked. How far is your ride? Do you bike in the rain?

Work is 2 miles away so a 4 mile round trip(obviously)

Yes,cycle in wind,rain and snow ohwell

Plenty of that in the UK smile

No smoking for me though,only the rubber of my tyres as i fly through the streets lol
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Health - 06/13/08 06:24 PM

Today I reached one of my goals, I jogged 3+ miles. I did it on the boardwalk in Ventnor, NJ - it's the town below Atlantic City. In fact I ran the entire Ventnor boardwalk to the A.C. line and back. The boardwalk is continuous for 6 miles. It was a gorgeous day (still is). 75 degrees, breeze off the ocean. After my run, I took a dip in the ocean. Crystal clear, small surf and the water was fairly warm. I'd guess 65.

I want to do a 10K (6.2 mi), by October.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Health - 06/13/08 08:59 PM

Way to go MC!! Congrats.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Health - 06/14/08 05:17 AM

I did my midnight swim tonight. I was wearing shorts when I went to the pool with my towel. I was too lazy to go upstairs to get my bathing suit. It hit me when I got to the pool that the shorts probably wouldn't be too comfortable and I didn't want to come back inside the house with wet shorts.

So I decided to do it au naturel as the neighbors were in bed and it was dark anyway, and they wouldn't see much (maybe I should rephrase that).

In any event, I have to admit that swimming the laps in the buff under the stars in the middle of suburbia is a liberating experience, which I will repeat...until I'm arrested.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Health - 06/14/08 12:13 PM

Well, is that more than we really needed to know?? lol

That sounds great, Klyd. My husband went into the pool the other night to do his laps, and afterwards, he just floated around and looked at the stars. He said it was the closest he would ever get to being in space.
Posted By: SC

Re: Health - 06/14/08 12:30 PM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
I did my midnight swim tonight. I was wearing shorts when I went to the pool with my towel. I was too lazy to go upstairs to get my bathing suit. It hit me when I got to the pool that the shorts probably wouldn't be too comfortable and I didn't want to come back inside the house with wet shorts.

So I decided to do it au naturel as the neighbors were in bed and it was dark anyway, and they wouldn't see much (maybe I should rephrase that).

Any truth to the rumor that after Mrs. klydon saw you emerge from the pool she insisted on having a water heater installed?? tongue
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Health - 06/14/08 12:36 PM

Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: klydon1
I did my midnight swim tonight. I was wearing shorts when I went to the pool with my towel. I was too lazy to go upstairs to get my bathing suit. It hit me when I got to the pool that the shorts probably wouldn't be too comfortable and I didn't want to come back inside the house with wet shorts.

So I decided to do it au naturel as the neighbors were in bed and it was dark anyway, and they wouldn't see much (maybe I should rephrase that).

Any truth to the rumor that after Mrs. klydon saw you emerge from the pool she insisted on having a water heater installed?? tongue

We all should take a lesson from the death of Tim Russert... overweight, enlarged heart, plaque in his arteries. Diet and exercise may have made a huge difference.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Health - 06/14/08 01:37 PM

Originally Posted By: klydon1
So I decided to do it au naturel as the neighbors were in bed and it was dark anyway,

When we lived in South Carolina I use to do the same thing believe it or not.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Health - 06/14/08 02:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Well, is that more than we really needed to know?? lol

That sounds great, Klyd. My husband went into the pool the other night to do his laps, and afterwards, he just floated around and looked at the stars. He said it was the closest he would ever get to being in space.

I know what he means. If you float on your back at night, eliminate the artificial lighting, submerge your ears so there's no outside noise, and confine your view to the night sky, you feel as though you left the world..."Ground control to Major Tom." wink
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Health - 06/14/08 02:35 PM

Originally Posted By: SC
Originally Posted By: klydon1
I did my midnight swim tonight. I was wearing shorts when I went to the pool with my towel. I was too lazy to go upstairs to get my bathing suit. It hit me when I got to the pool that the shorts probably wouldn't be too comfortable and I didn't want to come back inside the house with wet shorts.

So I decided to do it au naturel as the neighbors were in bed and it was dark anyway, and they wouldn't see much (maybe I should rephrase that).

Any truth to the rumor that after Mrs. klydon saw you emerge from the pool she insisted on having a water heater installed?? tongue

lol lol lol lol

It took me a second to figure this out.

We have a heater for the pool. This lets the kids swim in May and into October if they want, but my wife often runs it in the middle of summer and jacks the temperature into the mid to high 80s. Now I know why.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Health - 06/16/08 05:15 PM

All this talk of pools in gardens is making me jealous.....

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Health - 04/19/09 12:34 AM

Well, this thread is almost a year old, but I feel the need to revive it. Today I jogged 6 miles. That may not sound too impressive, but here is the story behind it.
I have never jogged/run 6 miles in my life. Last year I set a goal of jogging 5.9 miles on my 59th birthday. I didn't do it. I was workin my way up to my goal, but 2 weeks before my birthday I got a wicked head cold and then the weather turned cold and I didn't do it. When the weather started to warm up, I got back in training; 2 miles, 3....4 and today 6+. Now I'm thinking about 10.
To accompanying my 6 miles, during Lent (that's a Catholic thing) I gave up vodka for 6 weeks.
So if any of you are thinking about changing a habit - yes, it's tough, but it can be done. I was told it takes 21 days to form a habit or break a habit.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Health - 04/19/09 12:53 AM

Well done, MC! Take a bow...
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Health - 04/19/09 02:03 AM

MC, that's really terrific!! I'm very proud of you.

I gained about 10 lbs. when I quit smoking last summer, put on some more with problems with my knees, and then the holidays hit me. The only time in my life that I weighed this much, I was pretty close to giving birth.

Because of my knees and the cold weather, my exercise options were limited. I was loving the Wii Fit for a while, but the on and off the balance board was not good for my knees. I bought a recumbent bike and am now up to 6 miles, averaging about 9.8 miles per hour, and I'm now setting the tension on 5. I try to do it at least four times a week. I haven't lost much weight, but do see my body changing, so maybe I'm losing inches. All I know is that I have to keep going.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Health - 04/19/09 02:08 AM

Way to go MC and SB. Now that it is warming up I hope I can start walking 2-4 miles every day like I did last Summer.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Health - 04/19/09 02:10 AM

Good for you MC!! Keep up the good work. wink

I am not at all a runner I'm afraid. Although not really over weight I should exercise more than I do, as I see my body changing as well (for the worse) lol.

SB, hang in there. Nothing worthwhile comes easy. wink Good luck

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Health - 04/19/09 11:19 AM

Yes fellow, getting-older-persons; our metabolism slows down and losing weight is harder and takes longer. When you refer to "your body changing" from exercise, I notice that too. My stomach has flattened some, but I haven't lost a lot of weight - maybe 7-8 lbs. Keep up the good work SB. Knee aches are a problem for me too. After 6 miles my breathing was fine, but the legs were crying. Mig and TIS, get out there and strut your stuff. Every little bit helps. clap
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Health - 04/20/09 01:20 AM

The breathing is so much better with the no smoking, too! I was inspired by this thread to raise the resistance on the bike another notch. I did the first 20 minutes on 5 and then the last 10 on 6. It was tough going, but I did a shade over 5 miles!

I'll take the lost inches, MC. The rest is sure to follow.
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