
Bridgend south Wales

Posted By: chopper

Bridgend south Wales - 01/26/08 02:48 PM

This has been in The English papers alot recently it's about a small town i wales where teenagers are commiting suicide police think it may be so they can web pages dedicated to them selves on the internet,heres the article,

very sad,

As detectives look again at the deaths, few local people believe the theory of an internet pact
Detectives investigating the latest in a series of young suicides in the Bridgend area of south Wales are to re-examine 13 deaths - including four cases officially closed.
Police will look for similarities amid concern that some or all of the unexplained deaths could be connected, sources close to the investigation told the Guardian.

In a statement, South Wales police said they would be "reviewing a number of cases of sudden deaths ... We are not reinvestigating the deaths but we are looking at any possible links between them."

Concern over possible links emerged when it was claimed that seven young people who hanged themselves could have known one another and noted each other's death on the internet social networking site Bebo.
Police have consistently said there is no evidence all seven knew each other, or that their contact in the virtual world somehow led to their deaths. But the news that police are looking again at 13 cases will come as a shock to the community.

Until now, officers have said only they are investigating the apparent suicide of the latest, Natasha Randall, 17, found hanged in her bedroom at home in Blaengarw, Bridgend, last week; they would be seeking to establish her relationships with friends, they said, and look through her computer as a matter of "routine".

Last night, however, the Ministry of Justice said that it was considering issuing recommendations covering suicide websites. A spokesman said the recommendations represented an update on the laws, rather than a substantive change.

In the Bridgend cases, there is no evidence that any of the suicide victims had visited websites which encouraged or explained how to commit suicide. But rumours about a possible suicide pact began not long after the funeral of the third of three friends to die in similar circumstances.

Melanie Davies, mother of 20-year-old Thomas Davies, who was found hanged in a park in February 2007, said that a whispering campaign had begun shortly after she had brought back her son's ashes to the terrace house where he was raised in Cornelly, Bridgend. "Ages they've been going on. The rumours died down again - until now," she said this week.

The content of the rumours was chilling: "There's a pact. There's six of them. Pulling straws to decide who goes when."

Then - as now - Davies dismissed as ludicrous the idea that her son could be involved in a pact.

But the hearsay that began in Bridgend's deprived estates almost a year ago reached the headlines this week. And TV networks from across the world descended to try to find the truth behind the deaths.

From behind his desk in Aberdare for his only sit-down interview this week, coroner Philip Walters stared at the list of 13 suspected suicides aged 27 and under in Bridgend, one of three county boroughs for which he has responsibility.

Five are aged between 21 and 27; there are three 20-year-olds, two 19-year-olds, an 18-year-old, and two 17-year-olds. Twelve were male.

All were apparently unexplained and within the space of a few miles. In more than 20 years in the coroner's service, he has never seen anything like it. So far he has held inquests into only four, of whom three were friends, but he believes the reported links between others should be looked into. "We'll get of the bottom of it," he said. "One way or the other."

Few in the former mining town, including families of victims, believe newspaper conjecture about internet suicide pacts. Kevin Clarke, father of Liam Clarke, found hanged last month, said: "I don't think [the deaths] are linked and I don't think the Bebo website is linked to it either. We will never discover what caused it. He was loving his job in a recycling plant and he was looking forward to putting in for his driving test and getting a car."

The town has historically had a high suicide rate and, as a coast town with high unemployment, epidemiologists would expect a high distribution of suicides among young males. Darren Matthews, who runs the local Samaritans group, also discounted internet suicide theories, and said the area fits the profile of a town likely to have higher than average suicides. "You could probably link loads of youngsters through the internet," said Matthews. "Besides, everyone knows each other around here." But, like others, he is confounded by the deaths in a borough of 130,000. "It still doesn't explain: why so many?" he said. "And why now?"

The first of the 13, Dale Crole, 18, hanged himself in a derelict warehouse in nearby Porthcawl. Missing for four months, his body was found in January last year, his baseball hat hung on a nail on the wall.The inquest ruled out speculation in the town concerning third-party involvement.

The second to die, Crole's friend David Dilling, 19, suggested to police that they should search the building where Crole's body was found - the two had spent time in the warehouse before the death.

Dilling was found hanged near his home in the village of Pyle in February. Thomas Davies, who knew both Crole and Dilling, was found hanged in a park soon after. Zachery Barnes, 17, of Wildmill, Bridgend, who was known to other young victims, was found hanged behind a block of flats in August. In December, 20-year-old Liam Clarke, also a friend of Crole, was found hanged in a Bridgend park.

This year 27-year-old Gareth Morgan, who knew Liam, was found hanged at his home in Bridgend - as was last week's victim, Natasha Randall. Two days before she died, she posted a condolence to Clarke on her Bebo page reading: "RIP Clarky boy!! gonna miss ya! always remember the gd times! love ya x." The next day 15-year-old Leah Phillips, another local, was cut down after being found hanging at her home in nearby Pontycymmer. She is recovering at home.

Dr Tegwyn Williams has been developing a Bridgend suicide prevention strategy over the last year with several agencies, to be launched in the coming weeks. He said yesterday he was not sure there was a particular problem in the area. "Suicides happen everywhere in all places and in all age groups." Melanie Davies is not so sure. She believes there are questions to answer. "This connection with the internet - I don't believe that. And the 'pacts' - they're a load of crap, they really are. It's just somebody with an overactive imagination."

She said she was pleased police would take another look at the unexplained apparent suicides. She is desperate for answers, and a week of conjecture has done nothing to explain why Thomas - an outwardly happy, sociable young man - was found hanging from a tree so soon after the death of his two friends.

One mystery continues to haunt his mother more than any other.

Having missed Crole's funeral, Thomas told his mother he was determined to make Dilling's. Before the funeral he prepared his trousers, shoes, shirt and tie, and made sure he knew when the event would take place. "Why would he get clothes ready to go to Dai's funeral," she said yesterday, staring into the middle distance, "if the only funeral he'd be going to was his own?"

Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/26/08 07:33 PM

I saw this in the paper as well Chopper!

Very odd and very sad.... \:\/
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/26/08 08:50 PM

I've been reading about this in the paper all the way over here. The strangest part is that these kids don't seem to be show any suicidal tendencies before they kill themselves.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/26/08 09:44 PM

If I were going to hang myself, I'd at least want a better service to remember me than Bebo.

I was on the "Find Maddie" Bebo page a while back and it made me feel physically sick. It had that slow Britney Spears song running over the background (the one for which she kills herself in the video), and more spelling mistakes and grammatical errors than I don't know what, with a lot of "RIP we lv u sooo much bt at least ur wiv the lord above now" messages.

Posted By: chopper

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/26/08 11:09 PM

 Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
I saw this in the paper as well Chopper!

Very odd and very sad.... \:\/

It is very odd,i just hope this doesnt start copy cats in other parts of the UK
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/26/08 11:15 PM

This is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. It makes me ashamed to be a teenager.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/26/08 11:18 PM

Bad isnt it?
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/27/08 01:37 AM

 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
It makes me ashamed to be a teenager.

You weren't already?
Posted By: svsg

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/27/08 01:53 AM

Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/27/08 04:33 PM

 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
 Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
It makes me ashamed to be a teenager.

You weren't already?

What are you talking about? American Eagle is a great store, MTV has a great spring line-up, and that "My Humps" song is the sex.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/27/08 09:25 PM

I only ask because I'm ashamed to have ever been a teenager myself.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 01/28/08 01:12 AM

I think that mainstream youth-culture, no matter which generation you come from, generally sucks.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/16/08 07:54 PM

Another 2 dead in Bridgend
Posted By: chopper

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/17/08 12:34 AM

What is it with these people

Is it some sort of trend im mystified by it all

It's such a shame
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/18/08 12:02 PM

I think it's brilliant. Not in a 'haha kids are dying kind of way', but just the surreal nature of the cases having no evidence of a link but happening in a small Welsh town. It's just brilliant, it's like something from X Files.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/18/08 12:12 PM

Yeah it's so strange

i bet they a exorcist there soon
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/18/08 12:17 PM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
Yeah it's so strange

i bet they a exorcist there soon

Now that's just crazy talk, you're going a little too far fetched.

However it's just been reported locusts are falling out of the sky and I've quit drinking.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/18/08 01:00 PM

Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/18/08 01:15 PM

I don't get it.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/19/08 10:46 PM

Another teenager killed themselves yesterday

it's up to 17 now

Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/19/08 11:02 PM

i just heard this on the news. Very sad indeed.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/19/08 11:03 PM

At first i found it sad

Now i just find it very strange
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 02/20/08 01:23 AM

Great film opportunity; with a completely open-ended, unsolved ending, of course.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 03/08/08 08:03 PM

 Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
Great film opportunity; with a completely open-ended, unsolved ending, of course.

That's rubbish. I want a happy ending with everyone hugging and the guy obviously getting the girl.

The girl will be dead of course.
Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Bridgend south Wales - 06/20/08 11:35 PM

This is very similar to the dogs jumping to their deaths off a bridge in Wales.

These kids have created a trend, and have made it fashionable to off onesself. I think over the last few days its happened again.
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