

Posted By: chopper

Terrible - 11/15/07 08:14 AM

This is really awful,unfortunetly now more than ever gangs are talking over the streets and estates in many areas of England the streets are no go areas after dark and in some parts even in the day time its just so sad.

A FATHER of three was kicked and punched by a gang of youths before being left for dead, a court heard yesterday.

Garry Newlove, 47, had gone out of his house to complain to youths who had been making life a "misery" for his family.

Mr Newlove, a sales manager, of Warrington, was attacked by the gang on 10 August, Chester Crown Court heard. He died of head injuries two days later.

Four youths, two aged 17, one aged 16 and a 15-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, deny murder. Adam Swellings, 19, of Crewe, denies murder, but admits manslaughter.

Michael Chambers, QC, prosecuting, said: "Garry Newlove's street had been plagued by gangs of youths indulging in anti-social behaviour fuelled by cheap alcohol, causing a disturbance and vandalising cars.

"He had the courage to go out and face them, but they were in no mood to be challenged. He was no match for their combined assault."
Posted By: svsg

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 08:54 AM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
This is really awful,unfortunetly now more than ever gangs are talking over the streets and estates in many areas of England the streets are no go areas after dark and in some parts even in the day time its just so sad.

A FATHER of three was kicked and punched by a gang of youths before being left for dead, a court heard yesterday.

Garry Newlove, 47, had gone out of his house to complain to youths who had been making life a "misery" for his family.

Mr Newlove, a sales manager, of Warrington, was attacked by the gang on 10 August, Chester Crown Court heard. He died of head injuries two days later.

Four youths, two aged 17, one aged 16 and a 15-year-old, who cannot be named for legal reasons, deny murder. Adam Swellings, 19, of Crewe, denies murder, but admits manslaughter.

Michael Chambers, QC, prosecuting, said: "Garry Newlove's street had been plagued by gangs of youths indulging in anti-social behaviour fuelled by cheap alcohol, causing a disturbance and vandalising cars.

"He had the courage to go out and face them, but they were in no mood to be challenged. He was no match for their combined assault."

Chopper, you don't need to answer this if you find the question too personal. I remember you mentioning once in a thread that your brother was affected by some street gang. Is he okay now?
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 09:05 AM

Not really to be honest,i posted this because it breaks my heart to think that he and some other kids i know are involved in this sort of behaviour and it is on the increase and sadly i cant see it ever stopping but only getting worst,in England we have a court order called a ASBO (Anti social behaviour order) these are meant to make kids behave but they are now the cool thing to have so more kids are commiting crimes to get one of these ASBOS its beyond belief,my parents try to keep my brother away from the gang element after school but when he is at school there is not much they can do because the school really dont give a crap he was playing truant from school for two weeks before the school even realised he wasnt there they then complained to my parents but like my mum said she can drop him off at the gates but after that she cant make him stop in class thats the schools job,its a sad state of affairs to be honest
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 09:30 AM

These are familier stories that you read all the time in England now.These last 10-15 years,its all started to change.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 09:49 AM

Like Chopper says there are kids who think it is cool to get an ASBO! it is like a badge of honour to them. They are a waste of time anyways because there is'nt enough police to enforce them. The gangs of idiots who hang around every shopping centre every night is beyond belief.The politicians bang on about fighting crime and getting more police on the streets then they go home to their big safe mansions and forget about it. We have to live in the estates and put up with it \:o
It is getting pretty shitty for sure!
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 09:52 AM

Who the F**K invented those tacky tracksuits and made them stupid hoodies for the little shits to wear and i ve seen people with teacosys on there heads.Losers
Posted By: SC

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 11:12 AM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
This is really awful,unfortunetly now more than ever gangs are talking over the streets and estates ....

 Originally Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas
We have to live in the estates and put up with it

What do you Brits mean when you say "estates"??
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 11:36 AM

i live on a estate and they are quite rough places sometimes no go areas for police fire crews ambulances etc.. such notable bad estates in England are Moss side in Manchester unless your from moss side you dont go there the same goes for the manor in sheffield and st pauls in bristol as well as the white city in london,council estates were set up to help people with money problems unfortunetly as unemployment levels have risen so did crime on the estates
i dont really know how to define estate so ill let wikipedia do it as they will do a better job than me ;\)

Housing estates were produced by either local corporations or by private developers. The former tended to be a means of producing public housing leading to estates full of council houses and therefore known as "council estates".

In addition, the problems incurred by the early attempts at high density tower-block housing turned people away from this style of living. The resulting demand for land has seen many towns and cities increase enormously in size for only moderate increases in population. This has been largely at the expense of rural and greenfield land. There is now much evidence coming to light of a severe and detrimental impact on the environment as a result, partly from the change of land use caused by the estates themselves, and partly because most estates encourage rather than discourage the use of the car for transport. Recently, there has been some effort to address this problem by banning the development of out-of-town commercial developments, and encouraging the reuse of brownfield or previously developed sites for residential building. Nevertheless the demand for housing continues to rise, and in the UK at least has precipitated a significant housing crisis.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 11:40 AM

Im sure Council estates have always been run down since the 70's but there never been violant attacks like this before happening on a regular occurance..
Posted By: SC

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 11:48 AM

OK... I think I get it. Thanks.

Here in New York, we call them "projects". They're usually a large number of apartment buildings run by the City and have similar gang-related issues.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 11:49 AM

Yeah true mate its just getting worse and worse and especially elderly people werent targets years ago but now they are just seen as easy picking about a year ago we saw a young lad about 12 ish head butt a 84 yr old women take her bag then kick her we chased him but couldnt catch him,sadly this is a everyday occurence,my mates mum and dads house as been burgled six times in a year once they have got in your house once they know how to do it,my street isnt to bad but just round the corner the police only come if there are 3 or more cars with them
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 11:54 AM

This is why more and more people each year are leaving the country for a better life in another country,ill be one of those for sure in a few years.

And we have to be the number 1 country in Europe with the most people coming into the country looking for work, coming from eastern europe.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 12:00 PM

I cant see me staying in England forever although im proud to be English and i am,its just getting full of gangs and eastern europeans

plus the weathers shite
Posted By: SC

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 12:02 PM

 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
And we have to be the number 1 country in Europe with the most people coming into the country looking for work, coming from eastern europe.

That COULD be a saving grace. Some "groups" just won't put up with that kind of gang shit. There's a neighborhood in southern Brooklyn, Brighton Beach (named after some limey town ) that had been in decline in the 70's and 80's. Youth gangs set up shop and drugs became rampant there. The Russians started moving in and within a few years the gangs were out (them Russians don't take any crap). Its now a relatively safe area.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 12:11 PM

Hey watch the limey comments ;\)

Unfortunetly the eastern europeans are actually forming there own gangs and commiting crimes as are the albanians,im not saying they all are but i certanetly know some are
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 12:15 PM

Yeah and most of them can't speak English..
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 12:18 PM

And dont want to even bother to learn
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 12:20 PM

They should have to take a test when entering the UK.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 12:26 PM

I aggree that should be a law i think i might write to my local MP lol
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 12:45 PM

 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
Yeah and most of them can't speak English..

Wow, does this sound like America? Too many parallels with the States. Struggle for the legal tender, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. There's gonna be a revolution. \:\(
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 12:57 PM

Yeah but look at the size of America.

There is almost now 60 million people in the UK,thats alot when you see the size of our Counrty.And the number is only ganna get bigger.needs to some kind of control taken with immigration matters.
Posted By: whisper

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 02:39 PM

In Australia,people who want to settle on our fine shores actually DO have to take a test before they are given a visa.

The gangs around my area these days,seem to be the Sudanese who are at war with the other African minorities.On my train line,cops now have to patrol up and down the entire friggin line at night to try and stop the wars.Lucky for me,i know people from both sides,but i stay the hell outta the way when shit is at boiling point.

The problem with these particular gangs are,they're trying to act like American hood thugs.Doing the whole stupid Bloods and Crips shit also.

Not really Gun toting though,mostly knives and machetes etc....nice friendly sharp things...
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 05:56 PM

Whisper i couldnt agree more our youth see movies and music vids and want to be like the US its sad very sad
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Terrible - 11/15/07 06:36 PM

 Originally Posted By: whisper the don from down under

Not really Gun toting though,mostly knives and machetes etc....nice friendly sharp things...

My wife's Uncle (Uncle in law?) had to go to court for something. His cane kept setting off the metal detector...

Because there was a sword inside of it.

He didn't get into too much trouble, he's had a severe trauma to his head in an accident. The family sued, got millions, blew through it in 2 years and now the daughter works as a waitress.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 09:12 AM

 Originally Posted By: MaryCas
 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
Yeah and most of them can't speak English..

Wow, does this sound like America? Too many parallels with the States. Struggle for the legal tender, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. There's gonna be a revolution. \:\(

Maybe not now but ten years down the line i can see it coming
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 09:21 AM

 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
Yeah and most of them can't speak English..
 Originally Posted By: chopper
And dont want to even bother to learn

Never mind... sorry! \:p ;\)

Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 09:22 AM

Posted By: SC

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 09:25 AM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
 Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Wow, does this sound like America? Too many parallels with the States. Struggle for the legal tender, the rich get richer, the poor get poorer. There's gonna be a revolution.

Maybe not now but ten years down the line i can see it coming

We had one of those revy-lutions here ourselves.... about 230 years ago. It was a good thing!
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 09:58 AM

And you have all been regreting it ever since ;\)
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 09:59 AM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
Maybe not now but ten years down the line i can see it coming

It helps get rid of the bad blood...
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 10:03 AM

there were many riots in the UK in the eighties and a few people who i know who were around then are saying there are warning signs that its going to happen again
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 10:06 AM

The riots in the 80's had alot to do with the minors strikes,mmy dad was caught up in all those .
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 10:08 AM

As was my dad but there were riots about other things as well like when The dustbin men went on strike in sheffield when they shut the steel factorys down
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 12:40 PM

 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
The riots in the 80's

I thought the riots from the 80's were Quiet Riot.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 01:57 PM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
The riots in the 80's

I thought the riots from the 80's were Quiet Riot.

whatever this means..
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 02:07 PM

 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
 Originally Posted By: Beth E
 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
The riots in the 80's

I thought the riots from the 80's were Quiet Riot.

whatever this means..

Quiet Riot is an 80's band
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 02:15 PM

Not funny.
Posted By: bogey

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 04:14 PM

You know what is funny? Ya face!

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh.... burn. Yeah. Total burnage.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 04:32 PM

Again a good thread has been turned into nothing by silly comments,releating nothing to the topic..
Posted By: DonPacino

Re: Terrible - 11/16/07 05:11 PM

I must be honest here, about a year ago I was involved with gangs. Nothing like this but fights with other gangs. I realised that it was pathetic so I grew up. I was never that bad but I do know of people who have done alot worse than me.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Terrible - 11/17/07 09:11 AM

Everyone does stupid things when they are growing up i know i certainetly did,but at least you realised it was stupid and grew up some people dont and some gang members are in there 30's
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Terrible - 11/17/07 03:49 PM

Too many families living on the dole/welfare who don't want to work!
These people have kids who grow up to have kids etc. etc. and none of them want to work because nobody in their family has ever worked!
So they hang around all day and night getting into trouble because they are bored(as well as inbred and ignorant )
Where i live is'nt that bad really but at night the shopping centre is like a war zone!

P.S. I quite liked Quiet Riot!
Kevin Dubrow and his chums \:D
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