

Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Rant! - 08/11/07 06:36 PM

I just thought I would start a thread for people to complain about whatever is on their mind. I'll start.

I hate people who complain all the freakin' time! Shut up already, nobody wants to hear what you hate every second of the day! It bums me out! Say something positive for once! GEEZ!!

Ok, your turn.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 06:54 PM

When you leave a message with someone and ask them to contact you back and they never do. How f*cking rude!
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 06:56 PM

Internet service providers!!


These people are the scum of the earth. Customer service?? I don't THINK so. Stop trying to sell me upgrades when all I did was call to ask when the service that I'm already PAYING for will be working again!

This should be a Presidential Election issue. C'mon Barack, give them Cablevision people some hell and I'll spread the word all over the place, "Barack in 2008."

But if you snooze, you lose. If say, Edwards or Rudy gets there first, you're shit out of luck.

Not Hillary, though. Not for free cable, internet and phone service for life.

A man's gotta' draw the line somewhere.

Phew, how's that for a rant?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 07:21 PM

The Tribe losing to the Yanks last night. \:\(
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 07:54 PM

When I ask someone to give me money and they don't.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 09:21 PM

Stores, businesses, etc. that have two glass doors at the entrance, but one of them is locked. If you are open for business, why not unlock both doors for us?

Also, I was making a small purchase at Radio Shack recently and the first thing the cashier said as I approached the counter was,"Can I have your address and phone number?" I'm only buying batteries, I didn't come to their store to start a relationship.

Another one...brain dead, excitable sportscasters, who respond to plays with the insipid line, "Are you kiddingme?!" Yes, quite frankly, I AM kidding you. What you just saw did not take place, so get your vacant skull and over-moussed hair out of the booth.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 09:45 PM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
The Tribe losing to the Yanks last night. \:\(

Oh come on, that was a joyous celebration \:D
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 09:49 PM

 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
I just thought I would start a thread for people to complain about whatever is on their mind. I'll start.

I hate people who complain all the freakin' time! Shut up already, nobody wants to hear what you hate every second of the day! It bums me out! Say something positive for once! GEEZ!!
It took me longer than I would've liked to catch on to the clever irony of this.

But I think this is a great idea. I will try to think of some things to gripe about...besides fantasy baseball. We already have a thread for us to whine about that in.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 09:56 PM

People who are always looking for attention,really annoy me.Get over it and get on with your life..
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 10:27 PM

 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
 Originally Posted By: Mignon
The Tribe losing to the Yanks last night. \:\(

Oh come on, that was a joyous celebration \:D

on your end ;\)
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 10:38 PM

When people are late. And I'm not talking about if it's beyond someone's control.

But I get so angry when you make an appointment with someone, or go out to meet someone and they show up late.

When I had a staff of employees working for me, they all knew that the one thing that I would never tolerate was if they were late, especially if it was because they could not wake up on time!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 10:45 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
When people are late.

Most men hate it when women are late.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 08/11/07 10:45 PM

The best ones when people say "my alarm didn't go off"----What, you mean you got up late..
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 01:05 AM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
When people are late.

Most men hate it when women are late.

My late uncle (and Godfather) was an Army Colonel, who
served in WW II, the Korean War and Viet Nam. He was as punctual and valued the importance of being on time as much as DC.

He had two sons, and four daughters between them. At his funeral Mass his oldest son told a story where the family was attending an engagement that started at 7, which meant everyone was to be in the car by 6:30. At 6:35, only he and the sons were in the car, which compelled him to say with mild exasperation, "I could move 2,000 men in ten minutes, but I can't move 5 women in 2 hours."
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 02:07 AM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
Stores, businesses, etc. that have two glass doors at the entrance, but one of them is locked. If you are open for business, why not unlock both doors for us?

Also, I was making a small purchase at Radio Shack recently and the first thing the cashier said as I approached the counter was,"Can I have your address and phone number?" I'm only buying batteries, I didn't come to their store to start a relationship.

Another one...brain dead, excitable sportscasters, who respond to plays with the insipid line, "Are you kiddingme?!" Yes, quite frankly, I AM kidding you. What you just saw did not take place, so get your vacant skull and over-moussed hair out of the booth.

It was my understanding that Radio Shack had stopped that address routine over a year ago just because of complaints such as yours.

How about that front door with a sign on it that says this door must remain unlocked during business hours? Duh. Also, people who drive in the left lane on a highway even though they are not passing.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 02:13 AM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
My late uncle ... was as punctual

So which is it? ;\)
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 05:42 AM

The Tribe lost again to the Yanks
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 08:46 AM

After a week of warm weather,Sunday has bought the rain \:\(
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 08:46 AM

Oh and i nearly forgot...after 2 weeks holiday i am back to work tomorrow \:\(
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 09:00 AM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
Also, I was making a small purchase at Radio Shack recently and the first thing the cashier said as I approached the counter was,"Can I have your address and phone number?" I'm only buying batteries, I didn't come to their store to start a relationship.

Just say, "No". Do you really think they won't sell you batteries if you don't provide your address?

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
Most men hate it when women are late.

How much late are we talking?? One, two days??

Tell her to take a warm bath... that sometimes gets the "cycle" back on track.

Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 09:55 AM

When people let you down at the last minute to go out and it was there idea in the first place
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 10:11 AM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
When people let you down at the last minute to go out and it was there idea in the first place

Yep that sucks \:\/
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 11:29 AM

I hate marketing calls (which inevitably wake me up). Thanks to the "Do-Not-Call" registry I don't get many now, but one or two sneak in every month.

I have absolutely no patience with those making these annoying calls and often tell them in no uncertain terms what I think about their parents before hanging up on them.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 02:03 PM

Bob and that Enzyte commercial
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 06:39 PM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
Bob and that Enzyte commercial

And the whistling that goes along with him.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 06:43 PM

Those are some of the few commercials that I can tolerate due to the whistling. My least favorite commercials are for Taco Bell and Jack in the Box I do not eat at either establishment due to their annoying and stupid advertisements!
Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 06:58 PM

The Mc Donalsd commercials 'im lovin it' wankers
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 07:05 PM

I hate it when I'm asked the same question 30 times in like an 8-hour period. When I used to work at Blockbuster, naturally on the weekend everyone wanted the new releases that came out on Tuesday. Well, we'd usually keep the drop boxes empty so we knew what was in there. Customers would come up asking us and we'd tell them no and they'd think we were lying to them. Or how they'd ask you when they came in, right before they checked out, and then right as they were leaving something would fall in and they'd say, "Hey could you see if that's it." Immediately followed by, "I'm sorry." Don't lie to me, you're not sorry. If you were really sorry you wouldn't be making me check for you 3 different times. Screw it, I hate working customer service jobs in general! Give me a desk, phone, computer and leave me alone!
Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 07:12 PM

i hate it when im in the pub and i get some pissed up idiot who i dont know asking me to give him two ponds for a beer, no fuck off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 08:26 PM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
The Tribe lost again to the Yanks

Sorry Mig, Yankees sweep
Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 08:43 PM

when im in the toilet in a pub having a pee and people talk to me
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 08:59 PM

I hate when people tell you that they'll get back to you that night, and then they don't call you back for two days.

I hate it when I just want to buy one thing at Costco and there are huge and long lines with people who seem to be refurnishing their homes. Why don't they have a damn express line???

I hate it when I tell telemarketers that I can't talk now because I'm eating dinner, and they say, Sorry, but they don't mean it because they called precisely AT that time in the hope that I would be home eating dinner.
Posted By: Signor Vitelli

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 10:16 PM

The problem with the Do-Not-Call registry is that there is a loophole: If you are currently doing business with a company (or have done business with them in the past), then they are exempt from the registry. Also, charitable organizations and political parties can call you; they're exempt as well.

This is a lot of garbage. I mean, I have absolutely nothing against charities, but if I want to make a donation, I will contact them. I really do not care to be bothered at home.

I will admit, though, that there are times when I will participate in a telephone survey. Sometimes they can be inoffensive.

But, what particularly ticks me off is when my phone rings and I pick it up to answer it and find that there isn't a human being on the other end - only a damned recording. This happens a lot with political annoyance calls. I will not speak to a machine. Period. More and more, this is also happening with "customer service" phone numbers - you want to talk to a person, and no matter what you say, the damned automated voice is hell-bent on not letting you speak to a human. You sometimes have to be very clever to get your call routed to an actual person. (Of course, sometimes the actual person turns out to be a cretin and I wonder if I would have been better off with the machine.)

That's just the tip of the iceberg, as far as things I hate. Believe me, I could write a book or two (or twenty).

Signor V.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 10:28 PM

 Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli
I will not speak to a machine. Period. More and more, this is also happening with "customer service" phone numbers - you want to talk to a person, and no matter what you say, the damned automated voice is hell-bent on not letting you speak to a human. You sometimes have to be very clever to get your call routed to an actual person. (Of course, sometimes the actual person turns out to be a cretin and I wonder if I would have been better off with the machine.)

AMEN! I think companies do that just to discourage people from calling. What's even worse is the "voice recognition software." I'm sorry, but from my experience with such, the software still has a loooooooooooooooooong way to go before it should be put in the public sector.

SV, I think we park our car in the same garage as the saying goes. Let me know when your first volume comes out, I'll look for it \:p
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/12/07 10:51 PM

Having to wait in line to go to the bathroom. There is always a line in the ladies room.

BTW Congrats to you Yank fans.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:39 AM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
There is always a line in the ladies room.

That's because you ladies always go to the ladie's room in groups!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:43 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

That's because you ladies always go to the ladie's room in groups!

Maybe I should start using the men's room. I never understood that. A little privacy please!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:45 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Mignon
There is always a line in the ladies room.

That's because you ladies always go to the ladie's room in groups!

Well next time I'll use the men's room.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:47 AM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon

Well next time I'll use the men's room.

Then you and PB can go together!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:49 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Mignon
There is always a line in the ladies room.

That's because you ladies always go to the ladie's room in groups!

You know, that's true!!! It's common knowledge.

I can see it now at Friday's BB meet. SC rises from his chair and says to Geoff, PB and DMC, "you guys need to go to the restroom?" Ha ha ha Wouldn't that be a kick?

Posted By: Beth E

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:50 AM

 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

I can see it now at Friday's BB meet. DC rises from his chair and says to Geoff, SC and DMC, "you guys need to go to the restroom?" Ha ha ha Wouldn't that be a kick?


DC's coming? \:\)
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:51 AM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E

DC's coming? \:\)

BETH! \:o
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:52 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Beth E

DC's coming? \:\)

BETH! \:o

Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud!!!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:52 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Mignon

Well next time I'll use the men's room.

Then you and PB can go together!

As long as he goes #1 and not #2.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:52 AM

 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

I can see it now at Friday's BB meet. DC rises from his chair and says to Geoff, SC and DMC, "you guys need to go to the restroom?" Ha ha ha Wouldn't that be a kick?


Not possible. Geoff and DMC rather be alone.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:53 AM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Beth E

DC's coming? \:\)

BETH! \:o

Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud!!!

Ha ha!! Too late!

No, my mistake. I edited. I wanted to tease DC but obviously can't if he's not attending.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:54 AM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Beth E

DC's coming? \:\)

BETH! \:o

Oh, I wasn't supposed to say that out loud!!!

You're bad!!!!!!!!!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 01:55 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
[Not possible. Geoff and DMC rather be alone.

So the Col. can't pee with them?
Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 05:20 AM

when people say thats so funny and dont laugh
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 05:46 AM

I hate when people are telling me about a movie and mid-sentence say "Have you seen it?" and I say no, and they overreact by saying "You HAVEN'T?! WHAT?!?! YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT?! HOW COULD YOU HAVE NOT SEEN IT?!?! I CAN'T BELIEVE THAT!" and they make me feel like a moron for not having seen the movie.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 05:47 AM

i agree
Posted By: ginaitaliangirl

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 05:56 AM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
when people say thats so funny and dont laugh
Wasn't this in a Scrubs episode? I was thinking Seinfeld at first, but I seem to remember JD being annoyed about a girlfriend that did that.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 06:02 AM

maybe im not sure it does annoy me though!
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 10:51 AM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
BTW Congrats to you Yank fans.

I hate it when a team (like Cleveland) thats SUPPOSED TO be good rolls over and plays dead against the Yankees.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 02:02 PM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
when im in the toilet in a pub having a pee and people talk to me

And pee all over your shoes? \:D
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 02:20 PM

 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: Mignon
BTW Congrats to you Yank fans.

I hate it when a team (like Cleveland) thats SUPPOSED TO be good rolls over and plays dead against the Yankees.

SC, What baseball team do you root for?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 02:32 PM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: Mignon
BTW Congrats to you Yank fans.

I hate it when a team (like Cleveland) thats SUPPOSED TO be good rolls over and plays dead against the Yankees.

SC, What baseball team do you root for?

He's still rooting for The Boston Braves.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 02:43 PM

 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: Mignon
BTW Congrats to you Yank fans.

I hate it when a team (like Cleveland) thats SUPPOSED TO be good rolls over and plays dead against the Yankees.

Almost as bad as The Red Sox losing 2 out of 3 to those freakin Orioles. \:\)
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 04:29 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
He's still rooting for The Boston Braves.

Smart ass!!!
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 04:41 PM

 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: Mignon
BTW Congrats to you Yank fans.

I hate it when a team (like Cleveland) thats SUPPOSED TO be good rolls over and plays dead against the Yankees.

Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 06:13 PM

Yogi you know the score
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 07:26 PM

Why is it that movie theatres have posters telling us to NOT illegally record movies for bootlegging....when most people that commit such a crime is people working for the theatre itself?
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 08:30 PM

God, I fucking hate it when white people think they can actually drive without getting into an accident or causing a major traffic disruption. When the hell are these crackers going to learn to just take the bus?
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Rant! - 08/13/07 09:22 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Mignon

Well next time I'll use the men's room.

Then you and PB can go together!

Oh that. That is to complain/talk in private. If I really needed to go I can go alone (prefer to go alone).
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 08/17/07 09:44 PM

Animal cruelty! I just heard Vick is accused of assisting in the hanging and drowning of dogs that under performed. If that's true, I wish they'd give the b*stard the chair People who abuse animals are the lowest of the low and I'll never understand it
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 08/17/07 10:28 PM

 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Animal cruelty! I just heard Vick is accused of assisting in the hanging and drowning of dogs that under performed. If that's true, I wish they'd give the b*stard the chair People who abuse animals are the lowest of the low and I'll never understand it

I hope they castrate the bastard.
Posted By: Ice

Re: Rant! - 09/17/07 06:32 PM

I LIKE this thread! \:\)

I hate rude behavior in a man.

I won't tolerate it.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 09/21/07 04:34 PM


I hate waiting.

You wait and wait and wait and then you finally get what you were waiting for and it's such a letdown.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 09/21/07 05:30 PM

Those f'n lazy bastards at the supermarket, who use the handicapped-motorized carts out of laziness. When I see them in the parking lot walking faster than me, I want to run them over.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Rant! - 09/21/07 06:39 PM

I hate the a-holes who think the most important thing in the world is their effing cell phone. Talk while driving. Talk in movies. Leave them on during religious services and funerals. Talk while exercising in gyms. Hate it!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 09/21/07 07:16 PM

 Originally Posted By: Turnbull
I hate the a-holes who think the most important thing in the world is their effing cell phone. Talk while driving. Talk in movies. Leave them on during religious services and funerals. Talk while exercising in gyms. Hate it!


I am with you one hundred per cent!!! True story: we cannot ban students at my school from "having" cell phones. However, we can tell them the can only have them on before/after school just off campus on the sidewalk.

The principal took a phone from a girl because she was on it "texting" during school passing period. Boy, the girl's mother came in fit to be tied, saying "oh no you don't, my daughter needs to see how she's getting home, etc." Mother was told to leave a text message and the student can check after school as far as transportation home goes. For God's sake, we got along just fine for how long with cell phones??? Now it's mandatory that every child has one on 24/7?????

Oh, quickly, another true story: When my daughter and I were in Vegas in July we were being escorted to the theater room to see a Vegas show. The people seating us had to wait while the lady in front of us finished her cell phone conversation before they could seat her. Un-freekin' believeable.

Thank's for reminding me to rant.

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 04:23 PM

The Post Office!
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 04:29 PM

Teenage girls watching there weight.

Stop reading those shitty mags,TV and enjoy life.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 04:33 PM

 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
 Originally Posted By: Turnbull
I hate the a-holes who think the most important thing in the world is their effing cell phone. Talk while driving. Talk in movies. Leave them on during religious services and funerals. Talk while exercising in gyms. Hate it!


I am with you one hundred per cent!!! True story: we cannot ban students at my school from "having" cell phones. However, we can tell them the can only have them on before/after school just off campus on the sidewalk.

The principal took a phone from a girl because she was on it "texting" during school passing period. Boy, the girl's mother came in fit to be tied, saying "oh no you don't, my daughter needs to see how she's getting home, etc." Mother was told to leave a text message and the student can check after school as far as transportation home goes. For God's sake, we got along just fine for how long with cell phones??? Now it's mandatory that every child has one on 24/7?????

Oh, quickly, another true story: When my daughter and I were in Vegas in July we were being escorted to the theater room to see a Vegas show. The people seating us had to wait while the lady in front of us finished her cell phone conversation before they could seat her. Un-freekin' believeable.

Thank's for reminding me to rant.


I tell my students in writing and orally that the use of a cell phone or similar device in class will likely result in their expulsion from class for the semester. Case in point.

A few weeks ago a kid (yes, kid) was using a cell phone in class. I called him into the hallway, told him he couldn't go back into class that night, but could return next week if he abided by the rules. He got irate and said "This isn't high school." I responded "Exactly." When he next came to class he apologized. If you don't have the maturity to separate yurself from a cell phone for a few hours of class instruction, then you don't have the maturity to be in class.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 04:39 PM

Or having to listen to shitty gangster rap on peoples "mp3 phone" at 8am in the morning on the tram to work,the frikin conductors are also to frightend to tell them to turn it off.

There a time and a place for loud music.Not 8am in the morning..
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 04:40 PM

I can't understand why women think they need to starve themselves to be sexy. I'm sorry, I don't really find rib outlines sexy. Like Furio says "I like a woman you can grab onto something."

My rant today is headaches. They should be done away with. I sent some Tylenol up there to whack it. Gonna take tommy guns and kill the headache.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 09:31 PM

I don't understand people. I spoke to a guy several months ago who asked me to be on the lookout for property for him. I found one about a month ago that I think is what he's looking for. I have since left him four messages, and he hasn't once called me back. Why can't he just pick up the phone and say, Sorry, not interested, but I appreciate your time.

Why is that so hard for people to do??
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 09:50 PM

I was at the bank today, and this fucking baby had to balls to waddle over to me and say hello.

So I kicked it.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 09:58 PM

Douche bag. \:p
Posted By: Signor Vitelli

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 09:59 PM

For me, one of life's myriad annoyances is the way so many people have adopted a sing-song way of speaking so that everything they say sounds like they're asking a question.

I find that incredibly irritating.

Whenever one of my students addresses me that way, I reply, "Are you asking me or telling me?"

Usually, they catch on. Eventually.

Signor V.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 10:05 PM

 Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli
For me, one of life's myriad annoyances is the way so many people have adopted a sing-song way of speaking so that everything they say sounds like they're asking a question.

What do you mean?
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 10:08 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Douche bag. \:p

The bitch had to pay.

And, actually, I did make a stop at the bank today, and that did happen, minus the kicking. Oh, and one other fun little thing happened while on this quest. I inadvertently walked over to the window and took a peak outside, which just happened to be inches from the open door to an office, where a woman was at work. She asked, "May I help you?" and I just gave her a friendly glance and replied, "Oh, no... I actually think I'm supposed to rob this bank today, I'm just waiting for my partner. You haven't seen him by any chance? 6'6", 120-130 pounds... Striped shirt, black mask, gloves, and a little hat?"

She just gave me a really uncomfortable stare.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 10:15 PM

Have you no respect for the Patriot Act? \:p
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 10:32 PM

I hate it when people stand you up and have the nerve to get pissed off at YOU and not return your phone calls. Where do they come up with this stuff?
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Rant! - 09/24/07 10:39 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Have you no respect for the Patriot Act? \:p

Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 09/25/07 05:29 AM

It bothers me when people wear their Blue Tooth ear pieces all the time, even when they are somewhere that they won't be accepting calls, like a movie, or the library, or a wedding.... I sometimes think they sleep and shower with those things stuck to their ears.

Or maybe they don't shower now that they are super spiffy with their TOP NOTCH technology. Communication before cleanliness, hoo wah!
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 09/25/07 05:34 AM

 Originally Posted By: Signor Vitelli
For me, one of life's myriad annoyances is the way so many people have adopted a sing-song way of speaking so that everything they say sounds like they're asking a question.

I find that incredibly irritating.

Whenever one of my students addresses me that way, I reply, "Are you asking me or telling me?"

Usually, they catch on. Eventually.

Signor V.

Along that same line I can't stand it when people ask themselves a question and then answer it in the middle of a conversation. For example "Do I enjoy lying on the beach getting a tan? Yes I do, but it's bad for my skin."

Why don't they just say "I love lying on the beach and getting a tan but it's bad for my skin." I don't understand why they have to ask a question to themselves and then answer it.

Posted By: bogey

Re: Rant! - 09/25/07 07:26 AM

I hate lying, cheating bastards.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 09/25/07 01:42 PM

I hate the financial aid department at my college. I've had to send in 3 different things 3 different times. They "lose" stuff all the time.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 09/25/07 10:18 PM

Yeah, and they drag their feet at my school to receive the check. They won't give it to me until 2 weeks after classes start. Does your school do that Longneck?
Posted By: Signor Vitelli

Re: Rant! - 09/26/07 12:28 AM

For me, one of life's little annoyances is what people decide to do to the English language.

If there is any way in the world to cloud the meaning, or - better still - invent new ways to say less than before, then you can bet that it will be done sooner or later.

For example:

A used car is no longer "used". It is now "pre-owned". Oh, really? Well, if the person who had possession of that car before me ever put his/her butt in the driver's seat, started the engine and drove it even half a block then they've used it. Period.

We no longer analyze, dismantle or dissect something - we deconstruct it. (No we don't; maybe you all do. I do not.)

But the single most ridiculously overused word in the English language has got to be:


Yep, that's right. Event.

Car dealerships no longer have an end-of-year sale - they have an Inventory Reduction Event.

The TV weather forecasters do not predict heavy thunderstorms, they talk of a Significant Rain Event.

War has become a "Military Event" (though we still have to "ramp up" for it).

Doctors no longer talk about a heart attack, they warn of a Major Cardiac Event.

I've even heard death referred to as a Life Cessation Event (no kidding).


Remember when an "event" meant something like a State Fair or a graduation or a wedding? An "event" was something you might even want to dress up for! And it could end up covered in the local newspapers, too.

Remind me to rent a tuxedo for the next thunderstorm.

And so it goes.

Signor V.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Rant! - 09/26/07 03:17 AM

Some phrases that I find annoying:

"Don't go there."


"It is what it is." This one usually carries an unmistakeable undercurrent of scorn and derision under the thin veil of indifference.

These phrases are all trite.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 09/26/07 12:47 PM

 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Yeah, and they drag their feet at my school to receive the check. They won't give it to me until 2 weeks after classes start. Does your school do that Longneck?

2 weeks would be an improvement.

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
Some phrases that I find annoying:

"Don't go there."


"It is what it is." This one usually carries an unmistakeable undercurrent of scorn and derision under the thin veil of indifference.

These phrases are all trite.

I do, but I don't.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 09/26/07 01:43 PM

 Originally Posted By: Longneck
 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
Yeah, and they drag their feet at my school to receive the check. They won't give it to me until 2 weeks after classes start. Does your school do that Longneck?

2 weeks would be an improvement.

And improvement!? How long does it take?
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 09/26/07 04:07 PM

Well I had direct deposit so you'd think it'd be nice, easy, and quick, right?

I registered for 9 credit hours over the summer to get Financial Aid. A week into classes of the second summer session (far past the add/drop date) they drop me from a class cause my adviser said I could take it and apparently I couldn't.

This leads to a balance being on my account (less than 9 credit hours) which means that they held my money waiting for me to come in and pay the balance. For one thing, I am a distance student that lives 3 hours away, and I had no money!

Finally they send 1 check and I deposit it and pay the balance and ask when I can expect the rest of the money to be deposited in my account. They said they already printed the check so they would have to mail it.

During this time my bills are piling up and adding late fees worse than a loanshark's vig.

That's just one incident. They've lost my tax papers twice, I've sent in a stafford loan request 3 times, and I just had to fill out another damn paper to get the rest of my money since they lost it the first time.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Rant! - 09/29/07 02:00 PM

My friends made me sit through this really shitty movie today. I think it was called The Godfather.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 09/29/07 11:07 PM

I don't understand why people who consider themselves to be open minded are often the same people who criticize others. It's like calling themselves "open minded" makes them superior and gives them the right to look down on others with different beliefs. Jerks.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 09/30/07 02:29 AM

 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
I don't understand why people who consider themselves to be open minded are often the same people who criticize others. It's like calling themselves "open minded" makes them superior and gives them the right to look down on others with different beliefs. Jerks.

Being open minded does not preclude criticism from such people. The exchnage of ideas, thoughts el benefits from critical assessment.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 09/30/07 03:07 AM

Is there really such a thing as a truly open minded person? Someone open to all ideas and beliefs? I have a hard time believing that a single human being could live an entire life time without having a single opinion about/against anything.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 09/30/07 04:29 AM

 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Is there really such a thing as a truly open minded person? Someone open to all ideas and beliefs? I have a hard time believing that a single human being could live an entire life time without having a single opinion about/against anything.

I don't think you are correctly defining open minded. It does not mean uncritical acceptance of everything. It simply means that one is willing to consider ideas, proposals et al.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Rant! - 09/30/07 04:34 AM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I don't understand people. I spoke to a guy several months ago who asked me to be on the lookout for property for him. I found one about a month ago that I think is what he's looking for. I have since left him four messages, and he hasn't once called me back. Why can't he just pick up the phone and say, Sorry, not interested, but I appreciate your time.

Why is that so hard for people to do??

You've been talking to a guy for several months who when you call he doesn't pick up? my ears are burning
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 09/30/07 04:56 AM

 Originally Posted By: olivant
 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Is there really such a thing as a truly open minded person? Someone open to all ideas and beliefs? I have a hard time believing that a single human being could live an entire life time without having a single opinion about/against anything.

I don't think you are correctly defining open minded. It does not mean uncritical acceptance of everything. It simply means that one is willing to consider ideas, proposals et al.

So if I were to consider your ideas, proposals.... but in the end tell you you're full of crap and you're wrong and I'm right, then I'm still considered open minded?

Maybe it's a California thing because Californians are supposedly open minded, and yet they reject anyone who doesn't have the same point of view as them. I'm sick of everyone around me with their wonderful ideals for the world and yet when I differ they act like I'm the devil. Regardless of facts.

Being open minded should mean more than just "considering" someone elses point of view because the assholes I know, who are supposedly open minded, automatically reject anyone who disagrees with their own beliefs.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Rant! - 09/30/07 06:00 AM

Sometimes, open minded is used synonymously with having non orthodox beliefs. I think it stems from the notion that a modern thought is also a progressive thought and not just a different thought. An orthodox person may counter this by saying if you are really open minded, then you should be open to accepting a conservative belief as well. It all depends upon whether or not you accept all change as progressive.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 09/30/07 06:08 AM


The other word I'm beginning to dislike. Once again, a great idea, but often used as an upper hand in an argument. "I'm progressive, you're not, therefore I'm better". Those who are truly open minded and/or progressive... I love ya. For those of you who think you are and just use it to make yourselves look good, well... I'll just ignore you and not attack you with my thoughts because that wouldn't do a damn thing at this point.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 09/30/07 05:15 PM

First of all, you should consider more judicious use of the words "anyone" and "everyone".

Yes, one is considered open-mined if one listens to what one has to say. However, there is no language protocol that accrues to rejecting what one has to say other than simple politeness. Your idea, suggestion, opinion might, indeed, be "crap." The usefullness of that idea, suggestion, or opinion is not a function of the term(s) one uses to accept or reject it.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 09/30/07 05:31 PM

I found this article that actually backs up both of us. I think it's pretty interesting. The people I was complaining about earlier were the people in the authors second example.

"Present-day usage of open and closed-mindedness has become less about defining a virtuous way of thinking and more about being a bludgeoning tool to hammer your opponents into accepting your idea."

Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 10/04/07 06:36 AM

It also bugs me when people talk with their mouth full of food.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 10/04/07 12:57 PM

Whmmwht dy yww mhwwean?
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Rant! - 10/05/07 02:04 AM

 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Maybe it's a California thing because Californians are supposedly open minded, and yet they reject anyone who doesn't have the same point of view as them. I'm sick of everyone around me with their wonderful ideals for the world and yet when I differ they act like I'm the devil. Regardless of facts.

We all reject anyone that doesn't have the same point of view? You've personally met all of us and concluded that? Generalizations like that make for sloppy arguments.

Open minded people can disagree with you if you haven't done the homework, and hopefully can be open minded enough not to dismiss you outright if you have.


Being open minded should mean more than just "considering" someone elses point of view because the assholes I know, who are supposedly open minded, automatically reject anyone who disagrees with their own beliefs.

"Open minded" = The degree to which looks at something described as "evidence" and uses critical thinking skills on it. This involves eliminating bias's, trying to be objective, trying to question what one might already feel quite certain about from an established POV. No where does it mean to be all accepting of everything ONCE you have practiced critical thinking. You can conclude that someone is an asshole at the end, and it is about respecting their right to be an asshole.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 10/05/07 07:02 AM

Did you read that article I posted a link to, Saladbar?

I didn't make a generalization, I said "supposedly" because that's what I am told living here in California by people who look down upon me for not agreeing with their point of view. I am then automatically labeled "closed minded". I agree with your definition of being open minded, but that's not what the word always means anymore... the definition has evolved into something much worse that doesn't make sense and the people who use it that way are the ones who make me angry.

Again please read that article I linked about 3 posts up. It explains both definitions. The second is the one that upsets me.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Rant! - 10/05/07 05:47 PM

 Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Did you read that article I posted a link to, Saladbar?
the definition has evolved into something much worse that doesn't make sense and the people who use it that way are the ones who make me angry.

Then it should be called something else, like doormat-mindedness?


Again please read that article I linked about 3 posts up. It explains both definitions. The second is the one that upsets me.

No, I was reading chronologically and got distracted before I got to the link. I'll go read it.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 10/06/07 07:17 AM

 Originally Posted By: Saladbar
Then it should be called something else, like doormat-mindedness?

Heh yeah, that works.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 10/06/07 03:38 PM

When your children hurt your feelings. \:\(
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 10/06/07 03:40 PM


WTF were they thinking?
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 10/06/07 05:56 PM

Briefs, but...boxers too
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Rant! - 10/06/07 06:28 PM

Boxers that you can hide drugs and knives in.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Rant! - 10/06/07 11:52 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

WTF were they thinking?

I'm with you, pizza boy. My wife bought me a three pack, and I'm not a big fan. It is a garment with an identity crisis. Also, the convenience openings up front are inadequate. \:\/
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 10/07/07 03:54 AM

I can't stand briefs or boxer briefs, my boys need room!
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Rant! - 10/07/07 01:25 PM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

WTF were they thinking?

I'm with you, pizza boy. My wife bought me a three pack, and I'm not a big fan. It is a garment with an identity crisis. Also, the convenience openings up front are inadequate. \:\/

That's funny, Pizzaboy didn't mention anything about them being inadequate... \:p
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 10/07/07 02:42 PM

Ok ladies, thongs or bikinis?

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 10/07/07 05:09 PM

Grown assed people that send text messages on a regular basis. Grown assed people that write everything in Internet short-hand. Makes me nuts.

Oh, well, ttyl. \:p
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 10/07/07 08:28 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Grown assed people that send text messages on a regular basis. Grown assed people that write everything in Internet short-hand. Makes me nuts.

Oh, well, ttyl. \:p

That made me LMAO.

Actually, I made the mistake of upgrading our cell plan to include unlimited texting. Now my kids text me a billion times a day. It makes me nuts.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 10/09/07 06:33 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Grown assed people that send text messages on a regular basis. Grown assed people that write everything in Internet short-hand. Makes me nuts.

Oh, well, ttyl. \:p

That made me LMAO.

Actually, I made the mistake of upgrading our cell plan to include unlimited texting. Now my kids text me a billion times a day. It makes me nuts.



Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 10/09/07 07:13 PM

idk my bff rose
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 10/10/07 04:59 PM

People who arrange to meet you and then decide not too.Without notice..
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 10/11/07 03:47 PM

People who don't wear deodorant.

There was a guy sitting next to me at the library yesterday that could stop f'n traffic.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 10/11/07 05:39 PM

People who don't like Dinty Moore Beef Stew and Spaghettio's
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Rant! - 10/15/07 09:14 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
People who don't wear deodorant.

There was a guy sitting next to me at the library yesterday that could stop f'n traffic.

I once had to drop out of a computer programming class because the smell made me so physically ill.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 10/15/07 10:07 PM

Having to come back home from a weekend trip.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 10/15/07 10:10 PM

Button-fly jeans.

But why?

Ever barely make it to the bathroom to begin with, then have to unbutton?

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 06:12 AM

 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
People who arrange to meet you and then decide not too.Without notice..

That pisses me off too. Or when they say they'll call you and never do. Or when you e-mail them and they never respond.

Also, I hate it when at work people come up to the register on the cellphone That pisses me off like no other. How did we as a society ever function without cell phones is beyond me
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 03:07 PM

Online Professor that refuses to tell me how he wants the assignment submitted, refers me to the help desk, but how can they help me if they don't know what they are supposed to help me with?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 04:11 PM

One ply toilet paper.

Whay are they, nuts?
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 07:10 PM

they make 1 ply?
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 07:15 PM

 Originally Posted By: Longneck
they make 1 ply?

When I was growing up, we walked ten miles, barefoot, in the snow, for one ply. Junior.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 07:25 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
 Originally Posted By: Longneck
they make 1 ply?

When I was growing up, we walked ten miles, barefoot, in the snow, for one ply. Junior.

Well at least it wasn't uphill and for a pine cone like your parents
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 07:28 PM

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 09:05 PM

 Originally Posted By: Longneck
Online Professor that refuses to tell me how he wants the assignment submitted, refers me to the help desk, but how can they help me if they don't know what they are supposed to help me with?

I also hate it when you call or e-mail a professor to ask them a question about an assignment and they never get back to you. If you don't want to be bothered people, choose another profession!
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 10:12 PM

 Originally Posted By: Irishman12
 Originally Posted By: Longneck
Online Professor that refuses to tell me how he wants the assignment submitted, refers me to the help desk, but how can they help me if they don't know what they are supposed to help me with?

I also hate it when you call or e-mail a professor to ask them a question about an assignment and they never get back to you. If you don't want to be bothered people, choose another profession!

I respond immediately to my students e-mails ... just as soon as they complete a PayPal transaction.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Rant! - 10/16/07 10:22 PM

When I'm going 72 mph in a 65 mph zone, and those pain in the ass, out of town "city drivers" blow by me like I'm crawling.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 12:27 AM

Or pain in the ass people going 55 in a 65 and you can't pass.

Top page for Miggie
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 12:55 AM

Yeah I hate that too Mig. The lanes up in my part of New York are only 2 lanes and some people don't know how to drive. It can be very frustrating, especially when you're on your way to work. I will give Texas one thing, they have better roads
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 01:03 AM

Another thing is when grandma and grandpa take their Sunday drive a few days early on a 2 lane and can't pass.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 01:31 AM

People that cut in front of you to go 10 MPH slower than you were
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 01:58 AM

Don't that just piss you off?
Posted By: a1

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 02:40 AM

People who stop dead, turn, cut you off on the road because they are too busy on their cellphones!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 03:20 AM

Why do people have to come to a dead stop to make a right turn?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 03:56 AM

 Originally Posted By: Longneck
People that cut in front of you to go 10 MPH slower than you were

I agree, that pisses me off too!

Also, I absolutely hate it when people talk during a movie SHUT UP!!
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 04:20 AM

That's one of my big problems with going to the movie theater Irish, I can't stand it when people are talking, even whispering, the entire time. A little comment here or there is fine, but full discussions? OR when people are text messaging during the movie and that bright cell phone screen distracts my eye. Don't get me started about the people who make noises with their food and candy wrappers....
Posted By: bogey

Re: Rant! - 10/17/07 06:27 AM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
Why do people have to come to a dead stop to make a right turn?

Better yet: why do people have to come to a dead stop, and turn into the other lane so you can't pass them, just to make a right turn?

Also, customers who cut you off when you're trying to say your closing remarks. "Thanks for choosing Bank of America"-yeah, bye-"We appreciate.."-yeah, okay-"We appreciate your business. Have a wonderful.."-bye-"Have a wonderful evening, Mr. Smith."-yeah, you too.

You prick, I refunded your fees, now let me fucking speak. Gr.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Rant! - 10/19/07 12:01 PM

When someone tells you "Good morning" when it's not. Just go about your business and leave me alone.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 10/19/07 01:01 PM

Having such a long commute since I've moved, I'm more aware of pain in the ass drivers. (of course, I'm NEVER one of those) ;\)

When waiting in a long line for the light to turn green, Why, when it turns, is there a long pause before that first car makes the turn?? Check both ways and turn already!!!

Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 10/19/07 01:11 PM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
When someone tells you "Good morning" when it's not. Just go about your business and leave me alone.

Its called being polite.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Rant! - 10/24/07 06:42 PM

 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
 Originally Posted By: Beth E
When someone tells you "Good morning" when it's not. Just go about your business and leave me alone.

Its called being polite.

I'm always amazed at the little things people blow a gasket over.

Not me, I am calm cool and collected \:p ;\)
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 10/24/07 11:47 PM

I had to take my son to his doc. appt. today. It's a 1 hour drive to his office. his appt. was for 1:15 by the time we left it was 3:00
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 10/25/07 12:09 AM

Maybe its time to move to civilization, Mig.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 10/25/07 12:15 AM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
I had to take my son to his doc. appt. today. It's a 1 hour drive to his office. his appt. was for 1:15 by the time we left it was 3:00

It's alright Mig. The thing with doctor's or dentist offices is that you probably wouldn't have seen the doctor until 3:00
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 10/25/07 02:16 AM

 Originally Posted By: SC
Maybe its time to move to civilization, Mig.

His doctor is in civilization Thank God we don't have to go back till February.(weather permitting)
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 10/29/07 04:18 PM

 Originally Posted By: DE NIRO
 Originally Posted By: Beth E
When someone tells you "Good morning" when it's not. Just go about your business and leave me alone.

Its called being polite.

I used to agree with De Niro, and maybe in most cases I still do, but after my son's death when people (waitresses, etc) would say "Good morning" or "How are you?" we really had no idea what we were supposed to say.

One morning I bought 4 newspapers at a gas station. "Why do you need all these papers?"
"My son's obituary is in there."
"Oh I'm sorry, well try to have a good morning."

I guess saying try to have a good morning was better
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 10/29/07 06:38 PM

when people (waitresses, etc) would say "Good morning" or "How are you?" we really had no idea what we were supposed to say.

That's understandable, but remember that they're saying what they do because they've no idea what to say either. It's generally a healthy social contract, one you enter into whenever you venture out of the house.

People fear silence. It's in silences that all of the potential truths are heard. Things are said in order to kill off all other potentiality.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 11/05/07 05:04 PM

I like silence.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 06:17 AM

 Originally Posted By: Longneck
I like silence.

Me too. But that's not really a rant. So in other words:

I hate constant noise.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 08:35 AM

I hate people who hate Sonic Youth.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 08:42 AM

I hate the New England Patriots. Celebrating like jackasses after barely beating a Colts team WITHOUT MARVIN HARRISON, and then accusing them of cheating the next day. LMFAO!!! I can't even wrap my head around the epic douchebagotry that goes into that.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 08:49 AM

 Originally Posted By: DonVitoCorleone
I hate people who hate Sonic Youth.

I hate people who hate people who hate people who hate people who hate people who hate Sonic Youth.
And I also love people who hate people who love people who hate people who hate people who hate Sonic Youth.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 08:51 AM

I hate that empty feeling I get after I ejaculate.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 08:58 AM

And then there's people who are like, "Oh you like kids, that must mean you molest them! HAHA CHILD MOLESTER!!!"
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 09:03 AM

I don't care about politics, but the fact that people made a big deal out of Bill Clinton getting a blowjob is LAWLZ-worthy. If you wanted him to get impeached for that, I'm telling you right now to put a bullet through your fucking head because you are the worst kind of human being and there's nothing that can save you.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 09:03 AM

I hate greasy-haired muscly armed Italian wannabe tough guys. So basically 95% of GBB. Just kidding guys!
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 09:04 AM

I hate racism and homophobia.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 09:07 AM

I hate The Sopranos. What a stupid show.
Posted By: DonVitoCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 09:09 AM

Family Guy sucks. And now I'm beginning to realize that every episode of every season of that show sucks.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 09:49 AM

I "hate" Hate and haters, and people who think they're better than others that judge others -- resulting in their "hating" them.

And foul disgusting mouths in public, especially when they purposely try to get around the word-censor function.

And bad grammar.

And post-count whores.

Posted By: XDCX

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 09:58 AM

Yesterday my boss tells me we have an add-on truck for tomorrow (today).

So I head off to work this morning at around 3:20. I get there, and all my fellow associates are standing out in the parking lot. I get out of my car, only to be informed that we don't have a truck today.

And they didn't call ANYBODY. They just let us ALL show up and THEN tell us we don't have a truck.

Now this wouldn't be such a big deal if work was but a five minute drive from home. As it happens, work is a 35 minute drive from home.

I wanna kick something.
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 09:59 AM

You still get paid for the time, right??
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 10:01 AM

 Originally Posted By: SC
You still get paid for the time, right??

Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 10:12 AM

I take it that means "no".
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Rant! - 11/06/07 10:17 AM

Well, this is the second time this has happened since working at Target. The excuse they gave this time AND last time is "Well, we didn't know until we got here."

Fair enough. However, that doesn't take away from the fact that I just wasted 3 gallons of gas for nothing. They gave everybody a $20 Target gift card last time, but said that they aren't require to reimburse us for anything, and not to expect ANYTHING should this happen again.

Well, tomorrow when I get to work, if I'm not at the very least reimbursed for my gas money, then there's gonna be some serious problems.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 07:14 PM

I hate doctors. Or, I hate our healthcare system. I'm not sure. All I know is that I'm pretty pissed.

My daughter fell off the stage during play practice (I know), and hurt her knee. I took her to the orthopedic specialist, who examined her and sent her for an MRI. She had the MRI on Friday. We called for a follow-up appt. on Friday, but they told us that they will NOT schedule an appt. until they get the test results. So, I called this afternoon. They have the results. I asked if the doctor would call us. Nope. You need to schedule another appt. to discuss the results with him. Fine. Then they informed me that the earliest opening that they have is November 27th!!! They want us to wait 15 DAYS to find out her test results!! I told the woman to have the doctor call me.

Is this perfectly ridiculous, or is it just me??
Posted By: svsg

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 07:46 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Is this perfectly ridiculous, or is it just me??

Very ridiculous. Two of my friends, one of them very close, went through similar problems.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 07:55 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I hate doctors. Or, I hate our healthcare system. I'm not sure. All I know is that I'm pretty pissed.

My daughter fell off the stage during play practice (I know), and hurt her knee. I took her to the orthopedic specialist, who examined her and sent her for an MRI. She had the MRI on Friday. We called for a follow-up appt. on Friday, but they told us that they will NOT schedule an appt. until they get the test results. So, I called this afternoon. They have the results. I asked if the doctor would call us. Nope. You need to schedule another appt. to discuss the results with him. Fine. Then they informed me that the earliest opening that they have is November 27th!!! They want us to wait 15 DAYS to find out her test results!! I told the woman to have the doctor call me.

Is this perfectly ridiculous, or is it just me??

My mother in law had problems getting an appointment for my wife's little sister, who had colic. She just went to the doctor's office and sat there with the crying baby until the doctor saw her.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 07:56 PM

LN, that's a great strategy!!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 08:00 PM

Smash the doctor's head in with a hammer, so that his skull becomes mere crumbling, white chalk.

Then snort it up (but be careful for brain tissue).
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 08:03 PM

Capo, your input is invaluable, as always. Why don't you take your keyboard and shove it where the sun doesn't shine until you learn to type something useful with it??
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 08:50 PM

Hugs to your daughter SB. Doctors just don't care these days like they use to. He needs to get a partner in there to help him with his patient load.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 08:58 PM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
Hugs to your daughter SB. Doctors just don't care these days like they use to. He needs to get a partner in there to help him with his patient load.

Thanks, Mig. He HAS two partners!!! That's why it's even more absurd! I'm still waiting for him to call me back. Oh, and by the way, he's performed 3 knee surgeries on Mr. Babe, operated on my mother's carpal tunnel, treated my torn rotator cuff, and did my brother's rotator cuff surgery. He also set my daughter's broken wrist earlier this year.

Obviously, we're not new to his practice.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 09:25 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Capo, your input is invaluable, as always.
Thank you for the kind words. \:\)

Why don't you take your keyboard and shove it where the sun doesn't shine until you learn to type something useful with it??
Whoa there, lass. Be kind; rewind.

To be fair, this is an online message board, a haven for procrastination. It's where young people come to waste their lives, and old people retire after wasting theirs. Sorry for injecting a little humour, however violent its imagery may have been.

Don't get vexed. Hug?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 09:52 PM

Well, I'm 46. Would that make me young or old? Or somewhere in the middle?
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 09:54 PM

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 09:55 PM

Just younger than my mother. It means you're in the process of wasting your life, but you'll soon be able to retire. \:\)
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 09:56 PM

 Originally Posted By: SC

Meanie!! \:p

I consider myself to be aging agelessly.
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 09:59 PM

Think about all those young boys that like older women!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:02 PM

 Originally Posted By: SC
Think about all those young boys that like older women!

Why do you think I married a younger man?? ;\)
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:04 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Why do you think I married a younger man??

Because there were no older ones still breathing.
Posted By: a1

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:06 PM

I just saw SICKO and was depressed enough about healthcare in this country.
Off That Topic-You married a younger guy and you are a Sicilian Babe-God Bless America!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:10 PM

Ok, I prefer to look at it as being older makes one wiser; or being "as young as you feel" or like a fine wine one improves with age. You know all the phrases to make us oldsters feel better.

Well SB, if you're old at 46 then I have one foot in the grave! \:p But, won't go down without a fight! ;\)

Who was the wise person who said that "youth was wasted on the young?" \:\/

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:16 PM

Mrs. R does age very slow, apparently it took her 46 years to look 21...
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:17 PM

 Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
Mrs. R does age very slow, apparently it took her 46 years to look 21...

Hey SB (Mrs. R). You trained him well my dear!!! One thing about a younger man, you can raise them to suit you.

Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:25 PM

 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
 Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
Mrs. R does age very slow, apparently it took her 46 years to look 21...

Hey SB (Mrs. R). You trained him well my dear!!! One thing about a younger man, you can raise them to suit you.

Don't be fooled, TIS. DMC wasn't trained that way... he bought some tips from Mr. Babe for $5 apiece.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:27 PM

It's not even Thanksgiving yet. Can someone explain to me why people have their Christmas decorations up already.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:30 PM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
It's not even Thanksgiving yet. Can someone explain to me why people have their Christmas decorations up already.

Can you see anything going on down there in Whoville \:p
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:57 PM

 Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
Mrs. R does age very slow, apparently it took her 46 years to look 21...

God bless you, my dearest BoyToy!! You are so darned GOOD at your job! \:D

TIS, didn't you know that 50 is the new 30??
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 10:57 PM

 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Why do you think I married a younger man??

Because there were no older ones still breathing.

No, silly, it's because the young ones are so limber.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 11:04 PM

And can still move good.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 11:06 PM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
It's not even Thanksgiving yet. Can someone explain to me why people have their Christmas decorations up already.

Some people never take their Christmas decorations down.
And showing Christmas shows on tv.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 11/12/07 11:09 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
 Originally Posted By: Mignon
Hugs to your daughter SB. Doctors just don't care these days like they use to. He needs to get a partner in there to help him with his patient load.

Thanks, Mig. He HAS two partners!!! That's why it's even more absurd! I'm still waiting for him to call me back. Oh, and by the way, he's performed 3 knee surgeries on Mr. Babe, operated on my mother's carpal tunnel, treated my torn rotator cuff, and did my brother's rotator cuff surgery. He also set my daughter's broken wrist earlier this year.

Obviously, we're not new to his practice.

With all the business the Babes have given him you'd think he'd put you at the top of the list.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/13/07 01:01 AM

Well, he did call me back and said that he was in surgery all day today. He told me to call him tomorrow morning and he would go over the test results with me.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 11/13/07 05:18 AM

Fingers crossed that the results will be good news.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 11/13/07 02:22 PM

I got my eyes crossed for ya, SB.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 11/14/07 06:54 PM

 Originally Posted By: Longneck
I got my eyes crossed for ya, SB.

Turns out that she has muscle damage, but only needs physical therapy and not surgery. YAY!!!
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 11/15/07 05:05 AM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
 Originally Posted By: Longneck
I got my eyes crossed for ya, SB.

Turns out that she has muscle damage, but only needs physical therapy and not surgery. YAY!!!

Does this mean I can uncross my eyes now? Vision is kind of blurry...
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 11/15/07 06:20 AM

People who refuse to turn right on red.
Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 11/15/07 06:26 AM

Cigarette Machine owners who charge way over the top and only put 16 in a pack
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 11/15/07 09:31 AM

there almost £7 in some splaces its a joke.Its not the pub owners its the machine company...
Posted By: chopper

Re: Rant! - 11/15/07 12:02 PM

i know its a joke isnt it? and i always forget to buy a pack before i go in a nightclub then once im in i have to pay an obsceane amount of money for a pack
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 11/15/07 02:03 PM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
i know its a joke isnt it? and i always forget to buy a pack before i go in a nightclub then once im in i have to pay an obsceane amount of money for a pack

It's not personal, it's just business.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 11/15/07 02:16 PM

 Originally Posted By: chopper
i know its a joke isnt it? and i always forget to buy a pack before i go in a nightclub then once im in i have to pay an obsceane amount of money for a pack

And the ciggies you want are always sold out,so you have to choose a pack you didn't want.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 11/15/07 06:37 PM

I don't smoke, so that never happens to me.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 11/15/07 09:12 PM

Smokers are jokers, guys.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 01/30/08 10:41 PM

Why do women feel the need to have a good relationship with their mothers to the point they want to change their mothers? Why don't women realize it's impossible to change them? I'm so tired of hearing about mother/daughter arguments and yet neither will just walk away and leave the other be for a time. They can make each other miserable but still fight for a good relationship.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 02:05 AM

I'm getting new furniture on Saturday. Somebody wanted my old sofa, loveseat and chair. I told them that they needed to pick it up no later than tonight because I wanted to get the carpet cleaned tomorrow (so it has time to dry by Saturday morning). So, they came tonight and got the sofa, and said that they would be right back for the loveseat and wing chair. Two hours and 10 minutes later, they call and tell me that they can't come back until tomorrow. OK, so I'm giving you an entire living room set for FREE and you can't be bothered doing it when I asked you to??
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 02:15 AM

Look at this way SB. You'll be getting new furniture. That's always fun, especially when you buy a whole room of furniture. Guys have their cars or sports or whatever. I don't buy rooms of furniture often at all, so when I do, I love to just stand by the doorway and admire it and/or move it, think of accessories to enhance it or whatever. \:D Anyway, you'll get rid of it tomorrow and bring the new.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 02:30 AM

There is new stuff coming, and I am trying to get excited. I just have so much to do before it comes, and this throws my whole schedule off.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 02:35 AM

Just use some box fans that will help it dry.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 02:50 AM

Then I have to call the cleaning company and delay them if I don't get it done tomorrow. And I have a doctor's appt. and a work thing in the late morning. Also, I have to empty my bedroom set tomorrow because the people who are taking that are coming Friday morning. That's why I can't push off the carpet cleaning until Friday, because the only time I can do it is in the morning, when the people will be trekking the furniture out.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 03:16 AM

Do you have a garage you can put the furniture in?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 03:29 AM

This is turning into Random Post Whoring.

Somebody fucking rant already!!!!!! \:D
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 03:32 AM

Ha ha ha!! Yea it is turning into a RPW. What can I say, we ladies do get off track from time to time. It's in our blood.

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 03:36 AM

Rant!! Rant!! Rant!!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 03:36 AM

You're forgiven TIS.

But the other two will have to each lick the sole of my feet (one each will do).
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 03:37 AM

You know what I hate? People with Marx as their avatar, Saussure as their title, and Derrida as their sig.

Man, what a moron.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 04:30 AM

 Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
You're forgiven TIS.

But the other two will have to each lick the sole of my feet (one each will do).

Don't hold your breath waiting for that to happen \:p
Posted By: bogey

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 01:30 PM

I hate having a cold. \:\(
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 01:32 PM

I hope you feel better Bogz.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 01/31/08 06:54 PM

I have a finance test tommorrow and I haven't even opened the book yet!
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 02/29/08 08:03 PM

Haha, what is it about finance tests that make me want to rant?

Here's my schedule tonight...

Finance test to do tonight but I have to get sour cream and take it home, gas, bank, get my tb test read, go to dinner with some people from church, get up at 7am work till 10:30 then a meeting at 11 about a website I designed and then back to work at 2 till 5 tomorrow. Then sunday work 9am-7pm
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Rant! - 02/29/08 08:54 PM

With all you have to do the weekend is going to fly by.

My weekend is to get home at 7pm with pizza, take a son to basketball practice, drop another off at a party for a friend at a game room, pick up son #1 and pick up #2.

Sat. 7AM I take #1 and a couple of his buddies to baseball practice at 7am and #2 to basketball practice at 8:15, then pick them all up. # 1 then has a playoff basketball game at noon while #2 has a county band concert at 1:30. I then promised my daughter (#3) that I would take her ice skating with a friend or two. Later that evening the family and I get to go to a party at friends' home.

Sunday. Church in the morning and who knows from there.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 02/29/08 09:10 PM

I was looking forward to sleeping in for once on Saturday but then today they asked if I could work, and I need the money, so of course...
Posted By: Partagas

Re: Rant! - 03/01/08 05:54 AM

My weekend is busy as well -- started today (Friday)

7 AM meeting with Board of Director's Chairman
8 AM get ass to office and get materials ready for event tonight
9 AM haul ass to airport for 11 AM flight to Chi town
12 Noon (well suppose to be at noon but a two hour flight delay made it 2 PM) Arrive in Chi town drop crap off at event and then check in at hotel
6 PM fundrasing event
After event: Pay personal monthly bills and catch up on Service Club fianncial records


8 AM Breakfast with potential donor
9:30 Get ass to airport
12 Noon flight back to KC
1 PM (keep yur fingers crossed) arrive in KC
2 PM Appointment (yes I had to schedule it in) Late lunch with wife and kids
5 PM Drop daughter off for party
6 PM Meeting with Board Attorney
8 PM Drinks with Board Attorney

Church with family
1 PM Meeting with Board Member and spouse to disguss unique board issue

2 PM hopefully done and go home and relax

back to work and it is annual audit time woo hoo!

PS -- I am delaying paying bills as I speak (Friday night) by surfing the web \:\)
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 03/01/08 09:19 PM

Hey you weren't too far from me earlier today then. O'Hare has so many delays it's ridiculous. Midway is usually on time.
Posted By: Partagas

Re: Rant! - 03/05/08 06:20 AM

 Originally Posted By: Longneck
Hey you weren't too far from me earlier today then. O'Hare has so many delays it's ridiculous. Midway is usually on time.

I flew American as someone donated some frequent flyer miles and i dont think they fly into Midway. Besides the event was in Wilmette so O'hare is closer.

You should have come over and crashed the fundaraiser \:\)
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 03/05/08 04:02 PM

 Originally Posted By: Partagas

You should have come over and crashed the fundaraiser \:\)

Yeah, then you coulda beaten me horribly at pool \:p
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 06/29/08 12:11 AM

no ones had a good rant for a while..
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Rant! - 06/29/08 12:27 AM

I hate people who know jack shit about you, yet act like they're better than you.

I hate the cold.

I sometimes hate people who are on the far right of the political spectrum (i.e. at least 10% of the global population and possibly >20% of US people).

I hate them goddamn European ranters who are so very fuckinh ignorant about the US and call it a stupid country (which it really isn't).

I hate it when Germany makes it to the final of a major tournament.

I hate it when I have all kinds of plans to do things that are relaxing yet require some sort of mental effort, and end up doing basically nothing at all, except hanging around on the focking internet.

I hate it when I'm not at ease with myself.

I hate things I can't grasp.

And last but not least, I really hate hatred.

I really do. ohwell
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 06/29/08 01:21 AM

Originally Posted By: Enzo Scifo
And last but not least, I really hate hatred.

I really do. ohwell

I know exactly how you feel! I've been on an anti-negativity run for a few months now because I'm so tired of everyone complaining and never telling happy stories instead. Of course that is just a basic summary when really I could go on for days in detail. I always feel bad complaining about people complaining because it's what I'm doing as well but I'm so sick of people's negative attitude. The result of my anti-negativity feelings are that I'm getting more frustrated and pissed with people's bullshit. But I'm still trying.

I think hatred is a disease. Like the saying goes, "misery loves misery" but I think what misery needs is positivity. But there are so few people truly fighting for happiness.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 06/30/08 03:22 AM

I hate always being tired.

I can sleep 6 hours or 12 hours and it doesn't even matter.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 06/30/08 03:48 AM

I hate getting older.
Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Rant! - 06/30/08 08:58 AM

You wanna hear a rant?

I've just lost £122.50! Can you f*****g believe that!!!

Whats the world coming too?!!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 06/30/08 11:18 AM

I hate clients who decide to take the chicken shit route by canceling multi-million dollar deals that you have sunk your heart and sweat into for 8 f'ing months by sending you a chicken-shit-weasel EMAIL on a SUNDAY!!!!
Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Rant! - 06/30/08 12:01 PM

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Credit Crunch?!!

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
multi-million dollar deals

Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 06/30/08 05:43 PM

Originally Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
multi-million dollar deals


I'd be careful about rolling my eyes at SB if I were you. She's a Colombian drug lord based in NY and has a team of professional assassins/cabana boys to take care of her problems.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Rant! - 06/30/08 06:00 PM

Why, I didn't even KNOW I was getting the old "eye roll", since I have that particular poster on "Ignore". LN, Thanks for bringing it to my attention. You'll be suitably rewarded.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 07/01/08 01:13 AM

I wish it would stop raining my garden is drownded.
Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Rant! - 07/01/08 08:09 AM

Originally Posted By: Longneck
She's a Colombian drug lord based in NY and has a team of professional assassins/cabana boys to take care of her problems.

If this is true, I'll give my location.
Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Rant! - 07/02/08 12:49 PM

Want a rant?: damm CC has ruined my intake!!!!!!
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 07/02/08 01:39 PM

Originally Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss
Originally Posted By: Longneck
She's a Colombian drug lord based in NY and has a team of professional assassins/cabana boys to take care of her problems.

If this is true, I'll give my location.

Oi Oi Oi, Tin Man.
Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Rant! - 07/02/08 05:57 PM

Seriously, you'd be doing me a favour, here take £5000 for the hit.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 07/02/08 07:37 PM

Posted By: MiniMafiaBoss

Re: Rant! - 07/02/08 07:38 PM

Like I said damm CC, now do me in.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 08/03/08 11:45 PM

It drives me crazy when people say "You can't have your cake and eat it too."

What does that mean?! What else would you do with your cake? Just look at it? Sniff it? Slam it into the face of the person next to you? Of course you're going to eat it. What a dumb saying.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 08/03/08 11:59 PM

Well, I don't understand why people say, "I could care less", when they really mean they couldn't care less.

And irregardless. It's not a word. Actually, I remember Double J actually corrected somebody on this board who had used the term correctly, and, in his attempted pedanticism, said, "You mean irregardless." Fits of laffta from my end.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 08/04/08 12:27 AM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
It drives me crazy when people say "You can't have your cake and eat it too."

What does that mean?! What else would you do with your cake? Just look at it? Sniff it? Slam it into the face of the person next to you? Of course you're going to eat it. What a dumb saying.

Well, it means you can't double-down on an advantage. For example, if, in order to try and exculpate you, your defense attorney brings up at trial the fact you purchased an item that is not otherwise germane, then the prosecution can explore that item and its purchase.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 08/04/08 12:30 AM

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
Well, I don't understand why people say, "I could care less", when they really mean they couldn't care less.

And irregardless. It's not a word. Actually, I remember Double J actually corrected somebody on this board who had used the term correctly, and, in his attempted pedanticism, said, "You mean irregardless." Fits of laffta from my end.

That is so true. If people would just take a second to think about that phrase, they probably realize that they are saying they have some caring left. But I think we are stuck with "irregardlss." It's even used by talk show hosts and news broadcasters sometimes.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 08/04/08 12:45 AM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
It drives me crazy when people say "You can't have your cake and eat it too."

What does that mean?! What else would you do with your cake? Just look at it? Sniff it? Slam it into the face of the person next to you? Of course you're going to eat it. What a dumb saying.

Well, it means you can't double-down on an advantage. For example, if, in order to try and exculpate you, your defense attorney brings up at trial the fact you purchased an item that is not otherwise germane, then the prosecution can explore that item and its purchase.

What thesaurus do you use to find these ridiculous words that nobody uses in the every day life?

I know what the saying "You can't have your cake and eat it too" is supposed to mean, but my point is that it is a stupid saying and a much better example could have been used.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 08/04/08 03:04 AM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
It drives me crazy when people say "You can't have your cake and eat it too."

What does that mean?! What else would you do with your cake? Just look at it? Sniff it? Slam it into the face of the person next to you? Of course you're going to eat it. What a dumb saying.

Well, it means you can't double-down on an advantage. For example, if, in order to try and exculpate you, your defense attorney brings up at trial the fact you purchased an item that is not otherwise germane, then the prosecution can explore that item and its purchase.

What thesaurus do you use to find these ridiculous words that nobody uses in the every day life?

I know what the saying "You can't have your cake and eat it too" is supposed to mean, but my point is that it is a stupid saying and a much better example could have been used.

If so, then why was your first question in your post "What does that mean?!"

And what "ridiculous words" are you referring to? Do you mean words like to, the, and, up, that, not?
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 08/04/08 05:26 AM

Yes. Exactly.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Rant! - 08/04/08 06:58 AM

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 08/05/08 02:57 PM

Olivant seems to borrow* his vocabulary from two vaults: the casino, and the courtroom.

* If I'd have been feeling clever, I'd have used the word "steal" - Poker jargon, and related also to bank-robbing. Alas, I'm feeling rather dull.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 08/05/08 03:22 PM

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
Olivant seems to borrow* his vocabulary from two vaults: the casino, and the courtroom.

* If I'd have been feeling clever, I'd have used the word "steal" - Poker jargon, and related also to bank-robbing. Alas, I'm feeling rather dull.

Capo, are you sure that is just a "feeling" and not one of your congenital characteristics?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 08/05/08 03:30 PM

Hears "genital".

Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 08/05/08 04:40 PM

I HATE computer viruses and HATE having to take it to Best Buy to get it repaired! mad
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 08/05/08 05:11 PM

I'm genuinely confused how people even get viruses, these days.

In fact, I might even say I hate the people who get them.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Rant! - 08/05/08 06:00 PM

Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Rant! - 08/05/08 06:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
I'm genuinely confused how people even get viruses, these days.

In fact, I might even say I hate the people who get them.

Why would you hate people who get them? smile
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 08/06/08 02:43 AM

Originally Posted By: svsg

No actually, anti-virus funny enough lol BitDefender to be exact (illegal copy FYI)

But that may or may not have been the problem. My father uses AOL and sometimes it gets caught in a loop when the computer is booted up, rendering the machine useless after that. Geek Squad is going to take a look at it either tonight or tomorrow and hopefully it'll be done and AOL will just need to be uninstalled and reinstalled
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 08/27/08 06:00 AM

It drives me absolutely nuts when people estimate a time for something, usually within the 5 to 20 minutes range, and they are off by double whatever the time they say. I constantly get that while I'm working. Somebody will say "So-and-so will be out to offload your truck in 10 minutes" and I instantly know they really mean 20 minutes. Sure enough 20 minutes or more go by before I actually get helped.

Why don't most people have a real sense of time?
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Rant! - 08/27/08 06:04 AM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Why don't most people have a real sense of time?

Oh, shit... it's 2AM already??
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 08/27/08 06:05 AM


It's only 11:00pm here. I plan on getting to bed in an hour and a half (2 a.m.)
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Rant! - 08/27/08 06:07 AM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
It's only 11:00pm here. I plan on getting to bed in an hour and a half (2 a.m.)

11pm + 1.5 hrs = 2am ?? confused
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 08/27/08 06:14 AM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
they are off by double whatever the time they say.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Rant! - 08/28/08 12:06 AM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Why don't most people have a real sense of time?

Because it's not one of the five senses. tongue
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 01/03/09 12:16 AM

Hate is such a strong word but, I hate diarrhea.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 01/03/09 05:57 PM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Hate is such a strong word but, I hate diarrhea.

Shit happens
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 04:54 AM

AAAHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!! mad
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 11:51 AM

We need a Death subforum.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 01:19 PM

I've just spent several minutes trying to figure out why there is such a gap between Double J's top o' the pager and Blib's diarrhoea post, thinking this was Random Post Whoring.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 03:26 PM

I hate it when you are not feeling up to doing anything anyways but the school your sons attend are having their annual Summer Fair so you feel obliged to go! Of course this being the UK,Summer Fair is actually secret code for Thunderstorm Fair and you get a good soaking for supporting the said school.
So one troops home,still feeling pissed off in general but also soaked to the skin just for good measure. Oh yes, also several pounds lighter in the pocket due to being fleeced by ones beloved sons tongue
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 03:34 PM


From your posts there seem to be some things that are the same no matter where you live in the world. You justed posted one about your kids and their school functions. But, we Americans hear quite a bit about how much better we have things in America (which is probably true to a large extent)than even in Europe. Since we don't live in Europe, I'd like a UK citizen's perspective on what is good and what is bad about life in the UK. Provide as much detail as you can about things like medical care, education, employment, tranportation, availability and quality of goods and services, public safety, and liberty. Thanks.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 03:42 PM

Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 03:48 PM

That's a good question Olivant. In recent years a lot of people in the UK comment that we have become more like America,in terms of youth culture i guess. Of course the internet helps and all US TV comes to us as well.

From a personal point of view i think my kids are getting good educations so that is ok. I also believe in our NHS health system(i have to becasue i work for it LOL). Transportation is ok but a lot of people(politicians) complain about the quality of our roads and train services. I don't have to use the train often but when i have done i have had no problems. I don't find the roads a problem,it is just that too many people now have cars leading to massive logjams,especially in rush hours.

As far as availability of goods,we have massive supermarkets where we get all sorts of foodstuffs(the privilege of being a first world country i suppose). The quality of services varies due to locations. Different councils run different areas, so it just boils down to where you live. Personally i live in an area where we have a good council,however we pay through the nose in Council Tax to have a good service.

Public Safety is a tricky one. We have more police than ever but the world is getting more dangerous so which one wins out? where i live isn't to bad but there are areas close by where i would not want to live.

As for liberty,we have a proud military tradition here and are proud of the efforts being put it by our soldiers abroad. However politicians like to cut the military budget putting our boys at risk over there!

I hope that answers a few of your questions smile
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 03:52 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
But, we Americans hear quite a bit about how much better we have things in America (which is probably true to a large extent)

Posted By: svsg

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 03:53 PM

Yogi, no one wants to hear your positive version mad Add some rants and some possible clues to why America is better.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 03:54 PM

Yogi, so it true that Europe sucks compared to the United Elitists of America?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 03:56 PM

Let's get fucking anarchic.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 04:19 PM

Thanks Yogi. Overall, it seems that ya'll are doing pretty good and what you have is comparable to what we have in the US. Ya'll also seem to have some of the same problems like transporation gridlock.

When you are of a mind, would you elaborate on medical service. So many times when Americans discuss forms of federally supported health service there are those who point to the UK and its "bad" service where people have to wait for critical operations and such. Also, when I referred to liberty, what I was asking was the extent of freedom of press, speech, assembly, etc. From what I know, thos liberties are not quite like they are in the US, but are still quite similar.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 07/03/09 04:39 PM

Without turning it into a "my country's better than your country" type discussion, I'd be curious to know in particular about other countires' health care systems. ohwell

Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 08:35 AM

You might have to wait a while in the UK for an operation but you get it done on the NHS for free. Of course,being the NHS,you have to wait becasue there are so many people in the country now and at times the NHS can't cope. In general i believe the NHS does a good job for people. It's main problem(like everything else) is that it's budget is a political battlefield, Of course the alternative is you can pay and go private,get your op the very next day. But this is expensive and not everyone can afford to do so.

As for freedom of press,i don't know about the similarities of freedom of press but have you seen any of our newspapers lately?
They get away with badly written murder and sensationalism of the highest grade. Most are disgraceful confused
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 11:42 AM

I bought a long-life energy bulb for my hallway stairs. I keep the light on all the time; it was supposed to last 5,000 hours (which works out to 200+ days, or about 7 months). It lasted only 6 months.

I want that month that I was supposed to get!!

FUCKING light bulb manufacturers!

Posted By: Santino Brasi

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 11:48 AM

Do you guys know what really irks me?

It is when you buy a can of pineapple rings, and you bite it, and there is that little hard bit around the inside ring where the core used to be.

DEAR LORD I hate that
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 11:56 AM

I hate that too.

Why is it that the first bite of pizza is always the best? When you get down to near the crust it tastes a lot different. Why can't they make a whole pie of "first bites"?
Posted By: Santino Brasi

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 11:58 AM

probably the same reason they can't make strong Styrofoam plates so you have to use two or three just so you can put your damn food on

and another thing, the plates can handle some pasta just out of the pot without melting, but not a damn Poptart???
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 06:46 PM

Why can't people drive the speed limit at least? mad
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 07:16 PM

Over 2,000,000 jobs have been lost since Obama signed his stimulus bill!!! Thats right my friends over 2,000,000 jobs....
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 07:26 PM

Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
Over 2,000,000 jobs have been lost since Obama signed his stimulus bill!!! Thats right my friends over 2,000,000 jobs....

And ....?
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 08:07 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
Over 2,000,000 jobs have been lost since Obama signed his stimulus bill!!! Thats right my friends over 2,000,000 jobs....

And ....?

This is the rant thread. He's ranting.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 09:24 PM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
Originally Posted By: olivant
Originally Posted By: Don Smitty
Over 2,000,000 jobs have been lost since Obama signed his stimulus bill!!! Thats right my friends over 2,000,000 jobs....

And ....?

This is the rant thread. He's ranting.

His is a declarative, not a rant.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 10:10 PM

What would you call this:

Originally Posted By: olivant

From your posts there seem to be some things that are the same no matter where you live in the world. You justed posted one about your kids and their school functions. But, we Americans hear quite a bit about how much better we have things in America (which is probably true to a large extent)than even in Europe. Since we don't live in Europe, I'd like a UK citizen's perspective on what is good and what is bad about life in the UK. Provide as much detail as you can about things like medical care, education, employment, tranportation, availability and quality of goods and services, public safety, and liberty. Thanks.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 10:35 PM

Originally Posted By: Blibbleblabble
What would you call this:

Originally Posted By: olivant

From your posts there seem to be some things that are the same no matter where you live in the world. You justed posted one about your kids and their school functions. But, we Americans hear quite a bit about how much better we have things in America (which is probably true to a large extent)than even in Europe. Since we don't live in Europe, I'd like a UK citizen's perspective on what is good and what is bad about life in the UK. Provide as much detail as you can about things like medical care, education, employment, tranportation, availability and quality of goods and services, public safety, and liberty. Thanks.

A request.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 07/04/09 11:34 PM

And ...?
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Rant! - 07/05/09 01:13 AM

i hate it when people have cactrot as there avitar, and i espically hate people who look like waldo.

also too i fucking HATE fleas!
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 07/05/09 01:22 AM

I hate people who don't capitalize the first letter of their sentences and have blurry avatars.

And I hate mosquitoes.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Rant! - 07/05/09 01:27 AM

aT least my avatar can kick your avatars ass any day of the week lol

aT least with mosquitoes you can kill them easier than fleas
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 07/05/09 01:38 AM

True, but flea bites go away quicker. Mosquito bites last for days and if you itch them then they turn into scabs and then it takes forever before they go away. And mosquitoes are sneaky.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Rant! - 07/05/09 01:44 AM

well these fleas are tough then because i still have bites on my legs since last week.

my cat is afraid of even touching the carpet right now, and i did use a spray but idk if it worked or not because the cat is still hopping back and forth from the kitchen to the living room.
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Rant! - 07/05/09 06:11 PM

Fleas don't have west nile virus to pass along and kill people.

I got some flea spray a long time ago the vet might have recommended and sprayed it around the house and no fleas since.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 07/06/09 03:30 AM

Originally Posted By: BAM_233
also too i fucking HATE fleas!

Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Rant! - 07/06/09 01:56 PM

I know I make a lot of potty jokes, but this isn't one of them. Doesn't it drive you INSANE when people deliberately desecrate public bathrooms?

We're driving back from Southampton yesterday and traffic is, of course, ridiculous. Well, to be polite about it, I really had to go . . . for like over an hour. I finally get off the LIE in Huntington and find a Barnes And Noble a few miles north of the exit. Now Huntington is this very hoity-toity suburb that dates back to like the 1600s.

Read: Very "waspy." Extremely snobby. So I make it to the bathroom (thank God!), and, well, take a guess . . . some animal "messed up" the entire area. And by entire, I mean the commode, the floor, everything! Thank God there was a diner nearby (phew!).

So much for the "well bred" of the famed north shore of Long Island.

I was really mad at the time. For real. Does this ever happen in the ladies room? lol
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Rant! - 07/06/09 06:01 PM

Originally Posted By: pizzaboy
Does this ever happen in the ladies room? lol

Yes it does. There was a time when I worked at a ladies clothing store and I to take this woman to the bathroom. when she got done she had the runs all over the commode on the floor on both sides of the stall. And it stunk terrible. Of course I get stuck cleaning up the shit. I was so mad.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Rant! - 07/07/09 01:37 PM

Lets talk shit. Dog shit to be precise!

I hate people who let their dogs cack all over the place and don't pick it up. There is supposed to be a £1,000 fine in this country for anbody caught letting their dog foul in public places. Nobody ever gets done for it from what i can see. It is similar to the law forbidding people to talk on their phones whilst driving,another one that just gets ignored mad
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Rant! - 07/07/09 02:11 PM

Yea, let's talk dog shit and the irresponsible pig owners who don't clean-up after them.

Of course by my story here, you wouldn't think so, but I live in a very nice, well-kept, clean condo complex. Our mail is in a locked gated area,where you must have a key to enter. A while back I opened the gate to get my mail and there's a big pile of dog shit in the middle of the small area. mad Someone took the time to write a note and post it in the area, chewing the owner out and more or less calling him/her what they were a F-ing pig. Wouldn't common decency lead you to pick up such a mess? mad

Ha ha...Yogi I was over it til you told your story. lol

Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 07/07/09 02:25 PM

Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette
Ha ha...Yogi I was over it til you told your story.

To paraphrase another Yogi (Berra) - you ain't over it until the fat lady sings.
Posted By: BAM_233

Re: Rant! - 07/08/09 02:14 AM

one thing that really pisses me off, and maybe others is when i order fast food and my order gets messed up. today i went to the drive thru at mcdonalds, and get 5 piece chicken strips; fries; and coca cola. well one thing that pissed me off is that they didnt had my food ready when i went up to the window so i had to park till it is ready. well while i was waiting i thought i could enjoy my drink...but, they screwed that up by giving me diet coca cola. ten minutes later i got my food, and luckly i got my food.

for some reason i always get my order messed up...either i dont get my chicken or i get the wrong fucking drink. if they mess it up one more time though i will send a couple guys to fix them up.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Rant! - 07/08/09 10:25 AM

I hate it when the fries are cold and they JUST handed them to you
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Rant! - 07/08/09 02:20 PM

I hate it when they ring the bell for last orders frown
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Rant! - 07/12/09 02:34 PM

...and the haste with which they turn the lights on after the ring.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Rant! - 07/12/09 06:09 PM

I hate the evening sun when I drive. At sufficiently low angles, even those shades don't work and it almost blinds me.
Posted By: Blibbleblabble

Re: Rant! - 07/13/09 06:28 AM

I hate how during my morning commute the sun is burning me from the left side, then on my commute home, the sun is still burning me from the left side.
Posted By: SC

Re: Rant! - 07/13/09 01:48 PM

That's because you live on the left coast.
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