
VA Gun Giveaway

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

VA Gun Giveaway - 05/18/07 03:41 AM

I just saw something on the news that has me absolutely LIVID.

It seems that Mayor Bloomberg filmed undercover agents "allegedly" buying guns illegally from gundealers. He has filed 27 lawsuits, claiming that these guns have been used in crimes in NY.

As a way of telling the Mayor to mind his business and go back to New York, The Virginia Citizens Defense League is raffling off firearms through some of these dealers. One such raffle was to be held tonight in Annandale, VA (forgive me if I spelled the name of the city incorrectly).

I don't mean to kick off a debate on gun control, but can I ask a question?? If these dealers were filmed selling guns illegally, why are they still in business? And why is the exposing of a criminal such a horrible idea for the people doing this? Isn't that one of the main reasons that people buy guns - to protect themselves against criminals? But they don't mind PAYING one???

Virginia Citizens Defense League Here is the website for the VCDL, with information about the Bloomberg Gun Giveaway, as they call it.

Originally, you had to buy $100 of merchandise from participating gun shops to get a raffle ticket. You would then be eligible to win either a handgun or a rifle. Since the VCDL has discovered that this would violate VA state gambling laws, they now have to open the drawing to anyone who walks in the door!

I don't understand the logic behind this.
Posted By: olivant

Re: VA Gun Giveaway - 05/18/07 04:14 AM

Well, it takes time to finish an investigation and to acquire an indictment and that may be what they are waiting on. Also, due to limited resources, federal and local district attorney's have a pecking order when it comes to alledged crimes that they will investigate and prosecute.

The gun lobby just will not consider what they see as any compromise of 2nd amendment. Both the federal government and some states impose restrictions on firearms. In fact, the Texas Constitution contains a specific provsition that permits the Legislature to regulate the bearing of arms.
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