
Wall Street Sequel

Posted By: Paul Krendler

Wall Street Sequel - 05/06/07 07:49 AM

From the BBC News Website :

"A sequel to classic 1987 film Wall Street is to be made with Michael Douglas returning as money-crazed mogul Gordon Gekko, according to reports.

Edward R Pressman, who produced the original, told the New York Times he had signed to develop a sequel called Money Never Sleeps.

The title comes from one of Gekko's memorable lines, which also famously included: "Greed is good."

The character came to represent the worst corporate excesses of the 1980s.

Mr Pressman told the New York Times that Gekko went to jail at the end of the first film - but would not give details of the sequel's plot.

Original director Oliver Stone has turned down the opportunity to make the follow-up, the paper said.

Charlie Sheen co-starred in the original, but it was Douglas who won most plaudits, being named best actor at the 1988 Oscars for his role."

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Wall Street Sequel - 05/06/07 12:14 PM

Greed is good, I think.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Wall Street Sequel - 05/06/07 02:04 PM

And I think that it works.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Wall Street Sequel - 05/06/07 03:17 PM

I never saw Wall Street, but remember the "Greed is good" previews. Gave me the chills. Douglas seemed so cold. \:o

I always wanted to see it, but am not that knowledgeable about Wall Street and frankly, didn't know if I'd understand it. \:\/

Posted By: Paul Krendler

Re: Wall Street Sequel - 05/06/07 03:23 PM

I followed it pretty well, TIS, and I'm clueless as to the machinations of Wall Street in general. It's a really entertaining film and Douglas's performance is wonderful.

Worth a watch for this alone, but also Martin Sheen is a revelation in it.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Wall Street Sequel - 05/06/07 04:43 PM


I highly recommend that you watch WALL STREET. As Paul already pointed out, it is a very entertaining film with a fantastic performance by Douglas, and two excellent supporting performances by father Martin and son Charlie.

Have I ever steered you wrong my lady? Remember who told you about The Sopranos and 24? ;\)

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