
Virginia Tech shooting

Posted By: goombah

Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 05:07 PM

According to CNN, 22 people are dead from a gunman's rampage. My friend/former supervisor works there and I am frantically trying to reach her.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 05:11 PM

WOW! I just saw this on the news!

Goombah, I hope that your friends are ok. Keep us posted.
Posted By: Antihero

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 05:12 PM

i just read it. omg that is so terrible...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 05:18 PM

This is unbelievable. When this news first showed up on the web this morning they said 1 person dead. Now it sounds like there were two shootings. All these kids want to do is go to school to get a higher education and become productive citizens. Do we all have to leave our houses in a bubble of bullet proof shields now?
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 05:28 PM

I'll keep my fingers crossed that you hear from your friend Goombah. I'm sure the situation there is crazy, and that the phone lines are jammed. Keep us posted. Keep the faith!!!
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 05:44 PM

This is every parent's ultimate nightmare - you send your kid away to college, and something like this happens. What an awful, awful thing. Goombah, please keep us posted.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 06:06 PM

The count is now up to 32 dead, 21 wounded. My God! Bless their souls. \:\(

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 06:50 PM

What a pity.

Funny, my old man went to VT.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 07:10 PM

Stupid thugs. People behaving like that with guns \:\/
Posted By: goombah

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 07:30 PM

Thanks for everyone's concern. I heard from my friend - she is okay physically, but quite shaken obviously. Thank God. She didn't get home until early afternoon, even though the shooting allegedly started before 8:00 a.m. She sent a quick e-mail letting me know that she was safe, but she also mentioned that she thinks one of her students was among the murdered. \:\(

I work at a University and the access in and out of these buildings is very easy. We have a campus police department, but they are not equipped to handle something like this or the Case Western Reserve University shooting of 2003. The only way to improve the safety is to have the ID cards of employees and students be used as swiper access cards for doors. Otherwise, it impossible to police every door of every building.

My thoughts and prayers to the deceased, injured, and those scared out of their minds from this cowardly and senseless act.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 07:37 PM

Well Goombah, I am really glad to hear that your friend is physically ok right now, I cannot imagine what she must be going through mentally after experiencing this horrible tragedy first hand. And it must be horrific for her knowing that one of her students was murdered.

You would think with all the money that these colleges charge that they could afford an electronic security system that requires the swiping of an ID card in order to gain access.

As I am writing this the news is reporting that the number of those murdered is up to 50!! This fuckhead went from classroom to classroom opening the doors and shooting people. My God.

I really feel for all those who were there and for the parents of those students who were tragically murdered. What a nightmare.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 07:44 PM

This is an absolutely tragic situation. I'm really at a loss for words. \:\(

In any case, I'm glad to hear that your friend is safe, Goombah.
Posted By: bogey

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 07:46 PM

That's how it is here, at WVU. Everyone swipes their card, in the dorms anyway. Or, they're supposed to. Sometimes they're a little lax with it, but usually just after everyone recognizes everyone. But not with classrooms. Anyone from off the street can just walk into a classroom.

I can't believe someone would do this. And, living in a college town, this really affects me.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 07:47 PM

Hi Goombah, I'm so glad you friend is ok. I will keep her and everone else involved in my prayers. The nightmare they are going through. This kind of shit should not happen.

The school is going to have a press conference at 4:30 ET.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 07:52 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Well Goombah, I am really glad to hear that your friend is physically ok right now, I cannot imagine what she must be going through mentally after experiencing this horrible tragedy first hand. And it must be horrific for her knowing that one of her students was murdered.

You would think with all the money that these colleges charge that they could afford an electronic security system that requires the swiping of an ID card in order to gain access.

I can't speak for other states, but Ohio tuition has increased exponentially over the past 8 years. Now is not the time to drag politics into this discussion, but many schools simply do not possess the money for anything beyond basic operational costs, let alone a security system. Sure, big schools like Ohio State can survive on revenue generated by their football team. But for every Ohio State, there are 10-15 other colleges/universities in Ohio whose budget is largely dependent upon state subsidy dollars. That money keeps decreasing each year and the cost is absorbed by cutbacks and increased tuition. There are layoffs of employees at many schools to meet the declining financial assistance by the state of Ohio. The operations are beyond "lean," so safety is definitely one of the things sacrificed - sadly.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 07:55 PM

The President is also suppose to speak about this tragedy at 4:05
Posted By: Ace_Reutzel

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:03 PM

 Originally Posted By: goombah

I work at a University and the access in and out of these buildings is very easy.

The University that my wife attends is extremely accessible. Its ridiculous how easy one can wonder in and out of the buildings. I suspetc many other big instituitions are like this. Something needs to be done.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:03 PM

They just played some audio where you can clearly hear the gunshots. Chilling to hear them fully knowing what the results of those shots were.

The President is talking right now.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:08 PM

It is a very sad day.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:12 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
It is a very sad day.

It really is. For God's sake, you send your kid off to college to get a good education at a good school, hoping that they will have a better life because of it and some sick bastard like this loser ends all their dreams just like that. \:\(
Posted By: Ace_Reutzel

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:16 PM

Heard something about the guys girl breaking it off with him, and thats what set him off. Supposedly the girl was killed first. Anyone else heard this?
Posted By: bogey

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:17 PM

That kind of makes sense. I thought it was weird that he killed one person, then went all the way across campus and killed who knows how many more. So sad..
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:26 PM

They mentioned the gunman was an Asian (however relevant that is)who had been "looking for his girlfriend," so that sounds about right (the breaking up thing). I guarantee you this will provoke a nationwide implementation of metal detectors in colleges now. Bad enough we have to use 'em in grade schools. And to think that Imus' stupidity was news yesterday...kinda' puts things in perspective.

Well, we can talk about fallout later. Right now, I just pray for the families who lost or even had kids at that school. I cannot imagine the pain they're feeling. I, too, am glad your friend's okay, goombah. This is a tragedy.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:29 PM

Don't know if this has been mentioned on the web or tv, but Va Tech was shut down in the fall of 2006 when a gunman or some other nut was on the loose throughout campus. Nobody was hurt, but I wonder if it was the same scumbag from today.
Posted By: bogey

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:30 PM

They said something about being shut down because of an escaped prisoner in the area, on tv earlier.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:31 PM

 Originally Posted By: Snake
They mentioned the gunman was an Asian (however relevant that is)who had been "looking for his girlfriend," so that sounds about right (the breaking up thing).

It sickens me that right away the media has to insert race into a horrible situation like this one. One station even had to report that they believe that every shooting that occured in a college in this nation has been carried out by a foreigner! Now whether that is the case or not, right now it doesn't really matter. People have been murdered by some depraved manaic. That's the bottom line.

I just can't help but get the feeling, from listening to some of these reporters, that because of what's taken place with the Imus situation, the media is just dying to try and put a racial spin on everything right now.

Earlier today I heard a report that last week a bomb threat was phoned into the college.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:35 PM

Tonight when I go to class I will instruct my students on how to respond to an armed intruder in my classroom.

DC: if the shooter turns out to be anything else than a caucasian, Christian, American born and bred here, you can bet people like Michael Savage will have a field day.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:37 PM

There are going to be the copycat morons making threats and trying to terrorize other colleges and/or high schools.

If I see Jesse Jackson or Sharpton even commenting about the Va Tech shooting, I am going to puke.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:37 PM

My nephew goes to school in VA, and I just couldn't rest until I heard his voice. I had no idea if his school was anywhere near Virginia Tech, but he told me that he's about 2 hours away. I was just relieved to hear him.

DC, I know exactly what you mean. You and I both have kids that are considering colleges, and it's frightening. You read so much about violence on campuses.

As Beth said, God bless their souls.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:38 PM

Some of the students are saying that after the first shooting at 7:30 this morning that they didn't even go in lock down till after the second round of shooting. That is outrageous.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:42 PM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
Some of the students are saying that after the first shooting at 7:30 this morning that they didn't even go in lock down till after the second round of shooting. That is outrageous.

You know what Mig, right now we are going to hear 900 different stories and versions of what happened. Yes it's quite possible that they did not go into lockdown right away, but until the investigation is completed, and people's emotions get somewhat back to normal, it's just not fair to speculate or second guess at this point.

This only goes to prove what I said earlier about some of the media : They just seem to want to create controversey every chance that they get.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:47 PM

Well, it seems that there was a 2 hour gap between the two separate shooting incidents. I read that the shootings at the dorm, which killed one and wounded others, was at 7:30 this morning. The shootings in the classroom building were much later. What were they doing for two hours??
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:49 PM

The President of the College is trying to explain it right now.
Posted By: SC

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:50 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Yes it's quite possible that they did not go into lockdown right away...

There's a press conference on tv right now and the head of security just said that they thought the gunman left the campus after the first round of shootings. You can bet there'll be a lot said about that poor "info".
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 08:52 PM

And they've implied that there is a possibility of a second gunman and that they are in the process of investigating that possibility right now.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 09:02 PM

It's weird how this kind of crap always happens in April: Columbine, Waco, OK City, and now this. Of course, the OK City bombing was done to deliberately correlate to the Waco thing. I guess all these bastards have a thing for Hitler's birthday month or something. There's got to be a special place in Hell for people like that.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 09:05 PM

 Originally Posted By: bogey
That's how it is here, at WVU. Everyone swipes their card, in the dorms anyway. Or, they're supposed to. Sometimes they're a little lax with it, but usually just after everyone recognizes everyone. But not with classrooms. Anyone from off the street can just walk into a classroom.

Yeah, that's how it is at NYU. And there is a security booth with an on duty guard in the lobby of every building.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 10:04 PM

 Originally Posted By: Snake
It's weird how this kind of crap always happens in April: Columbine, Waco, OK City, and now this. Of course, the OK City bombing was done to deliberately correlate to the Waco thing. I guess all these bastards have a thing for Hitler's birthday month or something. There's got to be a special place in Hell for people like that.
Who's mentioned Hitler...?

And why?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 10:59 PM

 Originally Posted By: Snake
It's weird how this kind of crap always happens in April:

t.s. eliot was right. April is the cruellest month.

This is a tragedy, the depth of which hasn't been felt yet. The youth today live in a much more dangerous world than I did.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 11:03 PM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
 Originally Posted By: Snake
It's weird how this kind of crap always happens in April:

t.s. eliot was right. April is the cruellest month.

This is a tragedy, the depth of which hasn't been felt yet. The youth today live in a much more dangerous world than I did.

Which world are you living in now? Are you an alien from outer space? \:p ;\) J/K
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 11:31 PM

 Originally Posted By: svsg
 Originally Posted By: klydon1
 Originally Posted By: Snake
It's weird how this kind of crap always happens in April:

t.s. eliot was right. April is the cruellest month.

This is a tragedy, the depth of which hasn't been felt yet. The youth today live in a much more dangerous world than I did.

Which world are you living in now? Are you an alien from outer space? \:p ;\) J/K

Oh, how my kids would love to answer your questions. ;\)
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 11:38 PM

Capo, Reading the journals of the shooters from Columbine High School led investigators to the fact that the massacre was committed to coincide with the anniversaries of Waco, the Oklahoma City bombing and Hitler's birthday, which all were on or about April 20th.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 11:40 PM


Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 11:40 PM

But, the journals of the Columbine killers, or the Virginia Tech shooters?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 11:44 PM

Columbine, which is fast approaching its anniversary date. Although I don't want to speak for him, I believe that Snake was referring to the fact that all of these acts of violence seemed to take place at about the same time of the month of April.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/16/07 11:53 PM



April also happens to bring my mother's birthday, and also a good friend of mine's birthday.

And the weather's great over here, too.

(Though isn't every April.)
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 12:01 AM

I'm sure that there are many lovely things that happen in April as well, like crocuses. Unfortunately, not enough lovely things, it seems.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 12:39 AM

Guns. When will it change. Gun supporters always use "the right to bear arms" defense. Do you know when that was written? When Pennsylvania was the frontier. The Constitution also said it was OK to own slaves. We changed that one.

Such a waste, such a shame.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 12:46 AM

Not trying to start any kind of debate here. Lord knows that this topic is not the right place to even attempt to do so. But I am realy being sincere in posing this question as I truely do not know the answer to it and hope that someone here does.

I wonder how many murders are committed by the use of illegally obtained firearms as compared to legally registered firearms?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:03 AM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I'm sure that there are many lovely things that happen in April as well, like crocuses. Unfortunately, not enough lovely things, it seems.

William Shakespeare was born on April 23, 1564. \:\)

But he died on April 23, 1616. \:\(

To finish the Eliot quote from "The Wasteland":

April is the cruellest month, breeding
Lilacs out of the dead land, mixing
Memory and Desire, stirring
Dull roots with spring rain.

That's about all I remember.

Back to the tragedy. I haven't heard any names released. Have the families all been notified?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:06 AM

I have been so busy today at work and have only heard bits and pieces of this story. Now that I'm home I'm tuning in and I just can't believe how horrible this is.

Do I understand that there were two separate shootings at this school within a couple hours of each other? Some are wondering why the campus officials didn't let them know about the first shooting. I did hear there were a couple bomb threats last week and the authorities are speculating whether or not it was the shooter testing the security on the campus. They claim that they think they now have a name but are going to verify before they announce it.

How horrible for everyone involved. You think it'll be an ordinary day.....you never never know. \:\( My prayers to the familes.

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:10 AM

Al Pacino was born the same day as my hubby. April 25th. But different years of course. That's a nice thing about April.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:38 AM

I was born April 28, and gave mankind a reason to persevere. Life was otherwise meaningless prior.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:40 AM

TIS, I can't imagine that two people, completely unaware of one another, decided to go on a shooting rampage at the same college on the same day. That would seem to defy any odds. However, I also can't understand how one person could shoot up a dorm on the campus, killing and injuring students, and then 2 hours later, simply walk into a classroom building and blow more people away. I just don't understand how either scenario is possible, but one of them sure is, unless it was two people that were working together.
Posted By: Ice

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:49 AM

Well I know I don't have to remind any of the older generation about Charles Whitman and his shooting from atop the University of Texas's 27-story clock tower in 1966. He only killed 15 ppl, less than half of the number killed today. Yet the pain is felt by anyone who has ever attended school at UT.

Growing up in Austin, the story has been ingrained in my consciousness since I was kid. The majority of my day is spent on and around the campus. I know that when one sees the tower it is sometimes hard not think that someone like yourself was walking in the same place you are, and they were shot dead. I have 9-11 type sadness today, the lives of beautiful, young ppl were cut short.

What I don't understand is how this guy today was able to kill 31 ppl two hours AFTER he killed the first two. If this had happened at UT(one of the nation's largest university in terms of size)all of the buildings and streets leading in would have been closed off. Austin and UT police would have swarmed the campus with blow horns telling everyone to go home.

During the 66' shooting in Austin, local residents actually grabbed their guns and went to the tower to try and dislodge the nested assassin. That's Texas for ya.

(F.Y.I-Virginia Tech is one of the nation's few universities that also serves as a military type school of sorts. A large number of students later join the service after college.)

UT clock tower

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:55 AM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
TIS, I can't imagine that two people, completely unaware of one another, decided to go on a shooting rampage at the same college on the same day. That would seem to defy any odds. However, I also can't understand how one person could shoot up a dorm on the campus, killing and injuring students, and then 2 hours later, simply walk into a classroom building and blow more people away. I just don't understand how either scenario is possible, but one of them sure is, unless it was two people that were working together.

It might have been the same person cuz they thought that the shooter left the campus and left the state.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 06:40 AM

Eliot is right about the "Memory and Desire" thing.

It's that time of year when you remember last summer's romances and wish for one to remember fondly this year too.

But no rain yet, here.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 11:45 AM

This is very chilling and upsetting.



Gunman stated to be student.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 12:07 PM

Straight A.

Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 12:34 PM

Here is a partial list of victims. 2 professors are among them.

Freshmen and sophomores. They're still just kids.

The following is a partial list of victims killed by a gunman on the campus of Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007:

• Maxine Turner, Vienna, Va., Senior, Chemical Engineering

• Henry Lee, Roanoke, Va., Freshman, Computer Engineering

• Matt La Porte, Dumont, N.J., Freshman, University Studies

• Jamie Bishop, Instructor, Foreign Languages and Literatures (German)

• G.V. Loganathan, Professor, Civil and Environmental Engineering

• Juan Ortiz, Graduate Student, Civil Engineering

• Jarrett Lane, Narrows, Va., Senior, Civil Engineering

• Ryan Clark, Columbia County, Ga., Senior, Biology, English, Psychology

• Leslie Sherman, Sophomore, History and International Studies

• Caitlin Hammaren, Sophomore, International Studies and French

• Liviu Librescu, Professor, Engineering Science & Mechanics

• Kevin Granata, Professor, Engineering Science & Mechanics

• Reema Samaha, Centreville, Va., Freshman

• Emily Hilscher, Woodville, Va., Freshman, Animal and Poultry Sciences, Equine Science
Posted By: goombah

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 12:59 PM

My friend from Va Tech, a staff member, just called me this morning. She said her office was right by where the killer was shooting and where the video from somebody's camera phone was filmed. She said there was a huge disconnect getting the info out by the school to its staff and students. The school was supposed to be open today until somebody cursed out the Va Tech president in front of a bunch of people. She has heard from all but one of her students, who was seen by another co-worker on a stretcher. She's petrified that this person was killed. This person was very close to graduating and had a great job lined up with NASA.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:02 PM

Thanks for the update Goombah. When you say the school was to be open today do you mean they would have had classes? That's utterly ridiculous. Half the campus should still be a crime scene.

Your friend must be a nervous wreck. I don't know what their policy is, but maybe she needs to take some days off and heal herself, if not physically then mentally.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:11 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Columbine, which is fast approaching its anniversary date. Although I don't want to speak for him, I believe that Snake was referring to the fact that all of these acts of violence seemed to take place at about the same time of the month of April.

Thanks, Sicilian Babe, that's all I meant. It's a bitch, too, that such a seasonal time of new life is now associated with so many tragedies in the US. My daughter's birthday is Sept. 10, btw.

So many are Monday-morning quarterbacking now about the time thing between the shootings. I think we should all reserve judgment until everything's a little better sorted, imho.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:19 PM

I would think there shouldn't be classes for the rest of the week. Sure, it's important to get on with your lives, but this tragedy still has consequences that have to unfold.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:27 PM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
Thanks for the update Goombah. When you say the school was to be open today do you mean they would have had classes? That's utterly ridiculous. Half the campus should still be a crime scene.

Your friend must be a nervous wreck. I don't know what their policy is, but maybe she needs to take some days off and heal herself, if not physically then mentally.

I think classes would have been cancelled, but employees would have still been expected to report. You're right - that is ridiculous. She said Va Tech never closes, regardless of weather, situation, etc. The students AND employees need the time to properly grieve and receive counseling if they choose.

The worst part, according to my friend, is if the killings were done by two separate people. That would mean that two people were murdered at 7:15 a.m., which would have been horrific enough. But then, on the same campus, the massacre occured by another person - POSSIBLY. She said that is the thought that she just cannot shake.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:31 PM

 Originally Posted By: Snake

So many are Monday-morning quarterbacking now about the time thing between the shootings. I think we should all reserve judgment until everything's a little better sorted, imho.

Yes. There are a ton of questions that have to be asked, most of which start with "why." These things are usually impossible to predict, and probably impossible to prevent altogether in light of the openness of the college campus. However, there are measures that can minimize the effects of a madman. Colleges will now accept as part of their mission comprehensive plans to provide security for such assaults. You can't protect enough what you love.

Have they identified the attacker yet?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:31 PM

 Originally Posted By: Snake
So many are Monday-morning quarterbacking now about the time thing between the shootings. I think we should all reserve judgment until everything's a little better sorted, imho.

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
until the investigation is completed, and people's emotions get somewhat back to normal, it's just not fair to speculate or second guess at this point.

That's how I felt yesterday. From what I've read and seen so far, if it is eventually found that someone dropped the ball, I would say that it was the police and not the school or the president. So far it seems that the school acted on information given to them by the police and that is why they did not lock down the school right away or send out any e-mails right away. So far it looks as though the police initially treated the early morning shooting as an isolated incident. Someone in law enforcement assumed that the gunman had fled the campus. Obviously a very bad assumption. Of course if God forbid it was my child or relative that was murdered or maimed, I would also be demanding answers as to why it took so long for the school to inform the others on campus or take the proper steps to secure the campus.

Just a horrible tragedy all around.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 01:34 PM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
Have they identified the attacker yet?

I don't think they've given his name yet, but in a link I posted above they listed him as a student.

EDIT: Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old senior from South Korea, named as shooter in Virginia Tech massacre.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 02:00 PM

"He is Cho Seung-Hui, a 23-year-old resident alien of the United States, as first reported by ABC News.

Cho is a South Korean national, a Virginia Tech senior majoring in English and the man who killed 33 people — inlcuding himself — on the Virginia Tech campus Monday.

Sources tell ABC News that Cho killed two people in a dorm room, returned to his own dorm room where he re-armed and left a "disturbing note" before entering a classroom building on the other side of campus to continue his rampage.

Cho's identity has been confirmed with a positive fingerprint match on the guns used in the rampage and with immigration materials.

"Lab results confirm that one of the two weapons seized in Norris Hall was used in both shootings," Virigina Tech Police Chief Wendell Flinchum said at a press conference Tuesday morning."

Per the Drudge Report & ABC News.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 02:15 PM

I'm wondering if my school was shut down today as a combination of the rain AND this incident. I think every school needs to be on the look out for copycats right now.

I wanted to comment on the school closing though. When I was in middle school someone in the school was killed (I don't really remember) but they shut the school down for 2 weeks, to give everyone time to grieve. Which to me would be the same time that the school would be shut down in West Virginia to let kids try and get a hold of what just happened. The problem with that though, is that its close to the end of the semester, and shutting school down for 2 weeks will force people to graduate 2 weeks later. So when you have 10's of thousands of students graduating in your field on May 5th, and you aren't able to get out interviewing with that diploma until May 19th, you are at a distinct disadvantage.

So as much as society might say to the President of the School, shut it down for a week or 2, I guarantee you there are 1000s of seniors protesting the school being shut down (those who were or weren't effected by it).

I know everyone will have different opinions about it, but I'm just saying its not as cut and dry about closing the college as it would be for a middle or high school.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 02:27 PM

 Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
The problem with that though, is that its close to the end of the semester, and shutting school down for 2 weeks will force people to graduate 2 weeks later.

I think you're right, DMC. There are definitely different ways to view it, but I'm sure the school is looking at the "let's-go-on-with-life" part of it, which is certainly understandable. And it might be best to let the school allow students to graduate and take a much needed LONG break. I think school officials or someone, however, should be willing to try and follow up with as many of those students as humanly possible to make sure they're getting counseling following the graduation. Yeah, I know they can't do that with all 26,000 students, but perhaps they should at least attempt it with those closest to the shootings and those whom they know are having a hard time coping.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 03:11 PM

One of the things bothering me from the media's coverage is the "why didn't VT go into 'lockdown' mode" after the first shooting? I don't know how Va Tech's buildings are designed, but not many of the university buildings where I work have gates that come down and lock people in. And we have a good combination of building built in the 70s and brand new buildings. I'm not sure how many colleges/universities have these gates. Sure most high schools do, but it's a much different environment on a campus.

The other thing bothering me was an absolutely assanine question asked by a reporter to the Va Tech president yesterday. Some fool had the nerve to ask "what are you going to do to prevent that this can never happen again?" Who asked this question - an intern? Are you kidding me? What adequate response could the VT president possibly give that would not be roundly attacked? I wish the president would have said "the same guarantee you can give, moron: none. But we're going to put as many measures in place to improve our response time, etc. in case anything like this incident were to occur in the future."
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 03:17 PM

Goombah, none of the buildings at my college have that. The only thing lockdown mode would be for us would be to close to the doors, no, we couldn't even lock them, only maintenance has the keys for that.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 03:21 PM

I agree Goombah. It's not like it happened in an office building in New York or Chicago, it happened in a sleepy little town in Virginia. Bo Dietl, who I normally enjoy, if not like, was on WFAN this morning and he couldn't have been more wrong. He was going on and on about having the technology and manpower to avoid such a scenario. How ALL colleges and universities should use it. Real nice time to be promoting his security firm. What a jerkoff.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 04:04 PM

Here's the gunman's photo.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 04:05 PM

New York Mets baseball player David Wright's brother is an engineering major at Virginia Tech.

Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 04:31 PM

The Heroes of this tragedy...

One of the professors killed after barricading the door to save his students was also a holocaust survivor. For some reason this makes me intensely sad...can't describe why though: I Don't Think My Teacher Got Out
Posted By: goombah

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 04:32 PM

These school tragedies seem to mostly occur near the end of the school year. At the Case Western University shooting, it was May 2003. At the Kent State shooting, it was May 5, 1970. Columbine was April 20, 1999 and now Va Tech in mid-April. Throw in the atrocities from Oklahoma City and Waco and it is one messed up time on the calendar.

There have been other tragic high school/grade school shootings since the 1980's that have happened in April/May/June timeframe as well. I guess the pressures of the school year builds to a boil with these wackos who commit the aforementioned crimes.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 04:35 PM

 Originally Posted By: Saladbar
The Heroes of this tragedy...

One of the professors killed after barricading the door to save his students was also a holocaust survivor. For some reason this makes me intensely sad...can't describe why though: I Don't Think My Teacher Got Out

I heard his story yesterday. There's some kind of irony in surviving Nazi concentration camps and then coming to a "land flowing with milk & honey" to live out your years, and then dying in a stupid act of violence...on same the day people are remembering the Holocaust, no less. Truly sad, and a sad commentary on our society.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 04:37 PM

Our Chancellor at Berkeley sent everyone an email to "comfort us" about the tragedy -- but we aren't really prepared either. Our buildings are old and historic.. Only the newer buildings of wealthy (computer science) departments have lockdown capabilities. We do have a large intercom they test every month (the speaker next to my office...I hear it too loudly).

I read that the gunman was hard to identify because his face was blown apart.

Yeech. Why can't I stop reading about this?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 04:43 PM

I seen on Fox news and MSNBC that some campus in Austin Texas was closed due to that they found a threatening note today.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 04:48 PM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
I seen on Fox news and MSNBC that some campus in Austin Texas was closed due to that they found a threatening note today.

Yes Mig, I saw that too. Unfortunately these things seem to bring all the copycats and wackos out of the woodwork.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 04:56 PM

Here is an E.R. doctor's perspective.

ER doctor: never seen 'anything like this before'
Adjust font size:
BLACKSBURG, Virginia (CNN) -- It was more like a scene from an episode of "ER" than one from a real-life hospital in a small college town. "Nobody had ever seen anything like this before," CEO for Montgomery Regional Hospital Scott Hill said. "You can never adequately prepare for this level of violence."

On a day where too many died on the scene, many more were taken, injured and bleeding to the hospital. It was a process hindered by the weather. High winds prevented the use of helicopters to move patients, Hill said.

Dr. Joseph Cacioppo, an emergency room doctor at Montgomery, indicated he was stunned when victims began pouring in. "The injuries were just amazing. This man was brutal. There wasn't a shooting victim that didn't have less than three bullet wounds in him," Cacioppo said of the victims he saw.

Not all of the injuries were life threatening. "Even, again, the less serious injuries, we saw one patient that had a bullet wound to the wrist, one to the elbow and one to the thigh. We had another one with a bullet wound to the abdomen, one to the chest and one to the head," Cacioppo said.

Seventeen of the wounded remained hospitalized Tuesday, and at least one of those patients was to be released Tuesday, Hill said. All of the nine patients at Montgomery, including three who had been critical, were now in stable condition, he said.

Montgomery in Blacksburg received a total of 19 patients, Hill said.

In addition, three patients remained at Lewis-Gale Medical Center in Salem, two remained in critical condition at Roanoke Memorial Hospital and three were in stable condition at New River Valley Medical Center in Blacksburg, hospital officials said.

Seven patients had been released from hospitals by Tuesday, Hill said.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:01 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Mignon
I seen on Fox news and MSNBC that some campus in Austin Texas was closed due to that they found a threatening note today.

Yes Mig, I saw that too. Unfortunately these things seem to bring all the copycats and wackos out of the woodwork.

Yes, speaking of wackos, the Westboro Baptist Church will picket Virginia Tech Funerals.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:14 PM

Sick Fucks. \:\/
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:16 PM

The words "picket" and "funeral" should never be in the same sentence.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:22 PM

Baptist CHURCH??? I hardly think so. God does not damm the dead like that. These places really give God fearing, loving churches a bad name.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:23 PM

This goes beyond free speech. These actions and displays constitute harassment and/or disorderly conduct in the funeral setting.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:27 PM

Those so-called "Baptists" are going to be surprised when they wake up at the "wrong" address after death. They really make me sick. Can't say I'd shed a single tear if someone shot THEM...But even then, I would not picket THEIR funeral...Although if anyone deserved a tactless and tasteless display of celebration going on at a funeral, it'd be them.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:30 PM

Now they're reporting there was some "concern" about the shooter and they he had written disturbing things. Why doesn't anyone ever take these warning signs seriously?

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:31 PM

If people took what I wrote seriously, I'd be in jail.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:32 PM

Why would anyone want to take advantage of the grief of others? Like it's not enough that these poor families have lost the most precious people in their lives, but now they are going to be subject to this? Hate-mongering and God do not go together, by any stretch of the imagination.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:35 PM

Opportunists, that's really all they are. They see this as their chance to be recognized. Trying to capitolize on a tragedy in order to get their 15 minutes of fame and recognition. No coverage, no press, no big deal made, and they'll just fade away fast.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 05:50 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Opportunists, that's really all they are. They see this as their chance to be recognized. Trying to capitolize on a tragedy in order to get their 15 minutes of fame and recognition. No coverage, no press, no big deal made, and they'll just fade away fast.

Something tells me that the ER doctors, who yesterday were treating students and removing bullets from their bodies, will in a few days be extracting picket signs from the a$$es of members of the Westboro Church.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 06:05 PM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1

Something tells me that the ER doctors, who yesterday were treating students and removing bullets from their bodies, will in a few days be extracting picket signs from the a$$es of members of the Westboro Church.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 06:14 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: klydon1

Something tells me that the ER doctors, who yesterday were treating students and removing bullets from their bodies, will in a few days be extracting picket signs from the a$$es of members of the Westboro Church.

Cardi did say something about taking a vacation...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 06:17 PM

I'm off Friday, Cardi. Meet me at the train station if you need a hand.
Posted By: bogey

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 06:30 PM

Don't even get me started on these Westboro fucks. Its people like them that give the human race a bad name.

 Originally Posted By: Pathetic morons
Why did this happen, you ask? It's simple. Your military chose to shoot at the servants of God today, and all they got for their effort was terror. Then, the LORD your God sent a crazed madman to shoot at your children. Was God asleep while this took place? Was He on vacation? Of course not. He willed this to happen to punish you for assailing His servants.

What the fuck kind of bullshit is he spewing? I hope that someday I cross paths with good old Phelps.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 07:52 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Sick Fucks. \:\/

That's an understatement.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 08:08 PM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
Something tells me that the ER doctors, who yesterday were treating students and removing bullets from their bodies, will in a few days be extracting picket signs from the a$$es of members of the Westboro Church.

God bless those ER doc's. If I were them I wouldn't extract anything from those sick bastards. I'd make 'em walk around for the rest of their lives with those hate signs up their ass.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 08:21 PM

The sick bastard apparently thought he could write.

Lousy writer, imo. While this is certainly an eyebrow-raiser, I frankly don't see much difference between this and what a few folks have attempted here (content wise) in past threads in penning short novels, screenplays, etc. Hardly sticks out like a sore thumb. Maybe he had some "Daddy" issues...who knows?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 08:31 PM

Let's all rate the guy's scripts! Perhaps somebody will come along and adapt one of them!
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 08:40 PM

That is some pretty bad writing.

I've read some fairly morbid and morose stuff, who knows which person will be the next mass murderer? You can't really predict I think. All the English majors I know are scared of guns and blood and gory stuff! \:p
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 08:52 PM

Whatever faculty member read this should've shot him!
Now that they're finding out about the gutless wonder, they're harpin' on how he was friendless, quiet, a loner, yada-yada-yada. Maybe they're attempting to show how someone should've noticed something and intervened, but I've known countless such people, and they never went on a rampage. The guy was just a depraved little bastard, that's all...no excuses, sorry.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 09:13 PM

In my class last night, as I posted that I would, I instructed my students about what to do in the event of an armed intruder. As I also do at the beginning of every class I reviewed news items one of which was the VT shootings. I then told the class about the woman in California who stabbed her newborn 135 times. I then noticed that one girl at the far end of the first row has completely rotated her seat to face the back of the class and she's conversing with someone on the second row and she's laughing. I said "you think this is funny" and I left the room to cool down.

These kids have little or no concept of tragedy, of the variables that can wreck a life or lives.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 09:34 PM

Moral judgment aside, how is that bad writing? He has started writing it like a script with attention to action, then packed in a lot of conversations which is suitable for plays.
I think the play is hilarious, though obviously very unsuitable for a class assignment.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 10:07 PM

I just love it when they use the excuse someone was a loner or depressed when something like this happens. Hell, I certainly was a loner in high school. I didn't have one friend, and I certainly never went to any social functions such as proms, ie. I'd rather get an F in a class then do an oral report. Maybe I need to start going around shooting people.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 10:23 PM

How often do you see perfectly happy, social people doing acts of crime of this nature? Most serial killers are misfits in the society, have some psychological problem or the other. So it is natural for people to point out those factors. It is not an excuse or justification. It is just an explanation. Not every loner is depressed or mad enough to go and kill people. Everyone deals with problems differently.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 10:37 PM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
I just love it when they use the excuse someone was a loner or depressed when something like this happens. Hell, I certainly was a loner in high school. I didn't have one friend, and I certainly never went to any social functions such as proms, ie. I'd rather get an F in a class then do an oral report. Maybe I need to start going around shooting people.

It's not an excuse; it's a reason. Reasons presage an action. Address the reasons and you may preclude the action.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/17/07 10:58 PM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
I'm off Friday, Cardi. Meet me at the train station if you need a hand.

Well do it on SC's turf, where we'll be safe. ;\)

The media should not give these screwballs ANY press whatsoever. This way they'll just crawl back in the hole that they came out of.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 12:02 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
The media should not give these screwballs ANY press whatsoever. This way they'll just crawl back in the hole that they came out of.

You mean the media should act responsibly? Like THAT's going to happen.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 12:04 AM

I know I'm gonna be in trouble for this but THESE are the people that need killing. Goddamn lunatic fundamentalists.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 12:06 AM

As time goes on and you start hearing the victims and their families stories it's gut wrenching. I'm watching Nancy Grace now and she said a mother broke down to her, she was down on her knees crying uncontrollably. She'd lost her only child. As a mother of an only child I can relate. Sometimes it's just too much to watch.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 12:29 AM

I can't imagine the depth of that woman's pain. It is every parent's nightmare to have to bury a child. It frightens me to even think that way, as if I was putting a curse on one of my children. I pray that they find some consolation, some way to stay sane. I've always thought that I would rather throw myself in the coffin and go with them, rather than see the light of a day without one of my children.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 12:45 AM

I'm amazed at how calm some of the kids are who are being interviewed. One young man was in a class of about 15 kids, and of those 15 10 were killed. He and another student barricaded the door after the gunman left. He tried to come back in, but couldn't, and shot through the door. If they hadn't done that he surely would have come back in that room and finished them off. he's just talking like he's explaining away anything. He has to be in shock. They say that none of the people killed was shot less then 3 times each. The carnage must be inconceivable.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:01 AM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E

They say that none of the people killed was shot less then 3 times each.

What a punk.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:10 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Beth E

They say that none of the people killed was shot less then 3 times each.

What a punk.

I'm going to say something, and I'm sorry if it causes controversy. But I think part of the reason for that is because of all of the new ideas in school. You can't play dodgeball because kids feel left out, kids are suspended for WEEKS for fighting, and it leads to things like this. We try and shield them from violence and it doesn't work. I've had problems with tons of people in my life, and I've been in enough hand to hand fights in my life, and you know what? It usually ENDS THERE. The problem is that kids like this don't have that, and they get all of this rage built up inside of them and they have to take it out in ways like this. There are people on this message board who weren't picked for dodgeball, are they mad or depressed people? NO, they got over it and found something else to be good at.

I think not allowing these kids to fight or do something to get anger out is what causes things like shooting someone 3 times. Thats much different then the news report of him just opening fire and the bullets were sprayed, for people to be hit 3 times he had to hold the gun there.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:14 AM

 Originally Posted By: svsg
How often do you see perfectly happy, social people doing acts of crime of this nature? Most serial killers are misfits in the society, have some psychological problem or the other. So it is natural for people to point out those factors. It is not an excuse or justification. It is just an explanation. Not every loner is depressed or mad enough to go and kill people. Everyone deals with problems differently.

How many shy kids would fit the "troubled" description who are no threat to anybody, and certainly don't deserve the harrassment of forced counselling in a world run by extroverts.

Though having said that, this NYTimes article and interview with Cho's roommate really point to warning signs.


Roommates Describe Gunman as Loner

BLACKSBURG, Va., April 17 — He was a stranger in a crowd of 26,000. Cho Seung-Hui was even unknown to the young man who for nearly a year slept just feet away from him.

“He was my roommate,” said Joe Aust, a 19-year-old sophomore. “I didn’t know him that well, though.”

Mr. Aust, who was an engineering major, and another student who shared their suite, Karan Grewal, 21, painted a picture of a loner who ate his meals alone in the dining hall and shunned any attempts at friendship.

They never saw him with a girl or any friends for that matter.

But they thought he was just strange. Never in a million years could they imagine him to be the kind of person who would kill 32 other people in a three-hour spasm of violence.

Mr. Cho was identified this morning by officials at Virginia Tech as the man who the day before gunned down professors and fellow classmates in what now stands as the worst rampage shooting in American history.

While his acquaintances were stunned by the news, they did acknowledge, in hindsight, seeing warning signs.

Although Mr. Cho told his roommate he was a business major, the university said today that he was an English major.

Carolyn Rude, the chair of the English Department, said that she had spoken to a professor who taught Mr. Cho and was told that the general impression of him was that he was “troubled.”

“There were signs that he was troubled,” she said. “And the English Department at one point did intervene.”

She said that it related to something he wrote in a creative writing class but did not give details about what was written or what kind of intervention was taken, only that it was some time ago, before she was made chair of the department.

“Sometimes some creative writing class students will say something that unnerves us,” she said. “I know that there was some intervention and I don’t know the particulars.”

She said she had not seen what he wrote and said that she could not make public such personal information about a student.

Without going into the specifics of this case, she said that often when there is an intervention the incident is reported to either the counseling center or the dean of students.

“We are not psychologists,” she said.

If some of Mr. Cho’s teachers were concerned, the students who shared a suite with him were puzzled by him.

Mr. Grewal recalled how earlier in the year someone running for a student council position visited the suite to pass out candy and ask for votes. Mr. Cho would not even make eye contact with him, turning his head away and refusing to make conversation.

The suite is made up of three rooms, each with two students, and a common area with a couch and two chairs. There were no decorations on the walls and the bathroom, in typical college fashion, was littered with discarded soap dispensers and bits of toilet paper. Above the stall was a sign reminding everyone to flush when they were done.

In the corner of the main common area, there were dozens of empty water bottles and Dr. Pepper cans piled. On top of the bottles were at least six beige and blue plastic gloves used by the police as they searched the Mr. Cho’s room last night.

Mr. Grewal said officers were in Mr. Cho’s room, on the second floor of Harper Hall, from 7 p.m. until midnight and they interviewed each of the suitemates.

The police, he said, were surprised that even his roommate knew so little about him.

Mr. Aust was not comfort able showing a reporter into his room, but said the police had taken most of his stuff away anyway. “I know they took his computer,” Mr. Aust said

Mr. Aust spoke just outside his room, on the wall outside the door was Mr. Aust’s name was with that of his roommate, spelled “Sueng-ho,” on an orange cutout of a fish provided to all the students by the resident advisor when they moved in last August.

“He was always really, really quiet and kind of weird, keeping to himself all the time,” he said. “Just of anti-social, didn’t talk to anybody. I tried to make conversation with him in August or so and he would just give one word answers and not try and carry on the conversation.”

He said it was a creepy quietness.

“I would notice a lot of times, I would come in the room and he would kind of be sitting at his desk, just staring at nothing,” he said.

Mr. Aust and Mr. Grewal, 21, said he was often on his computer.

“When he was in the room, he would spend a lot of time on his computer, downloading music and stuff,” Mr. Aust. said. There was no single style of music that he particularly liked in particular, from rock to country to pop.

Mr. Cho was often out of the room.

“He was probably gone more often than he was here,” he said. “I just figured he had classes.”
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:19 AM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I can't imagine the depth of that woman's pain. It is every parent's nightmare to have to bury a child. It frightens me to even think that way, as if I was putting a curse on one of my children. I pray that they find some consolation, some way to stay sane. I've always thought that I would rather throw myself in the coffin and go with them, rather than see the light of a day without one of my children.

I used to say I could survive anything, I truly believed I was that tough.

But now I know I would be hardpressed to survive the death of my children. I can't imagine going on. Really.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:31 AM

No parent on God's green earth should have to bury their children no matter what the reason. It's just not right.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:37 AM

 Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

I'm going to say something, and I'm sorry if it causes controversy. But I think part of the reason for that is because of all of the new ideas in school. You can't play dodgeball because kids feel left out, kids are suspended for WEEKS for fighting, and it leads to things like this. We try and shield them from violence and it doesn't work. I've had problems with tons of people in my life, and I've been in enough hand to hand fights in my life, and you know what? It usually ENDS THERE. The problem is that kids like this don't have that, and they get all of this rage built up inside of them and they have to take it out in ways like this. There are people on this message board who weren't picked for dodgeball, are they mad or depressed people? NO, they got over it and found something else to be good at.

I think not allowing these kids to fight or do something to get anger out is what causes things like shooting someone 3 times. Thats much different then the news report of him just opening fire and the bullets were sprayed, for people to be hit 3 times he had to hold the gun there.

That is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard I'm not sure if I should even reply. If this guy was allowed to play dodgeball none of this would have happened? Genocides and mass murders don't just happen in sterilized school environments, lunatics aren't healed that easily.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:38 AM

Nats pay respects to Va. Tech victims
Washington dons Hokies hats in game against Braves
By Bill Ladson / MLB.com

WASHINGTON -- The Nationals paid their respects to the 32 people who were killed at Virginia Tech in an attack by an armed gunman Monday afternoon by wearing Hokies hats starting in the second inning of Tuesday's game against the Braves.

The idea came from a fan named Dave Lanham from Calvert County, Md. He e-mailed team president Stan Kasten in the middle of the afternoon. Kasten thought it was a great idea and ordered 40 hats. The hats arrived in the first inning.

The Nationals also had a moment of silence for the victims at Virginia Tech for the second straight day.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:47 AM

 Originally Posted By: svsg
Moral judgment aside, how is that bad writing? He has started writing it like a script with attention to action, then packed in a lot of conversations which is suitable for plays.
I think the play is hilarious, though obviously very unsuitable for a class assignment.

A few examples:

"Taking off her shoes she hits him hard"

How does one hit someone hard while you're taking off your shoes?

"He brushes Sue with his large arm and build"

And how do you brush someone with your large arm and build?
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:51 AM

I skimmed the last few pages, and didn't see if this was posted, but, has the school said why they didn't shutdown or make an announcement, or at the very least warn the people on this campus?

I was talking about it with a friend at work today, and my Principal joined in the conversation totally on the school's side (understandbly I guess ). I know nothing about Virginia Tech. He kept saying that place is a "city" you can't close it down, they don't have P.A. systems and that it would be impossible. I don't know, I'd have gotten a bullhorn or something if I had to warn people. If even one person was saved because of it, it'd be worth it.

It's hard not to blame someone, and seemingly impossible to understand why this sort of thing happens. This guy had problems to be sure. I heard that his parents were caring loving people, and if that's the case, I can imagine how they are kicking themselves right now for not noticing he had problems and/or the extent of his problems.

Saladbar, I'm with you as far as losing a child. Under any circumstance the pain would be totally unbearable, but losing them in this way has another level of horror and pain.

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:51 AM

And how many times are we going to read about Richard being called Dick. Gee, we've never heard THAT before!!
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:53 AM

That just tells us that when push comes to shove people will come together and show support in a crisis.
Posted By: Don Andrew

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:56 AM

The University seems to be a very caring and tight nit group for each other, even throughout this crisis.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:03 AM

 Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

I'm going to say something, and I'm sorry if it causes controversy. But I think part of the reason for that is because of all of the new ideas in school. You can't play dodgeball because kids feel left out, kids are suspended for WEEKS for fighting, and it leads to things like this. We try and shield them from violence and it doesn't work. I've had problems with tons of people in my life, and I've been in enough hand to hand fights in my life, and you know what? It usually ENDS THERE. The problem is that kids like this don't have that, and they get all of this rage built up inside of them and they have to take it out in ways like this. There are people on this message board who weren't picked for dodgeball, are they mad or depressed people? NO, they got over it and found something else to be good at.

I think not allowing these kids to fight or do something to get anger out is what causes things like shooting someone 3 times. Thats much different then the news report of him just opening fire and the bullets were sprayed, for people to be hit 3 times he had to hold the gun there.

What if social interaction only causes more grief to the depressed people? What if they don't want to fight, even if no one stops them? IMO, the loners and depressed people will be the last ones to enter into an argument or confrontation, let alone fight. And what makes you think all problems have easy solutions like going and beating up people? People who have never been in depression have no idea what it is like to interact in the society when the situation is hopeless. People in the middle of the social bell curve bounce back from tough situations, the deviants crumble, some only after they cause much damage.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:03 AM

I could imagine that it would be difficult, TIS. There are 26,000 students, many of them commuters, and there must be students walking all over the campus. However, in 2 hours, how could they not have done anything?? Maybe they don't have a PA system, but they don't have a security staff that has radios and could be dispatched to warn people. The police had been called to the first murder scene. Could they not DRIVE through the campus making an announcement. Do they not have gates at the entrances and exits? Gates that could have been closed to prevent anyone from entering or exiting?

I understand that there would have been major difficulties in locking down a place that large with such an enormous population, but I still have to believe that in two hours, they could have accomplished something.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:07 AM

Right on SB
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:12 AM

 Originally Posted By: Saladbar

A few examples:

"Taking off her shoes she hits him hard"

How does one hit someone hard while you're taking off your shoes?

I had to read the sentence again to spot the mistake, but on a casual reading, it did give me the idea of a woman taking off her shoes and hitting a man with the shoes .


"He brushes Sue with his large arm and build"

And how do you brush someone with your large arm and build?

I have no idea what he means here. I am not saying he is Shakespeare, but frankly it is not as bad as it was pointed out to be. In fact, I would challenge a lot of people to write 10 pages of play or movie script that is as readable as this. Not as easy as it appears.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:14 AM

 Originally Posted By: svsg
How often do you see perfectly happy, social people doing acts of crime of this nature? Most serial killers are misfits in the society, have some psychological problem or the other.

This guy wasn't a serial killer. He was a mass murderer. Serial killers can be more readily profiled.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:22 AM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
 Originally Posted By: svsg
How often do you see perfectly happy, social people doing acts of crime of this nature? Most serial killers are misfits in the society, have some psychological problem or the other.

This guy wasn't a serial killer. He was a mass murderer. Serial killers can be more readily profiled.

In both the cases, it is not possible to profile before hand to prevent the crime. It will be like in 'Minority Report' movie then. As Beth pointed out, not all lonely/depressed people commit crimes. Though there are correlations between a child abuse victim turning into a serial rapist, not all survivors end up as sex offenders. It is only in hind sight that we link the two. I think the mapping is one way primarily or at least that is the only thing allowed legally today. I will be very angry if I am forced to undergo some therapy to conform to social mean. Have you seen 'A Clockwork Orange'? I think that movie perfectly sums up what such a society could lead to.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:23 AM

 Originally Posted By: Saladbar

I would be hardpressed to survive the death of my children. I can't imagine going on. Really.

Ditto! Just the thought alone gives me the chills.

As for what DMC said, I don't think that he meant it in the literal sense. I don't think that he was saying that because a kid is not allowed to play dodgeball per say, they turn out like this maniac did.

I believe that he was trying to bring out the point that in this day and age too many kids are coddled and overprotected. Seems that today many of the things that some of us older people partook in and were allowed to participate in as youngsters is now considered taboo. Many of the things that we participated in or did were normal things growing up. Now it seems that there is all this psyhcoanalysis going on about what is good or not good for young people to do. Too many restrictions have been placed on the younger generation of today. There is no question in my mind that the younger people today are under much more pressure than we were in our day. I believe that a lot of the restrictions and pressures that are put on the young people today is what drives some of them into self isolation. I think that all DMC was really trying to say was that society needs to lighten up on the young people of today and stop scrutinizing everything that they do and just let them be the people that they are supposed to be at their age.

Not making an excuse here for what this maricon did, but just speaking in general terms as to what I believe DMC was trying to say.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:24 AM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I could imagine that it would be difficult, TIS. There are 26,000 students, many of them commuters, and there must be students walking all over the campus. However, in 2 hours, how could they not have done anything?? Maybe they don't have a PA system, but they don't have a security staff that has radios and could be dispatched to warn people. The police had been called to the first murder scene. Could they not DRIVE through the campus making an announcement. Do they not have gates at the entrances and exits? Gates that could have been closed to prevent anyone from entering or exiting?

I understand that there would have been major difficulties in locking down a place that large with such an enormous population, but I still have to believe that in two hours, they could have accomplished something.

So, when ever there is a murder anywhere, why not shut down whatever place in which it takes place like a city, right? How about we shut down New York or Dallas, or Philly? Shut down for what? By the time they make the first announcement it's all over. VT is in a city. So, we shut down not only the campus, but the City also. That's ridiculous. What's the warning by the way? So the next day someone gets shot. "Hey, shutdown the campus again. A week from now another person is killed. "Shut 'ur down again." How about when a rape occurs - shut down the campus. Well, no. In that case no guys allowed outside. How about that? Gates? Gates? A university with gates? Like the University of Pittsburgh? Like UT? Like UCLA? Oh, wait. How about Columbia or Harvard? And, of course, we know that whenever you "close the gates" the killings stop. That'll do it for sure!
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:34 AM

I think easy access to guns is one of the factors responsible for school killings. I agree with people who say that there is always a way to obtain guns illegally. But I am not referring to all killings in general, but specifically to school scenario. It is true that a professional thief/killer/gangster etc will somehow get a gun even if they are banned. But for an ordinary person, it will be very difficult. Getting a gun should be made highly difficult IMO.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:36 AM

That is what I meant DC, thank you. I didn't realize people responded to my post.

It was not meant in ANYWAY to defend what this sucmbag did, I think everyone knows me well enough to know that. The point I was saying is that, even if these cases are "isolated incidents", the fact is that people from my generation (which I believe is the last age group to not have these restrictions), had a higher percentage doing stupid things, but those things were no where near as bad as what the small percentage of what the kids today to.

I'd rather have 2-3 fights per day (like in the school I went to) then have one day of a mass murder. I don't think this was all taken into consideration with all of these "restrictions".
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:41 AM

Olivant, with all due respect, I think that you are going a bit overboard with your analogies.

I understand your point about this campus being so large that it may have been impossible to shut it down or put it into lockdown. And that just might be the case.

However something should have been done by the authorities to prevent some of those deaths. I would like to know what genius in law enforcement assumed that the shooter had left the campus and was on his way to leaving the state? How in the world does a trained law enforcement official make an assumption like that without any hard facts to back up that assumption?

Yes it's very easy to sit on the outside looking in and then play monday morning quarterback. But put yourself in the position of some of these parents. There was over a two hour window between the first shootings and the second round of shootings. And as a parent I would damn well would want answers as to why such a gap existed between shootings without any real attempt to inform or protect the people of that campus.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:43 AM

Canceling classes might have been the smartest thing for them to do, half the school would have been off campus and the parts where there WERE students could have had policemen.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:44 AM

 Originally Posted By: svsg
 Originally Posted By: klydon1
 Originally Posted By: svsg
How often do you see perfectly happy, social people doing acts of crime of this nature? Most serial killers are misfits in the society, have some psychological problem or the other.

This guy wasn't a serial killer. He was a mass murderer. Serial killers can be more readily profiled.

In both the cases, it is not possible to profile before hand to prevent the crime. It will be like in 'Minority Report' movie then. As Beth pointed out, not all lonely/depressed people commit crimes. Though there are correlations between a child abuse victim turning into a serial rapist, not all survivors end up as sex offenders. It is only in hind sight that we link the two. I think the mapping is one way primarily or at least that is the only thing allowed legally today. I will be very angry if I am forced to undergo some therapy to conform to social mean. Have you seen 'A Clockwork Orange'? I think that movie perfectly sums up what such a society could lead to.

The profiling for serial killers is done after the fact. This term was coined by and FBI behavioralist, Robert Ressler, who wrote a fascinating book about 15 years ago, Whoever Fights Monsters. In several high publicity cases he was able to get inside the mind of the serial killer, and from the precise nature of the murder, the selection of the victim, the location and time of the incident, he was able to know things about the killer, such as what his apartment and car looked like, what type of work the killer did, level of education and/or race or ethnicity. He applied an approach of behavioral science to tracking these killers after murders are committed. These profiles are used every day in attempting to solve crimes that have been committed.

Certainly, there are many loners in this world and few erupt in such a fashion. But unlike the serial killer, the mass murderer tends to be as random as the victims he selects, like a tornado that sweeps through a town without warning.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:57 AM

 Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
Canceling classes might have been the smartest thing for them to do, half the school would have been off campus and the parts where there WERE students could have had policemen.

It's very hard to "lockdown" a 2600 acre campus. But, there is no excuse for two hours to pass before sending out the first e-mail informing of the shooting that took place at 7:15am.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:57 AM

 Originally Posted By: svsg
I have no idea what he means here. I am not saying he is Shakespeare, but frankly it is not as bad as it was pointed out to be. In fact, I would challenge a lot of people to write 10 pages of play or movie script that is as readable as this. Not as easy as it appears.

Not easy, that is true. I just expect more from an English Major and a good university. But, then again, he was an English Major at a technical university.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 03:34 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
Canceling classes might have been the smartest thing for them to do, half the school would have been off campus and the parts where there WERE students could have had policemen.

It's very hard to "lockdown" a 2600 acre campus. But, there is no excuse for two hours to pass before sending out the first e-mail informing of the shooting that took place at 7:15am.

DC, the reason I said about canceling classes is because I know at my school at least, on days when classes are canceled there are only a hand full of places where 95% of the school population would be. Besides the dorm rooms, its the students centers (4) or 3 other buildings. There might be other students "wandering" but this guy wanted to kill as many people as possible. For my school it would take 45-50 officers (with local/state/college cops wouldn't be hard) to have some system in place for the places where all of the kids are. By having classes open you gave this guy x amount of places with 50+ kids in it, if you canceled classes he would have probably had 5-6 tops, but those would have had cops there.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 03:43 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Olivant, with all due respect, I think that you are going a bit overboard with your analogies.

I understand your point about this campus being so large that it may have been impossible to shut it down or put it into lockdown. And that just might be the case.

However something should have been done by the authorities to prevent some of those deaths. I would like to know what genius in law enforcement assumed that the shooter had left the campus and was on his way to leaving the state? How in the world does a trained law enforcement official make an assumption like that without any hard facts to back up that assumption?

Yes it's very easy to sit on the outside looking in and then play monday morning quarterback. But put yourself in the position of some of these parents. There was over a two hour window between the first shootings and the second round of shootings. And as a parent I would damn well would want answers as to why such a gap existed between shootings without any real attempt to inform or protect the people of that campus.

With all due respect, how would anyone know there was going to be a 2 minute window, a 2 hour window, a 2 day window, or no window? It doesn't matter what anyone's relationship is to anyone else. There was nothing to be done unless one wants to "shut down" whenever something happens. Where do you draw the line? How long for the shutdown? An hour, a day, a week?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 11:48 AM

2 hours? George Bush waited 7 minutes to do something on 9/11!!!! This is clearly a vast, right-wing conspiracy to make South Korea look bad, fooling stupid Americans into thinking it was a North Korean who perpetrated this act, and then we can war with them with the neocons in control! Save our civil liberties! Impeach Bush!

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:06 PM

 Originally Posted By: olivant

With all due respect, how would anyone know there was going to be a 2 minute window, a 2 hour window, a 2 day window, or no window?

Exactly. How do you know for sure if the guy left the campus or not at that point? The guy had not been apprehended yet, and there was no way to know for sure if he had actually left the campus or not. Every decision that was made early in the morning was based on assumptions. Poor judgement. Absence of malice, yes, but very poor decisions were made.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:09 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone
Canceling classes might have been the smartest thing for them to do, half the school would have been off campus and the parts where there WERE students could have had policemen.

It's very hard to "lockdown" a 2600 acre campus. But, there is no excuse for two hours to pass before sending out the first e-mail informing of the shooting that took place at 7:15am.

It's not very hard to lockdown a 2600 acre campus. It is impossible. It is difficult enough to lockdown a few buildings, let alone an entire campus. However, I completely agree with DC that Va Tech and the police dropped the ball with its lax attitude in between the two sets of shootings.

My Va Tech friend said that the administration always try to do everything in its power to suppress bad news (big or small), which is not altogether surprising. But this line of thinking bit them in the ass in a terrible way.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:37 PM

 Originally Posted By: Double-J
2 hours? George Bush waited 7 minutes to do something on 9/11!!!! This is clearly a vast, right-wing conspiracy to make South Korea look bad, fooling stupid Americans into thinking it was a North Korean who perpetrated this act, and then we can war with them with the neocons in control! Save our civil liberties! Impeach Bush!


Do we really need this nonsense on a thread about a tragedy?
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 01:55 PM

A truly awful thing \:\/
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:04 PM

Did anyone see the video of his two roommates interview? There's a link on CNN's website.

Click on video "killer's former roomates recall strange kid".

Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:21 PM

Olivant, What is so ridiculous about gates? When I went to college (over 20 years ago), it was a suburban campus with a high number of commuter students. There were gates at each entrance with a security booth. Why is it so ridiculous to close the gates, not to prevent anyone from exiting, but to prevent more people from entering? And while I agreed that it would probably be close to impossible to lockdown a campus of that size, why was there no EFFORT made to do so? The students who lived in the dorm where the first shooting took place were not even informed that a crime had occurred. Why not?

As Goombah said, there is so much effort to minimize crime on campuses that many schools will do all they can to prevent the news from leaking out. God forbid they frighten off future and/or current students!

And if there is a rapist in a dorm, why not at least lock down that dorm? This was a fresh crime scene, and yet students were allowed to come and go. Why were they not even interviewed as potential witnesses? If they thought this was an isolated incident, they why was no effort made to search the dorm to see if the shooter was hiding in a closet?
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:22 PM

I read the one act play that the shooter wrote. Even if we were to put aside the disturbing imagery, it is terrible writing, especially for a college English major. The character development was poor and there were lapses in logic in the plot.
(Dad died a month ago; McBeef tried to save him; Mom is married to McBeef a month later; bizarre sexual and violent ideations are thrown around like confetti).

It looks like a rejected script from a Howard Stern wannabe. I'd expect a much better effort from a freshman in high school.

Also, I get the impression that the assignment was to write a 10 page play because this thing ends abruptly on page 10.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:45 PM

GRRRR You people really tick me off. Bitching about what they should have done and what they didn't do right. The same thing after ever major event. Hindsight is always 20/20.

They had a murder in a dorm, the rest of the floors in that dorm were in a normal state, the killer wasn't running the campus shooting up the place, so they thought that it wasn't open season on students. My lord how could anyone know that two hours later across the campus that the same nut case would do what he did. In most murder case the killer bolts. That is what is so strange about this kid. He show no emotions and fit back in with the rest of the students. Waited, and then blasted others who were just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

Sure you can say that they should have told students just in case, but maybe just maybe they were busy with something that doesn't happen every day in college campuses. I am sure that they don't run practice drills on what to do if something like this would happen. Yes, let's cause mass hysteria and have the whole place get out of control. People wouldn't have understood the announcements and chaos would have only masked the ordeal that follow two hours later. You know how rumors and hear say causes mass panic. People would be all over the place. It would be like trying to control a herd of cattle after they were spooked.

There is only one person to put any blame on in this event. That is the young man who did the killings. It is that simple. He is to blame and him alone. I can't help to think that the next step will be for the college to be sued for not doing enough to protect the students. "For letting this happen." You know the drill it happens after the camera crews go home and the next major event takes this ones place. You know that is almost as dumb as that reported who asked. "How are you going to keep this from happening again," a few hours after this tragic event took place.

After all Sharpton and Jackson and their Imus stunt was pushed right off the spotlight just that quickly. Gee, the Imus thing doesn't seem to be as bad now that something like this comes at us. I guess hurt feeling doesn't compare with the lost of lives does it now?

Let us take care of our crushed families, let tem bury their loved ones before we try and place blame on who did right or wrong, or who dropped the ball.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 02:47 PM

I'm now thoroughly overwhelmed by the 24/7 coverage of this tragedy, yet I come here to see what y'all are saying and post my two cents. Guess it's like the old watching-a-trainwreck illustration. But the dark side of mankind never ceases to amaze me, and just when you think our species has sunk as low as it can go, some new horror arises, like this one. I've gone from shock, to sadness, to anger, all in a couple of days. I can't imagine what those directly affected must feel.

I guess what pisses me off the most is now this little prick will live on in infamy because of the pain he's inflicted. Yeah, I know it's inevitable, but it still pisses me off. I always admired the spunk of Jesse James' mother. After the outlaw was killed by catching a bullet to his head while straightening a picture, Jesse's mom had this inscribed on his tombstone: "In Loving Memory of my Beloved Son, Murdered by a Traitor and Coward Whose Name is not Worthy to Appear Here." Yeah, I know Jesse James was a ruthless outlaw who shouldn't have been glorified either, but I do admire the notion behind the words on the headstone.

This sick turd doesn't deserve any mention of his name either. Well, at least he's burning in Hell right now, and that brings me some satisfaction.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 03:34 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Olivant, What is so ridiculous about gates? When I went to college (over 20 years ago), it was a suburban campus with a high number of commuter students. There were gates at each entrance with a security booth. Why is it so ridiculous to close the gates, not to prevent anyone from exiting, but to prevent more people from entering? And while I agreed that it would probably be close to impossible to lockdown a campus of that size, why was there no EFFORT made to do so? The students who lived in the dorm where the first shooting took place were not even informed that a crime had occurred. Why not?

As Goombah said, there is so much effort to minimize crime on campuses that many schools will do all they can to prevent the news from leaking out. God forbid they frighten off future and/or current students!

And if there is a rapist in a dorm, why not at least lock down that dorm? This was a fresh crime scene, and yet students were allowed to come and go. Why were they not even interviewed as potential witnesses? If they thought this was an isolated incident, they why was no effort made to search the dorm to see if the shooter was hiding in a closet?

What gates are you talking about? What campuses? Was that college you went to surrounded by a fence or walls with a moat? What kind of college would that be? For how long do you close a campus. That's what noone has addressed. A week? A year? How about forever?

Fatherson has it right. Two hours? How do you know it was going to be two hours? How about 2 minutes? What about 2 days? Okay, no more shooting. Open up the campus. Oh my God, there was another shooting. I thought shootings only took place 2 hours apart.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 03:43 PM

That is true. They shoot it out and then take their own life's.
They go on a rampage and keep going.

So as you see this case was so different then what school shooting have been in the past. Two people shot then nothing.

There is no way you can protect people from this type of thing. Just like the nut cases that walk into a McDonalds and blast away. In a family place mind you. In an Amish school house too.

Do we have to be afraid to leave our homes?

Look at 9/11 First thought was that of an accident. People in the 2nd tower were told to relax. Bang plane two strikes. Who would have known? It had never happen like this before.

Bang they hit the Pentagon. and then a plane going down in PA. Do you remember the rumors of planes hitting Chicago and a dozen other places across the country before they were reported to be false.
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 04:53 PM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1

(Dad died a month ago; McBeef tried to save him; Mom is married to McBeef a month later; bizarre sexual and violent ideations are thrown around like confetti).

That is why it is funny \:\)
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 06:13 PM

What gates am I talking about? There were several driveway entrances to the school and each one had a gate and a security booth. Why is this so difficult to envision? Are you being deliberately obtuse?

And how long do you keep it closed? Well, considering that they never warned the other residents of the dorm or even searched it, I think that they jumped to a fairly quick assumption that the shooter had fled. Based on what information? How did they know that the shooter was no longer in the building, much less on campus? Did they interview the other residents to see if they had seen or heard anything? From published interviews with the dorm's residents, they certainly didn't. So, how did they come to the assumption that the shooter had fled the building???
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 06:22 PM

Even if they shutdown all the driveway entrances, how would it have prevented the shooting?
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 06:31 PM

It wouldn't have prevented the shootings, but it would have limited the number of people entering the campus. Personally, I don't know if anything would have prevented anything, but I think that there's a chance that the fewer people on campus, or if people had been forewarned, that might have lowered the number of casualties. That's all I'm saying. And of course hindsight is 20/20; however, I believe that we have seen enough of these spree shootings that they are no longer in the realm of the inconceivable.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 07:12 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
however, I believe that we have seen enough of these spree shootings that they are no longer in the realm of the inconceivable.

You're absolutely right. The middle school that my sons attend have given instruction on how to respond in the event a gunman enters the school. These events are becoming too ingrained in the reality of our students.

This attack sadly is not the last school shooting.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 07:16 PM

We have been talking about this subject in the office here at the Funeral Home and God knows we see enough of these events where people are hurting so badly.
The point that we have come up with is that there is little that people can do when these things happen. They are done, they have played themselves out and we were not in control of any of it. All people can now do to let out their anger is to ask questions. I think most of the quarterbacking comes from frustration of what has happened and the truth is that it is out of our hands. A tuff thing to accept. Does it help to try and find fault somewhere or is it the talking about the subjects that helps us cope?
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 07:30 PM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
however, I believe that we have seen enough of these spree shootings that they are no longer in the realm of the inconceivable.

You're absolutely right. The middle school that my sons attend have given instruction on how to respond in the event a gunman enters the school. These events are becoming too ingrained in the reality of our students.

This attack sadly is not the last school shooting.

Sad to think that we must include this sort of instruction to our children. It was at one time a drill in case of an atomic attack which you knew in the back of your mind would never really happen. Now it is something that may happen at any time. Is this how our children are being taught to handle their problems? Are we show casing these events to much, sending the message that this is the way to get back at the world when you are hurting inside? Almost showing our younger children this option?

And if you are hearing these things more and more does it become acceptable as a part of our way of life? At one time they locked the door of schools in the bad parts of the inner city to keep out gangs and drug dealers. People moved to the safety of what they thought were nicer school systems. But these things are happening in the best of places.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 07:38 PM

 Originally Posted By: fathersson
We have been talking about this subject in the office here at the Funeral Home and God knows we see enough of these events where people are hurting so badly.
The point that we have come up with is that there is little that people can do when these things happen. They are done, they have played themselves out and we were not in control of any of it. All people can now do to let out their anger is to ask questions. I think most of the quarterbacking comes from frustration of what has happened and the truth is that it is out of our hands. A tuff thing to accept. Does it help to try and find fault somewhere or is it the talking about the subjects that helps us cope?

You hit on a good point. It's natural for people to ask, What if..." in the face of tragedy.

For anyone who's had a loved one in a car accident, he or she asks:
-What if the weather had been better?
-What if he left 10 minutes earlier?
-What if he didn't have to mediate an apology for Imus?

However, because what's at stake here(the lives of our children) and the knowledge that there was a particularly cruel randomness to the killings and that it will likely recur, it is natural to try to think of anything that can prevent or mitigate the harm done.

While we can't predict every school rampage, we are obligated to learn everything we can to deal with these situations effectively. If one life is spared through vigilance, it's a good thing.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 07:43 PM

Just seen on CNN that they closed down the Uni. of Minnasota. Another bomb threat. A professor found a note. If this turns out to be a hoax, how can people be so cruel and sick?
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 07:51 PM

This just keeps getting better, Mig...

Student Arrested Over Va. Tech Remarks

Apr 18 03:22 PM US/Eastern

BOULDER, Colo. (AP) - A University of Colorado student was arrested after making comments that classmates deemed sympathetic toward the gunman blamed for killing 32 students and himself at Virginia Tech, authorities said.
During a class discussion of Monday's massacre at Virginia Tech, the student "made comments about understanding how someone could kill 32 people," university police Cmdr. Brad Wiesley said.

Several witnesses told investigators the student said he was "angry about all kinds of things from the fluorescent light bulbs to the unpainted walls, and it made him angry enough to kill people," according to a police report. Witnesses "said they were afraid of him and afraid to come to class with him," Wiesley said.

The student, identified by police as Max Karson of Denver, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of interfering with staff, faculty or students of an education institution. He had a court appearance set for Wednesday afternoon.

His father, Michael Karson, told the Camera newspaper that the comments may have been misinterpreted and questioned whether his son's free speech rights had been violated.

"I would have hoped that state officials would know their First Amendment better than they seem to," he said.

University spokesman Bronson Hilliard said privacy laws prevented him from releasing personal information about the student.

At Oregon's Lewis & Clark College, another student was detained by campus police Wednesday shortly before a vigil for the Virginia Tech victims when he was spotted wearing an ammunition belt. Portland police later determined that it was "a fashion accessory" made of spent ammunition, and said the man did not have a weapon. The belt was confiscated.
Posted By: fathersson

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 08:03 PM

Let the witch hunts begin!
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 08:34 PM

For real. Sad it's come to this.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 08:38 PM

FS made a valid point that these things will play themselves out. I have to believe that none of us are equipped to deal with anything of this magnitude. While we may question in order to vent our frustration, I also think that the questioning is essential so that both people and institutions may be able to plan better for the next time. Unfortunately, there will be a next time. Just as I don't believe that after September 11th, any hijacker would be able to take a plane without a fight because the inconceivable has already occurred, perhaps the next school will react differently and lives might be spared.

There was a service for one of the professors that died today. I am ashamed to say that I don't know his name, but he was the Holocaust survivor who was in his 70's. The Orthodox community in Brooklyn had a memorial service for him, and one of the speakers said that to save even one life is to save a world, and that the professor, in sacrificing his life so that his students could escape by jumping out windows, saved many worlds. How true!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 08:49 PM

Here is the bio of the Professor who was killed. How totally sad this Holocaust survivor was killed on the day set aside to remember the Holocaust.

Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 08:54 PM

The gunman contacted NBC news after the first shooting and before the massacre.

Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 09:01 PM

We all know that it will or at least with high probability happen. Why are gun laws not being discussed in this thread. I raised the question before. In addition to all the precautions, it must be ensured that access to guns is very very difficult for ordinary citizens. Many countries have far stricter rules compared to United States. Whether equipping ordinary citizens with guns is reducing the crime rate in the country is very debatable. I was looking at THIS website yesterday. It is ridiculous to note that most states have no licenses/permits at all. There should be licenses and people should fill out an application stating their need to possess a weapon. Then somebody should do a background check and crime/medical history verification before they issue a gun.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 09:10 PM

Here are exerts of survivors from the upcoming People magazine story.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 09:13 PM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1

It's natural for people to ask, What if..." in the face of tragedy.

For anyone who's had a loved one in a car accident, he or she asks:
-What if the weather had been better?
-What if he left 10 minutes earlier?
-What if he didn't have to mediate an apology for Imus?

However, because what's at stake here(the lives of our children) and the knowledge that there was a particularly cruel randomness to the killings and that it will likely recur, it is natural to try to think of anything that can prevent or mitigate the harm done.

While we can't predict every school rampage, we are obligated to learn everything we can to deal with these situations effectively. If one life is spared through vigilance, it's a good thing.

All true Klyd. All true. We can all be monday morning quarterbacks, that's very easy. Or we can be sunday morning quarterbacks and come up with a game plan of some kind that may at least try and prevent or minimize casualties in the event that God forbid this kind of thing happens again. That's the hard part. I realize that it is impossible to prevent these kinds of rampages from happening. There is no way for anyone to be able to predict or forsee something like this happening. But we do know, from past history, that this unfortunately will happen again sometime. It's been repeated too many times for it not to happen again. Surely some kind of measures can be taken or systems implemented that will at the very least help secure these camouses and schools when something of this magnitute happens. I am not trying to lay blame on anyone that was involved in all of this except the killer himslef. But at the very same time I cannot, for the life of me, understand why or what made authorities believe that he was gone from the campas after the first shootings. Everytime that question has been asked of the police or the school officials, they make the same reply that they cannot comment on that right now.

What made law enforcement believe that he had left the campus and was already headed out of state? Why won't they give an answer as to what or why made them think that?

The word "assume" has been used a littel too much for my taste by law enforcement almost everytime this question has been asked of them. "We assumed..." but without giving an explaination as to WHY they assumed.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 09:28 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
 Originally Posted By: Double-J
2 hours? George Bush waited 7 minutes to do something on 9/11!!!! This is clearly a vast, right-wing conspiracy to make South Korea look bad, fooling stupid Americans into thinking it was a North Korean who perpetrated this act, and then we can war with them with the neocons in control! Save our civil liberties! Impeach Bush!


Do we really need this nonsense on a thread about a tragedy?

Well, considering the nonsense I was making fun of did the exact same thing, I think its relevant.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 10:01 PM

Here is a picture that was in the package the killer sent to NBC.

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 10:13 PM

What a real tough guy.

Beth, when did he send this to NBC? Or should I say, when did they receive it?
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 10:14 PM

He mailed it via regular United Postal Service between the two murders. NBC just received it in the mail today.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 10:15 PM

Holy shit. What a sick bastard, huh?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 10:20 PM

A Virginia Tech Survivor: "I Thought, 'The Next Shot Is for Me'"

Clay Violand, a 20-year old junior from Potomac, Maryland, is an International Studies major with a music minor. He was in a French class on Monday morning in Norris Hall when all hell broke loose. He provided TIME with this account of Cho Seung-Hui's rampage.

About halfway through class we heard the noises. Someone said something like, "It's probably just construction." The noises didn't stop. The teacher stiffened up and said "That's not what I think it is, is it?" That's when I remember going into panic. I pointed at the teacher and said, "put that desk in front of the door, now." She did it, and then said "someone call 911." [A classmate] to my right stood up and called 911.

At that point, the door was nudged open aggressively, and I saw a gun emerge into view. It was surreal. Following the gun was a man. He was Asian and had a lot of ammunition and gun gear on — like a big utility belt or something for ammo. That was the only glimpse I got. I quickly dove under a desk — that was the desk I chose to die under. He then began methodically and calmly shooting people down. It sounded rhythmic — like he took his time in between each shot and kept up the pace, moving from person to person. After every shot I thought, "OK, the next one is me." Shot after shot went off and I never felt anything. I played dead and tried to look as lifeless as possible. Sometimes after a shot, I would hear a quick moan, or a slow one, or a grunt, or a quiet, reserved yell from one of the girls.

After some time (I couldn't tell you if it was 5 minutes or an hour), he left. The room was silent except for the haunting sound of moans, some quiet crying, and someone muttering "it's OK, it's going to be OK. They will be here soon." I [propped] my head up just enough to mutter in a harsh whisper, "play dead. If he thinks you're dead then he won't kill you."

Shortly after, the gunman returned. My head was down the whole time. I continued to play dead. He began unloading what it seemed like a second round into everyone again — it had to be the same people. There were way more gunshots than there were people in that room. I think I heard him reload maybe three times. I think it was the sound of reloading — they were long pauses. He continued to shoot everyone over and over. After every shot I braced myself for the next, thinking, "This one is for me." I remember having stray thoughts,like "I wonder what a gun wound feels like. I hope it doesn't hurt. I wonder if I'll die slow or fast." I had come to accept my death, but the fear was still there. I was terrified that my parents weren't going to be able to go on after I was gone. I kept thinking about my parents. There was a girl in front of me — I didn't know her well. I didn't know her name. We kept eye contact from time to time. She was brave. I don't think she cried. We just stared at each other under the desks.

When the gunman finally left, I heard the police barge in the hallway doors and yell "get down! Get down!" The cops pounded on the door and asked someone to open it. I think eventually they just came in and told us to walk out if we could. I got up and put my hands up. Just me and that one girl next to me got up. She had a gunshot wound — I hope she is OK. I think she is — she was walking. I am so proud of her for staying calm. She would have been the last person I had made eye contact with on this earth if I had died.


Reading this sends chills up and down my spine.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 10:37 PM

 Originally Posted By: Snake
This just keeps getting better, Mig...

Student Arrested Over Va. Tech Remarks

Apr 18 03:22 PM US/Eastern

BOULDER, Colo. (AP) - A University of Colorado student was arrested after making comments that classmates deemed sympathetic toward the gunman blamed for killing 32 students and himself at Virginia Tech, authorities said.
During a class discussion of Monday's massacre at Virginia Tech, the student "made comments about understanding how someone could kill 32 people," university police Cmdr. Brad Wiesley said.

Several witnesses told investigators the student said he was "angry about all kinds of things from the fluorescent light bulbs to the unpainted walls, and it made him angry enough to kill people," according to a police report. Witnesses "said they were afraid of him and afraid to come to class with him," Wiesley said.

The student, identified by police as Max Karson of Denver, was arrested Tuesday on suspicion of interfering with staff, faculty or students of an education institution. He had a court appearance set for Wednesday afternoon.

His father, Michael Karson, told the Camera newspaper that the comments may have been misinterpreted and questioned whether his son's free speech rights had been violated.

"I would have hoped that state officials would know their First Amendment better than they seem to," he said.

University spokesman Bronson Hilliard said privacy laws prevented him from releasing personal information about the student.

At Oregon's Lewis & Clark College, another student was detained by campus police Wednesday shortly before a vigil for the Virginia Tech victims when he was spotted wearing an ammunition belt. Portland police later determined that it was "a fashion accessory" made of spent ammunition, and said the man did not have a weapon. The belt was confiscated.

This is the kind of stupid ass crap that can result from all of this. Think of it: someone arrested for supposedly interfering with a college because of what they say in class. It is a bunch of crap and it's because we have half-educated cops that couldn't do anything else in life except dig ditches. In addition to that we have alot of intolerant wimps who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag. In my classes, my students express all kinds of opinions and I encourage and protect that.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 10:53 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
Holy shit. What a sick bastard, huh?

The package was time stamped 9:01 AM Monday and was shipped overnight. But the address was wrong, so they just received it today. They're playing clips of the video he made. But not sure at what date and time he actually made that.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 11:34 PM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
Here is a picture that was in the package the killer sent to NBC.

Without the semiautomatic weapons, he's inconsequential.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 11:38 PM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1
 Originally Posted By: Beth E
Here is a picture that was in the package the killer sent to NBC.

Without the semiautomatic weapons, he's inconsequential.

To partly quote American Beauty "HE'S NORMAL" without those guns, and he can't take it. He was a punk, no balls, no nothing, but he had guns. Now he's dead, fuck 'em.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 11:42 PM

I heard that it seemed to be mailed in between the shootings. Can you imagine? You kill two people, go to the post office, and then head out to kill 30 more??

I saw a psychologist on TV today that said something that rang so true for me. She said that we think of these as random killings, but they're not. They are planned murders. Only the victims are random.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/18/07 11:58 PM

I wonder how long he had been planning this?

I gotta feel for the shooter's parents. I don't know if they were loving parents or not but they lost a son. I can't imagine the hell they are going through like the other parents are.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 12:54 AM

It's amazing and terrifying how this is playing out. I just saw part of the video this guy sent to NBC. Thus far they think he left after the first shooting to mail this to NBC.

Btw, I just heard that one of the professors that was murdered there was a Holocaust survivor. Can you imagine surviving that to get gunned down by some lunatic? \:\(

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 12:59 AM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
I gotta feel for the shooter's parents. I don't know if they were loving parents or not but they lost a son.

They lost a son who was repsonsible for causing other parents to lose their sons and daughters. Can't imagine what they must be feeling losing a son and at the same time knowing that their son was a mass murderer.
Posted By: SC

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 07:32 AM

 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Btw, I just heard that one of the professors that was murdered there was a Holocaust survivor. Can you imagine surviving that to get gunned down by some lunatic?

This guy was a true hero!

I figure he was a little bit younger than the kids whom he saved when he experienced the horrors of the Holocaust. I can't even begin to imagine the effect of having survived that had on his outlook towards life, but he went out in a glorious manner (sacrificing his own life so that those placed in his care could live).

As I continue to watch the news coverage of this story I'm becoming more and more upset after seeing the "personal" stories of the victims. This whole thing defines tragedy. \:\(
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 10:44 AM

 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Btw, I just heard that one of the professors that was murdered there was a Holocaust survivor. Can you imagine surviving that to get gunned down by some lunatic?

This guy was a true hero!

I figure he was a little bit younger than the kids whom he saved when he experienced the horrors of the Holocaust. I can't even begin to imagine the effect of having survived that had on his outlook towards life, but he went out in a glorious manner (sacrificing his own life so that those placed in his care could live).

As I continue to watch the news coverage of this story I'm becoming more and more upset after seeing the "personal" stories of the victims. This whole thing defines tragedy. \:\(
He became a hero at a very early age, and sacrificed his life to die a hero. His actions saved lives.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 10:46 AM

 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Btw, I just heard that one of the professors that was murdered there was a Holocaust survivor. Can you imagine surviving that to get gunned down by some lunatic?

This guy was a true hero!

I figure he was a little bit younger than the kids whom he saved when he experienced the horrors of the Holocaust. I can't even begin to imagine the effect of having survived that had on his outlook towards life, but he went out in a glorious manner (sacrificing his own life so that those placed in his care could live).

As I continue to watch the news coverage of this story I'm becoming more and more upset after seeing the "personal" stories of the victims. This whole thing defines tragedy. \:\(

I feel exactly the same SC. This is just so upsetting to me.

The New York Daily News disgusted me this morning. They have this murdering scumbags picture posted all over the front and first 5 pages of the paper. They have given this jerk EXACTLY what he was looking for in brandishing his pictures all over the first six pages.

Then finally, all the way on page 7, you find the story about one of the true heroes of this tragedy, Prof. Librescu. He is the one who should be making front page news instead of page 7 and not the little pr**k who did this to get himself the attention that he wanted.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 10:56 AM

My work sent out emails to all employees that they can seek help regarding this tragedy if need be. This really is far reaching. Although I understand there were some involved who were from Maryland.

The recent events at Virginia Tech have impacted us in various ways. If you want to discuss these events, the following resources are available to you.

For Staff
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Call 8-5860 for an appointment M-F 8a-4p

For Students
UMBCounseling Center
Carrie Burmaster
M-F 8:30a-5p
www:umaryland.edu\counseling "Virginia Tech Tragedy Suggestions for Coping"

If you wish to gather in remembrance, you are invited to a
Non-denominational Service
Sponsored by Pastoral Care Services
Friday, April 20th
1:30 PM
LearningCenterrooms 6&7
Chaplains are also available 24/7 for spiritual support

If you wish to support the Virginia Tech community you are invited to participate in
Orange and Maroon Effect
Friday, April 20th
By wearing the school colors
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 12:17 PM

I think it's easy to throw the term "coward" round as easily as the phrase "terrible writer" or whatever, from our chairs behind a laptop or desktop, millions of miles, years or wavelengths from the inside of a complex human mind.

Not sure if this guy's a coward. It takes a lot of balls to act upon your forbidden desires.

(Sure, it also takes a lot of balls to talk about them and seek help for what you're feeling.)

I'll give it a few years before there's a film made of it.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 12:26 PM

I was watching one of those news talk shows last night and one guy on the panel said that the tv networks need to stop showing the shooters picture cuz he said there is probably someone out there who is on the edge and they will look up to the shooter and will want to do the same thing. Just like this Cho nut job looked up to the shooters from Columbine.

What do you guys think?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 12:33 PM

Well, the picture resembles iconic posters of Travis Bickle in Taxi Driver, and there is a sort of appealing quality to it. They probably should stop it, yes.

And it'd probably be the most respectful thing to do as regards the victims's families.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 12:35 PM

 Originally Posted By: SC
 Originally Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Btw, I just heard that one of the professors that was murdered there was a Holocaust survivor. Can you imagine surviving that to get gunned down by some lunatic?

This guy was a true hero!

I figure he was a little bit younger than the kids whom he saved when he experienced the horrors of the Holocaust. I can't even begin to imagine the effect of having survived that had on his outlook towards life, but he went out in a glorious manner (sacrificing his own life so that those placed in his care could live).

As I continue to watch the news coverage of this story I'm becoming more and more upset after seeing the "personal" stories of the victims. This whole thing defines tragedy. \:\(

They interviewed some students yesterday, and one student (don't know if he was in the room with this Professor or not)said that the teacher was holding the door shut to keep the shooter out,, and let the kids escape through the window, and as a result got shot. \:\( Man, I'd like to think I'd be so heroic. The student said this guy truly cared about his students. Boy, the ultimate sacrifice hu? \:\(

Mig, as far as the news coverage, yea this guy is getting what he wanted, but I can understad to a degree "our" need to know. I too, am beginning to think that these people, whether or not they get their ideas from news, music, movies or whatever, that if they are "sick" enough they will find a way.

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 12:38 PM

The guy said it should have coverage but just stop showing the shooters picture.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 01:50 PM

I saw a forensic psychiatrist on TV today that pleaded with the media to stop showing the videos and photos. He said that not only could this encourage others, but it also gives the shooter what he wanted. He said that this man was trying to portray himself as a tormented and tortured person driven to his actions by the faults of those around him. He said that this man wanted to achieve immortality by shedding the blood of others. By showing his picture, the media is giving him EXACTLY what he wanted.

I saw the video of him whining about how he didn't want to do this. Well, he was taken to a mental hospital, he was referred for counseling. He obviously had access to therapy and help. Why didn't he take it?

I am amazed at the interviews with the injured. They have prevented themselves with such grace and dignity. I saw one young man interviewed in the hospital, with a bullet still in his leg. He was saying how sad he felt for the families of those that were killed. And then he said that healing begins with forgiveness, and that he forgives the shooter. He also said that he was sorry that he didn't get to meet the shooter beforehand, that maybe he could have helped him. What an amazing and spiritually generous young man!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 02:00 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I saw a forensic psychiatrist on TV today that pleaded with the media to stop showing the videos and photos. By showing his picture, the media is giving him EXACTLY what he wanted.

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi

They have given this jerk EXACTLY what he was looking for in brandishing his pictures all over the first six pages.

He's right! This was my initial feeling when I picked up the New York Daily News this mroning and saw this fuck's face all over the first six pages.

The damn media should instead be showing us people like the Prof. who gave his life so that those students could escape with theirs.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 02:13 PM

I agree wholeheartedly, just like the Jesse James headstone to which I alluded yesterday before all this new crap came out. They don't need to immortalize this subhuman and give some other moron somewhere ideas.

Yeah, he was a "sick" bastard who was "mental," etc., etc., ad nauseum. But nobody can predict this stuff, even the best shrinks in the world. There are folks who are schizoid and manifested demeanor just like him who do nothing more than push shopping carts down alleys and collect bags and cans, about as harmful as butterflies. I DO think there should've been a link somehow between the judge's decision on the turd's mental state and his background check in purchasing a weapon. As Dennis Miller noted last night on O'Reilly, he should NOT have been able to walk out with a pistol in 10 minutes time. Yeah, I'm for the Second Amendment, but this was entirely too convenient. Something really needs to be done, and both sides of the gun issue need to reach some middle ground. It won't stop some nut that's truly determined to harm others, but it might snag a few in the dragnet.

I'm by no means a big O'Reilly fan, but he raised a good point on the world's perspective of us. A lot of folks are lambasting the US because of the shooting, saying we're a "gun-crazed" society, yada-yada-yada. BUT, in Iraq and other such places where innocents are slaughtered wholesale on a daily basis, hardly a word of condemnation. Anyway...
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 02:40 PM

On Thursday, university officials announced that Cho's victims would be awarded their degrees posthumously during commencement.
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 02:43 PM

That's very nice. I just hope it doesn't put a dark cloud on the day of the surviving graduates. I'm sure that their first home football game will be a very solemn affair this year, also. Don't forget, that's a pretty big football school.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 02:55 PM

 Originally Posted By: pizzaboy

I'm sure that their first home football game will be a very solemn affair this year, also. Don't forget, that's a pretty big football school.

According to the Associated Press :

BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) — "Virginia Tech on Tuesday canceled spring football practice and the team's annual spring game in the wake of Monday's campus massacre.
The intrasquad game, which typically draws tens of thousands of fans, was scheduled for Saturday.

The school also postponed a baseball game against William & Mary that had been scheduled for Wednesday.

Five spring sports teams will participate in ACC championships as scheduled, the school said."

Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 03:06 PM

 Originally Posted By: Snake
BUT, in Iraq and other such places where innocents are slaughtered wholesale on a daily basis, hardly a word of condemnation. Anyway...

No, thats inaccurate. Many of us have been protesting the criminal actions of the U.S. Government's illegal invasion and occupation of that country which has resulted inthe deaths and disfigurement of more than 100,000 innocent Iraqis, more than 20,000 American troops who were sent there to fight for nothing, not to mention the trauma it has caused the children of Iraq.

That said, lets keep this thread focused on the tragedy at Virginia Tech.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 03:27 PM

I think this picture says it all. This is taken at the college.

Attached picture 99-capt.9e709b4334004718b2a3b7382d2f51b5.virginia_tech_shooting__varoa101.jpg
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 04:01 PM

Here is a complete list of the victims and their stories.

Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 04:24 PM

 Originally Posted By: dontomasso
No, thats inaccurate. Many of us have been protesting the criminal actions of the U.S. Government's illegal invasion and occupation of that country which has resulted inthe deaths and disfigurement of more than 100,000 innocent Iraqis, more than 20,000 American troops who were sent there to fight for nothing, not to mention the trauma it has caused the children of Iraq.

That said, lets keep this thread focused on the tragedy at Virginia Tech.

Focused? You raised a counterpoint, not me.

Oh, was that OUR government's gassing of the Iraqis during Sadaam's reign? How about all the videotaped killings and beheadings? What about the wholesale killings in Sudan? Israel? Lebanon? Syria? Yeah, the other governments don't sanction such killings (just as we didn't sanction the lunatic at VT), but they do give it a wink when they "come out against" these atrocities in a lot of empty talk. (Well, actually, I suppose some of these governments DO sanction such massacres.)In the meantime, the slaughters go on.

My point is that we don't have such depravity going on in this country, yet, to hear our "friends" elaborate, we're the Satan of the world.

You don't want to change the topic, then don't. I was simply conveying an observation that originally was pertinent to this, at least in the context of what other countries are saying about America and the VT massacre.
Posted By: olivant

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 04:36 PM

I live in a city of about 100,000 people. It's just 35 miles north of Dallas which is a city of over 1 million people. This past year several residents of both cities have died in tragic circumstances, some murdered. I didn't know any of them. I didn't go to their funerals or interact with their families. The Virginia Tech students are over 1,000 miles away from me. So, what's the difference? Just the quantity? That most of them were "young?" That they were all associated with one entity like the University. When was the last time you picked one or two names of people you didn't know from the obituaries in the newspaper and went to their funerals or consoled their families? I've never done it.
Posted By: Saladbar

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 05:39 PM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I saw a forensic psychiatrist on TV today that pleaded with the media to stop showing the videos and photos. By showing his picture, the media is giving him EXACTLY what he wanted.

Cho received his post-mortem glory, which possibly could encourage others to do the same thing. Most psychos live a relatively pathetic lives and then die. However if they know they can become larger then life in the media by killing as many people as possible before cashing out then we'll end up seeing more and more of them taking that option in the future.

Information and videos of him like this COULD MAYBE MIGHT give us more insight into someone who would do something like this. Maybe someone out there can recognize this behavior in someone else and get that person help before it is too late. (Though all I saw was a weak man with severe psychosis, and his idiot ramblings seem evidence of a gross detachment from reality ... not the "hero victim" he may have wanted). But it does seem excessively pointed just to him...

AND YES. I want more about the Professor, heroes, the guy that saved himself tourniquet!!

I'll shut up, I am noticing my own rambling as I try to come to a decision about this...
Posted By: Longneck

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 05:45 PM

I noticed NBC made sure to put on every single picture their logo. Way to go NBC, get that advertising...profit from the tradegy.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 05:51 PM

Salad, I agree with you 100%. This is a man who found himself weak and alone, despite our hearing from many that any effort to communicate with him was met with complete failure. I'm not just talking about his suite-mates at school (one of whom is still in shock that the shooter didn't come after him), but professors and even his tutor. He didn't WANT to be reached.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 06:06 PM

Of course, the one solace we have is that the sonuvbitch isn't here to relish it all. In fact, I believe he's experiencing 1000 times the suffering he's caused.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 06:27 PM

This past year several residents of both cities have died in tragic circumstances, some murdered. I didn't know any of them. I didn't go to their funerals or interact with their families. The Virginia Tech students are over 1,000 miles away from me. So, what's the difference?

Murder is the killing of one person by another person with malice aforethought. Generally a person who murders restricts his or her act to one victim. Does that make the loss of human life less important? Absolutely not. But usually, when there is an act of murder committed on a person, there usually is premeditation involved. An act of murder could be the result of a crime of passion, an arguement, a robbery or a rape. And again, that does not in any way make the loss of a life in these kinds of circumstances any less important because it was not a quantity of lost lives.

A mass murderer, however, slays three or more victims over a short period of time. If the act takes place in one location, it is usually continuous. A mass murderer kills groups of people at once making his or her "final statement" in or about life through the use of abrupt and final violence. They kill without rhyme or reason.

That is what I believe makes a case like this one stand out more than an islolated murder.

And more importantly it is a time for anyone with even an ounce of compassion to show their support to those who have lost their loved ones in this act.

You may choose not to participate in showing your support just as you may choose not to attend a funeral for someone who was murdered where you live, that is your choice.

Others may pick up their local newspaper and find that someone in their town has been murdered and even though they may not have kown the person, they just might choose to show support to that person's family. That's their choice.

And knowing them personally or not should have nothing to do with showing a little bit of compassion for fellow human beings who are hurting. 9/11 and Hurricane Katrina were perfect examples of how people not knowing those who were affected, still came out in droves showing compassion and giving support in any way that they could.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 06:44 PM

Backlash to the Cho video has some stations pulling it, others limiting it's use. Some victim's families pulled out of interviews with The Today Show over the video.

Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 06:48 PM

Hats off to them. I don't blame them a single bit!
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 07:15 PM

 Originally Posted By: Beth E
Backlash to the Cho video has some stations pulling it, others limiting it's use. Some victim's families pulled out of interviews with The Today Show over the video.


Good for them!

I sent an e-mail to the New York Daily News earlier today in regards to their posting this scumbags picture all over the front and first 6 pages and then printing the story of the brave Prof. on the 7th page. I also informed them that I will not be renewing my subscription. Fuck them.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 07:26 PM

Good for you, DC!

I forgot which online news source it was, but the other day I was clicking around the different articles on Drudge. One online article had a picture of that first girl who was killed with the first line reading, "This could be the face that sparked the worst shooting in US history." I nearly shook with rage! There was a place for comments at the bottom and lots of folks railed on 'em for that. I added my comments, but I doubt they printed it with all my expletives. My last line was, "I hope they sue your sorry asses!"

Media...bunch of whores
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 07:48 PM

Well, I agree with all of the above!! If life has taught us anything, it is that it is too short and too precious to be spent foolishly. It should be spent trying to enrich the lives around us. And if that means volunteering at a local hospital, or showing compassion for the victim of a crime by volunteering at a local shelter for abuse victims, then that is the personal choice that each of us makes. How we choose to do it should be personal as well. If you decide that ignoring the pain of others is the route you want to take, then that's a personal choice, too.

I am glad to hear that these horrendous images are being pulled. It is about time that we stand up and express our indignation. While there are some that say that the images of September 11th or the Holocaust shouldn't be shown as well, that's a different story. Each bears its purpose. Show the victims, let us get to know them and the loss that they represent to this world. However, don't show the perpetrators. It only glorifies them and encourages others to follow in their footsteps.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 08:41 PM

Well said SB.

I think that when one does give of themselves and resorts to offering support to people in physical or mental need, especially in these type of situations, it is very gratifying for both the giver and the receiver.

Many times we tend to feel helpless when we witness a disaster or a tragedy, hear of one, or see people going through pain. And when that compassionate and human trait arises within us when helping in any way that we can or giving anything that we can, doing so satisfies that inner feeling of helplessness. And at the same time our giving support, no matter what form it is in, helps those who are victims of a tragedy or a disaster deal with their own feelings of helplessness.

I know when we experienced the attacks of 9/11, we felt helpless. Then as the day went on and the stories began to surface of those who lost loved ones, of those responders who were searching for people, etc., a feeling of needing to do something for these people came over many of us. And by doing something, be it comforting someone who lost a husband, a wife, or a child, or filling up your SUV with food, water and socks to send to those working at ground zero, we began to feel whole again and at the same time helped those we were supporting feel needed, wanted and that they were on the road to recovery in some form again.

I believe that giving of one's self is beneficial to both the giver and the receiver. Both seem to learn and grow from each other when experienceing the selflessness shown in these types of situations.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 10:04 PM

As if these victim's stories couldn't be any more unbelievable. One girl actually survived Columbine as well.

Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 10:09 PM

I am so sick of seeing this scumbags face all over the news. Talk about the victims, lets hear stories about them, the people who matter. The Holocaust survivor should have been front page news, with a little article on page 14 about this piece of shit. We give the kid exactly what he wanted, honor those who fell for no reason, but not this scumbag, let him be forgotten.
Posted By: Ice

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 10:13 PM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
 Originally Posted By: Beth E
Backlash to the Cho video has some stations pulling it, others limiting it's use. Some victim's families pulled out of interviews with The Today Show over the video.


Good for them!

I sent an e-mail to the New York Daily News earlier today in regards to their posting this scumbags picture all over the front and first 6 pages and then printing the story of the brave Prof. on the 7th page. I also informed them that I will not be renewing my subscription. Fuck them.

Good for you, DC!
Posted By: Ice

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 10:13 PM


It's not very hard to lockdown a 2600 acre campus. It is impossible.

The campus may be 2600 acres but this is NOT a 2600 acre area we are talking about. The murder sites were just a few hundred yards away from each other. It's not coincidental that the assassin didn't jog 2600 acres to his next target b/c.....although the campus may be measured as 2600 acres, the heavy traffic at any university is confined to a much smaller space. For example.....UT(a HUGE school), is affectionately called the 40 acres. 40 acres b/c most of the major dorms and school buildings are in a 40 acre vicinity. That 40 acres does not include the baseball fields and nursing school which lie on the opposite side of the bisecting interstate-35 expressway and are separated from the 'main' campus by the football stadium, basketball stadium, presidential library, etc, etc. The 40 acres does not include the bio-med technology building and intramural sports fields which lie some 30 blocks from the 'main' campus and are separated by blocks of student housing and local businesses.

VT authorities did NOT have to shut down the entire 2600 acres,(a large portion of which is open field/pasture reserved for military training ;\) ) had they simply shut down the heart of campus(which would have included the engineering school) these particular deaths could have been avoided.

Of course, any thwart of the assassin would have been temporary, he would simply come back next week and try again. Never the less, these particular 31 victims would have been saved had the school immediately shut down the main buildings(most of which were probably still locked at 7:15 on a Monday morning anyway).

I think its safe to say that b/c of this tragedy, ALL schools will now induct a 'lock down' procedure. If this were to happen again the particular university WILL be shut down. First the 'main' part and then the outer levels.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/19/07 10:16 PM

I saw on the news where the VT Marching Band was playing their fight song outside of the hospital where a lot of victims are. It was very touching. I wish I could find a video of it on the web.

WTG kids!
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 12:03 AM

I found a video from my local tv station reporting on Maryland kids injured at VT. It includes footage of the Marching Band playing outside the hospital.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 12:38 AM

Thanks Beth. How touching. I'm glad some students were able to hear and see the support they are getting.

The copycats begin. One school in the city I work arrested a boy who threatened to bring a gun to school tomorrow and kill two girls. And, evidently there was a rumor that my school was gonna go on lockdown tomorrow (Columbine Anniversary). Our Principal had to e-mail us all to tell us that was not true. I have no reason to think things won't go well, but must admit, I'll probably be a little more alert than usual. \:\/

Seeing so many students throughout the years, and although most are perfectly normal, I can think of a couple who if I heard did something like this, I might not be surprised. It's sad, but what do you do, who do you tell? How can you tell someone "watch out for him, because he may go bullistic one day. It's impossible.

Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 01:12 AM

 Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
I think it's easy to throw the term "coward" round as easily as the phrase "terrible writer" or whatever, from our chairs behind a laptop or desktop, millions of miles, years or wavelengths from the inside of a complex human mind.

Not sure if this guy's a coward. It takes a lot of balls to act upon your forbidden desires.

(Sure, it also takes a lot of balls to talk about them and seek help for what you're feeling.)

I'll give it a few years before there's a film made of it.

I don't think it took a lot of balls, but rather a lot of nerve. Maybe it's a fine distinction. But I think he was a guy consumed by hatred, an outcast from life's feast. He didn't apparently value his own life, and viewed his classmates with contempt. He was selfish and delusional, and knew he would eventually turn the gun on himself.

The guy with balls is the 76 year old Holocaust survivor, who had much to live for and appreciated the value of his and others' lives, by holding the door closed long enough while some students were able to escape.

But I agree about the movie in two to three years.
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 01:13 AM

sorry about the double post.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 01:20 AM

 Originally Posted By: klydon1

The guy with balls is the 76 year old Holocaust survivor

Wasn't it from "A Bronx Tale" when Lorenzo says "Holding a gun doesn't make you a man, the guy who gets up every morning and goes to work, thats the real man."

I know I butchered the quote but I think its from A Bronx Tale.

No one can call this scumbag a man, he was a coward who resorted to weapons because he knew there was no other way for him to lash out his "anger."
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 01:27 AM

And the real man was Prof. who went to work everyday and then knowingly gave his own life in order to allow those kids to continue living theirs. That's a real man. That takes balls.

Picking up a gun and shooting innocent people randomly does not take guts or balls. No matter what anyone says, to me that's the act of a coward.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 01:40 AM

The story that amazed me was the young man who had the presence of mind to realize that he was bleeding to death from a gunshot wound to his femoral artery, and fashioned his own tourniquet out of an electrical cord.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 01:55 AM

I hadn't heard that story SB. I can only imagine how his heart was pounding and hands trembling. \:\(

Another victim was apparently playing dead on the floor after being shot. Choi came toward him and shot him again. Then, he heard Choi go to the front of the room and then heard a shot and later found out that's when Choi killed himself. Looks like the victim will survive. \:\) There's a video with is mother telling the story.


Virginia Tech victim
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:12 AM

These young people survived hell, and there is not one who has not impressed me with their poise, and their generosity of spirit. They are all incredible, and the word Survivor, with all the triumph it implies, is one that they should wear proudly.

TIS, the boy who fashioned his own tourniquet is the one from this photo, which is one of the first we all saw. His name is Kevin Sterne.
Posted By: Beth E

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:13 AM

He is the young man that on the first day you saw pictures of 4 guys carrying a young man bleeding from the leg away from the building. That was him. He's an eagle scout and he remembered his training. I believe that young man is from Maryland. They've been showing it on our local news.

EDIT: SB was posting it as I was.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:15 AM

What carnage for these young people. My God. It's inconceivable.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:20 AM

Thanks SB & Beth

I didn't realize that was him. The picture is shown often.

I just want to cry hearing some of these stories, and yet if the victim survives it's sort of sadness/happiness type tears. \:\(

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:21 AM

I disagree. This guy was a human being. That's the utter tragedy of it all, is it not? People haven't been gunned down by some kind of robot. They've been killed by a deranged mind and soul.

But yeah, I'm gay like that.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:27 AM

I would never consider him a robot. He was all too human, and terribly flawed. He was a p.o.s. coward who tried to fill the empty spaces with guns, rather than face the deficiencies within himself.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:33 AM

Well, to be honest, I don't consider myself morally or ethically righteous enough to decide who is a coward and who is not a coward. Especially if the only things I know about them are what the Media tells me.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:43 AM

Well, I don't think it's too much of a leap to come to the conclusion that anyone who walks around shooting 32 unarmed people, people who barricaded themselves under desks and leaped out of windows, is a big freaking coward. I think that it's pretty apparent that someone who shoots a 76 year old unarmed man whose only crime in life was trying to survive the horrors that life dealt him, who died trying to hold a door closed so that his young students might live, anyone who would shoot that 76 year old man is a coward.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:54 AM

Big leap or little leap, I find definitions for "coward" and such like very problematic.
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 02:56 AM

I have no such problem in this case.
Posted By: DonMichaelCorleone

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 03:02 AM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
I have no such problem in this case.

Neither do I......although I believe we used the term coward for males who BEAT UP elderly people, I don't know what you'd call a p.o.s. who shoots one.

I don't understand what the media can't be telling us.....he had a gun, he shot people, a 76 year old MAN is dead because of that piece of shit. Did they lie about the amount of bullets?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 03:55 AM

 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
I sent an e-mail to the New York Daily News earlier today in regards to their posting this scumbags picture all over the front and first 6 pages and then printing the story of the brave Prof. on the 7th page. I also informed them that I will not be renewing my subscription. Fuck them.

Way to go Santino, I'm proud of ya Did you get a responce back from them?
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 03:59 AM

 Originally Posted By: Sicilian Babe
Show the victims, let us get to know them and the loss that they represent to this world. However, don't show the perpetrators. It only glorifies them and encourages others to follow in their footsteps.

Amen to that SB. I am sick and tired of seeing his face.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 12:40 PM

 Originally Posted By: Mignon
 Originally Posted By: Don Cardi
I sent an e-mail to the New York Daily News earlier today in regards to their posting this scumbags picture all over the front and first 6 pages and then printing the story of the brave Prof. on the 7th page. I also informed them that I will not be renewing my subscription. Fuck them.

Way to go Santino, I'm proud of ya Did you get a responce back from them?

Actually I received a phone call from the subscription department yesterday afternoon. They told me that they were sorry that I had decided not to re-new my subscrition ( so happens that it comes up for renewal next week) and asked if there was anything that they could do to change my mind. I told them

"Sure, try hiring some real reporters and tell your editors to start showing some integrity with the stories and pictures that they choose to print, and just maybe I'll buy a sunday edition once in a while for the coupons."

and I hung up. Screw them.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 01:50 PM

WTG DC... putting your money where your mouth is. There is some news value to showing some information about this nut case, but the Daily News and other tabloids went way over the top with this, as did NBC News. MSNBC in the run-up to the evening news was giving out teasers saying that Brian Williams would have "exclusive" vidoes of the guy, and "exclusive" info about the things he wrote. If this is considered "newsworthy" they should have run it when they got it, after a reasonable interval to censor obscenities etc., and left it at that. Instead they chose to shill the piece and build up suspense. That is not journalism it is sleazy exploitation.
Posted By: Snake

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 04:29 PM

As Bernie Goldberg noted this morning, "It went from 'news' to 'show business.'" Of course, they do this everytime there's a "breaking story" of this magnitude. I can still see the 2 space shuttle disasters over and over in my head as if they occurred yesterday, as well as the images of 9-11 and the OK city bombing. It's like watching the Zapruder film over and over and over.
Posted By: Mignon

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/20/07 11:27 PM

Va. Tech gunman's family Speak
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/21/07 12:19 AM

You know that old question, "Who would you hate to be stuck in a lift with"?

Mine would surely be Nikki Finke, author of this article.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/21/07 01:47 AM

I am watching Larry King who is discussing this shooting and speaking with Choi's dorm mate. Everyone says the same thing, he kept to himself and never talked to you and if he did he never looked you in the eye.

Anyway, they just had Anderson Cooper announce that the latest news coming up is that police are thinking that "maybe" there were others who knew about Choi's plan. That's all I know so far.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/26/07 11:15 AM

All of us are failures; we all die.

Nobody wants to be a nobody. All our acts are partly devised to fill or to mask the emptiness we feel at the core.

We all like to be loved or hated; it is a sign that we shall be remembered, that we did not 'not exist'. For this reason, many unable to create love have created hate. That too is remembered.

John Fowles
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/26/07 12:31 PM

 Originally Posted By: Snake
As Bernie Goldberg noted this morning, "It went from 'news' to 'show business.'" Of course, they do this everytime there's a "breaking story" of this magnitude. I can still see the 2 space shuttle disasters over and over in my head as if they occurred yesterday, as well as the images of 9-11 and the OK city bombing. It's like watching the Zapruder film over and over and over.

You read his new book yet? I'm loving it. ;\)
Posted By: svsg

Re: Virginia Tech shooting - 04/26/07 03:57 PM

 Originally Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra
All of us are failures; we all die.

Nobody wants to be a nobody. All our acts are partly devised to fill or to mask the emptiness we feel at the core.

We all like to be loved or hated; it is a sign that we shall be remembered, that we did not 'not exist'. For this reason, many unable to create love have created hate. That too is remembered.

John Fowles

Great quote!
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