
Assistance in finding Apparel

Posted By: Tony Love

Assistance in finding Apparel - 12/18/06 04:47 AM

For several months now, I've been searching for a place where I can get a decent black fedora, and black trench coat to wear with it. I've been avoiding leather and would prefer for the coat to be some type of cloth. Feel free to post more than one store to find this stuff. I'll need the stores to be online based due to my location being in the middle of nowhere (I HATE Iowa). A decent price range would also be desired. I was hoping I didn't have to bother anyone here with it, but if there's somebody more knowledgeable about where to find this stuff, I would appreciate it. Besides, going from the games forum, I know how much time some of you people have on your hands to recover this stuff.
Posted By: SC

Re: Assistance in finding Apparel - 12/18/06 06:29 AM

I've been known to wear a fedora and a trenchcoat.

A good trenchcoat will run you over $300; a fairly decent, cheaper version of one is on sale at JCPenney online (trenchcoat). It sells for about $125.

A good fedora can easily run over $200. I don't know what your budget is or how often you'll be wearing it, but I expect you can find one online for a LOT less if its gonna be a once-in-a-while type thing and you don't need a real quality hat. Try Ebay for starters.

Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Assistance in finding Apparel - 12/19/06 07:34 AM

Here is a url for famous Borsalino fedoras:


Here is a url for an outfit that I do business with all the time. They have lots more coats than these:


Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Assistance in finding Apparel - 12/21/06 09:30 PM

Thanks to the both of you!

You're looking good, S.C. Oddly familiar though..
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