
Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!"

Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 06:19 PM

Well, the heads are starting to roll.

After the GOP not only lose the House, but now to see to have lost, surprisingly, majority of the Senate, U.S. Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld has resigned. You know, "resigned" as meaning:

Rumsfeld:"what are you saying Mr. President?"
Bush: "You're out Don."

This was a move that honestly, it should have been made months back. If Bush had gotten a competent-looking man to replace Rumsfeld back in say....September, then the GOP might have not only kept the Senate, but perhaps not get their ass kicked in the House as badly as it was last night.

But whatever. Morning after the massacre, Rumsfeld is out, and former CIA Director Robert Gates (under the first President Bush) looks to be our new Secretary of Defense.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 06:56 PM

Thank God. Now let's try to win this thing and get our troops home and get some stability to the region.

I would have preferred James Baker, who served with Bush 41, but we'll see how Bush 43's nominee goes. We have nowhere to go but up with the mess Rumsfeld created.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 07:01 PM

Bush - You're out Don.

Rumsfeld - I dont understand.

Bush - You'll be my top off the books defense advisor.

Cheney (sits down with Rummy) - I never thought you were a bad consigliere Don, I thought Wolfowitz was a bad advisor, but there are things in which you must not take part.

Rumsfeld - Maybe I could help.

Bush - Rummy, you're not a wartime consigliere, and things could get rough with the moves we're trying to make. Baker, you've been Secretary of State, and you've done many things for the family. You're my top man in the Middle East and I want you to go to Syria immediately.

Baker (looks at Cheney) Thank you papa.

Condi - Mr. President you once promised that some day me and Tony Snow could form our own family....

Snow - Yeah and with Pelosi and the rest of them comin at us with all those subpoenas, we're losin our muscle.

Bush - After we make the move on Iran, you can do what you like.

Snow (to Cheney) - Please Godfather, if we wait that long Pelosi and the other families will take our territories and we wont have nothing to build on.

Cheney - Do you trust my judgment?

Condi and Snow - Yes Godfather.

Cheney - Then be a friend to George.
Posted By: Enzo Scifo

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 07:18 PM

The new guy, is he more competent?
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 07:19 PM


goombah, I agree. Though, would you blame Baker for not getting involved for 2 years in this damn mess? I don't blame the guy. Its not worth it.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 07:25 PM

Enzo, lets hope so for America's sake.

And in other news, Dennis Hastert, Speaker of the GOP-held House, will not run for Minority House leadership in January. Umm...

You know, who will be the Democratic Senate Majority Leader?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 07:28 PM


No, I know Baker won't do it and I don't blame him one bit. There is a lot of work to do and it is an uphill battle.

Despite my complete hatred of Bush, I sincerely hopes he picks a good defense secretary, whoever that happens to be. If this nominee is strong, then let's see what happens. I hope the new Sec Def listens to his military advice and not to Dick Cheney, Karl Rove, and other policymakers. The new Sec Def needs to listen to the argument for more troops, redeployment, or whatever is our best course of action and he needs to refuse to carry on the status quo.
Posted By: dontomasso

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 07:37 PM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

You know, who will be the Democratic Senate Majority Leader?

There is a rumor floating around that Hillary Clinton may strike a deal to become majority leader in exchange for a promise that she will not run for president in 2008. The thinking is she enjoys being a Senator and realizes she can probably be a Senator for life, and get a lot done if a Dem is Prez and she is majority leader in the Senate for the next decade.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 07:45 PM

Amen goombah.

Interesting, apparently Vice-President Cheney tried his best to talk Bush out of dumping Rumsfeld for Gates...and Bush outright vetoed him.

Speaking of which, I think sometime in late 2007 or early 2008, Bush needs Cheney to resign. He can keep Cheney as advisor(yes Papa! ), but as his new Vice-PResident....two courses of possible action:

(1) Nominate Condoleeza Rice. Make her be the first black, and woman, be the 2nd in line to the Presidency. That would be a very nice touch of legacy that Bush will leave behind


(2) Get the GOP back together, get their shit together, and use that vacant VP slot to nominate a person that would become the unpromptu front-runner for the GOP Presidential nomination in 2008. Don't laugh. The only Republican that may have gained from last night was Senator John McCain. Having a "moderate" face helps much more right now...
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don!" - 11/08/06 07:49 PM

DT, I've heard that story for months.

Thing is, does Hillary Clinton's ambitious as hell ego...will it be able to let go of the passion and urge to be THE first female PResident of America?

Thats the problem I have with the idea that Hillary will become the Senate Majority Leader.

Then again, I am assuming that the story is false. Besides, being the first female Senate Majority Leader has a nice ring to it, and I hope its true honestly.

If that happens, then....*drumroll*

OBAMA - 2008!
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 07:53 PM

Today is a glorious day.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 07:58 PM

ACtually, I forgot of a Democratic Governor that got re-elected last night that, I might support as well.

Bill Richardson of New Mexico. Former Congressman, US Secretary of Energy under Clinton, US Ambassador to UN, and recently an unofficial American convoy/advisor on the North Koreans.

I know this is a cliche of a joke now, but...anyone but Hillary in the Democratic Party for 2008. Please...
Posted By: goombah

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 08:05 PM


I don't see Cheney stepping down. He's even worse than Bush about admitting mistakes. The only way he leaves office before 2008 is if he dies.

I would like to see Obama run in '08, but I think there are too many rednecks and racists in this country for him to overcome. IMO he should be somebody's VP running mate, although I'm not sure who that would be at the moment. He could run with Hillary, but a woman and a minority candidate would have an uphill battle. There's lots of time til '08, so I'm just going to relish the victory today and see how the new House & Senate make in their progress.

The Democratic wins in both the House and (soon to be) Senate, combined with the resignation of Rumsfeld make it feel like a kid on Christmas Day whose birthday is December 26th.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 08:13 PM

Goombah, that's why I think Richardson would be the PERFECT running-mate. He's got the federal credentials, a popular governor, and a hispanic. What's not to like in a running mate?

For Obama, or John Edwards, or even Hillary the Dog, Richardson would be a good tag-team partner.

You share my thoughts on Hillary?
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 08:25 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah

The Democratic wins in both the House and (soon to be) Senate, combined with the resignation of Rumsfeld make it feel like a kid on Christmas Day whose birthday is December 26th.

Orgasms over politicians?

I didn't realize we weren't still talking about the same corrupt bastards, just different affiliations.


As far as Obama goes - I'm not racist or a "redneck" and I still wouldn't vote for him.


RRA - Want to throw a real curveball if Cheney steps down? Nominate Lieberman.
Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 08:45 PM

Originally Posted By: long_lost_corleone
Today is a glorious day.

Yeah I feel the same. I don't usually give that much of a shit about politics, but I couldn't help but smile when I saw the Dems took back the house or whatever, and Rumsfeld is out.

Clinton Era, Here We Come! Hallelujah!
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 08:46 PM

Originally Posted By: MistaMista Tom Hagen

Clinton Era, Here We Come! Hallelujah!

Aren't we all forgetting that there still is a Republican in the White House? I mean, Clinton Era? Holy shit. Please stop orgasming all over (like Clinton), and realize you didn't win the presidency. The Dems still have quite a bit of work to do if they expect to win it all in 2008.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 09:11 PM

DJ is right. 2008 is two years away. The Democrats will need to kick ass legislatively, and get a great national candidate for President as well.

Remember, I wouldn't have thought the Dems would take Congress back in 2006. Things change in two years, folks.

DJ, Lieberman?!?! Now that is cold, killah

Poor President Bush, he isn't just a lame duck Executive. He's a cockhold.

Posted By: Double-J

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 10:05 PM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

DJ, Lieberman?!?! Now that is cold, killah

"Coooooold blooooooded..."
Posted By: Anthony Lombardi

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/08/06 11:58 PM

maybe the democratic celebratory atmosphere is because it's been so long that they've actually won something, that even a victory like this (which, surely, i do not undermine - but, as DJ said, they haven't won the presidency, folks) is a big deal to them. let's see them move some legislations, then we'll see who's the big dog in the yard. we've got a long way to go until 2008, & as it's been well said, anything can happen.

with that said, i am waiting with baited breath to see how these next two years will turn out -- should be interesting, to say the least.
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/09/06 12:03 AM

I think President Bush might also concede that he very well have to include more Democratic or Democrat-friendly faces in the lower-echeon of his Cabinet. Of course, such posts mean SHIT honestly, but it makes him look good, and the newly Democratic Congress can't accuse him of not being bi-partisan.

All I know is, whatever its in the last days of the Bush presidency, or if Democrats retake the White House in 2008....Richard "Dick" Gephardt will be Secretary of Labor. Hell, he was tapped for the post if Kerry had won in 2004(as much as Bob Graham was for Homeland Security).
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/09/06 09:25 AM

David Frum (of "Axis of Evil" fame) was interviewed on the BBC last night and made the point that had Bush had the cojones to sack Rumsfeld six months or a year ago then a lot of Republicans wouldn't be looking for jobs this week. Any thoughts??
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/09/06 09:41 AM

I totally agree with him.

No wonder a Bush administration figure said to NBC, "Rumsfeld screwed us last night!"

Then again, the Bush Loyalty costing Bushies elections isn't anything new. I still think President Bush Sr. should have dumped Quayle as VP in 1992, and gotten a more conservative-friendly face. I say that because Quayle didn't help Bushie senior in 1992.
Posted By: Senza Mama

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/09/06 10:22 AM

Surely with the appointment of Rumsfeld in the first place and his continued backing of him over GWAT and the war in Iraq, Bush's credibility is shot to pieces??
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/09/06 11:17 AM

Senza Mama, you ever left a ring on your finger for weeks, and when you take it off, it leaves a good skin-impression that takes a day or two to get rid of?

Rumsfeld has been on Bush's hand for so long, that it will take months, years for that skin stain to rub off. But, Bush only has 2 years left, and honestly, I think he's fucked.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/09/06 11:23 AM

PRESIDENT BUSH : Rummy, you know you surprise me -- if anything in this life is certain -- if history has taught us anything -- it's that you can kill anybody. Robert?

ROBERT GATES : Difficult -- not impossible.

RUMSFELD: Why did you ask me if something was wrong when I came in?

PRESIDENT BUSH : I thought you were goin' to tell me that -- you were going to move your family to Florida -- and that you'd been offered the vice-presidency of the Haliburton Corporation there, I thought you were goin' to tell me that.

RUMSFELD : I turned them down -- do I have to tell you about ever offer I turn down?

PRESIDENT BUSH : let's do business.

RUMSFELD :Alright -- just consider this George -- that's all just consider it. Now Bin Laden and Al Qaeda are on the run -- are they worth it? And are they strong -- is it worth it -- I mean you've won -- do you have to wipe everyone out?

PRESIDENT BUSH : I don't feel I have to wipe everyone out -- just my enemies -- that's all. You gonna come along with me in these things I have to do -- or what. Because if not you can take your wife, your family, and your Haliburton shares -- and move 'em all to Florida.

RUMSFELD :Why do you hurt me George -- I've always been loyal to you -- I mean what is this.

PRESIDENT BUSH : Your'e out Rummy!

Don Cardi
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/09/06 11:37 AM

Posted By: goombah

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/09/06 01:02 PM

Originally Posted By: ronnierocketAGO
You share my thoughts on Hillary?

I have not completely made my mind up re: Hillary. I understand that people don't like her, including a lot of Democrats. I think she'll have some problems due to her support of the war.

On the plus side, she has the best campaigner on the Democratic side as a husband. IMO, having Bill in the White House with her would be like having a co-president. She's also done well in stepping out from her husband's shadow during her 6 year tenure in the Senate. And, unfortunately as important as it has become, she has the money to compete.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/09/06 08:37 PM

More on Rumsfeld:

Rumsfeld states "My Half-Assed Job Here is Done"
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Secretary of Defense resigns; "You're Out Don! - 11/10/06 02:11 AM

Well, some GOP officials are mad that Bushie's timing with letting go of Don.

"GOP furious about timing of Rumsfeld resignation"
By Patrick O'Connor

Donald Rumsfeld's abrupt resignation from the Pentagon the day after Republicans lost both chambers of Congress has infuriated some GOP officials on and off Capitol Hill.

Members and staff still reeling from Tuesday's rout are furious about the administration's decision to dump the controversial defense secretary one day after their historic loss, they said in a series of interviews about the election results.

President Bush announced Rumsfeld's resignation on Wednesday and named Bob Gates, a former CIA chief and president of Texas A&M University, as his replacement.

"The White House said keeping the majority was a priority, but they failed to do the one thing that could have made a difference," one House GOP leadership aide said Thursday. "For them to toss Rumsfeld one day after the election was a slap in the face to everyone who worked hard to protect the majority."

Exit polling suggested that an overwhelming majority of voters disapproved of the administration's handling of the war in Iraq, and members and aides were frustrated with the timing of the announcement because an earlier resignation could have given them a boost on the campaign trail, they believe.

"They did this to protect themselves, but they couldn't protect us?" another Republican aide said yesterday.

White House Chief of Staff Josh Bolten called outgoing House Speaker Dennis Hastert (R-Ill.) on Wednesday morning to notify him of the move, Hastert spokesman Ron Bonjean said Thursday. A spokesman for House Majority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) said the White House also notified the House leader before the news was announced.

Citing the various scandals that have roiled the Republican Congress, White House Press Secretary Tony Snow Thursday downplayed the impact of the war in Iraq on Tuesday's election.

"The voters said, 'You know what, we expect you to come to Washington and do the people's business,'" Snow said during his regular press briefing Thursday. "And when people lose sight of that, voters tend to remind them of the priorities. That's 10 seats right there."

The working relationship between Bush and congressional Republicans will be an interesting subplot for the next Congress as the GOP adjusts to its new role in the minority.

Relations between the president and Republicans on the Hill have frayed dramatically since he began his second term, with GOP lawmakers placing increased blame on the administration for its perceived inability to reach to members and staff on legislation, personnel moves and its interpretation of the legal code in the detention and interrogation of suspected terrorists.

Republicans cite the fumbled rollout of Social Security reform, the administration's continued support of comprehensive immigration reform and the president's insistence to defend American involvement in Iraq on the campaign trail.

There were also very public spats between Hastert and the administration over an FBI raid on Rep. William Jefferson's (D-La.) congressional office and a major split over the near acquisition of port operations in six major cities by a firm based in Dubai.

Bush met with Boehner, House Majority Whip Roy Blunt (R-Mo.), Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.), and Senate Majority Whip Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) Thursday morning.
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