
Happy birthday to my brother!

Posted By: XDCX

Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/30/06 05:31 PM

My brother turned 23 today. Now I probably wouldn't bother mentioning the birthday's of my other siblings...not that they mean any less to me...but each and every birthday T.J. makes it to is something truly special, and worthy of celebration.

You see, T.J. has spinal muscular atrophy (SMA) (not sure what type, but that's irrelevant.) He was born with it...although it wasn't known at the time. He learned to walk and run. Then one day he just stopped. Stopped walking, stopped standing up. They took him to the doctor and he was diagnosed with SMA. Since then he's lost all use of the lower half of his body, he was diagnosed with scoliosis.

Coupled with the SMA, the scoliosis got so bad he had to insert metal rods in his back to support the spine. Without the rods...the scoliosis would have worsened to the point where his spine would have eventually snapped in two.

He can't sit up by himself. He gets around in an electric wheelchair because he has very little upper-body strength.

He has all these things against him...and yet he's more well-adjusted than just about anybody I know. He lives life to the fullest every day...because he knows each morning he wakes up could very well be his last.

He wasn't expected to make it to his fifth birthday. He's 23 today. Happy birthday, bro. I love you.
Posted By: SC

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/30/06 05:40 PM

Wonderfully told, XDC.

It sounds as though you're quite proud of your brother (as it should be).

Wish him a happy birthday from us here on the boards!!
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/30/06 05:46 PM

God Bless TJ for living an apparently happy and full life despite his afflictions! Many of us don't realize how lucky we are, with the ability to take the smallest things for granted. And God Bless the XDCX family as well for their strength and continued love and support!

Happy Birthday and many more, TJ!

Posted By: Mignon

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/30/06 05:55 PM


Tell your brother Happy Birthday for me. He is very blessed to have a very loving brother and family to take care of him. God bless you guys
Posted By: klydon1

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/30/06 06:11 PM

I've been complaining about a nagging neck pain today from something I did over the weekend. I read your post about TJ, XDCX, and I'm not going to complain again.

Happy 23rd, TJ.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/30/06 06:35 PM

From the bottom of my heart...I thank you all for your kind words. I showed him the thread...and he was truly touched.

TJ is a very special person, and you're right SC, I'm very proud of him. I'm proud to be his brother. And despite his limitations...he takes care of me just as much as I take care of him. He's a joy to be around.

Again, thanks guys. It means a lot to him...and it means the world to me.
Posted By: DE NIRO

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/30/06 07:09 PM

May he be an inspiration for others,

happy bday
Posted By: Sicilian Babe

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/31/06 01:03 AM

It sounds to me like your whole family has something to celebrate - having 23 years with this young man. You and your brother have a very special bond, and I applaud you both for it. My two girls fight over the silliest things, so it's nice to know that the two of you love and support one another.

Happy, happy birthday, TJ.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/31/06 01:57 AM

A very touching and heartfelt story to share with us my friend. You must be very proud to have a brother with such perseverence and tenacity. It sounds to me like TJ is a very strong willed person filled with inner strength, love and compassion. And there is no doubt in my mind that you are a very caring, supporting and loving brother who TJ must be very proud to have around.

Please give TJ my warmest and sincerest Birthday wishes and let him know that his story is really an inspiring story that restores true hope to anyone placed in a situation that at first seems bleak. Reaching a 23rd birthday makes TJ living proof that no matter what science says, true faith, family support and a strong will can make what seems like the impossible, POSSIBLE!

Heres to celebrating many many more birthdays with your brother TJ!

Don Cardi
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/31/06 02:05 AM

Happy Birthday TJ!! How inspiring he is. His story sure puts things in prospective for those of us who take certain simple things for granted.

Please send TJ my best! God bless him!

Posted By: Letizia B.

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/31/06 07:05 AM

Wow, XDC, that's amazing. How lucky for both of you to have each other in your lives. I wish T.J. a very happy birthday!
Posted By: afsaneh77

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/31/06 08:57 AM

Happy Birthday to your brother XDC. I wish you both well.
Posted By: Don Sicilia

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/31/06 02:48 PM

Wow! What an inspiration! Thanks for sharing, xDCx!

Belated happy 23rd to your bro!
Posted By: goombah

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/31/06 03:36 PM

That's a very touching story. Thanks for sharing it and I'm happy for you, your brother, and your entire family.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/31/06 04:40 PM

Wishing TJ the very best, and here's to many more!

Posted By: XDCX

Re: Happy birthday to my brother! - 10/31/06 04:43 PM

Once again...I'd like to offer my deepest thanks to everyone here. While I'm truly touched...I'm not surprised at the outpouring of good will. The (almost) three years that I've been a member of these boards...I've come to the conclusion that this is the greatest online community around...and that can only be made possible by the fact that it's members are some of the best, most geniunely good people around.

You guys are great, and I know my brother appreciates it just as much as I do. Again, thank you, one and all.
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