
Van Halen To Reunite?

Posted By: Don Andrew

Van Halen To Reunite? - 10/29/06 12:59 AM

Valen Halen To Reunite?

According to Australian website MelodicRock.com, the mighty Van Halen are set to reunite with complete lineup for a full tour in 2007.

Negotiations are currently underway to re-unite Van Halen with their original frontman for a tour in 2007 that will take in Amercia and possibly other territories. Negotiations between all parties have been underway for some time, trying to put together a big 2007 re-union tour, according to the site.

However, there will be no new material to go with the tour so the tour will only feature classic Van Halen songs. There is no plans for a new compilation or a new studio album -- just the tour.

Van Halen last toured in 2004 with Sammy Hagar, but the tour ended on a sour note and Hagar has not talked to Eddie Van Halen since.

Got this from Ultimate-Guitar.com,
If it's true, hoo-ah!
Posted By: ronnierocketAGO

Re: Van Halen To Reunite? - 10/29/06 01:11 AM

Great news.

Now if Waters and Gilmour would get over their pissy shit, and reunite Pink Floyd....
Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Van Halen To Reunite? - 10/29/06 04:47 AM

Diamond Dave rules! Who gives a shit if there arent any new songs?
Posted By: goombah

Re: Van Halen To Reunite? - 10/29/06 12:53 PM

It makes sense since they are up for nomination into the RR Hall of Fame. I don't know how these guys blew it so bad twice in their career. They had megastardom with 1984 and Roth at the helm. Somehow, VH managed to be even bigger with Hagar until about 1995. They have done virtually nothing since then - I didn't even know that Hagar was back in the fold in 2004. Obviously, many other concert goers did not know either.

This reunion with Roth will not go well - there are too many big egos. Although Roth might be humbled a bit after his disastrous radio flop. I just think it will always be the two VH brothers clashing with Diamond Dave. Look at their brief "reunion" at the 1996 MTV Music Awards. Has anybody ever looked more uncomfortable on stage than Eddie VH did that night?

My VH Top 5 with Dave:
1. Unchained
2. You Really Got Me
3. Panama
4. Running with the Devil
5. Big Bad Bill (is Sweet William Now)

My VH Top 5 with Sammy:
1. Runaround
2. Human's Being
3. Good Enough
4. Best of Both Worlds
5. Poundcake

Other reunions I would love to see:
1. Jimmy Page, Robert Plant and John Paul Jones with Jason Bonham doing new Zeppelin material and a tour

2. The original Guns N' Roses (or the Use Your Illusion version)

As happy as I was to see Kiss reunite its original members in full make-up in 1996, the current incarnation needs to go away or at least take the make-up off. It's insulting to have guys dressed in Ace and Peter's make-up and costumes, even if Eric Singer is a far better drummer.
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Van Halen To Reunite? - 10/29/06 10:51 PM

This is it. This is the sign of the apocolypse.

Yay for 1980s hair-metal radio filler music!
Posted By: Mad Johnny

Re: Van Halen To Reunite? - 10/30/06 01:52 AM

There is no way John Paul Jones will have anything to do with Plant and Page. Why? Because he can just sit there and soak up the royalties. He wrote most of the music anyways. Any time you see a song credited to the whole band, Jones wrote it.

Anyways, VH sucked, in my opinion, with Hagar. They became too glowy and happy and the music was too bouncy.
Posted By: goombah

Re: Van Halen To Reunite? - 10/31/06 07:01 PM

Originally Posted By: Mad Johnny
There is no way John Paul Jones will have anything to do with Plant and Page. Why? Because he can just sit there and soak up the royalties. He wrote most of the music anyways. Any time you see a song credited to the whole band, Jones wrote it.

I disagree agree. I read on several occasions that Jones was livid that Page & Plant didn't invite him to tour in 1994. As you said, he played a critical role in Zeppelin's material and a tour would be very lucrative, even if meant having to deal with a bunch of b.s. that Jones loathed. I think he would put up with their crap for a big payday.
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