
Special characters not visible

Posted By: Signor Vitelli

Special characters not visible - 08/29/21 06:30 PM

For the last week or two special characters in posts and thread titles are coming out as a bunch of different symbols altogether as if they are no longer recognized by the GBB. I'm talking about quotation marks, letters with accents and stuff like that.

It doesn't seem to happen to things I write, only to stuff posted by others.

Strange. I wonder if anyone else is having this problem?

Signor V.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: Special characters not visible - 09/01/21 09:07 PM

I did notice it with the "What are you doin now?" thread (it looked like "“What are you doin now”" for some reason). Not sure why that happened, and wasn't aware that it happened in other places. This happened waaaaaay back when the board was converted from one version to another, but I can't think of any reason for it to have happened again recently. I'll add it to the list... thanks wink
Posted By: Signor Vitelli

Re: Special characters not visible - 09/01/21 10:33 PM

Yeah, I also noticed it in Mikey Sunset's Dead Pool list.
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