

Posted By: DonEthereal_313

Phonebook - 10/14/03 11:52 AM

On page 86 or so, after the Don is shot, Sonny looks trough a rolo-dex to "T" and finds some Frank something or another. I forget exactly, and don't have my book with me, so maybe someone can elaborate on the scene and explain the hidden message with the whole "T" thing. Thanks in advance.

Don Ethereal
Posted By: wilheim

Re: Phonebook - 10/14/03 10:02 PM

The "T" was short for Telephone Man. In this case the number of Telephone Company employee Ray Farrell, who was on The Family's payroll for $5,000 every Xmas Eve. Sonny had Farrell check on Paulie Gatto's and Pete Clemenza's telephone records, so he could tell who betrayed the Don. As we all know it turned out to be Gatto. This was how Sonny found out. Later on page 93, Sonny's tells Michael and Tesio, it was Gatto, and that Clemenza is OK.

Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Phonebook - 10/15/03 04:23 AM

Other than immeadiate family Clemenza and Luca Brasi are the only people Don Vito could trust period.
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