
Vincent could be Jules'?

Posted By: Liz_85

Vincent could be Jules'? - 05/07/03 05:52 AM

A friend of mine just read the book for the first time, and she brought up a point I'd never even thought of.
Unless Lucy was pregnant before she went to Vegas, how is Vincent Sonny's son?
I could be missing something really obvious here, but I just can't work it out.
Posted By: mama

Re: Vincent could be Jules'? - 05/07/03 08:13 AM

Hi Liz_85 i have thought about this as well, because in the book it doesn't say anything about Lucy being pregnant or having a kid and she did sleep with jules so maybe it is hers and she could be trying to get money out of the Family.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: Vincent could be Jules'? - 05/07/03 04:36 PM

It's an interesting debate but generally the book and movie are regarded as being seperate. Vincent was made up entirely for Godfather III, it's a slight plot hole and I guess we're just supposed to believe it.

Another example of the book v's movie being different is the fact that Michael has 2 sons in the novel and a son and a daughter in the film.
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Vincent could be Jules'? - 05/07/03 06:00 PM

Another difference is that: in the book; Fredo is supposed to be big and strong. Not as wimpy as he was portrayed in the movie. Also; Sonny is supposed to have: curly black hair. Carlo supposed to be slightly build, and blondish.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Vincent could be Jules'? - 05/08/03 04:36 AM

Originally posted by Guineapig:
Another difference is that: in the book; Fredo is supposed to be big and strong. Not as wimpy as he was portrayed in the movie. Also; Sonny is supposed to have: curly black hair. Carlo supposed to be slightly build, and blondish.
At Connie's wedding, Puzo describes Carlo as having "worked in the desert air while very young--heavy laborer'work. Now he had tremendous forearms and his shoulders bulged the jacket of his tux."
Re. Vincent as Lucy and Jules' son: I think Lucy's gynecological problem may have prevented pregnancy.
Posted By: Luca's boy

Re: Vincent could be Jules'? - 06/01/03 08:42 PM

I to believe that it is a plot hole we are just supossed to believe.
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Vincent could be Jules'? - 11/08/03 08:20 PM

the movies trilogy is not supposes to follow the novel. puzo and coppola confirmed this when they started making part II.
Posted By: DannyMontana

Re: Vincent could be Jules'? - 11/10/03 03:23 AM

Originally posted by Guineapig:
Another difference is that: in the book; Fredo is supposed to be big and strong. Not as wimpy as he was portrayed in the movie. Also; Sonny is supposed to have: curly black hair. Carlo supposed to be slightly build, and blondish.
Really, I thought Fredo was portrayed just like he is in the movie. **SPOILER** (such as when Brando gets shot and he fumbles around with his gun and starts crying) **END SPOILER**
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