
Does it cover everything?

Posted By: Escobar

Does it cover everything? - 10/20/02 10:02 PM

I know it may be a stupid question to some, but does the Godfather novel cover parts 1,2,and 3 of the movie? orange
Posted By: Don Mikey

Re: Does it cover everything? - 10/21/02 11:14 AM

No, just Part I and the stuff about young Vito in Part II.
Posted By: goodfellaoggie

Re: Does it cover everything? - 10/21/02 12:15 PM

i suggest you read it escobar. it has lot of details on the characters(Al Neri, Luca etc) and learn about the other characters that are not included in the movie . . .

Posted By: TonySoprano

Re: Does it cover everything? - 10/23/02 04:07 PM

Sure does, it also makes reference to several characters that we see in the movies but dont get to know very well, in the book there characteristics and pasts are mentioned.
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Does it cover everything? - 11/07/02 07:05 AM

i wish they had added that scene where the bocchiocio who takes the rap for the killing of Mc'Cluskey and Sollozzo kills his friend that gave him wrong advice on a business affair and then just sits at a luncheonette and waits for the police to arrive to arrest him. Maybe in a deleted scene they could have explained how Micheal was arranged to be brought back "cleared of the false charges" through that man's taking the rap.

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