
Mistake in the book?

Posted By: Don Larzono

Mistake in the book? - 05/16/02 11:24 PM

In my copy of The Godfather novel the word "Consigliere" is written "Consigliori", and as far as I know, "Consigliori" isn't even an Italian word. Is this just in the Swedish translation or do you guys have it too? I can't possibly think that Puzo, being Italian and all, can't spell the word "Consigliere". But it just doesn't make sense that the Swedish translator makes a mistake like that.
Maybe there's another explanation?
Posted By: Michael Barzini

Re: Mistake in the book? - 05/17/02 02:56 AM

I am pretty sure that it is an italian word. It comes from the latin root consul. It is very possible that it is a discrepency in the translation that you have. I wouldnt know about international versions i have only read the original one in english. confused
Posted By: Fanucci

Re: Mistake in the book? - 05/17/02 03:42 PM

I have also noticed that in the Swedish version of the movie, Clemenza is using Swedish meatballs when he is teaching Mike how to make sauce.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Mistake in the book? - 05/17/02 11:48 PM

Originally posted by Fanucci:
I have also noticed that in the Swedish version of the movie, Clemenza is using Swedish meatballs when he is teaching Mike how to make sauce.
For real, or are you being a wise-ass?

I just flipped to the first mention of Tom at Connie's Wedding, and it says Consigliere in Italics.

Maybe you're version is different. How are Tarantella, Palermo, etc. spelled?

I once saw someone here refer to him as Clemente rathe rthan Clemenza, is that the spelling in another language version?
Posted By: Don Larzono

Re: Mistake in the book? - 05/20/02 05:16 PM


Originally posted by Ricardo:

I just flipped to the first mention of Tom at Connie's Wedding, and it says Consigliere in Italics.

Maybe you're version is different. How are Tarantella, Palermo, etc. spelled?

I once saw someone here refer to him as Clemente rathe rthan Clemenza, is that the spelling in another language version?
No, only Consigliere is mispelled, everything else is normal. That's really weird that it's it's only in the Swedish version that it's misspelled.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Mistake in the book? - 05/20/02 11:00 PM

When you saw the Godfather wa sit subtitled in Swedish?

DId you're Cable Tv Captions have it spelled correctly, did your DVD subtites hav eit spelled correctly (Or did NEITHER hav ethem subtitled). MAYBE it's JUST the book!

Go to store and find the Sicilian see how Carabinieri is spelled.

Consigliere pops up again a couple time sin Omerta when talking about Benito Craxxi.
Posted By: Don Larzono

Re: Mistake in the book? - 05/23/02 06:37 PM

Originally posted by Ricardo:
When you saw the Godfather wa sit subtitled in Swedish?

Yes, and Consigliere was spelled correct. It's just the book. What I'm going to do is visit the library and check with other, newer translations of the book, since mine is pretty old.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Mistake in the book? - 05/23/02 10:18 PM

Originally posted by Don Larzono:
[QB mine is pretty old.[/QB]
Well, that explains it!

Red cover or black? Hardcover or Paperback? Year of yours released? Mine is 1997 edition, black paperback.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Mistake in the book? - 05/24/02 04:12 PM

What if there were a Swedish version of "The Godfather" film, directed by Ingmar Bergman and starring Max Von Sydow as the Don and Liv Ullmann as Kay? I'd travel to Sweden just to watch it!
Posted By: CharlieLucifer

Re: Mistake in the book? - 06/01/02 03:57 AM

I've had a few typos in the edition of my novel too, I nit pick too damn much... I think I've found about 3.

Posted By: Snake

Re: Mistake in the book? - 06/01/02 09:40 PM

Originally posted by Turnbull:
What if there were a Swedish version of "The Godfather" film, directed by Ingmar Bergman and starring Max Von Sydow as the Don and Liv Ullmann as Kay? I'd travel to Sweden just to watch it!
You may be onto something there, Turnbull. Actually, Max Von Sydow would make a great Vito Corleone! cool
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