
Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD

Posted By: J Geoff

Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 09/29/06 06:03 PM

[Linked Image]

\'Scarface\': Carrying Some Excess Baggage[/b]

By Jen Chaney
Special to The Washington Post
Friday, September 29, 2006; Page WE39

"Nothing exceeds like excess."

Perhaps Universal Home Entertainment should pay attention to this odd bit of dialogue, spoken by Michelle Pfeiffer's coked-up character in the movie "Scarface." When it comes to DVD releases of that rags-to-gangster-riches epic starring Al Pacino as drug dealer Tony Montana, the studio apparently knows all about excess.

First Universal released "Scarface" in 1998 as a collector's edition. Then 2003 brought the two-disc anniversary edition, issued simultaneously with a flashy deluxe set that paired the 1983 cocaine-fueled version, directed by Brian De Palma, with the 1932 Prohibition-era model, directed by Howard Hawks.

Now consumers get the platinum edition of "Scarface" ($29.98; $19.76 at Amazon), another two-disc set that appears on store shelves Tuesday, coincidentally (ahem) a few days before the release of the bound-to-be-violent video game "Scarface: The World Is Yours." Just in case some people missed the oh-so-perfect synergy behind this cross-promotional maneuver, the DVD makes things crystal clear with a featurette titled "[b]Making of Scarface: The Video Game," essentially a 12-minute commercial. (In case you're wondering, Pacino allowed his likeness to be used in the game and provided feedback to its creators, but his character will be voiced by a sound-alike. Finally, the Montana impersonator who spent years perfecting the phrase "Say hello to my little friend" has found the opportunity of a lifetime.) That featurette is one of a scant few additions to the "Scarface" package, which also includes "The World of Tony Montana," an insipid mini-doc filled with comments like this insightful observation from a Maxim editor: "I think the moral of the story is don't be a Miami drug dealer." The most clever element on this DVD is the "Scarface" scorecard, a pair of displayable tickers that lets the audience know exactly how many gunshot rounds have been fired and how many f-words have been uttered throughout the film's nearly three-hour running time. To avoid ruining all the counting fun, let's just say this: The number of rounds easily exceeds 1,000 and the f-word count surpasses 200, yielding an impressive (depending on your perspective) average of about 1.3 f-bombs per minute.

The DVD case also touts a newly enhanced audio track -- "Every sound effect has been replaced and remixed for the ultimate 'Scarface' experience," it promises. Indeed the quality is impressive; jack up this movie in 5.1 surround sound and it's quite possible your neighbors will call the cops to report the sound of gunfire. Unfortunately, the digitally remastered picture doesn't look nearly as sharp as it should.

As for the rest of this collection, it's all rehash. The featurettes on the rebirth, casting and creation of "Scarface," as well as an amusing look at the discrepancies between the original and edited-for-television versions, appeared on the 2003 DVD.

Though it was panned by many critics at the time of its theatrical release, "Scarface" stands out as a revered cult favorite and a huge influence on popular culture; rap artists from the Geto Boys to Nas have quoted the film in their music, and "SportsCenter" anchors have used phrases from it for home-run calls. Perhaps that's why Universal believes there will always be an audience for another edition of this blood-soaked cautionary tale. In other words, don't be surprised in a couple of years to find the inevitable 100-Karat Gold, Pacino-Packed Edition, complete with "all-new" extras, at a DVD retailer near you.
Posted By: scarfacefan

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 09/30/06 08:12 AM

Looks like it has some pretty fun little features but I probably won't buy it
Posted By: Mr.MojoRisin

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 10/04/06 04:32 PM

My wife bought it for me yesterday, have to say, it does sound nice, and the F-bomb and Gunshot counters are cool, but it's still Scarface. Which is a good thing. If it's Scarface, I'll probably buy it.
Posted By: babysinister

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 10/04/06 10:41 PM

I read some of the new customer comments in Amazon, pertaining to this latest much-touted "enhanced" version. One of the commentators listed the available DVD versions of Scarface. The list includes an "X-Rated 1/17/2006 version" that reportedly contains some of the more violent footage that was, also reportedly, cut from the R rated version. I don't remember an X-rated version being released in January. Has anyone here heard of this version??
Posted By: Ace_Reutzel_dup1

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 10/05/06 01:08 PM

Are the deleted scenes the same as the anniversary addition?
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 10/08/06 08:18 PM

I purchased the last two disk edition. I am sorry that I didn't purchase the edition that also contained the original Scarface with Paul Muni.
Posted By: XJimmy the GentX

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 10/09/06 02:27 AM

How many times are they gonna re-release this movie? I thought that huge box set was it. Now they have this newer version. =/
Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 10/09/06 06:33 AM

The Platinum Edition rules!!! The new DTS sound mix is awesome. If you have a surround system and are a Scarface fan go buy the new DVD.........your ears will thank you.
Posted By: Sface

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 10/25/06 05:07 AM

I bought this edition today after hearing it had a much better audio mix. The only thing that annoyed me about the anniversary edition was the audio quality. I hope this one is much better! I got it on sale for 19.99, so I think it will be worth it.
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 10/25/06 01:53 PM

The deluxe box anniversary edition sounded fine on my 5.1 surround DTS system...so I'll skip this one like I do most money-grabbing re-releases...
Posted By: Sface

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 10/27/06 07:01 AM

Oh common... You aren't a true hardcore fan until you buy it!
Posted By: Sface

Re: Scarface: Platinum Edition DVD - 11/01/06 03:37 AM

I finally got around to watching this edition. It has much better music quality, and most of the sound effects (especially the gunshots) have been enhanced/changed. I felt that everything fit really well. I only have two complaints however; during the scene when Tony Montana is walking up to the house at Coconut Grove, the Scarface Theme skips at one point. I was using DTS sound, so I'm not sure if it does this in Dolby surround as well. I'm also not sure if it's just my edition, or all the Platinum editions. I did experience the problem no matter how many times I played the scene, but I only tried on one DvD player. The second problem is that a few of the gunshot sounds are a tad on the loud side. This made me reach for the volume knob a few times, to turn down the volume slightly before action scenes. I do this in most movies however, so it's not a big problem.

I think this DvD is worth it for those of you who were disappointed about the audio in the Anniversary edition.
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