
Scarface wankers!

Posted By: Sonny DiCosca

Scarface wankers! - 04/15/05 07:29 PM

Why are all these gavone rappers acting like Tony Montana? Im just wonderin'... it kinda makes me mad a little if you know what I mean. So if anyone knows that would be appreciated if you told me.

(I'm not bein' racist so don't flame me for shit)
Posted By: Moscarelli

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/15/05 07:32 PM

This is being discussed here .

But, I do agree, I am getting sick of the hip hop community pretty much worshipping the film. In all honesty, I am not sure why, but it agrivates me...
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/15/05 08:42 PM

what did they do to you confused anyway scarface
was loved frist by the urban people that's
how the movie made money rolleyes
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/15/05 10:09 PM

I hate them all.
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 08:48 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I hate them all.
I second that mad
Posted By: Moscarelli

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 12:56 PM

Seems like we all gots a bunch of dem haters up in here!

I, for one, agree with you all whole heartedly.
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 01:26 PM

Well, when you break down the moral of the story, Scarface is about a man who came from nothing, and did what he had to do to make his life what he wanted it to be. Basically, a "rags to riches" story. These rappers can associate there own lives with this, I suppose. It's irritating, to be sure, but its just the way it is.

BTW--Has anyone seen that "Birdman Lugz" commercial, where the "Numba 1 Stunna" completely bastardizes Scarface? Some cheap attempt at being "cool", when it was actually just stupid. mad
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 03:32 PM

Originally posted by don vencent:
what they do to you confused anyway scarface
was loved frist by the urban people that's
how the movie made money rolleyes
No, it was loved by the general public, smarts... If the "gang banging" population were the only ones to have seen it/loved it, it wouldn't have made money. The whole gang thing was still starting up then...

Seriously though, the rap scene is one of the many things that makes me lose respect for the film. It also contributes to its over-ratedness, in my book.

Rap just sucks ass, big time...
Posted By: long_lost_corleone

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 03:35 PM

Originally posted by xXx_DoN_CoRLeOnE_xXx:
Well, when you break down the moral of the story, Scarface is about a man who came from nothing, and did what he had to do to make his life what he wanted it to be. Basically, a "rags to riches" story. These rappers can associate there own lives with this, I suppose.
That's bullshit. They SAY that they can relate to it, but they just think they're a bunch of badass gangsters.

Cinderella was a "rags to riches" story... I don't see many rappers flaunting that at the camera whenever a new episode of MTV Cribs airs. It's the badass factor attached to the film... Take away the guns, and the drugs, and the gangsters... You just have a legitimate businessman, working his way up to wealth; that just doesn't cut it with these rap-f*cks.
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 05:33 PM

Originally posted by Tony Kyprianou:
Rappers are brainless, talentless morons, who talk nothing but sh*t I hate them ALL with a passion, they take gangster films as their own, but they dont have the intelligence to realise that in ,Goodfellas, The Godfather Trilogy etc the gangsters mock, blacks! lol rolleyes
why is that funny ?
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 05:43 PM

Originally posted by don vencent:
Originally posted by Tony Kyprianou:
[b] Rappers are brainless, talentless morons, who talk nothing but sh*t I hate them ALL with a passion, they take gangster films as their own, but they dont have the intelligence to realise that in ,Goodfellas, The Godfather Trilogy etc the gangsters mock, blacks! lol rolleyes
why is that funny ? ass that how you got kick out
last time rolleyes [/b]
You have lost me rolleyes
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 06:00 PM

forget I said that. but why do you think mocking
blacks in movies is funny to you
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 06:22 PM

when you guys say you hate rapper you really
mean blacks what blacks can not enjoy scarface
the Godfather or goodfellas I do not think
when there were making these movies it was not
just for one set of people

if blacks oh I mean rapper rolleyes like
scarface so what.
Posted By: SC

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 06:40 PM

don vencent - You're a gentleman and I respect your opinions but I think you're off-base here.

I can't (and won't try to) speak for others here, but I don't like rap. Maybe I'm too old, but I don't understand it and its (mostly) just a lot of noise to me. The idea of color doesn't come into my decision at all - I don't care if the singer is black, white, yellow, brown or polka dotted .... I just don't like it.
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 06:48 PM

Its Done wink
Glad you hate rap too

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 10:46 PM

I dislike Rap music mostly for it's content! The words used and the messages sent in most of the songs are just not appealing at all. White, Black, Brown, Red or Yellow has absolutely NOTHING to do with my dislike for that rap stuff.

What's with the mocking of Black people in the posts here? confused Makes absolutely no sense to me at all to mock someone because of their race or religion. I am not talking about movies here, I am talking about REAL LIFE! The posts here are bordering racism. I really don't have patience for racism of any kind, especially on these boards. It just shows ignorance! Where does ANYONE get off mocking or making fun of anyone's race??? To me that just translates into hate for other "Human Beings Simply ignorant and imature!

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 11:03 PM

I was gonna reply to Vencent but I couldn't figure out what he was saying.

As for the "moral story," PLEASE stop this excuse. ANYBODY can relate to a rags to riches story. Not just rappers. People act like it's some kind of special relationship rappers have. I find it hilarious all these rappers are using that as their excuse, however, I have yet to see someone who actually went from rags to riches by working in non-celebrity job to "relate" to it. That's probably because I wouldn't relate myself to a gangster movie if I succeeded in life. The only reason rappers relate to this movie because it's about a minority (yes, I said it) who uses violence to succeed. If Tony Montana worked in a car dealership and went from rags to riches they wouldn't give a shit. And at the degree it is now, liking the movie has become trendy, and many will like it just because their favorite rapper, or jock at the high school does.

And people give Scarface WAY too much credit. It has very little depth. It's a gangster movie about someone who guns their way up to the top. Nothing more.
Posted By: Moscarelli

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 11:15 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
I was gonna reply to Vencent but I couldn't figure out what he was saying.

As for the "moral story," PLEASE stop this excuse. ANYBODY can relate to a rags to riches story. Not just rappers. People act like it's some kind of special relationship rappers have. I find it hilarious all these rappers are using that as their excuse, however, I have yet to see someone who actually went from rags to riches by working in non-celebrity job to "relate" to it. That's probably because I wouldn't relate myself to a gangster movie if I succeeded in life. The only reason rappers relate to this movie because it's about a minority (yes, I said it) who uses violence to succeed. If Tony Montana worked in a car dealership and went from rags to riches they wouldn't give a shit. And at the degree it is now, liking the movie has become trendy, and many will like it just because their favorite rapper, or jock at the high school does.

And people give Scarface WAY too much credit. It has very little depth. It's a gangster movie about someone who guns their way up to the top. Nothing more.
I agree 100%. It's a fairly good movie, but lately, I have been ashamed to say I like it due to all of the "gangstah" (in which also makes me cringe everytime I here the word) plublicity.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/16/05 11:31 PM

Well said Vercetti! Your points are all valid! And in my book, you said NOTHING wrong, but stated a fact when you said that it is about a minority....etc. Fact is fact. Unlike some others here, you made a valid statement backed up by fact. Some of the others just spew out unreasonable racist remarks with absolutely NO fact or basis to back up their remarks. And yes, as much as I love Scarface, bottom line, you're right, it lacks depth and is just a movie about someone who shoots his way to the top. But of course we all love it because of his balls and how gets to the top!

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: XDCX

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/17/05 01:47 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:

As for the "moral story," PLEASE stop this excuse. ANYBODY can relate to a rags to riches story. Not just rappers.
Ok, all I was doing was stating an opinion shared amongst the hip-hop community, not my own. Someone wanted to know why rappers relate to it, so I stated why. Whether it makes sense to us or not, that is why they flaunt the damn movie so much. Do I like it? No, but its not my place to say they can't "relate" to it. I share many of the opinions mentioned above (save the ignorant racial slurs). It may not make sense that they "relate" to it because of the "rags to riches" backdrop, but then again, nothing rappers do really makes sense.

don vencent...
Yes, some of the comments above were bordering on racism, but that shouldn't suggest that if one hates the fact that rappers flaunt Scarface, that means their racist. There's no logic to that thinking. I live in a place where racism is still verrrrry prevailent (sp?), and it comes from both sides. Most people raised around here are brought up to be racist, but I learned at a young age to not judge people based on color. I'm not judging these rappers based on their race or ethnicity. I'm judging based on their character, which, I'm sorry to say, is not very appealing.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/17/05 04:50 AM

I understand you. They most likely relate to it because they are violent people. (not racially, many rappers)
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/17/05 06:04 AM

don cardi...i have been reading this whole post and not once did i see and racism in here..i think you might be reading between the lines a little to much.

but i have to agree that i think that it's all about the movie being badass. the rappers rather identify themselves with gangsters then anything else.
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/17/05 07:57 AM

Hating Rap and being racist are two different things
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/17/05 11:19 AM

Originally posted by mr. soprano:
don cardi...i have been reading this whole post and not once did i see and racism in here..i think you might be reading between the lines a little to much.

Mr. Soprano -

The reason that you did NOT see any racism in here is because the posts that made racial remarks have been deleted. Believe me, I don't look to start any flames or pretend to read something that is not really there. The racist remarks and references were made here and then the posts were deleted.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: Don Smitty

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 01:46 AM

Thank you Don Cardi for taking out the racist remarks. There is no place on these boards for idiots who want to be racist.
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 08:38 AM

Originally posted by Don Smitty:
Thank you Don Cardi for taking out the racist remarks. There is no place on these boards for idiots who want to be racist.
Agreed, Racism is pointless, rap music is even more pointless, I know black people who can't stand rap
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 03:44 PM


ENOUGH! It Ends Now! mad

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 04:44 PM

What? if it had not escaped your notice, threads are for discussions, what 'ends' now?

Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 06:07 PM



Don Cardi cool
Posted By: Sonny DiCosca

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 07:11 PM

I know, especially I saw a magazine cover that showed 50 cent looking like Al Pacino on the Scarface cover.

BTW, I saw that birdman dude trying to be cool like Tony Montana. I was like: "Garrrrrr....." and then I threw my chair at the TV.... lol im kidding, I crack myself up. cool
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 07:14 PM

Don't let it get to you Sonny, your enjoyment of scarface, GF trilogy etc is more important

Posted By: Sonny DiCosca

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 07:15 PM

Originally posted by SC:
don vencent - You're a gentleman and I respect your opinions but I think you're off-base here.

I can't (and won't try to) speak for others here, but I don't like rap. Maybe I'm too old, but I don't understand it and its (mostly) just a lot of noise to me. The idea of color doesn't come into my decision at all - I don't care if the singer is black, white, yellow, brown or polka dotted .... I just don't like it.
I also hate rap. I used to love it and listen to Afro Man and shit. I hate Rap now, all the songs are like exactly the same except their voices and they act like they are gangsters... mad I hate black people... lol im kidding, I crack myself up. cool
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 07:19 PM

thanks I see what you guys are saying now
Posted By: Sonny DiCosca

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 07:25 PM

Originally posted by don vencent:
thanks I see what you guys are saying now
You better... mad
Posted By: don vencent

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 07:36 PM

"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. mad lol
Posted By: Sonny DiCosca

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 07:39 PM

Originally posted by don vencent:
"Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in. mad lol
Posted By: Tony Kyprianou

Re: Scarface wankers! - 04/18/05 08:13 PM

If everyone had the same opinion, life would be boring wink lets just celebrate our love of scarface and agree to disagree on other things


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