
Whats the deal with...

Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Whats the deal with... - 12/13/04 10:26 PM

Are we to assume that Tony calls Sosa, tells him that they didnt blow up that guy, and within the course of roughly an hour,a hit squad arrives from South America? I dont think Sosa send guys up to the states just in case there were kids and Tony had a soft spot for them. rolleyes
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: Whats the deal with... - 12/13/04 10:56 PM

Did you ever think Sosa had contacts in America? Just because he is located in South America doesn't make him alienated.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Whats the deal with... - 12/13/04 11:18 PM

This has been discussed before. My feeling is that Sosa, being one of the most powerful men in the drug trade, not only had deals going with Tony, but also had other deals with other major drug deals going on at the same time. The guy was just too huge to put all of his eggs in one basket. Sosa probably had a hit squad already in place in case Tony screwed the hit up. Probably had a hit squad on call in case anything ever went wrong in general with anyone that he was dealing with in the states. He obviously had his biggest hitman, can't think of his name right now, the guy that finally kills Tony, in Miami ready to take action if the hit failed, which it did. Sosa was a smart man and in all likelyhood always planned ahead by putting a backup plan in place in case someone tried to screw him. That is my take on that situation.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: Intenzo

Re: Whats the deal with... - 12/14/04 06:50 PM

I have to agree with everything Don Cardi said
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