
Did Tony committed Suicide?

Posted By: scarfacelondon

Did Tony committed Suicide? - 11/29/04 01:02 PM


It is a possibility he was too tired of life he wanted to die.

He started getting very down from this scene:

“Is this it? Is that what it's all about,
Manny? Eating,
Then what?
drinking, snorting, f***ing?”

Plus his wife left him, he killed his best friend, his sister started hating her and he knew sosa was coming to get him but still he does not leave the house or get some security, no he wanted to fight alone, and he probably knew he can’t survive fighting hundred people.

He wanted a dream, when he got that dream; it was nothing for him to do, he wanted to end his life.


It was Tony Montana, he was too strong to commit suicide

What do you think?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Did Tony committed Suicide? - 11/29/04 03:17 PM

I pick option C, he was too coked out!
Posted By: Henne Montana

Re: Did Tony committed Suicide? - 11/29/04 04:24 PM

i'm for.. I never had that thougth but now that i think about it, i gues your rigth... cool thougt....
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: Did Tony committed Suicide? - 11/29/04 07:37 PM

thinking about it now i do believe that maybe he did commit suicide. he fought bravely, but in the end im sure no matter how much he had snorted, somewhere along the way he knew that he couldn't fight anyone like this. he let himself go, like you said he came looking for the dream. the only difference between you and i is that you think that after he got his dream he didn't have anything else to look forward to. i think that he realized that it was a hollow dream. the american dream didn't exist, it was either dieing poor or getting rich and being alone. and he died alone.
Posted By: Don Sonny Corleone

Re: Did Tony committed Suicide? - 12/01/04 02:30 AM

He did commit suicide, in a roundabout sort of way. He was too coked up to realize his life was in jepordy and act on that.
Posted By: Tom

Re: Did Tony committed Suicide? - 12/02/04 03:18 AM

When he came into the "game", he must have realized the fast life would be dangerous and ultimatly will get you killed.The question is, what was going through his mind when he cocked that m16 for the last time?
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: Did Tony committed Suicide? - 12/02/04 03:25 AM

You know what? You must realize that Tony came from a very rough life in Cuba. A country that included a life for him where he should have never survived! So when he came to America and saw how easy life could be with the right moves and deals, his attitude probably was "what the heck do I have to lose now?" So he accelerated in the fast lane, never eally caring what the consequences could be because he had already lived a bad life, and cheated death when he was in Cuba! He had become accustomed to doing things his way with his acheivement of fast success in America. Of course at the very end, the coke distorted his mind even more, and he thought that he was invincible and that no one could take him out.

Don Cardi cool
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Did Tony committed Suicide? - 12/02/04 05:29 AM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
You know what? You must realize that Tony came from a very rough life in Cuba. A country that included a life for him where he should have never survived! So when he came to America and saw how easy life could be with the right moves and deals, his attitude probably was "what the heck do I have to lose now?" So he accelerated in the fast lane, never eally caring what the consequences could be because he had already lived a bad life, and cheated death when he was in Cuba! He had become accustomed to doing things his way with his acheivement of fast success in America. Of course at the very end, the coke distorted his mind even more, and he thought that he was invincible and that no one could take him out.

Don Cardi cool
That's a very interesting point. I've never thought about it in that exact context, but it makes a lot of sense to me.
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